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The Magpie

Sunday, July 14th, 2024   |   355 comments

Pipeline Cost Blow-out: THEY KNEW ALL ALONG BUT PRETENDED THEY DIDN’T. And The Paul Jacob Was The Worst Offender … He Lied.

Every councillor, including our conman mayor, knew about the pipeline costs blowout weeks ahead of the budget release. And in the face of community concerns,  the then (acting mayor) Paul Jacob  lied about the issue.  And again, Troy Thompson tries to steal valour with more bluster and grandstanding on issues he did nor did not have anything to do with … he just can’t help lying.

The issue of the proposed parking meters on the Strand is a gathering storm,  and the crucial question now is whether the council will revisit the matter at this week’s council corroboree, and amend the budget.

If jumping on bandwagons was an Olympic sport, Troy Thompson would get gold, silver and bronze.

The construction  bloke who was slated to built the Hilton hovel next to the stadium sings the blues long and loud to the Astonisher about what bastards the council boffins are, but he’s blaming the wrong party.

And from The USA,  just one question prevails: will Joe go … or go on? And our regular stateside cartoon gallery looks at another underreported issue – seems the ‘land of the free’ comes with conditions in the small print … even if you’re not a criminal. It is now a crime to be homeless. It amounts to vagrancy laws on Viagra, it’s stiff luck for the  already unlucky.

The Magpie’s Nest does not take advertising to maintain its independence – reporting without fear or favour and all that guff –  so costs have to met personally. If you appreciate the effort – and the laughs – perhaps you can support this weekly carry-on with a donation, it would be a most helpful  stress-reliever. The donate button is at the bottom of the blog.

Pipeline Posturing: Blowing Up About The Blow Out

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Paul Jacob along with all the councillors generally, seem intent on making life unnecessarily hard for themselves.  And that’s particularly galling when a simple forthright statement would avoid all sorts of folks hyperventilating on imagined problems.

Here’s how things went down, a timeline that greatly aggravated an already touchy ratepayer base.

It is accepted standard practice that pre-budget discussions remain confidential until a final draft is agreed, no problem there,  so on May 17,  acting CEO gave all councillors, including Thompson and more significantly, Paul Jacob, the true figures and the current and projected costings in a booklet outlining several projects including Haughton. The documents were clearly marked confidential and were also provided to the three state Labor members.

Then on July 5, that confidentiality all went sideways whe Federal member for Herbert, Phil Thompson made a parliamentary speech about mammoth blow-out the cost of the Haughton pipeline,  the information presumably supplied to him by a whistleblower (as you will see, it could even have been Troy Thompson, trying to be tactically clever).  But the issue was not treated with the urgency one would expect from responsible council, and so an information  vacuum  was suddenly created.  It was allowed to fester, spawning  all sorts of speculation. Reasonably believing they were yet again  have having to cough up more money for the project, angry ratepayers were up in arms, venting in the media .  In the absence of a simple statement of the position regarding the council and the pipeline, ratepayers had their day in the media.  A month later after the issue had become widespread pub and dinner party fodder, – and had been featured in this blog’s comments – the Bulletin finally got of its arse and asked acting mayor Paul Jacob what was going on.

It would’ve been a simple matter for a straightforward person to say something along the lines: ‘Details are confidential until the budget is handed down, but I can say that the TCC, and therefore Townsville ratepayers, will not be paying a penny more than has already been agreed for more than a year now. And that has been factored into the 24/25 budget.’  But no, Paul Jacob,  clearly angling for the top job permanently,  decided to be too clever by half, and just days before the budget being made public we got this.

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There is no other way this can be seen as anything but a clumsy lie, since he knew the facts, and had done so for at least six weeks.  He just didn’t have the guts or smarts to simply say ‘I am not at liberty to discuss it yet’. 

Even acting CEO Joe McCabe harped on the confidentiality issue, but felt he should make it clear that Townsville would not be paying more than the $80m previously agreed and well known (and generally accepted although resented … the ratepayers revenge is coming in October.)

So we all tied ourselves up in knots because of a complete lack of gumption in Walker Street.

And just in case you missed it, the current 24/25 budget contains $45m for funding the pipeline.

This is all besides the swingeing rates increase needed to cope with the overall Jenny Hill legacy. An administrator is looking increasingly necessary.

Seems Like Someone”s Been On The Phone To The Bulletin Editor

On Friday, The Astonisher published a front page and big inside spread featuring a lengthy moan of the builder who has struck out on the now canned Hilton project next to the stadium.

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In a touching cry straight from the wallet, CES NQ’s construction manager Patrick Donlan sat reporter Light-On Smith on his lap and, choking back angry tears,  said the canned project had been ‘ready to go’. He said they’d done all the unusually visionary steps of hiring workers and starting talks with the Chinese about the Lego-block building system they intended to use. The ‘Pie imagined him telling Light-On ‘For Chrissake, Leighton, we even built a fence around the site, and now those bloody council bureaucrats want to use rules and agreements to can the job. Christ mate, I could kick the cat … but hey, don’t print that, don’t want those bastards from PETA after me, too.’

Putting aside that bit of  satirical whimsey, The ‘Pie takes issue with Mr Donlan, because of the one-sided self-interest of his argument – jobs mainly, – which he claims is in the best interest of the ratepayers of Townsville.  Sure, the loss of work for you and your crew is an unwelcome and unfortunate outcome, Mr Donlan, but that is a temporary matter … this ghastly-sounding project would have had far more damaging impact for the city over coming decades.

But you ignore the ultimate public interest question about Hotel Lego – the questionable closed-door deal Jenny Hill reached with Focus Pacific boss Michael Graham. Details of the deal made with Focus Pacific to get the public land without tender in the first place needs investigation. If there is an inquiry, you will find your argument on the wrong side of history.  It wasn’t helped by Mr Graham prematurely – way, way prematurely – presenting a glorious five-star wet dream hotel on unsuitable public land. It was a site which had not been even been open to the Townsville’s Council’s fantasy ‘public consultation’  farce of loaded questions fo box ticking.  And in a series of nice little civic insults, since 2017, the project has been continually downgraded in standard,  and construction.

Throughout this saga, Michael Graham has displayed the desperateness of a development grifter of monumental self-interest  using questionable insider influence to hang on to his crumbling dream. The last version asked Townsville to accept a Lego-style modular-construction hotel built with pre-fabbed Chinese products which required fewer workers on your and contractors payroll.

And Mr Donlan, in your pleadings, you raise an interesting question when you tell us that the staff of the completed hotel would be 42 people. So a staff of just 42 will operate a 24-hour, 7-days a week hotel?  Crikey, what a glittering prize we have missed on.  Chris Morris of The Ville would have been grinding his teeth with jealousy.

But making the whole story pointless, the TCC pooh bahs are adamant on the cancellation, and say they will seek alternatives that will represent the best value for ratepayers, a statement that negated the entire whinge.

Which, on what we now know, won’t be hard to be better than the Hilton misadventure. Maybe mini-golf with Lego windmills, and a McDonalds.

While We’re With The Astonisher.

Classic clickbait mislead.

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Actually,  she was sacked, not hacked. Sharyn Ghidella got the cut while getting a cut, apparently.

And this one has got the hanky wringers stirred up. … it’ll be a vote winner in this around this neck of the woods.

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The Pushback Against Parking Metres On The Strand Gets A Johnny-Come-Lately Ally.

Mayor Troy  TwoNames has taken a leaf out of the Townsville Enterprise playbook and, playing the Johnny-come-lately card, has latched on to the coattails of some issues that he was completely silent on during confidential budget discussions.  Chief among these is the proposal for Strand parking meters, but even then, he has no sense of community outrage and is again a two-bob-each-way carpetbagger. His idea of strong leadership reflecting community insight is to try to govern by referendum.  And contradicting other posts by indicating he had not imput into the Strand issue.

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He’s lucky there wasn’t a serviceman driving the 4WD coming down the road.

He wrote:
The budget was voted on by all councillors except myself, and every councillor voted in a unanimous vote for paid parking to be on the Strand and in the other proposed areas.
Unfortunately this item saw limited community consultation in the lead up to the budget vote.
Based on issues raised with me, I am seeking the following discussion.
Please comment on the following and feel free to add your own ideas:
1. Do you support this idea of Paid Parking in the proposed new areas?
2. Is there need for paid parking on the Strand?
3. Would local businesses benefit or suffer by putting paid parking on the Strand and other new locations as passed by councillors.
4. Would paid parking make you skip a visit to the Strand in future?
5. Would paid parking increase the cost of living for you and your family?
6. Would a period of 1hr Free be a feasible idea similar to the 15min Free in the city?
7. Would paid parking on the Strand make you use public transport more?
I invite you all to share your thoughts respectfully and considerately.
Remember that everyone’s point of view is valid, even if it differs from your own.
That last line is a bit rich when he has consistently blocked and deleted FB comments that differ from his own, and seek valid answers to questions of his dishonesty.

Thompson is channelling Basil Fawlty, whose famous catch cry was ‘Don’t mention the war!’  Troy Thompson’s is a variation  – ‘Don’t mention the past’.

And that opening line of his above post in distancing himself from those dirty rotten councillors got right up the nose of one commenter on his page.

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The ‘Pie needs not say anything more. But there is a pattern here,  TwoNames has tried the same ‘what, who me?’ ploy in another bit of self-puffery on the Haughton blow-out matter. But he got his balls caught in the blender when he made a weird boast/admission/whimper at the end of his post on pipeline costs, – intriguely  he seems to claim that he was the whistleblower who gave Phil Thompson the information for his parliamentary expose.

I do not believe the other councillors have followed the local government principles because they have voted for a budget that is not transparent and does not include sustainable development. It is important that the residents know this.

I will continue to fight for the residents, who I represent, I will weather the threats of legal action and complaints coming my way for the disclosure of this information to the residents, and I will ensure the residents have the representation in Council they voted for. You deserve to know the truth.

You face legal action for  what?!?  So you are admitting you are the whistleblower?  Big shoulders to bear the brunt of criticism, an area you have been proven to be as touchy and as yowling as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

And you talking promoting transparency is like  Steve Bannon promoting the virtues of soap.

But If The Cap Fits ….

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And a question for our Little Hitler, our torchbearer of transparency.

You ordered the media to leave the last council meeting, offering no explanation or reason for doing so,. It was nothing more than an immature and transparent attempt at a childish tongue-poke at the those who have exposed you for what you are.  But  in doing so, seems you may have committed yet another breach of regulations.  The TCC’s  own  website – which you clearly haven’t yet got around to editing to create your own local Mein Kampf  – says the following:

Council meetings are open to the public unless the Council resolves that the meeting be closed. Members of the public will be excluded from meetings during deliberation of confidential items during a “closed section” of a meeting.

Massively stupid error on two fronts., First, you didn’t ban the public.  Just the media.  That alone bears independent examination.

But possibly more damning  is this phrase.. ‘unless COUNCIL resolves that the meeting be closed’. The council DID NOT resolve the meeting be closed, there was no vote, shown by the live stream which covered everything except for a predetermined agenda item taking a just a few minutes towards the end. Nowhere on the live stream is there any trace of such a vote being taken by council. Where was the vote on that childish, playground ploy? That is surely yet another breach.

But now we have to ask why didn’t the councillors themselves stop pouting and sulking at your return long enough to raise any objection to you acting on their behalf without their authority?

Come to think of it, why. didn’t anyone in the media,  politely ask why when told to leave? You can bloody bet The Magpie would’ve had he been there.

Going to be interesting this Wednesday to see if you try the same stunt again.

We See What You’re Hoping For, Thompson 

Your overall tactic is clear, and The Magpie for one is onto you, mate. You are trying to create a war of attrition,  snivelling, bandwagon jumping, twisting, endlessly bloviating nice sounding bullshit you think will turn people towards you, until the councillors, ratepayers and the business community throw up their hands and say’ it’s all too hard, bugger any moral or ethical concerns, let him stay and we’ll just bumble on until the next election’. Then you, TwoNames,  and your wild-eyed little cult will start attempting policy changes that will further retard this city’s progress.

Mr Thompson, with some of the blunders you’ve made, you may be thinking that you’re your own worst enemy. Not as long as The Magpie is around, matie.

Why Joe Biden’s Frailties Could Actually Be His Greatest Strength

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The ‘Pie puts little faith in polls anywhere, but he could help but be cheered a bit by this in the last week.

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The stumbles and bumbles of Joe Biden could be EXACTLY what will win him the election against Trump. And if think about it, it makes sense.

The more the media ignores every new horrors of Trump and concentrate on Biden’s obvious shortcomings in the verbal stakes, and his tottering physical presence compared with his strutting peacock opponent, the more they make voters think of the alternative. The more they have to decide which one of these less than perfect individuals they would want to lead and maintain a democratic nation.  And the comparison makes them think more about themselves in relation to the reality of it all.  In other words, who do they most identify with, a compassionate decent man with human failings, or a man who has proven he is a failed human being.

Biden failings are the same as those confronting many voters, and at the same time, are a signal to younger people of a tenacious fighting quality that they admire. Fragility and forgetfulness, offset by a willingness to fight and a willingness to retain dignity,  decency – and democracy, Biden’s uneven performance is forcing  wavering voters to look more closely at the alternative and make comparisons. Do they really want a serial lying, reality-challenged adulterous convicted fraudster and rapist as the leader of the their country. One who promises openly to become a fascist dictator. And a man himself so fragile that he throws his lunch against the wall because of some minor irritation, which shows he’s no great shakes in the onal stability stakes.

That’s why The Magpie has growing hope that Joe Biden will continue to be the President of the United States and why a majority of Americans, for good or ill, will understand that is the only way they will be able to remain living their version of freedom. All but the very dim will see that. The question. now is just how many Americans are very dim.

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But there’s one group in US society who have little interest in the Presidential cage fight.  Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court ruled that being homeless and unable to find shelter is a crime, and cities can and already do penalise the most vulnerable. So much for the lie ‘land of the free’.  Freedom is always a comparative concept,  but this dystopian law defies even extreme comparison. As one of the three non-Trump judges who dissented with the 6-3 decision,  summed up the unthinkable cruelty of the decision.

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Justice Sotomayor said the decision focused only on the needs of cities but not the most vulnerable. She said sleep is a biological necessity, but this decision leaves a homeless person with “an impossible choice — either stay awake or be arrested.”

Timing Is Everything …

…. and not just in politics or the bedroom. Got this email from a Magpie mate during the week.

Honestly, ‘Pie, are the brains trust at TEL on commission to make sure you have stories each week for the Nest? 

This morning I received an email from TEL with their latest trough wallow from Council called Live the Good Life.  

Launched: New Liveability campaign for Townsville (glueup.com)

About 20 Minutes later I was on the Bulletin’s online edition and see this as the top story:


I applaud that TEL are trying to sell the livability of Townsville but you have to love the karmic timing of the Bulletin Story.

Live the Good Life, Yeah Nah, its Townsville. 

It does not seem to have occurred to anyone at TEL that if you have have a campaign about how good it is to live somewhere, it generally isn’t as good as it’s claimed to be.

Here’s Something Worth A Peek

Having had to be professionally connected to the warm gusts of politics most of his life, The ‘Pie has limited interest nowadays in wind farms, but this is a startling and very professional visualisation of the reality for Queensland of this power source. The argument is well put, insistent but not rabid … and also offers a delightful dilemma of greenies sticking it up greenies.

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The ‘Pie ultimately found the info fascinating, something he hadn’t before considered.

And Let’s Leave The Doin’s Of This Week With A Laugh

The ‘Pie isn’t one for cat video, TikTok or even Instagram, and is very selective about his ventures into the rabbit hole known as You Tube, but when the above item about wind farms came in, the usual gallery at the end of other offerings tempted this old sucker for a laugh and some visual shitwowsery.

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Juggling is an acquired taste and so is stand-up comedy, but the two put together by a brilliant talent which can excel in both , and you end up with this gem from a Presidential performance put on for then President Ronald Reagan and wife Nancy. There are two or three of the cleverest one liners I’ve heard,  and The ‘Pie had to hit the pause button half a dozen times he was cackling so hard. And the cutaways of the Reagans looked like they were about to do themselves an embarrassment, they were laughing so hard. Enjoy.


That’s enough from The ‘Pie for this week, but always like to hear from you folks,  grab a name and join in comments throughout the week … sometimes more fun that The Sunday Nest.

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The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. mike douglas says:

    Pie , another great blog and of course the Councillors knew about the pipeline blowout before the budget . The new Councillors failed their divisions at first critical test budget transparency . Councillor Ocallaghan was required to do media training for portraying Council in a negative light how bad does Council look now . Treasurer Dicks response when questioned on the $150 mil required for the pipeline . Townsville Council advised they could complete the project with the budget and stated North Rail Yards as a priority thats why the State Government provided $35 mil . Council Ceo $45 mil in 2024/25 for the Haughton what about other Council projects like Lansdown / access to Drive it ? . Does Phil Thompson need to write another letter and mention the project in Parliament for transparency because Council is predicting $60 mil losses over the next few years borrowing more $ .

  2. Ben Rumson says:

    Dear ‘Pie,
    The link to the parking meters petition, that it might get well past the 10,000 mark, please.

  3. I’ll be plucked says:

    Pie, you mention you would have asked ‘Why’, when asked to leave the chamber (if you were present). Does this mean you have regained some speech, thanks to the excellent care and attention of your medical crew? That is GREAT news, if so old mate! :)

    • The Magpie says:

      That sadly incorrect conclusion would not be GREAT news for a lot of people within The ‘Pie’s orbit.

  4. Doug K says:

    You would think that our fearless editor, Cas Garvey, having being left with egg all over her face regarding the demise of first, Jenny Hill, and more recently the Hilton budget hotel, would have stopped taking sides on local issues.
    But if my experience is anything to go by she’s up to her old tricks again, this time with the so-called new Concert Hall.
    Two letters to the editor I sent her have been binned, despite the fact that there are obviously days when there are no new letters available to fill the usual space on the Opinion page.
    My most recent letter was a response to calls from the council for ideas for the prime land left vacant by the dumped Hilton hotel project.
    My suggestion was to use the funds already allocated for the Concert Hall to build a new Entertainment Centre, capable of hosting all local performing arts groups, touring shows, and conventions.
    It also included a plan to use part of the old railway yards to build a huge car park capable of servicing both the Cowboys stadium and the new Entertainment Centre, even on nights when home games clashed with other events.
    A walking bridge over Saunders Street was included to allow people to move freely between the car park and the stadium and entertainment centre.
    After more than a week without publication, I did what I probably should have done in the first place, and shared the idea with our accidental mayor, all councilors, and Phillip Thompson.
    To date I have received just two responses:
    – an encouraging email from Kristian Price, describing my suggestion as meriting “serious consideration”, and
    – an email from Kurt Rehbein promising to “consider my points”
    I share this with nesters merely to demonstrate, once again, the lack of community consultation being undertaken by council.
    In this case they asked for suggestions, but it appears most councilors don’t really want to hear them.

  5. Inspector Clouseau says:

    Someone just took pop shots at Trump………reported from the US minutes ago.

    • The Magpie says:

      The Magpie will call it for what he reckons it is … the silliest, most bumbling stunt this arsesole has ever pulled.

      Here’s the video.

      The reaction is too quick, the images cornily heroic …

      …. you can almost hear them in the pre-rally planning meeting “So as I turn to my right, Billy Bob, you fire off a couple of blanks up the back, I’ll grab at my face hitting it with the little pot of spaghetti sauce, and go down behind the podium. When the security guys …. great guys, goodly bigly, the best, ya know …. grab me (not too rough, boys, my bone spurs, ya know ) stand me up before bustling me of the stage, but that’s when you, Bubba, have to be standing where we decided, so you can get a great shot of me being defiant with fist raised and blood on my face. Should be worth at least $10million from my sucke … followers.’

      He really is worried that Biden has overtaken him in the latest polls.

      BUT if The Magpie is wrong and it was real, let him say in advance that he is sorry … that they missed.

      • Achilles says:

        The whole episode worthy of Mack Sennett! Anyway the bullet would have missed his brain by 3 feet lower.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Seems 2 people dead. So not a stunt

      • Rotten Luck Willie says:

        What rotten luck, if you know what I mean.
        Better luck next time, if you know what I mean.

        • The Magpie says:

          It’s deplorable that these heinous attempts breed copycats …. anyone thinking along the same lines should think twice, then get on with it again.

      • Alfred E Neuman says:

        Hmmm, the result is going to make people Mad.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Ya’ reckon Biden ordered the hit ?

        • The Magpie says:

          No, not at all, but if he did, he is immune from prosecution, it would’ve been part of his presidential duty to protect America.

          • Jatzcrackers says:

            And now the media world wide, go into overdrive. Seriously, who gives a fuck ! He’s pissed off people around the world and he’s a past USA President. If the sniper was really serious Trump would have received a ‘mass shot’ chest shot. The USA circus rolls on taking the world with them. The right to bear arms ? How’s that working for you ?

        • Droopy draws says:

          I reckon the first thing they did was check to see if Melania had an alibi…

          • Jatzcrackers says:

            ‘A monster’ is how Melania quoted the shooting. Was she referring to the shooter or her husband ?

      • Ron Stephen says:

        Magpie – sorry they missed !
        Time you had a good long hard look at yourself, that is a disgusting sentiment.

        • The Magpie says:

          Good-o, Ron. Now give us your take on sedition, treason and incitement to riot that resulted ultimately in five deaths and more than 170 injuries, most of them to police. We’ll get your take on rape and fraud a bit later. After that we’ll move on to covid deaths that could’ve been prevented including any who drank bleach as a treatment. We won’t talk about stolen classified documents, that’s before the courts now. And The ‘Pie won’t embarrass or burden you by asking if you’ve read Project 2025.

          And one guesses you, have no problem with the Trump-appointed Supreme Court, eh?

          One of us is disgusting, Ron, that’s for sure.

        • Bird with broken wing says:

          If Trump gets in and has 2025 and the supreme court behind his agenda I think you might be wishing that young man had hit his mark and thinking that perhaps he was trying to save the world.

          • The Magpie says:

            A lot of Nest readers get upset with such comments but they are often being a bit hypocritical. The ‘Pie makes a speciality of often saying in public what others will only say in private or in pubs. The vast majority of the world, mincluding. leaders who had take the correct moral stand, were silently saying the very same thing. It was just that The ‘Pie and other Nesters said it out loud that drew the hypocritical fire of some.

            Trump represents a major world threat, because there is only one thing worse than a callous, megalomaniacal dirtbag dictator – a stupid one.

            He’s caused so many deaths and inter alia incited a traitorous riot that jokes about him nearly being knocked off are a natural consequence. – no one in this blog, curatior or reader, has recommended he be assassinated (although The ‘Pie has mused that in a country with so many guns ….)

        • Grumpy says:

          Ron – Honiara?

  6. Big Mac says:

    The MacIntyre Wind Farm will be constructed on land predominately used for sheep farming. Current farming practices will continue during the construction and operations phases of the wind farm. I don’t think the greenies or anyone could have a problem with that.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Mac, there’s a branch of “greenies” who believe that wind farms and solar farms are more detrimental to the environment than coal. I’m not sure what planet these delusional fuckers come from, but they’re the ones actively fighting wind farms at the moment. They obviously don’t vote Green they vote PHONP, KAP and PUP, but they pass themselves off as being green.

    • Dave Nth says:

      I have been in Victoria lately. The CCA’s used to for these projects are BS and I’d imagine it would be no different up this way. Straight up reminded me of the cavalier way QGC sullied CSG for Australia riding roughshod over landholders and shoddy work practises.

      3 big take pitfalls I know about:

      There’s a gag clause, so if these things cause issues on your land (Likely given what’s already out there) you can’t complain to media when the companies and government blow you of.

      Decommissioning & clean up, not Government or carpetbagging companies responsibility. Landholder problem.

      With the easements up to 1km where the power provider can tell landholder what or not what they can do with their land.

      If this were a mining company there’d be hell to pay but hey it’s all to save the world so shut up and be grateful on the pittance we are compensating you at.

  7. Lab Rat says:

    Someone took a shot at Trump. In the great words of Agent 86, “Missed by that much”

    • John Wilkes Booth says:

      Given that demented MAGA morons have declared they would die for their Dear Leader, I cannot help but think this was a MAGA staged event that went wrong. One or two dead to enhance the standing of Trump, in there eyes, is a small price to pay. What went wrong is that the bullet got way too close to Dear Leader who should have remained unharmed.
      Just thinking….

      • The Magpie says:

        There seemed to be a distinct lack of panic as there normally would be. That is not to suggest that the whole crowd was in on it, that wouldn’t be possible …. but many seemed to be not fussed to duck for cover, as any American aged beyond kindergarten is trained to do. But then again, not many if any MAGA folk went that far in skool.

        • Achilles says:

          I too noted that “lack of panic”, but put it down to complacency, so many people with guns that they fire into the sky all the time, plus murders all day in the US.

          My daughter has just returned from a year over there, and confirmed the nightly barrage of gunfire. She also stated that she never ever felt safe.

          Last time I was in the US was 20 years ago and it was the same then, so of course its going to breed complacency.

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      And did anyone yell out, “Donald, Duck”?

  8. Prince Rollmop says:

    In regards to the pipeline debacle, I am more interested in hearing what Council will propose so as to mitigate the money shortfall. This is a serious issue and absolute transparency is required. Will the 3 Labor dipshits approach the state government looking for a top up? Will Phil Thompson secure federal money to complete the project and once again bail Townsville out of the shit? And for shits and giggles and a little bit of humour, what will the neutered TEL have to say?

    • The Magpie says:

      Phil Thompson is in the Opposition, so can’t really expect him to winkle out a few pennies from behind Albo’s couch. And it’s pretty clear that Qld Labor has given up on Townsville, they know they’re in for an arse-kicking so will concentrate dollars on seats that can be retained. There won’t be any they will be able to win from other parties.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        I guess my point is that Phil Thompson is influential and successful, even when in opposition. It wouldn’t surprise me if behind the scenes he tries to secure funding in some way for the pipeline. Maybe when Crisafulli gets voted in Phil will have his ear?

    • Bentley says:

      Phil Thompson has already winkled $200M out of LNP coffers. In 2018. For Haughton Stage 2. In 2020 State Labor Govt rejected that in Favourite of funding it itself.

  9. Jeff, Condon says:

    Everyone is so preoccupied with The Strand parking meters, there has been little comment on Fulham Rd. where TCC are targeting the sick.

    After the outlay of installation of the machines, there is the issue of the inspectors. Will they regularly drive to and from the city, or station a team of them there, permanently?

    Then there is the issue of providing them with facilities – toilets, a place to take a break, shelter from the weather, etc.

    With so many of the specialists and other consultants, along with the Mater providing off street parking, there is ample parking along Fulham Rd.

    The whole thing looks like another TCC brain fart and another financial liability for the ratepayers.

    • The Magpie says:

      Reasonable analysis.

      What makes this worse than it really is that there is no congestion in either place that demands such measures, if councillors are to be believed that easing congestion is the motivation.

      As previously said here, they are the ultimate cynics, knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Pie, The only congestion is caused by incompetent drivers doing 20kph in a 40 zone and of course when someone sees a space being vacated.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Not advocating for Fulham Road meters, but there is a depot behind Kokoda Pool which has all the amenities inspectors require.

  10. Mad Jack says:

    Could the attempt on Trump been arranged by Mayor Twonames Thompson to deflect attention?

    • The Magpie says:

      Anything is possible …. he no doubt has mates from his time in the Seal Team 6 days.

      • Mad Jack says:

        Having watched the video, the most distressing thing for me was Trump’s hair got mussed up, exposing his hitherto hidden baldness.

  11. Flaggey rock says:

    This assassination attempt on Trump (MAGA – Make Assassinations Great Again) will be a godsend to his campaign. He will capitalise on this and the people will rally behind him. Poor America, the choice between a dementia patient and a narcissistic psychopath. Fun times.

  12. Guy says:

    I’ve always wondered if the best system for townsville council might be returning to an Alderman system where the councillor position is a relatively unpaid position save for petrol money and small expenses?

    The other thought is to return to the 3 yearly terms instead of 4 – there was a state election where people chose for 4 yearly periods because presumably with voting being compulsory it was inconvenient every 3 years. Maybe make local elections non – compuksory ?When I was stood out voting stations people told me there were only there because it was compulsory to vote.

    With non compulsory voting you could even bring in voter ID , you either show your drivers licence OR a proof of Identity you can get at road transport if you don’t drive ?

    A council made up of unpaid councillors would mean that you’d mostly have retired people standing for election and hope that with decades of working in REAL jobs or maybe even self employed people that have given the game away and play golf all day could return to run council ? In my travels I found it was always the retirees that had the time to research and discover all the nefarious crap council was up to. Maybe you’d get retirees to take an unpaid position to keep an eye on individual departments?

    You’d need some mechanism to kick the councillors out if they went mad and started doing stupid things. They introduced parking meters and jacked up rates because 4 years later enough people will have forgotten, left town or given up

    I was back collecting signatures on my petition against meters today.

    Oh yes. A common complaint is that the official council petitions aren’t sending the sneaky confirmation link in an email – so your voice is never heard. I’m still recommending to people they go to the townsville chamber of commerce petition on their Facebook page.

    • Mike lewis says:

      Guy guy guy stfu please you know nothing you were in a team that said you were independents only to be found out your all were labour. All your hard work will go to waste.this week. Your never going to be elected you tried what 4 times. Go back and sleep with your dogs on the couch..

    • Dopleganger says:

      Guy old chum, is it because you failed to become a councillor that you now wish to perhaps become an Alderman? You certainly spend a lot of time gracing the magpies nest, are you that bored that you come up with such silly ideas. Lame mate, very lame

      • Guy says:

        If you read the original post I said you could have retired people running council – I’m not retired.

        I’ve known for quite some time that there’s something very wrong with townsville council and its finances.

        In the end I just do what I can and then just move on.

        Sure – it’s obvious that townsville council and its councillors will do more entrenched damage , it’s happening in state and federal governments. If the damage and destruction can be slowed, that’s fine by me because it allows more time recognise the problem, examine it and formulate a response to it.

  13. Achilles says:

    Watching the events unfold in the USA that display comments by prominent people on the ‘net, nearly all qualify their concern with statements that include they are praying, prayers etc.

    I s’pose some had been “preying” too! but for a different result, imagine just 2 inches to the left would have done the trick.

  14. Bentley says:

    Very thoughtful of the as yet unnamed entity to reserve a rooftop for a marksman at the perfect range for any mid-range NATO calibre fired by anyone with a modicum of skill. One has to wonder why that building was not occupied by Trump’s security. What an oversight. I think the future president of the US of A should think himself very lucky on so many counts. His last move could have gone either way.

    • The Magpie says:

      You think Trump will win?

      • Division Dave says:

        Hate to disappoint you Magpie but Trump is going to walk this one in. As much as you are a big fan of the ‘gentle old man Biden’, he was on the nose before the attempted assassination of the orange idiot. America has record debt, record gun violence, and record economic woes. All of this escalating under Biden’s leadership. Sorry mate, it’s a fact.

        • The Magpie says:

          There is no chance you could disappoint the old bird, Dave, he is used to turkey gobblers around here.

          It is a fact that that is utter bullshit, and Trump is/was in panic mode because in the past week, for the first time, Biden was ahead in the polls.

          And The Magpie is not a Biden fan, whom he has never called ‘a gentle old man’ – the only politician for which he would use that expression is Penny Wong. But he has high hopes there will be a Jenny Hill effect in the American election … Biden won’t win it, Trump will lose it.

          • Division Dave says:

            No, you called him a ‘compassionate decent man with human failings’. TBH, it sounds like you are in love with him! But each of us should respect each others views, so no hard feelings cobber. I just feel that America has had 4 years in which to choose a suitable President, or suitable candidates, and all they came up with is Trump and Biden. It beggars belief.

          • The Magpie says:

            You obviously have stunted emotional growth with guff like that. And whether you like it or not, Biden has been doing a great job against a tsunami of misinformation of developmentally delayed twerps like yourself.But just to be clear (again …. this is tedious), The Magpie has zero respect for anyone who supports a convicted fraudster who has been found guilty of rape in a civil trial who traitorously tried to overturn a legitimate election result and instigate a bloody coup attempt.

      • Bentley says:

        He’s got a way to go yet, but I believe his response to today’s events will impress a few previously undecided voters. Or more importantly those who normally don’t vote.

        • The Magpie says:

          And Trump’s track record for deception and outright lies will temper any hero narrative he tries to sell out of this.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      Correct Bentley ! There’s a very smelly rat here and any sniper worth his salt would have nailed his target. Too many unanswered questions here !

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      “Oversight” you say. Perhaps.

    • Grumpy says:

      Bents – a bog-standard AR15 with factory ammunition in the hands of an enthusiastic amateur would be capable of a 3-4 inch group at 100 metres (apologies for the imperial/metrics). Trump has only mechanical slop or a puff of wind to thank for not gaining an eyeful.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Grumps, that’s a bit of a stretch old mate. I can assure you that for a shooter to put a group in a 3-4 inch target at a 100 mts is something a trained marksman may accomplish. The kid doesn’t have appeared to be military trained, had a readily over the counter purchased weapon and 120 mts from his target which is considered a 20 cm target (head size) target.
        Wind/movement of target not to mention shooter nerves would definitely play a big part.
        News reports that police had been alerted by members of the public to the shooters presence several minutes prior to the shooting all should raise more than a few eye brows.

        • Grumpy says:

          Bikkies – it now turns out that the shooter was an active and competent club shooter. My original remark stands – although I don’t know if you were disagreeing with me in the first place. Trump was incredibly lucky.

          • The Magpie says:

            … and the world wasn’t.

          • The Magpie says:

            But talk about falling on his feet, heroic fist pump pic, heaps of good publicity, and now, The Magpie can reveal a world scoop … Trump has been booked for a cover of Vogue magazine, promoting a revived fashion statement.

            There was an initial problem when the Vogue editor first rang and said they were interested in a fashion shoot. Trump staffer thought they sxaid ‘fascist shoot’ and said ‘You’re too late, we’ve already had one of those’.

  15. Bill says:

    If a Hollywood scriptwriter came up with the what’s best described as an tragedy of American politics , they would be laughed off the set.

    We now know the dead shooter was a registered Republican.WTF.

    The big message for all us , especially those living in Townsville is , POPULISM, is a very dangerous thing – left or right.Too many passions are ignited .It only ever ends in tears .

    The centre parties as mundane , slow moving and frustrating as they are always represent the best bet.

    Resist the temptation to go populist.

  16. Not standing for Mayor says:

    That was fast: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/trump-shirts.jpg?w=600

    Buy your “MAGA – they shot God!” t shirts – ffs!

  17. Sergeant Gunney Highway says:

    Not that I advocate for violence, I must say that the sniper did a reasonably good job. He managed to fire off a few rounds from a position up high and in plain sight of some pretty good marksmen positioned nearby. He took the shots at Donald while under the pressure of being caught. Minimal time to set up for a clean assault. Amazing stuff. And he hit his target, just not fatally. Somebody is going to get their arse kicked for the security failure, that’s for sure. I can’t wait to see what comes to be over the next 119 days! I love this stuff.

  18. TerryWho says:

    1. Do you support this idea of Paid Parking in the proposed new areas? NO
    2. Is there need for paid parking on the Strand? NO
    3. Would local businesses benefit or suffer by putting paid parking on the Strand and other new locations as passed by councillors. SUFFER YES
    4. Would paid parking make you skip a visit to the Strand in future? YES
    5. Would paid parking increase the cost of living for you and your family? NOT REALLY
    6. Would a period of 1hr Free be a feasible idea similar to the 15min Free in the city? NOT REALLY
    7. Would paid parking on the Strand make you use public transport more? NEVER

    • wollo says:

      I agree Terry, but the last point does not apply because you cant get to the strand without a long walk which is no good for the elderly or disabled Some years ago they used to run those small buses along the strand all the way to the rockpool and back which was good .

    • Grumpy says:

      Terry ? – I think those sort of questions are called Dorothy Dixers. Answering them on his post just gives the idiot more oxygen to breathe in his coffin with the sods rattling on the lid.

  19. Achilles says:

    Here’s another one for the conspiracy nutters, last night on the ABC they ran a doco on the Port Arthur massacre, with the emphasis in the summary was the action taken by John Howard to restrict gun ownership.

    Today Albo made a point of mentioning that he often went walk-about and never felt the need for the contingent of “heavies (browed too) and the fleet of black vehicles entourage that a US President always seems to need just to duck out for a burger or six.

    Indirect praise for the balls and wisdom of resolute “little Johnny” all those years ago.
    On ABC “I was actually there” iView https://iview.abc.net.au/video DO2305H001S00

  20. Doug K says:

    How ironic that Trump has become the victim of gun violence.
    Wonder if this near death experience will change his support for the gun lobby and indifference to school shootings?

    • The Magpie says:

      And this bloke sounds like he’s right on top of all things that matter … clear, concise and statesman-like.
      Now imagine the message if the situation had been reversed and Trump was commenting …. ‘Well, Joe has proved he’s a sucker and loser for getting shot at …. ‘

      • Division Dave says:

        Oh yes, the Magpie backing his idol Joe Biden again. C’mon Magpie, give it a rest. Who cares who wins the election, Australia has its own problems.

        • The Magpie says:

          And that just about sums up the depth of your intelligence, DD. Disassociating Australia’s future from the American power game is simply dumb, and it’s clear Trump’s re-election would not be in Australia’s interests … that that’s the end of that argument. But if you don’t care, stop making a nuisance of yourself here, go back to your comic books.

          You are either a mischievous time-wasting rage farmer, a naughty smart-arse schoolboy or an A grade fuckwit. The ‘Pie’s guess is a mixture of all three.

          Sad little chap, aren’t you?

    • Alfred E Neuman says:

      No it won’t. It will reinforce their fucked up view that everybody should carry a hand gun which will keep the community safe. FFS!
      And for the record I am a firearm owner and I reckon the firearms regulations in Queensland are about right.

  21. Achilles says:

    Tears at the Trump residence as Melania puts the insurance policy back in the safe!

  22. Flaccido Domingo says:

    What great viewing the USA shenanigans are. Two old codgers debating each other, with one of them being an egotist and the other one is a potato, then the attempted assassination of the orange man. You couldn’t make this shit up. America will be in flames before the end of the election. This is entertainment of the highest calibre (get it, calibre). I wonder what else could happen – a UFC match between Trump and Biden, Airforce One blown out of the sky, another assassination attempt (this time successful), the list is endless. I’ve got my armchair at the ready and I am eager to watch the shit show. Let’s go….

    • The Magpie says:

      You’re a very sad little individual, aren’t you?

      • Flaccido Domingo says:

        No, not really. I just enjoy watching leaders and governments fumble through their pathetic existence. Dysfunctional utopian trouble makers. For me, it’s important to enjoy life and I enjoy watching these fuckheads lurch from one disaster to another. One of life’s treats. Cheers

      • Jag-Off says:

        I’m a sad little individual. That’s what my wife says

  23. The Magpie says:

    C’mon folks, just 17 (that is seventeen!) short of 10,000 signatures … keep spreading the link and getting people in your personal networks to sign up if they agree.

    This is a petition that the TCC says it won’t consider because it’s not made directly to council e-petitions, but 10,000 signatures can’t be ignored. While not officially recognised, all councillors will be aware of the strong opposition among those they serve.

    • Burnt Brows says:

      Done and shared.

    • Guy says:

      The council says many things – ignore it

      The same council that wants to make our lives harder through their incompetency and brain dead councillors are setting the rules ?

      Exactly how will our beloved reject petitions?

    • Achilles says:

      Does anyone out there know how much traffic meter readers (or whatever their called) cost and how many are deployed visa vie the actual revenue they generate? Including uniforms, transport, gadgets etc.

  24. Circus fan says:

    Townsville City Council’s finances and the treasury report are being put together by either dishonest or incompetent people. Reference the treasury report page 53 (https://townsville.civicclerk.com.au/web/UserControls/pdf/web/DocPDFWrapper.aspx?p=1&aoid=979).

    And this financial train wreck is overseen by councillors who still do not understand the council’s finances. Reference the minutes of the 19 June 2024 council meeting page 6 (https://townsville.civicclerk.com.au/web/UserControls/pdf/web/DocPDFWrapper.aspx?m=1&aoid=974).

    The upcoming treasury report for June show an unrestricted cash at a scary $7M. As pointed out a couple of weeks ago – that is about 5 days operating expenses. Meaning the council was operating insolvent since about 5 July – or drew on their $100M working capital facility.

    The treasury report for June states the cash expense cover ratio (or the $7M in the bank on 30 June 2024) is somehow 3.64 months. For an annual operating expense of $464M (reference budget variance report from 19 June 2024) this is more than $38M per month. So 3.64 months is $140M.
    Council is $133M short of 3.64 months with their $7M in the bank.
    The treasury report has no recommendations stating the council will need to draw on the working capital facility. The only recommendation is to “note” the report.
    Are the officers who draft this treasury report – incompetent, dishonest or both? $7M is nowhere near 3.64 months of operating expenses.

    The councillors have no idea what to make of the treasury report proven from the minutes and recording of the 19 June 2024 council meeting where not a single question was asked about the cash expense cover ratio and the dishonest/incompetent report was carried unanimously.

    So here are the questions that I hope the Bulletin ask on Wednesday of the Mayor and interim CEO:
    – Is council drawing cash from the $100M working capital facility to meet operating expenses until rates revenue come in?
    – If so, how much is being drawn and what is the expected timeframe this debt will be repaid?
    – If not, is council using restricted cash to meet its operating expenses and therefore is ineffective operating while insolvent?
    – what is council’s plan to improve the financial performance of the council including its financial reporting so it transparent and easier for the councillors to understand so they can ask questions as to the financial sustainability of the council?

    And hopefully the answer to this last one is not – parking meters on the strand.

    • Jenny says:

      Circus fan, on that particular issue, how much revenue is Council likely to raise from parking meters on the Strand?

      • Circus fan says:

        Jenny if the council report going up on Wednesday is anything to go by and believe, all the newly proposed paid parking sites are forecast a net revenue stream of $3.3M. Of course the report is half-assed and doesn’t breakdown the forecast revenue to each of the newly proposed areas.

        But as has already been raised in previous blog, the council never provide the full expenses for the operations of the parking meters.

        with the best case scenario of $3.3M revenue (or 0.7% of 2023-24 operating expenses), how much goodwill and support will council lose for such a paltry gain?

        This is all chook feed compared to the possibility that council has run out of unrestricted cash to meet its expenses.

  25. Jamal says:

    You undo much of the good work you do by praising Biden. You’d fit in well at CNN with that level of gas lighting.

  26. Prince Rollmop says:

    Circus fan raises some very succinct points. But this one is glaring – councillors do not understand the financial reports that are provided to them. Let’s be honest, at least half of them are dimwits and couldn’t tell the difference between a financial report and a cake recipe. And to add to that, Prins and the former CFO made sure that these reports were massaged in a way to confuse and disorient the reader. And they did what Hill told them to do.

    To add insult to injury, Councillors are too busy worrying about sister city activities, having Priests pray for them at the beginning of council meetings, and making sure they do their ‘welcome to country’ spiel at the beginning of all council meetings. Council is bogged down in the weeds.

    It has become patently obvious that since CEO Ralston, Hill, and the CFO departed the skeleton box has been unlocked and the true state of TCC’s finances has become clear. Now is the time for leadership and transparency. Townsville residents have the right to know exactly how much polish has been applied to the turd. Let’s hope the TCC whistleblowers keep whistling.

    • The Magpie says:

      Hey don’t we know a bloke who did a couple of semesters of accountancy? Just the man to be the explainer.

      And just because there is an opportunity to say it, prayers before a council meeting is ludicrous out-of-date posing … and given the antics in Walker Street, is no recommendation for the effectiveness of God’s guiding hand. Of course, this way, though, they can blame the Almighty and his mysterious ways (they’re CinC). for all the fuck-ups.

      • Jag-Off says:

        I have to disagree with your point about the council not needing prayers before their meetings.

        They need all the help they can get. They need prayers, spiritual healing, an exorcism, and perhaps the odd sacrificing of a goat to get them through this current bullshit show

        • The Magpie says:

          But the laughable Mentally Inclusive Healthy City doctrine (is that still a thing, considering our temporary mayor?) should then consider an Iman, a Rabbi and a Scientologist to share the opening blessing. Oh, and an atheist, most suitable for a Godforsaken council.

        • Alahazbin says:

          Jag Off, You leave the goat out of this! People have photos, you know.

      • Prickster says:

        The former CEO, & CFO are the ones who ought to be held accountable for the Pipeline cost blow out, with the Queensland Audit Office also negligent in their duties too.

        • The Magpie says:


          Their ‘baffle ‘em with bullshit’ approach to explanatory meetings with councillors is an arrogant ‘gotcha’ which signals that they really run things. In this case, into the ground.

    • Rotten Luck Willie says:

      Regards being welcomed to my own country, keen to know how many of my ratepayers dollars are going to these paleolithic grifthers courtesy of sycophantic woke virtuous ‘all inclusive’ public servants and spineless councillors.

      $500 a pop plus or minus.

      By the way, where are your car keys right now?

      • The Magpie says:

        On that subject, The ‘Pie had decided not to get worked up about Welcome To Country … until the last SOS preliminaries, where the announcer said “I now ask everyone who can to stand for the welcome to country followed by the national anthem’. Stand for welcome to country?

        Putting a hoked-up joke ceremony spawned by official head-patting insincerity (so bloody patronising for indigenous people) on the same level of respect demanded and deserved for our national anthem must be resisted and rejected.

        Totally disrespectful.

        • Jag-Off says:

          A lot of people around the country are sick of the Aboriginal Industry and they’re conniving, grifting bullshit such as constant welcome to countries. The fact is, they never want to reconcile because their grifting would stop. They need to keep the division going so they can maintain control and keep money flowing.

          • The Magpie says:

            While The ‘Pie agrees generally with that, it should be made clear that there is a cohort of self-interested manipulators that make up the aforesaid aboriginal industry. But just as importantly, it should be noted that – as evidenced by The Voice debacle – many indigenous people see the elite cohort for what they are.

            Aborigines, particularly in remote regions in Australia, do need assistance and support across all fields of our society, and fellow Australians are generally willing to embrace the idea of providing that assistance for a society that has misunderstood and been left behind by the modern world. Where the pushback happens is when the elites become didactic demagogues, often lining their own pockets at the expense of their rival tribes (that’s what they call ‘families’ or ‘mobs’ to yet again use a softening metaphor for what they are and always have been – warring tribes.

          • Easter Bunny says:

            The ‘welcome to country’ is actually divisive. It’s basically saying that I do not belong to my region in Australia, that I am a visitor. Thats fucking bullshit. The region I live in and contribute to financially belongs to everyone off all race, colour, and religious persuasions. To belittle me and basically say that I do not belong is arrogant and offensive to myself and others who live in my region.

        • Easter bunny says:

          It’s a ridiculous tradition started by Ernie Dingo. He did it first and then the practice spread like cancer. I’m sick of it and don’t need to be welcomed to the country I was born and raised in.

          • The Magpie says:

            The most disheartening thing is the ease with which politicians, the aboriginal industry and their fast buck merchants were willing to promote this idea of possession and heritage, using a guilt trip to foist it on the entire population. For a fee, no less. And now like sheep (another white man’s introduction to the country, just to remind all those First Australians wearing multi-coloured beanies and scarves against the cold), crowds are not willing to silently stay seated during this embarrassingly childish stuff but stand in fake reverence. And in so doing, dishonour the unity our national anthem promotes.

        • Achilles says:

          Another good place to start if we are to have unity is to remove all non-State or non-Government flags from ALL public buildings and a few other high profile sights starting with the “iconic” Sydney Harbour Bridge.

          By all means display them on specific dates or at commemorative events that are directly of historical importance or relevance.

          Instruct OUR ABC to desist from using indigenous names for locations, if people want to know what a place may have once been called, Google it.

          • ABS says:

            If you’re referring to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait flags, they’ve been official national flags for thirty years.

          • The Magpie says:

            Which nation(s)?

          • Rotten Luck Willie says:

            Correct definition: Flags of Indigenous Peoples as proclaimed under section 5 of the Flags Act 1953 on 14 July 1995.
            Reference: page 20, AUSTRALIAN Flags, Commonwealth of Australia publication 1998 second edition, ISBN 0 642 47130 4

          • ABS says:


    • James P says:

      Council was going to give Hilton free rent for a term, free trunk infrastructure upgrade and reduced rates, water etc, TCC made this 2018 deal go away, it was a bad idea from the start, the developer was used until the end, McCabe has a bit to answer for.

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie may be a bit dense here, but why does McCabe have anything to answer for if he helped get rid of a bad idea?

  27. John Wilkes Booth says:

    Anybody want to by a tee shirt?


    While I am some distance Pennsylvania this whole assassination matter has more holes in it than Bonney and Clyde.

    • Grumpy says:

      No, but I betcha the photographer will never have to worry about the price of a pint ever again.

      • Achilles says:

        Nice Shot, as in great pic!!!!

        • John Wilkes Booth says:

          Prior planning perhaps? All too good to be true? I smell rodent.

          • Achilles says:

            The scary part is the similarity between the botched assassination attempts on Hitler. After one of which he proclaimed that it was proof that he was under the divine protection of God!

            I don’t think that the “chosen” would concur at that particular time!

            Main difference is that Trump and his supporters believe he is big G, or that this is the second coming, I’m surprised that all the church bells aren’t ringing.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, they had 42 tries at bumping off Adolf, and in the end, it had to be a DIY job.

            So seems American always questing to world record holders of everything, have 42 attempts to go to beat the mark.

            And God forbid some fool succeeds, there goes the record. MAGA will not be happy.

          • Jamal says:

            Wow. The cookers are out in force in the comment section

          • The Magpie says:

            They certainly are, J, especially Trump supporters.

      • The Third Reader says:

        I can see a Pulitzer Prize waiting to be collected by one of the three photographers who got the pictures.

        Doug Mills, (New York Times), Anna Moneymaker (Getty Images) and Evan Vucci (Associated Press)

        • The Magpie says:

          It’s the old story of being in the right place at the right time. The real question is why were they at the right place at the right time.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      FFS, Trump got grazed by a bullet ! He didn’t cop one to the shoulder or guts whereas in the movies I’ve seen the hero get nailed and then wrap his bullet wound in an old hanky and gaffer tape, but not before pouring half a bottle of Jack Daniels over the through and through wound !

      Most Aussies have had bigger wounds from sun cancer carve ups by their local skin doctor.

      The real story here is how the Secret Service and local police failed to act in protecting a past president and total fuckwit…sorry, I mean narcissist !

      • The Magpie says:

        BTW another Magpie exclusive on this matter … the sniper’s building is to be turned into a book depository.

  28. Mad Jack says:

    Divisional Dave you need to read this ABC investigative article on Project 2025, or you can keep your head in the sand.


    • The Magpie says:

      Four Corners laid the no longer hidden ambitions of the American extreme right in last night’s excellent report by Mark Willacy. Division Dave probably misseed it though, 8.30 is way past his bedtime.

      • Division Dave says:

        Good morning Magpie. I was awake. But I chose to watch Outback Opal Hunters.

        • The Magpie says:

          That figures, DD, always digging for dirt in a hole that just gets deeper and deeper.

          • Division Dave says:

            Tsk tsk you edited my non-offensive post. So much for democracy. Where’s your sense of humour?

          • The Magpie says:

            This ain’t FB, this is a grown-ups site of a private individual. The ‘Pie is under no compunction to publish anything.

            Personal abuse like the deletion is not humour, it is simply personal pointless abuse of the playground variety, a fact that also applies to your other deleted posts. It serves no purpose because it does not address any issue apart from being untrue, and does not enlighten readers on any current issue. And isn’t clever … The ‘Pie has often published zingers that nail him, but they are funny, clever and good humoured. Your’s are spiteful, mindless fuckwittery belonging a school yard.

            Go find another sandpit, sonny.

    • White Mouse says:

      As one person pithily wrote about Project 2025, “the German version was easier to understand”.

  29. Von Dutch says:

    Link to a beautiful piece of work that will give you all goosebumps. Our next US president. What an amazing man:


    • The Magpie says:

      What it will give you is a good laugh, some Americans are such suckers for tinsel and weird ideas of presentation. Intruth, this all sounds a bit muted and relatively sedate. And is the Fucker Carlson standing looking particularly glum at the end of the VIP line-up?

    • Al says:

      Couldn’t watch it all. Too much septic tank heroics.

  30. Grumpy says:

    I see TwoNames has found another populist bandwagon to slime up on. Fishing at RRD. He’s still pretending he is able to influence events. Fool.

    • The Magpie says:

      He’s been spotted annoying restaurant owners along the Strand, the latest being yesterday at Odyssey. So tomorrow expect our ratepayer champion to push to rescind the parking meter idiocy. This bloke’s worse that TEL for coattail grabbing.

      • Guy says:

        You know what I say

        Good on troy for DOING SOMETHING

        Whatever you might say he’s done more to rectify and stop the problem than any of the posters to this site.

        • The Magpie says:

          The posters on this site have not been elected to do anything, and they haven’t mounted a campaign to be elected supported by lies. And what problems has he rectified?

          • PJ says:

            We know he beat Jenny, he asked Prins to leave, that’s no coincidence. Removed standing committees by putting up a motion, opened the chamber for mainly all live feeds. Diarised what a mayor does over the course of the first month, and called out councillors for unlawful actions, which resulted in all councillors being under investigation, the CEO and with himself there, who knows might be a clean sweep. And it’ll be a 100 days this Friday for all of them.

          • The Magpie says:

            We know no such twaddle. Jenny beat herself, he didn’t win, she lost the election through her own actions and he won by default. Prins Ralston is no dummy, he saw what might be coming, even if Jenny had won, and plans for his departure were made well ahead of time …. like quietly putting his house on the market weeks before the election (The ‘Pie understands with a high end Gold Coast real estate mob), and it only became known when it went up for auction.

            His diary was a projection of what he said he INTENDED TO DO (meet so-and-so, discuss issue with executive, touch up secretary) and not a serious daily history of what he DID do … it was self advertisement. And he only ‘called out’ because his lying, fraud and DV matters had been hidden and they didn’t – mand the town doesn’t – want him as their ‘guiding light and leader’.

          • Guy says:

            Troy is still the Mayor – he is still the community spokesman and is publicly speaking out against the council. The council as ever listens to no one , hence the disaster. It is very inconvenient for the gremlins in council that the top position in the council is speaking out against them. Despite what may have happened Troy might have still been the best choice townsville made in mayoral candidates given the out of control, zero accountability nature of the council. If Paul Jacob hadn’t persuaded me to run again I certainly wouldn’t be getting as involved as much – my cross to bear is I gave my preferences to Andrew Robinson who has gone and done something stupid which pretty much makes a mark on my character.

          • The Magpie says:

            Ignoring your self-hagiography, Robinson also advocated – by extension of a loopy argument – that whoever owns the Coles site should introduc boom gates and parking fees. This was a clear but unspoken intention when this galoot said one of the arguments for Strand parking was to force private enterprise to build more private car parks.

            Will revisit this fuckwittery in more detail when we’ve all had time to look at the live stream again.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Guy, TCC had optional preferential voting.
            Many people chose to just vote 1 because they thought the others were idiots.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Twonames is the cause of a significant number of problems and a large waste of ratepayer money. The cost he has inflicted on the city could be offset by parking meters. If he’d just fuck off, there’d be less need for them.

        • Ball Grabber says:


          Troy d*ck-lips Thompson hasn’t done a useful thing in his life and never will. Actually I am mistaken, he does get credit for stealing previous peoples’ hard work and ideas, stealing Valor, being a deadsh*t conman, being a lying deadsh*t and posting poorly written and rather embarrassing garbage on Facebook. So, Gay, I guess you’re right, he has done stuff.

          Troy hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing,

          • PJ says:

            I always laugh when people look to tear this mayor of ours down, remember, no one else put their hand up, everyone was too scared of Jenny Hill. I might like him, but he stood when no one else would, today, he stood for those who showed faith in him, that gets a few points in my opinion. As for Batkovic, Robinson, Greaney, Mooney, Ellis and Phillips, I’d suggest people get on the phone, the email and give them a gob full. They truely are public servants on the gravy train!

          • The Magpie says:

            Who tried to tear him down? All anybody did was ask questions, reveal his lies and witness his arrogant and childish reactions.

            He will vote on what he thinks will make him most popular not what is necessarily an informed necessary decision. This time, he was on the right side of the community sentiment, but this self-seeking con man would vote fo no rates at all because it was a popular but disastrous decision.

            The ‘Pie for one is not going to be bamboozled and bullied into revising his deep distrust of this lying fraud who abused his partner. If this was revealed about any other councillor, they wouldn’t even stand, let alone be turfed out by the voter.

          • Ball Grabber says:


            People didn’t initially “tear him down”. A lot of people voted for him because he said all the right things at the time. But he completely lost the public’s trust and faith because he was caught out lying. Simple as that. People aren’t stupid, they can now see through his bullshit. That’s no one else’s fault but his own.

      • Who Cares says:

        Saw him at Riviera Pizza the other night, at least he’s spending his coin locally, he’s definitely not hiding like Hill did. Looks like they’ll all backflip on their strand parking. What about us CBD workers, $20 extra a week, or a $1000 more a year, can bet the TCC workers will be bitter! $2600 a year at $10 a day is a fair dent in the back pocket. Shopping centres will be busy again, no parking fees, cheap coffee, air conditioning, seems the way to go.

        • The Magpie says:

          Cheap coffee? Anywhere, that’ll be the day.

        • Guy says:


          The parking meters in the CBD have only accelerated the decline of economic activity there.

          My theory is that parking meters in this situation and the strand are the prelude to the tower blocks they want to build. It’s an old trick. Small businesses often might own or have long leases / lease rights on property they want to put tower blocks on. Introducing parking meters are a convenient way to drive out inconvenient owners or lease holders so the tower blocks may come.

          Destroy economic activity by driving away customers and the tower blocks may come.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thank Christ an addled brained wild eyed tosser like you didn’t get elected to council. That’s pure and totally unsupported fantasy.

      • James P says:

        Pie, I think the whole council will backflip on it, as they should. It’s clear the executive and operations are running the ship, it’ll be run aground soon enough. Labor won’t invest in Townsville, there’s no Labor leader anymore, they’ll turn their focus on SEQ, that’s where the seats are.

        • The Magpie says:

          The ‘Pie believes they will certainly nix the Strand, the other areas, don’t know … but it ios reasonable that Gregory Street remain exempt as well.

          • Achilles says:

            Does anyone out there know how many parking machines are actually sitting in the store room? If any!
            When were they bought?
            How long is their warantee? or Has it expired?
            If they’re not going to the Strand can they be sold off to another council as spares?

          • Guy says:

            There is suggestion the parking meters were purchased 3/4 months ago and more parking meter inspectors have been hired. Other information suggests there are plenty of meters in storage that could be wheeled out quickly.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie will call out bullshit on that, surely such purchases/hiring would’ve been noted in the the budget and in employment notices.

          • PJ says:

            100% agree Pie. Interesting Price, Robinson, Greaney, Phillips, Ellis, Batkovic have nothing to say, is that because they don’t want to agree with Rehbien and the mayor, as Greaney leads this bunch, given her attempt to roll Rehbien for the LGAQ, and go against the mayor. They all should be careful, as everyone of them have CCC investigations against them, so no one is safe, is that why they are all being very quiet? Accept Ellis, he’s a shock jock so you’d expect nothing else. Mooney is quiet, wonder if daddy had a chat, was there a leaf blower involved

  31. Doug K says:

    Hopefully after the council backflips on Strand paid parking it will carry out community consultation BEFORE making future decisions.

    • The Magpie says:

      Let’s hope, but that really should read ‘HOW’ they carry out community consultation. A box ticking of loaded questions taking three minutes online is hardly consultation, it is usually manipulated agreement with a foregone decision.

      But this shouldn’t be expected on everything, it is impossible to govern by referendum and algorithm, it should only occur when we have councillors alert and less asorbed in themselves to recognise community likely pushback.

      So good luck with anything changing.

  32. Circus fan says:

    Just watching the council meeting and they are talking about the council’s financial position.
    One alarming slide uses the phrase “Cash position requires active management on a daily basis.”

    This is council-speak for “at the moment we are in the shit, and we are desperate for rates to come in.”

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie noted that, too, and was surprised that councillors didn’t press for a plain language explanation.

      McCabe is proving to be a typical slippery dried prune accountant already.

      It was a tactical win for Thompson personally, demonstrating how he has so successfully conned others before. In this matter, he was a text book example of opportunism. First knowing it would be defeated, he tried to ram through a ‘mayoral minute’ motion scrapping the Strand scheme (in fact, the whole shebang, Pimlico and Mater included) that did not allow debate, just a vote. This was a clear baiting tactic, leading the councillors to unanimously reject the motion, and setting him up for further grandstanding on an issue that displays all his shining insincerity and narrow-gauge forward thinking. He was clearly making up lost time in coming late to this issue.

      When it was finally debated, he claimed the mantle of glorious champion of the common man, sticking to his guns on principle but knowing he didn’t have the numbers. It was defeated with six councillors – Batkovic, Greaney, Ellis, Robinson, Mooney and Phillips – voted against the motion while five councillors – Rehbein, Jacob, Dirou, Price and Mayor Thompson – voted pause paid parking.

      Suffice to say, the Team Jenny Hill rump nixed the scrapping of the plan. Her legacy lingers on.

      • Jenny says:

        The arguments put by Mayor Thompson, Deputy Mayor Jacob (ALP) and Cr Rehbein (ALP) for “nixing” the paid parking plan were pathetic. None of them addressed the financial position of the council, but especially Jacob who had to admit that he had voted in favour of the Budget (which included paid parking on the Strand) only weeks ago. The six councillors (2 X ALP) who voted to press on with paid parking actually stood up to the Mayor and Jacob rather than taking the populist soft option. More of a haunch than a rump.

        • The Magpie says:

          Your namesake thanks you for that, Jenny.

          A sensible non-political view borne out of care and appreciation of our city and lifestyle. You’re a gem …. or have I left out a letter in gem.

          • Jenny says:

            Frankly Magpie, Mayor Thompson’s reasons for ‘pausing’ the paid parking plan were illogical and embarrassing. He couldn’t argue his way out of kindergarten and would have gained no kudos for his waffle. On the other hand, Crs Batkovic, Mooney and Greaney (and at least one other) made out their case and stuck to their guns – perhaps representing their divisions more honestly than you give them credit for. Of the five that voted for a pause, not one looked like they’d die in a ditch over it.

          • The Magpie says:

            Uh oh, we’re agreeing again, marriage can’t be far away.

            Thompson rat cunning has fooled no one, backing a popular pushback that he well knew may fail, which it did, but he can smugly say ‘Intried but they rolled me’. Get used to it Troy, plenty more where that came from.. All but one of those who voted for the plan to go ahead spoke well, intelligently and declined to actually say the sub-text ‘We know best because we’re councillors’. The odd man out … and odd is the key word, was Robinson, who came up with the ludicrous idea that the proposal was voted for to encourage private enterprise to build more off street car parking.If he meant apartment developers, rules are already in place covering that, and if he thinks there’s a business on the planet that would build a car park on real estate that is some of the dearest in Queensland, he is on another planet himself.

            If the Bulletin had any nous, it would be calling the owners of the Coles precinct in North Ward. Because their tenants may well suffer because of this ruling. But The Astonisher just might make that call, The ‘Pie has noticed several instances of the paper being influenced by matters that first appear in The Nest.

          • The Magpie says:

            It’s a funny hill to die on … yuk yuk yuk.

          • Ball Grabber says:

            Jesus, never thought I’d agree with Jenny but I do on that. There’s hope for you yet, sir.

      • Magcry says:

        Majority of the people are against paid parking, Troy (who admittedly I was not a fan of due to a certain allegation) spoke up in support of stopping this and people still complain…now you say it is a “tactical win”…maybe he actually listened to the community?

        Seems like a lot of people just love to hate him.

        My division Councillor is Suzy and I am incredibly disappointed in the way she reacted and responded.

        • The Magpie says:

          It was a tactical win because Thompson knew he was on a loser but would appear to be a community champion with his late-to-the-issue stand.
          Certainly appears it’s worked with you.
          TwoNames will go with what seems the most popular path to win back the support he initially gained by lying about his character and mouthing front-bar populist pap.

  33. Circus fan says:

    Some councillors must follow this blog. The mayor asked if the council will need to draw on the $100M working capital facility – the acting CFO admitted “yes we will need to”. But failed to mention a forecast amount of how much it will draw on.

    The councillor from division 10 asked about the unrestricted cash cover ratio of 3.64 months is calculated.
    The response from the acting CFO was partly dishonest or incompetent and technically correct.
    The partly dishonest part was the amount of cash on hand the council reported of $30M. $23M of that cash is restricted, therefore is not unrestricted. Only $7M is unrestricted.
    The technically correct part is that council is allowed to report their working capital facility of $100M as part of the ratio, and that equals the 3.64 months.
    While this is technically correct – this is not transparent reporting. Going into debt to meet operating expenses with a guaranteed revenue stream every 6 months is terrible financial management.
    It was refreshing that at least 2 councillors asked questions this month. Unfortunately they are being misguided by the council staff about how shit their financial position is.

    • The Magpie says:

      That bloke Richardson is the epitome of a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. It is not just the councillors we need to watch, it is the shiny bums in their ivory towers who write the papers the councillors vote on.
      That goes for blown-in McCabe, too, while not an egregious self-seeker like his predecessor, is a numbers man allowing it seems no latitude for community sentiment or alternative options … or transparency as you say.

      Anyway, when the inevitable chaos and resentment from many sectors, not the least of which will be affected businesses.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Richardson is an ex Army Colonel. You are correct in assessing him as a professional shiny bum. He has been trying to fly under the radar at TCC and is more concerned with appearances than anything else. He won’t like public backlash and having his name attached to an unpopular decision. Shame.

        • The Magpie says:

          His words today mark him out as a social engineering tinkerer, willing to impose all sorts of ludicrous Heath Robinson solutions to everyone’s lifestyle, just to score brownie points with his betters, of which there are no doubt many.

  34. Kirwan Joe says:

    I reckon free parking with a time limit is a potential solution. Free for 4 or 2 hours and a fine if you overstay.

    • The Magpie says:

      The CEO and a majority of councillors do not agree, they want the money. The general message from the six councillors supporting the scheme all gave the general message it was a choice between it or a rate rise, which CEO McCabe estimated at 0.3%.

      Everyone acknowledged the public outcry, but the will of the people was denied on financial grounds. It has been made perfectly clear that this money grab is made on a false premise … that there is a congestion problem along the Strand. All sorts of red herrings were introduced by proponents, including and council executive Matt Richardson who gave details of the consultant’s report (done by an out-of-town company that did NOT seek community opinion) on which the council’s original and ultimate acceptance was based.

      • Circus fan says:

        The interim CEO has no vested interest in the city, other than to make sure the council has enough money to pay him.
        No councillor even asked what a 0.3% rate rise would equate to.
        The answer for the average town block is $14 per year. 27 cents per week. I am sure every ratepayer would rather pay that, than the bullshit they’re going to have to pay when they pay to see the medical professionals around the Mater hospital, pay to go have a meal on Palmer Street and EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY VISIT THE STRAND!

        • The Magpie says:

          Excellent point.

        • Jenny says:

          Circus fan, your confidence that every ratepayer would rather pay $14 pa rather than Strand parking is based on what public consultation? Also, why should visitors to private medical professionals at the Mater hospital get free parking when the thousands who visit the public TUH have to pay (after an hour)? BTW, parking at the Strand will be free before 9am and after 5pm. So you can still park your camper van, boat and trailer AND sleep in, no worries.

          • The Magpie says:

            That campervan/sailboat nonsense in the meeting was annoying, because after a lot of time was wasted, someone, forget who, asked the obvious ‘Couldn’t we make a ‘move on’ regulation?’ Richardson waffled on that obvious solution, he didn’t want any pesky councillors tinkering with his pet plan.

            His general attitude to questions on the issue showed he is less flexible than Ma Greaney’s girdle.

          • Big Mac says:

            Jenny makes a good point, you can’t complain about lack of consultation then arbitrarily say the entire city would rather pay higher rates. Lots of people can’t or don’t use the Strand.

          • Ball Grabber says:

            Jesus Jennifer, why are you finally talking sense for once? That’s two in a row, let’s go for a third, you can do it!

          • Circus fan says:

            Jenny Jenny Jenny. $14 per year compared to $2 per hour for a trip to the Strand is nonsensical to argue.
            And you are putting words in my mouth (electronically in this case) saying that I support any such notion.
            Take another look at my statement and it was criticism of the vampire visiting CEO stating what the forecast revenue of the new paid parking equates to regarding rates increases.
            And as for your Fulham Road / Mater confusion. There are those on fixed pensions that need to have blood tests like at Sullivan Nicolaides on Fulham Road (just one example) that will need to pay for this parking. The paid parking does not discriminate solely against those who attend the mater hospital.
            To make it clear I DO NOT support ANY of the new paid parking the council approved.

  35. The Magpie says:

    The Townsville Council has refused to revisit the issue of paid parking on the Strand and from next January, we will have to pay for parking along the strip, and around the Mater Hospital.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Have they provided reasoning?

      • The Magpie says:

        Lots, but needs to be carefully revisited before informed comment and dissection can be made.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Very true. It’ll be like making sense of an incantation.

          • The Magpie says:

            There’s an idea … next council meeting should have the blessing done by one of those religious whackos who speak in tongues. These councillors would understand every word, and probably want to vote on it.

    • Island Voice says:

      What an out of touch group of hypocrites, watched the livestream and heard comments and the vote.
      Not everyone is on $200k and ‘I’ll get back to you’ Greaney looking as smug as ever, just ignoring her constituents as always.
      Shame, shame,shame

    • Circus fan says:

      This decision is proof of how bad the financial position of this council. Any revenue from any source. And the ratepayer gets to pay rates and we get to pay for the privilege of getting to use ratepayer funded assets like carparks.

      The “For Lease” sign makers will get some more business from the businesses that are on the brink and have to close from the reduced customers as a result of this decision.

      I will make the call now and say paid parking along the Strand will see 11 new councillors in 2028.

      • The Magpie says:

        If those financial chickens flutter back to their Walker Street roost, might before then.

        But there’s something we should all be aware of … calls for an administrator to step in (regretfully including a hasty Magpie) would mean government by bean counters, number crunchers and consulktants, so Strand parking would most certainly be implemented if we suddenly found ourselves governed by fiat. Either hat, or no Strand car parking and a rate rise instead. Community sentiment counts for zero in these situations, it is dollars and cents to the exclusion of everything else.

        But shit, who knows, maybe that’s what we need to set the ship upright again.

        • Nicolae Ceausescu says:

          The thing that I can’t fathom is the absolute ignorance of this lot. There was much debate on paid parking (additional revenue) but next to no discussion about how they will fix the very clear structural issues with the budget. These challenges are not going to be addressed without looking for significant savings in the council’s operational costs. If I hear one more of them suggest that this is a difficult choice and they should be applauded for it, I will vomit. The fact is, this is an easy choice of passing the buck to the community. We have now entered “let them eat cake” territory when it comes to their approach to the very real concerns of their constituents.

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        Food Trucks Greaney will be GONE! She has been totally useless on this matter. She is FINISHED.

    • Motorist says:

      Now the Strand, next Riverway, then a toll on the Castle Hill summit road.

  36. Not standing for Mayor says:

    The only positive about Council’s meeting this morning was TwoDogs still showing he has no idea about meeting procedure and getting rolled again.

    • The Magpie says:

      Twice. Loved the arrogant crap at the start about the ‘don’t argue or discuss’ mayoral minute was shoved straight up his arse for a cheery start.

      • Democrat Dave says:

        Pie. I’d suggest you got it wrong on this one. He read the 6.3.3 Mayoral minute process, and rammed it home. Batkovic received advice to disrupt, as she often does, and tried but failed to make a dent, the community will go after her now. Thompson while not my favourite did all he could, 5-6 meetings does not make an expert at procedural motions, remember his chance for advisors were taken off him, and yet Jenny had 3 advisors, and that was for 12 years, she also had 4 of those councillors in the room yesterday give her those advisors in 2020, that is no coincidence. I’m hoping he fights until he is either removed or voted out, yesterday he fought. I know you don’t like him, nor am I a supporter, but he did what was right, he fought for Townsville.

        • The Magpie says:

          The ‘Pie has a packet of Lens Wipes for your rosy coloured glasses, DD.
          Ask yourself this: was he fighting smart when he began at the meeting by telling councillors he could put forward a motion on which they could vote but not debate? Given the uproar and the opposition to Strand parking meters, did he really think he could get a popular vote to nix it? And thus look like an heroic leader? Is that leadership, is that trying to negotiate some sort of procedural settlement? Or is that his clumsy, ultimately fruitless way of saying I’m here and can do this, so fuck you? In short was it necessary? Was it necessary to ban the media from a meeting on no pretext except spite?

          And then get his arse kicked – twice – when the motion was properly put to the council and voted down. Even those who ultimately voted to ‘pause’ the meter plan did not vote for his motion … not one councillor did, because, as he pompously told them, he didn’t need a seconder.

          If we give Thompson the benefit of our massive doubt, perhaps this was his idea of wedge politics – dance his opponents into a corner, and make them either agree with him or appear villains to the public by thwarting their wishes? Even if he was that clever, then the governance of this city has devolved into spiteful picking of unwinnable fights by a childish egomaniac.

          At least the councillors opposing any change argued respectfully, coherently and gave their reasons clearly (except Robinson, who emerged as the motley fool of the session).

          When this mayoral oil slick carries his blunt instrument into negotiations on major matters concerning Townsville with outside parties on matters of great import, how’s that attitude going to go down, now that he’s demonstrated that he’s been completely neutered by this council?

          Now that Paul Jacob has waffled his way out immediate contention, looks like we have Mayor Greaney in all but name. Until we voters get to have another say.

        • Not standing for Mayor says:

          Fuk Me – RUOK?

  37. Ben Rumson says:

    That’s the end of the Strand for me.
    For added security I have disabled the ‘tap and go’ function on my debt card. Parking meters in the CBD are mostly tap and go as far as I can see. Not a problem as I don’t frequent the CBD. I expect the Strand metres will be new cashless tap and go so to hell with the Strand.

  38. Burnt Brows says:

    Parking on Strand will be something like 9am to 5pm weekdays I imagine. Therefore, nights after 5pm and weekends will be super busy?

    • The Magpie says:

      Yep, your relaxation has been replaced by ‘meter anxiety’ … same as when you’re having lunch in the CBD or Palmer Street.

      • ABS says:

        Why would you have meter anxiety, you’ll have up to four hours on the Strand, that should be enough for anyone.

        • The Magpie says:

          So now you’re the clock czar, are you, telling people what is enough time for relaxation?

          You have always displayed fascist tendencies, but that is a bit OTT.

    • Mad Jack says:

      Yes, when paying is required folks will park on a street or two back from the Strand, and at other non paying times, when it is super busy, folks will have to park on a street or two back from the Strand, or give the whole shit fight a miss and go for a picnic on the sand at Bushland Beach.

      (Sorry ‘Pie, long sentence.)

      • Big Mac says:

        No one is going to park two streets back from the Strand – Eyre Street – to dodge a few dollars in parking fees. People will either pay for the convenience or not go.

        • The Magpie says:

          The main point here is that this is put forward for totally false reasons. There is no congestion snd fights for parking spots. Rubbish about turnover and fairness is all Hegelian Dialect …. create a non-existant problem then propose and in this case, justify your false premise to get what you want.

          Shitty way to run a town.

  39. Prince Rollmop says:

    Ralston and Hills have left a shit-show behind them. Pox on them. Some of the current Councillors are complicit in this mess also. Are we now in for ‘more of the same’? Increased debt with no mitigation in place?

    Circus Fan, perhaps I have missed it but is there any Council policy or plan in place to reduce the overall debt? Townsville has a big enough residency to have most operational debts covered on a monthly basis, so I’m at a loss at the high amount of debt that we have incurred. Ratepayers need to demand that a plan be put forward that addresses our debt. Small Councils often survive on federal government grant money. It’s not ideal, but it does happen. When there is a change in federal government that can have a negative effect on those Councils source of survival. Is our Council relying on government funding, which is never fully guaranteed?

    The local newspapers were keen to sink the boot into Twonames and were happy to investigate his shenanigans, maybe they can show a similar interest in TCC’s finances and ask the necessary questions with a front page spread? That might mean relegating Gerry Harvey to page 3 and it might mean an actual news story by Light-on Smith.

    • Circus fan says:

      Prince, council has their debt policy in pages 103-104 of the budget and operational plan (https://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/238408/BudgetOperationalPlan_24-25.pdf)
      but this is mainly focused on their forecast borrowings for the next 10 years. There is a single line on page 104 stating “anticipated loan principal payments for year ending 30 June 2025 is $39.7M”.

      Table 19, page 48 in the budget and operational plan there is the Statement of Cash Flows (Long-Term), the row title is Repayment of Borrowings that shows the 10-year forecast of debt repayments. But these are forecasts and are not worth the paper they are written on.
      Especially when you compare the Debt Policy with 10-year forecast borrowings of the 2023-24 budget, and the 2024-25 budget.

      • Circus fan says:

        Council is forecasting $19M in grants funding and approximately $480M from own source revenue (rates and utilities).
        The council forecast operating revenue is $515M for the 2024-25 financial year.
        This is about 3.6% of the total revenue coming from grants.

    • Democrat Dave says:

      Council has a $30M position, they have to redraw from the overdraft which comes with fees to survive. That is grounds for an administrator. I’d suggest the Bulletin lay off Thompson, use him to expose the bones, Hill, Ralston, ex CFO, Team Jenny Councillors may be in real trouble, they know the financial position, we need to clawback the payouts and prosecute the corrupt. It is clear TCC needs to go to administration, cut the councillors, the executive, the over staffing and go after the corrupt, this could be another Fitzgerald investigation, and it’s 10+ years of digging!

      • The Magpie says:

        All very good except for your total; misunderstanding of what the Bulletin should be doing. ‘Laying off’ is not a journalistic option if you’re doing your job responsibility. And you seem to be under the impression that Thompson has to be forgiven and approved in order to expose possible past misdeeds … the old can you chew gum and fart at the same time?

        The Bulletin, if it has the idea that they’re all for us, can do both.

        • Who Cares says:

          The bulletin has very poor representation. Thompson has a CCC investigation, every report against him is used, and in legals could be perceived to be a conflict to favour the influencing a decision argument. It is better to be silent. But this council does need administrators appointed.

  40. Taxi Driver says:

    The media have stated State & Federal Governments were warned that the CMFEW were involved in illegal activities, but were happily taking their donations. Now that the media have brought it to the attention of the Australian public they have quickly brought in administrators.
    Had to laugh when Tony Burke says there is no room for corruption.
    In my opinion they are probably taking donations from people far worse than the CMFEW

    ALSO. The chances of the this Qld government bringing in administrators for the TCC is ZERO.

    • The Magpie says:

      That would be the CFMEU?

      • White Mouse says:

        For many construction companies is is C ME FU. (TUH job is onto it’s third shutdown).

        As for not knowing anything about corruption, please, there was a Royal Commission about 10 years that exposed a lot of this. The ALP did a “nothing to see here” and continued to rake in million of dollars in donations.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      At least they’ve been dealt with. Do we want to start on Gina and her “donations” to Dutton? Because they haven’t been dealt with.

  41. Circus fan says:

    For the backroom boys, bush accountants and poor project managers at the council who have resorted to charging for parking at the Strand and other areas that are already heavy on the wallet – PLEASE stay away from the libraries.
    If you are that desperate for revenue, I get the creepy feeling you are going to start charging people to borrow books.
    Books that us ratepayers have already paid for!!

    • The Magpie says:

      FFS, stop giving them ideas, CF.

    • Alfred E Neuman says:

      Not the book borrowing, but what about parking meters in the library car park.

      But wait there is more:
      The libraries run an on line digital Borrow Box to read a library book on your tablet, electronic tablet, not the tablet from the chemist.
      Brilliant Suggestion (in line with, TCC broke, need money, user screwed, oops sorry, user pays) TCC charges these literate freeloaders who read books on line. It is only fair. By being on line they are not attending the library in person therefore not paying (soon to be installed) parking fees.

      OK, another Mad idea. The TCC has provided libraries for all. Those ratepayers who do not use the libraries (shun) should be charged a Your Ungrateful Fee.

  42. Ducks Nuts says:

    I was always of the understanding that the local government principles included a requirement for meaningful community engagement. And it looks something like this

    “(2)The local government principles are—
    (a)transparent and effective processes, and decision-making in the public interest; and
    (b)sustainable development and management of assets and infrastructure, and delivery of effective services; and
    (c)democratic representation, social inclusion and meaningful community engagement; and
    (d)good governance of, and by, local government; and
    (e)ethical and legal behaviour of councillors, local government employees and councillor advisors.”

    • Taxi Driver says:

      Let’s be realistic.
      Legislation surrounding the actions of governments are put in place to make us all think they are accountable.
      Local Government Principles
      Public Service Ethics Act
      Right to information Act
      The list goes on.
      Who fucking enforces this legislation when it involves their own wrong doing?

  43. Pastor Paul says:

    I had a late night at church and I just saw all of these new comments. I am praying for the new councillors and I know the lord will guide them through these difficult times.

  44. Who Cares says:

    Yesterday I saw a man who listened to his community, elected under a cloud of controversity, Mr Thompson did what is morally right, he brutishly when front foot forward, regardless his character coming under scrutiny. To abolish the parking items was correct. Then he went toe to toe with the chamber bully, Batkovic, he came out on top. Picking an argument with the CEO on the cash position, poor previous management and the lack of a quantity surveyor and grant writer, how does a council not have either…. That’s right they use TEL & the consultants… I’m thinking he may be fighting for his life, but it was clear he was fighting.
    I am disappointed in Cr Phillips, Cr Ellis & Cr Robinson, all have shown there support for team hill now on a few occasions. I don’t think the parking argument is gone, it’s just starting.

    • The Magpie says:

      Christ, now he’s a warrior for morality?
      And he came out on top?

      Thompson’s intermittent mantra was harking back to the past, highlighting the inherited mess and taking every chance to throw shade on Jenny Hill, which is certainly deserved but irrelevant in the context. Batkovic got in the best one line when Thompson was warming up on Hill’s past mismanagement when she cut himm off when she tartly suggested ‘We’re not talking about the past …’. Which they shouldn’t have been, not yesterday, that’s for another time, and most likely, another place.

      • The Magpie says:

        But yes, The ‘Pie was astounded to learn that a close to billion dollar corporation, as the council likes to style itself, one that is in charge of interalia the geography and infrastructure of a sprawling city, did not have a quantity surveyor. How the hell we oversaw the building of a stadium, created Lansdown Eco-Park, and planned what to do with the North Rail Yards without a quantity surveyor is astoundingly irresponsible.

        Be interesting to ask left-over Hill councillors how this situation came about. If they didn’t know, why didn’t they know?

        The vacancy should be addressed immediately.

        • Who Cares says:

          Batkovic is known bully within council, my son works there and is well aware of the ‘nice exterior’ yet brutal control she tries hard to hide. She is a permanent fixture in councillor support officer Rhonda’s room, and the executive office. It is well known in council she was behind the lunch mob for the mayor, to legal, the proof is allegedly with the ccc on a misconduct issue. Jenny’s favourite is doing exactly as Jenny asks. And past is every bit the reason we are in enormous debt in Townsville, the council she serves on is now in the position due to the previous 3 terms of government. I must disagree, respectfully.

          • The Magpie says:

            Talk is cheap and around here you can make any allegations or alternative facts without proof, most don’t get published. but had to put this one out there … The ‘Pie has heard many accusations against Clr Batkovic, but it’s a new one him that she wants to eat the mayor.

            Or is The ‘Pie just making a meal of your sloppy writing?

        • Not standing for Mayor says:

          We have always had a big stack of napkins in the exec tearoom for doing budget calculations and policies on. Think of how many packets of Coles paper napkins you can get for the cost of a half decent QS? Anyway we could always rely on Dolan to give us the figures straight from his crystal balls.

        • Cecil says says:

          Maybe Nous Consultant Prince Ralston cut the position?

      • ABS says:

        That might have stung Thompson with his well known dislike of talking about the past, at least where some topics are concerned

      • 8 ball, side pocket says:

        Mayor Thompson is an embarrassment. I don’t believe the CCC will find cause to have him dismissed, which means that we will be stuck with him for 4 years, unless he quits, which is unlikely. $1m in salary over 4 years, plus any litigation that he actions and then wins, means this grifter and complete shonk will be around for a while. Poor us.

        • Who Cares says:

          He’d certainly have a case with human rights, bullying, intimidation, his mental health and don’t forget epilepsy, I think whether he’s there or not TCC self insurance is open to $1M compensation at least, the executive, CEO, all may be a little careful now. I must say, he has a pretty thick skin, I met him a few weeks ago too, not a little bloke either. I think we are stuck with him for 4 years, the minister and premier know it, they’ve been told to pull back for sure.

          • The Magpie says:

            Utter one-sided bullshit, you make it sound like a lay down misere. It is far from that if it ever went to court.

            This growing and relentless and highly selective campaign to ‘rehabilitate’ dear leader just isn’t going to work. He is a wife abusing, valor stealing convicted fraudster who is a serial liar.

            he’s in there for the money, and really hasn’t got a clue about mature leadership.

          • Grumpy says:

            “Not a little bloke”. What, exactly, are you inferring?

          • Jenny says:

            Grumpy, I think he means ‘no muscle-bound man gonna take me away from my guy’.

  45. Prince Rollmop says:

    This was announced a few weeks ago. Perhaps our 3 impotent local Labor clowns could have a chat with Premier Smiley and secure some funding to rejuvenate our rail precinct? Perhaps they could use leftover CMFEU slush money to fund the project?


    • The Magpie says:

      Now here is an object lesson in throwing boomerang darts. It is somewhat unlike you, Pickled Herring, but your eagerness to skewer our hapless political goofs has led you into a bigly error.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Not sure how I missed this one. I have been in Victoria for the past 4 weeks so that might be the reason. Plus the fact that I rarely gaze at our local papers.

        • PJ says:

          Webb $35M, State $35M, TCC $18M + $35M what can go wrong. Its the gift that keeps on giving, and the State gave this too TCC

          What about the 7 childcare centres. $5-7M in assets, no income, gifted to organisations, and TCC still pay for the maintenance, c’mon Bully, up your game. And don’t bother going to councillors, Joe will know, he’s got a habit of diverting the truth, commercial in confidence.

          Did we know mighty Joe came from Darwin last, same place as Ralston & Hilder, is this a coincidence, I think not. Selected through LGAQs peak services, who are in the same building. Nothing to see here.

  46. Prince Rollmop says:

    Dear Aaron Harpic (Batman),

    Please stop posting smoke n mirrors bullshit on your Festerinbook page. Cost of living energy rebate of $1.000. It’s a con job. $1k is nothing. Government mismanagement of the economy and a 2 year COVID shutdown has led us into an inflation crisis, of which you are offering no long term real solutions. That $1k is nothing compared to how much extra we are paying in rent, mortgages, fuel, services, and groceries. You and Miles are trying to buy votes and it isn’t working. Dust off your CV as you and your mates are going to be looking for work after October. Fuckwits.

    • Jenny says:

      Prince, maaate! Covid shutdown? Townsville cruised through the Covid years. And a thousand bucks is “nothing”? Geezus man, what is happening to you? When TCC paid $20,000 for the North Rail Yards (plus $1m more for the land that gave them complete Flinders Street west frontage) it was always the case that preparation of the land, including presumably demolition, remediation and something, something ‘heritage buildings’, would be ‘facilitated’, ‘supported’, subsidised and the path otherwise smoothed by the State and probably Federal governments. It can’t be a shock to you that the State government has stumped up $35m towards that goal? Don’t be surprised if the Feds throw in some more and when the structures start appearing above ground level there’s still more coming from the State ‘Olympics’ government, whatever its political colour. Our country, our state and our town has become completely addicted to government funding – we all vote for it, particularly private enterprise.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        PJ, maybe Townsville survived the shutdown to a degree, however businesses still went bust and inflation is hammering us. That $1,000 is not much when you compare it to how much we are out of pocket due to high inflation. Those additional costs would far outweigh the $1,000 energy bribe.

  47. Alahazbin says:

    Here you go! Listen to the bullshit.

  48. Dennis J says:

    It’s astonishing to see the hypocrisy in some of these comments attacking Troy Thompson. Let’s get real here – he’s taken a stand against the incompetence and corruption that has plagued our council for years. Yes, he inherited a mess, but at least he’s trying to address the issues head-on, unlike the previous administration that conveniently swept everything under the rug. His critics seem more interested in tearing him down than in acknowledging the positive steps he’s taking to clean up the mess left behind. It’s easy to criticize from the sidelines, but Thompson is in the trenches, fighting for transparency and accountability. Instead of focusing on his past, which he’s openly addressed, why not look at the efforts he’s making now? It’s clear some people are more comfortable with the status quo of mismanagement and deceit. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Thompson deserves support for his efforts to bring honesty and change to a deeply flawed system.

    • The Magpie says:

      Criticise from the sidelines? That’s a classic tired old deflection. You’re saying no one should make comment on the top public office in the city? Tearing him down? Get a grip, mate. Exposing all the matters he tried to keep from the electorate – that he is a wife abusing, valor stealing, proven fraudster with a failing memory when it comes to court appearances and a proven serial liar is not tearing him down. It is simply telling the truth. Which he deliberately f ailed to do, because he had his eyes on nothing but the glittering prize, every conman’s wet dream.

      And the man you say is fighting for transparency and accountability makes his first act when returning to the chamber to illegally ban the media, without even the courtesy of a warning to his colleagues without a single word of explanation for the public he is meant to serve. It was illegal because the regulations are clear : only a council may vote to eject the media, according to the regs,it cannot be done by the mayor alone, and if that does happen, that then means it is a closed meeting with no public and live streaming. Thompson in his childish pique, he didn’t ban the public and close the meeting. Don’t think this will not be brought up as his grifting scheme moves forward. He has not only put his colleagues off side, but hasmade his supposed agenda unworkable, even the good parts.

      He’s done absolutely nothing of what you claim for him, he’s just picked unnecessary feuds, and now you are trying to make the councillors the bullying villains and him the poor put-upon battler.

      No more of that absolute swill will be published around here unless both sides of the argument are canvassed.

  49. Strand Ghost says:

    Just still on the Strand pay to Park fiasco has the Council thought how some residents will struggle along the Strand living in Unit complex’s a lot of units only have one carpark plus a few visitor carpark’s available, i know in our complex with approximately 30 units and 12 visitors parks they only have one park and have to park in visitors if u can get one! the rest have to park outside on Strand, where are they going to park and have to pay for two days on weekends when their not a work, there is a lot of anger against our local Councillor ( Who voted for payed parking) and quite a few said they voted for Greaney in local elections but will not vote for her again, i think there is going to a lot of fallout for the Councillor in the future.

    • The Magpie says:

      Two things, last first.

      Ma Greaney and the other pro-meter maids all know the next election is years away, which theyalso know is the equivalent of light years for voters who have consistently proved over decades that they have the attention level and memory that makes goldfish look like chess champions. If an election were to be held in the next month ore so, you can bet the vote would';ve been very different, because the situation would be reversed and the voters would be hitting them in the hip pocket – by sacking them.. And they know it. Cynical cowards, every one.

      But to your earlier point … if you buy a unit anywhere, the reasonable expectation on calculations of real estate is that one car park per unit is what you reasonably get (some are lucky to get two, but pay for the privilege up front). So it’s not a winning argument for the general public who are going to lose the free amenity of The Strand, something on which clearly councillors’ should have done greater consulting on.

      • Who Cares says:

        The people around the Mater will feel it. Maybe the should all pick up their leaf blowers for a discussion with mooney and co. Daddy won’t be happy.

      • PJ says:

        Greaney was very vocal, her and Labor Senator Suzy are leading the rabble, blind Freddy sees that. I hope all division 3 tell Greaney exactly what they think of her, paid parking has doubled, and it’s costing us $2M to put in place.

        • The Magpie says:

          It’s worth remembering if some are thinking some opposition to the meters is selfish locals, remember that the Chamber of Commerce are very vocal critics, notable because the Chamber rarely takes such any public position on anything.

          • Bob Roberts says:

            Some opposition is selfish locals like Strand Ghost.

          • The Magpie says:

            Strand Ghost is a businessman who employs a considerable number of staff. As an employer and a ratepayer, he has every right to seek fairness for his business. As for the local residents in North Ward/Strand, they have a right to be heard more considerately than they have but in the end, are just a small factor in this issue. Some of them, and this council, can’t seem to realise this issue has city-wide ramifications – just one instance, think more than a thousand workers who staff Strand businesses, and the business investments themselves). Businesses fail and start laying off, we all lose.

            And while we’re with it, The Magpie is revisiting his long held view that government staff should be left alone when difficult and unpopular decisions are endorsed by the elected representatives. It might be time to hold them to account and shine a little light into their plush cubby hole offices. Matt Richardson has given a tiny glimpse into the authoritarian world of callous number crunching with no imagination linked to reality or community amenity.

            Perhaps the former Bulletin editor Mick Carroll – the last of the good ones we’ve had – set an example worth following. In the fading Looney Mooney years, Mick got tired of the slick PR machine under Dolan Hayes and Tony Wode churning out anonymous releases, and insisted that there would be no more ‘A council spokesman said ‘, there had to a name identifying who was providing the information. Dolan went thermonuclear, and I well remember the day when Mick Carroll matched in a colorful telephone slanging match. Dolan lost that one.

            One doubts the current incumbent either agrees or has the gumption to follow that example, but if any Nester wishes to put a name to any particular issue of public interest … good as well as questionable – The ‘Pie will print it provided he is satisfied there is evidence to back up the comment.

        • Southern Comfort says:

          Look PJ (I get the reference), but can you just use your real name Troy/TwoNames.

          The only one I ever see refer to Suzy as Labor Senator is good old TwoNames when he was taking his “Mental Health Break” and went on a Facebook rant that only those with a mental health problem can actually achieve. In particular constantly calling out “ ALP’s future senate poster child Cr. Batkovic.”.

          You’ve got some real issues, you need to get them addressed. Do everyone a favour and just resign. Your dignity has gone, but you could save some for the city.

  50. Ball sweat says:

    The divide between mayor and councillors was very obvious at this month’s meeting. It’s a very sad state of affairs for Townsville. I’m hoping that we at least pick up a half decent CEO, but let’s be honest, who of any worth would want to preside over this clusterfuck of an organisation? And what business or heavy industry proponent would want to do business with this redneck of a town?

    • Ball Grabber says:

      Nice name

      • The Magpie says:

        Seems one of you have caused the other.

        • Impotent says:

          What self respecting developer commercial business investor would want to do business in Townsville? Or being that we have troy as Mayor, we’ll only attract other crooks, slippery shyster snake oilers and the like?

          • The Magpie says:

            Got’Em Adani and Frank Poullas will be in touch shortly.

          • White Mouse says:

            Another shyster in the form of Mark Tonge seems to be in the financial doo doo, with the Magnetic Views development at Pallarenda being subject to “Mortgagee in Possession” sale of the remaining 9 lots.

          • The Magpie says:

            Don’t want say The ‘Pie told you so but …

            And there goes any progress on the Hive. Christ this town attracts them … and now we’ve got one for mayor.

          • Ball Bag's Son (aka) Impotent says:

            Haha, I see what you did with the name. Pretty funny..Fair call.. thanks for having a bit of fun with it anyway.

          • The Magpie says:

            You probably think The ‘Pie has adopted Afro American dialect and is saying your important.

            And of course you, dearie.

  51. Toto says:

    Harpic had an excited bulge in his pants today as the Prime Minisyer dropped by for a visit. Was he telling Albo about how good he is and how the community love him? Absolute clowns.

    • Hairy taco says:

      Yeas I saw TV footage of Harpic and Messagebank standing behind Airbus Albo as he babbled on about providing money to the region. Albo in election mode, I reckon he will call an early election.

  52. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Very pleased to see the PM in town today. Hopefully in the lead up to the state election we will see some major announcements for our region.

    • Achilles says:

      Did the PM have the courtesy to drop by the Mayors office? Or maybe the Mayor should have greeted the PM at the airport.

      He could have given Albo a list of recommended restaurants for his lunch break?

  53. Achilles says:

    Secret Service should have known Trump was within earshot!!!

  54. Hairy taco says:

    I never thought I would want Jenny Hill to return, but now I do. Thompson is an absolute clown. How did things go bad so quickly?

    • The Magpie says:

      They went bad on the election of Hill as Mayor in 2012. Thompson is a passing shower, a temporary annoyance and here’s no way he will have a decade to do the same sort of damage.

      No you don’t want Jenny back, unless you want more of the same.

  55. Tropical Cyclone says:




    “Without clear direction on expectations for diversion of waste from landfill and the subsequent introduction of additional services, Council may have to pass through the financial impact of the increasing waste levy and decreasing advanced payment to residents and ratepayers. For financial year 2025, this impact is estimated at approximately $2 million, increasing to $7.5 million per annum in financial year 2031″


  56. Jeff, Condon says:

    The new TCC started off spouting lofty ideals of honesty, democracy and transparency. In almost record time, they are reforming as just another oligarchy of the type Townsville has experienced for decades.

  57. Doug K says:

    Got a bit excited this morning when I read a headline saying:
    But my hopes were dashed when I discovered the story was actually about Liverpool City Council, which faces suspension for “widespread dysfunction and maladministration”.
    The NSW Government has ordered a public inquiry , saying residents are “entitled to a council that operates with integrity and puts their
    interests first”, and “that clearly doesn’t seem to be the case.”
    Meanwhile Premier “Giggles” Miles and Minister On Trainer Wheels Scanlon duck for cover and sit on their hands regarding the Townsville City Council debacle.

    • Achilles says:

      Take heart ‘Pie the CCC can use the NSW exercise as a rehearsal for when they must do a repeat performance in TSV.

      • Who Cares says:

        The longer this one’s on, the more likely it’ll fizzle out. The minister and premier have backed off, sounds like they’ve been told already, Thompson will get a slap on the wrist, nothing more. Every OIA complaint has gone, it’s only this one, and I’d suggest it’ll blow over. Disappointing, but, he has 3.8 years to go. Time for him to get on with the job.
        Saw he’s getting out to Indiafest, Cluden, Disability Services, he’s certainly not hiding, I’m told he even fronted media after Wednesdays meeting, doesn’t sound like someone who is avoiding the media anymore though. He replies mostly by statement to news reporters, but answers the question. Anyway, the point, I think he’ll get off, regardless his past indiscretions

        • The Magpie says:

          ‘sounds like’, ”I suggest’ I’m told’, ‘doesn’t sound like’ and then the crowning glory ‘I think’.

          Which one of Troy’s little pixies are you, trying a new softer tack on his rehabilitation?

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          “he’ll get off, regardless of his indiscretions”
          ROFLMAO You delusional pit stain.

  58. Prickster says:

    Oops looks like the fuck up with the water pipeline is about to repeated with ReefHQ, as Albo thinks it’s a Townsville City Council asset and problem. I’m sure it is a Federal problem, its ok the people of Townsville like getting fucked over by those down south who only seem to fly in during winter.

    Here is an extract from his press conference in Townsville – https://www.pm.gov.au/media/press-conference-townsville

    Quote:We’ve written to the council here. I understand that the mayor is a bit distracted at the moment. I have been following the rather bizarre revelations from the right wing mayor here in Townsville, who along with his LNP friends, I don’t know what is going on there. But we want an answer for them. There is money that is not yet fully allocated as part of the Townsville City deal. We’re up for getting things done. But we want obviously the Council to be able to come back to us. Minister McBain has written to the council about funding and we need to get that information. I know that Reef HQ is an important asset for Townsville.

    • The Magpie says:

      Geezuz, had read of the link and 10 minutes later had nothing but admiration for the Government stenographer, got that out word perfect in less than 24 hours … can’t have been pre-written, it included contemporaneous questions from journalists (massive gasp in the Bulletin newsroom and muttered ‘what the fuck?).

      But Albo made a tiny booboo right at the end, when slating Phil Thompson, saying the Reef HQ funding fuck-up was all his fault.
      Quite: But like other things, the Federal Labor Government will fix the LNP mess that’s being created. We’re committed to doing that. But we need the detail to come from the Townsville Council in order to do that. Thanks very much.

      LNP? Isn’t that only in Queensland? Federally, the Libs and Nats are very separate entities, and as far as The ‘Pie knows, the Qld government has nothing to do with the Reef HQ matter.

      But if they did, just to remind Albo, the state gumminit is, for the time being and was throughout the issue, a LABOR government.

      • Jenny says:

        Magpie, I suggest that the PM was passing the Reef HQ buck back to Phil Thompson because he sat on his $195m ex-Haughton2 slush fund for too long and then lost control of it in the change of government:

        “And when it comes to Reef HQ, it shut in 2020, he was the local member and he’s out there complaining saying not enough has been done, and there isn’t enough money being allocated when he was the member when it was shut under the LNP”.

        The Feds might be involving TCC about Reef HQ because any rebuild would be funded under the CityDeal. Cynically, TCC might be seen as so dysfunctional that ANY decision will take ages, probably beyond the next federal election.

        • The Magpie says:

          Fair comment, and just for the record, bottom line is Phil Thompson is a politician, and also no dill, so he will perhaps be economical with the truthful detail at times, and the $195m raises question not answered by a Flying Doctor grant or tin shelter shed on Castle Hill.

        • Not standing for Mayor says:

          My undersized mudcrab mate – the Morrison Government provided $40.1m for the ReefHQ refurb in 2019, and when the problems were worse, dropped an extra $40m in July 2021. So the Libs seem to have allocated $80.1m compared to the ALP’s – how much was that again? $Fuckall!

          • Big Mac says:

            Both sides have committed $80 million and not a cent more because Reef HQ is not worth $180 million. It probably isn’t worth $80 million, there are better things to spend that money on.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Pie, I thought that the Reef HQ was a federal issue. Am I going senile? Don’t answer that! Albo’s message is very confusing. Then again, he often dribbles (and lisps) shit.

        • The Magpie says:

          To the best of antiquated knowledge (freelanced there for a couple of years back in the 90s) it is wholly a Fed affair, as in GBRMPA itself. Back then it was like a holiday campo for people who liked to scuba dive, go fishing and go boating. Rorting was going on, one department head used staff and some GBRMPA material to help renovate a property he owned, which he supervised when not out on his (ironically) marlin fishing cruiser. When The ‘Pie made mention of this during a social gathering, one of the financial poobahs called me in on Monday, and told me in a pleading sort of way (he knew that although was basically there to edit the annual report, I was a journo with contacts) that – and these were pretty close to the words as I remember them ‘What happens in the Authority stays in the Authority’. I had too many other things going on personally at the time, so that’s the way it stayed.

          The ‘Pie himself was, for no discernible reason except perhaps the above,, send on a three day aerial trip on a coastwatch plane, spending a night or two on Thursday Island. Great experience, majestic scenery all the way, great fun, flying in low behind cruisers to check their registration and seeing those on board tumbling on to the deck from their bunks shaking their fists because they shit themselves when a turboprop came out of nowhere and skimmed them at about 100 feet. The pilot loved doing that just about dawn interrupting many a dawnbreaker no doubt. But I still have no idea for what reason I was sent along to inter alia mess up the sex lives of the rich and fatuous. We did spot and track an oil slick, so the blokes weren’t time wasters. Wasn’t asked to write anything about the trip. There were all sorts of jollies available for staff smart enough in the ways of the Authority and the PS, including a few pointless overseas trips. A favorite was Ningaloo up near Broome, somehow those inspections always took at least a week if not two. Ditto some Indonesian reefs. Very thorough, to say the least.

          But there was some worthwhile and dedicated people there too, who did good things to guard the Reef, maybe sometimes a bit overzealous, but they weren’t grifters. The aquarium was staffed with great pride, and was generally very well run for a government asset.

          And it was an undoubted attraction – watching the looks on the faces of school kids who regularly toured was a source of pride for all the staff, who really did love their jobs.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Was there not also an indigenous cultural centre which was in the other end of the building and ultimately was given the funds to buy everything except the aquarium part. They then leased the office area to BGRMPA and made more money. Where are they in all of this?

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        LNP allocated funding to Ref HQ for refurbishment. $40M under the City Deal which was a Turnbull/Morrison government deal. And an additional $40 M in the 21/22 Budget (Frydenburg)
        GBRMPA never had funding to demolish. Only to refurbish. This is a fuckup by GBRMPA.


      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        Albo was in “big hat and jeans mode” where it doesn’t matter what he says because it’s the bush mate.

        • Ball Grabber says:

          I always cringe when politicians don hardhats or Akubras for the media -pretending to relate to the average person. They’re fooling no one, but surely everyone sees through their make believe BS and hates them even more?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            I’m assuming you’re referring to Big Hat Bob. Because I assure you, he has no cattle to go with that hat. He lives in the suburbs of Charters Towers with his lovely wife, annoying his neighbours.

          • Not running for mayor says:

            Ducks Nuts the Kat in the Hat and his clown troupe are living proof of the saying “the bigger the hat, the smaller the brain” which for those driving those crazy Dodge Rams gos along with “ the bigger the ute the smaller the donk”.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie is noticing you have an unhealthy preoccupation with penile matters. A cry for help?

          • OED says:

            So he’s literally “all hat no cattle”?

  59. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    It seems the Great Computer Meltdown has started. Hope you have some cash about, but even that won’t help as the shops and service stations are closing. I hope the ‘Pie can weather the storm.

    • Achilles says:

      Yep! Entire global IT eviscerated and Donald Trump endorsed as Republican candidate: and its Friday just not the 13th ….but close!

      Karma indeed!

  60. Tina says:

    Haha did I upset you and that’s why you didn’t post my comment?

  61. Who Cares says:

    Which councillor let out the Keith Urban news! Thats a pretty big event for Townsville, Claudia has been coy. My moneys on the deputy mayor, loose lips. Either way, it’ll be a busy time in November.

    • The Magpie says:

      And just where did you get this scoop, doesn’t appear to be in the paper or TEL media releases. Got a link?

  62. Achilles says:

    Any takers?
    Crowdstrike the company responsible for the global IT outage that caused chaos for businesses around the world has advertised for a director of public relations.

    The job ad posted about three weeks ago was looking for a PR director to be based at their North Sydney office.


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