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The Magpie

Saturday, February 1st, 2025   |   170 comments

It’s A Real Turd Floater For Townsville And Some Testing Times Ahead

At the time of publication,  the local Disaster management group appear to have a good handle on the situation and TLDMG chairman Clr Andrew Robinson seems on top of his role ( history tells us that observations like that are is always open to revision in a place like Townsville). But a tendency to be trendy by the group poses a dangerous possibility of misunderstanding. The Magpie has a small niggle.

But the downpour has shown up that tap-dancing conman Troy TwoNames Thompson for what he is … a fool full of himself with no real sense of community.  One councillor shows the suspended mayor how community spirit actually works … and it ain’t with gift vouchers.

Some council financial figures circulating during the week, if correct,  lay bare the almost impossible position Jenny Hill has landed us in … and makes the likelihood of an administrator just that much more likely.  But it now inescapable that a majority of councillors will never back any inquiry into how it has come to this.

Our acting mayor has been rocked back on her heels, with a sharp reality check from an unexpected quarter.

A story about a whole load of bouncing bollocks …

And the following words have been said multiple times over the past ten years on this blog, but it has to be said again … just when you thought Donald Trump couldn’t sink any lower …. he does.  As one critic put it so accurately, his latest behaviour ‘turns your stomach’.

This is the usual bit here where The Magpie seeks help with on-going Nest bills, but, hell,  you know the drill. If you appreciate this weekly missive enough, you can help it out with a donation, just a press away of the ‘Donate’ button at the end of the blog. Honestly, it will really help.

This Is Just Silly… Makes A Serious Job Sound Like An Over-70s Yoga Class

… and all those disaster management people working flat out at the moment deserve better.

Look at these two notifications … do you, like The Magpie, do a double take and mutter WTF?

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…. and this ….

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In emergency situations, you’d think that clear, concise and simple statements would be essential for clarity and safety of action.,  like ‘now ready to take action’ or ‘are standing by if things worsen’. But no, we get some trendy desk bound booby’s idea of entertaining buzz talk …. like ‘moves to lean forward’ and ‘moves to stand up’.  

The last thing needed in an emergency like the current one is unfamiliar and ambiguous terms like this – the ‘lean forward’ is utter, meaningless nonsense, but ‘moves to stand up’ is a version of a phrase used in it’s literal sense hundreds of times in an ordinary day .

But The Magpie doubts he’ll bother talking to anyone about how silly it is, he is likely to get a message ‘ Thank you for reaching out to us, but unfortunately,  TLDMG has moved to hibernation until the bushfire season. When TLDMG moves to yawning, stretching and farting, we may get back to you. Or not.’

To Paraphrase Dirty Harry, Go Ahead, Read This, Punk, And Spoil Your Day

Last week, The Magpie reported that the usually sober-faced and laced-up Clr AndrewRobinson startled everyone by saying was ‘alarmed’, and that the council was sailing closed to the financial wind.  ‘We need to keep an eye on it, and take early action was his message. You’ll recall this is what he was talking about:

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Particularly that bit about less than two months cash – well below any acceptable target – to cover operational costs. While 6-monthly rate payments =are expected to right things a bit, it still means the Townsville City Council is living, as it were, from paycheck to paycheck.

If Clr Robinson is alarmed at that, he may well do himself a mischief in his ‘small clothes’ if this information circulating on social media during the week is true. (It is from an unknown and therefore unverified source’ but sounds correct from what little is known.

TCC already has 13 QTC loans worth approximately $480m, with interest rates from as high as 7.68%. Our most recent loan of $100m is at 4.63%, fcor both the Haughton and the Lansdown projects. The first of the 13 loans is not due to be discharged until 2027, and the last finishing in 2044. That’s a long time to carry debt without offset income and income that will cover debt, (even in the best circumstances, with leases being signed today, there would be no income coming from Lansdown until 2029/2030.

Two options present themselves, but only one seems viable. The obviousone, selling Lansdown to another developer, is unlikely because why would anyone want toi buy such a cock-up project when there are much better options for plant set-up closer to the port (the SDA, the Bohle). The other is to convince the new Queensland Government to buy it. And good luck with that.

So interesting budget discussions are just around the corner, but there’s no reason for any one to be looking forward to them.

You Wouldn’t Read About It … Well, Except In The Townsville Daily Astonisher

There was genuinely buoyant news for Townsville during the week … the city has been awarded four games in the 2027 Rugby World Cup, the third biggest sporting festival on the planet, after the Olympics and FIFA’s World Cup. A worthy and deserved boost which really will benefit the city, both economically and -by then one hopes  – reputationally.

But The ‘Pie was struck by two aspects of the state government’s announcement. Front and center as the Townsville Council spokesperson on the games was Suzy Batkovic, a logical choice with an international sporting profile.  She said some pretty words about inclusion of kids in the run-up and so on.

But Suzy Batkovic only???

Like the song says, sumpfin’s goin’ on ’round here. Because this is hardly the sort of hootenanny announcement that acting mayor Foodtrucks  Greaney would willingly bypass, and normal Brisbane protocol would seek comment from the mayor or acting mayor.  But Greaney wasn’t sighted at any time on this upbeat news. Was government media directed to by-pass her, so as not to draw attention to the weak-kneed posture of the Crisafulli Government  over our council clusterfuck?

But The Magpie was particularly struck by the other notable absence: TEL’s Claudia ‘Ms B-S’ Brumme-Smith was nowhere to be seen, heard or quote in the media release. Which on reflection, was fair enough, considering she and her Dudley Do Nothings had absolutely nothing to do with the rugby decision.

But The ‘Pie breathed too easy too soon, for a day later the Bulletin gave us a front page teaser quoting some twittering from Ms B-S and on page 3 …

Screenshot 2025-02-01 at 2.55.24 pm It seems the local All Girls Together Club includes Astonisher editor Cas Garvey and Astonisher General Manager Suzanne Wilson, who lickety split made sure their chum-in-arms Ms B-S was called in for a pic and a homily or two (yawn)  – how she plucks a $30million benefit for the city out of thin air remains part of the TEL’s on-going mystery, but no matter, like everything else, she will never have to prove it.  She wittered on about all the wonderful sidelights that presumably TEL will organise … shudder.  But having been overshadowed by comments by the community-conscious Clr Batkovic,  this vainglorious woman was determined to have the last word … a clear simpering attempt at a relevance to TEL that didn’t exist.

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It’s support for whom, pray tell … or should that be pray TEL?  Ms Brumme-Smith will be fully aware that that is likely to be read as government support for TEL’s non-existent rugby advocacy.

Really, this woman just can’t help her effrontery.

Somehow, The Bulletin Gets It Right

See if you can spot anything unusual about this clickbait post.

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An unremarkable story in itself, but there is not one single adjective in the whole shebang … not one. It is, probably by accident as a filler, one of the most journalistically correct things the paper has published in years.

Greaney  Learns She Is No Jenny Hill … Although She’d Like To Be

Not involved in the rugger bugger announcement – which one would normally expect the overall representative of the community i.e the mayor would be front and centre, and Robinson awarded the bragging rights to the  Disaster Management hi-vis vest,  Greaney might have felt a bit miffed, but what really got the message across was an open rejection of her inept attempts at strong arming the selection committee for Townsville Citizen of the Year. This from the week’s comments.

The Magpie

January 29, 2025 at 12:13 pm  (Edit)

The ‘Pie has received the following from a trusted source whose previous information has always been on the money. After cross checking as best he could, The Magpie is satisfied to publish the comment.
Please note the award recipient in this photograph is not involved in the matter.

Clr Foodtrucks Greaney has her nose way out of joint, after she got a blunt message about what sort of sway she commands over others. She had a little foot stamping episode when her adamant choice for Townsville Citizen of the Year award was overwhelmingly rejected by her fellow selectors. She tried time and again to overturn their choice, Edmund ‘Ted’ Mildren, the RAAF Association state president and welfare officer for the Townsville branch.

When it was clear she was not going to get her way, she then insisted that the young female she nominated get some sort of consolation award. I won’t name the young person, Greaney’s actions are a matter for her alone. The fellow selectors were unimpressed and extremely annoyed with Greaney’s ‘entitled’ attitude.

Greaney, who for years was Mayor Mullet’s political handmaiden and occasional attack chihuahua, always felt she was entitled to inherit the crown when Jenny, for whatever reason, vacated the chair. And while that has happened in the most curious way,  Foodtrucks has suddenly realised that the same feared authority which always carried the fear of retribution for naysayers,  is something you have to create yourself over time.  And people like Batkovic, and Dirou are having none of that malarkey, and most of blokes on council. But we’ll probably have to get used to a range of Maggie Tabberer-style tents, the ones so far resembling a kindergarten finger painting smock.

The Price Is Definitely Right

The ‘Pie leaves to you to draw your own conclusion from two contrasting messages.

The first is a tone-deaf attempt to bribe people to like him and ergo vote for him if he’s is ever allowed to run again.  Again, TwoNames misses the irony of telling people all these toe curling giveaway embarrassments are paid for by sponsors (who the fuck would sponsor this despicable stain?), or is paid for with ‘his own money’. His ‘own money’ is actually the ratepayers money, ill-gotten while he  is suspended as mayor. The following was posted late in the week at a time it was apparent there was likely to massive social disruption, weather dislocation  and discomfort across the city.


Around about the same time, Clr Kristian Price took to social media to let folks know he too in a giving mood too … but of a very different sort of giving.

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One is in tune with his community. You can decided which one.

Wonder If This Will Get Something Moving On The Dimmeys Building?

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Will the newly muscled-up Chemists Warehouse/Sigma Healthcare entity have any impact on the mouldering Dimmey’s Building,  much of it long left derelict.

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The answer is not necessarily, because the problem has never been money. This one lands squarely in the lap of the current city council and the bureaucrats, and their previous unwillingness to negotiate a beneficial deal for the city..

In the past decade, talks dragged on between council and the mega group (known by some in the business as Chemist’s Whorehouse, because of its debilitating effect on small operators) about a major redevelopment of the Dimmey’s eyesore site. But it was reported that in the last couple of years,  co-founders Mario Verrocchi and Jack Gance were quickly losing patience with the dickering of the council and the surrounding over-regulation. It seems Jenny Hill, knowing the parlous situation with council finances, was pushing too hard for a deal that could help her out of her self-made hole.   The state Labor government  wasn’t any help either, especially with what have been described as overly onerous fire safety regulations. The final straw was alleged to be when five successive requests over a few months to council for further discussions simply went unanswered.  All five.

Understandably, Chemists Warehouse walked.

Well, a new-ish council, a supposedly bucked up council staff, a sensible CEO and a new state government might be more proactive and amenable to negotiations. A first step would be a refresher course brushing up on simple business courtesy.

We’ll see.

It’s Official – Amerika Gets The Kakistocracy It Voted For

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A word from the 17th century is suddenly back in vogue as the most apt to describe what is happening in the USA. But like a lot of words, kakistocracy may soon be replaced by its updated version, Trumpocracy.

And this is no smart alec, idle slur, it is an inarguable truth. Undeniable proof came this week immediately aftermath of the aircraft/helicopter collision in Washington. While bodies were still being hauled from the freezing waters of the Potomac, the sleazebag-in-chief posted this on his nsocial media site.

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As unforgivable as such childish ignorant speculation was, Trump soon excelled at what he does best … sink even lower into the moral mire. He suggested that. the Democrats could be responsible for the tragedy because of their Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) social policy, and implied that because DEI offered employment opportunities to mentally ill and intellectually incompetent people,  that may have been a contributing factor to the crash – he made these remarks as bodies were still being pulled from the river and an offical investigation into the cause was just starting.

Democratic Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer spoke for a many across the political divide who were stunned by the crassness of Trump’s words.

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“Listen, it’s one thing for internet pundits to spew off conspiracies, it’s another for the president of the United States to throw out idle speculation as bodies are still being recovered and families are still being notified. It just turns your stomach.”

But should we be surprised, Trump is delivering what he promised … chaos through wholly inappropriate cabinet appointments  and bribery of media moguls in order to corner and command social media communications..The ‘Pie is in no doubt he is seeking to overthrow  the Constitution which he has already trampled in a dozen ways, and install himself as a permanent dictator.

Our own Aussie funsters at The Shovel  unerringly nailed where we’re at.

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And on this last one, let’s let The Guardian inestimable Marina Hyde have the last word.

Marina hyde  Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 10.23.40 am

This is really a key dynamic of the next few years: being told we should be very worried about what the authoritarian Chinese are doing by Silicon Valley authoritarians we should also be extremely worried about. For us little people, the choice seems to be between being data-jacked and screwed over by the undemocratic Chinese, or being data-jacked and screwed over by the post-democratic tech bros. Once again, it’s the old syphilis or Ebola menu choice.

Time To Lighten Up A Bit

The ‘Pie initially thought this was a joke from a mate when it plopped into the inbox. But on examination, it is an actual product

Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 9.55.08 amBut it sort of flies in the face of logic. Can’t have been too lucky for the poor old roo,  and in the lucky charm stakes, at least rabbits still have three feet left. And what next? Koala blow-up sex dolls? An echidna version for masochists?

This is very naughty and very funny, been around for a while but never gets old.

And finally …

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As The ‘Pie ages, he feel his life is a bit like one of those shrinking Pacific islands giving up bits of itself to the inevitable ocean. A little bit of the ‘Pie’s life crumbled this week with the news that Marianne Faithful was no longer with us.  Not that I was ever a massive fan of all her work,  and anyone who who let Mick Jagger into her pants was always going to be a bit suss.  It was in itself amazing that given her drug addled lifestyle she actually made it to 78.

But as it is with everybody who has musical memory, some of her songs marked an era of my life.  While perhaps best known for her initial hit As Tears Go By,   for me, it was The Ballad of Lucy Jordan and the booze and smoke ravaged voice she brought to the song’s iconic lines, particularly  “At the age of 37, she realised she would never drive through Paris in a sports car, with the warm wind in her hair.’ 

We all have our ’37’ moments, and climb on our personal ‘rooftops’ ‘ when the laughter got to loud’,   but no philosopher could bring home such personal seminal moments for those who see themselves in these unforgettable lyrics better than this narrative classic. Enjoy.


Trust you all remain safe and weather this particular storm. Be safe.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Island Voice says:

    Food trucks Greaney packed a few of her chiffon tents into a large port and headed over to Japan with hubby in tow.
    So while Townsville floods she is sightseeing, shopping for a plus size kimono and tucking in to a few plates of Ramen.

    • The Magpie says:

      Can you confirm that, IV? Can anyone?

      If that is true, then she has shown she is unfit for office. A financial crisis looming, a natural disaster well forecast and happening, problems left right and centre and so far, and an agenda of self-interest. To use the popular term ‘the optics’ aren’t good – this was one time she could have demonstrated the leadership she thinks she has. Even without the current weather mayhem, what was she thinking, going on holiday with a council lurching from crisis to crisis.

      Scott Morrison: ‘I don’t hold a hose, mate.’
      Ann-Maree Greaney: ‘I don’t hold a sandbag, dearies.’

      Well, bad optics for her if this all correct, but at least she’s not here to get in the way.

      • The Magpie says:

        And another thought. Could she be claiming this is a Sister City visit, and stiff the ratepayers for it?

      • The Magpie says:

        So The ‘Pie asked ‘where are you?’, and received this reply.

        • Critical says:

          So who is the Acting/Acting Mayor

          • The Magpie says:

            One imagines Suzy, but don’t know. Maybe just who is closest to the door when someone is needed for the role.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          And how does she qualify for so many days off when she hasn’t even been in office for a year. Particularly after her days off during Christmas.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s her alright, couldn’t be two like that. So where did she spring from … it was reported she flew out for Japan on Tuesday night. Has she rushed back? If so, smart girl.

            But in fairness, she was not only there throughout a very comprehensive briefing, and appeared to listen attentively to the up-to-date information from a variety of emergency operation executives, she kept her own comments right at the end brief and encouraging. As a civic leader should. And she didn’t bother with a hi-vis vest, which was a refreshing change.

            If she was on leave but still here, this is her first verified appearance, wonder why she didn’t announce herself back on deck, her absence was noted.

            The Magpie will be interested to hear the story.

        • The Magpie says:

          OK mea culpa for slackness, there’s been quite a bit of traffic to attend to. Three and half hours after The ‘Pie emailed Clr Greaney, just after 1pm, this arrived, unnoticed at the time.

          She was then seen at the briefing.

          Not sure what the dael is with the Japan trip, whether it was planned but scrapped, or she hastily returned when she realised the situation (highly unlikely given the time lines involved). Or it never was. Her absence in the first 48 hours of the unfolding situation – and at a couple of mayoral-worthy announcements earlierin the week – gave rise to the published speculation.

          The ‘Pie is sure Clr Greaney will advise us all in good time after this is all over, and no doubt give The ‘Pie a bit of serve long the way.

      • Island Voice says:

        Yes Pie Greaney is in Japan on a family holiday, according to the TB.
        That was there answer when one of the great unwashed inquired as to her whereabouts.
        Let’s not hear from anyone saying‘Everyone is entitled to a holiday’.
        Greaney said she would work over Christmas- no one saw her.
        Personally I am appalled with her decision.
        Apparently Susie is Acting Mayor?

        Lady Byron’s brief about the battered state of Maggie Island didn’t include the raw sewerage flowing into Nelly Bay.

        The jewel in the crown is crumbling…

      • CBD Board Chairperson says:

        She’s in Japan. And like SCOMO she is not trained in swift water rescue.

        • The Magpie says:

          As The ‘Pie said, Scomo said he didn’t hold a hose, Foodtrucks says I don’t hold a sandbag.

          • Contributor says:

            Greaney is on ABCTV right now (Sunday 3pm) with the Disaster Management Coordinator answering media questions in Townsville.

          • The Magpie says:

            See reply to Tenacious D.

          • Ian M says:

            Hi Pie,
            Food trucks must have turned around quickly. She was just on ABC24 at some TLDMG news conference.
            By the way what is your opinion of the ‘dashboard’? Seems to have been developed by those sitting down to stand up.

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Rural living so up early checking that waterflow offs arnt blocked as well as livestock / horses ok . Best wishes to followers of the Magpies nest during yet another trying period . Unpalatable decisions may have to be made said Councillor Robinson ( agree with the Pie he seems to be doing an ok job Disaster Management ) agreed by acting Mayor Greaney re Councils budget . Council meeting , executives were supposed to come back to Council on the $1 rental deals in Council owned buildings on what commercial rates were . Prins wrote off $174,000 from Council co entity NQ Spark . Was that the rent for the old Townsville business development centre Condon . Council owned training entity soaking up $900,000 a year cash / free rent that is supposed to advise business when their parent Council , blows out $250 mil on one project and $150 mil to Lansdown . Access Driveit ? is that another Jenny Hill behind door $ deal . Enterprise house , tenants , rent to Council ? . Councillors have to stop approving grants even after the Ceo tells them the applicants dont comply with Councils own regulations . Too bad about ” the optics wont look good ” Councillor Mooney . Could Councils optics look any worse ? .

  3. Mick Lewis says:

    As a resident of Kelso, it was great to see Cr Kristian Price stepping up and helping to fill sandbags during this tough time. I try to keep an eye on most of the other councillors, and while some followed suit, others couldn’t seem to bother. To those who did step in and help, a big thank you. It’s people like you who make a real difference in our community! We need more of that kind of commitment and care.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      Did anybody see any of the previous state or local members out there filling bags? There always wagged on about their voluntary times in the community. How about you, Aaron?

      • Grace T says:

        Thompson was out in the rain filling sandbags and helping out too. That was Phillip Thompson OAM MP btw. It’s on his Facebook page. That guy is a genuine doer, unlike Thompson the pretender.

  4. Cracker says:

    Greaney is quiet. Thompson the giveaway king, not a mayor, Price using advice to get out and do good, he’s facing a rocky time with major misconduct coming. Time to box up the council and put it in the to hard basket. I’m glad I’m moving to the Sunny Coast, it’s getting worse by the day.

  5. Alahazbin says:

    RRD 150% @9:30am 2/2.

  6. Prince Rollmop says:

    Although the current weather ‘challenge’ isn’t as bad as the infamous flooding event of 2019 (well not yet anyway), it is being handled rather well by all involved including SunWater, Cr Robinson, volunteers and emergency services. It would seem that some lessons have been learned. But there is damage to infrastructure, particularly roads, and unfortunately TCC is flat out maintaining these assets with budgeted money, let alone meet the costs of non-budgeted repair money.

  7. The Magpie says:


    This from the Courier just after 10am..

    Townsville residents are evacuating their homes this morning as they face possible “life-threatening” flooding up to the second storey of buildings, with thousands ordered to leave by midday or risk their lives.

    The region was once again smashed with rain overnight, with the Bureau of Meteorology recording 700mm of rain from 9am Saturday to 7am Sunday at Paluma Dam, 639mm at Rollingstone, 409mm at Bluewater and 368mm at Ingham Airport.

    “Practically, 700 millimeters has fallen in the last 22 hours, and around the Townsville area, we’ve seen another 150 to 250mm fall on top of the 300mm plus we saw yesterday,” Senior Meteorologist Dean Narramore said.

    “So Townsville is approaching 48 hour totals in excess of 500mm, and unfortunately there’s a lot more to come.”

    Rain from 9am Friday to 5am Sunday

    Rollingstone 869mm

    Deeragun 640mm

    Saunders Creek 613mm

    Ingham 606mm

    Townsville 504mm

    Ayr 370mm

    Innisfail 259mm

    Mackay 176mm

    Cairns 81mm

    Residents in the suburbs of Cluden, Hermit Park, Idalia, Oonoonba, Railway Estate and Rosslea have been told to be out of their property by midday.

    Flooding to second-storey floors is possible and single-storey buildings could be fully flooded.

    “Water in the Ross River is rising fast and there will be dangerous and life-threatening flooding. Your life may be at risk,” the warning said.

    “Prepare now and leave as soon as you can. Do not wait for further advice or emergency services to come to your door.”

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Well that’s a lot clearer that the blather from Robinson at the Disaster Management live stream update where no one seemed to know anything.

    • Dorfus says:

      And what is now being done to manage dam levels – only 80% to go till 2019? Can’t find any timely info other than the current dam level.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        The gates open with controlled flows until the dam reaches 43M then the gates open fully.

        • Dorfus says:

          DN. Does this mean that at 43M, the dam is about 200% full? I can’t reach the usual TCC site as it has crashed.

          I would sleep well tonight if I could be sure the Ross River won’t breach its banks at the right-angle bend at Riverway and flush out Thuringowa Drive on its way to Louisa Creek.

  8. Lady Byron says:

    Not that flash over here on Maggie island: Sunday morning, no power. Huge rainfalls last night in Horseshoe Bay. Friends of mine in Nelly Bay, have no water or power, as the water main outside the fish and Fuel store burst this morning with a geyser like spout in the air of at least 2 m. So fish and fuel are closed, which is a shame as they are one of the main petrol outlets on the island. All the supermarkets are closed, and the ferries, of course are not running due to the crap weather. Roads over here, starting to flood with large potholes appearing and a sinkhole around the corner to where I live in Horseshoe Bay!
    Stay dry everyone there is more rain coming tomorrow (Monday).

  9. Interested observer says:

    Good job to Kristian who is out sand bagging. I haven’t seen other councillors doing that! Imagine if Troy did do it. You would all be saying it is just for public profile building. He would not win either way.

    • The Magpie says:

      Check his FB page, from which The ‘Pie is blocked. Bet he did a copycat after The ‘Pie’s blog post about Price.

  10. Doug K says:

    ABC Radio this morning said people in some flooded suburbs are being told to evacuate. If they don’t they’ll be doing it tough because Ergon is going to switch the power off. No mention if that was for safety reasons, or just to convince people to evacuate.

    • The Magpie says:

      It certainly wouldn’t be used as a cattle prod, it would be for safety reasons and possibly preserve assets. Safetywoiuld certainly be a consideration. But your suggestion would legal to much legal unpleasantness down the track, they wouldn’t be that stupid.

    • Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

      Advised by Ergon in a briefing here at work that there are currently no major outages in suburban Townsville, and no parts of the network have been de-energised. They did say YET so stay tuned. Outlying suburbs up past the Bohle are a whole different matter and are smashed.

  11. Raptor 11 says:

    Big post flood bill coming for for TCC by way of damage to roads, sewerage, drains, footpaths, and possibly some council buildings and equipment. Watch ratepayers get slugged in future rate rises. Council doesn’t have contingency money in the bank.

    • The Magpie says:

      The Feds have just announced that despite it traditionally being a state lead in these matters, it is weighing in with disaster recovery funds … Townsville was specifically mentioned. This city is so disaster prone, when the council gets those funds, they’ll probably give to TEL to do the fixing.

  12. Guy says:

    At least I know how the dam is being run now. Despite the forecast you let the dam fill to 100 % – then release water down into townsville when itself is suffering flooding. It must have changed since I was at RRD which said open the gates when you see a certain rise over a certain time. Just the way it is now.

  13. Jeff, Condon says:

    Food Trucks got what she wanted and now, like Trump, she doesn’t give a rats what anyone thinks. With the current flooding crisis, we are probably better off without her. Reminds me of Gough Whitlam unwilling to return from his Greek holiday when Tracey wrecked Darwin.

    An observation on her Australia Day attire: I think she was inspired by a camouflage net.

    What comes after leaning forward and standing up?

    Keep dry people.

  14. Old Tradesman says:

    Jennifer Lorraine Hill and her cohorts have a lot to answer for. The Ross River Dam was only ever built for flood mitigation, Townsville’s main water supplies were to be the Burdekin Falls Dam, gravity fed, and the Paluma Dam via the existing pipeline. In her bid to win successive terms as Mayor, The Mullet, as I now describe her, after she defeated Jane Arlett, who was going to build the pipeline as an election platform, told us that Townsville does not have a water problem. We now have a huge financial problem as who is going to pay to pump the water from the Clare Weir. If they do pump it will it go into the RRD to evaporate. Elusive Butterfly, Ducks Nuts and his other Labor mates might like to explain how we can get out of this situation.

    • Guy says:

      On a rainy day day like this I think of many things.

      There’s a problem with the pipeline, its leaking in multiple places, losses at 20% if water is put into it from what I’ve heard. Someone was telling me a while back ( or was it here?). Its the joins between the 12m sections. The pipes have started shifting in the soil. Its effectively unusable.

      Sunwater to my knowledge has told the council if they want this pipeline, the entire system associated with the pipeline will need to be upgraded ie new pumps, buildings etc. Whatever water is pumped to tvl , once every ten years or so will need to be paid for. It will be glorious.

      One of my fantasies for the pipeline was a Roman aqueduct approach direct from BFD using gravity assist ( 150m above sea level). All concrete – no pumps and no pipes apart from getting it into the aqueduct. Maybe you’d make it possible for the public to walk along it. Like so many things its always about the cost, its easier and cheaper to recycle water.

      Maybe instead of spending vast amounts of money on stupid stuff you could build a decent concrete sewer system / storm drains on a nazi mega structure scale so that in a 1000 years from now a traveller visiting town will discover these marvels and ask – who built this ? And they will say – the gods.

  15. Prickster says:

    Flooding seems to be a lot worse since the Port Access road got built.

    The abutments at each bridge end have certainly narrowed the mouth of the Ross River too.

    • Guy says:

      My take on the bridge on Bowen road across Ross River would be a suspension bridge – no supports mid span that blocks the natural flow of water.

    • Ratepayer says:

      Prickster, just drove from North Ward to Upper Ross via the Port Access and Ring Road. No evidence of any obstruction to flows caused by the Port Access. Virtually no ponded water just salt pans with a few inches.

  16. Sandpiper says:

    The council has been running close to wind for years with its cash balance position; but too much cash and you’d have to say they were lazy. Interestingly Townsville Water business unit of council is expected to turn an operating surplus (read profit) of close to $70m come July 1. Two names recently idiotically suggested it should be sold or leased because of all the required upgrades and maintenance. No way. I’d say much of the $100m debt you mentioned must relate to Haughton rather than Lansdown. Lansdown was always a gamble, but we lost when China sank shitloads of cash into developing Indonesia’s nickel and cobalt, lifting production by factor of 10, cruelling the Lansdown nickel refinery project and others like it by crashing the nickel price. But I don’t think Lansdown should be sold, unless you or others can tell me how much of a cash drain it is. On the Ross dam, interestingly there were “enviromental” releases before the automatic opening from 100% plus 10cm. Oh that’s right, the dam was operated expertly in 2019 so no need to change anything. Bullshit.

    • Guy says:

      The cone valve is periodically operated. A very reduced flow of water shoots out perpendicular to normal flow / direction of the river/ release. It produces a gigantic spray that takes the power out of the flow ( in a cone shape i guess) and it settles into a concrete pool infront of the gates.

      • The Magpie says:

        At which point, you jump up and down grinning and clapping your hands.

      • Raptor 11 says:

        Guy, blah blah blah. Your dribble is beyond boring, it is futile and dull. Please stop revisiting your glory days when you tinkered with water. Be a good boy and go check your backyard rain gauges and make sure no flood waters are creeping beneath your front door.

        • Guy says:

          Its a shame the movers and shakers of townsville drove it into the ground ( but this is commonplace across Australia, destroying civilisation for a few shekels for a few is what done it in my boy). Ultimately people are cool with things getting much worse so you’ve got nothing to worry about.

          • Mike Douglas says:

            Guy , the movers and shakers drove Townsville into the ground . Are you serious . Labors toehold on the City 3 local state mp,s / team hill covered each others back into a debt spiral . $250 mil blow out Haughton , Lansdown $150 mil and in 4 mths nth rail yards has gone from fast tracking housing Premier Miles to challenging / long term / $mils spent to decontaminate . Team Hill set up entities including training company sucking mils $ cash / free rent and drained the pond of Councils finances where they are living between rates income . The lancinins built Domain and many other retail around the City with Laurence’s parting gesture “Townsville will never go anywhere with Jenny Hill as Mayor”. Pickerings keep investing with their new car delivery centre Garbutt . Chris Morris has poured $130 mil Ardo / the Ville . Qld Country Bank stadium funding from LNP federal election . Brad Webb has 2 years of industrial builds and have a look at construction Port access rd . Sounds like you are playing the blame game . Did you run to be a Councillor ? .

          • Big Mac says:

            Shekel, interesting choice of word.

          • Guy says:

            Mike you’d be more than aware I’ve run for council before. It’s no good getting angry at me – I’ve actually run multiple time to turn things around – the movers and shakers are ALWAYS tied up with the council ( it’s where all the money and lucrative contracts reside).

            Realistically I’m a nobody that posts here, i wouldnt worry about it. I just saw the destruction over a decade ago and tried to do something. I just refuse to lie to people and pretend things are good. After this brouhaha and rates come in everyone will forget about and things steadily get worse.

          • Guy says:

            As elections go i won’t be asking anyone to help me next time , its unfair on them wasting time in the sun trying to garner the vote from people that don’t care. I’m not even sure I’ll bother standing at gate on election day, there’s no point. People can either bother reading the flyer or not. If paying rates or being responsible doesn’t figure into your equation there’s probably no point reading my handout , you are either well off or don’t pay them.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, there’s a vote winning formula.

            Guy, as the person responsible for making public the clear deterioration in your mental health, The ‘Pie pleads with you to please talk to a professional … seriously, you need to talk to someone. Urgently

  17. Doug K says:

    What’s the chances of temporary mayor Greaney using flood damage as an excuse to ramp up rates to pay for Team Jenny Hill’s years of waste and overspending?
    In the words of legendary race caller, the late Ken Howard: “London to a brick on”.

    • The Magpie says:

      WEll, as The ‘Pie mentioned elsewhere, the Feds have agreed to provide disaster relief and rehabiltation funds, something that the state government alone would mostly do. So there might be a problem if anyone tries that snow job.

    • Lab Rat says:

      The rates bills will have already been done and we should expect them shortly.

  18. HiBeam says:

    In the imitable words of Old Sam ”The skies took a turn since this morning, I think it might brighten oop yet” Here’s hoping anyway, I’m nearly out of suplies!.

  19. The Magpie says:

    Have been informed that TwoNames, the Squeeze and his mum were evacuated yesterday. Floods don’t play favourites.

    • Rotten Luck Willie says:

      Is he being accommodated by one of his Myplace Morons or is he at an evac centre? I doubt that he could afford a motel.

      • The Magpie says:

        Maybe he couldn’t afford a motel, but you could for him … he’s getting around $4000 of our money per week.

        Anyway, what’s kit matter, in this situation, he just another unfortunately impacted person.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          TwoNames, an ‘Unfortunate person’? He’s on the $250k gravy train for doing fuck all. Impacted person he is though affected by dumbarseosis – of which, in his case, there is no cure. God forbid if he was wearing the hi vis vest for this. Having said that I have it on good authority that he has a university degree in dealing with disasters. There’s not one he hasn’t created and fucked up yet.

          • The Magpie says:

            You’re hyperventilation, an that vein in your forehead looks like it’s in a reggae band, Kenny.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Doesn’t he live in Kirwan? Perhaps there was an effluent overflow…

  20. Prickster says:

    Things might be about to get done on the Bruce.

    Washouts and damage to the Bruce as well as the rail line will mean “important” people down South will soon be paying $17 /kg for bananas…..

  21. Tropical Cyclone says:

    Community Announcement:

    As most of you know, evacuation orders have been issued, and many people have already left the area, sharing updates on social media about their departure with their families and pets, turning off power, and taking both cars.

    But here’s something to consider: The thieves are not evacuating

    For those of you who evacuated, please consider leaving at least one car behind and turning on a light to make it look like someone is home. This can help deter suspicious activity.

    Additionally, I urge local authorities to increase patrols in the area for everyone’s peace of mind.

    Lastly, for security reasons, please avoid posting online about when you’ve left or where you’ve gone. Stay safe, and let’s all look out for one another.

    • Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

      Required for work to drive through much of the Black Zone this morning. Observations relating to what Tropical Cyclone says above are:
      Fairly heavy police presence chatting to drivers
      A lot of people have chosen to stay and there were people out on most streets I travelled
      Not yet a lot of obvious flooding but I had evacuated I would take my vehicles with me

      • Tropical Cyclone says:

        From a Facebook post. This is what I was trying to warn people

        “Came home to a broken into home and stolen expensive bikes in railway estate post being told to evacuate. Safe to say we will not be listening next time they come door knocking… if they are happy to advertise our houses are empty and then not do anything to protect them ”

        The only politician I’ve seen actually out there, driving around and assessing the situation, was Phillip Thompson. Once again, he’s stepping up, engaging with the community, and showing real leadership. This guy has definitely earned a senior role in a Dutton government.

  22. Critical says:

    People living living around here (Rosslea/Mundingburra) are wondering what BOM and others mean by minor, moderate, and major flooding at Aplins Weir, how that is measured and from what point. See link below. Some people say it is measured from the top of the Weir wall, some feel that there must be a marker on the river bank and other have no clue what-so-ever. The other question is how do these various levels impact upon down stream flood levels including at various tide levels.
    Can any blog readers give us a plain English explanation as TCC and BOM don’t appear to give an explanation of these terms.


  23. Dam Buster says:

    Happy to be corrected if I’m wrong but didn’t that inquiry into the Ross River dam gates disaster find there was nothing wrong with the way it was (mis)handled?
    From memory, the dam gates weren’t opened until the dam was 240% but this time around the gates were sensibly opened at 100%.
    So why the change when the inquiry found there was no problem with the dam management under the direction of Jenny Hill?

    • Ratepayer says:

      According to the 2019 Review, water levels in the Ross River Dam rose from 36.95m AHD (65% of full supply volume) at the start of the event to the full supply level of 38.55m AHD (100%) by 12:35pm on Wednesday 30 January 2019. Once full supply level had been reached, the dam gates started to open in automatic mode as per the operational rules for the dam.
      The dam gates progressively opened in response the further water level rises until the gates were fully open at 8:32pm on Sunday 3 February.

    • Grumpy says:

      They are probably more gun-shy than the Kennedys

  24. Prince Rollmop says:

    The flood has wet the appetite of politicians to play power games. While the North drowns, Labor’s been moving chess pieces. Two MP’s have done the Time Warp and jumped from the right to the left. Even in defeat, Miles, Grace, and Dick are busy playing political games. Personally, it doesn’t mean a lot by way of improving the Labor party as the Unions rule the roost and the Queensland Labor party are a bunch of inept fucktards. I hope they stay mothballed and kept in the basement for a few more terms.

  25. Jimmy Olsen says:

    Pie, have you been ‘duped’ by Island Voice re the claim that Foodtrucks Greaney was in Japan???

    • The Magpie says:

      No, have you been duped into believing she wasn’t?

      One simple phone call, just ONE,Leighton, and you wouldn’t have egg all over your face.

      Leighton, for some reason … ignorance, laziness or whatever … your paper (poor overworked dears, the editor tells us – but that;’s their fucking job) doesn’t think it even worth a line that the mayor cut short her family holiday in Japan to return and fly the flag of her office, even if of no practical use. Remember what happened to ScoMo and the bushfires? Smart decision by Food trucks, politically anyway, since evidence of genuine compassion and caring for the community is pretty thin on the ground.

      And of course, if she didn’t leave at all, then you still have a story. Headline: Clr Phillips Lies To Brown Nose Acting Mayor.’

      Christ, you’re a muppet, mate.

    • Island Voice says:

      Light On, do you think you are dealing with a bunch of amateurs over here on the island?
      Greaney came back to save her political arse. Certainly has nothing to do with looking after her constituents.
      Now she done the rounds of photo shoots she can fuck off back in Japan. Because she is doing SFA for the residents on the island.

  26. Dam Buster says:

    The 2019 review’s claim that the dam gates open automatically is cast in considerable doubt by the fact that the current Disaster Committee is doing “controlled” releases of water from the dam.
    I suspect they have learned a valuable lesson and are now only releasing water on an outgoing or low tide, so the water gets away and doesn’t flood homes in the “black zone” along the river.
    Nobody believed the 2019 review findings, and with good reason.
    A police chief who no longer lives in Townsville, knows the true story.

    • Ratepayer says:

      Presumably, if the dam managers had not followed the text book there would have been litigation. There has been none. The Review said the gates were raised automatically when the flood level exceeded 100%. You don’t agree. So what? Did you make a submission to the Review? Do you have some evidence? The gates are opened by some amount now. When the gates are raised to increase the capacity of the reservoir there is some release happening as a consequence – ie. If the gates are raised a foot, there’s a foot gap underneath just as there’s a foot potential increase in the depth of the dam. As the gates are raised further the amount of release increases. That’s why the depth of water appearing over the weirs has been steadily increasing. I see that the filling of the dam seems to have peaked around 175%. Now it’s falling.

    • AFR says:

      Dam buster is talking absolute rubbish. If the dam gates are not lifted at the correct time the water will overtop the gates and they would likely fail. Have a look at the gate diagram in the EAP if you do not understand how they work – that is why that document was made public. The gates were in auto in 2019 other than during the 2 manual interventions where they lifted early, and the gates would have been in auto during this event. The 2019 rainfall was very different to this event. It is a legal requirement that they follow the EAP except for minor changes as long as they produce a positive outcome.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Ooohh a police chief knows better than the dam engineers and hydrologists. Sounds like a load of shit mate.

  27. Ratepayer says:

    If you thought insurance costs were fucked now, wait until the wash up from this event. Insurance costs will rise everywhere in Queensland, but particularly Townsville. It happened after the 2019 flood, and it will happen after this flood.

    • Ado says:

      Jenny / Ratepayer… Sunwater were removed as the operators of the dam and it is back under TCC, where there is smoke there is fire. This was all done very hush hush. Like you said they took it on themselves to open the gates fully and yes it was by the book but timed the high tide further down.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        This is rubbish.

        • Ado says:

          Ducks Nuts, almost everything you post is emotive rubbish.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Sun water had the contract to operate the dam during 2019 floods. Their contract ended. No hush hush. No conspiracies.
            They followed the EAP, the same way it got followed this time.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Ado, As I recall, 2 days before Feb3, Puddleduck came up and could see how this clusterfuck was heading and handed over the control of the dam to TCC. Thus saving SunWater from any legal claims against them, at the same time telling Jenny, the government will protect her of any blame.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Sunwater operators were in charge on the dam during the 2019 flood. They handed back operations to TCC on 30 June 2019 as per the contract.

      • Guy says:

        Yes there’s culpability there. I haven’t worked at sunwater for years. TCC kicked out sunwater for a very good reason. Before I swapped over to the operator/ maintainer role, on my last day under the Clare office in burdekin I found some poor soul a “water joey” in a field somewhere. I got talking to him – he was in agony after breaking a rib on the job a few days before, sunwater was forcing him to continue working.

        A water joey is someone who drives around maintaining the water system, the gates etc

        . After my brief time as a sparky in the burdekin I was transferred over to the dams section. As a general rule sunwater has a toxic work environment ( i think I’ve mentioned one day the safety officer from Mareeba screaming down the phone at me when I was trying to explain to him that asbestos had to be removed by licensed / trained people). I wasn’t impressed by sunwaters work culture. All the staff that work there know how bad it is.

  28. Zebu says:

    I watched a press conference yesterday afternoon addressed by the Gentleman in charge of the section responsible for the operation of the Dam. He delivered his explanation in easy to understand terms. At the conclusion of his address I felt very confident that we were in good hands

  29. Ben Rumson says:

    Regarding the recent panic buying triggered by a rain depression, there must be a lot of foolish or ignorant people here.

    For us long-timers in the North and our parents before us, it has forever been the case that in November and December we slowly build up cyclone supplies consisting of non-perrishable food items and household consumables to last, at a pinch, 4 to 6 weeks. After cyclone season these items are slowly consumed. It is an annual routine. It is not difficult.

    But it would seem, not for some.

    Good fortune favours the prepared mind.

  30. Dam Buster says:

    Hey Duckey, did it occur to you that the police chief who knew the full story about the 2019 dam debacle was a member of the Disaster Committee at that time?
    Next time switch on brain before hitting keyboard.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      In my experience, if one person on a committee knows of a failure, then other people on the committee also know of the failure. I also know that people aren’t very good at keeping secrets.

      Therefore, because this alleged scandal exposing “the truth” has never come out, and noone is corroborating your alleged police chiefs story, I am going to make an educated guess that it’s a load of horseshit.

  31. Staffordshire Whippet says:

    https://youtu.be/3mvAMEaWgTQ?t=4 A change of pace, courtesy of the late, great, Marianne; more expletives in this one track than in the entire Comments so far….

  32. Pat Coleman says:

    From now until the end of wet season, the gate to the V8 track diagonally opposite the Ross island hotel must be opened .. it leads to first st which was in the pink side of Railway ave. When sandy crossing between the queen’s Rd lights and Sonning st floods and railway ave the other side of the tracks is out, that zone is trapped insofar as independent vehicular access is concerned. Simply opening this gate would create a 3rd option till that intersection and the causeway goes under. That means emergency vehicles too. It’s also an escape route for evacuation. People are more likely to go if they are packed and they may cut it fine. If they don’t do this in the wet season, let everyone who talks up the V8s cop. it.https://www.google.com/maps/place/Racing+Track+Cct,+Railway+Estate+QLD+4810/@-19.2716987,146.8138404,21z/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x6bd5f92399fcaa51:0x4e8b9c2eaf252186!8m2!3d-19.2716628!4d146.8138084!16s%2Fg%2F11rgljp00j?gl=au

    • The Magpie says:

      Pat, you will notice from edit to your comment that incitement to break the law is a no-no around here, it is illegal to do so.

      That’s the reason why The ‘Pie never says it would be good if someone bumped off America’s mobster in chief.

      • Guy says:

        Nevermind Pat, take it from me whereas you are the voice of reason here, I’m more like a hallucinogenic blast, the magpie isn’t sure if he should read it or look away. My English teacher once reported me to the police.

  33. Dam Buster says:

    Interesting that the dam never got to anything near 240% this time around and places that went under in 2019 like Idalia weren’t flooded.
    Could it have something to do with the way the dam way managed this time.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, maybe you’ve answered your own question in the first line.

    • Jenny Kennett says:

      DB, there was much less rain over the Ross River dam catchment in the 2025 ‘event’ compared with the 2019 event. In 2019 between 27/1 and 5/2, 1,212mm were recorded at the RR dam BOM gauge. This year, just 417mm were measured between 28/1 and 5/2 (today) at the dam – about half what was recorded at the Townsville Aero (895mm) and North Ward (1,094mm) over the same period, demonstrating how patchy the rainfall was around the town. Another variable to consider was the starting level of the dam. In 2019 on 27/1 the dam was at 65%. This year the dam level was just over 90% at the start.

      • The Magpie says:

        OK, time to make a judgement call.

        No more opinions on this subject will be published, everyone has had a fair go shadow fighting across a long abandoned battlefield, and the to-and-fro has become pointless and boring … we have more immediate matters to deal with.

        So, thanks for the input, but end of thread.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          Thank Christ for that. The discussion around dam data is as interesting as watching two turtles fuck. BORING!!!

          • The Magpie says:

            Dunno, watching a bit carapace-on-carapace canoodling action would be fascinating, simply for whatever technique is involved.

  34. The Magpie says:

    Hang your head in shame, Maggie Moggie and all you critical peeps over there …
    SHE LOVES YOU. REALLY, SHE DOES. I mean, if she didn’t, you’d all be abandoned in your damaged community by a lesser caring person.

    • Maggie Moggie says:

      TCC always send over extra staff to assess damaged infrastructure, and remove fallen trees from roads and parks etc, after any extreme weather event, after we are part of Townsville.

      I am sure TCC has extra crews working right across the Townsville. CBD, The Strand and the entire region, it is their job.

      Would you care to name who you believe would be as A/Mayor a far less caring person?

      • The Magpie says:

        OK … ummm … maybe .. ah, no … nope, sorry The ‘Pie’s got nothing.
        But The Pie is disappointed in you, MM, you reject obviously selfless love from the acting mayor, and will start harping on that Clr Greaney only targeted Maggie with a media release because her previous performances at the island’s councillor made her less popular than smallpox. You would possibly be cynical enough to suggest she is just chasing votes should she get the chance to stand for and lose the next mayoral election.

        As The ‘Pie said, shame on you for your cynical spurning of such loving care.

  35. The Magpie says:

    “Holmes, tell me, how do they do it, the Bulletin seems to have deductive powers on a par with you’re own?’

    ‘Elementary, my dear Watson, investigative probing, journalistic insight, and media releases.’

    “No shit, Sherlock ?”

  36. Critical says:

    Has anyone seen an official confirmed figure of the number of houses that actually had water inside the house.
    I’ve done some searches and can’t find a figure.
    As a test I’ve just looked up the Queensland Government Emergency Assistance webpage and completed the eligibility test and got told not eligible. Looks like this version is a property sensitive and government has already loaded the relevant information into the system to enable the system to determine eligible.f

    • Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

      Best data I can find wandering the corridors of corruption is that no one has any idea of how many, if any homes were inundated with floodwater. My understanding is that the addresses within the Black Zone are eligible for support IF they can demonstrate damage. Any properties outside the zones are automatically denied eligibility. Only an educated guess but I doubt a figure will ever be made public as whispers are that it is only a few to none outside areas like Bluewater which operated under their own evacuation plan. Some are saying it was an overreaction but better to steer on the cautious side than be picking bodies out of the water like in Ingham.

  37. Maggie Moggie says:

    I am sure there are a few pot holes over on the mainland.

    TCC Media Release

    Residents encouraged to report weather event damage

    More than 500 Townsville City Council team members are hard at work across the city and suburbs repairing potholes, clearing trees off roads and inspecting infrastructure caused by recent heavy rain, but they need your help.

    Council is calling on residents to do their part by reporting any damage to public infrastructure like roads, parks and trees by using the Snap Send Solve app, via Council’s website or by calling 13 48 10.

    Acting Mayor Ann-Maree Greaney said Council’s teams had been busy working through the rain to repair the city’s infrastructure, but there was plenty of work to be done across the 3736 square kilometre Local Government Area.

    “While our crews are busy getting the work done to clean up after the severe weather event, we want to make sure we don’t miss anything, so we’re calling on residents to let us know of any potholes, fallen trees, damaged infrastructure or safety concerns around Townsville,” Cr Greaney said.

    “There are a number of streets across Townsville that are known to be prone to potholes, the team has started working on these streets as a priority to ensure major potholes are fixed as soon as possible for our residents and visitors,” Cr Greaney said.

    “Our team have been doing an amazing job, yesterday our civil crews filled 296 potholes across Townsville and Magnetic Island, that’s at least 8 tonnes of asphalt.

    “It’s going to be a busy couple of weeks – we have teams out cutting up fallen trees, plumbers, waste drivers and asset inspectors out there just to name a few of the crews.

    “The best way to make sure our team knows where any damage is, so they can get out and fix it as soon as possible is by reporting them to Council through the Snap Send Solve app, on Council’s website or by calling our team on 13 48 10.

    “There is a lot of work to be done, so we appreciate the community’s patience as our teams work to get them fixed.”

    Councillor Greaney reminded the community that green waste was free to dump at Council facilities all year round.

    “There is enough damage out there for our teams to fix without picking up people’s personal green waste, so we’re asking that people do not place green waste on the kerb as Council will not be collecting it,” she said.

    “The great news is our Council waste facilities like Hervey Range, Stuart and Magnetic Island Transfer Stations are open as normal and I want to remind people that green waste is free to dump all year round.”

    For more information on reporting a problem to Council, visit Council’s website.

  38. Jenny Kennett says:

    Here’s one the Bulletin beat you to:

    “Veteran court journo to plead guilty to child sex offences
    A former Queensland court reporter with nearly 40 years of experience is expected to plead guilty to child sex offences involving an incident at a Townsville pub.”

    • The Magpie says:

      Disgraceful … what was a child doing in a pub?

      But not sure what you mean about the Bulletin getting in first. Why would The Magpie report that sort of stuff?

  39. The Magpie says:

    Seems the government is getting on with the job … and least in media statements, will be good to see there are no tricky smallmprint traps for people already disadvantaged.

    • The Magpie says:

      But about those possible small print traps, The Magpie received the following information from someone who claims to be in a position to know – whatever that means. Worth reporting and watching anyway.

      State govt playing a strange game with the disaster relief payments. Only a few streets in each of the listed suburbs are included. The payments are essentially just for “riverine” flooding. Nothing else is included despite other homes still having flash flooding problems, not to be mention the expenses caused by requests to evacuate. You can see this for yourself. Just jump on the state govt disaster payments website and search a few addresses.

      • Critical says:

        People in the Townsville Local Government Area are represented by 5 members of the Queensland Parliament who are supposed to represent the people in their electorate. If you’re not happy with the guidelines for these disaster payments, instead of being a key board warrior and complaining on line etc get off your rear end and see them and let them explain the government guidelines to you.
        I know that one of the reasons for very tight guidelines is because of the level of fraud in past disasters. One of the responses is better mapping by government meaning that government is generally able to identify to individual property level if an individual property was inundated by water, if power was lost/turned off to that individual property and so.

        • The Magpie says:

          The Magpie is hoping that those comments are not directed towards the old bird.

          Promotion of varying viewpoints reasonably stated is the goal.

        • Grumpy says:

          You are right, Crits, about the level of fraud that goes on when Disaster Payments are made. Particularly when managed by Centrelink. Within hours of payments for Yasi being announced and before the rain had even stopped, the lines around the Centrelink offices snaked literally round the block. My sister worked for Centrelink and recounted the blatant thievery that went on at the time, when claimants self-assessed. I personally knew of one little grub who claimed for himself and his family of six when they lived in Melbourne at the time of Yasi and had no residence of their own in Townsville. After he bragged of his windfall at a BBQ, I dogged him to Centrelink. To my knowledge, nothing happened – and he would have squealed like a pig if he was made to repay a cent.

  40. Hondaman says:

    I browsed this edition of the blog hoping to find some more discussion on the fact that the grand City of Townsville is BROKE!! I did attempt to reply to a text in the Astonisher where a contributor was lambasting the current mob for a very poor spread of freebies around Australia Day, as had been the norm when his idol one J Hill was running the show! I replied via the Editor that J Hill was in fact the reason we are ‘broke/busted on the plains way out there’ and the grandstanding, unaccounted wastage of rate payer’s dosh had finally come home to roost! Alas, considering the Editor and J. Hill were/are bosom buddies my text hit the cutting room floor, but the chooks certainly have come home with bells on now, and I also asked since Food Trucks’ parking meters didn’t get up, are we the captive ratepayers going to cop the rough end of the pineapple again, after all we are captive in our homes and the easiest touch for the shortfall in Council coffers? This needs a bit more discussion!

    • The Magpie says:

      Ahem … not sure where you’ve been but there has been plenty of discussion on this topic, in both the blog and in comments. If not this particular edition didn’t have enough for you (there was a small bit on it, you’ll note) , it still remains a running theme.

      And of course, as YOU well know, it is a particular hobby horse for that shitgibbon suspended mayor of ours … who is forever trying to snow us with the idea only he knew of the parlous state of affairs and only he in his shiny armour will be able to fix it … although never offering possible solutions. And with his business record, his delusion is laughable.

      • Achilles says:

        That description Pie is scary, it could imply that TSV will be annexed along with Canada as a serfdom to Trumpestan.

      • Percy says:

        And only Twonames (along with mum and M&#helle (see Magpie, I didn’t name family) will be able to pull Townsville out of this perilous flood situation and ensure safety and a speedy recovery. Yes, only Lord Twonames can save us (just check his Facebook page, he is the font of all knowledge!).

        • The Magpie says:

          Just a note on protocol. The ‘Pie sees no reason to bring Thompson mum into any aspect of this .., God knows she had to watch her boy become mentally debilitated and become reviled a town where she has lived for so long … but Michelle is in a different boat. She parades herself in pix with him, and no doubt writes much of codswallop he is pushing, often under pseudonyms to The Nest.

          She is not shy about rubbing ratepayers nose in the thievery and disgrace of her meal ticket, and indeed can be said to be willingly abetting morally degenerate partner.

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            I agree Pie, Michelle is complicit in Twonames shenanigans. She writes half of the dribble that he posts on Facebook, she is an enabler, encourages his bullshit, and is a key driver of his ridiculously antagonist penmanship. She has made herself fair game if and when required.

        • Sherlock says:

          Not a single councillor can take credit, Thompson included. This has all been the State Government. If you look at the posts by Crisafulli he never tags councillors.

      • Hondaman says:

        I as one of the many duped by Troy Two Names have formed an opinion that he isn’t worth the air he breathes, and have never subjected myself to more of his lies by reading anything he has to say since his standing down? by the State Govt. This no doubt makes me ill informed re the shortage of dosh and where it went, and I did notice the story at the top of the blog re said short fall. I’ll have to do better and try to keep up, but in my defence I sometimes don’t get to read every edition of the Nest which has put me at a disadvantage. Look forward to next week’s offerings, cheers.

    • Sherlock says:

      TCC will hike up the rates, 5-7% is my guess, and the disaster will be part of its response as to why. With Jenny’s team back in power, it won’t be long and administrators will be appointed. DC has seen he can run things from a state perspective now, the hammer is dropping soon, administration is close.

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Sherlock . 2025/26 rates increase will be based on whether the new Councillors step up and deliver change which is what they promised or are they Team Hill MKII . Councils finances don’t add up . Projected loss $24.8 mil this year but had to borrow $100 mil June 2024 and another $100 mil last month . No sense of urgency Council that had a low balance of $5.5 mil sweating on rates payment late Feb / March to keep the doors open . Council execs were supposed to get back to Councillors on market rental rates for the $1 Council entities are paying . Ex CEO Prins wrote off $174,000 NQ Spark ( part Council ) leasing the Business development centre Condon owed Council . Councillors with the CEO need to communicate to rate payers what unpalatable decisions they have made to bring the budget into surplus . Ratepayers vote of no confidence otherwise . I doubt Premier Crisafulli will stand for their incompetence much longer .

        • Sherlock says:

          @Mike, Councillors are informed by the CEO with weekly workshops, if anyone believes they don’t know, because they haven’t answered questions are delusional. Councillors know everything the executive team does, they like their mayor are all systematic liars!

  41. Peter D. says:

    “My heart goes out to North Queensland residents impacted by the flooding. It never would have happened if I had been Prime Minister.

    The current destructive monsoon lows are the worst ever in the history of the world. They could have been caused by the Albanese government recklessly implementing DEI initiatives at the Bureau of Meteorology.

    The rain will cease within twenty four hours of my being elected.
    All indigenous employees at the BOM will be deported back to where they came from. They will join the Palestinians who are being relocated to a beautiful place (heaven).

    This is the type of Big Thinking that Australia needs.”

    • Grumpy says:

      Careful, Pete – you hate is showing.

    • Achilles says:

      “Big thinking” yep you’re right Peter D., sadly you don’t seem to have the required amount of grey matter between your ears to accomplish this task.

      Regards to the other inmates in your assylum.

      • The Magpie says:

        Hasn’t got much grey matter on top either. But it seems you’ve had a humour by-pass … the Peter D post was a critical spoof. Sounds like you took it seriously.

  42. Pat Coleman says:

    The BOM has dropped the spillway flow height data off the flood height data this morning. I last saw it at around 40.20 mts. http://www.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/wrap_fwo.pl?IDQ60290.html why is this important? The dam level as I’m writing is 136.72% . Appendix C of the EAP has the tables that show at what height the gates open, and how many in increments. At 42mts evacs are certainly going to be in play and at 43 opened full with the flooding possibly the same as the maps in appendix B https://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/water-waste-and-environment/water-supply-and-dams/ross-river-dam it’s also important cos if pollies make a mistake we could see at what point they did. People are already angry cos the criteria for evac of the black zone wasn’t applied to rosslea and Aitkenvale yesterday and they got flooded. They were warned as we all were to be cautious. This isn’t the point. Public data has legal implications.

    • Pat Coleman says:

      It’s back up. The disaster management got onto them I after I made them aware. Or one of the storm chaser pages

      • Jenny Kennett says:

        Well done, Pat. So the ‘choked’ floodgates are delivering 1.66m deep over the spillway. I see this morning that the dam has started to fill again overnight. On Friday morning the dam was at 136%, rose through the day to 138% and is at 144.29% at 8am. Obviously a saturated catchment.

  43. Prince Rollmop says:

    A sign of things to come;


    Light-on Smith is on borrowed time in Townsville. No loss.

    • The Magpie says:

      An inevitable shift, but your shot at Leighton is a bit dumb.

      The only thing that is changing is the methodn of delivering the news, not the method of collecting news, even if they just regurgitate media releases for amny stories. Journos will always be needed, in one form or another, it’s one area where AI could not be trusted.

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