A bit of property news around the place that hasn’t made the Bulletin despite some serious ramifications for one major project, and another that spells a kick in Jimmy and The Twins from the TCC for those planning to build a home.
Is Joe McCabe signed up for year after the TCC’s latest secret squirrel meeting during the week? And did the meeting also include a panicked rethink about the greedy, unjustified plan for Strand and Mater Hospital area parking meters? Maybe, since the chief council shiny bum who designed the plan was in the secret meeting. The Magpie has a go (again!1) at cracking the Hermit Kingdom’s cone of silence.
An astounding admission by the Bulletin’s editor Cas Garvey that she is willing to twist the truth on certain issues … well, she does work for News Ltd, after all. The admission came in the wake of the Burdekin Council refusing to rename a creek that some found offensive.
Everyone has gone quiet on the issue of our accidental mayor TwoNames Thompson, awaiting a judgement from a very gun-shy CCC. But he got one stinging reminder this week about his lame duck status.
And is Kamala Harris the goods for the US Presidency? Why ask if you’ve had a look at the alternative? Trump has been bewitched bother and bewildered that he now faces a literate, articulate former criminal prosecutor, and the American cartoonists are having a field day now Biden has quit the race.
Here’s the only advertisement you will see on this independent blog: If you think weekly Nest is worth a bit of a financial kick along, you can use the donate button at the bottom of the blog. It is needed as much as it will be appreciated. Thanks.
Hillbilly Accountability
The brave new world we promised ourselves by getting rid of Jenny Hill has evaporated in a welter of same old, same old secrecy, councillors total disdain for taking the public into their confidence and an agenda that can only be described as ‘Jenny Lite’.
Apart from a laughing stock mayor threatening councillors with legal action to further exacerbate a hostile atmosphere, councillors are locked into that familiar political polka of seeking power and position which totally distracts them from a new regime of consultation and inclusion.
If this meeting was about whether to extend Joe McCabe’s position to a years contract, why not say so. By all means, keep the meeting, discussion and votes behind closed doors, but enough of the finger to the public of nervous euphemisms after the event like ‘it was about employment issues,’. What Astonisher reporter Chris Burns did manage to winkle out of a couple of councillors was that any decision was deferred and the meeting was adjourned because a couple of councillors were unable nto attend. But it was like pulling fucking teeth, and so unnecessary.
Spooked that their every move might be threatened by legal action from disaffected colleagues (and not just Thompson, The ‘Pie is hearing) over arcane rules, it seems we now have a council run entirely by bureaucrats. many of whom have no stake in the amenity or social aspects of this city. A few dollars chucked as some arts program, outdoor film nights or some ill-thought out bread-and-circuses distraction don’t qualify. And the councillors seem ready to take the line of least resistance, kiss the PS ring, and fuck the citizenry in general.
The looming social fracturing that will accompany the installation of parking meters on the Strand now does not look like a one-off in ignoring clear community desires. It is to be feared that it is an attitude that will be brought to other matters. Despite the overwhelmingly clear desire for this Strand/Mater Hospital issue to be revisited, at the moment there appears to be no chance of real consultation undertaken and choices offered – a small percentage rate rise might not be popular or acceptable but at least it is an option that could on the table. And so might other savings elsewhere, and all of them will have some sort of downside, we’re not uneducated idiots with our hands out – and we don’t like being treated as such by two faced money grubbers who seem to be singing a version of the old ditty The working class can kiss my arse, I’ve got the bosses job at last.
As one Nester Mike Douglas pointed out:
Just how much debt is Council in ?
Instead of cutting expenses they are doubling card holder concession admission to Council Pools and if you want to swim at Tobruk after 9 am another $2 hr if meters proceed.
This council is raising infrastructure on new residential builds and if you want to split a block and infill, there’s a $30 k bill from Council .
Even when Council get a $60 mil shovel ready cbd outskirts the Councillors cant approve it.
And the arcade in the Flinders Street CBD (where the the cobbler and record shop were) is now boarded up with an ugly unpainted hoarding for long overdue and much needed repairs . Can someone let the Councillor know as she is rarely seen in the CBD. Unless there’s a good truck around.
No government of any level can rule by referendum, we can’t have. a poll on every issue – nor do we want to. We want intelligent, people in-touch with the community to be elected to represent our majority views. But some issues occasionally demand proper community consultation, and if this hasn’t occurred, then the matter should be revisited. The Strand meters are one such issue. And no one should care if a shiny bum Scrooge McDuck like Matt Richardson gets his financial nose out of joint when one of his schemes is rejigged against his financial imperative as versus the amenity for all of one of this city’s greatest asset.
Anyway, if The ‘Pie’s information is correct, this week’s secret meeting (‘closed‘ is such a weasley euphemism for cop-out) all but confirmed Joe McCabe’s CEO gig for a total of 12 months instead of 3 to 6, it is set to sail through when the full council gets together again. His decades in the public service would indicate he will be back his bureaucrats against the people anytime. At least he might still be willing to reveal the real financial situation of the council, and more importantly, how the hell it got there.
And a final question: what was the rush that an extra secret meetings was needed – couldn’t it have waited until the next regular meeting that could go into closed session. Perhaps reporter Burns might like to put that question, but to whom … they all just about shit themselves when some media bod hovers into sight
Hey, Guess Who’s Missing?
Townsville will be a hotspot for damaging climate change emissions late next month, when this pointless hootenanny rolls into town. But gosh, figure out who is notable by his absence…..
No Mayor TwoNames!
Wouldn’t have happened in Mayor Mullet’s day, she be top row, within kissing distance of Albo.
But surely the crowning insult to our conman accidental mayor is that our favourite hole in the air Claundia ‘B-S’ Brume-Smith is not just there in the very top row, but mixed in with Albo, Muttonhead and Smiley. No doubt placed there to ensure a rush of people with a fistful of 50s wanting tickets. Even our next premier doesn’t rank as highly, which tells us two things … the Courier Mail has lost touch with reality, and Troy Thompson now knows that he is definitely not on News Ltd’s Christmas card list.
What an insult it is to Thompson personally to not be included.. But nowhere near as big an insult to Townsville if he had been.
David To Goliath – “Shove It”
This is one of the perennial issues we are allowed to enjoy from time to time = what to do about place names that may offend some people. The merits of the either side of the argument The ‘Pie will leave to others but it certainly encourages leaps of credulity. In this case, Burdekin Mayor Pierina Dalle Cort went a bridge too far when she said in the absence of any proper records of where the name came from said with a straight face ‘ It could be referencing the name of a drink, yellow gin, which was distilled by early pioneers as a form of inexpensive alcohol.’ One would need a drink or two to swallow that patent and unsupported rotgut, but it was her throwaway summation ‘you can’t change history’, that brought forth an amazing admission from Bulletin iditor Gas Carvey in her iditorial on the issue..
After a lot of sanctimonious halo buffing, philosopher queen Garvey ended with this:
Now we know that waxing lyrical in her amusing little missives leads Mr Garvey down some interesting linguistic rabbit holes , but that is a corker … an open embracing of alternative facts and that its OK to print lies (she works for the right company then). Troy Thompson is a prominent exponent of this theory of changing history is to suit.
Ms Garvey allow The ‘Pie a question or two.
Why should we not understand your statement that we’ve always been able to change history, and if we don’t like some bit of history, let’s go for the latest more palatable model to suit our modern sensibilities? Mistakes are one thing, manufactured facts are an entirely different matter. And while history can be expanded, added to and better understood by new research, delet” Righting the past’ may involve a change in attitude but it can never mean a change in facts. And if you go along with the accepted facts that our white forebears were utter bastards to the locals, why should their descendants be able to’ drive through our region without being reminded of the scars of the past’? It would make more sense for offensive names to remain as a reminder of the brutal nature that founded our current prosperity. One would’ve thought indigenous people would insist on it, they go on about it enough and they don’t want us to forget. Understandably.
For a newspaper editor to say that yes, you can change history, add, delete and manufacture it at will, i.e. ,make things up to suit your situation, is a startling departure from the universal policy of all serious news platforms.
But I guess that explains that.
And Good For One, Good For All
The woke outrage and offence industry isn’t restricted to indigenous matters, and knows no bounds.
So The ‘Pie has started a little list.
If there are those who object to the Robert Towns statue on the grounds that he was a heinous ‘blackbirder’ then The Magpie wants Castle Hill renamed Castle Mount. It should not remain as reminder of the most destructive figure who did more than a decade of damage to the city’s reputation until she was toppled in a democratic coup.
And John Melton Black Drive out to the airport should be named something else, anything, because there will be some sensitive souls who believe it was not a person but a cruel fire torture against aborigines by early settlers.
And then there’s outrageous matter of Hugh Ryan Drive. Few will know it is named in memory of a much loved member of the local church, and when it is spoken but not read, it could lead to unpleasant misunderstandings. As when The Magpie arrived in town those many years ago and heard it is conversation, he thought it was some marvellous new way to power motors using personal waste water.
But it has to go … because others will just think we’re taking the piss.
Hived Off?
It’s taken almost 12 months but it looks like yet another Magpie prediction has come to pass …There are strong indications that the Queens Hotel sale will not go through, and with it, the current bullshit plans for the Hive development, with flash harry former Gold Coast spiv Mark Tonge apparently in all sorts of strife.
Remember this from the Magpie’s Nest of October 7, 2023.
Such a trusting fellow, that nice Mr Leighton Smith, happy to regurgitate the snake oil gurglings of a Gold Coast spiv of doubtful background, and stating it as fact. Not even a the faintest tinkle of an alarm bell. Leighton? So it went on (modesty prevents The ‘Pie from further re-reading of his pearls), but in summary, The ‘Pie had the temerity to cast doubt on Tonge’s claim of a 20+ level hotel.
The ‘Pie then went on to mention that a planned Tonge suburban unit project which came badly unstuck, and when the following appeared, that was enough to take a closer look at Tonge’s made-to-measure misadventure down Pallarenda way, Magnetic Views.
That was surely hokum, they did no such thing, but what may or may not have happened was deposits were taken on lots worth $7.5m. Now the word is that folks (all local millionaires, if spinner Spinelli codswallop is to be believed) want their deposits back, and the whole thing is about to go belly up bigtime. And with it, by the domino effect, The Hive and Queens Hotel as well.
But we can’t say Leighton Smith isn’t on a roll himself … with his unquestioning backing for the dumped Hilton project – he was peevishly insistent that it was a goer and boy, didn’t he get shirty with The ‘Pie who had doubts). that makes his record two hotels that bite the dust within a few months. Any prospective investor in Townsville accommodation market might be wise to ask Leighton to NOT write about them
Another Property Snippet
Poor old Prins Ralston, rebuffed by TwoNames and now by buyers in the property market … seems he’s about to to take a hit on his Yarrawonga architectural disaster. He whacked it on the auction market with a reserve around the $2million mark, but was unceremoniously handed in when no one went close . Then three weeks ago, listed with agents for a measly $1.75M … but still no takers. Magpie property mates reckon of he had been reasilitic from the start, would have attracted qualified, well-informed buyers from the outset. They also reckon he’s now going to have make some difficult financial compromises,which a kind of karma, given the difficult financial compromises he foisted on the Townsville ratepayers while snaffling up his $600K salary from them. Because when spring and early summer roll around, there’s going to be a lot more properties, up for grabs no doubt somewhat more realistically priced, and he may have sit it out even longer in his recently purchased multi-million dollar pile in Brisbane.
But it seems he may have left a nasty little legacy, if a Magpie source is correct – this is not 100% but we’ll soon find out if councillors have approved an increase somewhere north of 50% on infrastructure fees on new house builds from January 1 next year. Any councillor care to publicly confirm or deny this?
The Magpie is not holding his breath.
No More Ridin’ With Biden, We’re Now Hikin’ With Harris.
The gloves are off, and Donald Trump is in deeper disarray than his normal word salad lunacy. Tp his dismay, it’s a crude slugger against a smart mover who doesn’t shuffle and knows how to land a killer punch. Who’s going to win this prize fight/ Well, you be the judge about how it’s going after just a few days of Kamala Harris clinching the Democratic nomination. Trump supporters, MAGAaniacs and Rupery Murdoch emplyees were in the throes of desperation, deliciously wrong footed, totally dismayed by Joe Biden suddenly doing the right thing. One Murdoch man Sean Hannity could only dredge up an old tape of harris cheerfully talking having smoked a weed once when young. And social media was treated to such clever visual commentary that cut to the bone of the contest – like this.
But the lame jokes were pulled up in their tracks to a dead stop when Harris hoisted her fighting colours to the top of the mast, with this show stopper telling Trump she’s got his number.
There will be a lot of exchanges in the week’s to come, but nothing will top this one … or if it is, it will come from Harris again.
And many of the week’s cartoonists quickly picked up that the age issue had completely pivoted, and it was Trump';s problem now.
And The Real Reason How They Got Biden To Resign
From The Shovel.
But another confused candidate is still in there.
As Regular Nesters Know, We Like To End On A Laugh … But This Week, It’s More A Couple Of Sniggers …
First, During his research strolls through the cyber forest, The ‘Pie came across this. Form your own opinion.
Our local bunch of pretties all get more than double the highest paid SCC councillor. Interesting to note that Clover Moore has donated just under a million dollars of her salary over the years to charity. Our own TwoNames gets almost as much, but The ‘Pie wouldn’t recommend he give it to charity … because then it would go to his MyPlace cookers. No wonder we’re a national laughing stock.
Hypocrite of the Month, or really the last 6 decades, goes to Bulletin editor Cas Garvey’s supreme boss, the randy Pickled Walnut. With whom, as we’ve seen, she totally agrees … care to interpret ‘real’ for us, Cas?
Another week down and Townsville … and The Nest … are still here. Against the odds on both counts, but hey, get stuck into comments give ‘em what for. Whoever they may be. The button for a helping donation is below.
As you’ve quoted me in the Nest, ‘Pie, but worth a repeat for emphasis.
Just how much debt is Council in?. Instead of cutting expenses they are doubling card holder concession admission to Council Pools and if you want to swim at Tobruk after 9 am another $2 hr if meters proceed . Council raising infrastructure on new residential builds and if you want to split a block and infill $30 k bill from Council . Even when Council get a $60 mil shovel ready cbd outskirts the Councillors cant approve it . Arcade the cobbler and record shop was in has been boarded up Flinders st for much needed repairs . Can someone let the Councillor know as she is rarely seen in the cbd .
When there is 2000+ jobs to do on the capital works list for 2024/2025 – 2028/2029, and we only have the funds to do 80-100 jobs, we are in trouble. $20M in the bank, $10M committed, we will be redrawing on a loan to survive, assets are depreciating and are in dire need of replacing, we are broke. And yet the Qld Auditor signed off on the financials last year. Team Jenny Hill & Prins Ralston killed Townsville, the obvious option can only be administration. This councils not working and the executives need to be dismissed.
I would like information on:
Haughton Pipeline
Northern Railyard
Ross Dam
7 x Childcare centres
The list goes on. It’s time for the CEO, directors to stand down, and council to be dissolved, before it gets worse.
Jenny this is not new. Council have been approving the full and fanciful list of capital works with no exceptions of exclusions for a number of years. There used to be a robist review and prioritisation process. This process appears to have been abandoned.
The Council have been using the “impossible to complete” capital works plan to get more money in the bank through rates and charges. Council knows full well they will barely complete 60% of the works despite charging for 100% of the works.
As an example, for a $300M capital works program, the Council might complete $180M of the works, and that is in a good year. And the Council gets to keep $120M in the bank.
While the Council does roll the projects to the next financial year or years, these capital works items experience the inflationary impact, and the Council get to double dip for the same project to make up for the shortfall.
They do this because they failed to plan what they can actually deliver (incompetence), leading to overcharging the ratepayers (incompetence), the councillors not understanding the dark art of Council accounting practices and failing to question the staff (incompetence), leading to failed or failing assets and higher costs to repair or replace, leading to higher depreciation, leading to the Council requiring increased revenue.
Which leads to incompetent decisions like…paid parking at the Strand, Palmer Street and Fulham Road.
Are we to gather you think the council is ….ummm … incompetent?
More to come on that.
It was my word of the day that I had to put in a sentence.
And it is only one individual’s opinion of the council’s performance.
Seems like a fair description of what is occurring. And what happens when you get rid of suitably qualified staff and replace them with people who aren’t qualified in the areas they are hired to work in.
What happens? You get Troy Thompson as mayor. The whole council in past years has endured a policy of upward failure by staff.
Nice word of the day Circus Fan, when i was at school we used to have a letter of the day and on this particular day it was the letter “N” the teacher asked me to name something I was not good at beginning with the letter N, I said spelling.
Is there a protest planned re Strand and Fulham Rd parking meters? I thought I read it a couple of weeks ago but now cannot see anything. Plenty about the petition but not the protest. If it is on it had better be widely promoted or it will be a flop that will play in TCC hands.
Also, the Kamala Harris show stopper link did not work for me, at least.
Yes there seemed to be a glitch, maybe connected to the US PBS broadcaster access. Inserted an alternative link that seems to work. Please let us know if its OK now, it’s a corker.
And thanks for the heads up.
Link is working now. Thanks.
Ta. Always appreciate a genuine heads up.
I’m pretty sure there’s one protest planned but it’s run by the MyPlace cookers
Thank-you A F,
Where, when, organized by (insert name here), public address (speeches to crumble TCC) by who, and will there be a coffee and pickets van?
More concise info anybody?
This is an important issue IMO and should not be derailed by vague understandings, or misunderstandings.
It’s not a good protest without a coffee van!
I spoke to some of the larger businesses along the strand, this week and it appears that council has again said fuck you both verbally and with both hands, and not bothered to write to the businesses advising of the parking changes which it is so intent on implementing. One assumes Matt Richardson and the councillors don’t frequent these establishments and if they did they may no longer be welcome.
Meters have been ordered, $1.3M. No stopping this pack of robbers now. Time to turn the heat up on Matt Richardson 0435 498 817 email hidden; JavaScript is required,
Joe McCabe 0400 002 900 email hidden; JavaScript is required ,
Ann Maree Greaney 0448 378 111
email hidden; JavaScript is required
and Liam Mooney 0434 925 510 email hidden; JavaScript is required,
These 4 are the executives / councillors and the masterminds behind the paid meter launch, increases and new meter positions. Ring them, email them, don’t let up. Make sure you let them know. Tomorrow the meters in the CBD go up to $2 per hour and $10 a day
By coincidence, The ‘Pie heard this afternoon that the meters were ordered (and likely deliverbed) when Mullet was in the chair. Stored somewhere local right now.
I keep hearing there’s plenty of meters in storage
The two stories I hear are
1 the meters were in storage from 18 months ago
2 there were many in storage but more have been bought recently.
Another story is something like 40 flying monkeys have been employed to check parking.
Council paperwork says something like 8 million in “revenue” will be squeezed from the meters. No doubt with the strand becoming a ghost town all those lovely high rise will be built to revitalise the area. Create the problem then “help” us with a solution.
Remember, the 10 councillors that were voted in turned out to be duds that became shills and gremlins for the council and pissed into our faces. After three months brainwashing the only answer to our problems was more taxes and more inconvenience.
I’m still going to get the meters gone
Having done the math on the revenue, I do wonder over what period this $8milluon figure is supposed to occur? 4 years perhaps?
If that closed meeting on Friday “HR matters” was to extend the temporary CEO’s tenure. What happened to all those applicants who applied for the full time position? Maybe they have been keeping an eye on the mess this lot are creating and withdrawn their application, hence the rush to to extend.
One imagines those applications may well have been considered, but were rejected as unsuitable. Like the ones from Steve of Belgian Gardens, Sgt Gunny Highway, Guy Reece and someone who called herself ‘Troy’s Squeeze’.
I have heard there is a ssshhh confidential pause in the recruitment due to the current affair episode and mayor’s troubles and when the council knows what it is doing regarding the mayor and the council’s direction the recruitment will resume.
With the interim CEO having landed a money filled cloud and still seeking a full-time position somewhere, one would hazard a guess he has a bit of self-interest in this and wants to stay on as long as his cash cow keeps milking.
Ok, maybe, but McCabe is yet to show any professional incompetence, so the jury is still out on him. One thing is for sure, he ain’t Impaler or Ralston.
Shouldn’t Joe be applying for the full-time role with all the others, surely this shows a conflict if he’s favoured when all the others had to apply, and the recruiter wouldn’t have been free, if he’s on a temporary role, just keep it going until the full time one is elected, otherwise why did they have meeting to appoint a full-time independent recruiter. Or just sack the lot, start over.
Hello Pie!
I love reading your articles and insights into the goings-on of the Ville – highly informative – many thanks. As a former resident and maybe future resident of Townsville again, your news source is crucial. I’ll pop a few bob your way so you can have a pie and pint on your investigations. Please keep going.
Wow, an international readership!! Move over Guardian.
Tell us, Magpie, how many votes Kamala received to make her the Democratic nominee this year?
We’ll wait while you point to them.
Oh. Wait. She got ZERO votes this year.
If there’s one party dispensing with democracy, it’s the Democratic Party.
That is the most deeply stupid, ill-informed bits of mouth breathing fuckwittery imaginable. Seems one of RFK’s brain worms has been having a chomp in your top paddock, Rotten.
So now you tell us on this, clearly your expert subject: how does anyone, including KH het ANY nominee votes before the Democratic convention is actually held … as it will be in three weeks time? But KH has delegate pledges (intended votes) well above the majority needed to assure her of the nomination. Unless they change their minds. Which is what The ‘Pie suggests you do, Jonny, swap it for a new model. your current one ain’t functioning to well.
When you vote in a primary you are voting to select delegates to the national convention. Those delegates are still going, and they’re free to select whoever they think best represents the interests of their state. With Biden dropping out the system is no worse (or better) than before.
Poor old Prince Ralston struggling to sell his luxurious home for what he thinks it is worth. Too bad so sad. He won’t lose any sleep as he has millions more tucked away. Glad he is gone, he contributed to the financial mess that we are currently in.
Surely Jenny Hill, Prins and Julie (CFO, who Prins bought with him) are all responsible. Some blame must also go to the returning councillors, they knew about this mess.
I see the Centurion Cafe on Flinders St East has been closed since early in the week too, this is also leased by Mr Tonge & Partner off Barry Taylor, I wonder if he owes big Baz any rent money ? Baz won’t be happy .
You and your Anti Trump readers should buy the Weekend Australia
Interesting articles on BOTH the USA Presidential contenders
The democratic contender comes across as serious Left-Wing
You jest, surely.
Murdoch’s Australian is wall-to-wall anti-Democrats bias and selective reporting, just barely more coherent than his Sky News After Dark. An Winni, if you know even a minimal amount about American politics, ‘left-wing’ in America – indeed the word ‘socialism’- is roughly what we would expect in centrist politics in Australia. Only Bernie Sanders could be taken as a red-ragging leftie in our terms.
But let’s say we read and accept the articles … what do you suggest, that we support Trump?
Sure. The Magpie is anti-Trump, and if you don’t have an inkling why, and you aren’t, we can’t help you.
Best thing about this weekend’s Oz is that crusty old redragger’s comments on the back page of the magazine. He reckons the only reason he hasn’t been sacked us that Rupert has forgotten he is there.
Didn’t know much about Councillor On Trainer Wheels, Brady Ellis, until the character assessments supplied in last week’s blog, but after seeing (on Seven News) his performance when walking into the mystery meeting last Friday, it appears they were on the money.
His attempt at making a mockery of the waiting media came across as childish arrogance.
Could he be trying to oust “Gushing” Greaney as Townsville’s top media tart?
Doug, like I mentioned last week Ellis is a prize, self-opinionated, self promoting fuckwit. He appears to have no interest in community sentiment/opinion and has no ears!
He will be dealt with by those in his division who care about our city. He could change and along with his fellow councillors stop the infighting, personal grandstanding and start listening and responding to legitimate community concerns!
Pie,I agree with the Burdekin Mayor and her council not to change the name of Yellow Gin Creek She is right when she said that you cant change history. An old blackfella up on a station in the Gulf told me once many years ago that we can learn from history but should not freeze what happened in the past into our future…..by the way I dont know what all the fuss is about .In 50 years of working and travelling around outback Qld. and the N.T. I came across plenty of black gins but I dont remember seeing many yellow ones !
So, while Claudia Bumme Smith is at the bush summit, who will be manning the office and organising the weekly morning tea’s, pointless office meetings, and scrolling the internet looking at women’s clothing and engaging in other time wasting folly? The queen of the Dudley do nothings will enjoy accompanying Albo at
the summit. Like her, Albo is also an Easter egg – crack them open and there is nothing inside!
PR, I would have thought ‘Casanova Bowen’ would have got a guernsey at this show. Looks like ‘ANAL’ wants the limelight.
The tail is certainly wagging the dog here…Mr Pie I have extensive knowledge of this occurring with another bureaucrat over at another division in council that has seen a green Council as a free kick….to the nuts….. of ratepayers….
The other splendid individual is the hold up on letting ratepayers access the beautiful council owned asset that is Ross River Dam that will bring so much to the community…out of pure greed and their own little silo.
They have made themselves sick with power….if u want the just gossip relating to this to further prove your and many concerned residents point let me know and I’ll shoot you an email with the facts and figures ????
Drop the email, scaley one.
Fish, I imagine the RRDam is surrounded by numerous large and small private properties along its many kilometres of fluctuating perimeter. If boating, skiing and fishing etc was allowed, as it is at the Burdekin dam for example, would TCC be responsible for policing rules about camping, bbq fires and other dodgy activities far from sight but more pertinently, in the otherwise private and inaccessible back yards of those acreage properties? Should we care? Would the council need to patrol the dam or would boaties be left to their own devices?
Jenny, it’s not that big a body of water. Couple of Rangers in a tinny could police it well enough. Besides, the gummit chopper could scoot over and have a peek during some of its numerous trips up our way at the dam here. Oh, and isn’t there a substantial buffer zone around the actual dam?
You lovely old fashioned guy, you. drones, mate, drones … and The ‘Pie ain’t talkin’ ’bout the rangers.
Drones? Dear ‘Pie, are you a bee keeper?
There’s many a b(ee) around here, so yes, kinda.
Grumpy, whether or not there’s a “buffer zone”, there’s nothing to stop boaties from going ashore and doing the same dumb things some of them occasionally do elsewhere – particularly camping and carelessly lighting fires. Would like to know the Fish’s take on these management issues and whatever ‘dirt’ they claim to have on TCC.
Just checked the Centurion Global’s development webpage and there hasn’t seemed to have been any activity since this 2023 story you refer to ‘Pie.
Also, empty pages and broken links when you click through to find infomation.
Wasn’t think bloke spruking a housing development in Aitkenvale as well?
Just another southern shark coming up and trying ruin our city!! A timely ‘hawk tonge’ for this shister; piss off dickhead.
But isn’t it tiresome that one bloke sitting in front of a computer with no voice (so no phone calls) and no one assisting him (except loyal citizen/journalist readers) has to expose this sort of shit – which frankly, does NOT make the ‘Pie some journalistic genius, he’s just not lazy, he simply follows the journos code, hear everything, believe nothing until proved. The Townsville Bulletin is wholly compromised by choosing to be player in the news arena for benefit in the advertising arena. The Bulletin, despite some glimpses of a turn around, is without any doubt a part of the Townsville problem, not the solution. And a BIG part, at that.
If only they would bring the zeal they have focussed on Thompson to other issues, they might restore some pride in themselves.
On a positive note (I think), would the hiring of Joe McCabe for a further 12 months be a bad thing? He would appear to know his stuff (local government procedures) and he wasn’t shy about taking it to Mayor Twonames. I reckon he has the potential to do more in 12 months than what the part time CEO Ralston achieved in just under 3 years. The Councillors seem to like him and get along with him, so maybe he is also a bit of a bridge mender? If Joe can focus on transparency and governance we may be on a good wicket. There is still the Twonames issue to navigate and hopefully the Councillors and Joe are plotting the best way to try and keep overruling him and isolating him until he gets the message that most people want him to fuck off.
McCabe sticking around would be a positive thing indeed, agree with all your points. Except about TwoNames getting the message … he’s got the message but he loves the smell of moola in the morning.
One of my colleagues went to a meeting with Joe and the mayor, frosty was an understatement. Joe should do himself a favour and leave, my understanding is there’s a lot of legal innuendo going back and forth, is it any wonder Townsville after Jenny is not going forward as we all expected? Joes on a 3 month renewal contract, I’d be exiting asap, for his own sanity, he can get better gigs elsewhere. Thompson isn’t going anywhere, CCC are toothless and we have 3.5 years to go under his leadership. Even Ken Deihm pulled the pin on his CEO application, that speaks volumes. With TEL the preferred advocacy body, it’s only going to get much worse.
Thanks for your morning contribution, Troy. We’re honoured.
Nice pivot, mate.
Why would Joe, who is turning out to be a competent and safe pair of hands, go? He understands local government and the acts under which it operates while TwoDogs / TwoFucks (as in “doesn’t give two fucks for Townsville) is just making it up as he goes along and living in a fools paradise. As long as Joe stays within the law he is untouchable and will remain a thorn in the accidental mayor’s side.
And Who Cares thinks otherwise, which would certainly suit Mayor Sleazebag.
Bulletin attempting a hit job on the mayor this afternoon. Just saw the actual corro on it. Seems master-bates and Burn-hisarse forgot to refer to the Mayors FB post about discrimination, channel7 have scooped them again. It’s getting embarrassing in the newsroom. I was surprised to see there was only 2 reporters on it though, usually it takes all the ‘journos’ at the bulletin.
Pie, is there any chance you can go in and train these dim wits?
The ‘Pie already does, here in The Nest. They all read it but they’re not listening – or learning.
Hard to know whether Demo Dave is pretending to be in Council or in the Bulletin as his story seems to show he has access to both. In his head perhaps.
Balance of blocks at Magnetic View Estate are already under sale by Mortgagee in Possession on Realestate.com, all reasonable offers considered.
Key word is as always ‘reasonable’. Be a good spot to build if you’ve got the money and a lot of dynamite.
And no fear of snakes. Bloody place is crawling (see what I did there?) with the serious varieties.
Crawling? That is me when I’m muddy, bloody drunk.
Snakes, with more dignity than myself after midnight, slither.
So if Magnetic Views Estate is cooked then his company’s cooked.
The lisping Mr Magoo Albanese has picked his team that will lead the way to the next election, due by May 2025. A motley crew of muppets to say the least. At least we will see less of that fool Giles. Roll on 2025 and vote these deadshits out of office. Long live Potato Head.
So much for improving our offshore trade prospects, they’ve kept that soak Don Farrel on as trade minister.
He screwed up every attempt at promoting or enhancing our oversea trade relationships.
When he tried it on with the EU mob they laughed him out the door, I have some close contacts in DFAT who (within their security bounds) informed me that he was “unwell” rosy cheeked as often as not.
For the past 6 months or so, other senior DFAT teams have been bringing home the bacon.
I thought the Magpie of all people wouldn’t go around publishing defamatory statements about people being habitually drunk at work!
And you thought correctly, no such comment has been published. The ‘unwell’ and rosy cheeked you refer to do not mention ‘habitually’, ‘drunk’ or ‘work’ at any time. Lame attempt at a gotcha, but living up to your name, chum.
The post said “soak” do you take that to mean he’s wet?
No what do you interpret it to mean?
Informal. to intoxicate (oneself ) by drinking an excess of liquor.
Doesn’t say habitual. And of course, Snow White, soak would never apply to your occasional sessions on the toot would it?
An old soak is a well known term for a habitual drunk and you know it, so it is fair to assume it is the position of this blog that trade minister Don Farrel is a an alcoholic and that it impacts his work performance negatively. That is reinforced by the additional note that he was frequently unwell/rosy cheeked.
The’Pie will leave you to argue with the dictionary, he hasn’t the time or inclination. And comments made on this blog DO NOT represent the curator’s position on anything, unless made as a definitive statement by him. But we take it you do not believe that Don Farrell’s work is affected by any drinking habit he may or may not have.
Achilles, I’m not carrying a flag for Don Farrell but how is it that someone who was soaked and unwell could turn around in a few months the completely incompetent posturing of the last couple of Coalition governments, in particular the anti-China Morrison one? Those idiots, including Dutton, burned Australian trade for nothing.
Either the minister is irrelevant or he’s doing a good job. Either way no need to change him out!
From one activist in Linda Burney to another for the aboriginal portfolio in federal government. We have said no, and yet, every state government is running with ‘favour’ to reconciliation, funding, it’s disgraceful, and now Albanese appoints the bully from the territory to be the indigenous minister. With welcome to country acknowledgement on every speech, have we not had enough, more grants for indigenous. Here’s an idea, can we get the real figures spent on this farcical situation. It is racist and has caused so much separation in Australia
Every theatre/arts event now starts with a long winded acknowledgement – you almost want to be rude and walk in late just to miss it.
Same applies to every Jetstar and qantas flight too
Dear brethren, you must all find peace and stop fretting over our regions weak points. We must hold hands and pray for peace within our civic leaders and political parties. We must pray for Council and our elected hero’s. Come, take my hand as we walk through the valley of deep shadows. Amen and god bless the Nest.
Hands on wallets/purses, Nesters.
Good lord.
There are certainly some different individuals about.,Amen Prince of peace, I’m sure your hearts in the right place.
The decline of the once great Townsville Bulletin newspaper into an advertising fish and chip wrapper is complete.
At 8am this morning the lead story on the paper’s website was:
“The Bloom Room Townsville reveals plan for a new florist cafe in West End.
Inspired by seeing how well coffee and flowers worked together, a Townsville florist is about to open a new florist cafe. Find out where.”
The only thing missing here was the word ADVERTORIAL at the top of the story.
Maybe reporter Light-On Smith or advertising manager Cas Garvey can enlighten us to whether they charge for these blatant ads and, if so, how much.
No doubt the old quid pro quo arrangement, which used to be disguised with a nod to some newsy fact. They don’t even bother hiding bit now.
A friend has recently had a ‘free’ story, and hit up for a follow up story as an advertorial, he said the bulletin is amateur in how they go about it, This just another example of why subscription is dropping, the only time it sells anything of quantity is when the new mayor is on the front cover, not the headline Townsville people want or need. I cancelled my subscription this year, as have many of my retired mates
Understand your point of view, Webster, but The Magpie must disagree with your idea that we should stop subscribing. Well, at least for him. The Magpie would have very little to write about if he didn’t read the damn thing every day. The things this old bird does for his readers.
Now then, a call out to Nesters in the know, or those who can interpret TCC budgets.
The Magpie would like to know the timeline for installing the Strand/Pimlico Meters. These machines are not products that can be chucked together on receipt of an order, and one imagines this will involve at least 50 to 100 of them. It is safe to assume the days of one meter per parking spot is long gone, so we will face the tiresome trek along or across the street to the machine and (nowadays) punch in your registration number then pay up in the manner of your choosing. . And that takes sophisticated technology, not one of the ‘sixpence in and ka-chiung, a timer starts a red flag countdown’. In the case of the Strand, legalised government theft is far more sophisticated.
So the question is how will the TCC procure the new whizz bang no-win poker machines in time for a January roll-out? Will they be made in China or elsewhere overseas, or in Australia? When are they expected to arrive, so installation can begin? The ‘Pie has heard the installation will be local but what of the machines themselves?
Will the council have to dick around yet again, change timelines and delay the introduction because of well known supply line delays?
The Council has some info on the website about the meters.
They are planned to be operational by 6 January 2025. I am taking that to mean, at the earliest, we will be paying for parking on this date.
The maps do not show where the specific meters will be located.
The FAQs say they are made in Australia but no location is given. The company who makes them is called Duncans Solutions.
During the last TCC meeting the director guy said something to the effect that they had not yet acquired the meters abut that they would be coming from an Australian company that actually makes them.
Interesting. So presumably, since it was in the budget, they’ve been ordered. If in fact they are not already here in storage awaiting installation.
My son tells me the council already have some meters, and the order was placed a week ago for the balance, $1.3M worth, the deputy confirmed it. The approximate revenue for 6 months is $1.3M at the strand area on 570 parking spots. This does not include signs, labour etc. let’s see if FUN dad has anything smug to say, the man child needs to go, he’s just a mouth piece.
I assume the new meters will be the same as the ones in the city. And you don’t have to trek to them you can use the app anyway.
Oh, fucking spare me.
No cash, card or app only meters. Should make for interesting times with the elderly, and residents. Imagine the older generation at the Mater in 6 months time, this will not end well. Liam Mooneys patch and he won’t back out of it, he has been posturing for this in our area for some time. Local residents are not happy, selfish is all it is.
If on street parking is no longer free near the Mater, would that mean that more people will start using the onsite multi storey carpark? I can’t see the Mater being particularly unhappy about that.
Some of us still reeling in shock from the fact that Labor has managed to find a worse candidate to go up against Phil Thompson than they have the last few times. Will be interesting if the Astonisher will give Edwina Andrew a free ride because of her relationship with Light-On?
That relationship would be what?
They’re either de facto or married. Nothing scandalous in its own right, but I would hope that the paper gives all candidates their due coverage.
The Magpie doubts that the relationship – worth only this passing mention hereabouts – will have any effect on anything, the opening of coffee shop/hamburger joints, medical miracle children and property advertorials would have little influence on political matters. Could make for some awkward moments in the Bulletin bunker though, if Chris Burns feels compelled to write an unpleasant truth should any emerge.
Let’s play fair and leave this private matter out of it, Leighton gets quite enough helpful advice around here for his own performance.
Phil will win by 69%+. No one can touch him, he’s that far ahead, the good news is, he will still be out banging on doors, sending mail to letterboxes and meeting people at shopping centres, markets, because he’s what Townsville needs right now, a proper human. The rest of these galahs can head to Centrelink now
Nothing like getting a lecture on ‘utter disregard for readers’ from News Corpse.
Racing in Queensland is the fourth largest industry, Racing Queensland, under the guidance of Grace Grace better known as Grace squared, who mind you had never stepped on to a racing track before she was appointed minister, has managed to stuff up at least four tracks, Eagle Farm, Gold Coast, Charters Towers, only one race was held on Saturday as the track where they have spent millions was unsuitable for racing, the jockeys refused to ride. The next track is Townsville after the Carnival. As News Limited says, More to come.
OT, Apparently it’s standard practice to give the Cluden track a rest & recuperation period after the Townsville Cup Carnival. The track is used over 100 times a year, possibly close to 120 times.
Ala, are you telling me that they race twice a week at Cluden, it has 38 race meetings and a few grass training gallops, total maximum would be 50. The track is being maintained by subcontractors, and will be closed for at least 8 weeks. Also $1.5 million has been spent on a training track that is under review. The disasters created by Racing Queensland will come to light very shortly.
Looks like Regional Express might be going tits up;
FFS have we lost all sense of language, metaphor, messaging? Or just happy to accept the deliberate distortion of it?
The hysterical hypocrisy surrounding Barnaby Joyce’s making a strong, well-worked and clever multi-layered metaphor, has suddenly seen the woke world cave in, and smelling salt futures go through the roof.
From the ABC report:

The Nationals’ frontbencher told protesters attending an anti-wind farm rally to “get ready to load that magazine” and vote out the prime minister, federal Energy Minister Chris Bowen and local MP Stephen Jones.
“The bullet you have is this little piece of paper, it goes in the magazine called the voting box and it’s coming up,” he said.
“Get ready to load that magazine. Go, goodbye Chris. Goodbye, Stephen. Goodbye, Albo,” he said.
Joyce’s comments were an uncharacteristically smart referencing of the difference between extremes in social discourse between Australia and the US. Joyce’s reasonable dog whistle was clear – that while America may choose guns and violence, Australia chooses votes and ballot boxes. By any reading, Joyce’s words were a rejection of violence in favour of the democratic system.
And then this two-faced twaddle.
Forget Albanese’s posturing about sacking Joyce, the prime minister has made a hypocritical mountain out of a moral molehill, deliberately misinterpreting the words to somehow (The ‘Pie really doesn’t know how he’s sanely managed it) suggest Joyce was wrong to make such a reference. Joyce was encouraging nothing more than to trust voting over violence.
This clutching of pearls by the Prime Minister is a lame, transparent attempt to divert attention away from his own ministerial failures which forced him into his own embarrassing and damaging reshuffle.
And the ultimate irony is on that rare occasion when Barnaby is right, he shits himself in the face of a goody two shoes media and and apologies. So we end as we started with ….FFS.
Good old Albo, what were some of the first things he did when he got the keys, got rid of the cashless debit card, now violence has come back to certain communities, pitted Australian versus Australian with the divisive Volce, got rid of the ABCC, now violence on construction sites and then let nearly a million unchecked immigrants into the country which has a housing crisis, violence is sure to escalate.
Hear bloody hear!!!!! saved me the effort of saying exactly the same.
Barnaby Joyce shows that he has more command of the English language than his opposition. And Anal has a huge problem within and without Al
Now the bandage has come off, that bullet wound on Trump’s ear looks more like a chicken scratch.
The proximity to his skull also raises questions about how a bullet caused so little damage.
Is this another Trump “alternate fact”?
Apparently the bullet was as close as 1/4″ from his skull. Which would mean it was about 3″ from his brain.
Beg to differ, it was more like,say, 23″ …. remember this bloke’s cock is his compass, that’s where his brain is.
And both are withered
CBD parking meters are programmed 2 hrs in one street and you can’t use the app or pay for more hrs, you have to move your car to another street ( to avoid office workers usage ).
BUT on the Strand, Councillor Robinson says you can just top it up using your app
Confusing for tourists
Councillor Greaney either lazy , or demotivated because she isn’t a player.
Palmer St is suddenly shut again – no warning on the Councillors facebook or emails to tenants / workers in the area .
The Council is being inundated with emails from business ( parking meters increase 100 % ) +introduction of paid parking the Strand . Tenants and workers in Palmer st not giving any notice of closure of Palmer st . Council palm it off saying its TMR, BUT Council must have received notice .
If former Councillor O’Callaghan had to do social media training for supposed portraying Council in a negative light, what about Food Trucks Greaney by her actions of not using her media page to inform people of what they have a right to know ? .
I watch all councillor social media, and noone has bothered informing their division. Neither had the official council page. And council hasn’t written to businesses in the areas getting the new meters. Ignorant bunch of @#&%$
It also seems to be top secret that at least some of the meters in the city are offering free parking.
Palmer Street shemozzle has forced a fairly large detour for me and for the past two days I have missed parking in the free parking lot (I drove in as the last park was taken this morning).
With a bit of teeth-gnashing, I decided to pay the $10 and to my surprise on both occasions, was offered free parking.
I cannot find it advertised anywhere so I figure either it’s a slip, or a quiet concession that maybe the “people” objecting to the expanded paid-parking net are correct.
TCC have been useless regarding what is happening on Palmer Street. A friend who owns a business there rang council when work first started and the person answering had absolutely no clue on what was happening. Didn’t know that the intersection was closed, didn’t know how long it would be closed for, and didn’t know what work was being undertaken.
Well, at least they were stupidly honest, rather than the well-worn ‘I don’t have the details in front of me, I’ll get back to you.’
Mr. Pie, it would appear that David Crisafulli has been a naughty boy.
Gosh, the bounder!! What do you recommend, Possibly Elusive Butterfly? Will Albo ask for him to sacked, too … seems to be a Labor thing, applying moral rules to other parties instead of their own.
Interesting to read that the ABC chose not to mention any of the Directors of the company from 1998 to December 1, 2015. The people who presumably led the company to its demise and ran. Seems a pretty honorable thing to do to step in and try to save the sinking ship (pretty much what he is trying to do now with Queensland), As the story says, all creditors apart from he were paid, creditors said he was good to work with, and there was no way for him to reasonably believe the company was trading insolvent when he arrived.
This should be a campaign poster for the LNP. Thanks for sharing Effluent Butterflog.
It was fair and balanced reporting as is, and the ABC reporter rightly saw no value or relevancy in that history … presumably, none of them are running for public office. Or are they? Worth a check.
Wasn’t the point that it was trading insolvent. Even if you’re paying creditors and not taking a wage, trading insolvent is illegal.
OK, let’s take him out and hang him, that’ll larn him.
We’re all familiar with the disconnected whimsy of the real estate writer, littered with synonyms, metaphors and other leaps of hope – ‘renovators dream’ meaning overpriced crumbling slum’. The ‘Pie’s favourite was from the SMH decades ago for a Sydney home about a mile from the waters of Port Jackson which extolled it as having ‘harbour glimpses’.

But locally, this must surely be among the most dubious selling points we’ve seen for a while.
It’s an ‘adversity to advantage’ piedce of fantasy, presumably written by someone not familiar with Townsville.
But a group of business people really love the annual SuperPests … the business community of Charters Towers. A long term local Tells The ‘Pie that the Towers booms each year when the speeding billboards are in town … because the is a yearly exodus of Townsville folk heading out to avoiud the noise and inconvenience of the event, both annoyances that persist even as the event attracts dwindling interest.
This vacant block could become a little money spinner come the 2025 Super pests event. While you’re waiting for your new build approval from TCC. What’s to stop a new owner from hiring a mobile mini grand stand and sell four day tickets with a guaranteed view to the petrol lovers.
Chuck in a couple of mobile dunnies, a BBQ for the snags, a guest appearance by Jenny Mullet with the promise of a free Bulletin cap and you’re on a winner ! Jenny’s appearance could enhance a guaranteed use of the mobile dunnies by attendees !!
I’m a money making genius !!
And a genius that has never dealt with council approvals for as much a new front step. But you might be set by 2026.
Had a great laugh at Aaron Harper on Facebook sponsoring a forum on “End of Life Matters” which I was surprised was apparently not a session for the ALP to get ready for October.
Poor old Harpic, he’s about to find out that in the political world, he’s not eligible for Dying With Dignity.
Heard a story once that when a rats nests gets dirty they just find a better nest.
Just seen but probably old news that Dr Prins Ralston is now a Director of Copperstring Project . Isn’t their another rat heading that way
Guess who else is very heavily involved, the Pies best mate Bazza.
Baz made his fortune out in thatv territory, acting for landholders when a previous powerline or some development needed to go through their land. Seems that’s where his gouging started, charging an exorbitant percentage of the money he wangled for his clients. he wanted to charge one bloke close on a million, and was told to GFH. And a few years ago, he got embarrassingly pinged in a Rockhampton court, and had to make a settlement with a former client he had – according to the judge – ripped off.
Prins was cut loose from Gladstone ports corporation earlier this year. Then Board Chair Anthony Lyneham walked the plank in May and the CEO resigned last week, effective immediately. There has been years of mismanagement, cronyism, and entrenched bad practise at the port. Most problems have occurred under Labor oversight in the past decade.
Peace Prince, not surprising that most action occurred at Gladstone Ports under Labor in the last decade because Labor has been the government for the last 9½ years. People also leave government-owned corporations around election time because they remember what happened last time:
“Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has announced he will sack the Labor-appointed board in charge of the port of Gladstone. Mr Newman says he is not happy with the management of the Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC), which oversees the Gladstone Harbour. The board and its chairman Ian Brusasco were appointed by the former Labor government. Mr Newman says the whole board will be axed because he has no confidence in the corporation. But Mr Brusasco, who has been the chairman of the GPC since 2007, says claims of mismanagement are “insulting”. We’ve been through five years of unprecedented development and things have gone very well,” he said.”
Tough titty eh? There will be plenty more.
So..William Calley has shuffled off. Unlamented and, unfortunately, forgotten.
He was an unpleasant little fucker throughout. But still managed to make it to 80, 56 years more than the 500 or so innocent Vietnamese villagers he had killed at My Lai in 1968.
I have him to “thank” for my exodus from Oz to the UK for 6 years. I had only just returned to Oz after my 2 years compulsory “service” to a less than warm welcome.
But once this disgusting episode was front and central, we were tarred with the same brush. So I decided to get out before I beat the shit out (or worse) of some of the scruffy brain washed morons who were incapable of free thought, who publicly badgered and harassed me even at the RSL!
Thanks in the main to the dishonest biased Oz media so called reporting.
NB this was less than 2 years since Long Tan was at “celebrity status”.
I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the Magpies Nest and the blog on which we comment…..
I’m sick of the welcome to country bullshit that proceeds every sporting event, school or business event, every fucking meeting, everything. I do not need to be welcomed to the country that I was born and raised in. What next, a welcome to country before I take a shit? Maybe a welcome to country at the fish n chip shop as I collect my order? A visit to Coles or Woolies, no problem, a welcome to country at the checkout! FFS, enough of this overused load of absolute bullshit. It’s offensive..it’s racist..it’s divisive..it’s a crock of shit.
Peaceful one.. I think you nailed my thinking. I am original, born of several generations of originals. I had smoking ceremonies every day for 32 years, mostly filter tips, don’t get welcomed to my country since the kids flew the coop, and if i am racist, i welcome to me
I am 100% with you.
There are elections, State and Federal coming up. I encourage you, and all like minded folks to write (email) to candidates various. Forceful, polite, words of one syllable if possible. Stand up and be counted, give you name, address and phone number.
I could quack on how our forebears in this country contributed to the betterment of their fellow man as compared to those paylothic people who arrived 50,000 years ago and were still payliothic in 1788. 50,000 years and fuckall progress, but as I said, I will not quack on.
Good night.
Just ignore it mate. Not worth getting that upset about
The Crisafulli obsessed Aaron ‘Batman’ Harpic strikes again with another one of his daily anti-Crisafulli posts on his Facebook account. You’re a sick man Harpic, you need to get help. Do you have Crisafulli’s face on your dart board? Maybe you have his picture printed on your underwear?
Don’t forget taxpayers, it’s your money that pays this triple chinned fuckwit to sit on Facebook all day posting crap about the LNP. I know I know, Harpic will be out of government come October, but you would think that he would be doing some actual work that benefits Townsville in the meantime? What an arseclown.
If this is true (Thompson says it isn’t, but he lies a lot) it is absolutely pathetic, absolutely futile.
Let’s face it, there’s bugger all reputation left to damage, after his efficient job of trashing it himself on national television. What Thompson is now claiming discrimination through his disability – epilepsy. And somehow, this has caused a DV abusing, valour-stealing, proven fraudster, and serial lying under-educated, financial incompetent some sort of reputational – reputational FFS – damage. After failing to disprove any of these facts on national television.
He doggedly and somewhat dementedly refuses to entertain any other reason but discrimination about epilepsy as to why he is becoming so widely despised.
And again, if this story in the Bulletin is factual, his is a carefully planned self-immolation. It appears Thompson figured it was too hard to sue all the councillors (in fact, as pointed out in The Nest already, he really has no case the councillors and their no confidence vote – and they weren’t the ones who either called for actually blocked him from entering the TCC building).
So he has indicated to other councillors – according to the Bulletin – he is just going after the council management itself. That is straight out dollars and cents thinking, because in his simple minded way, and with very amateurish legal advice, he has perhaps figured the council could find the money to pay out through insurance. The Bulletin quotes one councillor saying that he is hoping for $100k at least. This poor mutt of a mayor is suffering under the delusion that council will reach a settlement to avoid the cost of defending in court. Such a defence will cost the council NOTHING … it is insured against this sort of scamming, and it is bread and butter to these fellows.
He in for big fucking shock – it is impossible to see how this utterly nonsensical matter would even remotely get through the process required to actually end up in front a jury, or a judge-only trial.
But The Magpie for one hopes this goes to court – an expert in these sorts of insurance matters tells The ‘Pie there is zero chance of a settlement, the insurance company will take this to civil trial if necessary, and Thompson will have to fund his own costs – and these things can quickly start heading north towards the million mark. Even his MyPlace mates will blanche at that.
And be interesting to see what lawyer would be willing to take on this deeply disturbed man with such a bullshit argument as a client.
If he persists in such a course, he could be getting close be being declared a vexatious litigant … legal speak for crazed time-wasting pest.
BUT he has taken to Facebook to say it is all lies … which leaves us to decide if this serial liarb is lying about even this.
But Now TwoNames has taken to Facebook to say it’s all lies by the Bulletin …
this puts the average reader of all this in a dilemma: do we believe a proven liar when he says it is lies, or we believe the Townsville Bulletin ‘facts’. Coin toss time.
The article says that there are 49 “comments” I don’t subscribe to Feces Book maybe someone can have a look and let is know what the responses are?
The post under Thompson’s page has only got adoring supporters comments remaining. Noone else bothers to post there any more.
There are 2 articles posted to the Bulletin Facebook page. Both have a number of comments. Most of the comments are along the lines of, this is embarrassing, he should resign, the whole council should go, what waste of money, what a loser, how is it possible to damage a reputation such as his.
The reason any one even with a mildly questioning attitude is deleted, as taught in the Harpic School of Dishonesty.
so ducks nuts,just one question,are you happy with the way the Townsville City Council conduct the way the run this city ?
Grammar just ain’t your go, is it, mdog?
mdog, can you repeat the question. In English. I’m afraid I don’t understand gibberish.
After speaking to Kris, Mooney bought up the question, are you suing TCC for $100,000. The answer was, NO. It was part of renegotiation for the QLD Human Rights Commission. That’s right, he has taken the matter up directly with the QHRC, against the CEO, and council. It will get a lot of attention, and may reach a settlement, if the information is true. The CEO and legal are now allegedly colluding to remove the mayors capacity, getting outside legal advice after his surprise mayoral minute that side swiped the councillors. Seems they’ve spat their dummies out. This will get really dirty.
The councillor and executive offices are leaking information and it’s going to play a part. Jacob mentioned he was told by ministers in a meeting, Thompsons CCC will not lead anywhere, and neither will any of the current complaints on councillors, but McCabe and Sewell are in a real spot of bother. Seems Kris has plenty to say on the sauce. Can we just dissolve the lot?
Hera Hear,get rid of the fuckin lot of the useless overpaid mungs
Mdog, what has Hera got to do with it? She is a Greek patron goddess of lawful marriage.
Proven liar because he was caught out,what about the others that have lied been caught and now want this liar removed???The whole place is fucked,been fucked for many a year,and is still being fucked.The only way to fix the eternal whore that is tcc is to have a complete investigation,from councillors,right down to the managers.i am sure that the plebs that are mostly made up of local rate payers,that is the tcc workforce have had enough of the lies,bullshit,smoke and mirrors,and non sensical spending,that has been going on unchecked since someones dad was mayor.
The ‘Pie is wondering if there is a future for your ‘stream of consciousness’ reporting. One can almost see the foam in the corners of your mouth. That is not to say your wrong, just a novel delivery that is fascinating.
Just had a fuckin gut full of bullshit,spin doctoring,and leacherous people,that take advantage of the great unwashed.also I cannot understand why my grammar and delivery is causing you any angst bird.
No angst just observations about your lack of pride in putting your thoughts into print. And since you mention it, ‘leacherous’???? Even with correct spelling, what are you getting at, sounds nice and racy?
Pie, Garvey & Burns took the bait and run with it. TwoNames was being mischievous and mentioned to his ally Robinson, possibly saying he had grounds to sue after getting advice from the Human Rights Commission (they’re the lot that won’t lock up recidivist snots). The story in today’s Astonisher is a story with no actual story. But that is the trend lately, just ‘story telling’. Maybe I should started with ‘Welcome to Country’
You’ve spelt ‘country’ incorrectly. One letter too many. (And no don’t bother, people, just run with it.)
Didn’t just mention to Robinson, but a whole room of councillors.
Dumb move to think he can just verbally spray whatever threats he wants and then play the ‘you have no proof therefore I never said it’ card.
On the basis that the enemy of my enemy is my friend (tenuous at best in this case ) The ‘Pie reckons today’s Daily Astonisher editorial is worth a reprint here.
But then again, Ms Garvey, it might be worth pondering that if you and your predecessors had actually fulfilled your empty boast – a highly selective oner, especially when it came to Jenny Hill – we might not have found ourselves in this predicament.
The Magpie for one is not letting you off scot free, but carrying your brave new face forward to other issues – let’s not drop the ball on Strand parking meters – you may redeem yourself to some degree.
Next Wednesday’s council meeting should be a ripper.
I suspect that either Twonames Tomo will be struck down with a well planned epileptic episode Tuesday evening, or the meeting will be closed to the ratepaying public.
It better not be.
Just a point of clarification:
There are no insurers to be involved in this. Townsville City Council, because of its size, self-insures. A very common practice for organisations both public and private of the financial size of TCC. Whilst everyone argues over the less than $1Billion annual operating budget, they forget that from an equivalent “market capitalisation” perspective if it were a listed ASX company (no jokes please, this is a serious point
TCC is valued at about $59Billion once all assets are taken into account.
This shouldn’t be confused for thinking they will be a soft touch for a weak compo claim. Anything but. It also means if TwoNames were to get up his claim, it is ratepayers, not insurers, who will pay. This isn’t a case of “the premium increases if you make a claim” insurance. Those that self-insure guard every penny much more carefully when it comes to litigation.
And right now, an attack by TwoNames in this manner would be an attack on the ratepayers, not some overseas insurer or underwriter.
Hmmm, will get back to you on the issue of insurance.
Thompson is a slippery untrustworthy shyster. He would be aiming for a decent pay day, I have no doubt about that. He just keeps proving what a greedy prick he is. Watch out Joe McCabe as he will target TCC management, not his fellow councillors. It’s the acting CEO who Thompson wants to bury. I have no reason to believe that the media would make this story up. Somebody has slipped them the details. Of course that Mayor will lie and try to hide the truth, it’s what he does best. This guy is an embarrassment to our city.
It is a quintessential dilemma for Townsville. Do you believe a serial liar or the Townsville Bulletin? That’s the situation we’re in, but the professional approach by the paper on this particular issue, and particularly the balance (on this issue) of reporter Burns suggests they are on the money this time … let’s not forget (and as The ‘Pie has reason to personally know) News Corpse has a whole battalion of lawyers ready for battle at a moment’s notice. They would be advising Cas Garvey on this every step of the way. Wonder if our com man would actually be stupid enough to take them on legally? That would be an arse kicking worth selling tickets to.
Comment of the century on the TB online site re Twonames, in case readers missed it:
‘I didn’t realise he was in town. I thought he was at The Olympics defending all of his gold medals’.

Well, Murdoch Press are serial liars on a global scale. Twonames is but a novice
Monty,so is the rest of the top end of council.dont believe any bullshit that comes from council or the rag that supports their bullshit.Fuckin liars,and money hungry fat fucks that contribute completely fuck all to society,other than have their greedy fuckin heads in the public purse trough,gorging on OUR hard earned.
There’s a hint of attitude in your comment, mdog.
Better to die on your feet,than live on your knees,hey!
Thank you Mr Hemingway.
Mdog, that TCC management doesn’t change much, no matter who they put there. All they worry about is their entitlements and what car they should be driving.
And the whiff of an early morning tipple
Mdog, r u ok? Bro, I’m worried you are going to blow a gasket! I’m hearing ya and I feel your frustration with TCC. Shysters like Twonames always come unstuck. And unstuck he will come. It takes time to feed somebody the length of rope that they hang themselves with. The arrogant prick will take a fall eventually. Sooner than later would be nice, but we need to remain patient. Tick tock.
This will become more about the human rights claim, then a payout, either way, if and only if Thompson is successful, he’ll get a lot more than the $100,000 on TCC self insurance policy. Something should be said though, if he has evidence, and Kris said there was a paperwork trail, then Joe might be facing some serious issues. I think the wannabe mayor might be safe. I’m more concerned about Townsville having no money, can we at least put them to the administrators, don’t need to sack anyone then, they are all gone, strip it right back, cut the fat. Pie, is right, he won’t sue the Bully, Cas knows it, but they have had a few blends to this story so far.
He won’t be successful and he has no evidence of anything except his own greedy over-reaching stupidity.
The office at TCC is toxic. I can confirm there is no lawsuit, that’s a lie. There is a human rights complaint, and active OIA complaints regularly from all sides. The council is dysfunctional and broke.
Kris? Kristian Price? This is where you’re getting your information from? FMD! Isn’t he tied up with cookers? Let me rephrase that. He’s a cooker.
Didn’t Thompson say he was going on stress leave? How can he then turn around and sue for discrimination? The guy’s just after money, which is just more evidence towards him being a conman.
On the face of it, Joe and the council appear to have clear justification through Thompson own testimony about his mental state, that they will be not only justified but obligated to act under WPHS provisions. The mental health of the community is starting to be a far more serious issue than that of this shyster.
This woman is shredding Donald Trump every time she stands up and speaks. No wonder Trump is trying to dodge debating her.
January 6 2025 will be a day for the ages – Kamala (as VP and presiding officer of the Senate) confirming the Electoral College votes that she will be the president. The last person to do that was George HW Bush back in the 1980’s.
Harris looks like she has what it takes to beat the orange man. Suddenly all of her cackling and stupid laughter has turned into serious dialogue with a noted measure of articulate speech. The gangster Trump deserves to be in jail with a bunch of horny proud boys.
Flinders Shire CEO has resigned amid allegations of corruption. Maybe he could apply to TCC. He’d fit right in.
Another classic quote from America after Biden stood down:
“Trump is like the dog who caught the car”.
Member for toilet brushes Aaron Harpic posed for coffee with Cr Jacob today. I’m sure they discussed the mentally retarded Cr Thompson at some stage.
In the manner Larry and Mo discussed Curly when he wasn’t there.
This is a serious subject but it is diminished by the bullshit wordsmithing.
People who are menstruating. Nowhere could I see the word woman.
Again here is the ABC pandering to the woke virtuous inner city late sipping ignoramus’
We must not offend those XY chromosome women (with amazingly well developed male charistics, (4 Inch clit anyone?)
ALL of the people menstruating are WOMEN, this is a weird overstep by the ABC. After a re-read, The ‘Pie cannot even see what sort of agenda they’re promoting, it doesn’t make sense. Unless of course, we are being told that cocks in frocks are actually women because they’ve decided to be, or chaps who undergo operations to have their tackle changed into a tackle box don’t menstruate. A more accurate and less idiotic headline might have been: Menstruating Women Disadvantaged By Cost Of Living Crisis.
But as to the subject itself, The Magpie has long believed – and has written here and elsewhere – that basic women’s pads and tampons should be available free of charge. Yes, the overall taxpayer would foot the bill, but if government’s are serious about equality, let alone mental and sexual health, why should women be financially discriminated against because of an unavoidable biological fact? It is also discrimination against men and children, because as the article reports, these products (vastly overpriced in a captive market) affect household budgets and wellbeing of whole families.
And please, to save your bleeding keyboard fingers, dimwits, please do not trot out the old trope that if that’s the case, men’s shaving gear should also be free. The Magpie is not advocating that brazilians should be subsidised, they’re optional. Menstruation is not. If you don’t know the difference between the two situations, you are a closet incel idiot. Most likely with a teeny weeny.
Great comment Pie. I have a wife and I have 3 daughters who are now grown up. Watching what they endured every month was awful, but evenly bad was the cost of their sanitary items each month. It’s like a double hit every month. If we can spend $300b on fucking submarines I’m sure we could subsidise women’s sanitary items.
Mopsy – I went through much the same thing. An added bonus was twin girls going through puberty at the same time as the wife going through menopause. It was all, of course, my fault.
Of course it was.
Not all people who menstruate are women. Some are men.
Oh purleeese.
In terms of the ordinary understanding and certainly in terms of feminine hygiene products, ABS, yours is nit picking bullshit about boutique ‘preferences’. All literature points to the fact that while some people born with female equipment (and therefore have periods) choose to identify as men, they remain biological men – their choice of emotional well being, but the fact is men do not have a body that regularly prepares for pregnancy. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus, or womb, sheds its lining. The menstrual blood is partly blood and partly tissue from inside the uterus. It passes out of the body through the vagina. And short of the occasional entry in Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, that is that.
It is just so tiresome when some people try to hijack a fairly straightforward matter to push their irrelevant niche agendas.
It’s very straightforward that transgender men menstruate, and the article is completely correct and accurate in saying “people who menstruate” to encompass that fact. Your personal dislike of the fact is irrelevant.
Your personal dislike of common sense and basic facts is irrelevant. Biological men do not bleed in that manner or any way that can be equated. Sex change men to women are no longer men.
Stop being a half smart boofhead, it’s tedious.
Another male competing in women’s sports.
JWD – it’s a ludicrous situation, made worse by the IOC’s unwillingness to risk offending the vocal minority of loopy extremists by taking a principles stand on the issue. Which is pretty much the tenor of these games. Drag queens, for fuck’s sake.
That’s a woman.
ABS – I agree, but what about the other one?
We’re now living in a very precious society. Things are obviously way too easy when we’re arguing about nonsense such as “what is a woman”. Clearly we no longer have real issues, so we have to start making them up. But it makes me wonder how long we’ll have this luxury for?
Your singin’ the Magpie’s song, John.
Imane Khalif is not Trans.
She was assigned female at birth and was raised as a female. She didn’t transition from a man to a woman because she has never been a man and has always competed as a woman because she was raised as a woman.
Please understand the difference between assigned female at birth, and transitioned.
Oh, Ducky. No one said that she is trans. She is XY. Biologically, she is a man. Just because she did not have obvious male genitalia at birth and was wrongly classified as a female, told she was a female and raised as a female does not change the fact she is a man and should not be competing against women in one of the most physically violent of sports. Please understand that, you condescending prick.
Just because she has XY chromosomes does not mean that Khelif is transgender. It’s possible for people to have differences in sex development (DSD). DSD are conditions that cause a person to develop differently from what would be typically expected of their assigned sex.
“DSD is a group of conditions involving genes, hormones and reproductive organs – and can be associated with a condition where a female body naturally produces more testosterone than others. DSD traits only become apparent at puberty, when secondary sex characteristics, such as facial hair, breast tissue or distinct body shapes start to develop.
It is difficult to estimate how many people have DSD traits – many live their entire lives without ever knowing they have one. Scientists estimate as many as one out of every 50 people is born with DSD traits. A person with DSD may have any gender identity.”
Not sure why there are people getting worked up about all this. And the arguments are going nowhere fruitful for the purposes of The Nest, but OK, we can have comments on universal matters – like American politics – that affect us. But this? FFS.
Here’s an extreme analogy about the boxing box. What if Superman was around the place, would be the quickest way to kill a sport, let’s say, NRL or AFL? The answer is for either code to sign him up. The games would not longer be contests, because no one could out mark or make a line break that could stop him. Instead of a game, it would just become a one-man exhibition of superior and unfair powers and ability. The codes would die.
And the easiest way to save those games? Ban him. One person, gone. And the enjoyment, contest and fairness of those sports is able to continue.
Boxing is not different. If this person wions a gold, it will be the hollows victory ever recorded in the Olympics outside a Chinese swimming pool.
Magpie, there are two athletes who were disqualified by the now non associated IBA competition the Olympics and one trans woman who identifies as a man. All competing in boxing.
People get upset because of a perceived advantage. No one got upset because of Michael Phelps advantage. His arms were longer,hands were bigger and lung capacity almost twice that of an ordinary person. Should he also have been banned?
Stupid question, and it earns the Eristic Argument Of The Day Award, Tasty Bits. From a serious debating point of view, just childish.
The argument is about unnatural unfair advantage, and is wholly based on the scientific fact that men – however you decide to define them – are stronger than women (generally).
And in sport, it’s not who you identify as, it is who you are that should determine your opponents.
And tell us this, in all honesty: how will it sit with you if this boxer goes through the tournament to Gold, undefeated and winning every bout by a similar margin/manner that he/she/it beat the Italian sheila? It’s a very lop-sided argument about fairness here, what about those put at an UNFAIR disadvantage. (cff The Magpie’s previous reply regarding Superman.)
And if the IOC were to ban this joker (they obviously won’t) it should not be from the Games, it should just be from the women’s side of the sport. Let him enter the men’s contest if he’s good enough.
But oh, blub blub, you wring your hanky and say ‘But that would be soooo unfair.’ Well, sport, you can’t have it both ways.
Ducky – for fuck’s sake. Are you so wound up in your desire to impress us with your vast knowledge and wisdom that you don’t bother to read. Once again – NOBODY IS SAYING SHE IS TRANSGENDER!!!!! She obviously has DSD. She probably did not know it herself until puberty. Born into poverty, she probably didn’t even know she was XY and had little cherries nestled inside her. Fact is, now she has the physical attributes of a man, XY and is therefore biologically a man. She should not be competing with girls. The fact that she has been beaten by girls in the past means that, despite being a bloke, she isn’t good enough. What part of this do you not understand?
Girls? Christ, you’re a brave man, amigo.
He/she/it – which one is it Malcolm? You have to pick.
Maybe The ‘Pie will take the Tasmanian pick … one of each, please.
The is anecdotal evidence (NB: NOT scientific) that men can experience period symptoms, however, they can’t, in simple terms, bleed.
Where Idiot ABS is confused is that women who transition to men, will still experience full menstruation unless they take medications.
That Olympic fiasco was disgraceful. Not only did the Moroccan have the strength of male, he must have been 12” taller than the Italian girl. She never stood a chance.
Gee Jeff, have you never seen a tall woman before?
DN, as always, you fail to see the point.
I see the point Jeff. You has a small weenie and you’re crying about a woman who has a genetic disorder.
Additionally, the Italian boxer has apologised for her bad sportsmanship. But, surprise surprise the corrupt IBA will hand Carini a US$50,000 bonus for her loss to Khelif. Well well, who’d have thought that boxing would be like that.
Okay, DN, by reducing your response to a personal attack against me proves you can’t refute my argument.
I stand with JK Rowling that prancing ponces don’t compete against biological women. If the federations etc., are so enthusiastic to embrace these sexually ambiguous competitors, put them in their own class.
With trannies being about 0.7% of the global population, it will be a small competition.
She’s not Moroccan and there’s no evidence she has the strength of a male. The Italian girl just forgot to block.
Jenny Hill wanted a legacy like Tony Mooney and chased Lansdown / Flinders Lane. In this quest for personal glory, she took her eye off Council projects / new home builds.
Project blowouts meant Council had to increase rates, add extras like differential, and not do projects, rolling the funding to cover debt .
The result is a council burdened by debt that will take up to 30 yrs to pay off. Projects like TCC contributions Concert Hall / Railyards residential and improvements are but an impossible dream.
Jenny also wanted revenge on the old Thuringowa staff and tore the place down and let the inept impaler do the reconstruction. But like every conman or conwoman in this case, the impaler “sold Springfield the monorail” https://giphy.com/gifs/season-4-the-simpsons-4×12-xT5LMFZDpDZPA0O8jm and like every con, she left with the cash and left us the troubles.
A lamentable situation all round.
We have a stadium where unsophisticated men can run around and bump into each other where worthy facilities like the Townsville Performing Arts Center are never likely to be realised.
This bloody mess is the direct result of the Mullet’s excesses AND the councillors who failed to curb her excesses.
Exactly. Bogan priorities to excess.
Yes one of them is now acting Mayor despite him trying to distance himself in the past from her…
While paid parking along the Strand is still a burning issue, I want council to start charging people to use the EV charging stations. If the council is that desperate for revenue this should be considered.
If a Tesla takes an average 100kwH to charge at Tariff 11 prices then that would generate about $34 on a 100% user-pays system for each charge.
As a late and occasionally lamented former premier said, don’t you worry your pretty little head about that … once there is an irreversible majority of EVs on the roads, there’ll be no charging for free, only at home, where you pay the bill. And you can bet there’ll be some sort of road tax to replace the current exorbitant fuel excise tax.
That’s an argument you’ll have to take up with Greg Bruce. They’re his babies. But with paid parking you’ll probably have to pay for the park while you charge your car for free.
Fuckwit Harpic has yesterday and today posted more anti-LNP drivel on his Facebook page. The idiot is obsessed. Get a life Harpic.
Well, dunno, he is a Labor MP, suppose it’s kind of expected of him.
Prince Rollmop you post this comment every time. If you checked out any politician from any party in any any state, federal or overseas democratic system you will find them doing this. Ruling or opposition you have digs at the other side.
I’m not pro harpic but he is doing what they all do Prince smelling fish so post something else and stop this ongoing bullshit.
Maybe the Scandinavian royal herring could compromise by keeping a daily count and then just publish a weekly (preferably monthly) account?