Why this blog exists...

The Magpie

Sunday, September 29th, 2024   |   294 comments

Going, Going, and …. Gone? Whatever Miles Decides, Conman The Barbarian Has Won.

It’s what American gamblers call ‘creating a middle’, a strategy of backing two outcomes with different ‘starts’ so you cannot lose.  If Miles moves on the mayor,  Thompson wins up to a year on full pay for doing nothing but waiting for a CCC outcome. If Miles doesn’t move on him, Thompson will remain a pointless person still doing nothing but still on four grand plus a week.  Plus invites to openings if fast food outlets. Either way, we will be left with his shit-eating Cheshire cat grin to comfort us.

But if Thompson is allowed to attend Wednesday’s TCC meeting, there can be only course open to councillors on the Strand parking meter issue: they must oppose the mayor’s ruinously stupid motion to ‘pause’ the Strand installation’, as spelt out in his latest FB post … there is a much better way if councillors simply put up their own amended motion.

The mayor’s MyPlace mates are busy elsewhere, having a minor victory … with outside and even international help … in Gympie.

With the passing of his friend and confidant Fran O’Callaghan, The Magpie is now at liberty to reveal the extent of the bullying she was subject to, and to call out  the main snivelling second rate standover merchants.

Getting rid of the Jenny Hill junta doesn’t seem to have changed anything, even the newbies are showing a tendency towards the old ‘let them eat cake’ agenda. It’s all there in black and white. It’s a particular instance that leads The Magpie to a serious suggestion … if Palm Island can have its own council, why can’t Magnetic Island?

And will Anthony Albanese be able to claim a social legacy like John Howard and Kevin Rudd before him? The issue is bthere but will he haved the ethical will to do something meaningful about the gambling scourge creating havoc across thre nation. The ‘Pie has a link to a brilliant analysis on the issue.

The ‘Pie is too busy with this wide ranging edition of the Nest to be witty or whimsical about the ever present need for assistance with blog costs, so in short, if you can help, that would be great, the donate button is at the bottom of the blog.

But first up …



There is a sensible, responsible  and fairly obvious way around his cunning, a way that should achieve a sort of compromise on the parking issue. Just in case you’re not aware of what he is up to,  you should see the following and make your own judgement

Some background.

Last Monday, councillors and TCC executives had a private meeting with Strand business people who strongly oppose the introduction of paid parking on the Strand.  The reality of their opposition, allied to residents, health, professional, the Chamber of Commerce and even the Catholic Bishop, was persuasive enough to bring the matter back before them at next Wednesday’s regular council meeting.

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And while the Bulletin and reporter Chris Burns have been doing meticulous work in putting this issue front and centre, even they have fallen into a trap that Mayor Troy Thompson has latched onto …  they have conflated parking on the Strand with the proposed same scheme in Palmer Street and around the Mater Hospital in Pimlico. This is a fallacy, and each area has it’s own reason to accept or oppose the plan, but these are three separate issues, with widely varying arguments that are not related to one another. One size does not fit all.

Shortly after that Monday meeting, Thompson, in a move that was exceedingly dense or exceedingly cunning,  put up this Facebook post.Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 7.01.18 pmSounds good, doesn’t it?

But in fact it is a wasteful recipe for confusion and manipulation, not to mention endless ratbaggery  from various quarters.  Socially indifferent people like Matt Richardson and Clr ‘Chuckles’ Robertson only see numbers and their financial outcome, not their community outcome. It should be made clear that this no way a council should govern.

You cannot equate the concerns of restaurateurs, hoteliers conventions centres and tourist areas with the residential concerns of Pimlico residents.

This can easily and justifiably be pared down to just two issues … Pimlico, and Palmer Street. Consultations and surveys of the sort Thompson proposes aren’t cheap and they invariably aren’t quick. And the longer it goes on, the more opportunity Thomson has to dishonestly paint himself as the people’s champion … which he is anything but.

The key factor here is simple … there should not be any expensive, double dipping, time wasting consultation needed on the Strand issue … if any councillor is in any doubt about the overwhelming opposition to the scheme, they haven’t been paying attention. They’ve got their ‘consultation’  on the Strand proposal in spades from all quarters. It is clearly NO, scrap it.

The solution next Wednesday is simple. DO NOT vote for Thompson’s self-serving popularity contest, but put up your own motion to immediately scrap the Strand project, and admit you got it wrong. If you feel there is consultation needed in the other two areas, include that in your motion.  If you don’t settle the Strand matter when you so easily can … and it is really just bowing to the inevitable … you will feel further wrath from the public who are fed up with the endless back and forth of some council matters, with no real leadership evident from anyone.

You can all change that to a small degree on Wednesday.

A person who readily admits their mistakes can be described as humble, accountable, self-aware, and open-minded. They are not afraid to acknowledge when they are wrong or have made an error in judgment. They take responsibility for their actions and  display a high level of integrity.
John Lee

Note the words accountably, responsibility and integrity.

Leading businessman Craig Stack, whose company manages the North Ward shopping village has not so subtly reminded the council of an unwanted consequence of the Strand move … in the past few days, new signs have been placed around the car park. Village regulars will not have missed Mr Stack’s point.

Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 5.54.19 pm Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 5.53.49 pm Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 5.54.03 pmBut the Stack company will have to pay for the monitoring and organise the towing. All thanks to the TCC.

But Will Thompson Be There On Wednesday To Put His Motion?

As the saying has it, nothing concentrates the mind like being hung in the morning … or a like a losing election coming up.

Premier Smiley has made a judgement that moving on our unbudging mayor might get him some brownie points with local voters in the state election. We will know by tomorrow evening (Monday Sept 29) if Premier Miles mind has been concentrated enough by his legal galahs to stand down our con man mayor until the CCC verdict on his behaviour is in.  Which, for inexplicable reasons,  could take up to a year.

But that is hardly likely to bother TwoNames, in fact, might be cause for a bottle of bubbly, because either way, the big con has been achieved, and he’s on $4000 per week for at least the next six to nine months for doing nothing, no matter what Miles decides.

But of course,  Thompson, of all people,  had to post his thoughts on democracy in his usual insincere schoolboy FB flapdoodle.


I am deeply concerned by the report in the Townsville Bulletin this morning, which appears to quote Labor Premier Steven Miles stating his intention to remove me as Townsville’s democratically elected Mayor without cause, seemingly due to personal dislike.

It seems that the Labor Premier Steven Miles is attempting to create chaos ahead of the upcoming election on October 26, where he faces a potential and devastating defeat.

The suggestion that Labor Premier Steven Miles intends to remove me from my democratically elected position without legitimate cause is alarming. Such actions undermine our democratic principles and suggest a level of disregard for democracy in Queensland.

This kind of rhetoric, even as a threat, sets a dangerous precedent. It should serve as a warning to every Mayor and Councillor about the potential actions Labor may take against those they oppose in the future.

That prompted The Magpie to offer the following in comments.

The Magpie
17,774 approved
email hidden; JavaScript is required

A few observations of the patient from Dr. Magpie, and a couple ezy-read translations.
‘Deeply concerned’ = ‘I shit myself’.
‘seemingly due to personal dislike’ = ‘What a shock. I mean, what’s not to love about a valour-stealing, academically lying, fraudulent business incompetent who goes in for the odd bit of biffo on the missus? Really I ask you.”

So in the judgement of decent people, there is plenty of legitimate reasons to remove you, but in Queensland, they may not be legal … until Crisafulli becomes premier.

And it’s absolutely ironically delicious to read about the danger of precedents from one of the most dangerous precedents it has been our displeasure to experience. And you yourself are what serves as a warning to other lying, cheating violent two-bit it chiselers who run for public office on a campaign of lies.

Anyway stay tuned.

But If This Walking Pong Remains, Here’s A Cautionary Tale

Thompson’s whacko MyPlace knuckle draggers ares sweating on their man getting. a greater foothold in Walker Street to claim another local government scalp. They will be waiting to introduce some of their wild-eyed policies here, just like they have done elsewhere, most recently in Ipswich.

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This lot are no joke, they are expensive pests, and have been creating all sorts lolling-tongue mischief, first in Frankston, then Bundaberg, Maryborough and Gympie. Now they’re poised to have a tilt at their biggest scalp, Townsville.

Another reason Thompson must go.

With The Sad passing Of Fran O’Callaghan, Some Things Need To Be Put On The Record


Fran always said she hated all the non-smiling pictures of her in the paper. This is how she wanted to be remembered.

Fran lost her battle with cancer and died peacefully on September 17,  with husband Peter and family at her side. There was a private funeral last Tuesday, and on Thursday, at Fran’s request through a third party, The Magpie announced the sad loss on behalf of the family.  That she had asked me to make the announcement was a final small gift marking our friendship.

I met Fran shortly after she was elected  to represent Division 10. She rang asking if we could have a chat. Over coffee, it was clear she was very distressed at the treatment she was receiving by her council colleagues and the mayor, and she needed reassurance that she was doing the right thing. The ‘right thing’ for Fran was being directly honest in her concerns and questions, many put to her by constituents who were mystified by council matters, particularly finances.  Not surprisingly, this greatly upset the Hill Team’s cosy club,  particularly the then mayor Jenny Hill, who took an instant dislike to Les Walker’s replacement.  Hill’s public bullying, official complaints over minor matters  and threats of further unjustified regulatory action became standard fare that Fran faced. It was a disgusting display of the misuse of power, which was aided and abetted by several councillors, but Fran never flinched or took an easy but less ethical path.

I kept meeting Fran from time to time over the coming years, giving her what reassurances I could. She was sometimes close to tears of frustration and hurt at her treatment, but she never wavered, and went back with hard but polite questions time and time again. She was often shut down or refused permission to speak by Hill on many occasions. Fran told me the bullying wasn’t restricted to the Chamber, and the most vicious corridor snipers were Clrs Greaney and Ryder, and was all the more devastating for her because of the private nature of the corridor comments.

But the worst insults she confronted were from the egregious, mock official behaviour of the poor  man’s Dennis Denuto, TCC junior legal council Tony Bligh. Having witnessed Bligh’s hectoring, bullying behaviour in minor court matters – you’d think that the owner of an errant dog was a mass murderer the way he grandstanded in magistrates court – I really felt for Fran. In the end., probably on Bligh’s advice, and for the last few months she attended council, she was ordered that she could not talk directly to the mayor, but only though Bligh who, Fran said, often belittled what she wanted the mayor to hear.  A truly little man with the heart of a pea, who told me himself when I bumped into at Coles before I learnt of this behaviour that I had wrong in sticking up for her and she was a crackpot.

This all made Fran so indignant that instead just running again for council – an assured victory, she was popular – she decided the only way to restore the council’s credibility was to run for mayor. She she did, using her own money. Through casual mentions here and there, it seems she bankrolled herself to the tune of around $35,000. Despite offers of mega backing from at least three local businesses, Fran was determined not to be compromised and insisted she would not accept any donation over $499 ($500 was the level where donors had to be declared).because she wanted to be able to show she was beholden to nobody but the ratepayers.

There are two others who deserve dishonourable mentions here.

Troy Thompson gave a very nice tribute to Fran on his FB page, and revealed that when Fran retired from the mayoral race, she gave him assistance in his campaign (she knew no more than all of us knew about him at that time) There was an implicit understanding – or so Fran thought – that if he won, she would have some role as an advisor.  Thompson did not honour whatever agreement they may have had and point blank refused to entertain the idea. It is subsequently clear why, his MyPlace mates have no room for a straight shooter like Fran knocking their agenda of the rails. She shared Thompson’s concern about previous council financial fancy footwork, but I cannot imagine she would not have entertained for a minute off-the-wall idiocy like the Gympie fluoride issue let alone their ‘sovereign citizen’ claptrap..

And the Townsville Bulletin needs to think about its community role here. The paper’s tributes for Fran have respectfully praised her , and Cas Garvey knew Fan and spoke with often in the final months, but Ms Garvey’s predecessor point blank refused to consider some of the well documented questions and complaints about the Hill council’s financial management, and certain behaviour towards her.  His astounding reason was that readers weren’t interested in local politics, which for a newspaper editor, is a hell of a funny way to fly an aeroplane.  The close relationship between Hill and the paper is well known but ignoring this behaviour was a new low in its journalism. Ms Garvey, aided greatly by reporter Chris Burns, is returning some credibility to the paper, ironically because of Troy Thompson’s hostility towards truthful stories they ran.

But that’s all to late for Fran O’Callaghan.

It is fitting that certain councillors made any comment on Fran’s death, thus avoiding be labelled as hypocrites as well as disgusting and cowardly bullies.

Vale, my brave friend.

Speaking of Messagebank

Seems Labor have given up on him. His posters look like he’s almost ashamed to be associated with the party.


Looks like a shy afterthought, doesn’t it?

Forget A New NQ State, Let’s Have A New NQ Council

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Many residents on Magnetic  are unimpressed with the Townsville City Council, and with their representative on the agust body, Ann-Maree Greaney.

And Many people on the big island (Australia) think the people on Magnetic Island are entitled whingers, who get more than enough of city ratepayers money.  But it would seem, to the ‘Pie’s imperfect memory of recent island history,  many of the complaints are justified. And the high handed behaviour towards them by Walker Street has been exemplified by the Nelly Bay dredge dump site in residential Kelly Street.  Sure, what to do with the spoil when Nelly Bay marina is dredged – 10,000 cubic metres of it – is a cosy versus site availability exercise, but the very least that could reasonably be expected is some consultation about the project. Because there does seem to be an alternative, but no discussions have been held.

And how about this for arrogance from the preening shiny bum public servants at the TCC. This is an excerpt from a council update in a Magnetic Island News story - get a load of the last paragraph in bold.

Carrying out this dredging maintenance will include:

 Preparing Council’s Kelly Street site for the management of dredged material

Dredging Nelly Bay Marina to remove around 10,000m3 of material from the canal sections


Moving the dredged material from Nelly Bay Marina to the Kelly Street site and managing the material for the purpose of recycling.

Using the recycled material across the island for various purposes.

Work to prepare our site at 55-77 Kelly Street has started and will continue in stages up until we begin dredging. This will include fencing and the construction of embankments and walls to form barriers to retain and manage the dredged material in accordance with Council’s approved environmental consent.

And now cop this line of up-yourself disdain for the little people …

Once the proposed site layout and management plans are complete, including details of how the work and storage will meet all environmental approval conditions, Council will share more information with local residents and listen to any community concerns.

Listen to community concerns? You jest, you onanistic time servers. What’s the point of listen to ‘community concerns’ when the answer clearly is going to be ‘sorry, too late, we’ve already built the embankments and fences and stuff, so sorry.’

But if Maggie residents feel they are are done by – as they apparently are –  and mainlander including the council treat islanders as though they are zoo exhibits to be maintained but at not too high a standard, what’s to be done?
The ‘Pie will tell you what … let Maggie have its own council. Now, if you’re feeling generous and feel you should indulge the old bird;s whimsy, not so fast. Before dismissing the idea, compare these charts. The first is Maggie,  the second Palm. For this argument, the key is population.
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If it works for Palm, why not Maggie?  There might be some disparity in subsides based on the general tint of the populace, but there are creative ways the government could assist without having to directly give dough – well, not too much.
For instance, gift the MIC  the rights to the car and passenger ferries, with suitable concessions for ratepayers and full whack for visitors. Be a nice little earner. And Tourism Queensland would no doubt chuck in mega dollars for the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the region’s tourism.
Mary Vernon for mayor … she’d keep ‘em in line.
Of course, not everybody would support this idea, but there is little doubt that one person who would is Ann-Maree Greaney … what a relief for her.

Our Weekly Selection Of US Politics (And Elsewhere) In Increasingly Dark Humour

As election day gets closer,  Donald Trump and his MAGAniacs have already promised more turmoil, by deciding in advance that the election will be rigged. And that will  be very interesting if by chance Trump wins, however if he does, that will be the least of the world’s problems.  But there are strong indications that more and more people are wearying of this shysters verbal vomit.

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The Cowardly Lion 

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Next, Exploding Cleft Sticks


Reaching Across The Gender Divide

Cooperation between the genders has always been a touchy factors from time to time. What wife hasn’t chosen her hubby’s undies?  And there must be many a generous chap willing lend a hand with a similar problem for women.

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 10.23.18 am Gives a while new meaning to the pleasure of being in your cups.


The end of a sad week in some ways, but perhaps we will see hope in the next seven days. Join the conversation in comments, lively, amusing and sometimes thought provoking (often regarding the sanity of some readers). If you can help out with kicking the financial can to help meet ever present blog costs, the donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. mike douglas says:

    Council executive , directors , councillors , acting ceo seem to be using Mayor Thompsons issues as a distraction to do nothing . There has been a question on the hires under Team Hill , Townsville Council to attract qualified staff . Mayor Thompson is only one person . When you see all the activity happening in Cairns ” biggest public housing project in Qld ” growth in new resi builds , Council open day with business on all Councils projects even the smaller local Councils are winning funding from Government . Lansdown ( Team Hills number 1 priority , public housing nth rail yards ) behind closed doors or any update on savings so the City doesnt go further into debt . Appears Councillor Mooney is doing Greaney and not answering emails and phone calls from his division . Normally Councillors include themselves in photos attending events but not our Councillor Dirou for Thuringowa / Mt Louisa . Even when you listen to Council live stream not a peep on activity or requested funding for our division .

  2. Andrea says:

    Pie, Last night I attended an event and was told the Northern Rail Yards has plenty of dodgy elements to it.
    QLD government gave it to TCC for $20,000.
    Site is owned by a TCC company by way of shares.
    John Rosel is an employee, what’s the income?
    Brad Webb & State are match funding $35M each.
    It has been subdivided into 4 lots, a museum, an office tower, social housing and accommodation tower. Brad Webb has asked and been accepted to pay no rates / fees to TCC until 2055. He will pay for the trunk infrastructure to be established. Seems like another back pocket deal by Mr Webb

    • The Magpie says:

      So, “Andrea”, we have a mystery event where a mystery person told you a whole bunch of stuff about the North Rail Yards deal, without them or you offering any supporting evidence.
      That raises a few questions for you “Andrea’.
      What was the event you attended? A MyPlace BBQ and fundraiser? Or would you prefer we thought it was a Jenny Hill Last Chance Tupperware party?
      Who “told” you about what you call ‘dodgy elements’ about the site? Was it TwoNames?
      Ownership and price of the site is well known – mentioned in the paper and this blog multiple times, ditto John Rosel.
      The Bulletin story reported the two-way $35m deal between Webb and state. The state’s $35m is already allocated, agreed to months ago.
      Your detail of the elements of the project haven’t been reported anywhere else, so was your informant someone with access to negotiation documents? We know it couldn’t be the mayor, his ethics wouldn’t allow him to stoop that low.
      And if a deal has been done on rates and fees, how does your informant know this if it is actually true? That sort of arrangement is often commercial in confidence, and subject to one of Walker streets famed closed door votes, but The ‘Pie can’t find any closed meeting agenda items that could match such a subject. (Gasp!!) This is not another leak by a civic minded whistleblower, is it?

      But even if it turns out to be true, so what, sounds like a good deal between local government, state and private enterprise to get this Labor inspired mess cleaned up once and for all. And a rates break to get much needed accomodation built sound OK to The ‘Pie.

      And not sure what you’re insinuating regarding some sort of shady ‘back pocket’ dealings on this matter, hard call when someone is putting up $35m of their own money. And you say ‘another’ back pocket deal. What was or were the other one(s), pray tell?

      The ‘Pie thinks he’d rather back Brad Webb, his history and his achievements for this city, and given the scale of the project whatever it evolves to be, The ‘Pie is willing to believe Mr Webb when he told the Bulletin it was a high risk project just decontaminating the site and ““We don’t think as a family company we will make any money for 15 years out of this section, but long-term it will be a really good thing for the city.”

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      Wasn’t Brad Webb the “independent” chair of that water committee who arrived at exactly the same conclusion as the Mullet, that pumped pipelines were the most reliable method of getting water to Townsville. It was a coincidence his company won a contract shortly after his assumption of the Chair.

      • The Magpie says:

        Did it?

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        With no disrespect to Mr Webb, he is also the owner of a number of facilities leased to TCC which are used as depot or work spaces in preference to the facilities owned by Council which are vacant or underutilised. The relationship has been especially cordial.

        • The Magpie says:

          Bit of a tall poppy syndrome there, Not YET Standing For Mayor, more than a hint of impropriety there. In this town, the surface optics of just about anything to do with the council in the past two decades don’t look good, but optics prove nothing. Why don’t you ask your division councillor, they are all now devotees of transparency and openness, they say. Oh, what’s that, C in C? Oh, OK.

          All that aside, Webb is a doer and not a bum polisher grifting of endless public money. What you hint at as a cosy deal may have solid financial underpinnings.

          But happy to publish any FACTS to the contrary.

  3. Cajun says:

    It is interesting that TT just can’t grasp the fundamental fact that he wasn’t actually elected. Townsville elected a double business degree-ed, ex-serviceman to lead us.

  4. Prince Rollmop says:

    Editor Cas Garvey penned an interesting post on LinkedIn last week in regards to Mr Democracy Twonames Thompson. I’ve copied it word for word. As follows;

    I don’t often share things I’ve personally penned on this platform, but something I’ve become fiercely passionate about is protecting the region I grew up from someone who has been quite literally laughing over the “attention, good or bad doesn’t matter” he’s been receiving since being sworn in as Mayor.
    He’s used the words “fake news” and “misinformation” more times than we’ve printed a daily paper, and quite frankly I’m sick of it.
    We are a small regional daily newspaper, and every single person who works in my team does so passionately, honestly and with integrity. We always check our sources and our facts and we take pride in that.
    This has gone on far too long.

    Anyway, read on more if you wish…

    OPINION: There is no mandatory background or resume fact-checking for mayoral candidates like for most state and federal candidates for major parties. Here’s why it’s time Queenslands local government laws are changed to protect our cities.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Class, And how did ‘Lightweight Leighton’ do his face checking?

    • Chris says:

      What an actual joke Cas. This clown of an individual has zero honesty and integrity. Mr Pie YOU are often the source of information as you seem to have better contacts than the shitrag. THIS is where they get their leads from and they know it.

      How embarrassing that they mention their “pride” for this dying Harvey Norman catalogue. Their readership is down because of what they created. Love or hate the Mayor, this is the only topic that seems to gain traction so they keep running the same story.

      They look for the negative in every story and for some reason they prefer to bring people down. I heard a story recently where a local completed his prison sentence, got out and turned his life around. He then completed in sport and won medals for Townsville. The Bully (correct name) reached out and asked to do a story on the person, only to turn the story around and make it about the individuals crime and imprisonment. But sure Cas, keep spinning that story that you are “fiercely passionate about protecting the region you grew up”.

      • The Magpie says:

        Wish that were true, but with the exception of a few notable Magpie scoops over the years, it is more the other way around … The ‘Pie, when not impudently criticising some lazy breaches of journalistic ethics or ability, uses stories from the original Bulletin yarn as a starting point for an opinion and expansion. The Maggie Island dredge dumping is a recent instance, and although The ‘Pie was first cab off the rank on the Strand parking, the paper has picked up that ball and is running hard with it. The Magpie shrugs of silly comments about being old an bitter and he sometimes wishes he could afford the cost to be as drunk as some suggest he is, but he has a good understanding of how important an ethical and honest newspaper (now news ‘platform’) is to a community. And that is what he wants to see, a return to proper journalism.

        That is why he gives Ms Garvey a tick for letting the most competent reporter at the paper for years, Chris Burns, go full frontal on council matters, and not just Thompson. If you’re going to knock, you should also be willing to applaud. And the Bulletin is getting better, but still has a ways to go with some editorial policies (insultingly posing advertorials news, no proper overview of the writing – as in sub editors, and no proper checking of matters picked up from social media – or their suitability as ‘news’).

        Can’t comment about the story you complain of, don’t know what you’re referring to.

    • Jennifer says:

      Cas needs to be clear, she often gets the facts wrong and tells porkies. If she concentrated on all councillors as much as the mayor, they’d all be leaving. There is at least 1-2 complaints in with the CCC on every councillor, the acting CEO and the CLO, should they all step aside? Maybe. All or none.
      My view is it is being investigated, get on with work, otherwise most of local government would be stood down.

      • Grumpy says:

        Jennifer – and who is making these complaints? Possibly someone trying to create a diversion from his own malfeasance and lying? Bit obvious, innit?

  5. Winni says:


    some comments

    Your reporters failed to do fact checking on the Mayoral candidate BEFORE the local elections

    Did the other returned Councilors failed by not mentioning the Parking Meter Decisions BEFORE the local elections

    Can your reporters confirm WHEN the order was placed for the parking meters?

    Are you acting out of spite because the Mayor has reduced TCC contributions to the Bulletin?

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘Can your reporters confirm WHEN the order was placed for the parking meters?’

      Maybe the reporters can’t, but seems Pat Coleman info on this … see his info in comments last week.

    • Grumpy says:

      Winni – most, but not all, of Thompson’s lies and misrepresentations were known to the Hill camp prior to the election. I am told by former journalist that the Bulletin also knew. For some reason, Jenny Hill did not make an issue of the allegations. I suspect that she was so convinced of the fact she would walk it in that she deemed it unnecessary to lower herself to an attack ad campaign. She probably still smarts over the “no water crisis” gaffe. The Bulletin did not publish out of fear of a defamation suit and was also convinced that their pal Jenny would romp it in, so, why take the risk? As I have said here before, no one was more surprised that Thompson won than Thompson himself. He came to the job with no strategy, no plans, no policies and not even a basic understanding of how local government works – that much was evident by his child-like posts immediately after his election when he deemed it necessary to share his training modules with his devotees on Facebook. He was stuck with his rash and naive campaign promises (no rate rises for four years, the clown). He knows that the gravy train will stop sooner rather than later, but he is going to keep riding the rails as long as he can.

      • Guy says:

        To be honest my feeling with Jenny Hill in the election is that she’d deep down decided she didn’t want to do it anymore. As I think I’ve mentioned before I had seen her at the sunday markets in the city, reclining , surveying the scene. Sure she was going through the motions, at the PCYC she was muscling in on the action with getting a pamphlet in the hands of punters shuffling into to vote buy there was a lot off with her behaviour and tactics. May be I’m completely wrong but she looked tired and over it.

    • Jenny says:

      CAS Garvey is an idiot. If she was truly passionate about our city she would’ve called out the damaging Mullet and exposed the Mullet for being the useless leader that she was. Instead, CAS only went to war with Thompson because he denied her newspaper precious revenue. Hypocrite.

      • The Magpie says:

        Interesting perversion of the facts. Thompson was panicked that he’d been caught in multiple lies, which the paper quite rightly insist he explain. They insisted, he threw the toys out of the pram and refused to deal with the paper, and the paper proceeded to expose other matters and call him out. And could you please provide a single iota of proof that the Bulletin has been denied council advertising?


        Just please stop your fucking enabling agenda, Jenny. if you have an opinion, base it on facts.

  6. Alahazbin says:

    Might start taking bets on Ma Greany’s chances at the next LG elections. Popularity is waning on both side of the channel.

  7. How do they get away with it says:

    The Electoral Commission of QLD and QLD gov should be aware that the honesty of election candidates about their history cannot be a foregone conclusion, especially when it means a big pay packet. The cost to ratepayers of this mayor fiasco is scandalous. All Aussie ratepayers deserve far better with each candidate having thorough background checks. Imagine what would happen if a team of would be councillors made up a glowing background, the cost and the time to get rid of them would be astronomical. This whole debacle is a sick joke on ratepayers and the perpetrators get rewarded with big pay packets. Looks like things have not improved with the eviction of Team Hill. Townsville people’s hope for Council transparency and accountability has been destroyed. I was brought to tears about the shocking bullying of wonderful caring Fran. Why are those responsibility not held to account?

  8. Dave Nth says:

    Sorry to hear about Fran. Vale.

    Heard a rumour this week and unsure of veracity but KAP may have shot itself in the foot with ALP preferences (Am aware it is far from unusual but seems some aren’t).

    A lot in the northern suburbs who have supported Nick wont be this time after the preference deal. Was a lot of unhappiness at them running Ryder in Mundingburra as well, preference deal was the straw that broke the camels back.

    Casual conversations I’ve had back this also but from a crime perspective, LNP running an ex-cop at a time when youth are getting hand petting seems to be hitting a nerve.

    Am open to any other perspectives or insider info otherwise, as polling seat by seat is impossible to find. Bookies aren’t doing many seats, Antony Green similar and even Poll Bludger isn’t giving it much effort.

  9. Avogadro’s Number says:

    Hey Mr. Magpie. In relation to your comments regarding the treatment of Fran O’Callaghan by Tony Bligh: You may choose to not post this comment to your blog but I thought you might like to know ( if you are not already aware ), that in ‘Smith v Lucht’, the Queensland District Court decided that comparing a lawyer to “Dennis Denuto” of “The Castle” fame is defamatory. In that case there were no damages awarded due to the circumstances involved but the Court did decide that the comparison is defamatory. FYI only – I have no opinion on the accuracy ( or otherwise) of your comparison..

  10. Maggie Moggie says:

    Traditionally Maggie Island has not been considered an easy ‘gig’ for councillors, over the years there has been some classic quotes:

    Ann Bunnell – ‘the island aged me’ & ‘your all a bunch of ferals’
    The Mullet who was Div 3 councillor for several years – ‘doing business here is like sawing a baby in half’ – Solomons Child.
    Vern Veitch appeared to lose all of his hair, but worked hard for the island.
    Trevor Roberts and Jimmy Cathcart did also worked hard and earned much respect with island residents..
    As for our current councillor Ma Greaney, she is coping it from all sides and with good reason.

    The appalling decision to dump dredge material at 55 Kelly St in a residential area shows no foresight by this current council. A few years ago TCC wanted to place the transfer station there along with the green waste – another easy fix. Both Trevor Roberts and Vern Veitch worked hard for their constituents and had the transfer station built out at Cockle Bay well away from residential housing – albeit the greens were against it saying the land was ‘pristine wetlands’ which is wasn’t – it was a dumping ground for old vehicles.

    The harbour has a maintenance schedule after 20+ years it was always going to need dredging, the home owners at the harbour pay a levy on their rates.
    TCC has decided to take the cheapest option with no regard for residents.
    Has TCC used the levy money for maintenance – funding other projects??

    The Smoke and Mirrors of TCC finances…

    • Burnt Brows says:

      I can’t recall Vern Veitch ever having hair.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Can’t possibly imagine where council have put all the millions received in rates from the Nelly Bay Harbour Levy..

      This is from 21/22, rates and charges schedule, note that 24/25 is the same exorbitant rate of zero cents in the dollar.

      “The Nelly Bay Harbour Development Special Rate levy is applied to maintaining water quality in the canals, dredging the canals, maintaining the rock walls around the canal area and maintaining the sediment basin in Gustav Creek.

      A special rate of zero cents in the dollar on the rateable value of the land applies to identified properties for the 2021/22 year”

      • David P says:

        Ducks, I’m a recent Islander. I understand that a special rates levy was created and applied to the Nelly Bay canal estate about a decade ago when it first needed to be dredged. After that event the special levy was dropped to zero and has not been applied since.

  11. Motorist says:

    Somewhat off topic but at the local Woolworths today there is an outbreak of yellow discount/half price stickers throughout the shop. I am guessing at 30-40% of the items. Never seen anything like it before.

    I expect this is the charm offensive to distract the shopper that Woolworths and Coles have both been taken to court by the ACCC for dishonest price manipulation and price gouging.


  12. Prickster says:

    27 Days to the State election.

    Both Scott Stewart and Aaron Harper entered parliament nearly ten years ago, and Townsville has gone backwards.

    What’s worse is Scott has been a minister for since 2020 and leaves zero legacy for his portfolio, his city, and his supporters.

    What a disappointment.

    As for Banning Notice Number 272043 Walker – time to call last drinks.

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      When reviewed by political commentators, Walker’s predecessor (whatever her name was) left nothing either. For much as I dislike him, I must admit that Harpic did a good with the research and framing of the legislation for Death with Dignity.

      It’s just a shame that in all other aspects, he behaves like a fuckwit

  13. Peggy says:

    Real shame to hear about Fran. She was a bit different and out there but nice and passionate.

    On the parking metres, I don’t understand what the big deal is.Townsville needs to move into the modern world. If you don’t want to pay for parking don’t drive. All other councils utilise parking fees to prop up their bottom line, why Townsville is any different I don’t get.

  14. Fast party pastie says:

    Only a few weeks to go and the local Labor trio will be gone. Goodbye dickheads. But I’m optimistic as the LNP will have an opportunity to clean up our backyard. What will Scott and Les do? As for Aaron he will still have his beloved Facebook to keep him company. I wonder if he will keep posting anti-LNP meme’s? And as for all the board positions that have been stacked with Labor mates, the switch to LNP will take place. As for the federal level, Albanese will be gone next year so finally we will have Phil Thompson on a local level. I can’t wait.
    But where will Mayor Thompson be this time next year? Interesting 12 months ahead, where’s my crystal ball.

  15. Gregory says:

    As an islander, and regular at the MIRRA meetings, they are often a tense environment when the politicians attend. On a regular basis we get no answers, and plenty of excuses. Ann Maree has been disappointing to say the least, I personally expected more from her. The charades at council should not come to the island. I have seen the capital works and the island has too much outstanding. A lid for the water reservoir, the need to open the bus stop at Arcadia, the swimming pool opening needs to happen now, the need for small shuttles half hourly, a medical hub (24/7), animal hospital, and the dredging, TCC got this wrong, no consultation again, I know the beaurocrats think they are helping by pushing it through, but where the fill is dumped is not correctly done, it’s not the right zone, and it doesn’t matter how many officers Ann Maree brings to the island, it’s wrong and should’ve been consulted.

  16. Steve 88 says:

    I’m still waiting to see a cartoon on this site, showing the democrats laughing Hyena
    Rather than bagging the future 47th President Trump constantly
    Who is odds on unless taken out by the democrats deep state or Iran .
    Maybe you should watch more of the Sky network than the gaybc.

    • The Magpie says:


    • Cock sock says:

      The only way Trump will win is if there is an economic collapse in the next month or so. If that were to happen all hell would break loose on Harris and her and Biden would be blamed. But it won’t happen. The mobster in waiting is going to lose this election. Everyone has the orange man’s number and knows he is a complete narcissist, bully, and crook.

    • White Mouse says:

      When even the people that sit behind the Orange Ejit at his rallies are seen leaving before he finishes, you know he is in for a hiding come election day.

    • Boomer says:

      Interesting name there Steve. 88 is often associated with Heil Hitler, the letter H being the eighth letter of the alphabet.

  17. Alahazbin says:

    Two names latest rant.

    • Mugwump says:

      if stood down while being the “democratic elected” Mayor, would it be on full pay until the CCC investigation are complete?. Secondly as he states, that if the State stands him down, then he will launch a Supreme court injunction. Who would fund this, being a TCC Mayor and on the payroll, would the TCC, LQGCA or Self. Not being a fan of his but devil’s advocate, he hasn’t been charged or found guilty so far by any official investigation so has he the right to TCC or LCQCA representation?

    • Caber tosser says:

      In Twonames world it would appear that not siding with the Mayor on an issue means that the Councillors are ‘undermining’ him. What an egotistical control freak. Dear fucktard, the Councillors are exercising their democratic rights. You should be proud of them, considering that all you talk about is democracy.

      Please Premier Miles, give this empty headed shit stirring buffoon his marching orders.

    • Headmistress says:

      He denies the Council is dysfunctional then goes on to blame the councillors. He is proving the Premier’s point. Is this how he intends to respond to a show cause notice?
      I hope they can issue the notice and stand him down the same day, but surely they need to give time to respond to a show cause?

      • The Magpie says:

        Not sure on this, first thought is that the show cause is not why he shouldn’t be stood down but why he shouldn’t be dismissed. In the convoluted ways of legal language, ambiguity is always possible, gives the lawyers something to argue – at length – about.

    • Autocorrect says:

      I’d like to know which glum lawyer will be tasked with responding to Smiles’ show cause notice today on Two Names’ behalf. Regardless of the safe assumption that Crisafulli wins, if Thompson commissions his Lycra-clad Legal Loon to do it for him, he’s game, set, fucked.

      A free tip for Thompson: get a real lawyer.

      • The Magpie says:

        You can bet he has, this is now way beyond Shady Lane’s meagre capabilities and anyway, his advice, he lies to us, was never legal anyway.

        Let The ‘Pie paint a more than likely scenario. Thompson, already arsesoled by One Notion (how bad to you have to be for that?) entered the mayoral race with no expectation of winning, but for the sole purpose, devised by his MyPlace slack jaws, of keeping his name out there in the public. Then, when he lost, as he expected to do, he would ride on the profile of brave loser for a run at state 6 months later, carrying the banner of some other fancy dress fringe party as a MyPlace plant.

        But his serendipity of ‘right place right time’ luck saw him blindsided by his own success – he was suddenly the dog that caught the car he was chasing. Then it was a scramble to devise a whole new ball game, an uphill battle with his completely fabricated and dishonestly selective cv. In simple canine terms, does he cling on to the bumper bar or let it go. Unwisely, he stays clamped to the bumper.

        So The ‘Pie reckons MyPlace central office (Frankston Victoria) probably weighed in with money for serious lawyers to run the damaging farce we now have. But they may have realised now that they’ve been playing Dutch Ovens under the legal doona and will need to come up for air soon.

        Meanwhile, Townsville continues to lie under the cloud of stink. It’s going to take ages under strong leadership and reformed ethics to clear the air.

        • Southern Comfort says:

          Love the dog analogy but I’m thinking that he wasn’t chasing a car, but actually caught a garbage truck instead. It’s not as if the rest of council is that clean after all.

          • Grumpy says:

            ‘Pie – he still has a long way to go before he is entitled to practice. If the Rules I know still apply, he must first successfully complete a Practice Course at QUT. After that, he has to apply for admission to the Roll. To do that he must find someone prepared to move his admission. Even after all that, he shall only be entitled to a restricted practising certificate and have to work under supervision. Slightly different process if he wants to become a barrister – God help us. Things may have changed over the years.

          • The Magpie says:

            He’s indicated great self awareness when he tells The ‘Pie he has no intention of becoming a practicing lawyer. Small mercies, eh?

          • Bagwhan says:

            Strikes me, why one would bother to do a law degree (and in Lane’s case only recently completed/graduated. [That’s one things he has that TwoNames doesn’t)] without an intention or desire to practice?

        • The Magpie says:

          And now, he’s a real estate agent. Hope that lasts longer than his previous listed gigs.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            How desperate do you have to be to put that trash on your resume?

          • Grumpy says:

            Has he given up on becoming a lawyer?

          • The Magpie says:

            He’s got some sort of degree but says he’s never registered as a lawyer or whatever it is to do. Bizarrely, hje says he wants to sue me for saying he’s a lawyer giving advice. I suppose there could be an argument that being called a lawyer is a slur on one’s character, but thast might be a bit tricky to argue in a court room.

          • Lame Stephen says:

            What a shit resume he has. A few months of work here and there. A wannabe lawyer that flits from workplace to workplace. I wonder if he has included lawyer, cooker, and wanker as skills on his LinkedIn profile?

      • The Magpie says:

        There is enough confusion surrounding our con man mayor, a vacillating Premier and some highly questionable councillors without the Bulkletin adding to the head scratching.


        FYI Astonisher:

        The term “Trojan horse” is used metaphorically to mean any trick or strategy that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected place; or to deceive by appearance, hiding malevolent intent in an outwardly benign exterior; to subvert from within using deceptive means.

        If the front page is some tortured and obscure reference to the name Troy, that is just juvenilely pointless and confusing. Presumably to be delivered to Walker Street in the dead of night, this Trojan horse will have what hidden in it’s belly, a crack squad of SAS soldiers that will rush out to save their former colleague, Pvt First Class (Catering) Thompson, Troy?

        Listen up, Astonisher doodlers, to use literary and historical allusions, you really do need to stop chewing gum, twirling your hair and do some fucking reading. Grrrr ….

        • The Magpie says:

          But in tre interest of fairness … under the bouquets and brickbats rule … in the same edition of the Bulletin, Cas Garvey has written one of the best editorials of her tenure so far. Ms Garvey sometimes appears to wilt under the pressure of having to write about something every day, and bumbles along amusingly when trying for gravitas and sense. But when she gets her dander up, the indignation inspires coherent and, in this case, irrefutable argument. Although on the other hot button item and not the mayor, it’s worth reprinting.

        • Autocorrect says:

          The Trojan horse analogy is a long bow to draw – agree with you wholeheartedly Mr Pie. My view is that this is an attempt to wedge Kid Crisafulli – a self proclaimed defender of local government ‘rights’ – to show his hand on this issue beyond any usual platitudes. Any “major policy decision” that has to be taken in caretaker has to have the opposition brought in to agree to the government’s proposal. If Crisafulli equivocates… it’s a successful wedge; if not… we may finally be rid of this nightmare. Or perhaps, nightmayor?

          • The Magpie says:

            What will be REALLY interesting is if Conman the Barbarian is stood down, then the CCC clears him, the return is going to be interesting. And devastating for Townsville.

          • Nicole says:

            Has there been a decision by the premier yet?
            When does he have until?
            It’s the close of business now!

        • Not standing for Mayor says:

          Just skimmed through the State Government media releases for this afternoon looking for a mention of TwoDogs. In the 66 media releases issued since midday – yes that is more than 9 pumped out every hour so far – not a mention of our steamed mayor. Desperate much?

          • The Magpie says:

            Apparently, although The ‘Pie didn’t see it, lead story on 9 news tonight was that Miles had gone to Gov House as LG minister and got the suspension. However, since then, some southern contacts are saying he was sacked rather than suspended. But nothing confirmed, and with midnight approaching, it’s said to be headless chook time in government offices.

          • Nicole says:

            Just saw on the bulletin there’s an update, almost gone, 2.5 hours to go, the premier is pushing every angle, but I’m worried this may now be the death bell in NQ for miles, he should’ve let it be. I mean everyone can see it, but it’s too hot to handle, there’ll be no back slaps, the people on the bulletin app are tearing miles to pieces. For the ALP to have any chance he has to pull the pin now

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, he was dead up this way anyway, which may have led to the foot dragging. To be effective in any political way, it had to be at least two weeks ago, but their very worried about the Logan precedent, which caused all sorts of mayhem and claimed McSporran’s scalp. Just wondering if, in the usual Labor way, leave a smelly mess o the carpet for what Miles knows will the new incoming government.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            The people on the Bulletin FB page tearing miles apart are the same ones on Thompson’s page telling him he’s doing a great job. They are the noisy nutters. It looks like there’s a lot of them but that’s only because they comment on everything.

          • The Magpie says:

            Not a lot, just a lot of different names, at least that’s the case here in the Nest.

            There’s an interesting photo floating that was sent in a little while back. can’t locate it, but if it turns up, it’ll be posted to see if anyone can ID any of the subjects.

  18. Slow Horse says:

    Cas was given a full and very detailed dossier on Troy Thompson by Team Hill before the election. It included all the information about his lies. Cas and the Bully decided not to publish any of it. Now the guilt is eating them alive.

    • The Magpie says:

      That decision was no doubt made by News Corpse lawyers when the Bulletin ran it by them as an intended story.

      If you think about it – and God knows, The ‘Pie is not in the business of defending the Astonisher, but he does like a little logic in an argument – your suggestion doesn’t make sense. You can’t have it both ways. If as is widely and reasonably believed, the paper was actively pro-Hill, why wouldn’t they publish something damaging to her only real opponent?

      Or, hey wait a minute, perhaps … heh heh heh …. Garvey, an ardent reader of the Nest, guessed The ‘Pie had similar material, and decided to let the impecunious Magpie run the risk of any legal blow back. Which he did a full week before the election.


      • wollo says:

        Going on your theory Garvey must think that you have more readers than her rag and you break the news first. She would be right on both counts.

      • Slow Horse says:

        Yes, Pie, you know I have spoken the truth. The well-known Labor figure who gave you that information also gave it to the Bully. Perhaps News lawyers were involved, but I think it more likely an editorial decision based on lack of interest given the election was, as all believed, a forgone conclusion. Cas was cautious of public sentiment re. the Bully being pro-Hill and so decided not to add further evidence by ripping apart a non-threat. Search your feelings. You know this to be true. Use the force.

        • The Magpie says:

          You managed to remain relatively sane until the last sentence. So in future , The ‘Pie will only accept comments from you written in Thompsonian Klingon.

  19. Maggie Moggie says:

    Duck Nuts,

    TCC introduced a special levy for all ratepayers in the Nelly Bay Harbour Development, the Moggs understands that after many years – a class action court case, instigated by legal eagle landowners in the precinct was successful against the TCC. ( Magpie do you remember the case?)
    Not sure what year the levy was abolished – the levy money already paid was not returned to ratepayers and the sum involved was in excess of $1 million – so council should have money in the coffers.
    The Moggs knows several landowners in the harbour precinct and their rates are still several thousands of dollars per annum more than those living outside of the Nelly Bay Harbour Development!

    • Burnt Brows says:

      A family member with acreage on the Island was contacted by Council 12 or so months ago asking if they could offer some of their land for the Council to dump land fill (for a, too small in my opinion, fee). When asked particulars of the land fill they were vague. I wonder if that may have been for the dredging?

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      A family member owns land on the strand. Rates there are far higher there, than rates outside of that area. This is standard practice

    • Contributor says:

      Crickets. And Caretaker Period kicks in at midnight.

      • Southern Comfort says:

        Just an opinion, but having read the Guideline document about Caretaker Mode, I’m not sure it is all that definitive about having to be done by midnight. Whilst there are some strict criteria about visiting government owned premises for photo opps, interactions with certain staff, etc. I don’t see anything that precludes a firing tomorrow. There is some discretionary room, especially for the Premier to exercise, particularly if he took on a new hat. The only real consequence of this dragging on for a couple of days is that he needs to tell Crisafulli “why” he did something.

        As one of TwoNames stated goals was to Audit past council(s) activities. I’d say that is code for mine dirt on whoever a conman could leverage, no matter how old. In which case I think the Kid and SMiles may have a lot more in common over TwoNames “Exit Stage Left” than just about any other topic. And this bipartisanship might last a little longer.

      • Jenny says:

        The caretaker period actually kicks in after the premier visits the governor later today. In the meantime the ABC reports:

        “Queensland’s premier has issued a show cause notice to Townsville Mayor Troy Thompson in a bid to oust him from the position.
        Steven Miles met cabinet last night to discuss legal advice surrounding the mayor continuing in the role.
        Councillor Thompson has been under investigation by the Crime and Corruption Commission since May for misleading voters about his military, business and education credentials.
        The move comes on the day the state election is being called and the government goes into caretaker mode.

        A statement from the premier’s office said the mayor had three weeks to respond.”

        • The Magpie says:

          Three weeks to respond … interesting … decision by Miles just four days out from an election. Frankly, it i difficult to see what game he is playing, but ultimately, the ball is now in the shysters court. TwoNames threatened to seek a court injunction if he was ‘stood down’ pending a CCC outcome, but a threat of outright removal – sacking – is a different matter.

          While the bad news is that if Thompson challenges in court any dismissal notice, a great deal of poblic money will be wasted on this two-bit chiseler, but the good news, a court will hear in detail the lies, deception and perhaps most importantly, his associations. In the arcane ways of the law, he could conceivably win that battle, but the exposure would lose him the war.

          And the collateral damage would be Townsville.

          • Jenny says:

            I think you meant ‘just four WEEKS out from an election’.

          • The Magpie says:

            No, but agree the writing is ambiguous. What was meant was that after three weeks, (midnight Oct 22) Miles will have four days (election October 26)to decide if he will seek (with Crisafulli’s required support because of the caretaker period) whether to sack, suspend or do nothing.

            Thanks for the heads up, The ‘Pie’s bad.

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            Respond to whom? As of now, there is no Premier or Parliament to respond to. No decisions can be made, no new money spent, no policies passed. This is just a political stunt by a desperate Miles.

  20. Prince Rollmop says:

    I guess we will find out Tuesday morning if Premier Miles, in his last democratic act as Premier, has managed to sack Mr Democracy Troy Thompson. I’m sure Twonames will have something to say on his democratic Facebook page. That’s the beauty of democracy, many decisions are made on behalf of the people, and many people are calling for Twonames to be sacked. If he is sacked, that will be democracy in action.

    • Nicole says:

      Sounds like the mayor has 3 weeks. This will destabilise the state election now. What I’m seeing is a lot of anti Thompson, now pro Thompson, scary stuff. I wonder if Thompson gets paid out, or paid to sit aside, because there’s no way he’ll go down without a pension amount now. Even with Crisafulli in agreement I can only see a 12 month rest for our mayor, paid. FFS!
      I have to give it to him, he played it well, the Premier will lose big time on this now.

      • The Magpie says:

        So now the cultist mantra has made the very unsubtle change from ‘he’s hero/victim, he should stay‘ to ‘give him a big chunk of money.’

        The ‘Pie has previously pointed out that this was a secondary ‘no lose’ option from the start, but now (sigh) he can expect a barrage of comments demanding the dough on behalf of their leader, (Read MyPlace patsy).

  21. Nicole says:

    I think Miles has to let the current mayor suffer with the councillors for now, Crisafulli will put him on the bench after the first month, then it’ll be up to the CCC. Would’ve been easier to negotiate a payout with the mayor, he would’ve taken it, surely!

  22. Tropical Cyclone says:

    I am more concerned about democracy than sacking the mayor. I would have preferred a sacking of the council and a re-election. So if the mayor is removed how will we decide who will be mayor?

    • The Magpie says:

      That’s not clear as yet, The ‘Pie cannot ascertain whether he is stood down or sacked (removed).

      For immediately, will Thompson brazen it out and turn up tomorrow – as he’s entitled to do, but which no decent person of integrity and genuine love for this city would.

      • Jenny says:

        Astutely, the premier has thrown the onus onto the mayor who must ‘show cause’ why he should not be stood down for a period. So the mayor will have to write, or get someone else to write for him, his own reference. Otherwise, business as usual.

        • The Magpie says:

          The Magpie doesn’t usually lift whole stories from the Bulletin except for critical comment, but in this instance, Cas Garvey’s report this morning deserves all the eyes it can get. The position now is made clear, so it’s worth handing on.

          The full story:

          With just an hour to spare as Queensland Premier, Steven Miles has swung the axe on Townsville’s embattled mayor, issuing him a show cause notice to suspend him from duties for a period of 12 months.
          Mayor Troy Thompson will have three weeks to respond to the notice, at which point the State Government could make a deal with the Opposition under the caretaker conventions to remove him from office.
          Or, a week later, whoever is sworn in as Queensland’s next Premier will be given the task of either suspending or permanently removing the mayor.
          LNP Leader David Crisafulli on Monday reiterated his stance, saying Mr Thompson’s position was “untenable” and a detriment to the city.
          Mr Miles Tuesday morning confirmed the late-night move.
          “I’ve consistently said that if Mr Thompson cares about Townsville in the way he claims to, the best thing for Townsville would be for him to stand down,” Mr Miles said.
          It is understood the government outlined reasons it was in the public interest for Mr Thompson to be suspended, including hampering council from performing its responsibilities to its residents effectively, damaging confidence in local government, risking the welfare of council staff and unreasonably diverting council resources.
          The Premier’s plan to suspend Mr Thompson imploded Monday night as ministers and lawyers scrambled to cement the move.
          Shortly before 8pm on Monday evening, insiders revealed that Mr Miles was still in meetings with his ministers and government lawyers determining how they could suspend the mayor, currently under investigation by the Crime and Corruption Commission. No action has been taken.
          It is understood the Premier was even willing to swear himself in as Local Government Minister in order to speed up the process, with Mr Thompson’s threat of seeking a Supreme Court injunction reportedly throwing a spanner in the works.
          It is understood Mr Miles was still dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s to enable him to send a ‘show cause’ notice before the midnight deadline before the government went into caretaker mode.

          Speaking in Brisbane on Monday morning, Mr Miles said he was “very concerned” watching the Townsville mayor unable to work with his councillors, community leaders and state and federal representatives.
          “I’ve been absolutely consistent that I thought the best thing in Townsville’s interests would be for him to stand aside,” Mr Miles said.
          “He’s consistently refused to do so.”
          Mr Miles said he had recently met with community leaders and the local MPs, including Katter’s Australia Party deputy leader Nick Dametto, who all raised concerns about Mr Thompson.
          “They all indicated to me that they thought the situation at council was getting worse, not better,” he said, adding “ … they all thought that if there was action that could be taken, it should be taken”.
          “I left there very concerned, and so we’ve been seeking legal advice since then.”
          Mr Thompson is the subject of a Crime and Corruption Commission investigation after he misled voters on his military, university and business qualifications, as well as accepting a number of campaign donations linked to property developers.
          “The question was never whether we could act, it’s whether we should,” Mr Miles said.
          “But last week, we received advice via the CCC that the process of that investigation could take many, many more months. And then I received advice that the situation at council appeared to be getting worse, not better.
          “Those two pieces of information led me to the view that if we can act now, we should, and so that’s the legal advice that we’ve been seeking.”

          Mr Miles said at the time that he expected Mr Thompson to pursue a Supreme Court Injunction.
          “Look, that’s something that would be open to him, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he does pursue those avenues,” Mr Miles said.
          “I think that would be a shame for Townsville.”
          The Premier said he wanted to give North Queensland a “certain path forward” in stepping in to suspend the mayor.
          “Townsville is the most important regional city in Queensland, and we need it to be pumping,” Mr Miles said.
          “It had been pumping up until the local government election, and unfortunately, the change of mayor there has really caused it to stumble.”
          “ … we have put a lot into the Townsville economy these last 10 years, and it’s been successful because we’ve largely had three levels of government working together along with the local community and business leaders.
          “We’ve really felt since the local government election, that collaboration, that shared vision, has fallen away, and that is a risk to Townsville, a risk that’s too important to take.”
          Speaking in Cairns on Monday, LNP Leader David Crisafulli said he had “not changed my opinion” about overhauling the Local Government Act to avoid a repeat in a mayor being elected in Queensland after embellishing his CV.
          “I want to see the legislation. I want to see the legal advice. So I don’t want to comment about the specific bit of the legislation, but I want to make this comment,” he told reporters.
          “I have said for a long time that this position is untenable.
          “I know the frustration in that city, I’m seeing it, feeling it and about it from hearing from mates. I do believe his position is untena

          • Quondo quondo quondo says:

            Show cause, or is he immediately suspended?

          • The Magpie says:

            Still there for at least three weeks.

          • Jenny says:

            Since the full Council is sitting tomorrow it might be smart politics for a councillor to move that the internal TCC budget preparation report into proposed Strand (and other) paid parking be made public immediately. That way, the whole council, including the mayor, can demonstrate its ability to ‘function’ rationally, logically and transparently rather than jumping to new convenient positions based on hassled opinions and mischievous lobbying.

          • The Magpie says:

            Interesting idea, but your comment is most poignant when you, of all people, lament about ‘hassled opinions and mischievous lobbying’. C’mon, girl, givvus a break.!

          • The Magpie says:

            And here’s an idle thought: how about the council, quoting subsequent events reflecting materially on the city’s standing since their first official misgivings, pass another no confidence motion. Just in case Thompson hasn’t yet got the message.

          • wollo says:

            All I can say is that Smiley Miles has vacillated on getting rid of our rapscallion Mayor. He’s had months to do this but waited until 1 minute to midnight to act.

          • The Magpie says:

            All political game playing from all sides.

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            Firstly, referring to the political grandstanding Premier’s comment in the story;
            The Premier said he wanted to give North Queensland a “certain path forward” in stepping in to suspend the mayor.
            “Townsville is the most important regional city in Queensland, and we need it to be pumping,” Mr Miles said.
            “It had been pumping up until the local government election, and unfortunately, the change of mayor there has really caused it to stumble.”
            “ … we have put a lot into the Townsville economy these last 10 years, and it’s been successful because we’ve largely had three levels of government working together along with the local community and business leaders.
            “We’ve really felt since the local government election, that collaboration, that shared vision, has fallen away, and that is a risk to Townsville, a risk that’s too important to take.”
            What a load of shit!! This State government has done nothing but fuck the north.
            As for TwoNames, he is a Dick (no relation to the Deputy Premier). He fucked up and lied big time and for that he should be stood down and run out of town. But when in office, it’s been the deliberate backstabbing of the Councilors that has been the problem. Hill had advisors, he asked for them. Goose and Gander? Anything he’s presented, which is very little, has been shot down by the grubby Councilors. Parking scenario is not his fault, it was pushed hard by Hill’s foot soldiers and ridiculously passed. Now look where that’s got us. I’m not on his side but I think the whole Council AND MAYOR, should be stood down and another election be held asap. I’ll guarantee that not even half will be re-elected. Perhaps such a move will bring out the good people to stand.

  23. Jenny says:

    Magpie, spare a tiny thought for Frank:

    30 September 2024
    “Magnis Energy Technologies Ltd advises that it will not be able to lodge audited annual financial statements today as required under ASX Listing Rule 4.5.1 and section 319 of the Corporations Act 2001. As advised in previous quarterly reports, the Company’s directors are in discussions regarding additional capital from the debt and equity markets. Delays in closing a liquidity transaction has had a consequential impact of delaying the annual audit process. The Company will submit the financial statements as soon as practicable but, at this stage, cannot provide a specific timeframe for their completion.”

    • The Magpie says:

      Thoughts and prayers.

    • White Mouse says:

      In even better news for Magnis, intelligence agencies are looking in connections between Frankie and former Comanchero /on the run drug boss Hakan Arif and a proposed Turkish battery factory. Needless to say the factory was never built and millions in investor funds are missing.

  24. Toy Thompstain says:

    It has been confirmed that Smiley has issued Twonames with a show cause. I’m sure Twonames will update everybody on his Facebook page.

  25. J Perry says:

    I wonder if Thompson will have a brain conniption as the news filters through about his show cause. His brain synapses don’t work at the best of times and the latest pressure might send him into overload. Chemist Warehouse better order in extra lithium for our democratic on-notice Mayor.

  26. Prince Rollmop says:

    I wonder is the Councillors will move a motion tomorrow to ban Twonames from attending the Council offices while his show cause is in place? It would have course be in the best interest of his health. It would also cut him out of the loop and give the Councillors some breathing space. It also places more pressure on our bullshitting Mayor to just go.

    • The Magpie says:

      Fortunately, the council has no such power. Unlike you to rush in with that idea, Mopsy. Just consider if they had that power, blocs could gang up on someone and expel them, rather than just bully, harrass, threaten, demean and browbeat someone who didn’t agree with them. Some one like the late Fran O’Callaghan.

      • Jenny says:

        One way or another, with or without the mayor, let’s hear each of the councillors account for their previous and latest position on paid parking.

        • The Magpie says:


          There are two basic things they should take on board. The vast majority of people are opposed to Strand parking meters, but not parking meters perse (as our soon to be departed mayor would like to fantasise.) The second thing is that the majority of those opposed are reasonable people who accept that everything … all community amenities …. have to be paid for, there is, as the saying has it, no free lunch, certainly not for ratepayers.

          THIS IS SIMPLY A MATER OF PRIORITIES, and if Matt The Major is right, they have to find $6million for annual Strand upkeep. But somewhere else in txhe budget. It’s not WHETHER we end up paying, it’s HOW we end up paying. And parking meters have been roundly rejected as a possibility.

          • wollo says:

            I wonder what will happen regarding the promised gov. adviser.

          • Jenny says:

            Magpie, since the main beneficiaries of the peaceful seaside ambiance and rolling manicured grounds of the Strand are the residents of the front row streets of North Ward, perhaps the Council could consider a Special Rates Levy for that area – like the one for the canal estate at the Nelly Bay harbour?

          • The Magpie says:

            That would make for an interesting reaction …. and yet another court case.

            But whimsical in extremis

  27. Ball bag says:

    Still nothing on Twodicks Facebook page. Michelle (or Mum) must be awaiting instructions from him as to what to write. Perhaps the local cookers and Stephen Lame are seeking legal advice on behalf of Twodicks prior to him making any making any public comments? Either way, his Facebook reply, when it does come, will contain references to him being democratically elected. He is such a plonker.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie has visually anticipated TwoNames inevitable response.

      But BB, leave his mum out of this … whether she approves or not, what do expect a mother to do? There hasn’t been a single indication that she’s some Agrippina mastermind manipulator? Leave her out of comments, please.

  28. Afterthought says:

    Smart Precinct also get funding from Qld govt advance qld so why are they paying $1 rent and ratepayers also forking out $600k a year

    • Burnt Brows says:

      I’d like to see what their activities have provided in actual financial outcomes for Townsville. The most interesting thing about their structure, to me at least, is that on their Board they have both the Vice Chancellor JCU and Ian Aitkinson.

    • White Mouse says:

      Not sure about Climate Salad, but there is a whole lot of word wank salad in that announcement.

  29. Pat Coleman says:

    Go to https://disclosures.ecq.qld.gov.au/Map

    The Katter family arms firm Noia and family
    still donating to the LNP although it still slings the usual $8333 to the Kap. Google Nioa $400 mil ammo contract. A foot in a few camps still.

    The firearms dealers are with the KAP . The shooters union with that Mirani fella and the KAP , the sporting shooters with the KAP

    They have all seemed to have abandoned One Nation.

    Shooters and fishers have virtually disappeared

  30. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    I wonder if Mr. Transparency, “Show Cause Thompson” will ban the media and cut the live feed from tomorrow’s Council meeting. I recon it is on the cards.

  31. John Wilkes Booth says:

    Mr. ‘Pie,
    We have a wonderful opening for a three week competition or similar for Nesters to draft their version of Twonames Thompson’s show cause reply.

    Let me take careful aim and have a shot myself ????

    1. My thousands of concussions have left me with memory loss mental imperfections, er, impediments I mean.
    2. I have told no lies, only suffered memory loss mental impediments.
    3. With my pre-election memory loss CV, I was democratically elected as Mayor of Townsville, which is My Place.
    4. With my memory loss mental impediments l have no recollection of any unanimous no confidence vote against me.
    5. My Place is Mayor of Townsville, and I want to pick the CEO and my Advisors. The End.

  32. Prince Rollmop says:

    And here it is, Twonames response to Miles letter of notice. He also posted a copy of the letter on his Facebook page. Naturally he is going down fighting.


    TODAY at 7:03am on 1 October 2024, during the Caretaker Period, I received a letter from Labor Minister Meaghan Scanlon MP.

    The letter outlines the Minister’s intention to recommend my suspension for a period of 12 months.
    I reject every allegation made in the letter to me this morning. It is nothing but one sided.

    These allegations have not been tested in a court of law, and it appears the Labor Government is attempting to subvert natural justice.

    The Labor Government has demonstrated a disregard for your vote, for natural justice, and for the processes of the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC).

    I have formally written to the Minister, demanding that any actions she seeks to take be deferred until after the caretaker period. This is the only appropriate course of action.

    It is unacceptable for the Labor Minister to take such drastic measures during the caretaker period.

    • Jenny says:

      Prince, you say the show cause notice came from Miles. Mayor Thompson’s reply is to Minister Scanlon. Can we clear this up, pronto? Does anyone have a copy of the official show cause notice or do we just rely on gossip?

  33. The Magpie says:

    Thompson’s solicitors respond (there is no way Thompson wrote this. Or Lane, for that matter.

    • White Mouse says:

      Waaaaa, me me me, political hit job, waaaa.

    • Critical says:

      It’d be great to see the Ministerial letter so that the community knew what Twonames was responding to.

    • Prickster says:

      I’m sure the king of transparency will also share the Scanlon letter…?

    • Lame Stephen says:

      There were typo’s and grammar errors in the letter also. I would say that his wife wrote it, as dictated by Twonames. His letter contains a strong flavour of ‘Labor were out to get me’’ about it Hopefully the LNP run with things once they are voted in and they continue to pressure Twonames. He is a cooker, My Pllace zealot and he is anti- Labaor and anti- Liberals so it really does t matter who gets voted in, he will butt heads with them.

    • Southern Comfort says:

      An interesting quote from the document “2024 State General Election – Guidelines on the Caretaker Conventions”

      “The caretaker conventions are not legally binding nor hard and fast rules, and their application in individual cases requires judgment and common sense.

      For ministers and members of the government, adherence to the conventions and practices is ultimately the responsibility of the Premier and the government collectively.”

      I think TwoNames and his “slick” Legal Advisors that helped draft this abomination of a letter should have a read. It can be found at the following link if they choose to educate themselves.

    • Southern Comfort says:

      And Pie, do you actually think this was written by “REAL” Solicitors? All that I have ever worked with would be appalled to let a letter like this be written, not just from a content perspective, but also a quality perspective to never include typos like the following “might be seem as constituting”.

      This is either the product of a cut-rate firm if it has been drafted by a real Legal Eagle, or most likely a product of TwoNames Kitchen Cabinet. Replete with all of the legal brain trust of MyPlace denizens.

      • The Magpie says:

        AI comes to mind as well, because the letter is littered with stock legal phrases but then it darts of into front bar whackodom. Sp you may be right. The attack on Labor most certainly didn’t come from any lawyer … well not one with brains anyway. And The ‘Pie was grossly insulted by this shyster referring to ‘my residents’.

        In your fucking dreams, which The ‘Pie will do what he can to continue to turn it into your nightmare.

        (Yes, yes, but sorry readers, the ‘nightmayor’ has been done to death unfortunately.

        • Grumpy says:

          There is absolutely no way that letter was written by a practising lawyer.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            But it was definitely written by a practising wanker.

          • Burnt Brows says:

            Real Lawyers tend to have their own Letterhead. Real Lawyers would also tend to quote legal precedents in this situation. Reading that correspondence, I think also that Real Lawyers would likely have headed it up ‘Without Prejudice’. Finally, Real Lawyers would be exorbitantly expensive even for someone on $5,000 per week. Not saying Real Lawyers have not been involved, but it does look a little too amateurish.

          • The Magpie says:

            Whoever, they certainly need more practice.

    • Ben Rumson says:

      Two matters with my limited knowledge on these matters.

      1. This show cause was issued before Mrs. Miles’ son Stevie took his 50c bus ride to Government House, so just before the care taker period started, and

      2. “Do I still have to show cause?” Too fucking right you do, smuck!

      Confirmation or correction anybody?

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, on what we know, a correction.

        Thompson said he received the show cayse from Scanlon at exactly 7.03 am. Well after Smiley had had a chat with the addled former Qld CMO. And not sure about this bit, but isn’t the giv supposed to rubber stamp a shoiw cause notice before it becomes valid? Maybe, maybe not.

        • Jenny says:

          Magpie, a photo in the Guardian shows Premier Miles on the bus to see the Governor at 8.43am, long after Mayor Thompson received the Dear John.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie may be in error but others here have said Miles went to the GG last night on the show cause matter, which had been said to be a requirement of a show cause notice involving LG. Perhaps The ‘Pie misunderstand, but doesn’t really matter anyway. Confusing times.

    • Mr Peabody says:

      That letter is filled with anger and vitriol. Mr Thompson wants to be a politician and play with the big boys yet he throws his toys out of the bath when a bit of politics takes place. Nawww boohoo Troy, what’s the matter mate, can’t handle it when someone else outsmarts you? Grow up softcock and stop being a jellyback. You wanted to bullshit your way through the system to become Mayor, well now you are going to have to work hard to keep the job. As for me, I’m pulling up an armchair and an esky full of beer and I’m going to continue to enjoy the show.

      • The Magpie says:

        The letter isnpanicked dismay of repetitive drivel and attacks on state Labor outside the immediate issue. The bloke is a wrecker.

      • Burnt Brows says:

        Good point, – be a politician and play with the big boys. News flash for Birnbrauer – two party preferred. There will always only be one of two winners in a political stoush – Labour or LNP as far as Australia is concerned. As far as Birnbrauer goes, BOTH Labour and LNP are gunning for him so I don’t see an easy retreat. But then again, is retreating the SAS way?

    • Headmistress says:

      I only made it through the first two paragraphs. Verbose, paranoid stream of thought with atrocious grammar and punctuation. Surely to god he didn’t hit send?!

  34. Jenny says:

    The Agenda for Wednesday’s TCC meeting is now up on the web site. The last item appears to be Mayor Thompson’s two motions to ‘pause’ implementation of new parking meters on the Strand and elsewhere and to pause paid parking in the CBD for the same 12-16 week period while public consultation takes place.

    A petition with heaps of names will be presented demanding:
    “An immediate cessation of the Paid Parking Expansion project. 2. Begin discussions with the State Government and opposition to convert the Leichhardt Street carpark into a multilevel facility, serving as a hub for The Strand and Gregory Street. Investigate similar facilities at Palmer Street and other locations, utilizing developer contributions, grants, and general revenue for funding. These investments should focus on improving amenities and increasing rates revenue
    through business growth and residential appeal. 3. Restore bus services along the full length of The Strand and collaborate with TransLink to add a stop at the Leichhardt Street parking facility and other new parking sites, promoting public/private transport integration similar to the QCB Stadium’s Park N Ride facility. 4. Identify alternative funding sources for the council, such as leasing land
    at Lansdown, instead of relying on outdated revenue streams like paid parking. Councils globally have diversified their income, and Townsville should follow suit. Once diversified, phase out paid parking by 2028. 5. Restore central Flinders Street to two lanes in both directions with full parking bays, reducing footpath widths and removing central trees, reverting to its pre-Flinders Mall development state.”

    A multi-storey carpark near the Strand instead of parking meters is a whole lot different from anything written about in the local media of late. A separate TCC housing report shows:

    Townsville’s household composition is primarily made up of couples with children
    (26%) followed by couples without children (25.4%) and lone person households
    (24.2%) in 2021. Lone person household composition has increased by over 2,500 households since 2016, being the household composition with the greatest growth in Townsville.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, that';s a strange petition, simply weird. Unworkable in every way, socially, financially and probably legally. And almost certain to be more costly than any other solution.

      Jenny, The ‘Pie has looked but cannot find how to access the upcoming meeting agenda.

      Got a link?

      • Jenny says:

        Google “TCC meeting.” Click on “Meetings, Agendas and Minutes”. Scroll down to “ordinary meeting 2/10/24″ and click on it. The Agenda should come up. Click on blue-coloured links to various items.

  35. Alahazbin says:

    No one locked him out of his office. He announced he was taking leave while the CCC investigation took place (not knowing it will take ages). The council in turn twisted that to a WPHS matter over his mental health. Four weeks later he shows up, probably with a medical certificate to start work. And the shit show continued.

  36. Alahazbin says:

    We don’t need a full council election. Just a competent Mayor. Piss off Two Names.

  37. Lab Rat says:

    Has there ever been a bigger dipstick in local politics than Twonames?
    Go on, go to the Supreme Court, I dare you.

  38. Nicole says:

    Thompson is going, he’ll have something to say for sure, mayoral minute? Or not again, I think they were all shocked last fortnight. The parking will be different, Mater, CBD, and Strand people have recorded visits from the mayor last 2 days, so he’ll push this for sure. The motion will be defeated 7-4, Price to jump ship. Thompson did not attend CEO interviews, apparently no invite to meeting, Julie Coats again maybe?

    • Mike lewis says:

      What do you mean price will jump ship he voted against it last time. You may wanba fo your homework

      • Nicole says:

        He is team Hill now, even babysits Ann Maree’s son, yes that’s right, team Hill is alive and kicking. Aside from Dirou and Jacob, who are labor anyway, and Rehbien who has walked away from Jenny to protect his LGAQ job, but he’s labor too.

        • The Magpie says:

          Surely the parking issue … which really does not affect their Thompson campaign … has to rise above the party politics stage… has to rise above the party politics stage. And a vote for the most unpopular measure to come before any council in The ‘Pie’s time will conclusively sink the paper thin hopes of Labor around here.

  39. Kenny Kennett says:

    Watching the news on Sunday night and Clr Brodie ‘Ellis Ellis who the fuck is Ellis’, quoted that the portable night camera unit that was destroyed by the fucking stupid petrol heads, cost the Council $300,000 to replace. Is this from a supplier to the LGAQ? Ah yes, that tender process worked out well. Over a quarter of a million bucks for a trailer and camera equipped with solar panels and an aerial. All destroyed by half breeds within ten minutes. That’s where our rate payer dollars are going. Can I suggest that Council hire 3 negotiators instead of 3 advisors. Messrs Greaney, Mooney and Batfink might actually support that.

  40. The Magpie says:

    They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.



    And anyway, the Astonisher was wrong, it hadn’t stalled, the edict was the way it was always going to be just too late … but Cas took a punt, that has always be a peril for print.

    It hadn’t stalled, there was no indication one way or the other at the time the paper was ‘put to bed’ … the timing wasn’t tailor made for the paper.

  41. Mad Jack says:

    I lament that Lyle Hillway and Mal Rodgers are not here to lampoon the Twonames catastrophe. The Stage Door Theatre Restraunt would have made a slow cooked meal of Twonames, served with an accompanying cheap Chianti.

    In many ways Townsville is the lesser for our growth.

    For example Colin Smith, chef and entainer at the somewhat intermate Lantern Inn. Gone, no similar venue.

    The Peacock Room, atop Louths Hotel. Fine dining to impress the young lady. (It worked, still happy 49 years later.) Gone, no similar venue.

    And who can forget the Garden of Roses Cafe, with George’s BYO Dining Room down the back?

    Which brings me back to the important point, when Troy “Show Cause ” Thompson, The Musical hits the stage, who will play The Magpie, Grumpy, and the other cast of solid, informed, youthful, articulate characters.

    And like any reflective artistic contemplation of Townsville’s circumstance, the musical will have to have a nude scene.

    Ben Rumson,
    White Mouse,
    No More Dredging,
    Lab Rat.
    And starring , I’ll be plucked, as a body double for the ‘Pie.

    • Jenny says:

      Back then, if you were looking for a feed after dark on a week night you had two options – the Chick Inn on Charters Towers Rd or the Norgate 24 hour servo on Ingham Rd – unless you were prepared to risk a Chicko Roll at one of the Drive-Ins!

      • Mad Jack says:

        The Norgate Never Closes.
        I think that was a sign somewhere out the front. At one stage it did not have front doors.

        • Jenny says:

          Thinking about it a bit more, Jack, it was Mal Hodges, not Rodgers, with Lyle Hillway at the Stagedoor (which lives again, same name, on Maggie Island). There was another venue, now long gone, in a dungeon under the rather famous but unfortunately later burnt down, Buchanans Hotel on Sturt St. It was the Odyssey Bar though some thought of it as the Oddity Bar.
          And if you want to relive the highlife of 49 years ago on a top floor restaurant, try the top deck of the Ardo with views to die for – she’ll love it for sure!

          • The Magpie says:

            Even in more recent times, much loved … and in the following. case, short lived … venues are fondly remembered. The Blues Bar upstairs above a restaurant in Flinders Street East more or less opposite Ming’s Dynasty, came out of nowhere in the early noughties … packed, steamy, well priced booze and great blues music. We used to troop down en masse from Portraits (known in Magpieland as Poseurs’ Bar in the Exchange Hotel), Lang’s (now Mad Cow) and restaurants along the strip about 10ish.

            A little lax in their operation, the operators soon earned the ire of the other venues as their customers failed to linger, and in the end, sooled the licensing people on to the bar. It disappeared as fast as it popped up.

            That was when Flinders Street East also boasted a unique andf beautiful trademark look ….a kow 25 metre high palm tree trunks topped by a hairdo of fronds, a roq of maybe 20 marching in line down the street to Tatts Hotel. Out of town urban planners and a vandalistic town council put paid to them when re-doing the road. As always, many in this town fit Wilde’s description of a cynic … they know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

          • I’ll be plucked says:

            Yes, I remember clearly you holding court in Poseurs, Pie. Quite a group you had going there and always managed to walk out of the place when it was time to move on, no matter how lubricated!!! :)

        • Charlie Wulguru says:

          Mad Jack… Correct. Could get a Burger and a Blue anytime.

    • White Mouse says:

      This might be something for the talented team at Theatre iNQ to sink their teeth into. Terri Brabon is very good at finding obscure plays and then updating/ rewriting to have a more local flavour. Brendan O’Connor playing Twonames with demented gusto would be something to behold.

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Thanks for the suggested role, Mad J! Not sure I have sufficiently strong claws to be the double for The Pie, but happy to give it a whirl if the show gets off the ground!!! :)

    • Lab Rat says:

      It would be a short play if the real Twonames was involved. 101 Concussions would be an apt title.

    • Lab Rat says:

      Funny you say that, in my salad days, I was a thespian and among other roles, I was in a play at The Stage Door Theatre. Lyle Hillway played my father and Mal Hodges was the Director.

  42. Prickster says:

    TwoNames is truly a hypocritical fool.

    The so-called crusader of transparency fails to openly share the show cause letter.

    What is he hiding?

    Maybe the Astonisher can print a “leaked” copy?

    • Alahazbin says:

      Prickster, The only ting that I can think of is that it was marked ‘Private & Confidential’. Probably laws that restrict its publication.

      • Prickster says:

        TwoNames has respond om FB that he can’t release the Show Cause letter without the Minister’s permission.

        Does somebody know the Minister and can get it released.

        Does Dolan still read the Nest?

        • The Magpie says:

          The ‘Pie recognises his own considerable limitations in legal and LG matters, but he remains in principle of the firm belief that any email he receives becomes his property and no matter what the morals or ethics, he can do with whatever he chooses. His one exception to that rule is if non-publication is agreed in advance.

          But of course there will also be exceptions by arse-covering, secrecy loving governments and organisation (CCC, OIA, Coles, Woolworths)} who day in and day out remind us that the boast that ‘this is a free country’ also has considerable limitations.

          • Prickster says:

            Maybe we should take the small victory that he recognizes the constitution authority of the State. He’ll get a please explained from MyPlace.

  43. Jenny says:

    I am listening to the Mayoral Minute. Oh dear.

  44. Ball bag says:

    Twodicks has written another letter to Scanlon. It is posted on his Facebook page. He isn’t going down without a fight. The fuckwit.

    • Jenny says:

      Surely it makes no difference who the Mayor writes ‘letters’ to. He has been given a ‘show cause’ notice. If he does not respond to that specific notice in the specified period he can be suspended. Anyway, he has access to ‘lawyers’, they will help he where they can.

  45. The Magpie says:

    “SAYS YOU!!!”

    Liam Mooney fires up against a bumbling lying Thompson who insists he has external legal advice that he has no conflict of interest in the CEO selection process (despite having legal action against Joe McCool on foot). Therefore, he claimed he was entitled to attend any such discussions as the mayor. BUT he refused to provide the councillors with a copy of said external legal advice when it was reasonably requested by Ma Greaney

    In a quick fire exchange with Mooney, Thompson insists he has the no conflict, but by refusing to supply proof, Mooney summed it up in just two words …’”SAYS YOU.”

    Two words to sum up TwoNames and his reputation for dishonesty.

    But stepping back a pace form the situation, the question must be asked since Thompson knew in advance this matter would be debated, why didn’t he bring his ‘rock solid’ external legal advice to the meeting for sharing? If he’s not lying about it, it would only bolster his argument. That’s what one would normally do if you actually had such advice. The reason he gave – ‘it is on my private computer’ is laughable. In fact, several councillors had to cover scoffing noises.

    So now it’s reasonable to believe his huffing and puffing about external legal advice, supreme court challenges and tedious and patronising virtue signalling about democracy (quoting Thomas Jefferson for Christ’s sake!!) it is a fair bet that advice is a product manufactured around his kitchen table by his team of Denis Denutos.

    Subsequently, for whatever advice given during a brief adjournment, TwoNames absented himself from the closed secret squirrelling about a ‘Human Resources Matter’ – read the current situation regarding the permanent CEO position. They trooped back into our vision to vote that the undisclosed decision of the undisclosed matter, to which we are not privy, be passed on to the relevant bum polisher of the Hermit Kingdom for another spell in his/her In Tray.

    The other hot button item, Strand Parking, proved an anti-climax.
    Seems the Strand parking, indeed the whole question of all the areas slotted for new parking meters will be the sole subject of a specially convened meeting next Wednesday (October 9th).

    The reason this can was kicked along the road was one of the all-time great. political hospital passes imaginable, in the form of an amendment from Clr Kurt Rehbein.

    All Rehbein’s grandstanding on this issue, he suddenly has feet of clay and is a man of dust turned into mud. Kurt, old mate, you were elected to make decisions NOW, and not make the next administration your ‘too hard basket’ Out Tray. A disgusting abrogation of what you were elected to do. Have some ticker mate, win or lose, stand up and vote on the Strand measure like a man, and stop behaving like a shadow flinching sniveller.

    And as representatives of the community, the entire council failed in one simple act of traditional decency. Not one person, including the mayor who made a passing mention of condolence, thought it fit to do the usual thing and raise a motion of condolence for their late collegue and councillor Fran O’Callaghan. It is usual practice to do so in such circumstances, but when the brief window of opportunity arose when the mayor mentioned the matter, all sat in stony silence.
    Not out of revence, but perhaps for some, out of guilt and shame. If suck emotions are possible amongst this lot. Shame on you all.

    And it was made all the more jarring when Rehbein said hi to Steve Price in the gallery, praising him deservedly as a community champion he is. But Steve’s alive and kicking, Fran isn’t. Double standards.

    Overall, a curate’s egg of a meeting, good in parts, rotten in others. What a mess, and the only divisive voice as the council got on with other comparatively mundane matters was the mayor.

    But dear reader, remain in the assumed position, little doubt there’s more shafting to come.

    • Jenny says:

      What’s the bet that Rehbein’s amendment is voted down on Wednesday and that debate ensues on the mayor’s original ‘pause’ motions? After all, does TCC really want to forego ALL revenue from existing parking meters in Townsville for the next 3½ years (the remainder of this council’s ‘term’). And will Cr Mooney’s Div 9 Pimlico residents around the Mater be happy to be fobbed off because it’s just too hard? Get the budget papers out, show us the numbers and put it all on the record.

      The poor form around condolences for the late Cr Fran is right down to the Chair, Mayor Thompson. He chose to insert, almost as a footnote, some words about the former councillor after blustering and confabulating in his Mayoral Minute about yesterday’s 7.03am show cause notice from the Queensland government. It was tasteless and tacky. It would hardly have been respectful or appropriate for another councillor to call a point of order on the mayor and interrupt when what they (and we spectators) really wanted was for him to shut the fuck up. The whole thing should have been a separate item in the Agenda. Meeting Procedure 101 – he doesn’t seem to have a clue.

      • The Magpie says:

        Sorry, allow the impudent ‘Pie to correct you big time, Jenny.

        There is no suggestion of suspending the use of CURRENT parking meters, just pausing, for either four months or three and a half years, the PROPOSED new meters.

        The’Pie himself fell into that trap when misreading TwoNames initial proposal on the issue.

        • Jenny says:

          Magpie, respectfully, in the meeting Agenda the Mayor, seconded by Paul Jacob, was proposing two (2) motions. 1. To ‘pause’ installation of new parking meters (on the Strand etc) and 2. All paid parking cease until consultation is completed – as listed in that “Current Item” box under your Liam Mooney story. Unless I misunderstood the amendment process explained by the CLO to Cr Rehbein, the proposed amendment, when it is put on Wednesday, is to the first motion, and yes that would have the effect of kicking it down the road for 3½ years. But what of the second mayoral motion listed? Is that still live?

          • The Magpie says:

            Sorry, you’re right, the rush of the morning allowed The ‘Pie to be a bit sloppy.

            And as to the suggestion itself, we have this posturing goof suggesting the council cut off a legitimate, established and more or less accepted income stream when the council is in such dire financial straits. A destructive attempt to gain brownie points on an wider issue no one campaigned on, and no generally saw as a priority.

            The bloke is a fucking financial idiot, all in the name of trying the impossible task of winning public approval.

            What a fool.

          • Jenny says:

            Magpie, the Mayor’s second motion is a curiosity:

            “All paid parking throughout Townsville cease until the conclusion of a community engagement and consultation period” [which could be three months or three years].

            Your take on it is that the motion, if carried, will cut off a legitimate, established and more or less accepted income stream when the council is in such dire financial straits.

            So who would have thought up such a clever distraction? Surely not the outcome of that out-of-hours private talkfest at a closed cafe the other day? Mischievous lobbying indeed!

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie has no idea what you’re trying to say, being coy about something still requires a certain level of clarity.

            Thompson from the outset, even in his first infamous mayoral minute bullshit on the issue, made such income pause suggestions long before the cafe klatch meeting. So what on earth are you talking about ‘mischievous lobbying’?

            And nothing this bloke says is a ‘distraction’, because no one believes any word of sense comes out of his mouth.

          • Jenny says:

            The mayor has been lobbied from several sides to stop the Strand paid parking. The first step is to pause and consult, the second is to extend the pause indefinitely. To make it sound reasonable and consultative, the question of paid parking in the CBD is then added to the process, coinciding as it happens with the secret squirrel talkfest last week. Who benefits from cancelling all paid parking? Why raise it at all? Wednesday’s TCC Special Meeting will be a circus.

    • Aitkenvalian says:

      Dear Magpie, having watched the TCC meeting, a period of my life I won’t get back; thank you for summarizing the salient points.
      Next time, I will wait for your acute observation and commentary.

      TT keeps pushing the mantra that he was democratically elected. Maybe so, but on proven lies and delusions.

      Embarrassing for Townsville

      • The Magpie says:

        As The ‘Pie will again be pointing out regarding his election, Troy Thompson was the wrong man in the right place at the right time, a sort of screwball version of serendipity. Of course, that leaves the rest of us with the opposite of serendipity … ‘bad luck’.

    • Mugwump says:

      Go back and listen to the full “conversation” when Twonames takes on young boy Mooney and the other council members chip in.
      I paraphrase here.

      Mooney – I believe the Mayor has a COI due to him declaring it previously.
      Twonames – no I don’t, I have sought external legal advice and they believe I do not now have a COI And you can’t lock me the Mayor out!!.
      Ma – show us this advice to consider.
      Twonames – not on me and I didn’t circulate it as per standard, it’s on my personal computer.
      Went in circles for a while with all parties saying same thing.

      Suzy – POO, let’s get a ruling and then after legal advice on processes, let have adjurement to allow us to consider the process about you backtracking on COI and I think Ma said, go then you can ahead and get your legal advice ( from computer) in this time. For council to consider or meaning to that effect.

      Twonames then changed to I have to call Brisbane legal as it’s not readily available. So his whole story changed with this and basically saying small adjurement won’t get you a copy of this advice.
      From then on it was, I have to contact Brisbane and this could take time, not the personal computer. I think most councillors realised this, also Twonames must have been tapped on the shoulder to say his grandstanding and lying has just been called out as next thing is he excused himself from item 5 closed session.

      • The Magpie says:

        Thompson has got his tits well and truly caught in the wringer on this, and in fact, this could be the most unexpected end to this grifters con job.

        The Magpie watched the entire public meeting, Mugwump, and agrees with your paraphrased summation as being accurate to the essence of what was said.

        So consider the following.

        Thompson blundered into this by repeatedly insisting he had ‘external legal advice’, said advice miraculously being he did not now have his previously declared conflict of Interest (COI). But not a hint of why. He foolishly, childishly even, repeated this several times, not once offering a copy of said legal advice and not once apparently considering that councillors would need to see it before they could debate the issue (well, duh!!). But when challenged, he suddenly seemed to realised he’d painted himself into a corner, and started to gabble and bluster on about a barrister in Brisbane having the advice, he have to get in touch to get it, when he’d already said he had it on his private computer. And, boy oh boy, was he ever super quick and no doubt quietly grateful for Clr Batkovic’s suggestion of a 15 minute adjournment to see if Thompson could oblige them.

        The next thing we know, he has meekly acquiesced to the demand that he absent himself, and matters proceeded to the secret squirrel stage without him. It was undoubtedly about Joe McCool, through all this McCabe would make the traditional cucumber look a sweaty mess.

        To The ‘Pie, all that screamed LIAR as loudly as Mooney had yelled ‘Says you!!’ It defies any logic to not bring documented legal advice with you to a meeting where you knew you were going to be challenged.


        The ‘Pie hasn’t looked up the penalty for deliberately doing so, but any sanction would certainly include dismissal – probably instant – from office. Of course, in CCC’s parallel universe, ‘instant’ could mean just before or after Christmas – or maybe next Easter, year not specified.

        But you may wonder how such a circumstance could be proven. Easy. The mayor should be requested that when he eventually provides said advice to council (he’s said he will) the copies should be time stamped, that is, contain the date that the email of advice was received. The ‘Pie is informally assured that faking a date on an email is near impossible for a general punter, and could easily be detected by a competent tech person. Anyway, genuine advice from a Brisbane barrister would invariably be on letterhead. Otherwise, gasp! anyone could’ve written it.

        Get it, now? The Magpie is betting there never was any such advice from a lawyer/barrister/, and insisting on time verification, confirmed by a tech expert, will stop Thompson getting subsequent advice and claiming he had it all the time. This of course depends on two things: that such advice actually is possible under the circumstances, and more importantly, would also depend on the career wrecking collusion of a real lawyer, which, to put it mildly, is highly unlikely.

        The council should now DEMAND to not only see the advice but the time verification of the email.

        • Curious Observation says:

          I would have to rewatch the meeting but I swear that TT broke confidently by letting slip that item 5 was about the CEO. None of the documents on the agenda mentioned anything other than a Human Resources Matter.

        • Headmistress says:

          He couldn’t pull up his personal email acct from his smartphone/device ? He has engaged a Barrister in Brisbane but can’t access advice from his crack legal team until he gets home of an evening? Christ almighty..why didnt they call him out on the spot?

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, they sort of did, but these council meetings are more highly choreographed that Japanese kabuki theatre. One or two words out of place (‘lying’ and ‘arsesole’ come to mind) and the speaker could find themselves promptly ejected from the meeting. That’s is why Liam Mooney ‘Says you!!’ was the perfect line walking putdown, and Greaney was pretty blunt in wanting the advice produced.

            No one believed his blarney about computers and Brisbane barristers.

  46. Prickster says:

    President Joe Biden’s administration has called for a tripling of U.S. nuclear power capacity…….?


    Mary K mine reopening..?

    • Critical says:

      Or maybe the Ben Lomond mine just west of Townsville near Dotswood Station and I’m told in the water catchment of the Burdekin River.
      Townsville people should be more concerned about this mine.

  47. Zilzie says:

    As with all things Thompson, the details are always clouded. Why won’t he name the mystery lawyers with whom he is using? Why the secrecy? The bullshit line about the letter being on his computer is laughable. What a total bullshit artist. It’s no shock that he is probably lying, he fucking lies about everything!

    • Peter says:

      Thompson stated his lawyer to the Bulletin, it is Mills & Oakley Law Firm, a national law firm. They have represented Gold Coast, Brisbane mayors, deputy mayors and CEOs, interesting Joe McCabe was at the GCCC when they represented council, they lose rarely. I’d suggest he is going the route of discrimination, bullying and intimidation, easier win.


      • The Magpie says:

        But did they provide specific information and opinion that Thompson could not legally be excluded from closed discussions about CEO selection? And if they did, is Thompson so dense he didn’t think to bring such a triumphant document to shove in the councillors’ faces?

        Those are the only two questions here.

        • wollo says:

          A couple of meetings ago when they were about to go into a closed session to assess candidates for CEO 2-names declared a conflict of interest because he has an issue with Joe that is before the C.C.C. so he excused himself as he should have but yesterday he argued that the said conflict no longer exists. Anyway they sure sorted him out during the adjournment. Somebody must have read the riot act out to him. The stress must be getting to him the way the councillors are treating him and catching him out when he lies.. it’s not fair. to be a good liar you have to have a good memory.

          • Achilles says:

            Sorry to be pedantic wollo, but “good liar” is an oxymoron, if you simply tell the truth then a memory good or bad is not in the equation.

            Unless of course you’re a politician then its a pre-requisite.

          • The Magpie says:

            A good liar is in fact a liar that doesn’t get found out. We all lie to one degree or another, but it is those who go undiscovered who are ‘good’ in the sense of effective.

            Same as the answer to the question “who is/was the greatest criminal (non-political, that is) in the world” is – no one knows. The greatest criminal in the world is unknown, because he/she has – in the usual argot – got away with it, often without people even knowing a crime was committed.

        • Grumpy says:

          He does now realise that, by referring to his barrister’s opinion and identifying what that advice was, he has now forfeited any right to claim legal privilege with respect to such advice? It is now discoverable. What a fucking goose.

  48. Mike lewis says:

    I only have.1 thing to say troy thompson is a fuck wit . And should step down and all his cooker friends are fuck wits as well.. sorry for the bad language but he has to go.

  49. Orville says:

    That Qantas link white unmarked leased jet that has had decompression issues a few times was seen arriving at the airport again yesterday.

    • Aviator says:

      Both Qantas and Virgin send their oldest and shittiest aircraft to the regions while keeping their nice planes on the golden triangle route. It’s well known within the industry and is a fucking joke.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Not to mention that poisonous leprechaun, Alan Joyce, letting the Qantas fleet go way past its used by date in order to keep his bonuses and shareholders profits up.
        Took a world wide highly regarded airline to the bargain basement of aviation, fucked plenty of employees lives and then pissed off back with his multi millions !
        Grub !

        • White Mouse says:

          A friend of mine just posted up a picture of the plane he was travelling and it included an ash tray in the arm rest.

          • The Magpie says:

            And therein lies a tale that the ‘Pie will only half relate.

            In his travelling days, and to rest his own wings, The Magpie used aircraft to get around the globe, and was occasionally invited to visit the cockpit to say hello to the driver, as some folks were allowed to do in the pre-terrorist, pre-hijack days.

            And in just about every instance, the one enduring memory for some reason, is that of an often overflowing ashtray between the pilot and co-pilot, permanently nestled amid the blinking lights, wheels, buttons and dials.

          • Grumpy says:

            ‘Pie, the Brisbane-Port Moresby TAA DC6B flight in the 60s came with a full English breakfast, toast, orange juice, coffee – and a packet of four Viscount ciggies, complete with a book of matches.

          • The Magpie says:

            Ah, civilisation, The ‘Pie remembers it well.

    • This is your Captain speaking says:

      Perhaps Qantas has a long memory and remembers Jenny Hill sticking it to them, hence the reason they send busted arse planes to Townsville?

    • Burnt Brows says:

      It’s actually not a Qantas aircraft. Yes, Qantas sometimes use it, but I’ve also seen it used by two other Airlines. Called a ‘wet lease’. When you saw it, it was going out without passengers as a reposition. Airport stuff looks like one thing, but when you work there you find it’s a lot different in reality.

      • Jenny says:

        Orville actually said the aircraft was seen arriving.

        • Burnt Brows says:

          Well yes, it arrived with passengers who were disembarked and was then refuelled ‘hot turn’ engines running and sent back out about 25 mins later. Not sure of your point however?

      • Alahazbin says:

        BB, shouldn’t it least have a registration number on it. The last picture I saw when it had that decompression problem it was completely white with no markings.

        • Alan says:

          It does, it’s VH-UYR, an Alliance E190

          • The Magpie says:

            Good to know. I mean REALLY good to know. Thanks.

          • Bombardier says:

            It was a Bombardier on the news report

          • Bombardier says:

            Here is the Facebook link to the ch7 story explaining the lease by Qantas

          • Burnt Brows says:

            It’s an Embraer E190, highly regarded worldwide by pilots and engineers. It’s an excellent plane and comfortable to fly on (2 seats either side of aisle config). Be rare outside of maybe fighter jets etc… to see a plane come in without a rego number on the tail. I think even the PM’s plane has rego- just can’t track it on internet sites like flight radar etc….. In my opinion the biggest issue in Australia with Aviation is it is too cheap. Airlines and Jets very expensive to run yet through competition the airlines feel they need to compete with $99 fares. It’s a race to the bottom in some respects. BONZA had lots of problems, but they didn’t help themselves with cheap fares and trying to compete with the ‘big boys’ for the busiest time slots. I think this new Koala Airlines has the right ideas in relation to nichẽ markets but I can’t see success coming easily. If you troll the interweb of all things you will see the Irish lot who purchased Skytrans have a business model buying aircraft and then wet leasing them out. They suggested they will do this in Australia as well, must be big business and a lot of money involved.

  50. Brown Bomber says:

    Down south in Victoria , the councils have copped a budget hammering cos their parking fines have been overturned on a massive scale. Its in the millions. For some it was having an enforcement system allowing private companies to chase fines when by laws said it can only be done by councils. For others it was because the fine amounts and lack of repayment options for poor people were oppressive. You can simply do a search on parking fines being overturned to bring those up.

    So, looking at possible delays, the contracts will be commercial in confidence but will there be clauses relating to private enforcement to protect private profits? Are those in conflict with parking fine regs? Have they been watching those southern cases and getting the Willie’s?

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie imagines outsourcing parking enforcement on public roadways to private companies would be against any number of laws in Queensland, for very good reason and not just that it would be one of the ultimate obscenities in the privatisation field.

      In many places, including Townsville, there is already a big crack in privacy laws that is open to both exploitation and indeed criminal behaviour. A good example is the Woolworths rooftop carpark in the CBD, operated by a private firm, which is OK since the car park was mandated but not owned by the council.

      What is NOT OK, and never will be, is that the operators have an arrangement with the police and transport licensing people to access number plate information, name address etc, in order to police their area.

      Long ago, all state’s tightened up the availability of such information to the public, because the then lax rules led to follow-up confrontations and delayed road rage incidents when someone followed up on an incident instead of letting the police do their work. There were also incidents of stalking for various personal reasons, especially when there were more onerous divorce laws.

      But safety aside, the underlying issue is privacy, and allowing such information legally into the hands of organisations that have the general ethics and of dodgy security firms is an invitation to criminal behaviour. With stalking, car theft, break-ins and other thuggery at such high levels, it is not information that should be in the hands of private unregulated hands. At least with councils having such knowledge, there can be a certain amount of accountability if something untoward happens.

      Such private parking areas certainly need to be policed (time limits were introduced to the Woolworths car park after parking hogs clogged it up all day long), but just how is a matter for the owners to make suitable arrangement with authorities that excludes the access to plate info.

      • Brown Bomber says:

        I think I’ve got it. If you take a look at s33-37 of the Qld Information Privacy Act , these private companies providing the apps or for the transfer of data to the council will have servers. If they are overseas that info is under foreign laws including national security laws. There is no way Qld and Australian privacy principles can be enforced. The contractor must comply with the laws as if they are the government. BUT, if the contract is in confidence, how can you challenge its actions as being in breach if you can’t see what they are allowed to do? The acts are the authorising laws , just like regs and by-laws being Ultra Viries, or invalid if they are beyond those powers, so too would a contract be invalid. IF YOU COULD COMPARE IT TO THE AUTHORISING LAW. So, would a commercial in confidence contract relating to private personal information be invalid because you can’t challenge it? It would seem so. https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2009-014

      • Dave Nth says:

        Pie, FYI.

        I believe the loophole closed last year or at least was supposed to, MSN has a similar article:


        All other states bar Tasmania need a court order which these shoddy operators still do go to the trouble of just bundling up say a hundred numbers in one application then try to scare people into paying with these fake fines with discount or send unenforceable debt collector letters.

        Just because they have the registered owner’s name and postal address isn’t a slam dunk. Being a civil case they then need to prove it was you driving the vehicle and then losses. I used to be friendly with a debt collector, it’s amazing how much bluff goes on behind small amounts not worth setting lawyers on to. Also human nature on people wanting to do the right thing.

        My 2c worth because I hate going near the CBD why don’t they just get boom gates? Much easier and probably save debt collection/lawyers bills in the long run.

  51. Toy Thompstain says:

    Naughty Mayor Thompstain caught out lying once more. This time spinning porkies about his legal advice. Tak tsk you are the most untrustworthy character to have as mayor.

  52. Jenny says:

    Don’t be tricked about the start time for the NRL Grand Final on Sunday. Sunday morning 2am is the changeover to Daylight Saving time so NSW will go one hour ahead of Queensland. The start time for the match is 6.30pm Queensland time (or 7.30pm NSW daylight saving time).

    • The Magpie says:

      And a handy American mnemonic when you’re calculating whether southern time is an hour forward or back … it’s spring forward and fall back.

  53. Alfred E Neuman says:

    My calendar informs me that tomorrow is World Animal Day.

    I will celebrate by eating a couple of them.


  54. Hector the erector says:

    Mr Magpie, I have been a victim of shrinkflation! Now that we are approaching cyclone season I dusted off the emergency kit and replenished it. But I also purchased online two Swiss Army Knives. I haven’t had one since I was a kid. And it’s tiny!!! Just like our Mayors backbone and penis, it has shrunk away to nothing! Ripped off!

  55. The Magpie says:

    It looks like all local government areas have their own particular burdens, it’s not just us.


  56. Hee Haw says:

    Maybe someone could give an opinion on this in relation to the Mayor’s actions, my understanding is that lying while in public office is captured in the section below as a criminal offence.

    CRIMINAL CODE 1899 – SECT 92

    Abuse of office
    92 Abuse of office

    (1) Any person who, being employed in the public service, does or directs to be done, in abuse of the authority of the person’s office, any arbitrary act prejudicial to the rights of another is guilty of a misdemeanour, and is liable to imprisonment for 2 years.
    (2) If the act is done or directed to be done for purposes of gain, the person is liable to imprisonment for 3 years.

    • Bob Roberts says:

      Sounds like arbitrarily sacking the mayor without allowing him due process could leave the premier or minister facing two years in prison.

    • Hector the erector says:

      It’s a pity that being a fuckwit isn’t an offence. If it were, the Mayor would receive a life sentence.

    • Ben Rumson says:

      So, on the balance of probabilities Twonames lied about external legal advice at Wednesday’s meeting.

      Who gathers the evidence and to which authority is it referred and by whom?

      • The Magpie says:

        For a complaint to be investigated, you have to present the evidence. Which would be a tad diffJean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” unless TwoNames give unfettered access to his private computer (which of course he will likely to be happy to provide, him being so peachy keen on transparency and accountability). Said evidence would then go to the relevant minister, who would then pass it along to the appropriate ‘authority’ who will put it in the airline queue, just behind the pink pig’s all lined up for take-off.

        • Southern Comfort says:

          Much simpler, a complaint to the OIA (which can be as simple as an email), a description of what you believe his offence is (a good place to start is the Councillors Code of Conduct, which I recommend as plain written, but the LGA 2009 is more comprehensive, but hardworking), like Dishonest Conduct in Office. Cite your evidence (ie livestream recording date and timestamp) and submit. There is a real off chance that the OIA might one day actually do something, but likely they will add it to the TwoNames Filing Room and refer it to the rest of the inquiry with the CCC.

          I’m not going to do this for you. But there is no real risk to you making a complaint. They’re anonymous. But, if you do it too often, and they are not upheld, EVENTUALLY, you could be considered a vexatious complainant. And that may lead to your own slap on the wrist. I don’t know for sure, as most of mine get referred to CCC.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie is not asking you or anyone else to do anything for him (although the odd donation would not be frowned on).

  57. CCCwatcher says:

    The Bully have an interesting poll happening this morning with more than 500 people havig voted already — 82% say TwoNames should be permanently punted.
    They took down the paywall especially so it’ll be interesting to see how this one goes … does he have as much ‘community support’ he says he does?


    • The Magpie says:

      Of course he’ll SAY he has widespread community support, that part of the con man’s MO, widely used because it is totally unprovable – unless it goes to another election and he is demented enough to stand again if he’s eligible under law. Which he won’t be.

    • ABS says:

      Those polls are useless and should just be ignored regardless of the issue or the results.

      • The Magpie says:

        They generally are, easily manipulated and pretty pointless. This one is clearly flawed, with only 82% saying he should be sacked. The real figure would be closer to 98%.

        But anyone who uses a newspaper poll to make a decision on anything does not play a useful role in society.

        • Burnt Brows says:

          Bully took down the paywall to make a political move? There’s some Rupert Murdoch stuff right there ! In this instance I do approve however.

      • Ben Rumson says:

        I recall way back when I was getting the Astonisher delivered the weekend edition between Christmas and New Year would have a poll about all sorts of issues and trivia. Having been informed of the opinions of the populas the paper would run stories on the various matters for weeks to come.
        Yep, reliable and accurate were these surveys from the 700 – 800 returns they got. FFS!

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      The Cookers are already mobilising (or only just waking up from their overnight exertions) and are flooding the poll with “four more years” votes. It is up to 16% stay and down to 81% fuckoff, with 1040 votes.

      • Rotten Luck Willie says:

        Well, that’s the problem with democracy. To work it needs an educated engaged electorate informed by a free and fearless media..
        I lament that, with all of the distractions of modern life most folks don’t give a fuck allowing the MyPlace Morons to gain a foothold.

        As an aside I might mention that when myself and my bride were paying off our block of dirt,, then the house built upon it interest rates were 13% – 16%.

        Perhaps the current generation may forgo their daily caffeine latte or gym membership. And wash your own $1000 dog that you should never have purchased.

  58. Not standing for Mayor says:

    The media are saying that KAP are preferencing LNP in Townsville, Mundingburra and Thuringowa. Seems like no one told the local candidates, or they cannot read the paper.


    • Nick Bradbury says:

      It’s funny the Mundingburra candidate hope you are telling everyone about your past and not done the oh I said it a few months ago so everything is ok cause everyone has forgot or has your past gone missing, also why did the candidate of KAP go to LNP launch and other meetings? Use the candidate from townsville the team Jenny hill one cheeky buggers KAP.
      Don’t trust KAP, put the greens last Labor second last and KAP third last so they are all together at the bottom where they deserve to be

    • Dave Nth says:

      Don’t know what that Facebook link does as I’m locked out like newscorpse paywalls.

      However on KAP shooting it’s foot from what I’ve heard Hinchinbrook as well. A lot who voted for him not happy at rumours he’ll go with the ALP, as well as the party giving Ryder another go at getting her snout in the trough.

      Don’t how many favours from the MacKinlay Council days Ryder pulled with Robbie but so close to Mullett getting unceremoniously rsoled she’s a woeful candidate.

  59. Burnt Brows says:

    I watched the debate last night Chrystal-Fully and Smiley. I must say, as an anti Smiley person, that he actually did very well considering his limited abilities. I can see why the polls show that he is winning over female voters because I thought he was somewhat genuine. As a long term LNP type person to some degree, I was disappointed in Chrystal-Fully because he was a little arrogant towards Smiley, had just a few too many on the spot answers for absolutely everything, and his ears went incredibly red the longer the debate went on. I’m pretty certain LNP will win if only based on the ‘it’s time for a change’ mantra, however Labour may get closer than I think.

    • Southern Comfort says:

      The problem most recently with the “ it’s time for a change’ mantra,” is, that’s what got us TwoNames. I’m still undecided (with the exception that One Notion and Greens go last, thank God they are not invited to debate), but the whole spirit of “CHANGE” keeps becoming a curse rather than a blessing, so I will be avoiding that as a decision criteria, and would recommend to all the same. I don’t care if you vote for their hair colour of their fashion sense, but don’t vote on the basis of ”It’s Time For Change” that won’t cut it anymore.

      Now Policy would be a good differentiator, but when you have one side with some let’s call them “courageous” policies (in the true Sir Humphrey Applebee sense), and then the other side running “small target strategy” and just saying we will do whatever they’re doing, just for slightly less time, isn’t really much of a strategy.

      So at this rate, I’m going to have to go for either arm wrestling or a good old-fashioned pistol dual at Dawn to decide Who to vote for. A far more entertaining way to differentiate between the 2 leaders.

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Southern Comfort , dont be Townsville Council centric . As the Pie says look at other Regional Councils . Cairns is running rings around T.C.C. . Open day + Council business key projects 2024/25 .Biggest public and affordable 490 housing project funded by the Queensland Government . Resi building approvals +15 % with a new Mayor . Townsville has 5 labor Councillors are they even engaging with Scott Stewart on funding . Mackay proactively seeking investors whilst Townsville Councillors look for reasons to knock back projects like Hilton Garden inn and Douglas 15 apartments + medical . Councillors and Mayor dont do all of this they are supported by executive team . Townsville couldnt attract good experienced executives under Team Hill .

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          And don’t forget Gladstone Regional Council is smashing runs and hitting the ball out of the park. Excellent Mayoral leadership and a good CEO. And Cairns has gone ahead in leaps and bounds since the bludger Bob Manning resigned as Mayor. Townsville has had 10 years of Hill incompetence and has a neutered TEL supposedly driving the economy. Townsville’s leadership is what has, and is, letting us down. Just look at other Queensland council success stories and you will see a huge difference when compared to Townsville.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        It’s unfortunate that people are likely to vote for someone with a “concept of a plan” as opposed to someone with an actual costed plan.

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