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The Magpie

Saturday, January 11th, 2025   |   150 comments

From A Mullet To A Kipper? Guess Who Wants To Be Our Next Mayor?

The Magpie has been justified in his annual news watch over the distracted silly season,  because he winkled out an obscure interview on an obscure radio station that signalled the entry of another wannabee to the Townsville mayoral musical chairs.  The man who was sacked for non-performance as head of TEL, local ‘business identity’ David Kippin wants to be our next mayor.  The merits of that will be debated elsewhere, but the undeniable danger is the right-wing blow-hard in the background, who will orchestrate The Kipper’s campaign if we ever have another mayoral election. The Magpie has the full horror story.

More lies and ineptitude from Townsville Enterprise during the week, highlighting why the Townsville Council MUST rethink its inane decision to put this fraudulent outfit in charge of a ratepayer funded million plus dollar ‘events’ budget.  And TEL’s long-bungling marketing director Lisa Woolfe should have the decency to resign after her insulting and dishonest claims in Friday’s paper.

And while we’re in this territory of community insult,  a similarly incredible claim by the Bulletin, the proof of which they will claim as ‘commercial in confidence’.

And The ‘Pie asks a question about the North Rail yards debacle that no one has bothered to ask before.

Plus a bumper US gallery of political cartoons.

The Magpie’s overwhelming emotion towards the coming year is one of morbid curiosity, given that the prospects, from our own council to the Trump disaster, from climate catastrophe to the return of tiresome up-himself shit Nick Kyrgios to the tennis circuit,  are sufficient to drive the most enthusiastic Pollyanna to contemplate rusty razor blades.  But The Magpie urges our hardy band to stick with task of trying to keep the bastards honest, by having your own say in comments.  The button for donations remains in its usual spot at the bottom of the blog. But you know that, don’t you?

First,  A Short Review Of Where We Are, Where We’ve Come From … And A Magpie Theory Of Why.

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As the days drag out but the years fly by in Townsville, The Magpie is more and more convinced that there is, gathered in a celestial front bar somewhere,  a collection of Star Wars-like character playing a drinking game, rolling the 11-sided dice to see who can top whatever the last horror that the dice decreed for Townsville.  For more than a decade, (a matter of mere minutes in our celestial bar game) no one was able to roll a worse horror than Jenny Hill, so she stayed at the top of the list, fighting off vigorous challenges from various state Labour politicians and pipsqueak opponents. Her personally appointed CEO Adele The Impaler Young gave her brief competition, but herself became a victim of mayoral pique and shafting..

But when uppity voters turfed out Mayor Mullet last March, it was game on in earnest,. The tumbling dice were relentless, giving us first a fraudulent conman Troy Thompson as mayor,  then a jelly-backed Labor premier who spitefully dumped the issue of dismissal. at the 11th hour on his victorious opponents. They in turn,  using the incomprehensible incompetence of the CCC, left it to spineless new minister Ann Leahy to award the conman mayor a 12 month suspension on full pay.  Then, the esoteric craps game gave us a crap ‘acting’ replacement in Paul Jacob, who annoyed ambitious colleagues by dressing like an unmade bed, so he was toppled and one of the most vicious, unmerited and out-of-touch replacements as deputy mayor – and therefore mayor pro tem – in. the form of dumpy little darling,  Ann-Maree Greaney.

And that is where we find ourselves as we apprehensively edge into this New Year.

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So one would hope that our far, far away dice players would have a break to syphon the python – a literal matter for Grok from Planet Reptilio – and give us a bit of a rest over the holiday period.

Fat chance.

From Mayor Mullet To King Kipper?

But no, they managed to sneak in the threat of a new hidden horror, but it was tucked away where they thought it wouldn’t come to light too quickly, a sort of dipping the toe in the political waters.

The way they hid the lurking menace was by having it aired on an obscure radio program on a relatively obscure radio station, 4TTT.  The program, which no doubt counts its far reaching audience in the tens of  tens, glories the suitably naf title of Over A Cuppa, and is hosted by The Magpie’s suitably obscure old mate, the political wannabee and booze-bloomed ranting misogynist Max Tomlinson.

Max Tomlinson Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 10.24.54 pm

Now Max, who has been suffering RDS (Relevance Deprivation Syndrome) since being booted of the GM’s chair at the Bulletin 20 years ago,  seems to fancy himself as a ‘shogun’, a power behind the throne – any throne that will have him – having worked for the successful Ewen Jones  campaign.  he himself was pre-selected as the LNP candidate for Thuringowa in 2012, before chickening out and withdrawing (Sam Cox got the gig.) Max also worked briefly on Fran O’Callaghan’s campaign team, until he chucked that in when Fran wouldn’t bow to his bluster and bullying.

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David The Kipper Kippen … fishing for Walker Street.

But Max is nothing if not inventive,  so it appears he cooked up a hokey interview with his old mate David ‘The Kipper’ Kippin, ostensibly to just have a chat about this and that, but in fact, the real purpose was  to float the idea of The Kipper running for mayor when the occasion arises.  That’s a  proposition you can bet would include Max becoming a highly paid mayoral advisor.  This 40 minute interview (the things The ‘Pie does for you, dear reader!) was aired just as the Silly Season of public distraction started on December 18, and is well-rehearsed pure political positioning … personal family background (the Kippin family has been in Townsville for 110 years),  and other aspects fleshing out the potential candidate’s personality and beliefs, but interestingly, no solid suggestions as to how to pull the city out of its current low point.  With lessons learned from the blundering Troy Thomson’s lies,  The Kipper was open about the biggest blot on his professional copybook, his sacking from TEL, when many local businessmen called for his dumping for alleged ‘underperformance’. Kippin made this episode sound like it was all someone else’s fault, that unidentified dark forces were worked against him. If true, that would be karma, since dark forces in the form of businessmen John Bearne and Tony Ireland had shoehorned him into the job in the first place. However even although admitting in the radio interview that at that time, money was scarce for TEL,  he  failed to mention that there were many pissed off that one of his first executive actions was to award himself a then unheard off $250k annual salary.

But as the interview progressed,  The Magpie became increasingly alarmed at Max’s persistent references to Kippin’s physical appearance – the size of his feet, his height, his toughness, his interest in Thai boxing (Max’s ideal macho man) – as bromances go, the gushing was such that this seemed to be heading into condom and canola oil territory.But The Kipper was suitably modest and embarrassed at Max’s hagiography.

But once the scene was set, then came the big question:

Max: ‘Your name has again come up (linked to a run for mayor).Would you consider it if someone tapped you on the shoulder,’ asked Max, tapping him on the shoulder.

The Kipper (hiding his surprise at such an unexpected  question): ‘Yes I would. I am incensed at what (Thompson) has done to this city that I love. If it came to a new election, I would seriously consider putting my hand up.’

Thence followed some confused blather from both men about destiny ‘maybe it’s part of the plan‘ and that sort guff. No mention of where Mr Kippin was during the years Jenny Hill was on her rampage, effectively destroying the progress of Townsville stone dead with her irresponsible fiscal ignorance.  Somehow, the attraction now of an open field without any formidable opponent is far more attractive, eh Dave?.

So there you have it, a confessed admirer of Margaret Thatcher and a  bloke who couldn’t run Townsville Enterprise (on a a self-awarded salary of greater than the mayor) now wants to run our city … which ironically putatively runs TEL.

And having Max Tomlinson in your corner won’t help with the female vote … on the direct orders of then Opposition leader Tony Abbott,  Max was sacked from Senator Ian Macdonald’s office for his neanderthal attitude towards women.  As the Brisbane Times reported in April, 2012.

Max Tomlinson, the then media adviser to Liberal National Party Senator Ian Macdonald, wrote to Dr Carole Ford after she penned a newspaper column criticising the lack of female representation in Queensland’s parliament. In his email, Mr Tomlinson tells Dr Ford “like most women, you probably don’t possess the necessary drive, determination and decisiveness that men innately possess.

“It’s not a personal criticism; it’s a fact of biology.”

“That was part of nature’s grand design to enable men to be stronger, more fearless and more determined than their sisters. Sorry, Carole, fact not fiction.”

But also from the fact not fiction file, Max, in terms of political awareness, biology,  decency and simple intelligence, you are a simpleton. The day-before-yesterday’s man.

Another Year Of Doing Townsville’s Favourite Dance – The Cruise Ship Cringe

Simple dance, really, you just curl your toes up in embarrassment, clench your jaw indignantly at the insult, and clench your fist wanting to hit someone as you stamp up and down in  rage and shame.  The insult comes when we are fed this absolute self-interested and manufactured bollocks.

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This truly is insulting stuff from this grinning nitwit Lisa Woolfe  when she burbles out unprovable and selective crap like this. “We surveyed approximately 300 passengers and they’ve ranked this beautiful city and our beautiful region 4.8 out of 5. 4.8 out of 5 is absolutely sensational so passengers are walking back onto those ships absolutely loving this region, which certainly does help attract then back into this region.” If you actually believe that, Ms Woolfe, you are in urgent need of a professional help regarding reality. This is grossly irresponsible from a person in your position, and The Magpie believes your wilfully ignorant, even pernicious outlook is actively harming this city’s reputation.

Visitors are generally polite, Lisa,  so using visitors’ solicited comments as proof of you having done a good job is at the very least unprofessional. And a box ticking ranking system is really meaningless.m Not a single negative, Lisa?  Unlike the writer of this pointed but polite letter to all Townsville Councillors ands also you and your colleagues at TEL  (you could not have seen this), and eventually printed in the Bulletin.

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Despite the reasonableness of the letter, the writer received NOT ONE SINGLE REPLY FROM ANYBODY. Including you, Ms Woolfe, whose job would be exactly to reply to such letters.

So here’s a dose of reality for you, m’dear from a Magpie reader who is outraged by you and your organisation’s  dilatory and dishonest behaviour, and incensed by your newspaper article.

Magpie, TEL getting excited about 28 scheduled cruise ship visits for 2025 is laughable when Cairns tourist operators and businesses are salivating over 103 steaming into their Port this year.
And for those who are not being herded on to a bus and sent off up the Bruce past our local dump, abattoir and a copper refinery to finally arrive in a cloud of dust at the ageing Billabong Sanctuary, what are they to do?
Get some “cultural immersion” on Flinders St? ( a precinct that has been cruelly abandoned by its civic leaders while they attend back to back morning and afternoon teas ).
Take their lives into their hands on a shuttle bus that has to dodge stolen cars?
Opt to stretch their legs and make the 3km trek into the CBD past vacant, overgrown blocks and closed shops and cafes to be rewarded with heatstroke?
The thing is, widening the channel to cater for bigger vessels is all a bit pointless and a bit too late for the cruise ship industry (but excellent for trade).
We’ve been voted Shit Town of The Year 3 times for a reason.
you and the council simply can’t get our act together to cement ourselves as a tourist destination.
Cruise ship passengers are a ( mostly ) wealthy, discerning demographic from major international cities who are used to world class zoos, art galleries, museums and attractions.
But Townsville? There’s a Cruise Ship arriving on Monday but Perc Tucker Gallery is closed on Mondays and Umbrella Gallery is closed until the 31st of January when the bulk of the cruise ships will have been and gone.
The only dedicated Souvenir shop in the CBD that had been trading for almost 2 decades closed last February. The owner has shops in Cairns that are thriving and is concentrating on them. 
The passengers won’t even be able to post a postcard ( if they can find one ). The City Post Office closed on Friday “till further notice “.  Maybe we could start a competition for the nimblest tourist to dodge the tumbleweed blowing around the CBD.

So, Ms Woolfe,  your wittering about laudatory surveys is unhinged lunacy, insulting in its transparent utter manipulated bullshit.

And as usual from the Bulletin, not a single question asked of this bleating sheep in wolf’s clothing. The ‘Pie hastens to add that there this is no slight directed at cadet reporter Holly Fishlock (not a jibe, she actually IS a cadet journalist of three months experience), it is again the lack of mentoring and supervision of junior staff back in the newsroom.

So what question might she have asked if properly briefed by her chief of staff?  Well, Ms Fishlock might have asked as a matter of transparency, why one cruise line has cancelled a long standing annual visit to the city but no public reason has been given for the cancellation. And Ms Woolfe might also like to comment on that scathing letter  quoted above.  Not that any coherent answers would be forthcoming, but a reporter’s job is to ask the questions to hold those in power to account … the answers are entirely a matter for the person being asked. including refusals to answre, which speak volumes.

All the above is why Jenny Hill’s fin al kick in ther slats to the community, aided and abetted by Foodtrucks Greaney, to award a million dollar plus contract for event attraction to TEL must be called back and openly debated. The ratepayers have a right to know how and why their rates are going towards this proven joke of an amateur outfit.

But You’ve learnt Well From Your Boss

This woman has got more front than a Clive Palmer look-alike competition. Now she’s hinting the delegation she was in to Canberra a month or so ago (led by the then acting mayor Paul Jacob) sealed the deal on Albo’s $7billion Bruce Highway bandaid. Seriously, this insolence joke on the ratepayer must stop.

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 The ‘Pie will bet a penny to a pinch of poo that the funding was allocated despite, and not because of, her, shopping trip to the national capital.

And From The Did He really Say That? File

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‘Congo line?’Yep, them African darkies sure know how to dance, don’t they,  Andy?

Question for Astonisher Iditor Cas Garvey

Why, oh why, do you give this irrelevant, fractured mind oxygen for his destructive, vindictive views?

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He has absolutely zero influence or credence with the powers in charge of deciding to appoint administrators. And publicising his snide campaign, you (yes even you and your busted arse newspaper) give him a hundred times greater audience than he would otherwise command.

Cas, by continuing to engage with this severely damaged personality, you risk undoing all the sterling work you have done to expose his defrauding of the Townsville community. In the interests of the community, you need to give up this vain chase for further readership, and simply ban such stories about his pointless sulking opinions.

And Just While We’re Speaking Of Readership 

The ‘Pie goggled when he googled  this little scrap of what is surely wildly overestimated misinformation. But at least when it comes to the truth and facts, a suitable one-word headline was used as example of a front page. The victim of the carnage in this instance is the truth.

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The only answer to that grossly inflated nonsense  is ‘you wish’.

Given anecdotal evidence that the print run is now down to around 15-16,000 weekdays, and maybe 20/25,000 on weekends, we (well the advertisers actually) are asked to believe that Bulletin has quadrupled its readership, to the point where more than 50% of the population read it one way or t’other.  Which is arrant twaddle.  But perhaps they’re using the old trick of estimating how many different poeople read a single copy, but that can hardly work with online subscriptions. So suddenly around 70,000 have signed up? Circulation figures were once mandated to be public information, but that has long since disappeared from view when the industry leaders decided they were haemorrhaging too much to social media.  So we will never know the real figures, they have become -ta da! – commercial in confidence.

Certain Words And Phrases The Magpie Doesn’t Want To Hear in 2025

Here’s a short list

1. iconic – unless it actually means being regarded as a representative symbol one immediately associates with a place … the Eiffel Tower makes you think of Paris,  the Empire State Building of New York, Sydney has twin icons in the bridge and the Opera House, and a burnt out stolen car immediately makes you think  of Townsville.

2. alleged, a word that has a specific meaning – to describe an action or situation that someone claims happened but that has not been confirmed or proven, especially a crime. This meaning is beyond certain lazy writers who regularly make schoolboy howlers,  like ‘the alleged body was found …’  ‘police allegedly detained the suspect at the shopping centre’ and the riceless one from last year ‘the police allege they arrested to 34-year-old man outside the hotel’. What, maybe they didn’t?

3. ‘died tragically, sadly’. How about just died and let the reader decide how they feel about it?

4. Mayor Troy Thompson.  Never again. Ever.

… and one that is trotted out by people who really should know better, when talking about the North Rail Yards debacle.

5. ‘… will breathe new life into the CBD.’ Oh, purleese, think what you’re saying.  The man in charge of the decontamination and development planning for the site, John Rosel  apparently knows about development but seems a bit shaky on urban social psychology. The NRY development, which will apparently be a mix of residential, retail and commercial offices space, will do exactly diddly squat for the parlous state of the CBD.  unless Mr Rosel knows something about this that we don’t.

There will be not one iota of improvement,  it will not create demand for new stores or services,  or foot traffic through the echoing canyon of Flinders Street.

Mr Rosel of all people should know this.  Because he was integrally involved in the excellent Honeycombe development adjacent to the rail yards closer to the CBD. A fine development,  now fully tenanted, but it has absolutely fuck all effect on the CBD. The NRY is on the outer fringe of what can be termed the CBD, and residents will undoubtedly gravitate more to Castletown or the bustling businesses of Charters Towers Road than the CBD. The new (currently stalled) private Westend hospital ditto, where staff are unlikely to make any break time or after work shopping move into the costly regulated  parking regime of the CBD.

Fringe developments will always be worthy,  but they will not be the answer to the CBD woes which will need bold, imaginative  and invariably expensive) solutions and strong leadership. Both are in short supply in this neck of the woods  just now.

Trump Promises To Be An Invasive Species

The newly-minted criminal President-elect, whose actions rarely match what comes from his pursed cat’s bum mouth,  has made a weak attempt to emulate his criminal mate Putin’s main tactic … invade a peaceful independent country on the basis of homeland security. But Trump always has to go one up, so not only has he made empty threats to invade and take Greenland from the Danish (and from Greenlanders) but also re-take the Panama Canal from Panama.   Neither threat is remotely likely, as the US economy gets set to crash and burn, but this is the sort of distracting horseshit we are again going to have to get used to, as this dangerous wrecking ball lays waste to one of the world’s oldest democracies.

But while a majority of American voters have agreed to sleepwalk into a this universal disaster, it is the the invasion threats of foreign lands that have caught the humorists’  imagination … and not just in America. The folks at The Shovel had a bit of fun too.

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North Ward creature invasion … apparently.

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And The ‘Pie met a bloke in the Seaview the other day who said he was the council elephant catcher. The ‘Pie pointed out there weren’t any elephants in Townsville. ‘Doin’ a good job then, ain’t I?” he replied. Boom tish.

Best headlines of the week. in amongst all the tortured juvenile dad joke puns, there are occasional clever ones, like this.

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A final fond farewell to the  grumpy sports team of the year (from The Shovel again).

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Has it come to this?

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 And Last But Not Least …

Niagara Falls just before Jenny Hill was appointed to manage the inflow of the Niagara River from Lake Erie.

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…. ….

The  Nest is back in business now, get in with your comment on any subject you like (but please, make it interesting and not too ranty).  comments, tips via email (email hidden; JavaScript is required) and donations via big button below.  it’s gunna be fun, folks.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. White Mouse says:

    A cracker of a column to start the year – thank you for keeping us informed of news from him home.

    • The Magpie says:

      Thanks, but gosh, don’t expect it every week, Townsville is usually so quite, calm and well managed, it is often soooo hard to find anything to write about.

      • Northside Pete says:

        Laughable that Townsville is so poorly managed isn’t it.
        Did you know JCU has a bachelor of tourism and tourism management?
        But yet zero focus on Townsville’s visitors or how to improve our economy here. No wonder there is very little public sympathy for universities.

        • The Magpie says:

          The ‘Pie will never forgive those universities … including JCU … who, for money grubbing reasons, run a course covering both journalism and public relations and media liaison as though these very and importantly different crafts are the same.

  2. mike douglas says:

    2025 Greetings Pie from Lapland where its -21 . Its seems based on your comments the new acting Mayor ” its a fresh new start , united front ” is about as successful as her media opening Flinders Lane saying ” its a perfect example of Council and business working together ” . Cost to ratepayers Council buying the existing building , demolishing , re-building . Any rates being paid or is that like the other Council entity paying $1 a year in prime Sturt st office . Council are doing something about housing with first floor Northtown being used for sleeping vagrants opposite the Council library and more Council offices rarely used funded by ratepayers . Best response to Councillors saying an administrator isnt needed is a call for MYEFO ” mid year economic fiscal outlook ” be provided by end of January . Ceo Joe needs to provide details to Councillors / public / state government estimated debt , further borrowings , proposed rates increase , project update 2024/25 year .

  3. OED says:

    ‘died tragically, sadly’.

    In The Elements of Style, Strunk and White advise: “Write with nouns and verbs, not with adjectives and adverbs.”

  4. Sardine surprise says:

    Nice photo of Max. He looks like the lead singer from the 80’s band A Flock of Seagulls!!

  5. Bird with broken wing says:

    Welcome back. You’ve been missed.

  6. Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

    “Nasty wreck” to describe any car crash. FFS

    • The Magpie says:

      On fact, ‘nasty’ should never be used in news stories outside direct quotes from someone, because it has a strong judgemental element. It is also childish.

  7. Ducks Nuts says:

    Excellent and Honeycombe development are words that should not be used in the same sentence. Mr Rosel would know, having also been involved in the unsightly and often fraught with issues Urban Quarter, Metro Keys, Highpoint and Waterview Gardens developments. I’m sure there’s others I’ve missed, just look for the ugliest apartment building you can find.

    • The Magpie says:

      You’re observations may well be correct, and may be fair comment (The Magpie isn’t very much informed in that area) but The’Pie’s approving comments regarding the precinct referred to that facts that first, the project was built (not always an outcome in this town), and second, it is fully tenanted, but having zero affect on the businesses of the wallowing CBD.

      As to tghe North rail Yards site itself, it remains truly astounding that Jenny Hill didn’t smell a rat when offered the deal of the century (she thought) of a piece of land, despite manufactured contamination designations – worth millions, for just $20,000. The woman’s stupidity and search for glory continues to dog us even still, and that is so out of whack with obvious reality that perhaps the rat odour Hill did smell was her own, clearly some sort of deal was done with Palaszczuk. And the only answer is to sell off the whole thing to a developer, with the bogus and embarrassing woke heritage values scrapped, the price to reflect the extra millions the council spent to acquire adjacent parcels of of the current site.

      The council should not be in the development business, especially one that is not going to benefit the average ratepayer in any discernible way.

  8. Jeff, Condon says:

    When I arrived in Townsville 33 years ago, His Radiance was proclaiming that Townsville was a centre of business and government, not tourism. Now, after ongoing mismanagement we are the centre of a void. Now we have little tourism, government departments have returned to the SEC, and the only business people coming here are the flimflam operators who can spot a gullible local government.

    Along with unreliable water and electricity, crime and poor infrastructure, we are stuck with a council that extort five star rates for two diamond services. Why would a business want move here?

    Over the years, I have seen so many businesses close their doors and move to other cities where they have flourished again. The ongoing complaint has been TCC bureaucracy that was described by one financial firm (still here) as being “bastards to work with”. Instead assisting business, the council seems to go out of its way to make life difficult.

    Then, of course, we the piece de resistance, our elected representatives, who, apart from fleeting flourishes of integrity have only demonstrated incompetence and self-interest. This was made apparent by their squealing last week at the threat of their dismissal and the appointment of an administrator. They claimed such an official would be only interested in the financial aspects and not the welfare of the people.

    Sorting the financials would be a great start because the current mob hasn’t shown much interest in the people.

    At the sad end of all this, we have the seemingly endless parade of Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Acting Mayors and now it seems other aspirants circling like sharks. How do you sacked from TEL for being incompetent

    • White Mouse says:

      The town planning department at TCC fought tooth and nail against Lancini’s “big box” retail precinct at Domain. Thank goodness the courts judged otherwise and it is one of the busiest shopping areas in town.

  9. MM says:

    Manager Northern Region Trade & Investment QLD (based in TSV.) job recently advertised. Strange time of year to be advertising this. And it closes in 2 weeks. …. Person already chosen? Or is it jobs for the girls?

  10. Jeff, Condon says:

    (Continuing) amongst all the other incompetents?

    Okay, I’ll let myself out and wish the ‘Pie and all the contributors and readers a belated happy new and that 2025 will be better than 2024.

  11. Ducks Nuts says:

    I’ve always defend the TJCU and the excellent work its staff do. However, in the past few months, two people I know have had elderly parents admitted to acute care for stroke. In both cases, the hospital attempted to discharge these patients back into their children’s care far too soon, despite objections from the families. In the most recent case, only one out of five specialists agreed the patient was ready for discharge. Has anyone else experienced this? What’s going on?

  12. The Magpie says:

    Here’s one not for reading now necessarily (why spoil your Sunday) but file the link away, you will probably want to refer to it as the year degenerates.

    It is a comprehensive list of Trump’s appointments, cabinet and otherwise. What does make this list valuable is that it is compiled by the admirable Snopes fact checking organisation, so does not have any hyperbole or biased judgements, just accurate biographies.


    • Jeff, Condon says:

      Looking at orange fella’s history, it will be interesting how many will have been sacked or resigned by the end of the first year.

      • The Magpie says:

        Finacial Year? Month?

      • Jonny Rotten says:

        I say none will be sacked.
        In his first term Trump sacked those who thought they were President and proved to be incompetent.
        Any way I bet $1000 that no one will be sacked.
        You wanna bet?

        • The Magpie says:

          Why would anyone bet with you,Johnny? If you win, your real identity will be revealed when ToTo pulls the curtain back expose you for the pipsqueak brain you actually are, the Wanker of Odd.

        • Not standing for (any) Mayor says:

          What a sad little cabbage you are Johnny. The Orang Ejit is likely to sack half of them before he’s even inaugurated, and most of the rest in the first six months. All that will be left are the parasites and gougers who are cunning enough to agree with that ever brain fart he has every morning.

          You did note he wants to invade sovereign countries? The technical term for this is fucking deranged criminal intent on a global scale.

          Do us all a favour and give back your DNA, the lizards need a top up.

  13. Hee Haw says:

    Apart from a market at the terminal this is all I could find for cruise ship activations, a 2 hour piss poor tour stopping nowhere by the looks of it.


    Also on the TEL “survey” 2024 saw over 10,500 visitors arrive on cruise ships and they manager to survey 300? Less than 3% would have to make it accurate wouldn’t it?

    • The Magpie says:

      Hilarious (but probably out of date … praising the ‘mall’ along Flinders Street.)

    • Critical says:

      This would be the website that you need to research cruise ship booked to come to Townsville.


      The shipping tracker is an interesting tool to use if you’re on the Strand wanting to know what ships are in Port or arriving/departing.

      The port is also great at quickly updating this site of changes to ships. Hint to TCC better go and talk to the Townsville Port Communications and IT team to find out how they keep their website up-to-date and then do it to the TCC website.

  14. Interested observer says:

    The dead duck Flinders Lane is just one of Foodtrucks Greaney’s multi-million dollar disasters.
    The useless Castle Hill sheds, the one way Palmer Street empty alfresco precinct, the Strand parking meters (bought before being approved by the full council), and the boardwalk from nowhere to nowhere are also part of her division. Throw in the Townsville Eats flops and the laughable North Australian Festival Of Arts and her CV will make interesting reading when she is eventually tossed off the council. In the meantime ratepayers should brace for yet another pineapple, if she bulldozers her way onto the new TEL/TCC events risky experiment. Still, Idalia residents can take some comfort that she isn’t in charge of the local Disaster Committee – yet!

    • The Magpie says:

      A sad but accurate litany of a self-interested spiteful self-promoter.

      That TEL deal MUST be called back for a re-vote by this new council, now aware that they have rubber stamped an old Jenny hill-Ann-Maree Greaney blueprint for financial disaster. It should be an open debate, so we can all hear what arguments can be put forward for TEL as managers of this budget.

      • Toy Thompstain says:

        Surely the TEL empowerment deal is not the brainchild of Joe McCabe? It’s a disastrous move and in many ways a form or outsourcing. It’s very risky as the mostly girl team at TEL are known for their incompetence and laziness.

        • The Magpie says:

          McCabe had nothing to do with it, if you look at the history of this disastrous deal, it was hatched with much cackling and polishing of brooms by Jenny Hill and Ann-Maree Greaney.

        • Hee Haw says:

          The gender has nothing to do with their performance at all. Many of the best event people I have worked with over decades have been women and outshone the men in almost every case.
          However, the sanctioning of TEL to create/negotiate/entice events to come to Townsville and then have the authority to contract with providers using, in their own words, millions of dollars for each major event, (of which they have a KPI of 20 per year) ratepayers money of many millions of dollars CANNOT be either allowed or sensible.
          Add to this the undisclosed increase in contribution from TCC to TEL for additional staff and resources, the unanswered questions about what happened to the TCC event staff, redundancies? Transferred? Terminated? Or kept within TCC at ratepayers expense?
          The councillors should be held personally liable for this situation.

          • Critical says:

            What is the value of the administration fee that is going to be taken off the grant amount.

            What creative accounting practices will be used to hide the true uses of this administration fee. In the aged care sector, the Federal government has had to restrict the amount that aged care organisations could take for administration because clients were left with a minimal amount for services.

  15. Prince Rollmop says:

    Welcome back Magpie, I hope you had a good Xmas break. One thing hasn’t changed between 2024 and 2025, and that is TEL/TCC/Twonames fuckwittery. It continues unabated.

  16. Non Aligned Worker says:

    Magpie, welcome back. I vote to get rid of the word iconic from tabloids. A truly iconic lead character stands out from the crowd with their unique personality. They have distinct quirks, flaws, and strengths that make them unforgettable and keep the audience engaged at all times .
    Sounds like food trucks is iconic, but not in a good way.
    An icon is a small religious painting. Not all of the incorrect associations the word is used with.
    I’ve been though this many times with no success so far.
    Maybe 2025 will be the breakthrough?

    • Guy says:

      As it was explained to me by an old tafe teacher, its about semantics. Words change their meaning as time goes by, any good language can flex under the load and its users can instinctively understand and evaluate words through osmosis and or education.

      What concerns me more are what I call “scourge” words, they infest the lexicon as invasive weeds.

      “Like” , once the preserve of Valley Girl has conquered the globe , it appears every few words as habitual as cursing to a sailor or hard liquor to a misunderstood genius.

      A few years back whilst listening to radio national i listened to an “expert” a young girl perhaps no more than 20 giving her studied assessment of some pressing matter – i grimly did the sum and found she’d used “pretty” more than 15 times in a minute, every programme was infested with it. Slamming on the brakes i called the ABC and patiently explained to them this couldn’t go on. The continual and unwarranted use of “pretty” was out of control , the media was spreading the affliction. I think they heard me.

      Scourge words, cursing , whatever , reside in the poor man’s bag of verbal tricks to create gravitas. Watch out for the scourge words, its a continual battle for your mind and you’ll send yourself mad by using them. I know I do.

      Maybe in the future AI could help fuel , popularise and populate use of lesser words or even the semi colon ?

      End transmission

  17. Kenny Kennett says:

    VALE Bryan Lynch, former Bulletin photographer and certainly one of the good guys. Many of you would’ve had your pic taken by him for the socials and always with a smile on his face and wife Patti by his side. I always enjoyed a chat with the both of them, sometimes in the early hours of the morning in the depths of via vomitron. Rest well my friend.

    • The Magpie says:

      Saddened to learn of his passing, thanks for posting, a bloke you couldn’t help but like. Knew Bryan over a decade, and in all situations (one can imagine the variety of said situations when you work in the wee smalls in Via Vomitorium), I never saw him ruffled or lose his temper, always a cheery, bright bloke who could relate to people.

  18. Hee Haw says:

    For Fucks Sake…………I just read the article https://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/business/townsville-business/business-leaders-call-for-townsville-cbd-changes-to-improve-cruise-ship-tourism-offering/news-story/40a43974d78639fb6808df9cc1f7bcc4 from Light On following up on what could only be reading the Magpie’s blog yesterday. 6:00am this morning the article hit the interweb.
    The first thing I have to say is when does the first of these cruise ships arrive?
    ITS TODAY and then again TOMORROW and all you hear in the article is bollocks about nothing. For christs sake these people at TEL and TCC it seems nothing has been planned other than what already exists, a market, a welcoming volunteer, a shuttle bus trial (dont tell me we didnt have one before please) ohh but dont forget we asked 300 people out of over 10,000 and they said it was lovely.
    Sack the lot of them now before its too late.

  19. Mike Douglas says:

    Acting Mayors claims Council has been working to improve the amenity of the cbd area alongside business , owners organizations is simply fiction . Businesses in the same 4 page article mentioned their issues . 2 shopfronts ram raided , others broken into , staff safety . The business people have skin the game and arnt going away vs 3 Mayors , acting Mayors in a month . Workers / owners in the cbd should email their Councillors in the division they live .

    • The Magpie says:

      We all should email them, the CBD is a vital part of this city’s infrastructure, and the loss of jobs and civic reputation affects us all.

      And it is no use to say sack ‘em all, and put in an administrator … administration won’t do a single thing to help the CBD situation, in fact more likely to increase parking fees and fines and put meters on the Strand. Remember that.

  20. Doug K says:

    Bryan always had a smile on his face.
    Hope the Bully publishes an obituary as thousands of local residents would remember him for the social pics he took of them over the years.
    Another good man gone.

  21. The Magpie says:

    Oh, goody, the Daily Astonisher has discovered there is a problem or two with the Townsville CBD. Shame the paper hadn’t picked up on this festering sore earlier and made it one of their famous campaigns. Today’s edition belatedly goes in boots and all, with Leighton Smith doing a reasonable round-up of opinion.

    The ‘Pie had his say on this issue in yesterday’s blog, so he will restrict himself to two or three observations.

    The first one is that the Chamber President Miranda Meares is an increasingly strong and sensible voice in community debates, areas in which the Chamber has been noticeably MIA in the past. And businessman Craig Stack, as usual, makes calm and sensible observations about the core of the problem.

    TEL’s marketing muppet Lisa Woolfe still refuses to engage with the reality and maintains her ‘emperor’s new clothes’ attitude that everything is rosy regarding the Townsville experience of cruise ship visitors. She also again declined to comment on the damning letter from a disappointed tourist published in the paper and in this blog, specifically why she did not at least reply to the complainant. And one suspects she s playing semantics when she says there have been no ship cancellations, as reported in this blog by a trusted and well credentialed source. Dropping off a future itinerary is NOT THE SAME as cancelling a current contract. Which Ms Woolfe’s source, the port, would not know about.
    And here’s a suggestion, Lisa, for a temporary fix to the avoid the long term reputational damage being done to Townsville.

    As radical as it sounds, the negative impact of the CBD on passengers”visitation experience’ (FFS!) can be avoided if passengers are firmly steered away from the visiting the CBD, until even a temporary solution is found (pop up Cotters Markets on visiting day, maybe.) Palmer Street is an obvious area that could be boosted.

    And this is a dead set straight up lie, or an inadvertent admission of incompetence. And from a woman who wholeheartedly supports the debacle of council involvement in the completely deserted arcade development, which was prompted in the first place by wrong headed amateur thinking about the wrong headed Ogden Street bloody bus stop, FFS. Fresh start my cloaca.


    • The Magpie says:

      which reminds me, adding to the blog’s list of words one hopes never to hear in 2025 is ‘visitation experience’ … try tourist enjoyment, maybe

      And the other one is ‘reaching out’. This is simply a kiddy’s smart-arse error, with unnecessary overtones of assistance or even fairness/kindness. Use ‘contact’ instead, like we all used to, you language vandals.

      • Achilles says:

        I recall about a year or so ago I raised this damned absurd USA-ism “Reaching out” and now its used everywhere.

        The latest one plastered all over the ever leftward moving ABC when any individual is making some kind of “social comment” they are tagged as “influencers”

        WTF is happening to our language? Someone commented that language evolves; well yes it does, but mutation is NOT evolution.

    • Mad Jack says:

      I have not parked in the CBD for years. Nothing there for me and I cannot pay for parking with cash. For added security I have disabled the tap and pay function on my EFPOS card and I don’t use credit. Have driven through the third world dump that is Flinders Street a few times. A tragic outcome for what was once, 1970s, the centre of activity and excitement.

  22. The Magpie says:

    Anyone seen the latest lamb ad. it’s an annual event now, with the campaign being kicked off with an extended storyline. And as in the past, the lore according to lamb is pointed, clever and amusing … perhaps in terms of social commentary, timely brilliant.


  23. Percy says:

    Happy 2025 Mr Magpie!

    Re cruise ships. It’s no surprise that they are avoiding Townsville. We have become an ugly crime riddled third world shithole. The CBD is horrific, a run down graffiti and weed covered dump. Why the fuck would you want to do a day visit here? Council has lost its way. Years of spending money on crap and years of neglect have taken their toll. Our city almost needs a pacific palisades fire to go through it so we can start afresh. Sad to think like that, but it’s true. Burn all of the asbestos and fibro abandoned shopfronts and have a clean slate.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie must admit his surprise that there haven’t been several jewish stocktakes in the area. One prime candidate for a fire – accidental of course – is the neglected Great Northern Hotel … and that really would not be helpful, being one of the few heritage-value buildings in town.

      • White Mouse says:

        I’m surprised the Criterion hasn’t going up in flames as yet. All the people bleating that it should be heritage listed – last time I went past, vandals had started pulling off the wrought iron from the balcony – that was the only nice feature left.

        • The Magpie says:

          There is a background story floating about – The Magpie heard it years ago – that The Cri did not meet the requirements of heritage listing. Don’t know if that true. Anyone?

          Anyway, again – echoing a plea from 10 years ago – The Magpie argues that the Cri (just the building) should be renovated and restored, and incorporated into a high rise Hive tower, and unique architectural and tourist landmark not found anywhere else.

          Who knows, if the ultimate developer embraces that idea, it might become … I dunno … maybe ‘iconic’.

          Here’s an example from Romania of exactly what could happen although in this instance, it is only the facia that has been preserved.

          The Union of Romanian Architects (Bucharest, Romania)
          Located in heart of the Romanian capital city, the Union of Romanian Architects building was originally built in the late 19th century in the French Renaissance architectural style. When it was agreed the building was to be renovated, the architects were required to build on top of the original structure, since it was a historical landmark. The end result shows how much architecture has changed over the centuries, both in style and in preferred materials.

  24. Achilles says:

    Supplementary to my comments regard language distortion mainly by an American obsession to move ever more away from their ancestral language.

    Which is fine FOR THEM , but we don’t need to emulate it as some form of improvement in communication.

    The best exposure of this attempt by the yanks is in the brilliant satire Fierce Creatures, where the new yank owner decides to “modernize’ (Z intended hehe) a British Zoo.


  25. Island Voice says:

    Yesterday, Thompson, Price and Greaney all were seen at the Willows Market.
    Perhaps it has dawned on Greaney that she needs to talk to residents and not just appear for media shots??
    She hasn’t been spotted on the island and I hear she won’t be attending any more meetings here. Perhaps Joe McCabe would like a grace us with his presence at the next residents meeting and really find out for himself why the residents are so fed up with Greaney’s incompetence? So how about it Joe – come on over and see for yourself the disgrace of lack of maintenance that your humble servants have created?
    A couple of weeks ago I mentioned Greaney talking with Michael Clark on ABC radio , he asked how she communicated with her constituents? She said she did a newsletter??? Has anyone from the island ever seen it or for that matter anyone in Div 3??? Please advise…

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Unfortunately McCabe has zero influence of pull over Councillors like food trucks Greaney. McCabe only has operational control. Under the LG rules it’s the Mayors budget and the Councilors have input into it, how much gets spent and on what. Food trucks incompetence can only be removed at election time. Sad but true.

      • Island Voice says:

        If this is true then why has Joe stuck his nose in on councillors attending MIRRA meetings?
        Greaney has used MIRRA as the facilitator of how she communicated with the residents. Rather than TCC holding their own meetings here on the island and Greaney setting up listening booths at the supermarket and ferry terminal. This is why I have asked the question regarding her so called ‘newsletter’ has anyone seen a copy?
        Greaney faced a hostile audience in December, residents fed up with her lies and incompetence. She obviously didn’t like it and has now blamed the MIRRA committee, running to the CEO to voice her woes.
        MIRRA was set up to help the residents not appease a lazy councillor and a dysfunctional council.

        • The Magpie says:

          Which seems an appropriate time for a long held Magpie lament, in that the site called Townsville Residents And Ratepayers Association (TRRA) is not, as its title would suggest, a well moderated forum for the very same reasons MIRRA exists, but is a fancy dress fringe forum for a wild variety of nutters, conspiracists, anti-vaxxers and barely disguised MyPlace dribblers.

          It would behove someone out there to think of a suitable alternative name, start an association and maturely curated website to legitimately argue on behalf of ratepayers when they are stonewalled or ignored by councillors and bureaucracy.

  26. CBD Board Chairperson says:

    Fellow Directors. Awaken from your heat induced slumber! We are needed!

    It has come to my attention (once again) that the Townsville CBD is in urgent need of a makeover. Something to do with boat people. Seems the Council, TEL, Chamber, business leaders, landlords, agents … are bereft of ideas and are basically, how do I put this politely … Useless! So let’s jot a few things down to get the ball rolling.

    What gets people into the place now? Food – some good restaurants and cafes already exist. Booze – no shortage of quality bars. Market (on Sunday). Woollies. Chemist Warehouse.

    What pisses people off and keeps them away? Paid parking (FFS what a business killer in Townsville). No aircon (see paid parking). No shade. Vagrants. Dirt. Empty shops.

    Where do we start? So much low hanging fruit.

    Anyone been to Victoria Market in Melbourne? It’s brilliant. Go have a look. We have a mini version of this every Sunday. Held in the hot sun. Free parking. It works even though it’s a bit amateurish. If only we had a large available space that could be converted to an undercover aircon area where we can attract farmers markets and related businesses 7 days a week, run professionally and marketed as a unique retail environment for lovers of food and wine. And it would also attract business into the area putting some demand on retail space – FOMO is a massive behaviour driver in Townsville. A space? Is Dimmeys still empty? Can it be converted to a market area? I’ll bet it can. Lisa … get on to that one. This could be a real winner without a huge investment.

    We have to works on the negatives at the same time.

    Parking. Get rid of meters on any parking of 2 hours or less at the very least. Have a plan for the all day parking spots so they are several blocks from the centre. Put a few more 1 hour spots into the mix. Yes, it needs parking police. Encourage people to park free so they can spend money in shops! Liam please get this underway.

    Aircon. We can’t cool the streets but we can have a viable plan for a network of shade trees and awnings. One of us could do this plan in a day by walking around pretending we are moving between aircon retail spots marking places of need for shade on a map. Claudia, you’re best qualified so go to it!

    Vagrants and dirt. Not a simple one to fix. More vibrant retail activity will help to move them on. Reduced empty shopfronts will give them fewer bolt holes. Working with support groups to move them to suitable accomodation may help. Have a daily 3am street and footpath washing service will also help (like a free shower? ????). Anne-Marie this one is yours as you are a mover and shaker and you seem to know your way around the Council.

    Directors, I hear what you’re saying. Who’s going to pay for this? Is it just another Townsville brain-fart money pit? Who will run it? Will the spending public turn up?

    Everyone wants to tell us what’s wrong with the place. It’s our job to harness that energy and turn it positive. We know what’s wrong. We know what the people want. We can fix this! Let’s get some more ideas on the table!

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Cbd board chairperson . A survey to a number of my clients after Maggie’s blog and Bulletins 4 page cbd + cruise ships delivered the following . The Horse has bolted with entities investing in Townsville . Dimmeys Chemist Warehouse / Hilton Hotel etc . In 6 mths Miles Government affordable housing Nth rail yards with Council to ” it’s complicated , will takes 10,s mils $ to decontaminate and long term ” . Acting Mayor claims she communicates to her division with a newsletter that doesn’t exist , collaborates with business which she doesn’t . Current and previous head of planning both came from W.A. with different planning laws . Is it a town of 40,000 the latest came from and developers / investors sick of hearing ” that’s not how we do it in W.A. ” . Lancini , Holmes , Adams and other high net worth have shifted their $ to Brisbane , Darwin , Cairns , Mackay where Council are not only easier to deal with but more transparent .

      • The Magpie says:

        Can some, perhaps you Mike, but someone, please settle this newsletter matter once and for all, email Foodtrucks and demand to see a copy.

        if shed cannotmproduce it, she has surely broken some regulation about lying in office. (Although, thinking about it and Thompson, lying doesn’t seem to stir the loins of law enforcement or governments of any stripe.

  27. Toy Thompstain says:

    Dickhead Thompson is at it again on Facebook, this time posting a diatribe of nastiness against CEO McCabe This guy is a fucking psychopath and needs help. He spends each day posting vitriol against fellow councillors and the TCC executive. Troy, get a life mate, you are a pathetic human being. And Troy, as for your comment about McCabe having not held a previous CEO role, that is irrelevant as he has 30 years of local government experience which more than qualifies him for the role. What about yourself Troy, you had never worked for local government before becoming mayor. Is that different in your view to McCabe not being a CEO previously ? You’re a dickhead fella.

    • Miss Redmond says:

      Having worked in council, I can say it is a very toxic workplace, the bullying is atrocious. Mr Thompson is clearly bitter, but there is some truth what is said, in the CEO selection being premeditated, he isn’t qualified, yet, Joe may have been a director, but is constantly asking questions he should know of John Oberhardt, the advisor. As for Ms Greaney, she is always in the advisor and Matt Richardsons office.

      • Doxie says:

        If “Food Trucks” Greaney and Matt Richardson are BFFs – we’ll all be rooned, well and truly; as if we’re not already!

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        What qualifies one to be a CEO? Almost all CEO’s had to start somewhere. Sometimes they come from senior management roles, perhaps a COO or a CFO, or a company director. At some point they take a job as their first CEO role, but they’ve already got the required skills under their belt. Joe McCool has worked closely with CEO’s and he has also worked as an acting CEO. As far as I’m concerned he fits the position description for TCC CEO. Now, maybe he didn’t have a lot of local Townsville knowledge, but that doesn’t disqualify him as his executive team have all of that knowledge and he will pick up on local issues quickly. Sometimes a pair of fresh eyes, someone from outside the region, are worth their weight in gold. There is always a risk that choosing a local candidate could mean you are choosing someone who has already been captured by the Townsville system, and that’s not a good thing.

        • The Magpie says:

          Your last line was probably way too subtle for some, Mopsey … a clear reference to Adele The Impaler and Prins The Prince Ralston.

          Joe is fine, 95% of the criticism we hear is from those with vested personal self-interest of spite and disappointment.

        • Miss Redmond says:

          Mr McCabe has been a director at the GCCC, and interim CEO in other regions, including Darwin. He has spent 40 years within local government, he beat Ken Diehm, Brigadier David McCammon, Ray Burton, Michael Bissell and others.

          John Oberhardt is regarded well above Joe in competence, but only wants short term roles, for 8-12 months, he is mentoring Joe. The big issue is Joes earnings of $650-750k package, Prins was on $650k+, Joes offer was a transitional offer through Peak Services who he was referred by for the acting CEO role.

  28. Mastermind says:

    Given Townsville’s title as Shit City, perhaps a negative could be turned into a positive by organising tours of the city’s worst aspects, starting with the CBD.
    Surely cruise passengers would be interested in an example of how to turn an asset into a liability. Division 3 councilor Greaney could be invited to give a first-hand account on how to stuff up a good thing.
    Then the tourists could move on to Dean Park to witness drunken fights and open toilets. That could be a job for Grace Smallwood.
    Next the passengers could be taken to Strand Park to see an organised display of the city’s ever expanding collection of wrecked and/or burnt-out cars. Aaron Harper could be on hand, resplendent in his Batman outfit, to explain the wreckage, given there wasn’t a juvenile crime problem when he was around.
    Finally, a tour of all the white elephants around town like the Castle Hill tin sheds, the boardwalk from nowhere to nowhere, Flinders Lane, and the Palmer Street alfresco dining precinct. As they are all in her council division, Councilor Greaney could back up for a demonstration of how to waste ratepayer and taxpayer money.
    A competition, Count the Potholes, could also be held as part of the tour, highlighting the council’s road maintenance program.
    Come on TEL, let’s make this happen.

    • The Magpie says:

      That counting the potholes contest is a good idea. The winner to get a free return trip to Townsville. Second placegetter to get two free return trips to Townsville.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        What about a tour of our local masthead, facilitated by Lighton Shmidt? Lighton could show the winner how the newspaper inserts Brisbane Courier Mail articles and Harvey Norman ads into the newspaper and then pretends it is local content. Riveting and enthralling stuff. And those return trip prizes won’t be via cruise liners as most of them now bypass our dilapidated shithole.

  29. Alahazbin says:

    I wonder if ‘His Radiance’ and ‘Captain Snooze’ sit back and reflect on their time as former mayors of this city and say “I contributed to this shit hole CBD”

  30. Bell-end says:

    This Blog rocks. A well worded masterpiece. I also enjoy some of the user names and the funny comments. A great combination deal. Kudos to all involved. Very entertaining.

  31. Mastermind says:

    The Prince’s idea of tours of the Bully for cruise passengers has merit.
    In addition to the highlights already mentioned, the editor could give a detailed explanation of how a newspaper that once sold 42,000 copies on a Saturday and an average of 28,000 weekdays turned into an advertising rag.
    In particular she could give a dissertation on how to disguise advertising as news stories.
    She could also inform cruise passengers about why some stories stay on the paper’s website for months, while others (usually ones that have scores of negative comments about high profile locals) disappear within a couple of days, or even overnight on occasions.
    Finally she could reveal her trick of publishing a local newspaper with a skeleton staff.
    Obviously, a TEL exit poll would give the tour 4.5 out of 5.

  32. Prince Rollmop says:

    Lovely article from the ABC highlighting the sad state of our CBD that will greet visitors from the QE2 and other ships this week. Well done to the Chamber of Commerce for standing up and demanding improved infrastructure. It seems that the only people sitting on their hands and hiding from the truth are TCC and their lapdog TEL.


  33. Ben Rumson says:

    On the subject of redundant, incorrect and American words and phrases not to be used in the comments I suggest the term ‘Townsville CBD’ be discontinued. It is not central and there is bugger-all business transacted there when compared to Castletown, Stockland, Willows or the Gumlu shop. Sure, the law courts and TCC office are there, so what?
    Perhaps ‘Dead Heart’ or ‘Townsville DH’ is more appropriate and correct. What do you think?

  34. The Magpie says:

    Made my fuckin’ day!!!

    • Achilles says:

      You’re at the head of a very long cue mate, I’m the next in line behind you. P’raps the ABC in particular and Oz media in general will finally stop hero worshiping this conceited turd.

  35. Critical says:

    Spent a bit of time this morning trying to find a copy of the CBD Masterplan and similar documents on TCC website
    Last Masterplan I found was 2013 and found a couple of other possibly related documents.
    What I couldn’t find was a document that clearly articulates and evidences the symptoms that are causing the problems associated with the CBD. I was taught at university that you have to identify, evidence and understand the symptoms and their relationship to the problem and before you can implement and monitor measureable strategies to resolve the symptoms and ultimately the problem. The process can be likened to a doctor diagnosing a patients illness.

    Can anyone find one document which clearly contains any of the above information. If not, then council needs to go back to the community and interested bodies eg CBD business owners, Chamber of Commerce etc and develop a now document. This document must contain publicly available so that the community can measure the progress of implementing the plan.

    Side line TEL in this process otherwise TCC will need to call in their sanitation services section to get rid of the TEL bulls**t.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      If, and that’s a big ‘if’ TCC did want to develop a masterplan for the CBD they would likely hand it over to TEL who would contract the job out and then claim it as their own hard work. Thats what they usually do, piggyback of someone else’s hard work and then claim it as their own.
      And while that’s happening they (TEL) could continue holding cup of tea mornings, diversity and inclusion celebrations, and discussing unwanted hormonal hair and period bloating while they mill around the lunchroom table.

      But you do raise a good point Crits, this is the sort of project that a Council would/could/should be involved in. Not developing toxic railheads, funding airports, or funding fantasy precincts like Landsdown.

  36. Achilles says:

    It must be great being a firey in California being commended and encouraged to continue fighting the raging inferno that is Los Angeles.

    He actually said “they don’t know what they’re doing”, as soon as he’s in the White House I’m sure he’ll fly over the fires in Air-force One and simply blow out the flames. He’s renowned for involvement in blowing in many forms

    He said “The fires are still raging in L.A. The incompetent pols [politicians] have no idea how to put them out. What’s wrong with them?”,” Trump said on his Truth Social platform.


  37. Maggie May says:

    Has Greaney and Price got something going!
    They always seem to be together!

    • The Magpie says:

      She has always been a sympathetic ear, and probably a mentor for him, as woitnessed in the frequent consoling arm pat when he was upset about Thomstains accusation of bribery. Any conjecture beyond that is not for this blog.

    • John Wilkes Booth says:

      As a political toy boy, the Price is Right.

  38. Achilles says:

    Is this what Americans mean by “The land of the free”?

    US President-elect Donald Trump would have been convicted for his alleged effort to overturn the 2020 election result if he hadn’t been elected four years later, said a report by then special counsel Jack Smith released early Tuesday.


  39. The Magpie says:

    Whose a little fat fibber then? A mate has been having a poke around and concludes it is ….

    Councillor Greaney has 848 followers on Facebook . There were nearly 11,000 formal votes 2024 for division 3 . Going back 6 mths thru her posts there was no newsletter . Even if she posted on on her Facebook it wouldn’t get to 10 % of her division .

    • Island Voice says:

      Thanks to your mate for doing this research.
      Greaney made the statement regarding her ‘ imaginary’ newsletter on 13th December on Clarke’s breakfast show on ABC NQ Radio.

      The porky pies just keep coming.
      So true is the old adage ‘Give her enough rope…

      • The Magpie says:

        That being the case, she should be challenged on this, by email from her Division 3 constituents. The Magpie has been a North Ward resident for 22 years, so has been here at the one address all through her tenure, and have never once, electronically or by snail mail, received any newsletter from her whatsoever.

        Please do so, and let us know how she suggests we are somehow in error. Her failure to reply can be reasonably be taken as confirmation that she lied. Not that that seems to matter much anymore.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Yes Magpie, she is a complete dud. Spends plenty of time while on the ratepayer dime flitting from coffee shop to coffee shop with friends and fellow councillors, but spends fuck all time on real council matters or engaging with the community. We have a few more years of her laziness ahead of us before we can vote her out once and for all.

  40. Interested observer says:

    A mate who works at Walker Street says some of the councillors who voted to put Greaney in as Acting Mayor are starting to wake up that they’ve been sold a pup. The CBD criticism has alerted them that Greaney has done zilch to fix the problems. They’ve also been reading the scathing comments both on this blog and in the Townsville Bulletin and now want to distance themselves from her. The next few months are going to be very interesting.

  41. A Local says:

    Lisa Woolfe is one of the most incompetent people I have ever met and is only 2nd in the circle jerk that is TEL – most small businesses won’t have anything to do with them as they offer no value for money. They ride coat tails of agreements already made at the big boys table and try to claim they had the influence. While speaking of administration they should be the first ones to go – involuntary as they are nothing but a waste of rate payers’ money.

    • The Magpie says:

      It should be made clear that The ‘Pie’s opposition and criticism of TEL is based wholly and solely on the annual ratepayer stipend that helps prop it up (along with council engineered state grants for spurious ‘input’). The hell that is TEL should remain a matter for those gullible enough to members (excluding the big boys like the ‘ville, who love to have an unelected steering hand in our affairs).

  42. Critical says:

    TEL is so incompetent and living in past that they can’t even manage to have a decent social media presence.

    Checked their presence on Instagram and from the 14 – 22 February 2017 they have 5 posts and nothing since.

    Evidently they haven’t learnt the importance of business having a relevant strong social media presence targeted at their community of interest in a modern world. The sooner these dinosaurs become extinct the better.

    At least TCC make posts every couple of days.

  43. Achilles says:

    Watching the ABC coverage of the arrival of the largest liner (QE2) arrive in Townsville was bloody embarrassing.

    The ships Captain gave a very gracious complimentary address highlighting the engineering achievement that allowed his monstrous ship to dock at the port.

    Surely the Mayor should have been there and made it ceremonial? There seemed very little info on display except a bloke holding a snake. Which only seemed to appeal to a couple of children.

    Then the ABC reporter put the boots in with a stroll round the Mall/CBD emphasising its parlous state. Capturing the somewhat bewildered looks on our visitors/guests, Bloody embarrassing, if the mayor had bothered to be there she could have graciously acknowledged that, “yes its a bit tardy but we have only just begun the refurbishment” or some such sidestep.

    Golden opportunity gone begging, as per usual, I suppose her worship (ess) was having coffee and bickies at some cafe!

  44. Ben Rumson says:

    I would love to know the true impressions the Tourist Central District made on the passengers on the QE cruse ship.
    Don’t expect to ever know. The guff I expect to read from TEL will no doubt be nauseating.

    • Big Mac says:

      I saw some reading the historic building plaques on the walls of the empty buildings. Must be like walking through a cemetery reading the headstones.

  45. The Magpie says:

    More information leaking out of Walker st that Council owns 9 childcare centres in the City and although the tenants pay peppercorn rent Council ( ratepayers ) cover all the costs .

    Experienced property people Council did hire recommended selling the assets due to the financial burden on Council but Team Hill wouldn’t have a bar of it .

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Geez Magpie , based on all these loss making assets like the childcare , Flinders Lane , Lansdown etc is this some kind of Jennynomics ? . Council has to keep the assets and get their values up to justify debt so the can claim debt to assets isn’t bad . Only issue is the assets are bleeding cash .

      • Dollar Dave says:

        Councils are managed by fuckheads. They couldn’t make a profit from running a fete. They never learn from their mistakes and just make bigger ones. All Councils know how to do is create bigger debts. TCC is the perfect example of that, just go by their year on year performance over the past 10 or more years. Morons.

        • The Magpie says:

          Could there also be an endemic refusal fo elected councillors to more closely question smug PS bureaucrats? The ‘Pie is serious when he asked are the average down table councillors victims of official and arrogant bullying?

      • Guy says:

        Its possible.

        When a council in QLD borrows money the amount it can borrow against is based on “assets” eg water pipes, property, anything that has some worth. A council can cook the books and declare anything as an asset. It’s called something like net financial liabilities ratio. If you bump up the worth of the assets you can borrow more money.

        There are guide lines. The guidelines for debt is sonething like no more than 65% debt compared to what it has in the worth of assets, money in the bank etc . No doubt the borrowing should consider how much they can squeeze from Ratepayers. I’ve been talking about this problem since 2010/2011 and always get attacked because I say there’s a problem. Townsvilles financial liabilities ratio has never moved from the 90+% id say , how do I know? They are borrowing more money with higher interest again.

        They were talking about building the stadium using Ratepayers money years ago , remember that ? The QTC mentioned this briefly in the credit report and said rates would need to rise 5% every year to pay for it. I stopped reading any of this stuff in the end – it’s all lies.

        Government at every level in Australia is based on the Californian model , systematically destroy everything that works , borrow money to spend it on stupid shit and watch everything burn and then tell you this is good will little jig in their step.

        • The Magpie says:

          What the hell does the last line mean? Come to think of it, what is the point of you’re entire comment, clearly weakened by twice using the phrase ‘something like’?

      • Miss Redmond says:

        Council are the landlords for 7 childcare centres. Frighteningly, TCC pays the maintenance and upkeep on most of these at ratepayer expense. Knight Frank valued these at over $7,000,000. The councillor’s voted to keep them, except for the now suspended mayor and Cr. Rehbein. The executive would prefer to keep the buildings, but the income from just 2 does not cover the enormous losses our city is exposed too. While I understand Mike’s sentiment about asset to debt ratios, Townsville has long gone past that, we are worse off than ever, and the new Premier knows it, I’m expecting him to take ownership in March of Townsville and have the state take full control, at least that is what was said recently in the hallowed chamber of executives.

      • Critical says:

        Indeed these child care centres are leased to large national child care centres operators at peppercorn rates if requested by council. Council covers repairs and maintenance costs. These centres recieve the same subsidies from the government as all other child care centres and charge top fees. They have an unfair advantage over other child care centres and make huge profits at ratepayers expense. If I recall correctly, all of these child care centres sit on government reserve land which presents several problems if Council decided to sell these centres. The solution probably is to lease these centres on commercial terms.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          Not sure about all 7 but some are community run and governed under the banner of C&K with community elected management committees (Mums and Dads). That’s why they get the cheaper rents. And their upkeep is generally done by working bees and mandatory parent work. Saying they are given to private enterprise is totally wrong.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      Pie, re the railway yards site that Mullet picked up for a song from the ex Qld Premier, considered a steal at $20k (was actually $22K) not many remember about the $1M + she paid for the car yard strip of land fronting the railway yard on Flinders Street.

      The owner laughed all the way to the bank with that payday again highlighting that councils shouldn’t automatically deem themselves successful developers.

      Best leave that to the experts and I don’t recall developers crawling over each other to grab the site.

      • The Magpie says:

        The overall cost, including the extra million or so, was reflected in the amount for which The ‘Pie suggested the entire site be off-loaded to private developers.

  46. Jeff, Condon says:

    The CBD’s decay began when Clive Palmer put 850 people out of work and about another 2500 people were also adversely affected. Unemployment rose and at one stage, our region had the highest unemployment per capita in Australia. Less money, less shoppers.

    With the drop in shoppers going through the mall, the mall, tenants began shutting up shop and moving to the shopping towns. Less people moving through the area encourages the vagrants, alon with their filth and lawlessness.

    Meanwhile, TCC was obsessed with its world famous Strand. Strange, I have never known anyone outside Townsville Who has ever heard of the Townsville Strand.

    And the downward slide didn’t begin with the demise of the Mall. In winter, it was cold and dark, the opposite in summer. Throughout the year, the hostile vagrants would occupy the tables and chairs.

    The banks moved out making it more difficult for small businesses to operate, promoting a further exodus to the suburbs, or out of the city. Meanwhile, TCC refused to recognise that there was a problem. His Radiance didn’t help anything with his re-imagining of Flinders St East with the bizarre steel light poles.

    The Ogden St parking station’s demise was another reason to deter people coming into the city. His Radiance said that because it wasn’t making a profit, he would sell it off. That’s another reason I won’t go into the city.

    Along with that, there are the endless road closures for maintenance, making navigation difficult.

    The more the public is discouraged from visiting the CBD, the more vacancies, the more vacancies, the more vagrants with their filth and antisocial behaviour and that further discourages visitors/customers.

    As a first step, I suggest (tongue in cheek because the delicate luvvies would never comply) is to move TEL into Flinders St so that they can really experience what they have to deal with.

    Foodtrucks claims TCC has been working hard to revitalise the CBD. Either she’s lying, or else their strategy is way off target, needing a rethink and if they don’t move soon, it will be time for the bulldozers.


    • The Magpie says:

      After flooded out of Wishing Well House, TEL was quartered briefly in the tumbleweed section of Flinders Street (2 locations briefly) before moving to their current hibernation at 151 Sturt Street.

    • CBD Board Chairperson says:

      Stockland comes alive in 87. Castletown gets an expansion in 97. The city starts dying in 98. If not before. Can’t blame Palmer. Telstra pulling the pin on 500 call centre workers in 2017/18 because TCC moved to Optus (at double the tendered price of Telstra) was the final gasping breath. The decision of the mentor of our acting mayor.

      • Damn tailings says:

        IMHO, the closing of the multi level carpark was a major factor too.
        Why struggle to find a park, then walk the balmy mall, when at Aitkenvale and Hyde Park, there’s free parking and a fully air-conditioned complex.
        The anchor businesses followed the customer base.
        The mall had been dying since the early 90’s.
        It’s had a few triple bypasses over the years, which only slowed its demise.

        That’s not to say there isnt potential now.
        A linking pedestrian bridge beside the yacht club to the walkway could open up both the CBD and Palmer Street.
        The missing link will likely be easy parking.

      • The Magpie says:

        The pin=puller on Telstra shows that some people are just so up themselves and guarding a bruised ego in their own interests would be the same destructive and miffed ninny who called for a QANTAS boycott a couple of years later.

        It does make one wonder if there was not a brown paper bag in the background of all these matters, from Optus in one instance and Virgin Airlines in another.

        Both proved to be backfires bigger than an elephant on baked beans.

        • CBD Board Chairperson says:

          The Telstra CEO met with her after the decision which quietly rocked our economy. He described her as the most incompetent mayor he’d ever met. Telstra gave up on TSV from that point on.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Jeff, The CBD’ demise started way before the ‘fat fool’ decided to pull the pin on Yabulu. You can thank ‘his Radiance for the downfall.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, let’s think about that whole argument. mWhat was the alternative? It coul only have been to go against inevitability of social and technical shifts in everyday life. Shopping centres (‘malls’,if you must) were always goping to happen, everywhere. And it’s a bit hard to blame beyond a lack of foresight what would happen to the CBD. But the half-arsed attempts to rescue it have mainly exacerbated the situation, highlighting the ineptitude of such efforts (especially council money into that dud arcade development). There is even an argument that the Flinders Mall returned to traffic as a TCC economic move to get greater parking fee returns (a move BTW championed by our the councillor now premier).

        Contrast what might have been the scene had the mall remained with its central concert area, and how empty shopfronts could have been softened for tourists with special events planned for shop visits. And let’s not forget the dense thinking in removing the remarkable, colourful and UNIQUE experience of those thousands of lorikeets (or whatever they were) at sundown … it was almost criminal that they were removed rather than managed … just because the shit everywhere, and a morning clean-up was too hard to contemplate, they would’ve been a massive drawcard properly promoted.

  47. Motorist says:

    Having the police linked into the local council crime prevention CCTV system is an excellent initiative. Townsville should follow suit. A few covert cameras at hooning hotspots would help. The hotspots are not hard to find. Look for copious skid marks and tyre debris.

  48. Realist says:

    Achilles, Foodtrucks Greaney isn’t the mayor shes just a temporary stand-in voted for by her and six puppet councillors. The people of Townsville elect mayors not circus clowns.

    • The Magpie says:

      In fact, it wasgood that she doesn’t attend similiar functions, as some curious folk might ask innocent questions, like ‘Howlong have you been mayor/”. And when Clr Greaney – always truthful as we known – explains she is only Acting Mayor, questions about where the real mayor is would make for an interesting Q&A session.

    • Achilles says:

      Thanks for the clarification Realist, however your second sentence seems to conflict with TSV’s experience of the past few decades.

  49. Jeff, Condon says:

    Wilmar abandoning their accommodation in. Denham St and moving across the creek to Tomlins St, Sth Townsville. And so I goes on.

  50. The Magpie says:

    AT LAST, something Townsville can take heart from … a feather in the city’s cap is the appointment of our leading businesswoman to the Stadiums Queensland board.

    It’s a well deserved feather in Debbie Rains’ cap, too, head of Gallivanter Travel, one of the city’s most successful business’s which was started from scratch. Ms Rains didn’t need any DEI woke extremism to find herself in a winner’s circle of achievement, just the smarts to go with hard and sensible graft.

    Congrats, Debbie, long journey from those good old nights at The Exchange, way back when.

    Here’s the full announcement about the new board.

    • The Magpie says:

      It is well worth noting that innher bio in the official release, which lists her community involvement with various organisations, TEL is not mentioned. Thank God, Claudia ‘Ms B-S’ Brumme-Smith would be down at the Bulletin already, claiming credit for her appointment. And they’d be printing it, unquestioned.

  51. Alfred E Neuman says:

    Townsville City Council
    (07) 4727 9000


    I see within the Townsville City Animals dept, the Feral Elephant Management Team, is the most successful of any team in the TCC, year upon year.

  52. AIRLINE says:

    In the mid to the late 80′ Debbie worked for Trans Australian Airlines ..

  53. Mike Douglas says:

    Team Hill has set Townsville back years . Everyday investors / developers are announcing projects without even briefing or meeting Council . Whats the point . $250 mil Haughton stage 2 , Lansdown $125 mil , other budget blowouts leaving Acting Mayor / Councillors / Council senior management with little to offer . The developers / planning + legal experts know more about approvals with Team Hills culture so bad they couldn’t attract good staff . Townsvilles moving on and Councillors have hard decisions in trying to improve culture / skills / people .

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