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The Magpie

Sunday, August 18th, 2024   |   248 comments

Finally, Some Bite To Their Bark: The Townsville Chamber Of Commerce Seeks an Investigation Of The LGAQ.

It appears the Chamber has  made – or is about to make –  a formal complaint regarding the LGAQ companies that control Local Buy.  It is not clear to whom the complaint was made alleging uncompetitive behaviour and possible collusion, but the outcome is secondary to the fact that the Chamber has finally spoken out.

Our accidental mayor Troy Thompson is clearly hanging in for a big pay out. Which he denies but an email shows he is lying – again.

Behind a veneer of sham transparency,  councillors make a correct decision, but the whining sense of disappointed entitlement  was an undeserved and ungracious look.

The Great Barrier Reef is in great health and getting better, but you probably haven’t heard about it. Peter Ridd accuses reef scientists of being dishonestly selective in what science they want us to trust … and his accusation seems to be merited.

And in America, weird is the word of the moment, and boy, is it ever. Trump and his befuddled strategists go from preposterous to pathetic with two  bizarre lines of attack while Harris and her veep choice Tim Walz barnstorm the opinion polls.

Seems some costs are about to catch up with The Nest and any help readers can offer to keep their free weekly diatribe coming will be greatly appreciated. The donate button is at the end bottom of the blog. Thank you.

The Townsville Chamber of Commerce Goes To Bat Against Members Most Universal Complaint – the LGAQ’s Local Buy System.

On Friday,  this completely unexpected post appeared on Linkedin.

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Townsville C of C president Miranda Mears

In a surprise move, Chamber President Mears let fly, and attached to the post was her comprehensive investigations and allegations about the arrangement between the two LGAQ companies, Local Buy and Peak Services, particularly since they both had, until recently, the same CEO.  The points were well argued, but perhaps a little too well for some and the two pages of research and accusations, framed as a complaint to an unnamed authority, were pulled down before The ‘Pie could copy them. Given the nature of these things, The ‘Pie thinks it is likely legal advice (possibly from lawyer and Chamber treasure Chris Volpi,) counselled their disappearance from the public eye. This is definitely not a detailed fight to have on social media.

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Townsville Chamber board member Michael Kopittke

Another board member, respected property businessman Michael Kopittke probably wasn’t surprised at Ms Mears dismay with the local Buy system.

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As Ms Mears herself has foreshadowed,  perhaps nothing will come of the complaint.

But to The Magpie, that is beside the point. The very existence of this post puts the Chamber directly at odds with the council, openly criticising one of its policies which the Chamber believes is detrimental to its membership …. and therefore any other Townsville business. Another board member told The ‘Pie that the Chamber members has always been critical of it, but it would seem that under the vindictive reign of Jenny Hill, no overt complaint was ever made.

Has that now really changed, and the Chamber will have a more vocal say in matters that concerns it as a valid lobby group?  Well, Ms Mears is no shrinking violet … she took to the Bulletin and other media to prominently describe the avaricious Strand parking meter project as ‘a slap in the face’ to the people of Townsville’. 

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Can you imagine that statement, or questioning Local Buy, under Jenny Hill’s rule?  The innate distrust of the council executives and councillors generally, and the still simmering anger over the Strand parking decision, not to mention a mayor trying to extort ratepayers money in a major con –  has left the council vulnerable, and Ms Mears seems willing pro tem to fill the void in voicing public opposition to unpopular decisions.

It would be good if Ms Mears thought it appropriate to release her findings about the two LGAQ companies for public consideration … from The ‘Pie’s quick read of it before it disappeared, it is in framed in the nature of questions, so it may well be OK to share. The Magpie is most certainly available to publish it, and editor Cas Garvey at the Bulletin can speak for herself, but a good guess is she would be eager to run with it.

The Magpie again emphasises it is not the substance of the complaint itself that is the most important thing here, it is the fact it was made at all that could be a real breakthrough.

For Balance And Fairness, The Following

The ‘Pie has from time to time been critical of the Local Buy system, which yes he has described as a rort, a view perhaps coloured by the fact that LGAQ tea and scones regular Jenny Hill so enthusiastically, and dishonestly promoted it – she let the name fool everyone into thinking it was something it wasn’t until The Magpie exposed the truth – it is, more often than not,  anything but local. And from time to time, when the old bird has communicated with the LGAQ over the years, here is what he believes is a fair summary of how the lobby group sees as a policy they believe is legally bulletproof.

Disaffected suppliers have taken pot shots at it over the years , to no avail – nothing has ever got near a court, and the LGAQ say the ACCC is fine with it.

The Local Buy arrangement has been in place for over 25 years. S234 of the LG Act authorises LGAQ to call tenders and standing quotes for and on behalf of councils. Local Buys operations are audited annually by  the Auditor- General and reported to parliament .
The LGAQ says the beauty for councils is the simplicity of the scheme – they don’t have to conduct their own tenders , saving time and money . For instance, that saving can be up to a $25k on a new grader. And it works both ways of course, the tendering party also saves roughly the same amount.
Local Buy establishes panels of suppliers which firms can join, and theLGAQ insists that that process is conducted at arms length by probity auditors .Occasionally suppliers miss the ads calling for expressions  and have to wait 2-3 years for the next panel to be established – and, in one LGAQ contact, ‘ they whinge’. 
Councils pay nothing , Local Buy has a 1% oncharge to the supplier capped at an unspecified level.
The LGAQ says it soent around $2m on implementing a working blockchain to fraud proof the entire operation, and they claim it is the First one in the Australian public sector, winning a number of awards and, they say, prompting a number of State Govt departments to join up .
Of course, none of that addresses Ms Mears concerns about a single CEO for the two companies with a perceived conflict of interest. It also in a bit ingenuous using a middleman example (the grader) as any sort of benchmark … this is primarily about tendering for projects that employ workers and/or local services. As for the audits, Ms Mears allegations roped in certain government entities, so all that is as may be.
Hey, maybe the LGAQ could call for tenders for a new mayor for Townsville. Oh, shit, no, wait a sec, no way … they’d likely give us TCC delegate Kurt Rehbein – ‘a hardly used councillor, not much on the clock, shiny exterior, but don’t look under the bonnet. Doesn’t come with any warranty. Not cheap’ 
Meanwhile, the Thompson Loveliness Goes On
Caught out again, it seems. Astonisher editor Cas Garvey and reporter Chris Burns give our conman liar another serve.
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He’s a grifter for sure,

Interesting that while the CCC folk are – quite correctly – silent on their investigations into Thompson, with no conclusions in sight, The ‘Pie has heard reliably that a separate ECQ investigation into developer donations to his campaign (a big no-no) is described as being ‘extremely open and ongoing’.  Those are their exact words – so the word ‘extremely’ in interesting.

Councillor Are Forced To Make The Right Decision

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After a closed session on Friday to consider the long awaited business case report on the proposed concert hall, it was announced that the report would remain secret, without any convincing – or imaginable – reason why.

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The council did not choose otherwise, but did not say why. the report is out of public sight.  It is a document with absolutely no Commercial In Confidence aspects, just dealing in financial hypotheticals with public monies, (or isn’t it?) so now we just have to trust this group of factionalised in-fighting chancers to make a major decision for the city without allowing the public to know on what they based their decision. The broad brush terms above may or may not tell an accurate and complete summary of the situation.

Anyway, in the event,  that’s what was voted through on a 9/2 majority … the councillor for luvvies, Liam Mooney,  had a half-hearted moan to keep his artsy pals onside to ensure he stays on the smoked-salmon-on-a- Jatz-with-cheap-bubbly invitation list,  and Brady Ellis made his now expected inane contribution, grouching that ‘a hundred million dollars is a round of drinks to the federal government.’ Obviously a man aiming for Canberra. And every single one of them moaned valiantly about having to ‘make a decision,’ a concern more about votes than values. And if you wonder why we pay these galoots the big bucks,  it certainly isn’t for their original thinking, this lengthy whinge was littered with cliches, which included ‘a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush’ (Robinson), ‘backs to the wall’ (Batkovic), ‘between a rock and a hard place‘ (Dirou), ‘better to have something rather than nothing at all’, (Greaney) and all of them sinking a dainty slipper into the Federal Government for forcing them to make a decision – not kidding, that was said on at least three occasions.

And our Mayor With No Shame intoned portentously ‘the state and federal government should do better’.  This from someone who continues to fail Ethics and Decency 101.

Have a look at the recorded  live stream here for further delights of your ratepayer dollar at work.

Anyway, the upshot is that we will now soon have a Reef HQ, returning as the magnet for school groups, tourists, and community organisations across the region, a genuine money spinner for local business seven days a week. Which is far more preferable than an inadequate concert hall to be used only intermittently and whose upkeep is likely to negate any profits.

Speaking Of The Reef

Some highly selective reporting from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)  has been revealed by the  Institutes old arch enemy, the academic Peter Ridd, who many believe has been unfairly victimised for making an intellectual argument disagreeing with fashionable thinking about the Great Barrier Reef.

One could be excused for thinking that AIMS has a vested interest i.e. funding to keep us thinking the Reef is about to cark it. And this despite, according to their own data,  it is bouncing back to health at a rate of knots. This contradiction was outed by Ridd in an article in The Australian during the week.

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Ridd goes into more detail about the sins of omission and emphasis  of AIMS and others, but that’s the nub of the good news … which will be great news for North Queensland, especially our agricultural sector,  who have gone to considerable lengths to lessen the effects of what is known to scientists as ‘continental run-off’.  Rivers in other words.

Handy To Know

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Apparently the Hughenden area has ‘world class winds’ according to the Bulletin … whatever the measurement is for that assessment. Perhaps the benchmark is taken from the parliament in Brisbane.

But far more useful is the fact that the new mega-windfarm is to be called Bogunda, which apparently means ‘big wind’ in the local Yirandhali language.

What a wonderful word!!

And so useful for those who dislike using strong language. So now, everytime they see a councillor, a mayor, state MP or anyone from TEL, just yelled BOGUNDA at them.  That might take the bogunda out of their sails.

Ms Garvey, Could You Please Get Your Kiddies To Stop This
The Magpie

Oh, purleeese!

‘tranquil beachside community’, ‘shattered’, ‘devastating’- that’s just in the first sentence.

Then we have the totally insulting nonsense of ‘sending shockwaves through the close-knit community.‘ And Emergency services ‘raced’ to the scene.

Then we have the total insulting nonsense of ‘ sending shockwaves through the close-knit community.’ And Emergency services ‘raced’ to the scene.

Seriously, Bulletin? The manager of your Adjectival Storeroom must have writer’s cramp signing all this stuff out to people who think that are novelists and not journalists.

And FYI, people do NOT ‘sadly die’ in newspapers … they just die!!

Think about it, what’s the alternative … unless it’s Donald Trump. And then ‘sad’ won’t be the descriptor.

From Panic To Pathetic

Off to the US now.

There’ plenty of evidence that the Trump crew  are floundering, completely blindsided by the Kamala freight train barrelling straight over the top of them.  Two examples of how lost they are emerged during the week as attempted attack points: completely unsupported suggestions that KH veep choice Walz doesn’t get on with his wife (not smart, Donald, check with Melania if you can find her) all based on the fact that introducing her at a rally, he shook hands with her before the traditional hug … no, really, not kidding. And even loopier, attacking Walz’s army service – 24 years in the National Guard, with nary a busted bone spur to talk about. But the one devious attempt to regain ground that had The ‘Pie ROTFLMAO was this:

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This is the latest in a series of fake claims, apparently to try to paint the Orange cult leader as a target for Democrat malcontents, a theory that in itself doesn’t make sense. The would-be not-so-sharpshooter was a Republican kid.  And anyway, as to the subsequent claims of naughtiness, why would the Dems spoil the natural surge they’re receiving and risk their own Watergate.   But no, desperation has driven the Trump camp to:

1.  claim Trump’s personal email is being being hacked

2. his Musk interview was disrupted by another cyber attack (it wasn’t, it’s been demonstrated  to be incompetence by the Muskrat himself)

3. someone tried to tinker with his personal jet’s engines, requiring it to make a forced landing on route to a rally, n and

4. his ‘office’ (it wasn’t, it’s just a district Republican campaign office) was burgled, but the bundled up figure caught on CCTV entered, did nothing and left with nothing.

And he wonders why he’s labelled ‘weird’, a tag consolidated by his irrelevant claims of superiority because he attracts bigger crowds – also a demonstrable lie. Something not missed by US cartoonists.

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The Trump,Musk interview during the week on Twitter was seen as a disaster in so many ways for both men … technical glitches, Trump slurring, Musk clueless .

But that’s not how the two of them saw their time together, this is how they imagined the world viewed them.

Hope the Tik Tok link works, but if not, just google Trump/Musk dancing … worth a giggle.


There should’ve been more this week, but there were all sorts of problems towards the end, so that’s your lot for this week, I’m afraid. Comments remain lively, get in for your chop.  Button to make a donation to help with blog costs is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Kenny Kennett says:

    Ms Mears, as Chamber Chair, should learn to proof read her correspondence. A couple (or three) words missed or grammar errors. At least check what you’ve written before publishing.

  2. Ducks Nuts says:

    Poor old Peter Ridd, still writing reports to get funding from right wing supporters.
    There have been multiple reports released this year, not just by AIMS, but internationally, showing that globally coral reefs are stressed and struggling with the effects of global warming. And that there was a mass bleaching event in summer 2023- 3024. 1000s of scientists can’t be wrong. Peter however should probably stick to things he knows, like dredging harbours

    • The Magpie says:

      The thrust of Ridd’s article, to a scientific pleb like The ‘Pie, is AIMS downgrading and de-emphasising what seems to be unprecedented improvement in the health of the reef. That is the Great Barrier reef, which is the only immediate interest around here.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Pie, thank you for the edit out of links to reputable international studies and a link from NASA showing how the Reef cover surveys for the GBRMP are now being conducted. It’s unfortunate that Peter Ridd is unable to find these studies which, despite being for reefs in other parts of the world, concur with AIMS.

        • The Magpie says:

          trying to keep the conversation within stated parametres, as in why AIMS played down the good news. The ‘Pie has enough trouble around here with crazies, and doesn’t really want climate nuts from both sides wasting readers time.

        • The Magpie says:

          OK, the conversation has moved on, and now published is a link to Ridd’s YouTube channel and accompanying comment.

          So in a matter of fairness, resend your deleted links and they’ll be put up.

          But the caution to crazies remains.

      • OED says:

        They played down what seems like an unprecedented improvement because “coverage” doesn’t necessarily mean improvement. Replace the Daintree Rainforest with twice as much coverage of prickly pear and you haven’t improved things.

    • Weary Dave says:

      Have they ever been there Ducks? Was on Hamo in March this year, snorkeling on the reef … was beautiful … not sure where it’s supposed to be dying ??

    • Rainbow serpent says:

      And how long will it be until our beloved Great Barrier Reef is renamed some name that was invented by First Nations people? Every time you enter the reef you will have to recite a welcome to country load of bollocks and watch a smoking ceremony (and pay a few of course).

      • Shark bait says:

        If we go only a few thousand years back in local history, the barrier reef was mainly dry land all the way out to the continental dropoff. So whatever the Bindal word is for “fucken miles from the sea” might be appropriate.

    • J says:

      Your comment shows you know nothing about Ridd or his 30+ research career on the GBR at JCU. Must have been right wing funded that whole time hey. You’ve swallowed the smear campaign about him hook, line and sinker. Sure, after his decades of firsthand experience and expertise. If you knew anything about him, you’d know Ridd has sought support for his research, but his concerns about scientific integrity are rooted in his professional expertise, not in political motivations. He has always emphasised Scientific Debate vs. Ideology.

      • OED says:

        Ridd is discredited, his association with the IPA should give you a clue about the quality of his research.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Rolls eyes. One obscure professor in a regional university, cannot be the only one who is correct.
        If the consensus of opinions from scientists atound the world was a data set of scientific evidence we were looking at, and Ridd was the outlier, we would exclude him as he doesn’t fit. We would then go investigate why. We wouldn’t go.. oh… he must be the only one who is correct and the rest are wrong.

        • The Magpie says:

          Perhaps it is the way he reviled and dismissed … much in the manner you have, playing the man again, eh?

          • Shark bait says:

            If OED and Ducks Nuts both say the same thing you can be statistically certain it is bullshit.

        • Island Voice says:

          Tired of hearing about the health of the reef and the mass bleaching which seems to some how disappear when videos are made of the reef around Maggie Island?
          Just a lot of academics looking for funding and having a whingefest.
          Time to cut the funding and start looking after the health of us humans – aged care, housing, hospitals and education – springs to mind!

          • White Mouse says:

            In the days before the breakwater and port were expanded, there was a great section of reef between the mainland and the island. It’s now buried under silt as the breakwaters have impeded the tidal flow through the area.

          • The Magpie says:

            True, but that was a known and planned outcome specifically for a local project. And sure, a shame, but The ‘Pie tends to agree with this particular priority effect known to this man-made situation.But it is irrelevant to the broader issue that has sparked all this sudden gas-bagging.

  3. Incontinentia Buttocks says:

    Twonames lies again! How many times is that and when will this arsehole finally put his hands up and say ‘Enough, you got me! I’ll go’!?

    The evidence says he is a pathological liar. He has admitted to multiple lying. Just go you lunatic and leave us in peace! :(

    • Heather says:

      It’s very clear he is not going anywhere, he will be the mayor for the term, regardless of any media, he continues to be out at events, civic appointments, be it arrogance or not, even Ms Garvey hadn’t had a result worth celebrating.

    • Grumpy says:

      The structure, syntax and tone of the email to the CEO is clumsy, amateurish and redolent of Sov Cit ravings with the inappropriate capitalisation. I can’t say who I believe drafted it for fear of getting a threatening letter.

  4. Mike Douglas says:

    How quickly did new Councillors and returning Paul Jacobs change from pre-election mantra of ” change / transparency / listening to their divisions and acting in their best interest ” back to Team Hill culture . Rates bill in and removal of 5-10 % discount, total + 9 % so thats about 27 % my suburb ( many others the same ) increase over 3 years highest increase of any Council in Queensland . Water & Recycling +8.7 % , Local Waste Management +4.6% , sewerage residential +1.9 % , water -standard plan +7 % . How much longer can the acting Ceo / Councillors keep gaslighting Townsville on Councils true debt . Councillors should disclose what savings are being achieved to bring down 2024/25 losses .

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Mike, in my opinion the current worst offending Councillor is Food Trucks Greaney. Two things have stuck out like d-balls: first, her thirst for power and the deputy mayor position, her aggression during meetings; second, her vote for Strand parking and ZERO consultation with constituents and business owners. She is on the nose big time!

      • Not Paul says:

        Greaney wants the chair, she thought she had it and it was taken away again. She lost the deputy job, the LGAQ Div9 role, and the strand vote had blown up in her face, she may be the trouble caused pulling the strings, but everyone now sees her for what she really is, another Jenny Hill wannabe. She should resign, give her residents the ability to get a good representative.

      • Mundingbird says:

        Ma’s performance on the Island has been absolutely woeful.
        The public toilet saga in Picnic Bay heading for 4 years!
        The roads,the mall,it is the jewel in the crown and treated like a turd from TCC

      • Island Voice says:

        Plucked, ‘I’ll get back to you Greaney’ was put in her place at last Saturday Resident and Ratepayers meeting. Residents on the island are well pissed of with her incompetence and told her so, reducing our usually smug councillor to tears.
        The island has always been a good leveller.
        Rumour on the grape vine is Greaney now has a half a dozen misconduct complaints lodged by fellow councillors???
        Can any TCC employees who read the blog confirm if this is true?

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Mike don’t forget the other sneaky change in the rates this time, that rental properties are no longer eligible to access the early payment discount. So their rates went up by 5% + the 10% early payment discount.

  5. Prince Rollmop says:

    And let’s not forget that if a Council uses and pays for a service that the LGAQ offer, said Council then earns the opportunity to win LGAQ awards at one of their industry functions. Unofficially of course. Councils love looking better than other Councils and they love awards events. There are so many egos that require massaging. The entire procurement system is compromised and needs to be stripped bare or dismantled. Everybody knows that it is a con.

  6. OED says:

    Re: the Ridd section, the Bulletin story on this said many of the surveys were done before this year’s bleaching. Did Ridd address that in the Australian? Or that coral cover alone is not a good measure if there’s no diversity?

  7. John says:

    Regarding the Local Buyers arrangement, they state “Local Buys operations are audited annually by the Auditor- General and reported to parliament”. Pffft, it would be interesting to know what type of auditing do they actually conduct?

  8. John says:

    Ridd’s Youtube channel actually seems to have some interesting arguments about the perpetual doom spreading about the reef, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=areO6pET2sw

    I think his solution calls for setting up some some type of 3rd party, quality assurance group which analyses and fact checks the studies coming out of the research organisations.

    Some of academia across the world faces challenges with quality assurance of studies:
    – Reproducibility Crisis: Many studies can’t be replicated, questioning reliability.
    – Predatory Journals: Profit over quality, publishing unvetted research.
    – Peer Review Flaws: Bias, fatigue, and lack of transparency hurt credibility.
    – Funding Pressures: Focus on “safe” research; funders’ influence sways directions.

    • The Magpie says:

      Christ, you’re gunna be in trubble with Ducky, J.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      It’s amusing that one obscure professor of geophysics from a regional university who got his primary funding from consulting on dredging, and coal projects, gets more credit from people like John, than the scientific consensus of thousands of researchers and professors from multiple research institutions around the world.

      Unfortunately Ridd doesn’t demonstrate good science or reasonable arguments. Ridd is an example of what happens when you get paid for an opinion.

      • The Magpie says:

        Christ, you left out that you suspect he honks his nose in the shower. Then the personal whack job would be complete. The ‘Pie carries no torch for Ridd, but he’s always been suspicious of the way he has been personally denigrated, way OTT even by the standards of the back stabbing queens of academia.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Unfortunately for Ridd, he claimed reef and climate change researchers were compromised. He was then shown to be compromised by his associations. You can’t point the finger at people and then cry foul when it’s pointed back at you.

          • The Magpie says:

            Just as a matter of interest – academic only, you understand – what is at the root of your deeply embedded antipathy in all this, Ducky? Reasonable exchange of views on issues rather than personalities doesn’t appear to be your go.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Magpie, I don’t know Ridd so I can’t comment on his personality. I don’t know many of the scientists either so I’m unable to comment on their personalities. In my dealings with academics, I’m sure many of them are arrogant and unlikeable.

            However, if they have good science, supported by a scientific consensus and founded on research and critical thinking, then that science is likely to be more correct than the view held by someone who is not supported by an international scientific consensus.

            So I’m not sure how you’ve come to the conclusion that my view on this matter is based on personalities.

          • The Magpie says:

            The hypocrisy of that last line is breathtaking.

            QUOTES from Ducks Nuts’ today:

            Ridd is an example of what happens when you get paid for an opinion.
            That’s a clear imputation of fraud, that Ridd will say anything for a fee.

            It’s amusing that one obscure professor of geophysics from a regional university who got his primary funding from consulting on dredging, and coal projects
            ‘obscure’? and ‘;regional’? You toffee nosed classist and elitist, ignoring three decades of university tenure.
            He was then shown to be compromised by his associations.

            By his bloody associations? You utter two-faced scoundrel, that’s the worst of those personal denigrations you claim you don’t commit.

            You betray yourself as a shallow intellectual and a hypocrite to boot who also needs remedial classes in reading English. None of the above argues about the science and Ridd’s core point suggesting changes to the peer review regime. No, just the alleged, implied and perceived personality of a person far more invested in scientific rigor than you are in the truth of a balanced argument.

            The fact that you disagree with (but never mention) Ridd’s view that the science that you wet yourself about and its peer review procedure should be more closely conducted shows that you are hell bent on your ad hominem vendetta against the man and not his proposals.

            It’s pure character assassination, for reasons known only to you, and yet you have the gall to try to don the mantle of champion of fair and balanced debate of issues without resorting to personalities. Which is insulting hypocritical flapdoodle

            You come across as a sad and bitter person with an unstated vested interest in discrediting Ridd the man rather than Ridd the scientist, his counter theories and his criticism of his peer group.

            Anyway, The ‘Pie will leave further sorely needed moral instruction of you to commenter John, who seems well equipped to do so without the help of the free character reading you’ve just received.

          • Grumpy says:

            I seem to recall, a few years ago, a trendy AIMS researcher was caught making up statistics to support his own research. Worse still, he was pinged for pocketing money he claimed for tests that never really happened. Strangely, there was never any subsequent investigation into the validity of his research.

          • Big Mac says:

            Claiming that Ridd has an investment in scientific rigor is a bit much, he’s been called out for flawed work.

          • The Magpie says:

            Maybe he takes the view that if he’s going to be outed for questionable conclusions, shouldn’t others face the same level of scrutiny.

          • Big Mac says:

            I don’t think set a thief to catch a thief is a sound scientific method! If his flawed work is unintentional then he doesn’t have the capability to critique others, and if it’s deliberate he doesn’t have the credibility.

      • J says:

        Ok Ducks Nutsack, how about you open your mind and objectively consider the other side of the debate and form some proper arguments against him, instead of just following one side of the narrative. Let’s dissect some of your misleading and factually incorrect statements.

        Ridd is far from an “obscure professor.” He was a respected physicist and former head of the Physics department at JCU with a career spanning over 30 years. His work focused on coastal oceanography and sediment transport, which are critical for understanding the dynamics of the GBR. An “obscure professor” wouldn’t have had a distinguished career for that long. I personally believe Ridd’s dismissal was political, making a convenient excuse to oust him because his studies and findings were too inconvenient for the narrative. Researchers have families, homes, and mortgages; they’re probably too scared to rock the boat and risk having their funding cut if they find that the Reef isn’t actually as bad as some make out. If they went through everyone’s emails the way they did with Ridd, I’m sure there’d be a lot more sackings. These are just my personal opinions, by the way.

        He literally helped develop equipment used by AIMS to monitor sediment and water quality on the GBR. His expertise was integral in designing instruments that assessed the impact of sediment runoff on coral reefs, which is, of course, a key environmental issue in the region.
        Yes, Ridd did some consulting work (a lot of researchers do, so what’s your point?), including on dredging projects, but this was not his “primary” funding source. His critiques were based on scientific observations and methodological concerns, not financial incentives. Look at his published papers and videos for proof.

        Ridd never disputed the importance of the scientific consensus, instead, he emphasised the need for rigorous quality control in environmental research. His critiques pointed to what he saw as flaws in some studies’ methodologies and the reproducibility of results, which are valid scientific concerns (this is an issue happening globally in a variety of fields). Critiquing the consensus with his evidence is part of the scientific process, not a rejection of science itself.

        Ridd’s arguments, particularly regarding the reproducibility crisis in reef science, are rooted in scientific principles. He co-authored papers in reputable journals, calling for more robust quality assurance and transparency in environmental policy science. These concerns are echoed by others who advocate for higher standards in research, demonstrating that his critiques were grounded in scientific reasoning.

        The claim that Ridd was “paid for an opinion” is misleading. His critiques were based on decades of research and experience. His legal battles with JCU (taxpayer-funded with top lawyers, by the way), including his crowdfunded legal defence (he had to raise money and pay out of his own pocket to defend himself), were centred around the principle of academic freedom, not financial gain. His stance was about protecting the integrity of science, not about being paid to promote a particular viewpoint.

        Please enlighten yourself and debate the actual points and not go along with some vague character assassination.

        • The Magpie says:

          A far more eloquent and comprehensive way of saying what the inadequate ‘Pie has been trying to say all along.

          • J says:

            Believe me, you’re far from inadequate, Magpie. Thank you for at least letting the other side of the argument have some light.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie blushes …. which is difficult for someone who is black and white.

          • numpty says:

            when government paid scientists have Kpi’s that include the number of cites of their papers, there is always going to be an element of collusion. Linking these Kpi’s to the availability of funding, increases that chance.
            The peer review system where scientists check each other’s work is flawed and that is what Peter Ridd is on about, there needs to be an independent oversight. Have a read of https://www.vox.com/2015/12/7/9865086/peer-review-science-problems for more insight into the peer review process.

          • Jenny says:

            Can’t understand why Peter Ridd doesn’t debate the scientists and institutions he’s in dispute with in the usual places where scientists argue these things out. There are numerous academic journals where this coral science is in active conversation right now. The Australian newspaper is not one of them. In fact it is, as you remind us almost weekly, like its Murdoch stablemate the Townsville Bulletin, given to partisan political promotion and blatant one-sidedness. They have given Peter Ridd numerous lives to carry on his lightweight academic vendetta using tactics that are about equal to lightweight Pauline Hanson and her lightweight apparatchiks ie. baseless trash talk. He has failed time after time, in court and out, but obviously his funders have deep pockets and coal tenements to mine. Surprised you bother buying into it (or maybe not).

          • The Magpie says:

            Look up ad hominem. A time wasting comment … again.

          • Big Mac says:

            Jenny, there’s a big conspiracy that stops Ridd from getting published in serious journals, that’s why he has to resort to trial by media!

          • Jenny says:

            Magpie, suggesting the Australian newspaper is not an academic journal is hardly an ad hominem time waste. Suggesting Peter Ridd is a lightweight is based on his persistent advocacy in conservative journals (openly funded by mining interests) for freedom of speech, especially speech aimed at undermining public confidence in reef science and fellow NQ scientists in particular. Fellow academics did not appreciate or recognise his science-adjacent ‘expertise’ so he attacked them and was sacked for it. He won an unfair dismissal case in Judge Vasta’s court (yes, that one) only to have it reversed by the Full Court. Unrepentant, his deep-pocket backers funded an appeal to the High Court which was shot down in flames (Ridd v James Cook University [2021] HCA 32). Talk about a sucker for punishment. But still good for a run in Murdoch’s jungle drum. If you want to know what AIMS actually said about the current status of coral cover on the GBR why not get it from the horse’s mouth instead of the mealy-mouthed pap from the Australian? AIMS Annual Summary Report of Coral Reef Condition 7 August 2024. It says in part:

            “In 2024, hard coral cover has increased across the GBR, but regional hard coral cover remains similar to that reported in 2022 and 2023. Importantly, most surveys were conducted prior to the mass coral bleaching event and passage of two cyclones, and the full impact of these events is yet to be determined.”

          • The Magpie says:

            ‘Undermining public confidence in reef science’ is a very different proposition to wanting the ‘science’ to be more rigorously interrogated before releasing it for ‘public confidence’. And for someone to accuse Ridd of ‘doing it for the money’ (not you but obviously you agree) is a bit rich when the all the carefully worded and sometimes obfuscating words chosen by ‘science’ always has an eye on ‘funding suggestiveness’. The Magpie term, copyright.

            Now whether Ridd’s call for closer examination is justified or not, THAT is the issue, not the pile on from ‘man not the ball’ exponents like you and Ducks Nuts.

          • Jenny says:

            “And for someone to accuse Ridd of ‘doing it for the money’ (not you but obviously you agree) . . .”
            Not obvious and sorry, but I do not agree and you needn’t verbal me. Reef scientists that I know can’t believe the preposterous claims made by Ridd over more than a decade and wonder why anyone bothers listening any more. For example in a chapter Ridd wrote for the IPA Publication “Climate Change The Facts: 2017”, he described corals as the “least endangered of any ecosystem to future climate change”:
            “Due to the remarkable mechanisms that corals have developed to adapt to changing temperatures, especially the ability to swap symbionts, corals are perhaps the least endangered of any ecosystem to future climate change – natural or man-made.”
            This claim directly contradicts the current scientific consensus. Ridd does not make the claim in an academic journal subject to the kind of oversight and review he is calling for (because no respectable journal will touch it). Instead he takes it to the mining and agriculture interests who will spray it out in trash talk for dummies in the Australian.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thank you for your opinion, and for proving yourself to be lying all in the one comment.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Maybe you should get a room J. I believe there’ll be a few vacancies when this sporting event finishes.

      • J says:

        I have a few other important points about Ridd’s situation, Magpie, as I strongly believe this affects everyone living in North QLD.

        Ridd has consistently pointed out the lack of rigorous quality assurance in the research that informs environmental policies. He argues that many studies on sediment runoff and its impact on the GBR are difficult to reproduce and are based on flawed methodologies. This leads to exaggerated claims about the damage caused by farming activities here in North Queensland, which then form the basis for restrictive policies​. He has suggested that some of the research tends to focus on worst-case scenarios rather than providing a balanced view, which skews policy recommendations towards overly cautious or severe measures against farmers​.

        Of course, the implementation of stringent regulations based on this research has placed a heavy economic burden on farmers in North Queensland. These policies often require costly changes in farming practices or reduce the amount of usable land, leading to significant financial strain. This not only affects individual farmers but also has a ripple effect on the local economy, where agriculture is a key industry​. Beyond the economic impact, these policies contribute to emotional stress among farmers. Being blamed for the degradation of the Reef, often based on what Ridd argues is questionable science, can lead to a sense of injustice and helplessness among farmers. The combination of financial pressure and social stigma has severe mental health repercussions. This this now includes the latest issue with the fishing industry.

        Most people probably know, agriculture is a cornerstone of the North Queensland economy. The policies which restrict farming activities lead to broader economic decline. This includes loss of jobs, reduced spending in local communities, and a potential decrease in population as people move away to seek opportunities elsewhere. Ridd has argued that these policies can create divisions between urban and rural populations, where city based policymakers may not fully understand or appreciate the realities of farming life and the practical challenges farmers face in implementing these regulations​.

        Ridd is advocating for a more balanced approach to policy making which includes the voices of farmers. He believes that policies should be based on sound, reproducible science and should take into account the economic and social impacts on local communities. As stated in my previous comment, this is why he’s calling for higher standards in environmental research that informs policy, with a focus on ensuring that studies are robust, transparent, and reproducible. This would lead to fairer and more effective policies and outcomes that still protect the environment without unduly harming the livelihoods of farmers​.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          I guess since Ridd is so passionate about this we should expect to see him actively working alongside farmers and landholders to prove its not their outdated and ineffecient farming strategies and is instead just bad science. Unfortunately we don’t. We see groups like NQ Dry Tropics, CSIRO, DAF working tirelessly with farmers, and AIMS to educate farmers on better and more efficient land management practices. And Ridd just gets funding from IPA to write reports that undermine any good work that has been done and incites conflict.

  9. Ball bag says:

    Ha ha ha Mayor Twonames, what a fuckwit. He thought he could keep his lawsuit quiet and only himself, Joe McCabe and councils legal team would know about it, for now. You moron. Please quit your role and move away from our city.

    • The Magpie says:

      His only lawsuit will happen if the LGAQ lawyers to which he is apparently partially entitled agree to it. One would reasonably believe there is no way he could even afford the deposit for a civil case. And can’t see the LGAQ wanting to go very far down that road.

    • The Tip says:

      Have you considered it may just be a ploy to see if confidential information would be leaked?

      • Dominic says:

        That’s my thoughts too. Smells of a setup. Sounds like there’s a lot more going on in house. Bligh has left, Sewell is on leave, TCC are using the third option council legal officer, Emma Micola, who seems the best out of the bad bunch.

        • The Magpie says:

          Just as a matter of interest, is Ms Micola the woman in the video box during Friday’s streamed meeting? She was there front and centre throughout but not named or mentioned. Just curious … one would certainly expect the ranking legal officer of the day to be present on such an issue.

          Whoever it is, was there a subtle humorous dig at the jabbering councillors by having a parrot in the background?

          • The Tip says:

            I am pretty sure Emma is the lady sitting behind Brady and Liam

          • The Magpie says:

            OK, so who’s the mystery lady?

          • Exasperated says:

            Troy Thompson referred to her as Jackie Bond (not sure of spelling) just before they went to closed meeting (at 6.36 of the live stream) but a google search gives no immediate indication of who she is.

          • The Magpie says:

            James’ daughter probably, since there is so much cloak and dagger stuff in Walker Street.

          • Bond says:

            That’s Jacqui Bohn – chief strategy officer or some such.

          • C. Howett Fields says:

            That’s Jaqui Bohn, City Strategist. Wonder where she’s dialling in from.

          • The Magpie says:

            Gun for hire or TCC staff?

          • Prickster says:

            Dialing in from Melbourne https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaquibohn/

          • The Magpie says:

            Another graduate from the Northern Territory who came to the Labor-funded Jenny Hill Money-For-Jam spa and resort called the Townsville City Council in 2018. Hmmm, 2018, wasn’t that when … no wait, that couldn’t be right. Or could it? Did Jaqui come up with the idea of Lansdown? It would fir her self-penned bio MO.
            But how remiss of The ‘Pie not to recognise the person guiding our destiny for the last six years. Hell of a job you’ve been doin’, Jaqui. We thank you for your service with all the sincerity we thank the mayor for his in the SAS.
            From her profile:
            Specialising in transformation strategy, Jaqui is a leader in organisational and individual leadership change. Jaqui’s experience is teamed with contemporary knowledge of sustainable business practices, emerging technologies and forecast delivery evolution.
            Jaqui has delivered governance, policy, partnerships, precinct planning, conceptualisation of projects through to realisation, corporate plans, local area planning, environmental impact assessments, technical advice, program management, complex stakeholder negotiations and record infrastructure delivery for over 25 years across the government and private sectors.
            Jaqui provides expert strategic policy, sustainable governance, grant and financial partnerships, business attraction, project management and placemaking direction to support generation of investment to grow cities and local government areas.
            Jaqui thrives on working with teams to enable creativity, innovation, development of critical narrative and delivery of outcomes. Through transformation strategy Jaqui supports business and government to imagine what could be and see the magic in the different pathways to reach their desired results.

            It would extremely crass to suggest that the magic for Ms Bohn will be retiring to slumber on a mattress of cash and other goodies gained from trashing a city’s future … and it’s only taken her six years.

          • Jenny says:

            “Hmmm, 2018, wasn’t that when … no wait, that couldn’t be right. Or could it? Did Jaqui come up with the idea of Lansdown?”

            Magpie, it’s pretty unlikely Ms Bohn was anywhere near it. A detailed (and very informative) cultural heritage study for Lansdown was completed in mid-2018 but several other development-focussed activities were underway well before then:

            June 2018 Cultural Heritage Study
            “The Lansdown Station site [2,100 hectares acquired by TCC in 2001] is currently being used for cattle grazing via a short-term lease arrangement with a private enterprise. Furthermore, four additional land parcels have been leased by Council to ‘Drive It NQ’ for the future development of a motorsports precinct. Council has also signed a MOU with Boston Energy and Innovation (April 2017), to investigate the viability of developing a battery manufacturing plant on three land parcels within the Lansdown Station site.
            The Townsville City Plan 2014 presently identifies the Lansdown Station site as being Rural, but the site’s longer-term development focus is considered to be one that is more industry based. To facilitate the future growth, Council resolved to commence the process of undertaking a major amendment to the Townsville City Plan to remove the land identified as Lansdown Station from the Rural zone and include the site within both the Medium and High impact industry zones.”

            Are you totally opposed to industrial development at the Lansdown site or is it the concept of government-funded initiation and facilitation that offends you?

          • The Magpie says:

            As usual, upside down and back to front comment.

            The ‘Pie has no idea if Ms Bohn had any impetus with the Lansdown project (it was a question) but your cut and paste (honestly, if c&p were an Olympic sport, you’re gold medal standard) doesn’t go to that question …. because all the hoopla, list of (very tentative, ultimately no go) ‘interested’ industries which Hill relentlessly promoted (with the inevitable pic) and eventually, when ratepayers money became involved, all came AFTER June 2018, well after Ms Bohn had established two dainty indents in her TCC office chair. (Not that that chair is necessarily in Walker Street, it may well be in Collins Street, possibly next door to the TCC short-lived Melbourne-based Procurement officer back about then.)

            And as to your bloviating last line, The ‘Pie has always criticised the timing and appropriateness of Lansdown when there were far more sensible and obvious alternatives, especially the Port Road SDA. – as so often supported in The Nest over 14 years.

            Townsville has been and always will be Muscletown (industry, port) as versus Tinseltown Cairns (tourism). So The Magpie has NEVER opposed industrial development per se, just inappropriate political power-based legacy fantasies which did great disservice to the Townsville community. And Hill’s wide-on for Magnis’s oily Frank Poullas was as ill judged as it was, at times, creepy. The ‘Pie’s very initial judgement that he was more than shady has been verified and justified, and if someone so low in your esteem could sniff that out right at the beginning, why couldn’t Hill?

            As to the last clause in your sentence, that is just densely stupid attempt at sounding clever. You don’t.

          • Southern Comfort says:

            Whoever she is, I think she may be like the Fonz of old Happy Days, and be at the point where she has “Jumped the shark”. A look at her side hustle is quite funny, and worrying, for the “Chief Strategist” of TCC.


          • The Magpie says:

            Crumbs!! Looking at that, she has not only jumped the shark, but so long ago, teh great white has since become the ‘flake’ so beloved of Victorian fish’n’chip shops.

  10. Doug K says:

    I feel for the businesses and residents impacted by the World Triathlon Multi Sports road closures – I hear the C Bar will have to close for 3 days – but the event has brought way more visitors to Townsville than the V8 Superpests and the Chamber Music Festival.
    Every restaurant and bar in Palmer Street was packed last night, even during the Cowboys home game.
    Had a chat with a table of 10 people at a restaurant and was amazed to discover that only one of them was competing. The others came up from Sydney just to cheer him on.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Doug, I’ve been to Palmer St when home games are on and Palmer St was packed. There aren’t many restaurants left there to be packed so it’s not exactly an outstanding feat.

      • The Magpie says:

        My, my, at the risk of losing your much-loved negativity – yes, again – The ‘Pie is starting to really believe that some blokes do have periods.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Ducks, The only businesses that would be doing ok when Cowboys game is on would pubs and burger joints. I can tell you places like Bridgewater, Jam Corner do not get any extra business.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Ala, I was at Bridgewater recently and was horrified to find a number of people wearing cowboys jerseys arrive after the game for dinner. So I think you might be wrong.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Ducks, Next time your there, ask the staff, as I did and their answer was “no extra business at Cowboys games. Mostly wrong demographic”

      • Doug K says:

        Ducks, I actually live in Palmer Street and there are now heaps of restaurants to choose from – 16 in fact.
        The recently closed Ribs and Rumps is now a Lone Star Steakhouse, and the renovated Shamrock Hotel is finally open for business – and doing a roaring trade.
        I don’t go to many Cowboys games these days so I can assure you there is normally no trouble getting a table at any Palmer Street restaurant while the game is on.
        On Saturday at 6.30pm the waiting time for a table at one restaurant was 90 minutes.
        When was the last time you were in Palmer Street during a Cowboys home game Ducks?

  11. Burnt Brows says:

    Birnbrauer really needed that $100k payout so he could move out of home and show mummy that he’s a big boy now.

    • Peta says:

      Wow that just goes to show how little you know. He stays with her regularly to ensure she is looked after as she is an elderly woman.

    • Grumpy says:

      Can’t officially move in with The Squeeze for reasons known to Centrelink. Banks wouldn’t give him a mortgage due to his credit rating and past and future employment records. Officially a loser.

      • Peta says:

        Sorry to break it to you Grumpy but the squeeze has her own place. Good job speculating though.

        • The Magpie says:

          Phew, thank heavens, twoNames at least knows he’s got a fall back position is one or the other kicks him out.

          • Burnt Brows says:

            Oh how I love playing with the Birnbrauer fan club !

          • Grumpy says:

            Peta – could not give a shit who he lives with (although DHS may) or where he lives. However, his character and honesty are highly relevant. His history goes a long way to establishing whether he is deserving of his accidental role.

        • Grumpy says:

          Peta – I’m sure she does. In fact, that’s precisely what I said. The Great White Liar, however, does not. That’s not at all speculative. What’s your point? Break it to me gently, please.

          FFS, what’s with these Cookers and reading comprehension?

          • Bentpipe says:

            You would think so, or is he just saving his salary. $4,000 a week, no bills, the bloke may not be so stupid, while we all pay rates, electricity, cost of living, that’s $80k so far over 4+ months. If the bloke goes the term he has a house Grumpy. Guess what, people voted him in, it begs belief, but he did complete the how to be a councillor course, and the mandatory company director course at mayor school through LGAQ. Interesting times ahead.

          • The Magpie says:

            So all is forgiven, the lying, the false education (thus the actual ability to manage), the stolen valor bullshit, the court appearances for fraud, and the wife abuse … not to mention that absolutely provable bollocks about why he changed his name.

            If people give up holding this deeply fractured corrupt con man to account, they are giving up on their city.

            The Magpie won’t be.

          • Peta says:

            Wow you are one stroppy old man. You just want to keep banging on about the past. What a sad sorry sop you are.

          • The Magpie says:

            Every accusation is a confession. And of course The ‘Pie is stroppy, it has always happened when he’s dealing with criminals and their bimbos.

          • Peta says:

            Honestly what does his living circumstances have to do with you?

      • Dominic says:

        Interesting statement, the bloke has had a new vehicle for 12 months, has multiple business suits, is out every night for dinner and is pretty good with shouting his friendship group. Seems he’s moved on, from his financial woes. Has anyone looked at the family trust, his American or German bank accounts he’s declared? I think people might be looking at the wrong places, this bloke has money, how he made it would be my question. He’s known to associate with some interesting people too, something doesn’t fit.

        • Bentpipe says:

          This blog is definitely a good laugh if nothing else, it brings discussion. I’d have to ask though, is it time to move off the mayor talk, the guy doesn’t give a rats, I just can’t see him budging either. I know he’s not popular, but why pay him attention, other than selling more papers or getting more clicks. I see a story about him these days and just ignore it, to me, it’s a waste of time. Nothing ever happens to these people, he’ll no doubt walk away with a bank full and all we’ve achieved is a good whinge. I’m more than happy to get a bigger rug, sweep it there, and move on.
          I’m pleased Jenny’s gone more, I must say, but I’m over local issues, we are in the shit financially and that sits with the team Jenny assembled.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s just stupid.

            And exposing wrongdoing and fraudsters is not having a whinge, and that exposure is the entire point of this blog on the issue – it isn’t the job of the Magpie to take any action, just lay out otherwise unavailable information to help people decide what action they think is appropriate. And also make biased agenda pushing cultist cunts like you understand that forgetting the past is ever an option in any human interactivity … the past is what makes us in the present, and how we can judge what is likely to happen in the future.

        • Grumpy says:

          Dom – I noticed the new(ish) car. I wonder who paid for it or put her name on the HP agreement? On $4K a week plus expenses and fuck-all living costs, anyone could afford a little largesse and the odd shout. And his suits? FFS, those rags are straight off the Lowes shelf. They look like sugar bags hanging off his ungainly, awkward and tummy-tucked frame.

  12. Sandpiper says:

    I’m with duck nuts on ridd and question why Magpie and others would support him. Ridd’s a trouble maker and has been captured by those who seek to delay action on climate change, yes including people with vested interests. Whoever heard of a physicist who doesn’t believe in climate change? Oh that’s right he’ll tell you, not so publicly, that in fact he does believe in the science. He thinks corals will adapt to warming, but he’s not a marine biologist he’s a physicist.

    • The Magpie says:

      Oh, really? And you are ….. a what? You sound like an arts graduate … or perhaps a retired arts lecturer who is an ardent and sometimes incoherent Ridd foe.

    • Shark bait says:

      You sum up the argument when you say, “believe in climate change”. Science doesn’t actually have to believe in anything, it is designed to test hypotheses and reach a factual conclusion based on experimentation.

      When scientists say they believe in climate change they might as well be saying they believe in the tooth fairy or santa claus for all the scientific basis it has. What they really believe in is the growing gravy train provided by “climate change consensus”.

      • Big Mac says:

        This is a dumb argument. Saying “believe in climate change” just means accept the results of science. Take your angels dancing on a pin hair splitting and shove it.

        • Terry P Dactyl says:

          The science changes depending on who is championing it….and for what purposes…

          • The Magpie says:

            An understandably cynical outlook, but what is true is that science changes when it discovers it was previously wrong … what was thought good yesterday is discovered to be bad today. The Magpie is no scientist but he knows the climate is changing, it has done so noticeably in his lifetime, and certain human practices are likely contributing to what scientists already is also cyclical. But The ‘Pie would debate the scare-tactic rates of change (everything’s melting then it isn’t, well not quite, almost) and the intervention of self-interested bullying politics. For one of the crassest examples of that, suggest viewing last night’s Four Corners … large chunks of the northern aquifers are being massively degraded (that’s the fancy word for fucked) by sheer greed, selfishness and politically irresponsibility.

    • Cobalos says:

      Climate change is not about physics or any other science, it is purely about politics

  13. Floppy disc says:

    I hope the rumour about staff complaints against food trucks Greaney is true. She is a nasty and miserable old cow and highly vindictive, just like that douchebag Jenny Hill. Perhaps a couple log lawsuits or complaints within council will shut her up and make her settle down.

    • The Magpie says:

      USB, you must be new around here or have a poor memory … comments involving uninvolved family members ofpublic figures bis a strict no go zone, unless there is a reason of public interest. A requirement which is not met in your unpleasant, unsubstantiated and unpublished comment about Clr Greaney.

    • Tracy says:

      Greaney has a few OIA and CCC complaints on her, she doesn’t care, I was told long ago it is Greaney who plays little miss nice, who is the problem. She hates that TwoNames took the chair back, she loves the attention does Ann Maree!

      • White Mouse says:

        Food Trucks is the Mullet’s proxy at council. I’m sure she still runs all major decisions past the Mullet before giving a yay or nay.

      • Peta says:

        She is an embarrassment to her division and cries at most meetings as she receives so much hate from her constituents. If she spent more time listening to her community instead of playing politics she would get a lot more work done

        • Jenny says:

          Peta, Greaney got over 47% of the vote in Div3. She has the confidence of her constituents. She has been pretty up front in her dealings with the compromised mayor so if the election was held again today with the same candidates she’d probably do even better. Of course if you threw your hat in the ring, well . . . .

  14. Chamber maid says:

    How good are the Townsville chamber! Calling out the LGAQ shonks for who they really are. The procurement processes that LGAQ have designed are crooked. Contractors have been saying this for years.

  15. Sergeant Gunney Highway says:

    Seriously, all this discussion about Peter Ridd. Who gives a shit. The environment is fucked, it has been for a long time. The reef has been rooted from the never ending line up of tourist visitors plus damage from cyclones. Why are people carrying on about coral bleaching? It’s a cyclic thing. The Abbo’s are always carrying on about owning Australia’s land and islands so just let them look after the reefs.

    • Rotten Luck Willie says:

      Careful what you call for. Oh yes, the proud indigenous first nations people of the stolen car generation will look after the reef in the same way they look after Ayers Rock and Mt. Warning, amongst other places. A total ban on whities enjoying the place. In this particular a total ban on visiting, anchoring, or swimming on or near the reef, lest some mythical aquatic spirit be upset.

      • The Magpie says:

        Of course, you will need to be willing to pay an entrance fee. Little booths on all boat ramps and beaches. It’s called makaratta.

    • Shark bait says:

      Sergeant, you could be a climate change scientist with comments like. “The environment is fucked, it has been for a long time. The reef has been rooted”. Go line up at the Australian Research Council for your slice of the funding action.

    • Big Mac says:

      SGH coral bleaching is cyclic but it’s getting worse and coming more often is the thing.

  16. The Magpie says:

    And some Americans still want this idiot to run their country.

    • Jenny says:

      I’m afraid I’m with Trump’s logic (if not his attitude) on this one. Of course it’s true that Americans will pay more for tariffed goods from China IF THEY BUY THEM. The general idea is that Americans will be discouraged from buying them because of the price hike and thus Chinese sellers will suffer. Australians are acutely aware of the impact of tariffs. When the Chinese slapped 100% or 200% tariffs on Australian wine, crayfish and barley etc. we didn’t hear of Chinese consumers complaining – they went on buying Californian and French wines in larger quantities. The loudest complaints came from Australian producers who suffered devastating losses. This is what Trump wants to inflict on Chinese producers.

      • The Magpie says:

        It IS a tax on Americans who want certain consumer goods, and given the Chinese manufacturing breadth, American will keep on buying them (restraint in anything is not an American characteristic) because many such products will not be able to be sourced from anywhere else, and those that can be will be a lot dearer to import. And thus Americans will be paying a ‘tax’ onde way or the other, imposed by a madman who says he will ease the cost of living.

        Best you don’t worry your pretty little head about these things, Jen Jen.

        • Jenny says:

          Magpie, Automotive News data shows US consumers purchased more than 104,000 Chinese-made vehicles in 2023, up 45% from 2022. Americans bought another 28,000 Chinese-made cars during the first quarter of 2024. Buick, Lincoln, Polestar, and Volvo sell Chinese-made vehicles in the US (15 May 2024). If Trump put a 60% tariff on Chinese-made cars US buyers would have plenty of homegrown options plus imports from Mexico, Korea and Japan that would suddenly be way more attractive price wise.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s vehicles. Now do everything else. And don’t forget global reach retaliation by the Chinese. But if you think its a good policy, let’s see how it plays out … but anyway, it will be the least of America’s and the world’s worries if this maniac gets back in. And we won’t be exempt here is Oz, either.

        • Jenny says:

          Well I don’t think it’s a good policy but I do see that it attempts to reduce imports from China specifically, therefore ‘helping’ American firms compete. Apparently Trump supporters are willing to pay more. One commentary mob Axios put it this way:

          “Trump has spoken of an across-the-board 10% tariff on all imported goods, paired with a 60% tariff on all Chinese imports. These numbers dwarf any from modern experience.
          Trump’s earlier China tariffs varied but were mostly 10% or 15%, and applied to a specific list of products that accounted for only a portion of U.S. imports.
          Companies that import goods from China would have a few choices of how to respond.
          They could pay much higher tariffs and either raise prices to consumers or tolerate lower profitability (or, more likely, a mix of both). Higher prices would reduce demand, resulting in lower imports — a goal of the policy.”

          • The Magpie says:

            Is it a tax on Americans? Well, think of it like we think of the millions in ‘voluntary tax’ raised through poker machines … tariffs on Chinese goods in the US can reasonably been seen by those who still buy them as ‘voluntary tax’, a penalty for a good or a service. And, knowing the Yanks, those who choose not to be buy them will see the tariff as a tax on some freedom of choice or something or other.

  17. The Magpie says:

    C’mon, you kind folks, again time to help out this old duffer. Today’s incomprehensible headline in the Astonisher reminded The ‘Pie of Mr Kristofferen’s lament about someone fryin’ chicken which ‘took me back to something I lost somehow, somewhere along the way’. Only for The ‘Pie, it is a similar dim memory of newspapers with understandable headlines.

    We have long known that the Bulletin certainly has lost something, somewhere along the way, but this is now la-la land. Reading the story doesn’t enlighten us, and the editorial actually deepens the mystery.

    Ms Garvey uses the same headline, but she too fails to explain any possible connection to the story (about restrictions on migrant visas will cause a worker shortage in coffee shop and hotels).

    This is Trump strength weird, a confusingly argued editorial that basically reaches no conclusion about anything and perhaps hints something personal has gone badly wrong upstairs somewhere, somehow along the way for Ms Garvey. .

  18. Jenny says:

    Top 10 jokes from Edinburgh Fringe:

    1. I was going to sail around the globe in the world’s smallest ship, but I bottled it. Mark Simmons
    2. I’ve been taking salsa lessons for months, but I just don’t feel like I’m progressing. It’s just one step forward, two steps back. Alec Snook
    3. Ate horse at a restaurant once – wasn’t great. Starter was all right, but the mane was dreadful. Alex Kitson
    4. I sailed through my driving test. That’s why I failed it. Arthur Smith
    5. I love the Olympics. My friend and I invented a new type of relay baton. Well, he came up with the idea, I ran with it. Mark Simmons
    6. My dad used to say to me: “Pints, gallons, litres” – which, I think, speaks volumes. Olaf Falafel
    7. British etiquette is confusing. Why is it highbrow to look at boobs in an art gallery but lowbrow when I get them out in Spoons? Chelsea Birkby
    8. My partner told me that she’d never seen the film Gaslight. I told her that she definitely had. Zoë Coombs Marr
    9. I’m an extremely emotionally needy non-binary person. My pronouns are “there, there”. Sarah Keyworth

  19. Custard arse says:

    Wow, all the basket cases have made an appearance – Jenny, Ducks Nuts, OED, Gunney!!! Magpie, how do you put up with this group of nut-jobs?

  20. Doug K says:

    Don’t be too hard on Garvey – she’s hasn’t been the same since her mate Jenny Hill got rolled.

  21. Ben Rumson says:

    Looked at the Astonisher today while in a waiting room.

    The Iditor had all of the style of an old style school principal giving six of the best to the lower legs of Mayor Twonames.

    I do not give her credit for courage as she should have, but didn’t do the same to the Mullet.

  22. Outlaw-er says:

    Section 12(4)(d) of the Local Government Act 2009 states:
    The Mayor has the responsibility of conducting a performance appraisal of the Chief Executive Officer at least annually……

    Your blog will never get boring Magpie.

    • The Magpie says:

      Fore the sake of Townsville, The ‘Pie wishes that one day it might.

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      Yes, who would have thought that mulling over the minute by minute activities of the TCC councillors would fascinate so many. ZZZZZZZZ

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      Have you read the agenda for the next TCC meeting next Wednesday. Looks like the mayor will be responsible for a lot of things. https://townsville.civicclerk.com.au/web/Player.aspx?id=1674&key=-1&mod=-1&mk=-1&nov=0

      • The Magpie says:

        Cometh the moment, cometh the dictator. So here comes the power grab. Get a load of this from the agenda for next wednesday’s meeting.

        Motion: The Mayor, Councillor Troy Thompson – Appointment of One Councillor Advisor to the Office of the Mayor.

        The residents and the community deserve a Mayor that has appropriate and proper advisory support. In the previous council, Mayor Hill had 3 councillor advisors to ensure the residents were properly served by their Mayor. Currently there are three vacancies for councillor advisor in the Mayor’s office. I propose to appoint one councillor advisor under one of the vacant positions. The residents and the community deserve to have one councillor advisor supporting their Mayor in council.

        Therefore, that I seek your endorsement for the appointment and addition to the budget of one councillor advisor in accordance with section 197A of the Local Government Act, and Section 277G of the Local Government Regulation.

        The Mayor, Councillor Troy Thompson – Human Resource Matter

        iii) The Mayor, Councillor Troy Thompson – Restart the recruitment process of the new CEO

        I propose that council resolves to continue the recruitment process for the new CEO and employ a suitable candidate within 4 weeks from this date.

        iv) Councillor Paul Jacob – Appoint Mayor Thompson as representative

        On 19 June 2024, Council resolved to remove the Mayor from a number of committees.
        I now move the following motion:

        That Council resolve to:

        1. Remove Councillor Jacob as representative for the Regional Council of Mayors committee and Mayor Thompson be appointed to this position.
        2. Remove Councillor Jacob as the representative for the North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (NQROC) and Mayor Thompson be appointed to this position.
        3. Remove Councillor Dirou as a representative for the Audit and Risk Committee and Mayor Thompson be appointed to this position.
        4. Appoint Mayor Thompson to be the representative for the NQ Competitive Employment Services committee.

        v) Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney and Councillor Liam Mooney – Matters relating to the CEO

        That Council resolves:
        1. To establish a committee of the 11 Councillors for matters relating to the CEO’s:
        Setting of an annual performance plan & performance criteria;
        Performance monitoring, and

        Now, Thompson must know he has either schmooched with enough councillors to have the numbers to be appointed to committees in place of the other councillors ($10k extra per committee per annum, perhaps) which seems unlikely with the personal financial aspects of the changes he is seeking, including king hitting the deputy doodah Paul Jacob and Dirou in the hip pocket with his removal from at least two committees), or he’s hs a new plan to have the entire council dismissed on the platform of ‘If I can’t have it, then neither can you’.

        Two things outside the Thompson circus worth noting: could the budget variance be listed after discussion of further petitions opposing Strand and Pimlico parking metres, meaning councillors have noted the flak they’re getting over this disgraceful issue. And The ‘Pie wonders if the Workplace Health and Safety report also to be tabled will include a report on Thompson’s removal from and blocked return to the council building, since Workplace Health And Safety regulations and concerns – particularly regarding Thompson’s own admission of mental instability. If the report doesn’t include that, we the public should be asking why not.

        • The Magpie says:

          Then there’s this, so much for transparency and responsibility.
          Confidential Items / Closed Meeting
          9 Flinders Street East Precinct
          Public Confidential Report
          10 Asset Disposal | Fleet Services
          Public Confidential Report
          11 Major Projects Quarterly Update
          Public Confidential Report

          What possible reason could there possibly be for these matters to be kept from public knowledge? Flinders Street East is a major matter of public interest, why can’t we know about the disposal of certain council assets (presumably vehicles) and the last one is an absolute right for the rate paying public to know where we are at with all the left-over mismanagement decisions made by the previous rag bag council.

        • Toady says:

          This is entertaining stuff, I love it! So the Mayor is after a cash grab by trying to appoint himself to a few committees. It also is an attempt to punish the councillors who are already on those committees. Then we have the push to get rid of Joe McCabe. Interesting how Twonames proposes the recruitment process only take 4 weeks. Old Twonames wants McCabe out of there! Twonames is pushing for more control while eliminating those who oppose him. Desperate or strategic? Stock up on the popcorn folks, fun times ahead.

        • Doxie says:

          It’d be REALLY great if they’d ALL just get on with being good little Councillors and look after their city and it’s inhabitants as priorities. Stop the political posturing and charades. It’s been a lo-o-o-o-ng time since the city, environs, and populace received the attention deserved us by our Local Government. So sick of egos and hidden agendas. Just be nice to receive the consideration deserved by rate-payers regarding the basics of living and see our wonderful city back to its shining self – now, that would be something of which to be mightily proud.
          I know that all sounds somewhat naïve and Pollyanna-ish, but after a decade of Jenny Hill’s treatment, I feel a tad put-upon and looking for something just plain old back-to-basics GOOD…………….oh, and a nice cuppa tea!!

          • I’ll be plucked says:

            Agreed Doxie, unfortunately you are dreaming. Food Trucks Greaney in particular is highly toxic and is leading us down the long-drop dunny hole! She needs to totally button up and focus on her constituents, instead of being a quasi Mullet!

          • Achilles says:

            Going off on a tangent from your comment Doxie, “looking for something just plain old back-to-basics”

            Have you seen the Naplan reports? Please lets just go back to basics; when I left school everyone was competent in the 3 R’s, many would excel in real subjects like science, history, geography, general knowledge, another language; didn’t need a calculator.

            We were equipped for life without a psychoanalysts trying to level the playing field.

            Competition was encouraged, we were allowed to excel without the envy of our classmates.

            Sport and the ‘arts” were encouraged, but were secondary to the essential life tools.

          • The Magpie says:

            One imagines that poor Naplan results reflect wider social pointers, like the breakdown of traditional family units, and problems for kids with English as a second language. It doesn’t mean kids are dumber.

            But listen, Heel, you did go off on a tangent, and The Magpie has no interest in Naplan as a thread here. Just the thought of ‘Jenny’ wittering on about is enough to make you take a long walk on a short jetty.

      • Jenny says:

        Tropical Cyclone, thanks for that link to the Agenda for Wednesday’s meeting. Apart from all the stuff about the Mayor’s intentions there are also numerous links to various “reports” which include details about TCC’s financial position.

  23. Prince Rollmop says:

    In the middle of a cost-of-living crisis the public serpents have hit pay-dirt. Lots of little perks and days off for trivial shit. The federal government has offered political staffers the maximum pay rise allowed under government rules, along with new travel allowances, leave for cultural activities and extra pay for staff who speak multiple languages.


    Oink oink snouts in the trough.

    • The Magpie says:

      Tell you what would be interesting, maybe Jenny would know.

      How many PS took those offered days off to get over the result of failed Indigenous Voice to,Parliament? On a rolling basis, The ‘Pie is betting somewhere between 98% and 100%.

  24. Afterthought says:

    (By email to The Magpie.)
    Thanks Magpie for highlighting “local buy” flaws in Townsville Council policy over the past few years . The previous Mayor as we know was a Board Member and paid by LGAQ who own and receive commission on Council contracts.

    Personally I don’t think is a coincidence that council announced in Tuesday’s Bulletin they are pushing for 90 % local businesses getting Council work. Looks like they monitor The Nest pretty closely. Let’s hope Townsville businesses who have been locked out for years finally get Council support .

  25. Mike Douglas says:

    65 days out from the Qld election Curtis Pitt Speaker of Qld Government announces retirement . Crime figures in the Townsville Bully today that you are twice as likely to experience a criminal offence or have your car stolen in Townsville than Brisbane . Two very serious assaults in Kirwan the last few days with offenders as young as 11 and nothing from Aaron Harper .

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Mike, check out Harpic’s Facebook page. Daily anti-LNP posts. The fool is obsessed (and scared) of Crisafulli. He is too busy posting crap on social media and doesn’t have the time to do real work such as reduce crime and implement initiatives to counteract the endless Townsville youth problems. Harpic, Cupcake and Messagebank have proven to be the most ineffective stains we have ever had representing this city.

      • White Line Painter says:

        Interesting mumbles coming out of Main Roads Regional Office that despite being asked to stop, Les Walker is continuing to park his campaign trailers illegally on State Controlled Roads in contravention of the Main Roads Act and no one is prepared to take real action.

        For the sake of clarity, the public instruction is as follows:

        The Department of Transport and Main Roads can take compliance action if an election sign creates a road safety or traffic efficiency problem on a state-controlled road. Election signs must meet the self-assessment checklist criteria. If not, we may:
        – remove the sign without notice
        – contact the candidate or person and request that the sign is removed and relocated to a compliant location.

        The Department of Transport and Main Roads does not permit election signs mounted onto vehicles and trailers for the sole purpose of election advertising, as it may present a road safety risk.

        Suggestions are that Les’ union mates are trying to give him a free kick.

        What about it Sanjay Ramm? Interested in applying the law?

        • The Magpie says:

          Sent in pics, Nesters. And look, some have said they’re worried that The ‘Pie will be able to identify them if they send anything to email hidden; JavaScript is required … but unless your name is your email handle, (and even then, so what?) The ‘Pie will be none the wiser and there is no way he can link any email name to a reader’s nom de plume. Not that he has the slightest inteest in doing so, in fact, he might cowed into submission knowing the exalted identity of some commenters.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            I’ll see what I can find while out and about today.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Looks like Les has moved the one he had across the road from the Vale Hotel in Aitkenvale, but KAP’s Michael Pugh still has one across from the Mundingburra IGA which has been there for weeks. Les had one on Nathan Street opposite Stockland but I didn’t go that way today. Also no pictures as I was driving. Sorry.

          • The Magpie says:

            This is a bit off topic, but is prompted by A Messagebank sign in a paddock next to the roadworks between Uni Drive and Bowen Bridge.

            The ‘Pie had expressed doubts about both the road and the bridge projects likely to hit the back burner, but that’s certainly not true. Was surprised at the amount of work that is progressing, including preparing footings for the bridge duplication. Looks like its on schedule, and will certainly be a boon when finished – some short term pain for the eventual gain, with more than a kilometre tailback on Bowen Road foir the afternoon peak traffic time.

            If you believe this project is the result of anything that Les Walker claims to have done, well, that is a matter for you – but while I’ve got you, wanna buy a tin of tartan paint?

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Mike, Harpic is a total NOTHING old mate. So, what did you expect??? :)

    • White Mouse says:

      Curtis Pitt has been suffering from both metal and physical illnesses for more than 18 months now and I’m surprised that he didn’t pull the pin earlier. Unless the ALP have a spectacularly popular candidate lined up as a replacement, that seat has already been lost.

  26. Toy Thompstain says:

    By the look of that agenda Magpie, Mayor Twonames is getting nervous about losing power. He has come out swinging and trying to shore up relevance. He wants McCabe gone, and gone soon.

    • The Magpie says:

      It seems to be an all-or-nothing last gasp. On the face of evidence so far, he hasn’t a hope of getting that stuff through, and although he apparently fancies himself as a 3-D chess playing politician, it is difficult to understand what possible next move after a deliberate losing one will be. But then, he’s the stable genius of Townsville politics, and The ‘Pie is, so he is told, just a blind, biased, bitter, cantankerous, garrulous, senile old fool.

      Let’s hope both statements are equally untrue.

    • Southern Comfort says:

      I’m amused by the fact that he is taking a crack at Mayoral Advisers again. Just a reminder of his own words:
      “In a now deleted post on social media highlighting his campaign pledges, Mr Thompson spoke out against former mayor Jenny Hill employing three political advisers.

      “The mayor doesn’t need three consultants and advisers to tell her how to do her job,” he says in the video.

      “If she does, she’s never been good at her job.””

      If he is back taking a crack, then by his own logic, he’s not good at his job. But we know that already.

      • Southern Comfort says:

        I’m also curious who he would appoint. Lane, Bella?

        The brains trust that they represent is rather empty.

        • The Magpie says:

          Correct The ‘Pie if he’s wrong (rare but does happen, right) but don’t the council have to approve the appointment if leave is granted?

          • Southern Comfort says:

            From “Code of Conduct for Councillor Advisors
            in Queensland (October 2020)” it states that “The relevant council (with the exception of Brisbane City Council) must then make a resolution to appoint councillor advisors and how many, up to the prescribed number. Brisbane City Council is not required to make a resolution to appoint councillor advisors up to the prescribed number.” (Lucky Brisbane).

            This is governed by “Local Government Regulation 2012”. However, there is a looming problem with that regulation. It expires at the end of this month. And I don’t see anywhere in the current State Legislative agenda for the current or future sitting periods, where this will be renewed.

            This is perfect timing for TwoNames to get the headcount approved, but then not have to bring back to Council his nominee and have the whole Council appoint them.

            I doubt he is smart enough to have found this on his own. But they are the current facts, and why the timing of next week’s submission may be crucial to him. I hope the rest of Council is awake to this, and give him the same treatment he got back in May when he brought this up last.

          • The Magpie says:

            There is no indication of any scurrying behind the skirting boards in Walker Street that would make even remotely likely, but we live in interesting times.

            And you seem to be panicking a bit there, (a stiff drink might be needed, an American bourbon perhaps). The expiration of the regulation would surely not open any avenue to appoint by fiat, one would think exactly the opposite.

      • The Magpie says:

        One of the bvery first things this twister did on taking the chair was request THREE advisors himself, and then ran down the numbers … 2 advisors? No … 1 advisor? no …. and now he is again testing the old sanity rule of doing the same thing over and over while still getting the negative result.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          What a surprise, Twonames going back on his promise regarding advisors. A serial shyster, absolute liar, and untrustworthy character. Fuck, give the man a job as a state politician.

        • I’ll be plucked says:

          Pie, why does he need any advisors on the TCC payroll? He already has the goat bloke, the gammon lawyer and his cooker mates to feed him!!! At NO FINANCIAL COST TO RATEPAYERS! NO WAY JOSE Twonames! :(

        • Grumpy says:

          He is entitled to two advisors – Dunning and Kruger.

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            Now that is funny Grumps. Deserves the comment of the week award! Classic

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie was toying with suggesting Smith and Wesson, but didn’t say it, it might have been misinterpreted.

  27. Motorist says:

    While we are talking about Harpic’s achievements, I recall that when lambasting the TCC at the meeting before last he stated that work on the Riverway Drive duplication would start in two weeks. Hmmm? Time is up and nothing.

    Par for the course. The project was first touted as starting in 2021 or thereabouts.

    At this rate it will be Natalie Marr that turns the first sod with the silver shovel.

  28. Points north says:

    I bet Joe McCabe wasn’t expecting such a shitfight when he commenced his A/g role at TCC? The Prince bailed at the right time. It’s quite clear that Thompson has a large axe to grind with McCabe, and he is trying to get rid of him sooner rather than later. I actually think McCabe has the potential to do good things within Council if he stays for the 12-month gig. As for Thompson, well he is just a lying two-faced prick.

    • The Magpie says:

      Thompson might be being too clever by half, which more than he ever is …. calling for an accelerated timeframe to select a CEO, not sure what he thinks he will achieve, especially since councillors have it on the agenda to look at the role and conditions pertaining thereto. Wondering if a majority of councillors vote for Joe if he applies, then Thomposon really is deservedly screwed.

  29. Jenny says:

    Interesting that the Townsville Chamber of Commerce has not taken up your offer to publicise their findings (sorry, “questions”) about TCC’s connections to the two LGAQ bodies it shares your doubts about. Perhaps the Chamber is not as independent as it likes to think and/or hopes to present as. On its website it claims the Townsville Chamber of Commerce is “funded by members and not the government which makes them the only independent voice for business in Townsville”. In its next breath it reveals that Townsville City Council subsidises the rent of their Northtown office. Perhaps they don’t want to bite the hand that feeds them any more than TEL does?

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, that’s bad luck for them, then, because, by means that shall remain Commercial in Confidence, The Magpie has managed to recover the missing pages, and boy, do they make some case for an investigation. They will be shared in The Nest on Sunday.

      • Jenny says:

        By coincidence, the Chamber of Commerce office space deal with TCC is on the agenda for Wednesday’s meeting. All the details are listed under the heading and link “Upcoming leases”.

        • Mike Douglas says:

          Jenny , for balance . Same Council meeting
          . ,Brothers Rugby League Club extension is that $1 . Prime office space Council ” not for profit ” $1 . Alice River Lions Club $1 . Council has a lot of under utilised office / industrial space . Enterprise House ? Ownership / income .

          • The Magpie says:

            Townsville Council commercial arrangements are all over the place, and seem to be a matter of whim rather than sober judgement.
            Flinders Lane – (a disaster which sucked in a reputable builder), TCC acting as developer – never a good idea – of Lansdown, even a potentially lucrative lease arrangement for a cafe on Castle Hill was missed.

            But here’s the king-hit to ratepayers, and an insult to the public with a classic smoke and mirrors sleight of hand.

            The council in its wisdom (back when that meant the oxymoronic wisdom of Jenny Hill) decided to close down the not for profit Small Business Development Centre at Condon, arguing it was not viable. Then promptly whacked into their own Walker Street premises presumably for more direct control over whatever it now does. Let’s put aside how the whacky idea that a move like this would suddenly make the BDC more viable, but instead let’x look at the ostensible savings of rent by switching to $1 per annum peppercorn deal. Good financvial governance, eh?

            Well, that depends how you view the move.

            Smart my arse.

            The commercial value 966 m2 Walker St would be $300 ,000 + and outgoings yet Council charge $1 to their own “not for profit“ training organization. And one can but wonder what KPIs are in place for this outfit.

            No wonder the Council budget is a rolling disaster, they can’t even claim uncontrollable outside influences on this one.

          • Alahazbin says:

            And remember Mike, they devalued the their part of the Entertainment Centre to zero and handed it back to the Ville. Economic minions!

  30. Jenny says:

    Magpie, hope there’s no connection between the weeks old reports of domestic violence victims’ addresses being sent to offenders by Queensland police, the State government apologising for a police “data system breach” as a vulnerable woman victim says it left her ‘completely defeated, broken, scared and worried’ and the sudden retirement of the longtime Police Union president Ian Leavers moments before his appointment as Cross Border Commissioner.

  31. The Magpie says:

    Noted with interest the Fin Review story that ABC boss Kim Williams says central to his central reform agenda at Auntie is the choice and priority of news stories.

    Can’t come soon enough for The ‘Pie, a life-long news maven with the ABC high on the mix list. The old bird has been increasingly disconcerted by some unexpected swerves in the national broadcasters bulletins. One of the biggest infuriating sideslips came on last night’s national news, when one of the four stories headlined at the start was the death of gay penguin. The ‘Pie kids you not, with the story then plastered across other platforms.

    Now to be clear for the developmentally delayed out there, The ‘Pie recognises that the story about the death of one of a a pair of celebrity penguins adjudged (somehow) to be gay and who had received a lot of publicity is a legitimate story, but at the light end of the new spectrum. But a headline? The juxtaposition suggesting a quasi equality was jarring, and no doubt to many, insulting. A dead penguin mixed in with more unforgivable deaths in Gaza, the Ukrainian war and local matters (NDIS, immigration) of wide impact on the public? It was a jarring misjudgement to say the least.

    Over to you Mr Williams.

    • Mad Jack says:

      It is no coincidence that in some circles the national broadcaster is referred to as the GayBC.

      • The Magpie says:

        Nothing wrong with covering gay stories, those of an alternative lifestyle are a recognised legitimate social grouping, but the ABC has a problem of news balance.

        The words of the late League blabbermouth Rex Mossop ring truer now than whej he was lampooned for saying, talking about a exposed genitals beach near his place.

        ‘I have nothing against gays, I just don’t want them rammed down my throat.’

        Quite so.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, listened to that outcome and was wondering how the group were allowed to be a ‘girls only’ pack to start with. Isn’t that a more general gender discrimination?

  32. Troy supporter says:

    You old blokes may have a lot to whinge about when it came to Jenny Hill, but seriously, you are attacking Troy more than Hill. So what if he embellished and told some Furphys, who doesn’t? Get a life you silly old wankers.

    • The Magpie says:

      And somehow you think you have enhanced the general view not only of your fraudster master, but the intelligence of his followers?

      Spare us!!!

      (The ‘Pie joins in the joke this time, it’s clear you’re just looking for The ‘Pie to take the bait of a hokey comment and have a spray. But don’t keep doing it, it does get tedious.)

  33. Echochamber says:

    I see your mate Professor Smallwood is at it again……

    “Professor Smallwood said there was only a small group of 20 Indigenous youth actively involved in criminal activity, but that this was creating a harmful stereotype for the rest who were doing the right thing.

    She said having worked in the Cleveland Youth Detention Centre for 20 years that the repeat criminals were not receiving culturally appropriate programs to work on their trauma, and personal losses, as a result of colonisation.”

    They’re what, 15/16 years old? Exactly what trauma, and personal losses have they been subjected to as a result of colonisation? And is it more or less than the trauma and personal losses they have inflicted on us horrible “colonists” when breaking into our homes, stealing our cars and threating us with weapons in broad daylight?

    And she bemoans the fact that 20 Indigenous youth are creating a harmful stereotype for the rest who were doing the right thing, yet (personal opinion) she strikes me as someone who stereotypes 96% of Australians based on the actions of folks decades and centuries ago.

    • The Magpie says:

      Smallwood has long been nothing more than a jukebox of outmoded and tiresome tropes, cliches and opinions. Any number of issues pop up and it’s like slipping a dollar in the jukebox and out comes your favourite Smallwood spray.

      Gracelyn will never ever understand that her virulent blinkered racism is part of the problem, and makes any solution more distant than ever.

      Anyway, if she somehow knows (??) it’s just 20 particular kids, and since she is a ‘respected’ elder (we keep being told although many of the indigenous locals disown her) why doesn’t she go out into the night and sort the buggers out?

    • Achilles says:

      Yep! she may have a point here “not receiving culturally appropriate programs to work on their trauma”.

      We should stop letting them watch TV, play computer games, sports, remove all furniture et al.

      Sit on the floor and have an “elder” Uncle/Auntie administer traditional corrective measures if they violate their cultural codes. A spearing in the thighs should do the trick.

      Brain wash them with fantasies about their origins and “culture” (just like our kids in Sunday school).

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Presumably Prof Smallwood would support those 20 recidivists who give the rest of the community being locked up and the keys thrown away? Doing this would place the blame and shame where it is due, and spare the rest of the ATSI community from being tarred with the same brush (which for all you snowflakes is a shearing saying and nothing to do with tarring and feathering). But it will never happen.

  34. Strand Ghost says:

    Poor old Gracelyn had the same chip on her shoulder when we were in High School together many moons ago , only problem now it’s not a chip no more but lump of 4×2. She thought way back then that her SHIT didn’t stink at all and thought she was someone special.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Strand Ghost, I also attended High School with Gracelyn, the same year cohort and never witnessed any racism towards her, although her brother was a piece of shit.

  35. Mugwump says:

    Mayor Twonames FB post 24/8 (Edited for relevance by The Magpie).


    I am shocked but not surprised at Premier Steven Miles’ comments in the media this morning in relation to his view that any democratically elected representative should resign just because the Premier does not agree with that person being in that role.

    I am also concerned he has mislead the public with his comments about some sort of CCC investigation. I have contacted the CCC who have stated clearly to me that they cannot tell me if there is, or is not, an investigation, and that they do not tell anyone if the CCC is investigating a complaint or not. The Premier appears to be saying this to try and influence the public without having supporting evidence that a CCC investigation even exists.

    I will be filing a complaint with the OIA in relation to these comments by the Premier.

    So while the Premier is spending his time commenting on a “right wing Mayor” that he doesn’t like, he is displaying to the public that he certainly does not have the right priorities for Townsville.

    I look forward to working with any politician and any person that wants to see the best for our amazing city of Townsville. We live in paradise.

    Mayor Troy Thompson.

    • Burnt Brows says:

      Instead of useless media releases like this one, Birnbrauer should be putting more effort into explaining why he mislead voters like me into thinking he had two University degrees and a stellar military career including time with the SAS.

      • Ghosted says:

        Another day another person who listens to false media hype. Mayor Thompson addressed all of this in the full and unedited ACA interview.

        • The Magpie says:

          He did not such fucking thing and you know it. Was that same interview where he didn’t have the faintest recollection of appearing in court on two fraud charges?

          Get out of the cult while you can, you poor mutt. Or are we talking to TwoNames here. Probably.

    • Ghosted says:

      Confused as to why to decided to edit the post. You wanted to share information that the Mayor said, yet you pick and choose what to upload?????

  36. ABS says:

    The “#artsban” announced in today’s paper seems poorly thought out. Given that classical arts events are usually the beneficiaries of council and government support, it’s counterproductive of the to bite the hand that feeds you.

    Is next year’s Chamber Music Festival really going to ask for significant council sponsorship but tell the councillors that they’re not welcome? If so the council would be perfectly within their rights to respond by cutting the purse strings.

    Liam Mooney is obviously feeling the heat. Although he voted against the reallocation of concert hall funds, he’s quoted as saying he’s “legally obliged to support the decision of council” . Presumably the Chair of Council’s Arts and Culture Advisory Committee is not happy about being subject to the blacklist.

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘Poorly thought out’ is the understatement of the year.

      Ricardo Peach’s idiotic blather is in the same league as an eight-year-old’s threat to leave home because he doesn’t like his family anymore. It’s actually laughable to hear a grown man say ‘The loss of concert hall funding is a betrayal, and I ‘warn’ that classical artists would refuse to perform for ‘dignitaries’ that supported the decision until funds were found for the hall.’

      What instantly springs to mind is the famous scene in Blazing Saddles where a racist crowd moves in on the black sheriff, who pulls his gun, holds it to his head and tells the crowd to back off, ‘or the nigger gets it’.

  37. wollo says:

    Who does that Dickhead Ricardo Peach thinks he is.? He has changed the name of our fine city and now calls it Gurambilbarra -Townsville. What an idiot. I would’nt give him a concert hall or any sponsership if I was on the council.

  38. Nephthys says:

    It’s Saturday and the Mayors fan club have popped up to support him. Funny how he writes an emotional post about what smiley Miles has to say about him. Don’t worry Troy, smiley will be gone in October and you mind friend will still be hanging around Townsville like the stain that you are. I weep for our city.

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      I thought/hoped the Libs had the state election in the bag. I’m not so sure now. Do you see the local LIB candidates as genuine? I thought they were but not lately, just Cockey, I’m going to be somebody soon pretenders. JMO

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