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The Magpie

Saturday, August 31st, 2024   |   392 comments

Don’t Get Your Hopes Up That An LNP Government Will Dismiss Troy Thompson. They Won’t.

Or at the very least, according to new information into The Nest from Brisbane, they will do everything they can to avoid doing so.  The Magpie reports on an astonishing  conversation had with the LNP shadow  minister for Local Government Ann Leahy.  She thinks politicians lying is OK on the basis ‘everyone’s doin’ it.’

Troy Thompson pulls on his bovver boots and tries to bully and bamboozle council with highly suspect ‘legal advice’ from parties he refused to name.  Predictably,  he trips over his own laces and is left sprawling. But he’s retreated to Facebook once again, treating us to the most pathetic display of gaucherie. Take a look at what we’re getting for our four grand a week.

And old mate Bentley pops in again to give his view on the Strand parking meter rort, and is joined the ever generous Magpie, who  offers Commissar Ann-Maree Greaney a reality check.

And in the USA, Donald ‘Old Bones Spurs’ Trump stands on the shoulders of dead men … literally.

This weekly labour of love goes on, but unfortunately, so do the costs. If you can offer a hand to meet the The Nest costs, you’ll find the donate button at the bottom of the blog.

Apparently, This Woman Thinks Troy Thompson Lying Is OK 

Ann Leahy Screenshot 2024-08-31 at 8.38.16 pm

LNP shadow minister for Local Government aAnn Leahy

A Magpie Brisbane source has confirmed rumours and impressions that have been swirling around the edges of the LNP camp in Brisbane that they really couldn’t give a rats arse about Troy Thompson lying or about Townsville’s  current dilemma. And if elected, are unlikely to see the need to do anything about him in a hurry. That will of course depend on what further action the tortoise-like CCC eventually come up with – a guesstimate of range would be between ‘bugger all to not much’ about the lying and deliberate misinterpretation, but donation irregularities could be a different matter.

In a conversation during the week, Ms Leahy said she believes that such a situation as we have is not exclusive to Townsville. In fact, of the current complaints, such as the False Military Service History and phantom educational attainments, she simply chalks this up to her  belief that all politicians lie. No doubt David Crisafulli will be interested to hear her expand on that view to him. The source said she had no sooner offered this opinion than she started a mini-rant about Stephen Miles lies.

But there was a more unsettling view on a wider matter by the LG shadow minister. She said the only complaints she thought had any merit involved dodgy campaign donations – not her words but the essence of a complaint against Thompson to the ECQ.

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Before we go further on this, The Magpie makes it clear that he is not in any way suggesting these donors had anything to do with their support bei.ng initially undeclared. Therefore The Magpie is not intimating that Wayne Williams or John Honeycombe were aware of any of Thompson’s  ‘poor record keeping’ if it turns out their contributions were not allowed due the Queensland ban on developer donations. Breaches of this nature are looked on very severely, penalties being up to including a spell of three hots and a cot in clink. This wouldn’t appear to be in the range in this case, but it is still a serious matter if the authorities decide it is a breach. The laws are in place as anti-corruption busters  Ms Leahy said she knew John Honeycombe, and that he was a property developer “and under current laws, that donation would be illegal’. BUT HERE’S THE THING … the source goes on to report that at that stage,  the woman who plans to be the state’s Minister for Local Government launched into another mini-rant about she felt those laws were wrong and that property developers should not be banned as political donors.  She did not say if the LNP intended to roll back that policy,  ‘but I hope to change that law when the LNP is in office’.

The ‘Pie hopes someone asks The Kid about this soon … that sure needs to be cleared up, well before we all trot off to make our X mark the spot.

Our Con Man Mayor Puts On His Bovver Boots …

… and then gets kicked in the head himself,  with one of the best gotcha’s you’ll ever see.  He also got a timely character reading in blunt language.

The seemingly bland,  closely choreographed decorum of speech in council meetings was unable to  disguise the undertone of venom some councillors directed towards the mayor on Wednesday. (Chin up, little fella, be a brave little chap now.)

Here’s how it went down.

Thompson again tried to get council to agree that he could hire a $175000 a year ‘mayoral advisor’ of his choice, a request that had been convincingly knocked back previously.  It is widely believed he wanted to hire Bella Jacob, daughter of deputy mayor Paul Jacob, so as to honour s secret back scratching deal that had seen the deputy back Thompson on some earlier matters. Thompson himself put the motion, and it looked like no one was going to second it (wisely Jacob kept his hand down) until Andrew Robinson startled everyone by seconding it, but quickly explaining  that if the councillors accepted the motion, they could then debate it. What he actually meant was it would offer the opportunity to stick in the boot.  Robinson’s  then took the big stick to this vainglorious shambles of a mayor.

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Clr Andrew Robinson

‘I’d like to explain to members of the public that this appointment would be a direct appointee by yourself, and would not be going through any recruitment process. I’ll be frank that I do not trust your judgement and it is my opinion that whoever is currently advising you is ill-informed, ill=advised and creating division within the council here.’

Well you can’t get much franker than that, Andy,  high five, mate. Eh, you don’t know what that is? Oh well, just good on you then.

Thompson was still smarting from that when he was lined up for another paddling. But he thought it was he who was in the driver’s seat with this one, a motion from Mooney and Greaney that the council – instead of the mayor alone – decide on the appointment and performance of the CEO. Because this had been signalled in the published meeting agenda,  Thompson interjected before the motion could be put, saying it was unlawful. He then embarrassed himself by acting like a primary school teacher handing out an assignment by distributing copies of a single printed sheet with no letterhead and no information as to who had given the opinion that the motion was illegal.  The mayor point blank refused to say who his legal ‘team’ (ha!!) was, and even refused to answer whether the person who provided the legal opinion was registered and practising law in Queensland, this further adding to speculation that the lycra-clad loon  and Thompson brown-noser Stephen Lane was behind this lame too-clever-by-half bit of tomfoolery. Mr Lasne is very touchy about this, and says it isn’t true… well, that what he sorta says.

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Clr Ann-Maree Greaney

Then Thompson’s jewels must’ve abruptly ascended somewhat when Ann-Maree Geaney showed she was a student of Machiavelli and was way ahead of this stupidity, and had worked out the surprise he had tried to spring when she said   “Yesterday afternoon,  I received advice from the Department of Local Government (that they were) satisfied that the motion was legal (and therefore can be put).’

Game shot and match, motion put,  motion passed with one small adjustment,  and Mayor Goofy spent the rest of the meeting with eyes a little more glazed than usually.

Thompson Descends To The Pathetic

Seems he’s decided on a new FB format, instead of his projected list of the coming day’s meetings and appointments, he has decided looking back in the way to – not too far into his background of course – and list what he has done for the last month and what we got for the $16000 we paid him in August. It’s a weird and pointless mish mash, but there was one of the accompanying 26 snaps he included that somehow inadvertently sums up his vibrant presence.

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Anyone have any idea what he’s trying to tell us with this one? Maybe like the Bush Summit, another event at which he was not asked to speak.

The Mystery Of Ann-Maree Greaney

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The question for the councillor representing the division in which our magnificent Strand  lies is how come someone who was savvy enough to spot Troy Thompson attempted council meeting ambush was blind to, or arrogant about, the obvious and deserved shit storm the budget guaranteed by including parking meters for The Strand. Even visually impaired Fredrick could see that coming.  Somehow, she and the other councillors, busy crunching budget numbers,  seemed to accept that meters on the Strand was low hanging fruit ripe for a cash grab.

Madam, it must be is clear to you by now you’ve made a mistake on  this – virtually the whole community don’t want it and see it as an underhand policy that was deliberately avoided during the Local Government election campaign.  All sections of this community – rate-paying businesses know they will suffer considerably, but you won’t be cutting their rates will you? – health professionals point to the damage this discouraging misbegotten idea will have on city that makes the empty boast of seeking a mentally healthy community Ha!! – the Chamber of Commerce has called it a ‘slap in the face to all of Townsville’ and warned of widespread side effects.- affected residents know exactly what will happen to their amenity and safety as a result – visitors know their relaxation time will be on the clock (you can’t even feed the meters, you have to move some distance to another spot – if there is one… and a big business power player, Coles, North Ward are yet to make demands for what will certainly be a downturn in business. From individual protests to experienced analysts, it’s a big NO all round.

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In short, the community has made it UNMISTAKABLE that they do not want this, and YOU were elected to govern by the will of the people when it is this clear.. Even for the soulless number crunching of shiny bums like Matt Richardson loses out to that fact.

That said, it is axiomatic that everything has to be paid for, and if you can’t get Richardson  and/or Joe McCabe to move dollars around in the budget, you can then do the unlikely courageous thing, scrap the plan and work around the shortfall. Maybe if you’re game, advise ratepayers there will, be a .3% rate rise next time around to cover Strand maintenance costs. See if you get the same outraged reaction to that. Grumbles, sure, but no outrage, guaranteed.

And do not let the fact that Troy Thompson’s Johnny-come-lately opposition to the plan deter you from scrapping the idea … Thompson is the stopped clock councillor, he can’t help being right occasionally.

So here’s the deal that you have no choice to accept … if you allow this egregious plan to proceed, you will show you are no better – and in a way worse – than the mayor you so heartily and deservedly revile for dishonesty, lying and outright stupidity … so you can add hypocrisy and arrogance  to your resumes as you strive up the greasy pole of higher ambition.

And Bentley Fears An Epidemic Of Indigestion

He reckons that stopwatch dining on The Strand and particularly Palmer Street is on the cards.

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Selling False Hope to Sell Newspapers

Now the Bulletin has taken to telling outright lies on its front page.

Just when the Daily Astonisher showed signs of returning to being a community asset, on Saturday, we get this deliberately misleading headline below a strap that that is a bald-faced,  outright lie …

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Heartening news for those seeking to buy a home, eh?

Well, no. Quite the opposite. It’s a cruel deception, because what the always-solid data from the CoreLogic crowd actually says is that Townsville house PRICES are among those still rising fastest around the country. As if this is a great thing. It may  be good news for sellers, and good luck to them, that’s the economy, but to run the data as some big plus for Townsville is completely misleading. And tricking people into thinking the story has something to do with the hot button issue of availability linked to affordability just stinks. The paper also ignores the downside of increased valuation for those who have no intention to sell or move.

And perhaps it is extremely unwise for this still sloppy, still error-riddled publication to use the word ‘bucking’ in 26 point … just one single letter efrror might accidentally get closer to the truth of the market.

And While We’re On The Bulletin’s Case …

… here’s a tip for the paper’s generally competent reporters of court matters.

Forget the juvenile click bait format when writing the story for print (and therefore online subscribers). The ‘Pie knows that today’s platform technology has brought changes, but the old rule that the essence of the story should be told in the first two paragraphs still holds true.  Forcing people to read to or skip to the end to find out what some prick got for his crime is crude reader manipulation. So here from the NT’s Weekend Territorian is a text book example of how a court report should be begin – including the headline.

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Then, if the reading public want more details, they will read on. The NT News, while also a Murdoch publication, has an entirely different outlook to our own patchy paper. Cas Garvey might like to watch how they do things.

But The Magpie Must Have His Little Jest

To illustrate the NT election result in comments last week, The ‘Pie thought it easiest just to reproduce the Sunday Territorian  front page, which gave the essence of the outcome.  But when teeing up the screen shot he noticed that his own screen markings added an extra raciness to the news.

Screenshot 2024-08-25 at 10.57.39 amWhile Mrs Finocchiaro may fit the bill for some slack-jawed panters, the actual front page word was ‘mile’.

Teeing Up The Truth

The Magpie reckons you’re really old if you can remember when T-shirts didn’t say anything.

That era has long gone,  and now, all sorts of messages, from the profound to the profane, adorn tees around the world. And The ‘Pie has had a fleeting idea that he might get one of these printed up. Of course, as an idea, unlikely to get too much traction anywhere at all,  any time soon.

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Grinning In The Graveyard Of “Suckers And Losers”

Although he recoils at the thought of personal investigation, The Magpie reckons Donald Trump isn’t circumcised, because there’s no end to the prick.

The latest the egregious moment in this endless parade of ‘prickness’  has outraged all decent Americans – indeed any decent person – when captain Bone Spurs and his entourage attended  a wreath-laying  event to mark the third anniversary of a deadly attack on U.S. troops in Afghanistan as U.S. forces withdrew from the country; 13 U.S. service members were killed in the attack. Putting aside the hypocrisy of his presence – Trump has deceitfully tried to blame Biden for the deaths althoughb it was he himself when President ordered the withdrawal, which took place before, during and after the White House changed hands – it was clear Trump was there as a campaign event.  And when his staff started to illegally move the group of widows and family survivors into the restricted grave site area, seeking a group photograph, a cemetery official was abused and manhandled when he pointed out it was illegal to do so for the purpose of campaigning. But they went ahead anyway.

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And all the while with a shit-eating grin.  Dignity, thy name suire ain’t Trump.

The outcry was immediate at the high handed flouting of the law, and this buffoon’s team have been in damage control ever since.  One image circulating on social media tended to sum up the widespread feeling.


That has been The Magpie’s credo for the past eight years.

But the incident was manna from heaven for the country’s cartoonists, who head up this week’s Gallery USA.

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Here’s A Little Something For When You Have A Quiet Moment.

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And it’s a little contemplative something best enjoyed while in your backyard hammock with a Scotch Finger and a glass of Kim Crawford Hawkes Bay pinot gris.

We’ve all seen those breathtaking movie scenes, usually opening or closing a story,  where we start on a close-up of someone or something, and through the magic of movies, we zoom out to a wider high view, first taking in the house and yard, then the street, then the suburb, the city, the country and then the world.  Always a sobering and thought-provoking moment of self-reflection, about our individual insignificance, no matter how many times you see it.

It is just as startling when we start high up there and look at some historical developments, filling us in onb things that help how our current global situation has evolved.  That is how The ‘Pie felt when he read a revatory article (well, it was to The ‘Pie anyway) by the very savvy communicator Alan Kohler, whose medium was words, not film.

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Kohler’s daily beat, on the ABC TV news and in other media,  is usually restricted to darting into our lives with a quick snapshot of what has happened in the past 24 hours, caused in recent days or in months.  But in the New Daily last week, he spread his wings , so to speak, in this informed article. for a loftier view over the economic horizon, both past and future.

From Our Newest File: Why Humans Are Coming To The End As A Species.

 Forget Gaza, The Ukraine, Trump and Troy Thompson. Vogue America has nailed the big one.

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Seriously? C’mon, really? How empty does your life have to be to read this stuff?

Anyway, don’t worry about the coming extinction of the species, there’ll be a few extinctions before then if this old bird has his way, because ,


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Another week in paradise that we’ll never get back.  Join in the comments throughout the week, lots of entertainment there, just grab a name and hit the keyboard, easy as that and its free. If you’d like to offer the Nest some much needed support to meet various costs, the donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Circus fan says:

    Great blog this week Pie.
    As for the comments on Ann Leahy, I hope The Kid reviews her performance at estimates because she is such a low performer that she should work in the bureaucracy rather than lead it.

    With the council meeting this week, it was noted comments from the staff that “all programs are under review” relating to cost-cutting/savings. My question to the people with the hands on the ever-shrinking council purse is: the financial performance was always looking like going bust 18 months ago, so why weren’t these programs reviewed during the budget deliberation process?

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, CF, your no clown, good questions. Wonder if the Strand parking is uner review by staff. It has been signalled that councillors will talk about again sometime soonish.

  2. mike douglas says:

    Reap What you Sow ! . Queensland Labor Government and locally Les , Aaron , Scott have had more impact on cost of living pressure for Townsville and Qlders . Ignoring the community on crime ( Townsville doesnt need a helicopter ) and spending mils $ retired brigadier , Street University , was it $175,000 a yr for community groups kids pizzas / entertainment thursday night near Stocklands ? pushing up home + car insurance . Ignoring local real estate agents and voting on new rental legislation that resulted in landlords selling thousands of rental properties ( 2,000 + Townsville ) decreasing supply increasing rents . Not deferring National Construction Code in a housing crisis which is adding up to $80,000 per build with new accessibility requirements and energy requirements from 4.5 star – 7 .

  3. Ben Rumson says:

    Happy Father’s Day Dear ‘Pie.

    And welcome to spring to you.

    During your spring dive bombing you will recognize me. I am the one wearing my Mothers old 1950s era spaghetti colander on my head.

  4. Phil Batty says:

    Malcolm, your fears about lying being accepted may not be just a fear. In my protracted fight with Whitsunday Regional Council here is the chronology so far, and I mean so far.
    Councillor lies to investigator about his actions
    When questions were raised council have investigator change report
    Council then pass off report as original
    When questioned council then lie about changes
    OIA say councillors behaviour “not appropriate” but will take no action
    OIA say Mayor “should not have permitted…” but will take no action
    Ombudsman says :councillors behaviour is an accepted fact” but will take no action
    CCC ask council to investigate
    Investigator engaged with instructions NOT to investigate anything related to CCC complaint
    Investigator appointed again to investigate.
    Council officer lie to investigator but report sent to CCC
    CCC say matter has been “adequately dealt with”
    Council threaten to sue me (I do hope they will)
    PCCC (Parliamentary Crime & Corruption Committee) find CCC did its job
    PCCC issue gag order restricting me from even mentioning my complaint, specifically “including the media” Threat of fines and incarceration.

    With an election coming the 7 MP’s each receiving tens of thousands of dollars to sit on this committee will be outed for their part in the farce.

  5. Snail Mail says:

    What a disappointing read. Pie you need to move past your hatred for Thompson as you are quickly losing readers. I attend a walking group with many avid readers of your blog and the consensus is the same. Personally, we are more interested in the State Election and those people who can actually make big differences to Townsville. Thompson looks after Rates, Rubbish, and Roads…even though the Operations arm of Council actually actions this. We are more concerned about Crime, Housing, Healthcare and Schooling. As a long time reader I just wanted you to know that people are genuinely over hearing about Thompson. Yes he has made mistakes but who hasn’t. Time to start talking about the upcoming election and the candidates in question.

    • The Magpie says:

      Funny you never said boo to a goose when Mayor Mullet was extant.

      You may be singularly lacking in pride in your city, intelligence in your analyse, and decency in your moral code, but The ‘Pie will never move past his love for Townsville. And numbers have never driven this blog, but anyway you’re wrong … you have no way of knowing what the real numbers are, publicly available information has never been even close to accurate. Not that it matters, you’re just lying and now carry the shame of being an enabler of a damaging con man divider of this city.

      The deal is so simple even you will understand it … don’t like it, don’t read it. Tell your mythical pals, too.

      • Snail Mail says:

        Take your own advice…don’t like the Mayor, don’t read his page. You seem to be very defensive. I was just giving you some insight as this was talked about at our last catch up. All the best with your vendetta…it is going to be a long 4 years for you Pie.

        • The Magpie says:

          Longer for Townsville. And hey, polite suggestion … if you don’t like The Magpie, don’t read the Nest. But here youare, doused invitriol and stupidity. Keep it up, there are many who enjoy the unwitting entertainment value.

    • Headmistress says:

      What do you and the walking club gals think about his history of domestic violence? All good with that are you? We all make mistakes? How about the forgery? Nothing but a silly misunderstanding? Lying about two Uni degrees? ..we’ve all done that to get a high paying job?

      • The Magpie says:

        Yeah, The ‘Pie tried that last one, but boy are they strict about things down at Maccas.

      • Mdog says:

        And do we allow rest of council leaders to go on their merry way, with inadequate leadership, poor financial performance, rising rates, shaky business practices? Just an opinion like everyone else has.

        • The Magpie says:

          No we don’t, it’s never been suggested, and if you stick around here, you will see how wrong you are. Thgompson is a separate issue to things councillors may or may not have done, but the Nest and its readers are generally able to chew gum and fart at the same …. that’s the old term for multi-tasking.

          You seem to be suggesting two things: that you believe talking about Thompson comes at the cost of not talking about the deeds and motivations of others on the council (like The ‘Pie said, stick around’).

          The second thing is that you appear to belong to the ‘stop talking about him’ brigade, which is catatonically stupid. He’s our mayor, and his past, present and future … and all the circumstances pertaining thereto … are open for public discussion.

          • Mdog says:

            Yeah sorry to disappoint you bud. He should step down, he lied, he has done some horrible things, and should be held accountable, as should rest of the rotten bunch, that makes up tcc. I just find it strange the way things have played out since local elections. The smoke and mirrors by the fifo ceo, and councillors, that I have no doubt, all knew, the shitshow that has been going on for years. They knew about the strand parking, they knew about budget blowouts, and done fuck all about it. They relied on the gullible labour stalwarts to get them over the line , to continue their abhorrent squandering of this city’s funds, nothing more bird.Trust me, there is not one politician in this country I trust or believe, devils in the detail, and the devil deals the cards.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie shares a similar but somewhat less torrid view of matters (but with 100% on all politicians), but you run into error by conflating past sins of some with the BIG sin of one particular present and ongoing entity. The first is certainly worthy of investigation, but it should be individually targeted, and not be unfair to the majority of the new councillors. Remember, the newbies, even the now highly sus Jacob, had no budget knowledge, especially about Strand parking. They therefore have had no real opportunity for input into possible alternatives.

            And you repeat that McCabe lied but offer no substantiation. The word itself opens the door for McCabe to point out the difference that you and Thompson ignore between ‘lie’ and ‘mistake’ … or even the weasel word in the ugly modern vernacular ‘misspoke’ in an on-the-run comment.

            And the irony is in this case, as it is with all other instances of ‘misspoke’ that that itself is usually a lie but you can never prove it.

  6. White Mouse says:

    Liam Mooney can now be officially named “Councillor for the Arts”, as he is co-directing one of the bigger theatre productions next year.

    • The Magpie says:

      He’d better be careful at the after-parties in case someone mishears the word ‘Arts’.

    • Matthew P says:

      WOW!!! Maybe he needs to spend more time working on his division. He does nothing for his community. He attends a few Castletown meet and greets…but he fails to attend to the pot holes, the darken streets, the stray cats and the homelessness. Maybe it is because he does not live in his division, or he is so focused on team Jenny hill antics. But I am not happy knowing my rage payer dollars will be spent organizing performances.

  7. Inspector Clouseau says:

    Happy Father’s Day to you Pie and other Nesters who are dads.
    It appears that blatant lying is an accepted way of life now, based on your insights and the comments of other Nesters. As a bumbling Plod, I’m not sure if I should be happy or alarmed by this, maybe happy as I don’t have to deeply investigate bullshit artists any more, or alarmed as I now how to determine the severity and impact of the bullshit, before investigating!!!

  8. Right on says:

    I know it goes against you Mr Pie but I actually like that our Mayor showed us his month in review. He has been very busy you can’t deny that. It begs to question if he was not to hold a social media platform would you call him out for not showing the public what he is doing? Seems like it is a no win situation.

    • The Magpie says:

      Hahaha, you make up a false premise, then by inference, assign to The ‘Pie as if it’s his … and somehow think you are a philosopher.
      Give it away mate, the bloke’s a fucking thieving lying crook who is setting this city back massively. And anyone who supports him is just as guilty for being an enabler after some benefit.

      • Right on says:

        Just my opinion. My understanding is I am allowed to have one. Seems like you goin the attack to anyone that is indifferent to yours. Question, what do you wish to achieve from your page? Is it dictatorship, healthy debate, spreading hatred, encouraging political conversation??? It would appear you don’t like when people think for themselves.

        • The Magpie says:

          What??? Who told you you werecallowed to have an opinion? Starve the flamin’ lizard, we can’t have that sort of thing.

          But for the record, the purpose of this blog is to get written and published every Sunday, as it has for the past 14 years. People then read or they don’t. Those who read it will be pleased/amused/outraged/confused, and will react accordingly. The ‘Pie will let you know when he feels the need to issue a mission statement … if you don’t know what it is by now (you’ve been here, what, five seconds is it by now?), you probably shouldn’t be here. Hint: it all started when the Bulletin stopped being a newspaper, around 2007/8.

          • The Fly says:

            My new favourite game of the week is tuning into your comments Pie and guessing which TwoName suck is behind each profile.
            Confident I have RightOn picked. -once were a wannabe politician.

          • The Magpie says:

            You’re a genius.

      • Mdog says:

        So, it seems that the rest of council heirachy., should be tarred with the same brush,yeah?

    • wollo says:

      MR. Right on I think you are Right OFF with your comment about our very busy Mayor. I read his monthly schedule and boy has he been busy on the gravy train.!! Going to the football, races in the sponsors / v.i,p box with fre grog and food , the bush forum , pineapple festival leaving with probably a boot full of freebies etc. but was he invited to give a speech to outline his future plans for our city. or was he just a free-loading visitor ?? How is going to every possible event, opening and conference gonna help the city unless he contributes something other than imbide in the free refreshments that are provided??

      • Townsville Home says:

        Occasional reader, first time commenter. I have to say I was not a supporter of the Mayor, however he often shops at my place of business as do other Councillors. From the start he has been courteous, friendly and is flexible when it comes to stock availability. He always pays and never asks or accepts a discount. While there are other Councillors (one in particular) who shops with us. He walks around like he owns the place, expects immediate service and requests items to be heavily discounted.

        • The Magpie says:

          Sorry, The Magpie does believe one fucking word of that comment. But even if it would be true, how else would expect Thompson to behave? Very silly.

      • Mdog says:

        Nothing any other mayor or councillor does. I don’t like the bloke either, but we are missing the issue of a dysfunctional, fucked up, shaky, maybe illegal workings going on here. He just highlights the problems. The end of the day, he is the democratically elected official, as they all were. If anything, state should be be investigating whole of council, but, the Labour Party may not like the outcome.

        • The Magpie says:

          Just a note on TwoNames monthly diary and pics. This is simply a list of where he has been and who he has met. NOT A SINGLE THING THE ‘PIE CAN FIND THAT MENTIONS AN ACHIEVEMENT OR AN OUTCOME. OR AN ORIGINAL IDEA TO MOVE THE CITY FORWARD.

          But that of course would take a real conversation with his council colleagues.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      If Thompson was smart, really BIG IF, because we know he’s not, he would have handed over the management of his social media platform to professionals, instead of letting his silly GF run it. A professionally run social media platform would show photos of events and outings relevant to the mayorall calendar and the community as well as well written posts and comments instead of the regular irrelevant rants, diatribes and selfies we are now being subjected to.

  9. Jatzcrackers says:

    Happy Fathers day to you Pie and all of the fathers here (plus a few of you mothers) I received some very nice Fathers day cards but did return several with ‘Not at this address’ noted for the Senders !

  10. Strand Resident says:

    It should be known that Greaney is a lier and did no consulting with business owners who will be affected by the parking meters. With her vote to proceed, she has cemented the downfall of the strand. FOR SHAME!!!!!

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Food Trucks Greaney is a liar and HAS NOT consulted with ANY of her constituents, residents or business owners, regarding the paid parking matter.
      She appears to think she is above CONSULTING with the community and can do as she pleases. She has completely lost her way and is more interested in personal agendas (like how to be Deputy Mayor, or Mayor) rather than properly representing the community.
      A current disgrace who could lift her game and CONNECT with COMMUNITY, if she chooses! :(

  11. Prince Rollmop says:

    Another great blog Malcom. The only news source worth reading on the weekend (and during the week). Interesting comment by Circus fan. The Councillors both past and present (I give a little bit of latitude to the new ones) should be acutely aware of the councils financial position. What it does is shows that 10 years of Jenny Hill dictatorship and CEO tenures under Adele the Impaler and Prince Ralston has increased the ratepayer financial pain beyond its threshold. Council needs to stop fucking about with funding stadiums and trying to find new airports in distant locations and get back to delivering SERVICES, as outlined in the local government act. THAT is Councils charter. There needs to be a ‘back to basics’ approach. That will be difficult though due to the level of Council debt, but that’s the sensible approach. These idiots are too busy wanting to deliver shiny toys and fearing to lose their gravy train. Hard decisions with the best interests of the ratepayer and local businesses needs to be put at the front of all decisions made.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes it is time for a major reset, Mopsy. But it will take some intelligent discourse in this community to decide the limits of what change is necessary and in fact desirable.
      In 1973, a read up this just-released book by Professor Ernst (Franz) Schumacher.

      It was one of the first environmental/ecological studies which presented theories unheard of back then, and was diametrically opposed to the general ethos that still prevails – ‘bigger is better’, a centuries old dictum driven one imagines by a human ‘populate or perish’ fears. Since the planet is now facing the other end of that spectrum, rampant over-population, bigger is better is no longer valid. Schumacher covers about all of societies activities like the following, but take into account when it was written and how far down the path we have blindly come since then.
      “Modern organisations stripped the satisfaction out of work, making the worker no more than an anonymous cog in a huge machine. Skill was no longer important, nor was the quality of human relationship.”
      “Capitalism brought higher living standards at the cost of deteriorating culture. His belief that natural resources should be conserved led him to conclude that bigness—in particular, large industries and large cities—would lead to the depletion of those resources.”
      “Small, appropriate technologies, policies, and polities as a superior alternative to the mainstream ethos of “bigger is better”.

      The ‘Pie is aware there will be many out there who will snort and huff about what a load of greenie hogwash – and the Greens do not do themselves any favours with bullying, hectoring policies driven by self-interested overblown alarmism. They have done a shit job by browbeating rather than persuading with policies like those of the good professor. As Keating famously said, self interest always wins out so you change what the self-interest is. Schumacher’s underlying message is not about climate change (not directly anyway, wasn’t really known then) fossil fuels or carbon counts. He argues from the human perspective which means he wants (or wanted, he died in 1977) that humans should WANT the reset he suggests, that bigger is not better, it is a pointless, destructive and venal philosophy.

      Perhaps that would be best paraphrased by saying ‘polish what we have, don’t unnecessarily grow it, just make what we have the absolute best.’ And The ‘Pie asks again, why is it so imperative to promote growth of a city or region, let it happen naturally, how does bigger is better benefit a community? seriously, how does that work? Create jobs? Which will be filled by people coming to Townsville seeking work. Dog and tail come to mind.

      Two major stumbling blocks stand between us and even a modest adoption of this idea … rampant consumerism and political power wedded to corporate greed, both responsible for the accompanying dehumanisation (and destruction if you want to talk plastics) they bring. Why is a corporation employing 10,000 people manufacturing things people don’t need (a better mousetrap syndrome) seen as more important, more beneficial or even necessary than solid local and steady small and medium businesses serving a solid local base. A base which lives in a community that has infrastructure, amenity and pride polished to it\s highest level with the rates base and state funding can supply.

      Seriously, tell us what value, what real beneficial purpose a Lansdown will bring to Townsville under this view. It will just make us bigger by false forced growth, Townsville should be allowed to simply grow organically. Thast isd by businesses finding us and fitting in with our objectives.

      And of course, after all that hi-faultin’ gush, here’s what you’re all expecting: a good start to a more sensible growth policy and amenity for its existing residents (and tourists) would be scraping the ill=conceived venal moneygrab (to no real purpose when you look at it) of parking meters on The Strand. That will be a move akin to a dog chasing its tail.

      • Right on says:

        It is my understanding that nothing should be in commercial confidence as it is our ratepayer dollars that pays for everything. Who in the operations department is stopping this? Is it Joe?

        • The Magpie says:

          Dunno, but The ‘Pie would like to know why the sale of a bulldozer or some such to the Palm Island council without a ender is commercial in confidence … what on earth could come out of the secret discussions which would shake the earth.

          This secrecy thing has been done to death, and CinC is a politically tactical rort.

  12. The call me Bruce says:

    Bruce goat track still closed, Burnett Highway now shut due to an accident. This week should be the catalyst for state and federal government funding to fix the Bruce Highway shit fight. It’s a disgrace. Local government should be banding together and demanding money for infrastructure upgrades. Hundreds of billions of dollars needs to be spent. Central Queensland is to become a hydrogen and renewable energy hub, yet we can’t even keep the roads open. It’s a national disgrace. And we, Townsville and Cairns, are at the end of the line and suffer the most.

  13. Marcus says:

    Hate to say I told you so, but Thompson will get a wrist slap. He’s paying an advisor out of Brisbane I’m told, and has retained him as his barrister, which means he’s put up equity, let the fight begin. The CEO job comes up this week in the meeting, McCabe will get it, even though he lied about applying, then it’ll be to the court. Thompson will be sitting out as a conflict has been raised by Mooney.

    • The Magpie says:

      Seems it’s not just Indigenous people who believe in Dreamtime.

    • Right on says:

      It will be a stupid move if Joe becomes full time. He does not care about Townsville, he is just enjoying his healthy paycheck!

      • The Magpie says:

        Should we bring back Prins? Adele maybe? Just as long as he’s honest, he’ll do. For the moment.

        Oh, oops, sorry, forgot who I was talking to.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Bit like Thompson then.. ..enjoying a healthy pay cheque.

        • Ducky says:

          Healthy pay check? I doubt it, the amount he’d be paying legal people would take that up quickly, I’d suggest he’s living on a tight budget. The councillors all need to go, this cannot continue, it’s untenable now, even the department must see that. Sack the lot, new clean slate. Get rid of the CEO, directors, councillors and mayor, we need a complete wipeout!

          • The Magpie says:

            On what proveable basis do you say that? Early in the piece, The Magpie suggested appointing an administrator might be the only way out (a mass sacking on the grounds of looming dysfunctionality) but it has since been show that with the chamber no longer dominated by Hill’s aerobics class – and no Hill to be the leotard leader of the moves – diverse and healthy (and occasionally clownish) discussion is the hallmark of meetings now. And if you want the Team Hill rump (no grubby jokes please) to be held accountable for past misdeeds, make a complaint with evidence. For that to happen, Townsville sorely needs a courageous whistleblower – and wouldn’t that just send Jenny Hill’s laundry bill through the roof.

  14. Aitkenvalian says:

    Pie, as a longtime reader who rarely comments, I wish to thank you for your investigative musings, factual information, and witty turn of phrase.

    Having watched the TCC meeting, thank you for summarizing the salient points.

    As a local, I am embarrassed that we have an arrogant, accidental mayor, who chooses to bully, mislead, and demonstrate that he has no moral compass. (Did he take lessons from our previous mayor?) His lack of knowledge of meeting processes and ineptitude during council meetings is cringeworthy.

    Our councillors work for us. We, the ratepayers, pay for their services. Here’s hoping they have emerged from under the vitriolic dictatorship of our previous mayor, and work for the betterment of our community, starting with rescinding the decision for meters at The Strand.

    Happy Dad’s Day to you and all dads in our community.

    • Ben says:

      Would love to know who your councillor is. What have they done for you?

      • White Mouse says:

        If Aitkenalian is indeed in Aitkenvale, there is a better than average chance his councillor is Andrew Robinson, who gave a mayor a boot up the arse on Wednesday. He doesn’t appear to get any favors as a councillor, part of the road near his house was dug up a week or so ago and still hasn’t had new bitumen put on it.

        • The Magpie says:

          Why would be get any favours in matters like this? He’s just another ratepayer when it comes to matters like this (unless you were Jenny Hill).

          ‘And boy oh boy, have you got some unrealistic time expectations.

          • Mdog says:

            They all use their power and influence to get shit done around their area, ask, cmo, water, fleet, any department in council get the I’m a councillor, and I’m important, and the jellyfish directors, bow to their masters, and cause grief across the operation.

          • The Magpie says:

            One would think the PSU would not tolerate that sort of behaviour, let alone some of the grassroots muscle of the AWU.

      • Mdog says:

        Probably nothing

      • The Wulguru Wailer says:

        I’ve got ocean-going fuckwit Brady Ellis as my local councillor.

        We in Division 10 have been blessed with shit local representation for years. None of them have done anything worthwhile for us.

        We had Messagebank Walker… then Fran who didn’t answer phonecalls or emails either (even when she wasn’t crook)… now a dickhead who says he “can’t be the fun dad all the time”.

        • The Magpie says:

          It’s always a hard call, Sooky, but give us an example or two examples if what HASN’T been done for you over the years.

  15. wollo says:

    Regarding motions on the agenda for council meetings, what I cannot understand is why any motions put forward that may be controversial especially if they are put up by 2-names , are not run by the resident legal eagle to check if they meet the local government rules .If they are declared to be out of order then they don’t appear on the agender. This would save him the cost of getting his own legal advice from his top “lawyer ” and also save the de-barkle and time wasting at the last meeting.

    • The Magpie says:

      One imagines the legal folk cast an eye over the agendas before they are even published. very slack if they don’t.

    • Kris says:

      The motions are put forward 5-7 days before the meeting. They are put to the CEO and Legal beforehand, nothing to see here. The motions can be contested or an amendment / resolution can be put forward on the day. While the motions by Cr Greaney were put to the department, there was a caution that none of the mayors responsibilities under the act can be effected, this was where the council went wrong. I spoke to the local government department, it is clear the devil is in the detail, councillors Greaney and mooney got it wrong, that’s why legal council needs to draw up the rules, then put it to council. It’s a tough spot for all right now, there are OIA & CCC complaints going left, right and all over, the council is now untenable.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, if we’re talking about the same issue (CEO appointments), Clr Greaney said she had advice from the Local Government department that the motion she and Mooney wanted to put forward met legal requirements. What mayoral responsibilities are broached by the motion?

        And there doesn’t appear to be a clear-cut indication of the actual appointment procdess in terms of individuals. But it appears the whole council is able to be involved.

        • Kris says:

          Yes, the advice from the local government department, also Greaney did not mention was the caution around the mayors responsibilities under the act. The whole council has been involved with the ceo selection throughout. No different to the mayoral advisor stuff, it was to be advertised, short listed and the income from the operational FTE budget, the mayor then picks the candidate himself, not as has been advertised by councillor Robertson. And the advisor is an employed through the office of the CEO, no different to the Executive assistants. There seems to be many versions of the truth being peddled.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Kris, not sure what you’re trying to clarify.
            Advisors, have always been employed by the administration. They have to be hired and fired by the same due process all other employees face, including advertising, application, short-listing, interviewing and selection. And an appropriate justification of the selection of a particular candidate in the case if an appointment being challenged.

            Additionally, under section 194 of the Local Government Act 2009 (the Act), Appointing a Chief Executive Officer, is the responsibility of Councillors to appoint and to set the conditions of employment for Council’s CEO.
            Councillors are also responsible for setting the standards by which the CEO’s performance will be measured pursuant to section 194 of the Act.

            The Mayors role is to lead, manage, and provide strategic direction to the CEO in line with Council’s approved policies, strategies and decisions.

            If this isn’t what you are saying please say it in clear concise words.

  16. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    I read that there are folks who have taken the approach that TwoNames is Mayor and will remain, so let’s just get on with the bigger issues. I strongly disagree.

    That he wants to be the sole appointor of his “mayoral advisor”, truncate the CEO appointment process and is a lier tells me the man is anti-demoncratic, potentially dictorial if allowed, therefore dangerous to the governance of Townsville.

    Shades of Mayor Mullet.

    The spotlight must never be taken off Twonames!

    It is up to the current crop of Councillors to keep his excesses and incompetence in check as was the case in the Mullet’s first term. And then came Team Hill, and Townsville was fucked.

    TwoNames is not a fool but he is someone’s useful idiot, that is, the likes of the far right conspiracy My Place movement, that has had successful local government candidates down South.

    Beware of of the 2028 election when we see the emergence of Team Twonames Thompson.

    • The Magpie says:

      Beware … of laughing ourselves into a right old state. The Magpie fo one will certainly do himself a mischief if that ever happens … but then again, he probably be be released on day leave by then.

      • Rotten Luck Willie says:

        Dear ‘Pie,
        At the time of the second Mullet (Team Hill) election myself and dutiful wife stayed 10 days at remote NSW town to receive our postal vote. Did not come.
        Upon returning to Townsville flabbergasted by the result.
        As a small time player, my own time experience with Jenny bloody Hill is that she was and is a lier. Regardless, a disengaged electorate voted her and her puppets into council.

        Once I cried: “O God Almighty! if Thy might doth still endure,
        Now show me in a vision for the wrongs of Earth a cure.”
        And, lo, with shops all shuttered I beheld a city’s street,
        And in the warning distance heard the tramp of many feet,
        Coming near, coming near,
        To a drum’s dull distant beat-
        ‘Twas Dispairs conscripted army that was marching down the street!
        We can only hope for Townsville.

    • Mdog says:

      Dictatorial? What about the fifo ceo, and councillors using security to remove the democratically elected mayor (even though he’s a liar).what about the ceo and councillors passing a budget without consulting rate payers and involvement from the mayor? One other political party done similar things around the 1920s, through to 1939, and look at the shitshow that happened. Don’t be fooled, by the two faced shaky shits within council, not just two names.

      • The Magpie says:

        Oh, dear, are you looking to history to predict that the Townsville City Council is about to invade Ayr and Gumlu, partition them off, declaring them under the TCC control, and then march through the black snow in an attempt to take Charters Towers. Does America know about this?

        • Mdog says:

          Pretty well! It just shows how controlling this council is. Keep the lie big, keep telling the people, and eventually they will believe

          • The Magpie says:

            Which lie? Anyway, this is not an either or situation, wrongdoers on all sides of multiple fences will get theirs in the end.

            You know what. a trusting soul The ‘Pie is.

  17. Doug K says:

    Fair go on Greaney.
    I hear she still does a lot of consulting, not with residents and business owners, but with her rusted-on mentor Jenny Hill.
    Perhaps Cr Greaney can confirm or deny.
    Coffee anyone?

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Food trucks Greaney and Hill are both so bitter that they piss vinegar.

      Hopefully, and I can’t believe I am saying this, but hopefully the sociopath Hill is indeed feeding Food Trucks the needed ammunition to make Twonames life hell as Mayor. It could be the only thing that the locals could be grateful for when it comes to Hill.

      • KrisP says:

        You guys continue to talk BS, whoever your stories are coming from are wrong. There’s no team Jenny anymore, that is gone. Stick to bagging the mayor. He’s the criminal, the rest of us are trying to get on with the job, w@nker$!

        • The Magpie says:

          The rest of us? Are you Clr Kristan Price or are you some pathetic disruptor, stealing names instead of valor?

          OK here’s the thing. Because Kristian Price a legally elected councillor who speaks on behalf his constituents whenever he makes a public comment, The ‘Pie now requires email confirmation of this commenter’s identity before it is allowed again … the usual constraint that an email to The ‘Pie may reveal a commenter’s identity doesn’t apply in this case – if you are the real deal, your email is public knowledge anyway.

          And if it is you, Kristian, have a think about the propriety of calling residents and voters wankers because they ask questions and float possibilities that do not agree with your views.

          Nothing wrong with the comment per se, but any dullard knows that comments take on a different significance according to who is saying them.

          • Ducks nuts says:

            Somebody is being very naughty pretending they are Kristian Price. I mean even though Kristian is as dumb as dogshit, not even he is stupid enough to post under his real name.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, don’t know that that is stupid. Councillors … or any public figures … are unlikely to post here, it’s only happened once or twice (one was an unpublished threat that was passed along to the suitable authority), but if they chose to, it would be the tone and tenor of what they post that should be judged, not where they are posting. Anyway, The ‘Pie is satisfied that he has the right requirement for that poster, real or false.

          • Jenny says:

            Regardless of who they think they are, the comments about specific councillors by “I hear” DougK or Prince “I can’t believe I’m saying this” Rollmop do not take on a different significance according to who we think is saying them.

          • The Magpie says:

            Doug K’s identity is well known and his experience in the community doesn’t have to require anyone to agree with him, but adds community experience to his comments. But basically your right, Jenny … and of course, the same applies to your identity.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Kristian has commented publicly using his Facebook profile since being elected saying some reasonably dumb shit. So if this isn’t him, he’d probably want to contact you just to clear things up, because it makes him look extra fucking stupid.

        • Mdog says:

          Hahaha, where ?

    • OUTLAW-ER says:

      My Question to Cl Greaney is?

      1. Have you always followed Local Government Principles?
      2. Do your personal opinions and friendships sometime override your obligations to consider procedural fairness when voting or making decisions in favour of one rate payer over another?
      3. Would you ever retaliate to a legitimate complaint made against you by pushing for policies that would be detrimental to the complainant?

      • The Magpie says:

        You missed ‘ Have you stopped beating your husband?’

        Note for the jumpy woke: The ‘Pie knows absolutely zero about Clr Greaney’s private life, and intends to keep it that way unless public interest becomes involved. But the response to Doug is a humorous one suggesting he has asked unallowable and unanswerable questions.

        So fuck off Wokers, and go back to sleep.

  18. Toy Thompstain says:

    Oh dear, poor Magpie – team Thompson cookers are out on day 1 of the new blog! Pretty funny to be honest, although somewhat tedious. Surely Twonames and his friends have better things to do like visit an eatery or two and take multiple photos for Facebook. Fucking weirdo’s.

  19. Doug K says:

    Bully editor-cum-advertising guru Cas Garvey has obviously never heard of the term “salient point”
    She runs a headline saying a crook has been sentenced, but readers then have to wade through previously revealed details of the case before getting the news they are looking for in the final paragraph.
    It’s clickbait on steroids.

  20. Tropical Cyclone says:

    We need to dissolve the current council and hold a new election. The council is ineffective, and this is costing residents. The ultimate solution is a complete election overhaul. It is the best and cheapest option.

    • The Magpie says:

      (Sigh) Fine blustery words, but as empty as Troy Thompson ethics cupboard. There are four implied question in quick order there, and each attracts the valid response ‘why’? and ‘how’? In order, why? why? how?, and how so?

      Bald statements like that require supporting information, if for no other reason as politeness and courtesy to other readers.

      Back to you for corroboration, Hot Air.

      • Tropical Cyclone says:

        Well, word on the ground is the organisation is a dysfunctional mess. Moral as you would expect is destroyed. I think the government has the power to call for a new election since they find it impossible to fix the mayor’s issue. It’s a complete sxxtshow at the moment.

        • The Magpie says:

          Don’t think that would fly even in a magistrates court. You don’t sack a whole council purely on the basis that the mayor is a crook. if they are sacked, it will be for what they have donein their roles as councillors, not what someone else has done in theirs.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Took me a while to work out what a sxxtshow was and why it was a Council. Exactly where are our rates going!!!??!!

          • Tropical Cyclone says:

            Well, the govt had better sack the mayor quickly then.FCS because every day it turns into a bigger sxxtshow. Look at today’s paper.

  21. They call me Bruce says:

    The Bruce goat track issue made it to the mainstream news feed this morning. Multiple organisations are calling for improvements and several trucking organisations claiming they don’t even allow their vehicles to travel the goat track anymore. It only has a two star rating. Politicians say that speed kills, yet more deaths occur due to poor road conditions. What a hypocrisy.

    How can you have a highway that travels through towns, roundabouts, has traffic lights and pedestrian crossings on it and travels through 40km/h school zones? What the actual fuck! The Gympie bypass is a good starting point for change, as is the Rockhampton bypass. There also needs to be a bypass at Gin Gin, Childers, and Sarina. All directions need to be a minimum of two lanes in both north and south directions, and the highway needs urgent road surface repairs the entire length. The current highway is dangerous, and doesn’t even meet standards that were set decades ago. It is a broken down clusterfuck that doesn’t even cope with today’s needs, let alone the needs that stretch into the future. Kicking the can down the road no longer works.

    I’ve driven L.A to San Francisco which is a minimum of 3 lanes in each direction, a straight clean highway which bypasses small towns. Even the heavy vehicles sit in their correct lanes and don’t slow up the general traffic. A well contained road that was a pleasure to drive on SAFELY. Our dumb-ass politicians needs to drive it and see an example of how road infrastructure should be.

    It is about time that local councils and the state government made the Bruce goat track a federal election issue.

    • The Magpie says:

      You don’t have be a world traveller to know what a properly and responsibility constructed freeway/highway is. The first really excellent one in Australia was the Sydney/Newcastle Expressway, and now The Magpie recently read that the Hume Highway between Sydney and Melbourne is now four lanes all the way. And even better, we don’t have to go any further than our own excellent Townsville Ring Road to see the way things should be.

      But we get too frisky, sensibly note that it decades for the Hume’s 844kms to be completed, even with two state government eventually wholeheartedly behind the rebuild. Brisbane to Cairns is twice that at 1700kms, we are at the mercy of a single state government with varying agendas which will change with each election and each economic cycle. And with the Hume, there are two of our largest cities, both with the self interest of the highways benefits – in Queensland, we have Brisbane with a strong program of shouldering onto the world stage as a metropolis to be reckoned with on one end of the road, and Cairns, a tinsel town of 150,000. Even the four major centres the highway would service in between – in round figures, Gladstone(64,000), Mackay (84000), Rockhampton. (81,000) and Townsville (200,000) make up less than half a million people (429,000). Any benefit involves a trip of more than eight hours to reach the first sizeable destination, Gladstone (well, currently anyway).
      In contrast (although actually irrelevant to the Bruce issue but certainly a financial and demographic consideration) an 9 hour trip on the Hume gets a vehicle from Sydney (pop. 5.2million) to Melbourne (pop also 5.2million). Inter alia servicing the vital Albury/Wodonga supply hub (100k pop) and partially, Canberra. In Queensland, and probably even with a super highway, heading north, after 9 hours, would only get you a few kilometres north of Gladstone

      A completely upgraded Bruce Highway would probably cut maybe 3 and a half. 4 hours off the Brisbane Cairns run, but that would still be 14 or so hours.

      But these are just figures that do not take in the spectacular, indeed the unconsidered benefits of a world class coastal highway running almost the length of eastern Queensland. With feeder roads along the way to connect and service inland opportunities (well beyond the fading mining industry). But the underlying fact is that the cost of a kilometre of the Hume, simply because of past lower costs, would’ve cost way less than the $20million per kilometre that the Bruce would cost.

      One would like to think that one state government would be better than two state governments handling such projects, but, hey, it’s Queensland politics we’re talkin’ here.

      • Prickster says:

        A golf mate shared with me the real reason for mess on our highways and that is the huge increase in freight that once travelled on the railway is now on our roads.

        All a results of State Government decisions and prioritization of Brisbane passengers, freight trains stopped for cross river rail, and no upkeep of the freight railways.

        • Alahazbin says:

          After Friday’s disaster with the explosion, there’s one product that shouldn’t be carried by road.

          • The Magpie says:

            Given local events of the past 24 hours, here’s another one.

          • Mdog says:

            Problem is , all the Bolton the ground, that feeds the inept state government with royalties that Queensland relies on, need this product, to make bigger holes in the ground. Transporting, this shit by truck, is pretty well the only way. Do not forget that this stuff, is regularly coming in ships, right here in Townsville. It is also to blame for the explosion in Lebanon a couple of years ago, and favourite product of nut jobs around the globe. Also heard it’s pretty good for tomatoes

          • The Magpie says:

            Werll, you’ve got The ‘Pie stumped, mate.

            ‘… all the Bolton the ground’?

      • Achilles says:

        Maybe re-allocate the hideous sum for the 2 weeks of Olympics to the roads upgrade.

        As discussed on several previous occasions, if there is a desire cum need for Olympics get the UN or all of the parasitic sports models to fund a permanent location, preferably in Greece.

        They could then justify a “Zorba” dance to counter balance the absurd rap (so called) dance.

      • Critical says:

        Having lived and travelled across much of Queensland, I reckon that Queensland roads aren’t that bad considering that one state government has to build/ maintain such a large road network.
        Think of the distance of other major roads like Brisbane to Toowoomba to Charleville and then to Barcaldine or Rockhampton to Barcaldine to Longreach to Winton to Cloncurry or Townsville to Mount Isa to the NT border or Mount Isa to Dajarra to Boulia, Bedourie and Birdsville. These a just a few State roads. Don’t forget Queensland Main Roads funded urban roads like Railway Avenue, Ross River Road Riverway Drive, Woolcock Street, Bundock Street and more.

        • The Magpie says:

          It is hard to admire the Dalrymple Road four laner.

        • Damn tailings says:

          The most dangerous thing about the Bruce Highway is the drivers.

          • HiBeam says:

            Bloody oath. If the useless 90% drove to conditions instead of their wish to get there the road is more than adequate. In the last fortnight I had cause to drive to Calcium every morning. At 60kph it was hard to see 3 white lines ahead of you but one by one the Startling Messes passed us by at speeds that made us feel as if we were stationary! Into the fog drove the 500, fog to the left of us, fog to the right of us, fog in front and behind us, but did they drive to conditions? Not on your nelly. Ignorent counts! Yes the road is probably overloaded and under financed but it was ever so and is not an Olympic event so is unlikely to suit the whingers anytime this century.

          • The Magpie says:

            Christ, another linguistic mystery, has The ‘Pie folded into an adjacent dimension? What the hell is a Startling Messes?

    • Jenny says:

      Bruce, almost any day I would comfortably swap the AUKUS submarine deal for a decent Cairns to Brisbane highway. But we live in a garrison city with an ex-military federal member, we have a housing and cost-of-living crisis, EVERYONE whinges about government debt and now there are two elections on the horizon.

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie would swap the Olympic Brisbane benefit hoopla for that highway.

        The AUKUS deal and th time lag involved makes it totally redundant by the time it happens. The technology of unmanned undersea drones will have well taken over the strategic chess of the oceans by then. A day late and billions of dollars short.

      • Toady says:

        Should the Bruce Highway be renamed in an Aboriginal dialect? Then at the points where the highway begins, both north and south directions, there could be a ‘welcome to Bruce Highway country ’ sign.

        • The Magpie says:

          To honour the political will to improve the Bruce highway, it should have an aboriginal name that reflects the approach to funding over the years.
          How about Kicatinalong Highway.

  22. Prickster says:

    A great test at this week’s council meeting for Councillor Andrew Robinson to hold others to account, particularly around CEO recruitment

    This bloke appears to be the only one fixed on process and procedure.

    A good chance to kill of rumors that the acting CEO applied outside the process etc.

    • The Magpie says:

      The Magpie has suspended any overall opinion of Robinson, the dry toast at a table full of moist muffins, but he did indeed admire … no lie, The ‘Pie gave a little cheer … when he cut Mayor Goofy down to size in such a clinical way. The ‘Pie was also impressed that when confronted with the ambush of a bullshit but hi-faultin’ legal letter, he didn’t panic or indignantly dive in. Instead, he calmly asked that he and councillors be given 15 minutes to consider it, a request the mayor had no option but to accommodate. On return, in appropriately decorous language, he told Thompson it was all horseshit.

      But The ‘Pie has under close watch his black and white, pennywise but pound foolish approach to some matters, particularly the Strand parking mess.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Agree. While Robinson might have done 1 good thing, his approach to the parking debacle is small minded.

      • Southern Comfort says:

        As the Pie knows privately from me already, my little cheer went to the TV when I heard the questions asked by Cr Phillips over the author of TwoNames legal advice:
        “ Is the Mayors Legal Advisor a member of the Qld Law Society and practicing in the State of Qld?”

        It’s like that kids game where you flip down all the faces, and then you ask that last question, “Is your idiot legal adviser Stephen Lane?”

  23. Elusive Butterfly says:

    My oh my Mr. Pie, all of the unhinged lunatics have come out in force on your blog this week. You really are the ringmaster of the circus.

  24. Jenny says:

    Interesting what (apparently) takes the fancy of the east coast tourist set. In the Sydney Morning Herald traveller section today is an article about Townsville and its tourist attractions:

    “Despite its tropical setting, resort options have historically been limited in Townsville compared to other Queensland cities.
    That’s now starting to change. Next door to The Ville [where the writer and family were staying] is the five-star Ardo, opened last year and built at a cost of $88 million; the city’s first true luxury resort with 132 rooms, three restaurants, a spa and a rooftop bar and infinity pool.

    Both Ardo and The Ville are owned by The Morris Group, which has also launched Pelorus Private Island – an ultra-high-end escape just north of Orpheus Island, reached from Townsville by helicopter.
    But my family is here for simpler pleasures. We visit the Queensland Museum Tropics, a short walk from The Ville, where the key collection is items from the HMS Pandora, the ship sent to bring the infamous Bounty mutineers to justice. It managed to capture 14 of them, only to be wrecked on the Great Barrier Reef. As fascinating as I find this historical tale, my kids are far more interested in the life-sized dinosaur replicas.”

    That was about it. The writer noted the presence of the HMAS Adelaide in the port and then headed home with a final tagline:

    “The writer travelled with assistance from Townsville North Queensland” (whoever that is?). Would that be TEL? Is that how it works?

    • The Magpie says:

      Hardly a ringing endorsement aimed at the masses. But honest. And it sounded like the writer was struggling to find things to say. And when you think about it, what is thdere to really say that would entice visitors our way?

      And it took the ‘Pie’s mind back to just a few years ago, half a dozen maybe eight, when the Red Baron biplane was forever roaring off with sightseers around Maggie or up to the dam, parachutists wafting down on the Strand beach, parasails behind boats on the Cow Paddock, and a few years further back, hopping aboard Bill Condon’s Pure Pleasure wavecutter for one of best reef snorkelling experiences imaginable. Other events dotted the calendar, or every day pursuits.

      All gone, for some reason.

      There has been a pleasant busy buzz around town in the past few weeks, with visitors attracted by various events, but the general vibe of those other days is long gone. There’s no freewheeling feeling about the place anymore.

      All we have left are the grubby excesses of Via Vomitorium, and the dead hand of successive councils that know the price of everything and the value of nothing. cf Strand parking meters.

      • Jenny says:

        Townsville North Queensland = TEL.
        So TEL flies a SMH journo + family to TSV, they get schmoozed by the Ville, the Museum and perhaps Sealink and just those businesses get a mention in a tourism promo. No wonder the town, sorry city, isn’t known for tourism.
        Would be well known for air fares though. On a long weekend coming up, it’s cheaper to fly Cairns to Melbourne than fly Townsville to Brisbane. Virgin and Cuntas charge whatever they like as long as it’s eyewatering. Way worse duopoly than Woolies and Coles.

    • Scott Mundingburra says:

      I read that article this morning and couldn’t believe they had included a picture of Gill Street in Charters Towers claiming “Townsville’s streets are filled with gold rush-era buildings reminiscent of Bendigo and Ballarat in Victoria.”

  25. BARFLY says:

    Hey Magpie

    Are your comments influenced by donations?

  26. Jeff, Condon says:

    I’ll try again. Can anyone confirm that not only will it cost $2.00 x hr to park on The Strand, Palmer St and Fulham Rd, but the vehicle has to be moved every two hrs?

    • The Magpie says:

      No idea that any tariff has been announced, but will probably match the going rate in the CBD, whatever that is by the time the Strand is legally vandalised with these monstrosities.

      But yes, Matt ‘Money Grab’ Richardson, the Mother Teresa of community caring, proudly told a recent council meeting that there will be no feeding of meters, and smugly added that if people move to another spot, it cannot be one adjacent or anywhere near the original spot,he said they would have to move roughly the equivalent of block or so at least it find another parking spot. Nothing like a bit of a relax at an amenity already built and paid for with public money. It is clear that the council doesn’t want the income from the meters themselves, they want the swingeing fines which they can automatically generate through the meter technology. Welcome to a next chapter in the Townsville dystopia.This bit of North Korean one dimensional thinking points to a career in corrections if he somehow gets kicked out Walker Street (unlike, I know, but a bird can dream, can’t he?)

      This is as pointless as the totally false argument to allow needed turnover …. every day one drives along the Strand (with the possible exception nof Sunday), there scores of places available, no one has been forced to go elsewhere. The council employed a consultancy that did not seek to canvass public opinion, so we have some out-of-town woke wanker consultancy telling the council how to tell Townsville people to live and relax.

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Jeff, why don’t you ask the TCC, they are the ones implementing this, then you don’t have to ‘ask again’ via this blog! :)

  27. Macho Man says:

    I’m calling out Messagebank Walker as a lazy, no talent BUM, fake politician. I would love to tell him face to face – see you at the Sovereign pub (will leave the side door slightly ajar for you Messagebank) this Friday night at 8pm. Bring your A-game arsehole!

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie is reliably told that Walker is already laying groundwork for a return of some unspecified nature to Local Government … presumanly there council. A souffle doesn’t rise twice.

      • Jeff, Condon says:

        Perhaps he has heard something about the CCC creeping inquiry and might have a run at Mayor. Then with her vast experience in LG, plus her business savvy, he could take on the Purple Mullet as a Mayoral adviser.

        As they used to say at the end of the one reel 1930’s comedies, “It’s turned out nice again.”

    • Randy Savage says:

      Add to that he is completely and utterly useless. Messagewank, Harpic, and Private Cupcake have been the most underperforming trio of dross that we have ever had. Labor has not served our region well and I cannot wait to see these clowns voted out next month. Farewell and good riddance.

  28. Mad Jack says:

    In previous times a charactature of the Mullet, in red dress, sharpening her axe on her grindstone. It should have been available on a tee shirt.
    I keenly await a similar charctature of Twonames highlighting his true self.
    The laughing Magpie should also be available on a tee shirt.
    Magpie Merch Pty Ltd perhaps. “Genius, pure genius.”

  29. Prince Rollmop says:

    (The parts in bold were doner by The Magpie.)Below is Mayor Twonames latest media release. He has gone for Joe McCabes jugular. What’s the matter Troy, feeling the heat in the kitchen, getting a little nervous? And the nerve of this guy complaining about Joe being a liar!!! Holy shit, you just can’t make this sort of hypocrisy up!!
    And this link to the page is included to prove the words are troy Thompsons.


    Subject: Mayor Thompson Raises Serious Concerns with Media Reporting, Councillors’ inaction, and the Acting CEO’s Integrity

    Mayor Troy Thompson is calling for transparency and accountability within the Townsville City Council following the Acting CEO inserting himself into the CEO recruitment process. Recently, political commentator Clynton Hawks revealed that Acting CEO Joe McCabe lied to reporters, and vicariously the public, about his candidacy for the permanent CEO position. Despite raising these concerns with Mr. McCabe, Mayor Thompson was met with silence. Last Friday, the Mayor demanded that Mr. McCabe withdraw from the recruitment process due to his misleading comments to the media.

    “I’ve written to Acting CEO Joe McCabe, demanding he withdraw from the recruitment process. It’s unacceptable for the current Acting CEO to comment on the recruitment process for the new CEO, especially when he’s a candidate. It makes it much worse that the Acting CEO’s comments are in actual fact, lies. This could be seen as misconduct, and I’ll be asking council solicitors to report this to the CCC immediately,” said Mayor Thompson.

    As the Townsville City Council faces scrutiny over the Acting CEO’s involvement in the CEO recruitment process, Mayor Thompson is shocked by the councillors’ silence and the media’s reluctance to report on this serious conflict of interest.

    “I’m astounded by the Townsville Bulletin’s reluctance to report on this clear conflict of interest and likely misconduct by Mr. McCabe. After reading the Facebook post by Mr. Hawks, I was disgusted that this information had been leaked. Under Joe’s leadership, there’s been a lot of leaking of confidential information. It’s unacceptable for the Acting CEO, or any CEO, to comment on the recruitment process for the permanent CEO position. What makes this worse is that Mr. McCabe is a candidate for the role and lied to the media about it! Mr. McCabe needs to withdraw from this process to prevent further issues,” said Mayor Thompson.

    Recent allegations have surfaced regarding the integrity of Acting CEO Joe McCabe. A Facebook post by local political commentator Clynton Hawks has raised concerns about Mr. McCabe’s honesty and his involvement in the recruitment process for the permanent CEO position.

    According to the reports, Mr. McCabe previously stated in the Townsville Bulletin that he was not considering applying for the permanent CEO role. However, it has now been revealed that he did apply and was among the top three candidates considered. This revelation raises significant questions about transparency and fairness within the council’s leadership selection process.

    The allegations suggest that Mr. McCabe may have misled the public about his intentions, which could undermine trust in the council’s leadership. Transparency and honesty are crucial for maintaining public confidence, and any deviation from these principles can have serious repercussions.

    “The involvement of an Acting CEO in discussions about the recruitment process of a permanent CEO, especially when the Acting CEO is a candidate, presents a clear conflict of interest in my mind” said Mayor Thompson.

    This situation raises concerns about potential biases and the integrity of the decision-making process. It is essential for the council to ensure that all candidates are evaluated impartially and that the recruitment process remains fair and transparent.

    The issues go further with the Mayor raising concerns about the support of councillors for Mr McCabe.

    “I have been very open about my views on Mr McCabe and what I consider to be a lot of unlawful actions, and discriminatory actions by this Acting CEO towards me. I have raised with councillors that I view their constant and unwavering support for Mr McCabe as being their gravy train to undermining my role, as I view Mr McCabe as being the facilitator to their actions against me. It is quite clear to me that the silence on this matter by the Townsville bulletin and the councillors really does show that they are willing to do anything they can to harm my role, even if it means to support unlawful actions by someone who facilitates their own attacks on me.” said Mayor Thompson.

    “To address these concerns, Townsville City Council must take immediate steps to investigate Mr. McCabe’s actions and provide a clear and transparent account of the recruitment process. The council should remove Mr. McCabe from the process and consider implementing measures to prevent conflicts of interest in future recruitment processes,” said Mayor Thompson.

    “Furthermore, the Acting CEO should withdraw from the process immediately to avoid further impeding the process due to his comments in the media,” added Mayor Thompson.

    Maintaining public trust is paramount for effective governance. Townsville City Council must demonstrate its commitment to transparency and integrity by addressing these allegations promptly and ensuring that the recruitment process for the permanent CEO is conducted fairly and impartially.


    • The Magpie says:

      Mopsey, urgently need link to actual FB post … don’t want to publish just a copy, so we can verify the author. If it true and correct, then the Troy Thompson has just bought himself a civil lawsuit, worth six figures, if his target so chooses.

      • Not Prince Rollmop says:

        Pie, I copied it directly from his Facebook account. I just checked it now and it is still up there for all the world to see.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie doesn’t whether to laugh or cry, cackle or crap … this is side-splitting stuff. But it could spell really big trouble for insane fuckwit.

      A couple of observations. First of all, when did booted KAP candidate Clynton Hawk become ‘a political commentator’, which generally implies at least a veneer of neutrality. But what sort of deeply demented, poorly advised psycho would think to make a highly actionable statement based purely on an unproven FB post by an unreliable disappointed goof like Hawk as apparently the sole basis for what, if Joe McCabe so chooses, will soon become a verrrry expensive defamation payout. Even if it turned out it were true, Thompson and his lycra-clad legal loon must surely know truth isn’t always a defense in civil actions.

      And does Thompson think that calling his CEO a liar will rest there? If you think cicadas make a racket rubbing their hands together, wait until you hear what lawyers will be doing tomorrow.And does he really think the TCC legal department will make his complaint without themselves first seeking proof of his statement? He is clearly sinking into a foaming black mental breakdown.

      Now we really are getting into expensive territory, and if a single dollar of ratepayer funds needs to spend on this Thompson egotistical foolishness, there will be major consequences for this criminal con man.

      • Prickster says:

        FFS can the councillors please make sure the process around the CEO recruitment is watertight.

        The last thing this city needs is any doubt, or deviation from procedure.

        If there is any risk, stop the current process and get things started again. If the people short-listed are not the right ones – stop and start again. We don’t need questions hanging over the CEO appointment.

        There is nothing to lose from taking more time to find the right CEO.

      • Headmistress says:

        I laughed at that too. Hawkes is just another truck driver with plenty of time on the road to ruminate. There are hundreds of them on our roads , listening to cooker podcasts and dreaming big of becoming the working class hero mouthpiece for the common man. Rule of thumb, If KAP don’t even want them they are not fit for repurpose. Wonder if the mayor has him in mind as his advisor? Wouldn’t that be fun!

        • The Magpie says:

          Kinda mond boggling that a rejected One Notion candidate is using a rejected Katter Party candidate to write his own political (and possibly financial) suicide note.

      • Ducky says:

        I’m hearing it has been confirmed a councillor let it out the bag again, that’s not TwoNames. That could spell a problem for the CEO, after the bulletins letter released. As well Thompson has issued a letter to all councillors today, should make for an interesting meeting tomorrow. Anyone got a copy or confirmation of this letter. Looks like the CEO recruitment is off the agenda too. Can we sack the lot? Really, it’d be better.
        Though I did read a mayor down south day a by election costs $350-500k each, and council can determine within the first 12 months to appoint the second vote too, that makes it interesting.
        Jenny, Margie, Sheret, Molochino, Cook, TBA, TBA, Armstrong, Keam, Fusco… TEAM Jenny would be back in power

    • Mad Jack says:

      Essentially, the children’s rhyme sums it up:

      “Nobody loves me, Everybody hates me,
      Think I’ll go and eat some worms,
      Etc etc etc”

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘(McCabe) undermines trust in the council’s leadership’????


    • The Magpie says:

      And for the record, this is the FB post from Hawks on which Thompson has relied for his spray.

  30. Burnt Brows says:

    Birnbrauer is up in arms because someone allegedly lied to get a job, and the alleged lie is way smaller than the mis-truths he made???????

    • The Magpie says:

      The absurdity of this bloke’s fake indignation at a lack of ‘transparency and accountability’ in another person is beyond Monty Python. He thunders emptily against McCabe for the alleged sin of doing exactly what he did himself when people like The Magpie and the Townsville Bulletin asked the very same of him.

      That, and the clear danger of defamation action against him, shows that the unravelling is accelerating.

      • The Magpie says:

        And hey look, peeps, let’s can the word ‘dysfunctional’ to describe a council carrying on regardless, without the dysfunctionality of the accidental con man mayor distracting them. The only dysfunction is between the ears of one man (and his looney supporters), but some with agendas of settling old party political scores and being ill-informed are using that single and clear cancer as the reason to kill the whole body.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          I think they’re all a bunch of backstabbing losers and I smell a rat in the back rooms of Labor caucus. I’d love to see the white board in the secret ‘ Independant ‘ labor regular meetings with Geppetto and the blue fairy planning to make it come alive. They are probably working a time line to get the Mayor TwoDicks substituted out and the Mullet back in by second place regulations. Then they’ll start working one by one on the non believers and knock them out. And as for TwoDicks media release, what took a few minutes out of my life reading it, could’ve been all said in two or three sentences. Get them all out before they completely ruin what was once a pleasant (and reliable) place to live.

          • The Magpie says:

            Don’t think the second place regs exist any more. Didn’t that change after that Pineapple bloke suddenly landed in the chair in Rocky.

  31. Hawkeye says:

    Clinton is a two-bit player in a big sandpit. An opinionated truckie with a loud mouth but he is an empty shell. There is nothing noteworthy about him. I wonder if he is part of the same cooker club as Twonames? Either way, Twonames has once again aligned himself with an underrated muppet.

    • The Magpie says:

      Clynton Hawks appears to be one of those dangerously vulnerable indioviduals who will drink the Koolaid of anyone who offers him love.

      • Billy bunts says:

        It’s funny how Thompson keeps aligning himself with sub-standard and unqualified idiots. A motley crew of inbreds and narcissists who think they are big hitters, when in reality they are very small fish.

        And as for Thompson criticising the print media for not printing stories about Joe McCabe and Council, I see karma in this. Our dear Mayor started a war with the print media and now he is reaping his reward.

        Hopefully Joe and the Councillors will take things up a notch in their war with Thompson. They need to. Thompson definitely wants to put in a CEO who is on his side. I’m sure he has a relative or cooker pal that he is ready to have parachuted in. This cannot be allowed to happen.

        • The Magpie says:

          THIS IS NOT SPECULATION: Even if Thompson were to win the right to advisor, the scrabbling behind the skirting boards is getting louder that he would delay an appointment until after the state election … Les Walker is definitely sniffing around the role, and has already made quiet inquiries figuring that he’ll be looking for work on October 27.

          • Prickster says:

            I think Frothy might get in the way of Messagebank. Maybe Tony Parsons will return……

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Christ on a Bike! That’s the last thing we need. That useless fuck. Les should go open another pizza shop instead.

          • The Magpie says:

            That went bel;ly up, too didn’t it, quicker than Les did in the Mad Cow?

          • Billy bunts says:

            Great, the inbred Walker goes from fucking up one political area to fucking up another – our Council. I hope the majority of councillors block Walkers move, if the rumour is true.

          • The Magpie says:

            Still your pounding heart, Billyboy : Messagebank won’t get within cooee of Walker Street ever again.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Yep. Apparently he gave too many pizzas away.

            He was a successful businessman you know!
            Just ask him.

            On second thoughts… he’d be a perfect fit for Thompson.

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            With all the free piss ups and the Mayor’s bottomless grog fridge, MessageBank would never be sober.

        • Alahazbin says:

          “Thompson definitely wants to put in a CEO who is on his side“
          We have years of this modus operandi from the previous mayor of the last administration.
          We haven’t had a quality mayor for years, although ‘his Radiance had his moments. Can we find another Perc Tucker.
          And Billy Bunts, change your commenters name. It is disrespectful to a gentleman I knew. May he rest in peace.

  32. Toady says:

    Bahahaha things are heating up in the council kitchen. Thompson is getting very desperate. Hopefully whoever is leaking information to the press continues to do so. I love seeing Thompsons emotional rants online. Beer and popcorn quality entertainment. More please.

    • wollo says:

      Hey ! I just got Bunnings latest catalogue. Shovels are on special. Someone should tell tell 2 names because he will need a few more to keep digging that deep hole that he’s digging for himself !!

  33. Hawkeye says:

    Hawkes and Twonames both posted the same national flag day photo to their Facebook accounts within 15 minutes of each other. So it’s pretty obvious that both of these weirdo’s are working closely together. Some sort of koolaid fed mental telepathy between the two of them, or coordinated posts just by chance?

    • The Magpie says:

      OK, The ‘Pie was sitting on this one until the next Sunday’s Nest, but this seems the ideal reply to reveal the following:

      A Magpie deep throat in the KAP gunya has breathed down the MagpieFone what they say is the real reason why the Kattertonics disendorsed Hawks. As local matters here in Townsville developed, someone in the office checked Hawks’ candidate application again, and byep, there it was … his said his campaign manager would Troy thompson. By then the brown waste material had really hit the cooling apparatus, and the links were decidely not ones the KAP wanted. So the bromance isn’t just some caring person like Thompson catching Hawks on the rebound and suddenly promising eternal love. They’d been playing footsie under the table for quite while it seems.

      • Hawkeye says:

        Well said Magpie. It’s all coming together now., interesting connections. Perhaps Thompson had planned to hire the grubby truckie to be the new CEO? I wonder if that was his plan, to be surrounded, immersed, in cookers, koolaid drinkers, and creeps?
        I’m looking forward to seeing more leaks come out of TCC, that will really send Thompson off his rocker. Ha ha. Get to it folks, keep up the good work!

      • Burnt Brows says:

        Wow !

      • Lab Rat says:

        Magpiephone? Don’t you mean 2 cans with a string in between you old Luddite?
        Next thing, you will be wearing one of Bob’s cast off Akubras.

  34. John Wilkes Booth says:

    As a well adjusted Nester, who, as we all do, I expect, check the Blogg Comments every 15 minutes or so, in the hope of another adrenaline lifting entry, a Happy Hour though drifted into my mind, such as it is.

    In an imaginary Townsville, where the men are strong, the women pretty and the Mayor and Councillors, honest, ethical, intelligent, communicative, trustworthy and support the visual and performing arts, upon what would be the Magpie’s focus and what would we Nesters have to write about.

    And now my neglected wineglass has gone warm.

  35. The Magpie says:

    You will never read a greater example of woke nanny state drivel and wasted PS hours than this . It is utter crap, driven by overbearing control freaks in the Brisbane LG Department.

    In fairness, Troy Thompson never said or wrote a word of the insulting, patronising glop, it is pro forma public service painting-by-numbers release.

    Key quore:
    “We apologise for any inconvenience to the community for Thursday’s closures, of our Aitkenvale, Flinders Street, Riverway and mobile libraries, however it’s crucial Council’s staff are up to date with the latest training to ensure the safety of our library-goers,” Cr Thompson said.
    “Council is committed to ensuring our staff receive best-practice training so they can continue to provide world-class services to every aspect of Council’s business.”

    “Safety of our library goers”?!? ‘World class service’?

    Do these crap artists understand how insulting that is? They think we are all eight, and while some are (at any age) they won’t be the ones reading. What possible training will take a day.

    And then there’s little pearler:
    “We have a terrific team in our customer experience section and they are so easy to deal with, either in person, on the phone or on the click to chat feature on our website,” he said.

    Boy, what a relief to know that we do not employ a pack of surly, gum chewing, nose-pierced cunts given to saying things like ‘How the fuck would I know, lot of bloody books here, y’know, find the fucking thing for yourself.’

    And just what does ‘customer experience’ even mean.

    All buzzword bullshit of the highest order.

    • Alfred E Neuman says:

      A blond chick fronts up to the library assistant at the front desk and in a loud clear voice says, “I’d like a hamburger, chips and a can of Coke.”

      “Young lady,” says the library assistant, “this is a library. ”

      “Oh sorry,” says the blond in a soft voice, and bending down closer to the library assistant, using her best soft library voice,
      “I’d like a hamburger, chips and a can of Coke. “

      • The Magpie says:

        Oh, don’t start.

        • Jenny says:

          The trouble with moaning about buzzword crap is that it discourages any explanation at all. One of the agenda items on today’s council meeting was a report on housing strategy. Reading it, I hoped, without hope, that it might go to something about the North Rail Yards (amongst other TCC properties that might be involved). This is what we got:

          “Housing Strategy/ Local Housing Action Plan
          Housing availability and affordability is an issue within the Townsville region. City Planning is preparing the Townsville Housing Strategy and Local Housing Action Plan to identify opportunities to address immediate, emerging, and longer-term housing challenges. The purpose of the LHAP is to identify a set of immediate, short-term and longer-term actions to help address the City’s particular housing issues. Engagement sessions were recently undertaken with industry groups and Councillors on the draft LHAP and proposed actions.
          The next steps for the LHAP project are to:

          Finalise the Local Housing Action Plan (Sep 2024).

          Seek a Council resolution to adopt the Local Housing Action Plan (Oct 2024).The Local Housing Action Plan is approximately 85% complete.

          The Townsville Housing Strategy will focus on identifying potential planning scheme amendments that can assist in addressing housing availability and diversity concerns and is an identified action in the LHAP. The strategy will have a particular focus on identifying planning scheme amendments that enables infill development and well-located ‘gentle-density’ housing such as townhouses.
          Council has successfully secured grant funding to prepare the Townsville Housing Strategy from the Federal government under the Housing Support Program.
          The next steps for the Townsville Housing Strategy are to:

          Appoint a consultant (Sep 2024).

          Hold project inception meeting with consultant and council’s project team (Sep

          Prepare draft Local Government Context, Land Supply Analysis and Housing Needs Assessment as the key inputs into the Townsville Housing Strategy (Nov/ Dec 2024).
          The Townsville Housing Strategy is approximately 5% complete”.

          No worries about burning the midnight oil.

          • The Magpie says:

            Not a single idea for us to ponder. That’s a few score of words that tell us only one solid fact: that the council will be seeking federal money to pay an outside consultant.

          • Jenny says:

            Magpie, it looks like they already got the federal money. I suppose it’s reasonable that if planning schemes have to be changed (and they clearly do if the country is going to face up to its housing crisis), studies have to be carried out by someone since councils no longer have these people on staff – or the means to pay them. And when they’ve done the groundwork and sorted the planning stuff and the site preparation they can say to government we have a shovel-ready site. There’s no point starting a debate in the community about “infill development and well-located ‘gentle-density’ housing such as townhouses” when council has no idea who will put up what money to develop what sites. So we are left getting familiar with the jargon and the buzz words. And thankful for the transparency.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Plan to identify opportunities to address immediate, emerging, and longer-term housing challenges.
            Well how about that big parcel of land at Cranbrook along Ross River Road. Great potential for housing.
            Probably too many evil spirits in there.

          • The Magpie says:

            Just send the fucking bulldozers into the North Rail Yards, and fuck heritage wankers who don;t live here and will probably never see the derelict and decaying shit boxes that are supposed to be of some social/historic value. We’ve got to stop being run from outside, especially by consulted given their predetermined outcomes from vested local interests (mostly political).

          • Jenny says:

            M’pie, perfect opportunity for an election platform. The bulldozers won’t pay for themselves, even if the drivers volunteer. Labor won’t do it, the Greens won’t do it, Katters will only do it in ‘the bush’ so that leaves the LNP. Very much doubt that D.Crisafulli will fund Whelan the Wrecker. The rail yards will have to go the full monty, paid for by the mob that created the mess – the state government.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie is trying to work out why, given the pittance paid for the North Rail Yards – $25000 was it?- couldn’t the the council gift it to a developer after tenders, as a square for the developer footing the remediation costs. And the government, whoever it is, pass a special SDA-type Act for the winning tender and the area, to overrule the ridiculous heritage listing.

    • Burnt Brows says:

      This is not surprising. I work with a lot of Gen Z’s and most don’t know what a book is. I would suspect that the ‘library training’ is about converting the library to a museum.

    • Achilles says:

      All that verbiage is almost straight from the John Cleese satirical movie, Fierce Creatures”.

    • OED says:

      You will never read a greater example of “woke“ being used by cranky old men to mean “anything I don’t like” than the above comment. In what way is the quote “woke”?

  36. The Magpie says:

    Is our con man mayor about to be hoist on his petard? If he even tries to send in a complaint about Joe McCabe, he may very find it suddenly boomerang and he himself may face a charge for doing so. That’s why The ‘Pie doubts that the TCC legal bods would even consider such a move.

    A well informed friend, fully versed in LG regulations tells The ‘Pie that Thompson is dangerously close to the line in the sand that ensnared Chris Loft on the Fraser Coast. The friend sent in this report with his comment. Spot the similarity that may apply from this CCC report.



    BTW, Lofts got 3 hots and a cot for 12 months, suspended after 6. Thompson and his supporters, particularly his lycra-clad loony legal advisor might like to read the above very, very closely.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Very interesting case study and one that TwoNames should read. Then again, he lacks the intelligence to comprehend the report. I would also prefer that he keeps carrying on with his current course of action because he is bound to fuck up, and hopefully in a big way.

    • The Magpie says:

      Kris, you comment will be published once you give confirmation that you either are or are not Clr Kristian Price. Using aliases to create false suggestion of real identity is a no-no around here.

      • Jenny says:

        Magpie, I’ve always assumed that several different aliases used here belonged to Jesus Christ but it didn’t make their meanderings any more profound. “Kris” sounds a bit like someone from inside the tent. Can’t we just hear what he has to say and worry about his ‘true’ identity if he seems to be pissing in, like the rest of us, rather than out?

        • The Magpie says:

          Jenny, you sound like you’re at the tent flap, skirt hitched, bloomers down but uncertain whether to aim in or to aim out. What a mimsy, coy comment.

          The Magpie has made it clear from the get-go that he finds identity guessing a waste of time and has moved to discourage it, with the smarter Nesters working out how not to be hijacked. But when aliases hint at the secret identity, but are in all likelihood an attempt to make a real person appear to have an opinion they do actually have, then that can be damaging to a public’s perception of, in this case, an elected person.

          Not surprised you can’t see the difference.

          • Bentpipe says:

            Time to clean this shit up. This advisor is approved after Thompson met with the department of Local Government a month ago, and we the ratepayers are paying for this advisor / minder. Sounds joyful Pie!
            As I have said many a time, sack the council, sack the executive, bring in an administrator, and clean house. Oh, and do an external whistleblower program, watch them line up at Stuart then.
            Hill, Ralston, Hilder,Chiodo, the list goes on

          • The Magpie says:

            The advisor may well be the cleverest move the state government has made in their cack-handed handling of this circus. The ‘Pie has little problem with this appontment, as he said at the outset weeks ago, he agrees with an advisor, provided it is an expert appointed by the government and NOT appointed by Con Man The Barbarian. It is likely Scanlon has agreed to this for two reasons – she gets to decide who the advisor will be, and because the role will ultimately answer to the government if there’s a further mayoral cock-up. So the advisor will prioritise covering his/her arse by making sure he/she keeps the regulatory nose clean. That means the wild, front bar bluster of pledges, directions and whacky ideas will not just be held in check, they will hopefully be regularly scrubbed from the agenda.

            Bentpipe, the opening sentences of your comment were ditched because they are supported by any evidence, or at least you didn’t offer any. Besides, anyone who bases anm opinion parading as fact based solely on an unattributed ‘leak’, probably made up by a failed and bitter political also-ran who is in cahoots with TwoNames is hardly someone you would want to depend on for believability. At this stage, just scuttlebutt.

          • Toady says:

            Great move by Scanlon. Overall, the councillors are working well together, so the risk of council being dissolved is minimal. As has been pointed out, the advisor is there to keep an eye on the mayor. He is an embarrassing loose cannon and the Brisbane chapter are getting somewhat nervous as Thompson continues with his lies, idle threats, and endless attacks on McCabe and the other councillors. The puppet masters in Brisbane realise Troy has several roo’s loose in the top paddock. I’ve just ordered more beer and popcorn.

          • The Magpie says:

            FFS, Toady, a little recognition that this is NOT beer and popcorn entertainment. Up your game,mate, …. to champagne and caviar.
            (Wheeze, chortle, gasp!!)

          • Bentpipe says:

            Just to understand, you don’t believe the email was sent from Thompson to McCabe under private & confidential. And that it ended up in the bulletins hands, it can only be smoking Joe who is ultimately responsible. I’d hate to think you Pie are playing preferences, when in fact, this is the truth. It’s a misconduct breach, a serious one, given it’s an ongoing complaint with the human rights commission. Like him or not, he’s got Joe on the ropes with this one.

          • (Maybe Not) Kris says:

            (The Magpie does not believe that this was posted by Clr Kristian Price, although that is the inference in the comment. Principally because in itself, it could represent a breach of protocol).

            I can in fact concur, The CEO received it, it went to Liam and ann Maree then to the bulletin, there’s a ccc case on all 3. More to the point the arse has one on me for being with the ceo on a cruise, after he applied for the role, not deliberate, but is a conflict, so I’m not happy! The bloke sends us so many emails and letters it’s not funny

          • It's raining says:

            (MN)Kris, could you clarify something you wrote, please? You reckon “The CEO received it, it went to Liam and ann Maree then to the bulletin”. My question is, was the original email that went to the CEO cc’d to Mooney and Greaney – ie. the three of them got the same email from the Mayor at the same time? Or are you saying Mooney, Greaney and ultimately the Bulletin, got hold of the email by some other route? Or do you not really have a clue?

          • The Magpie says:

            Does this help your understanding of the situation at all … or are you in a position where you do not want to promoite clarity for your own ends, and now contend that the most senior public servant in Townsville … and in the past, in other more major cities … is a blatant liar? Then present your proof to the CCC, who by the way, do not accept as a reason ‘it’s the vibe,mate.’

            Townsville City Council’s Acting CEO Joe McCabe has broken his silence after Mayor Troy Thompson called for his resignation, fiercely denying allegations of leaking confidential information and misleading the public.

            In a strongly worded statement released on Thursday, Mr McCabe rejected the Mayor’s accusations and urged Cr Thompson to provide any evidence to the Council investigator or the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC).

            “I know that there is absolutely no such evidence,” Mr McCabe said.

            He also denied the allegation that he had misled the public regarding his intentions in the recruitment process for the permanent CEO position.

            “I also refute the Mayor’s allegation that I misled the public in my response to a journalist’s question relating to the CEO recruitment,” he said.

            “This is a confidential process on which I haven’t, and won’t be, making any comments.”

            The acting CEO emphasised his longstanding career in local government, noting his 40-plus years of experience working with numerous mayors and councillors across his career.

            “Since my appointment as a director at Gold Coast City Council at 27 years of age, I have worked with approximately 10 mayors and probably close to one hundred councillors,” Mr McCabe said.

            “I can state categorically that I have not had a negative relationship with any mayor or any councillor, until now.

            “For the past almost four months, as acting CEO, I have worked constructively and diligently with the Council and staff for the good of this beautiful city. I am committed to remain in the position for as long as the Council determines appropriate,” McCabe concluded.

          • The Magpie says:

            And absolutely no one here, except yours truly, has asked the core question: why would a man in McCabe’s position have the slightest interest or purpose in risking his entire career and standing to go against decades of probity and suddenly start leaking confidential material to the local paper? What would he stand to gain? Not money, because who would be paying him?

            Short answer – he wouldn’t. Not in a sane, properly regulated world, and that is very much Joe McCabe’s home planet.

            Those low life Thompson enablers who support this farcical and egregious attack on a skilled and experienced professional are seeking some weird form of anarchy in Walker Street.

            They’re not going to get it.

            If it turns out that McCabe has breached regulations, it will be because evidence proves it … and to date, there is none, as said, all this stuff from mouth breathers is based on the self-promoting argument of ‘C’mon, it’s the vibe, they’re all doin’ it, everyone is corrupt … except we who promote this insight … and Troy Thompson’.

            For the record, The Magpie has never talked to, emailed, or had any contact whatsoever with Joe McCabe, and has not even ever been in his presence anywhere. And The ‘Pie has never received any message or information from him through any third party from him. The same applies to The ‘Pie and Troy Thompson.

          • Prickster says:

            With all of the investigations going on the truth will hopefully come out eventually.

            There are questions that do remain over McCabe’s judgement;
            – His decision to exclude the Mayor definitely added fuel to the fire – surely there were other options he could have taken,
            – While on his relationship with the Mayor – Why didn’t he give him at least one advisor, this would have shut him up (albeit for a moment), not enraged him. This would have been in the best interests of rate payers as we are going to spend more on legal etc than we ever would on an advisor,
            – Where was McCabe’s advice to councilors before taking the Stand Parking decision forward, as you’d expect somebody with his expect to understand the risk of public backlash,

            The best decision Council could make would be not choosing McCabe as the next CEO. As it will be a good reset for the city, and we don’t need lingering, simmering issues to hang around.

          • The Magpie says:

            Nice little exercise in 20/20 hindsight there, Prickster.

            But The ‘Pie supposes he’ll have to walk you through it.

            The Magpie knows as fact that McCabe and his council legal team worked the phones throughout the night after the councillors jacked up with their demand for Thompson to resign.mThe Magpie also knows as a fact that other lawyers in Brisbane and elsewhere were consulted, and one witnesses was spoken to for more than two hours, ending in the early hours of the morning. Ultimately, McCabe took the advice hee was given by advisors qualified in the legalities. He did not, as may be inferred by your comment, wave a lazy hand declaring the mayor persona non grata. without exhaustively exploriong options. It subsequently became clear that WH&S issues were to the fore, which is always the CEO’s responsibility – based on the erratic and changing narrative offered by Thompson about his health and his reasons for not attending council, it was collectively decided that until clarified, Thompson might pose a risk to councillors and other staff.

            And where the dickens did ‘why didn’t he give him at least one advisor? come from? The CEO didn’t refuse Thompson any advisors, it wasn’t ever his call, he pointed out to councillors the budgetary issues and rearrangement that would have to be undertaken to do so. And basing decisions of governance on the possible emotional response of someone ( ‘enrage him’) gives us a glimpse of your likely management style. Disastrous comes to mind.

            And FFS man, it is not a public service officials job to take into consideration the political aspect of popularity of a decision, that is entirely the province of the councillors and mayor. The CEO os not subject to the whims of public sentiment, that again, ios the councillors area. And as a money spinner for the council, the Strand parking meter decision was low hanging fruit for remote and socially uninvolved people like Richardson. In fact, The ‘Pie is pretty sure if McCabe ventured advice to not do something because of public reaction, he could well be in breach of his role.

            So far, The ‘Pie sees no actions meriting public censure and disqualition from the permanent position. While the permanency of the CEO position is a basic side issue to the larger question of a rogue bullying and increasingly desperate con man mayor who baldly says he wants unfettered power.

          • Nicolae Ceausescu says:


            My view on your points.

            1. Troy Thompson excluded himself when he announced via email to the CEO that he was taking a leave of absence for mental health reasons. Given this communication and his well established history of mental health issues, the CEO had no choice but to exercise his duty of care and exclude him.
            2. It is not within the CEO remit to give the mayor an advisor. These positions are established under the LG act and require Council approval to create.
            3. The CEO’s role does not include the provision of political advice. Councillors are meant to way the options put forward by the executive against what is best for the community. While I think the options put forward by this executive are more often than not lazy and self serving, elected members should be calling this bullshit out when it’s put forward.

          • The Magpie says:

            Basically what The ‘Pie has said, but far more succinct and better expressed. Thanks.

        • Bertie says:

          Of course you would know about multiple aliases Jenny, you have morphed through several names over the years. Are you happy that you have put your Elusive Butterfly name to bed?

          • Big Mac says:

            This is silly, Jenny and EB have very different styles.

          • The Magpie says:

            Oh for fuck’s sake, that’s the end of this time-wasting pointless guessing game and accusations of identity. If that’s your l;evel of engagement, you’re on the wrong blog. Stoppit, peoples.

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            I like guessing peoples identity. I reckon The Magpie is actually Malcolm Weatherup. I bet I’m right.

          • The Magpie says:

            Oh, Sherlock, ya got me!!

            Openly known and admitted. Last one.

  37. Doxie says:

    It’s really about time that the clowns that call themselves our Mayor and Councillors stopped their ‘dicking’ around and got down to the basics of running a city – a reasonably big one, at that. The longer they dally, the more money it is costing us and the more things can go wrong. It seems they enjoy performing the ludicrous histrionics that go with their play-acting and prefer that to running the show. I, for one, am mightily sick of it and I think other rate-payers are as well. We have the opportunity to right the ship after 10 years (or however long) of really ordinary administration but they continue this charade which is absolutely non-productive and costly. Is there no-one with the authority to bring them to order??????

    • The Magpie says:

      Not sure what your agenda is, Doxie, but that is overblown rubbish. Ludicrous histrionics? In council? Example please. Just because there is some pretty catty by-play between our con man mayor and our councillors outside the chamber DOES NOT mean they are not getting down to the basics of ‘running the city’. Whether one agrees with decisions or not, they are debated and voted on, without the Thompson disruption affecting the proceedings. Have you even watched the streaming?

      • Doxie says:

        In reply to your last question: yes, I’ve tried, but we get very little reception in the bush, sometimes nothing for days on end, so I’ve not had any luck. However, my opinion doesn’t change and I still think politics is one big game for it’s players. Say what you like, that’s how I see it.

  38. Doug K says:

    Labor polling has both Walker and Harper to far gone to save.
    No surprises there.
    Stewart still has some hope, but will need massive pork barreling from Miles, and Giggles has more important seats to try to save.
    As for Messagebank, Frothy or Parsnip making a council comeback – give us a break.

    • The Magpie says:

      Last things first: Frothy is a chance, Parnsip could probably do without the aggravation and Walker is trying for a tenured job in Walker Street, not on the elected council … even he knows if he tried that, his chances of survival would be less that a fart in a fan factory.

      • The Fly says:

        Not sure if it has rolled across your desk yet Pie, rumour has it that after the state election, one of the labor accidental councillors/ seat warmers have committed to stepping down with the intent Walker will contest a by-election.

        • The Magpie says:

          You’re suggesting a current councillor will resign to allow Walker to run in a by-election?

          Oh, but of course, we can all see that happening, and Les will not only romp in, he will be so acclaimed, eise and popular that next election, he will be borne shoulder high to the mayoral throne.

    • Jenny says:

      Doug, if Resources Minister Scott Stewart has a chance of holding his seat – the most strategic electorate in NQ – the Labor Party will be piling in to support him. But will the CFMEU? They might, like many others, see value in a minority government with Christians, guns and greens holding the balance of power. Careful what you wish for.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Jenny, When Stewart first considered going into politics he even thought LNP but garnered support from the Teachers Union hence he joined the ALP.
        Apparently he doesn’t have much time for Harper and Walker.

  39. Mike Douglas says:

    Kirwan Health $40 mil upgrade idle 6 mths after St Hilliers builder into admin no work expected until after the election . Other commitments $35 mil nth rail yards , $75 mil demo critical minerals non of these projects are starting . 60,000 residents in Thuringowa + Mundingburra and only positive comments on Les + Aarons posts . Deleting comments by the electorate is catchy by Labor MP,s claiming Crisafulli isn’t transparent .

  40. Prince Rollmop says:

    Another media release by Twonames. This is strategic. He is lining up a bullying case against the councillors. The shonk is in it for the easy money!


    Townsville Mayor Thompson Addresses Recent Correspondence with Councillors

    Townsville, Queensland – September 4, 2024 –

    Mayor Troy Thompson has issued a statement regarding recent communications with Townsville City Councillors, emphasising the need for cooperation and transparency within the council.

    “On Monday, I reached out to all Townsville City Councillors, seeking their commitment to cease any actions that could be perceived as bullying or undermining my role as Mayor. I urged them to collaborate with me for the betterment of our beautiful city.

    Unfortunately, the response was silence from most councillors, accompanied by two legal threats from the council concerning the release of a media statement on transparency.
    These threats appear to be an attempt to intimidate me and hinder my compliance with the Act, which mandates transparency within the council.

    I remain steadfast in my commitment to transparency, despite concerns from some councillors about how their actions might be perceived.

    I have urged councillors to focus on their respective divisions and to work towards unity rather than division. Regrettably, this request was met with refusal.

    It seems that some members of this council are not prioritising the interests of our residents. The ongoing bullying by certain councillors is unacceptable and should not be tolerated by anyone, including the Mayor.

    Having exhausted private avenues, I now publicly call on councillors to assure the community and residents that they will work collaboratively with the Mayor to ensure the council serves the residents effectively.

    This is a reasonable request. Our residents deserve a council that works together for the community.”


    • The Magpie says:

      Our $1.5million man wants more.

      Thompson’s dogged and dishonest waffle about being ‘committed to transparency’ hints of some deep mental disconnection with the reality of his beliefs, given his track record when campaigning and on national television. The only transparency he can claim is that we see right through him. He is also unravelling in his reasoning when he says:
      “I have urged councillors to focus on their respective divisions and to work towards unity rather than division. Regrettably, this request was met with refusal.It seems that some members of this council are not prioritising the interests of our residents. The ongoing bullying by certain councillors is unacceptable and should not be tolerated by anyone, including the Mayor.Having exhausted private avenues, I now publicly call on councillors to assure the community and residents that they will work collaboratively with the Mayor to ensure the council serves the residents effectively”.

      He terms himself the hero and wrong ed party by describing this nonsense as ‘a reasonable request

      But by any parsing of language, he is basically saying “do not disagree with me when I want something”.

      Because his called-for collaboration already exists, although sometimes in a politely hostile way in both directions.

      There are 11 councillors in this circus, and many ratepayers, The Magpie one of them, do not want them unified on various issues, he wants reasoned, intelligent debate, facts, figures, choices, and then a majority ruling.

      Check out the many completely unanimous (tautology for emphasis) that have been passed. And then look at the ones that haven’t been – most of the latter are untrusting councillors voting to curb your power to further disrupt and probably pervert proper governance, like a front bar blowhard.

      How this is NOT ‘working with him” betrays a dangerous arrogance, the councilors are not there to work with you, it is more as a leader that you work with them. They are there to offer their best knowledge and experience to matters, primarily in the interests of the constituency. In effect, Thompson places a crown on his own head and in essence tells councillors to just address concerns within their constituency and leave the ‘big boy, grown-up stuff’ to him. He is fond of constantly referring to the evils of the Jenny Hill regime, but doesn’t seem to realise that he is asking EXACTLY the same suppression of discussion she engineered through political power and smart advisors. That’s why she was voted out out. And mate, in the Machiavellian stakes, you’re a non-starters next to her.

      So The Magpie challenges Mayor Thompson to give straight answers to a couple of straight questions.
      1. Please explain how the other councillors are not working collaboratively with you? Motions are put, debated and decided …. just that the ultimate vote does not agree with your view is no proof of a lack of collaboration. If you want proof of collaboration and bullying, revisit your well-thumbed history of the Jenny Hill regime.

      2.Can you point to one single, provable example of of councillors neglecting (your ‘not prioritising’) the interests of residents? And in so doing, explain not prioritising in favour of what? If the majority do not trust you, isn’t that their democratic right not to?

      Your only connection with the glory days of ancient historic leadership is your name, Troy, and you will be and shouldn’t even seek to be a Caesar. Accept that you’ve landed in a well feathered nest that will get you around #1.5m of ill-deserved public money over the next four years, which should be balm enough for a con man’s ego badly dented by being caught out. That’s the long winded way of saying, don’t push your luck, accept your win and go to the opening of a lot of ice cream parlours.

      This council IS collaborative, and the only self-interested disruptor is you, Thompson. You are an abominable disgrace.

  41. Ben Rumson says:

    Well, l am trying to watch the live stream of the Council meeting but much of the time the screen is frozen. Is it just me or is wide spread.

    I did note the preamble to the prayer where the lady reminded the councillors that they were there to represent the ratepayers and there interests. Priceless.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie can’t even get in, it just continues buffering.

      Which reminds of the well tried saying lately, when it’s a guess between conspiracy and cock-up, always go for cock-up. Given this council, though,mit’s an even money bet. Oh, got it now at 10.08.

    • White Mouse says:

      Why are there prayers before a meeting? That should be consigned to the bin of history along with the respect to traditional owners malarkey.

      • The Magpie says:

        A highly arguable point. This bit of frippery can hardly be inclusive, ask any Jew, Muslim or atheist.

      • Achilles says:

        Totally agree on those archaic ceremonial insertions and as a minimum the “title” traditional owners should read traditional occupiers; unless of course they can produce the title deeds.

  42. The Wulguru Wailer says:

    How many meetings has Brady Ellis missed now? This bloke is a part-time representative, but a fulltime dickhead.

    • The Magpie says:

      Depends on the reason … you would look rather despicable if it is say a personal tragedy. But The ‘Pie isn’t suggesting such, it just that like you, he doesn’t know. Why would we care if a councillor misses a couple of meetings … they have to ask to be excused and give a general reason.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        I watched the live stream up until co CIC section. Interesting how Twonames got his legal counsel to read out a statement about transparency and honesty and bringing matters to the table as outlined in the Act. I really get the feeling Twonames was baiting the councillors to either put up or shut up, publicly. He is trying to squash the leaks. Apart from that, he fumbled his way through as usual, he really is a knob. As for the stupid First Nations prayer at the beginning of the session, what an absolute load of childish bollocks. FFS.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Old mate was a no-show and Twonames didn’t know where he was. However it was mentioned in a previous meeting that Ellis wouldn’t be present.

        • The Magpie says:

          While we’re here, The ‘Pi could only pick up the streaming latish and hasn’t had a chance to go back and check, but what was the ‘mayoral minute’ all about?

          • Jenny says:

            The Mayoral Minute from Wednesday’s meeting is still available as a live stream on the TCC website. It starts at exactly 12.00 minutes into the meeting and was about 4 items (paraphrasing):
            1. Residents at Amaroo accommodation on Magnetic Island – ‘they should not be displaced by TCC’s legal actions’,
            2. Commercial-in-Confidence stuff in TCC,
            3. Seeking clarity on a matter in the Q Human Rights Commission – his ‘impairment’, epilepsy. “I’m not suing the council, I have made a complaint”,
            4. Cairns mayor has 2 advisors who have helped council get government funding.

          • The Magpie says:


    • The Fly says:

      It’s not the meetings he’s missing that should be of concern. The bloke runs a business and has openly stated he’s paid by the ratepayer to do so. He can often be spotted in casual clothes around his local coffee shop (rarely will you spot him outside of idalia with the great unwashed). His 100k ratepayer funded car is often parked up at home.

      • The Magpie says:

        Just interested in one aspect of that flummery – how does he claim that he’s paid by the ratepayers to doso? What’s the rationale, be most eager to hear it?

  43. Ben Rumson says:

    Having missed bits of the TCC meeting, frozen screen and phone call, for the bits I did see, I noted that there was no interaction between Twonames and the CEO. I past meetings there has been some, even minor clarification of this or that but this time oddly nothing, or nothing that I saw.
    Is each pretending that the other does not exist, or am I reading too much into this?

  44. Drew mudd says:

    Thompson bluffed and blustered his way through today’s meeting. He really appeared to be somewhat retarded. He still doesn’t understand procedures and stammers his way through. What a turkey of epic proportions.

  45. Ball bag says:

    Did anybody else notice how Susie Bats’off’a’bit and Food trucks Greaney dominated the meeting with heaps to say on various matters? It was obvious that these two alpha females are exerting some muscle within council. It makes the pussy-whipped Mayor look like an even bigger farkwit. And the way he bowed his head and closed his eyes during the opening prayer was laughable. Perhaps he can approach the indigenous prayer giver and seek repentance for his sins?

  46. White Mouse says:

    The purple scooter menace will soon be no more! Beam have been caught fudging the figures and TCC (along with a few other councils) have ripped up their contract.

    • Motorist says:

      And none too soon.

      These bloody things are an eyesore throughout the town. Further they are a road safety hazard as are the privately owned and dangerously operated scooters.

      Just because something is possible does not make it a good idea, for example, country and western music, or recreational skydiving (splat).

    • Alahazbin says:

      Mousey, Just got to find a reason to get rid of the orange ones now. But some of the privately owned ones are a bigger menace. Nearly cleaned up a young bloke on Dean St driving home from the footy.

      • Guy says:

        I stopped walking my son on the strand because of fast moving push bikes and scooters. One young man missed my son by 5 inches as he passed by from behind. An adult getting hit by a cyclist/ scooter at high speed is 50/ 50 being killed. After taking my son on to the beach to avoid a collision after seeing the potential danger, I looked over and saw the scooterists weren’t finished – one of them was trying to ride on the sand.

        On a good night you’ll see cyclists flying along dodging in and out of slow moving pedestrians.

    • Burnt Brows says:

      Are the orange scooters a different company?

    • Mad Jack says:

      This gets better and better. Did Our Mayor request a Statuary Adviser?? He says so, so that the Councillors can be ‘advised’. I doubt it, as I cannot imagine Our Mayor wanting to receive the close strict adult supervision the Statuary Advisor will bestow upon him.

      It is all about everybody else; Not about me.

      Our Mayor will become a case study for students of politics and administration in years to come.

      Below is a purloined copy from the ABC News.

      In a statement, Cr Thompson welcomed the announcement and said he had requested the statutory advisor.

      He said he had expressed his concerns about councillors and staff to the Department of Local Government’s deputy director-general at a meeting last month.

      “We have a situation where the councillors blame me for everything,” he said.

      “At the same time, all I want to do is work with them for the betterment of the city and under this circumstance, it is appropriate that we now have a statutory advisor to assist councillors in complying with the laws.

      “It is very clear that after the councillors all refused to agree to work with me for the benefit of the residents, they now need to have someone holding their hand to do that.”

  47. Tropical Cyclone says:

    Townsville’s mayor has reportedly sent his councillors a lengthy list of demands, telling them if they do not agree, he’ll push to dissolve the entire council to spark a by-election. ???? FULL STORY: https://bit.ly/3ZdQfU6

    From Mooney
    “The Minister does have that power (to dissolve the council), I don’t think the Minister will, I don’t think we’ve done anything to warrant being thrown out, but that is the concern, that it is possible.”

    What do you think magpie? Is this an option?

  48. Shit shoveller says:

    I’m actually quite impressed that without Jenny Hill’s stranglehold, these councillors are getting things done collectively. I agree that not all of their decisions are palatable, but they ar working together. Especially working together to kybosh anything the dopey Mayor attempts to do. Love it.

    • The Magpie says:

      Fully agree, and there is now they will start listening to constituents a little more attentively.

    • Mr A. hole says:

      Imagine how much better the councillor’s could do their jobs if the fwit Mayor wasn’t causing trouble and distractions.

      • The Magpie says:

        Yep, he is the one promoting the idea that he’s right and everyone else is wrong. And we all suffer because that allows councillors to stave off what must surely happen … a re-think about the Strand meters.

      • Kenny Kennett says:

        They should just get on with their fucking job. They are just using TwoDicks as an excuse for not getting on with what they’re paid to do. They’ve got the numbers so what’s getting in their way? Every excuse for what they’ve not done will from now on, be blamed on TwoDicks. Just do your jobs, swillers, and stop blaming the numbnut for not getting on with it.

        • The Magpie says:

          Now, now, little Kenny, dry your eyes, and let Uncle Magpie explain it all to you …. slowly.
          The councillors ARE getting on with their overall role, now look, (here, use my hanky, that’s the boy), if you think about it, what have they done or not done that proves they have been deflected from their regulatory task? Nothing!! (Stop sniffling now, and listen). They are moving motions, occasionally with the slight delay of that naughty mayor man saying they can’t, and having to take time to tell him he’s being a silly old sausage, then debating said motion and then voting on it. And how are they blaming the naughty mayor about hindering their work? That’s like the time you told Uncle Magpie the dog ate your homework. The councillors just don’t want to let him play with them, because he tells fibs – real whoppers – tries to bully them and wants to run all the playtime games. You see, it’s just that the naughty old mayor who is what your school mates call a skite and a lair, and they are ignoring him while they get on with their studies and playground games.

          Now go and do your homework … and I’m keeping the dog under lock and key until I hear back from your teacher. Run along.

  49. The Magpie says:



    Yes, he wants to run the city by himself, by fiat and decree. And if the councillors don’t agree, he will ask the government to dissolve the council and call a city wide by-election.

    If you think The ‘Pie is off on a flight of fancy, he’s not … read on. This is the key quote from another Chris Burns scoop.

    “We’ve got to do our jobs as we’re elected.
    “I think councillors, per se, are divisional councillors, they’ve got to look after their divisions, and I’m elected to run the city.
    “I’m not elected by councillors, I’m elected by the people, and they elected me to lead the city, and I guess I’m disappointed that some of those mechanisms for the mayor are slowly being eroded.”

    The ‘Pie is once again served well by his crystal ball, predicting exactly this more than three weeks ago … ‘if I can’t have it, then I’ll make sure you can’t either.’

    But if he thinks he will get in again as mayor, he is deluded. He was elected because he wasn’t Jenny Hill, next time around, he won’t get elected because he’s Troy Thompson.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Councillors worried about losing their jobs ? . Council meeting two weeks ago Council had about 1 mths operations cashflow after borrowing a further $100 mil late June . Rates due on the 9 th September but with a $900 mil budget what have the current Councillors done about cutting back the fat non core functions . The lease renewals at $1 revealed last Council meeting for non core Council entities showed their were mils $ in savings by relocating into empty space already owned / leased by Council . Council budget states they will lose $20 mil this year , $13.5 mil the next . Councillors just can’t keep raising rates and bumping up charges + installing parking meters they need to make hard decisions and represent their ratepayers and not use them as cash cows .

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      I agree he won’t be returned, but many of the councillors won’t be either. The ones who voted for the parking meters will be gone. I think the ones who voted to not build the theatre will also struggle. May you live in interesting times.

      • The Magpie says:

        Let’s do a bit of outside the envelope analysis here, and actually see if Thompson empty threat of dissolution has some upsides. The Magpie thinks there is the glimmer of a big one here that no one has recognised.

        If, as Junior M has said, the councillors all see their gravy train ride including perks is threatened, and they can’t fight off their imminent dismissal, it will suddenly dawn on them that they may have a very sticky problem if they face any new campaign. Those supporting the Strand parking meters will suddenly realise suddenly, they no longer have the natural buffer of years for other matters to over take their egregious anti-social money grab, and the hope that people will have moved on to other concerns. No, they may have to face the electorate much sooner (maybe not, but the pull of the rewards of free phone, latest laptops and car allowance is irresistible), and their perfidy on this issue will not only be fresh in voters minds, but people will be reminded of it every time they drive by The Strand.

        So maybe spurred by the threat of dismissal, they might move with appropriate haste to reverse that decision while still in office, so they can go back to the people and say ‘nothing to do with me, shocker of an idea’.

        Of course, the one person who can actually say he opposed it from the outset is Troy Thompson, who jumped on the anti-meter bandwagon as a populist move although having raised no objection in budget talks.

        Maybe this will all happen. maybe not. The ‘Pie called TwoNames dissolution threat ‘empty’ because it looks like he’s led with his chin on this one … a government that has itself told him to piss off, and one which barred from the parliamentary precinct fo bad behaviour, is unlikely to diddly squat about any request from him. And he himself will have compounded the Brisbane belief that he is the real problem … as if they don’t already know that.

        For the minister to decide on putting in an administrator, she would have to have strong evidence and a legally sustainable argument that the council is dysfunctional, which demonstrably it is not. Good or bad – depending of differing views – this council is putting forward motions, openly debating without fear from the chair, and voting on them. That alliances are formed is an unfortunate fact of every democratically elected governing body on the planet, it’s the way power elites work, but that is no eveidence at all of dysfunction.

        The dishonourable and self-entitled Thompson and his antics are just an unpleasant and eventually an expensive side show.

        • Tropical Cyclone says:

          Good points a lot of twitching asses in walker street. The only reason I think it may happen is because govt always likes to do things in the least singling out way possible. let’s call the mayor out? no no that would be discrimination. Call for a re-election. Good idea that way we don’t discriminate, put it to the people and no one blames us. That’s what I have seen in the past. They just say “You can all reapply for your job back”. Either way, it’s going to get more interesting. Maybe there will be a movie made of it. I’m sure they will give you a part. The overweight cigar-smoking editor is behind a wooden desk on the phone. hahaha like the editor from the kolchak night stalker series. Tony Vincenzo

        • Jenny says:

          Is there a politico-lawyer out there who might comment on the constitutional question whether the state government would dismiss an entire council on the basis of a ‘they’re not playing nice’ complaint by the mayor? Sounds highly unlikely to me.
          But if the TCC was dismissed and a re-election called, wouldn’t Div9 Cr Mooney be seen in good standing about parking meters vicinity of Mater hospital? Yes, there are problems for sick people visiting doctors or patients there with no timetable, I get that. And maybe some original creativeness needs to be found for that particular issue. But Mooney has been advocating for HIS CONSTITUENTS in the streets around the hospital who have endless complaints every day about cars parked across driveways, wheelie bins being blocked etc etc, directly impacting residential harmony in the area. It’s a completely different situation from Strand parking and requires a nuanced approach which Mooney seems to be demonstrating. Not so sure about Div3 Greaney’s position on Strand meters. She might be focussed on revenue raising which has its own supporters but also many pitfalls. None of us needs a new, full council election.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie has already emphasised that the two issues, Mater/Strand are discrete matters that should be confused … the argument for and against completely different dynamics. What great irony in the difference, though, the Pimlico residents have an argument, especially as the Mater is a private operation and does cause problems for local residents, whereas the Greaney/Richardson false argument for the Strand – the need to create turnover – is demonstrably not true and is a fabrication.

            And there is absolutely no way that the council will be dismissed for reasons that have been aired since the elections. Just a lot of hot air point scoring, and unless a REAL financial whistleblower pops up, they’ll be around until the next election.

    • James says:

      TCC is not functioning as it should. A dissolution achieves nothing, but costs the ratepayer. An advisor should be appointed to the mayors office as has happened across Queensland. Starving off the mayor works for no one, a mate of mine was at a board meeting yesterday, and the mayor spoke well and had everybody engaged, it’s not the only time I’ve heard this. I know it’s not what the Pie wants to hear, but it’s the truth. There are 2 sides to the story, no one took on Jenny, all were scared of her, now everyone knows better, green eyed envy is a curse. Let’s get on with getting state and federal funding and make Townsville the city it should be. I’ll stand behind the council and simply ask they each concentrate on their areas, leave the leadership to the mayor and a new ceo to sort out.

      • The Magpie says:

        Thank you Troy or Troy-cultist. That last line shows the depth of delusion and the shallowness of the campaign all in one. So in the last 48 hours, the naked ambition of this sicko mayor is plainly revealed. Just another thing he wanted hidden by from the public, a budding El Supremo who either he himself or one of acolytes writes the obvious bullshit that always begins ‘a mate of mine was … etc etc.’

        You still think we’re 8 years old, don’t you, Bozo?

  50. PUBLIC OFFICER says:


  51. Grumpy says:

    Can someone tell me what qualifications a “Mayoral Advisor” requires? Training and experience in what, exactly? Are they there as some sort of Public Relations advisor? A “ensure I am re-elected” assistant? A general gofer? Or, perhaps, just an opportunity for a nepo baby?

    • The Magpie says:

      All of the above. The ‘Pie has been wondering about this too. And wondering if any of The ‘Pie’s Walker St deep throats can shed any light on the qualifications of Jenny’s three ‘advisors’, at least one of which was purely a Labor political officer.

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        Previous advisors were completely political appointments with no skills beyond being ALP aligned and adept at bum kissing.

        An advisor/advisor group should understand policy development, stakeholder engagement, local networking and where the best coffee is to be had.

        • The Magpie says:

          Let’s noot get ahead of ourselves, Sedentary Candidate. This means Scanlon now has skin in the game, and any ructions will reflect directly back on her, so boiofhead will be kept in check. We hope.

    • Burnt Brows says:

      ‘Mayoral Advisers’ need very specific qualifications not easily obtained by regular folk like ourselves. First of all you would need questionable University qualifications not able to be confirmed by any known University, then a stellar Military career preferably a retired Green Beret with a Purple Heart for single handedly saving an entire platoon of real SAS soldiers, and finally being able to demonstrate the ability to steer a Company downhill into a Christopher Skase level of corporate collapse. Did you say adviser or the actual mayor????

  52. The Magpie says:

    What a pleasure to pass on some truly good news for this poor old city.

    This is simply brilliant, just the sort of thinking and doing we desperately need.

    Local entrepreneur Steve Hannant, a local small businessman involved in holiday rentals and backpacker accommodation,, had a bright idea and ran with it … and as far as is reported, spent entirely his own money on this clever and innovative conversion. The old Pier Restaurant now has 60 pod-style beds ( a long standing – or lying – Japanese concept) with well furnished common areas, kitchen and bathrooms.
    Is there a chain of such the next step for Mr Hannant?
    But it is with a tinge of irritation that The Magpie points out the obvious: Mr Hannant has probably done more for more positive, attractive outside view of Townsville in a single year than TEL has done in a decade.

    • Achilles says:

      Only thing missing from the pic of the “Floater” are parking meters in front or those cars, ching-ching!

    • White Mouse says:

      Good on this bloke for putting money into a needed accommodation facility, but I’m not sure how a bunk bed with a pull across curtain qualifies as “luxurious & self contained”. If so, any number of naval vessels should also advertise their luxurious sleeping quarters.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      “Luxurious self-contained sleeping pods” FFS it looks like a south east asian village brothel. How much money would people pay for that flop house? Its only saving grace is that it is across the road from the ferry and bus terminal so people might be forced to stay there first or last night of a trip.

      • The Magpie says:

        Two points stanbnd out in your negative comment:

        1. You have the advantage of experience over most of us that enables you to make a comoparision with an eaast asian brothel.

        2. And it is clear you are not a young person, who view many things, including this, very differently.

        Another negative sneer that is such a widespread problem in this city when something positive is offered.

    • It's raining says:

      Cheapest deal about $60 per night.

  53. Mexico Pete says:

    The Local Government Minister will appoint a special adviser to examine the conflict within the Townsville City Council, as she warned council to ‘act like adults’.

    I’ll be interested to see which labor party stooge gets the nod. Maybe an ex Mayor would be a candidate.

  54. I’ll be plucked says:

    The circus and embarrassment rolls on for Townsville. The QLD LG Minister has appointed a Special Advisor to try and sort out the absolute disgraceful mess at the TCC. Not sure who it is as yet, but I hope it’s not a political acolyte and someone with some smarts to sort this whole matter through! Pluck me………:(

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      There’s really only one plucker that needs to be moved on and then major problem resolved, for now! :)

    • The Magpie says:

      Sorry, what disgraceful mess? The appointment is a clever one by Scanlon, it is to keep a tight rein on the only disgraceful mess in Walker Street, our accidental con man mayor.

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        Agreed Pie, the disgraceful mess is Twonames with his daily BS and crap. As a result, all eyes are on him at the TCC and not on the ball, which is serving our community. Too much time having to be spent managing this lunatic! :(

      • Mooooo says:

        Agree- the appointment is a glorified ‘babysitter’ – two names thinks he has won this battle of the Advisor but he is sure to be in for a surprise

        • The Magpie says:

          Idle thought … will the advisor sit next to the mayor in council meetings? Or take the place of McCabe? Or, the wisest move, sit between them?

  55. Jeff, Condon says:

    Queensland’s local government department is appointing an advisor to assist the embattled Townsville City Council.

    Queensland Local Government Minister Meaghan Scanlon announced on Thursday that the director-general of her department had appointed an advisor to assist the Townsville City Council.

    “We’re all adults — I expect mayors and councillors to act in the interests of what they are elected to do,” Ms Scanlon said.
    “What I can say is my director-general has written to council indicating the state government will be appointing an advisor.”

    Council must comply
    The Local Government Act 2009 states that the chief executive can appoint an advisor if they believe a local government is not fulfilling its responsibilities properly, not complying with legislation, or if appointing an advisor is in the public interest.

    The act states that an advisor is responsible for helping the local government fulfil its responsibilities and comply with laws.

    The local government must fully comply with the advisor.


    About bloody time.

  56. Not standing for Mayor says:

    TwoStains is taking as some personal triumph that the DLG is going to install a professional and independent Advisor to Council. He seems not to realize that this person will be a conduit back to the Department and Minister for commentary on his erratic behavior as much as on anything from the Councillors. He is both holding a gun to his own head with his threats and building his own gallows.

    • The Magpie says:

      As The ‘Pie has said twice in other replies, Thompson is so up himself, he is yet to realise that the appointment is to keep HIM in check, not the councillors. Ultimately, if a motion is put properly, it is debated and voted on by all councillors.

      • Headmistress says:

        Hes over there on his Facebook page all braggadocious, crowing this was his idea. He reveals he supposedly met with the LG directors last month and requested they appoint an independent statutory advisor, to “hold the hands” of the other councillors. Fast forward a couple of weeks and hes sat there (yet again,)demanding he select his own advisor to help him with his speeches! No mention last week of him requesting a statutory advisor or a meeting with the Dept. He sure kept shtum about that little encounter for all his claims of transparency. Im thinking he was probably hauled into this meeting to explain himself and this statutory advisor was more of a threat. Hes gone back and fucked it with his whacky demands, has a meltdown when told no and here we are. It raises a few chuckles to read the carefully curated comments on his facebook page. Yes Troy, you’re really stckin it to them.

        • The Magpie says:

          It is stated that the advisor’s advice must be taken, but it will be interesting how far that goes. Are we getting a Clayton’s Administrator, the administrator you have when you aren’t having an administrator. It will be worth watching closely how this unbreachable advice extends when it comes to councillors voting. Will it involve some arcane, hidden power similar to that of a judge who cannoirder a jury to a certain verdict, and tell councillors how they must vote. On three mayoral advisors for instance?

    • Bill says:

      Yep , got it in one.

  57. Jeff, Condon says:

    Queensland’s local government department has appointed an advisor to assist the embattled Townsville City Council.

    The council must comply with the advisor, whose role is to ensure the council fulfils its duties.

    Queensland Local Government Minister Meaghan Scanlon announced on Thursday that the director-general of her department would appoint an advisor to assist the Townsville City Council.

    “We’re all adults — I expect mayors and councillors to act in the interests of what they are elected to do,” Ms Scanlon said.

    The Local Government Act 2009 states that the chief executive can appoint an advisor if they believe a local government is not fulfilling its responsibilities properly, not complying with legislation, or if appointing an advisor is in the public interest.

    The act states that an advisor is responsible for helping the local government fulfil its responsibilities and comply with laws.

    The local government must fully comply with the advisor.

    Ms Scanlon would not directly comment on whether she had considered exercising her powers to dissolve the council.


    About bloody time.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t rejoice too soon, Jeff, but all will be well if the mayor also has to follow the advisor’s directions. And that may well be Scan;on’s plan.

    • Grumpy says:

      Jeff, if council (including the Mayor) must comply with the Advisor’s directions, then he/she is not really an advisor – more like a court-appointed Receiver/Administrator. Is Thompson really that dumb that he sees this as some sort of vindication? Does he really think that this Advisor will be anything like the ones he was seeking? I suspect that this may be the beginning of the end.

      • The Magpie says:

        You may well be right, Grumps, and all decent people with pride in their city hope so, but a word of caution … although the appointee is supposedly independent and above any partisan consideration, we are standing on the shifting sands of politics here. So there may further surprises in store.

  58. Prince Rollmop says:

    Twonames gets his advisor. Media release below.


    Townsville Mayor Thompson Addresses Recent Correspondence with Councillors

    Townsville, Queensland – September 4, 2024 –

    Mayor Troy Thompson has issued a statement regarding recent communications with Townsville City Councillors, emphasising the need for cooperation and transparency within the council.

    “On Monday, I reached out to all Townsville City Councillors, seeking their commitment to cease any actions that could be perceived as bullying or undermining my role as Mayor. I urged them to collaborate with me for the betterment of our beautiful city.

    Unfortunately, the response was silence from most councillors, accompanied by two legal threats from the council concerning the release of a media statement on transparency.
    These threats appear to be an attempt to intimidate me and hinder my compliance with the Act, which mandates transparency within the council.

    I remain steadfast in my commitment to transparency, despite concerns from some councillors about how their actions might be perceived.

    I have urged councillors to focus on their respective divisions and to work towards unity rather than division. Regrettably, this request was met with refusal.

    It seems that some members of this council are not prioritising the interests of our residents. The ongoing bullying by certain councillors is unacceptable and should not be tolerated by anyone, including the Mayor.

    Having exhausted private avenues, I now publicly call on councillors to assure the community and residents that they will work collaboratively with the Mayor to ensure the council serves the residents effectively.

    This is a reasonable request. Our residents deserve a council that works together for the community.”


    • The Magpie says:

      Wrong media release, that was published yesterday. Got the one you meant to send Mopsy?

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        Late with the news Mopsy! Much like the TB rag!!!

        • The Magpie says:

          Ah, well, no. The ‘Pie has other personal matters to attend during the day, so comments, which only The n’Pie canpublish, were neglected and piled up. So that’s actually on The ‘Pie, and always happy to repeat messages from those willing to go to the trouble of posting.

  59. Donkey Kong says:

    What a sad state of affairs. Council has only been in play for a couple of months and already the state government has council in its crosshairs. Well done Troy Thompson, what a hero! Thompson is a nobody who can’t hold down a regular job, and was even rejected by one nation. Now he is Mayor of one of Queenslands biggest regions and he is driving us into the ground. What a completely disruptive fool. And to think we had it bad under Jenny Hill.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie risks, as always, being tedious by repetition, but this council is functioning fine, just like all other reasonably well adjusted councils. No council makes decisions that everyone likes, no council is immune from making shocking blunders (cf Strand parking meters) but this council, like all others, is going about its decision making business in an acceptable way. The state government has just one person in its crosshairs, and ostensibly the advisor is there to advise the councillors how to best go about their business of keeping the mayor an outlier and still moving, debating and deciding issues without the distraction of his foot-stamping, nighty-ripping tantrums.

  60. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    I have just listened to an interview with the new CLP NT Chief Minister on the radio. How refreshing. I hope David Crisafulli heard too.

    “We will put the rights of the public ahead of the rights of the offender.”

    • The Magpie says:

      Understand and agree with the sentiment behind this catchy phrase, but in straight terms of English, it is an impossible oxymoron. A ‘right’ is an absolute, something that is established and cannot be taken away, so in law, if one group has a right, it cannot override another’s group’s right. Without one ‘right’ being proven to be a false ‘right’. That then leads to the sticky question which is where all the trouble starts …. magistrates and judges then have to decide whose rights they think has greater weight, and rule accordingly … soft cock magistrates in favour of the defendant, hardline judges in favour of the wider community. And all that leaves us with the undeniable facts that no one has a ‘right’ which cannot be overruled.

      Just a bit of friday morning navel gazing.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Crisafulli should watch the NT very carefully on what not to do. The CLP crime reforms mean more people will come into contact with the justice system and less people will
      come into contact with intervention services or rehabilitation. It’s a recipie for disaster.

      • The Magpie says:

        You may well be right in your prediction for the NT,Tasty Bits, but that’s the NT, not Queensland. Very different dynamics, racial ratios and voter sentiment which may translate into nothing for Queensland. besides, we don’t get know where Crisafulli lands on this issue, and he’d better get his skates on, just seven weeks to go.

  61. Toy Thompstain says:

    Well done Twonames, the state government has appointed you a babysitter because you can’t be trusted. No doubt you are too stupid and conceited and you will think that the appointment is because of the other councillors. Troy, please resign. Do the honourable thing. You have got the councillors offside, the state government offside, and the local media offside. You couldn’t manage a hotdog stand let alone a large regional city budget.

  62. Mugwump says:


    Date: September 6, 2024

    Subject: Serious Unlawful Matters in Townsville City Council

    Mayor Addresses Serious Unlawful Matters in Council

    The Mayor of Townsville City Council has brought to light some very serious and unlawful matters within the council.

    It has been revealed that certain councillors have received expensive gifts from a candidate who has applied for the permanent CEO position.

    These councillors have failed to declare the gifts they received and the personal friendships they have with the candidate, with one councillor recently going on a sailing trip with the candidate just days prior to using the councillors vote to select the candidate into the short listed candidates.

    The Mayor stated, “The councillors involved have used their vote to select this candidate into the shortlist of 3 candidates for the permanent CEO position. This is a lucrative position worth over half a million dollars a year.”

    The Mayor emphasised the importance of transparency, saying, “Councillors should not be receiving gifts, going on sailing cruises, or posing for friendly selfies with any candidates who are trying to be selected for a very lucrative CEO position with the council. If it does happen, it is extremely important that councillors declare any such gifts or friendships with any candidates prior to using their vote to select them for a role.”

    Information indicates that no fewer than 3 councillors have taken gifts from one particular candidate. These councillors all voted for that candidate to be in the shortlist of this recruitment process.

    The Mayor has referred these matters to the Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission for an urgent investigation.

    “I ran for the position of Mayor because I was concerned that this type of thing WAS happening. The residents voted for me because they wanted more transparency. I reassure the residents that I will continue to fight for them AND I will continue to fight for a transparent council,” the Mayor concluded.


    • The Magpie says:

      This is insidiously sick, not to mention the height of hypocrisy.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Apparently these are:

      Subject: “Serious Unlawful Matters” in Townsville City Council

      Mayor Addresses “Serious Unlawful Matters” in Council

      The Mayor of Townsville City Council has brought to light some “very serious and unlawful matters” within the council.

      Vexatious prick!

  63. Ben Rumson says:

    With the recent carry-on between Twonames, the CEO, and the Councillors, if today, the staff at the Astonisher do their jobs properly, tomorrow’s edition might just be worth purchasing.

    • Dennis says:

      I purchased the digital version on the bulletin on the last few months to keep track of this train wreck Thompson. Maybe if they get more revenue we’ll see better articles

      • The Magpie says:

        More is never enough for this mob, all profits down to the Sydney counting, to be shot over to NY so Rupert can buy another Chinese satellite tv station or whatever.

        And one newsagent has been informed a mate no more home deliveries of the Bulletin after Christmas.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          Print media has been dying for a couple of years now. The end is nigh. And sadly, no loss. The daily range of articles are mostly crap interspersed with Harvey Norman ads. Mainstream is also suffering with Chanel’s 9 and 7 bleeding money. Now we have tv news which includes horoscopes. Totally lame. What next, a welcome to country at the beginning of the nightly news broadcast?

          • The Magpie says:

            Don’t tempt fate.

          • Rotten Luck Willie says:

            We get a dafacto welcome to country with every ABC radio show. It pisses me off intensely but their news seems to be the most reliable.

          • Davo says:

            Digital is best, it’s the only way forward now, and it’s easy access for busy people, time to move on. Even magpies shifted to a digital blog

        • Dennis says:

          Interesting insight, Magpie. Though, that’s pretty disappointing to hear.

  64. Prickster says:

    No doubt it’s all 20/20 hindsight, where I’m sure if Joe had his time over, he’d make lots of different decision.

    I’d like to see the Astonisher dig into the circumstances and events where Thompson might pose a risk to councillors and other staff.

    • The Magpie says:

      That last point has already been canvassed, where Thompson’s history of DV he has put down to his epilepsy. McCabe had every right,indeed duty, to take the reason for the absence into account when it came to a return to work.

      Frontal lobe seizures may manifest bizarre behaviors such as thrashing, kicking, genital manipulation, unusual facial expressions, and articulate vocalizations. Aggressive and violent behaviors have also been associated with epilepsy, especially temporal or frontal lobe seizures. This from the NIH site in the US.

      This comment is no suggestion that Thompson’s condition should disqualify him from office, but a management plan should be in place. Now if we could only get into that section of his brain that says lying and bullying is wrong ….

      • Jono G says:

        That’s a good description of a malfunctioning brain Mr magpie. That certainly explains the mayors fuckwittery and the stupid things that he does. What a basket case.

      • Mad Jack says:

        Does Mayor Twonames really have epilepsy? He says so. He is a lier. Is he lying? Has anyone seen him doing the horizontal Macarena?
        In the interests of openness and transparency let us see his medical records and have them authenticated by a medical professional.
        Perhaps his unauthenticated claims of epilepsy is a mask other issues. “Que spooky music.”

        • The Magpie says:

          There is a grainy video of him supposedly having an episode (not allowed to call it a fit nowadays) at Fairfield shopping centre. Posted it himself. He’s not identifiable but not sure there’s value in claiming it if untrue.

          • Jess says:

            That’s poor form, he’s had several, and all recordable. Willows, Strand, Fairfield, The Range, all tonic clonic seizures, people need to be mindful this is real, I was his nurse at ED!

          • The Magpie says:

            A bit of nurse/patient confidentiality out the window Jess, but said in the public interest. Not sure if recordable is the same as recorded.

            And people are mindful, Jess, for Thompson, and for those he works with. Joe McCabe was certainly mindful in this respect.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Hahaha ED Nurse!
            Jess, ED nurses understand patient confidentiality and wouldn’t be saying shit like that on a blog.

          • The Magpie says:

            Not if they wanted to keep their jobs.

            The ‘Pie’s point precisely.

  65. Percy says:

    I quite like McCabes track record. They seem like fine statistics and he is certainly an experienced public servant. Compare that to Twonames couple of chaotic months as Mayor, and there really isn’t a comparison, I know who I believe.

    • Davo says:

      Only he was sacked by GCC for ‘cultural issues’ I’m sure that doesn’t get printed. And we should all be concerned he’s been a CEO for just over 6 months, not the attributes of a CEO for a $1B budget really. I’m sure the magpie won’t add, as facts aren’t always his narrative.

      • The Magpie says:

        And what you won’t add, Davo, is you prefer to concentrate and shift responsibility for this matter entirely onto McCabe’s shoulders and ignore the main role played by the con man mayor.

        And anyway, your wrong, The Magpie was the first to question McCabe’s background and the history behind him leaving the GCC for a NT gig. Look it up. The week after McCabe’s appointment was announced and a week after the first questioning comments appeared, The May 11 edition of the Nest was also asking questions.

        Keep up or keep out, Bozo.

  66. The Magpie says:

    This is the email Troy Thompson sent gto councillors last Monday, demanding that they kiss this wannabe Pope’s ring. Astounding stuff, but just to be clear, Troy Thomson’s mayoralty DOES NOT give any power to dissolve council, that is purely the prerogative of the Minister. All he can do is make the recommendation. A misleading lying bully start to finish.

    • Ben Rumson says:

      Paragraph 2. Who are the councillors and what are the actions?

      There was the no confidence motion, the denial of an advisor or three, personally selected by the Mayor and the same with the CEO, but all of this was public and had the full backing of all councillors. What else is happening at Walker Street?

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Number 5 on that list should be pretty easy to do.
      I suggest he pull his head in, and resign immediately. Which would save the city a lot of money and trauma.
      And then he should fuck off, fuck off a bit further, keep fucking off and don’t come back.

      • The Magpie says:

        What trauma? You don’t know good fun and a good time when you see it, Tasty Bits … The Magpie for one is having the time of his life.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Fully understand this is a journos wet dream. But it’s traumatic on the city coffers and council staff. And city coffers translate to rates.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, while taking your underlying point about wasted time, costs of much of current and subsequent actions will be covered by a permanent LG kitty kept for such occasions. Pretty sure we’re a long way from this impacting on rates – although if it drags on, driven by Thompson’s ego, thdere may be a rates effect down the track.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Unfortunately it will impact rates. While this dickhead is threatening and posturing and taking selfies and sending legal legltters, it’s reflecting badly on a local government trying to hire staff. The longer it takes to hire competent staff, because who wants to work for a logal government in turmoil with a fuckwit as Mayor the longer it will take to complete administrative and operational functions. Therefore rates will increase as contractors and consultants are hired.

            This isn’t about his costs, which will be large, but the impact caused by his fuckwittery.

    • Toady says:

      Thompson needs to go. The CEO, councillors and the state government need to ride this bloke out of town. What a control freak. And the nerve, asking the councillors to write individual support letters. What a crybaby he is.

    • Luke Edwards says:

      I would imagine that food trucks Greaney and Susie B would have exploded with anger once they received the mayors pathetic letter/email. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall. But I digress. The letter is a desperate attempt to exert authority, a move that has been taken out of the Jenny Hill handbook under the section of ‘bullying, intimidation, and control’. Hopefully all of this will backfire in a major way. Thompson parrots on about democracy and being democratically elected. Well the councillors have exercised their democratic rights by voting against some of the folly he puts forward. That’s their right and in fact it shows that they are working on matters, problem solving, agreeing and/or disagreeing. That’s what we pay them to do. We don’t pay them to only vote in accordance with Thompson’s wishes. The sooner that Thompson is shut down, the better.

      • The Magpie says:

        Be nice if Cas Garvey at the Daily Astonisher realised that … and that she and everybody else stopped describing the council is ‘dysfunctional’. Because that suggests the city cannot function with a lying, partner abusing, valor stealing business fraud to guide it. Frankly, looking outside the circus tent, the sun is shining, the natives are as happy as they can be in Townsville, and the city is moving along without any roadblocks to our amenity and comfort. There is only one dysfunctional unit on the council, and to tar with the same a brush a new diverse, politically mixed group of people who went through an election campaign to become councillors is as insulting as it is just plain wrong.

        • OED says:

          Dysfunctional doesn’t mean that the council can’t function, but that it is not functioning normally.

          • The Magpie says:

            And to whom do you apply this adjective? As if I need to ask.

            The council appears to The ‘Pie to functioning normally, interrupted briefly now and then by the attempted disruptions of a mentally unstable mayor. A mayor who is basically dysfunctional, both professionally, morally and personally.

          • OED says:

            The mayor is part of the council, and the reason why the council is dysfunctional.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s just crappy semantics. He doesn’t cripple their ability to debate and make decisions, he only creates the occasional diversion. You seem to want to use your interpretation to see the whole council dissolved, a proposition that needs more careful examination, in both justification and fairness. Thompson is plotting a pyrrhic victory out of spite, and all decent people should hope it’s not given to him.

            What’s your position?

    • Headmistress says:

      Trying to imagine an appropriate response to this email if I’d logged in and found it in my inbox. There isn’t one. This strange man seems to be unravelling very publicly

    • Prickster says:

      Narcissistic personality disorder confirmed in the first sentence.

  67. Jonty says:

    Seriously, what a dick. Like a school teacher demanding his students obey him. The letter is childish and embarrassing. The councillors and state government really need to get rid of this shit stirrer. I also not that Thompson continues to slander Joe McCabe by accusing him of lying. I hope Thompson ends up on the receiving end of a lawsuit. This muppet needs to go.

    • The Magpie says:

      Hmmmm, off topic a bit but Jonty is a rarish name … that you, Mr Verwey, former $175k adviser to Mayor Mullet? Just askin’.

  68. FRED FAIR says:

    Different subject but



    We are governed by a selective bunch of hypocritical unethical puppets.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Well yeah
      But we all had a hand in the voting them in part. So if you don’t like it, get more involved and more vocal.

    • Burnt Brows says:

      Banks did get hammered under the Banking Royal Commission. Big accounting firms like PWC are strongly under a spotlight Worldwide. As for the others, they were not infiltrated to the core with bikies, thugs, and underworld figures.

    • Nicolae Ceausescu says:

      Because the CFMEU, like all unions, is a registered organisation whose officials are given permits to enter any workplace in Australia, bypassing trespass laws. They have used these powers to extort, bully and harass employers and workers with impunity. This is about the only thing Albo has done that is worth serious applause. The CFMEU is a stain on the union movement, and their officials are nothing more than thugs and crooks.

      • The Magpie says:


        Obviously Fred is getting at is the legalised corruption of other bodies, but that is a fight for another time for a different reason.

  69. Nicolae Ceausescu says:

    Scanning Facebook, including posts on Everything Townsville and the drivel TT spews, it’s apparent there are still people backing this disgrace of a mayor. They seem to be getting sucked in by his distortions and attempts to blame everyone else for the predicament he’s in. If Facebook is representative of the broader community, we’re living among some seriously dangerous morons who shouldn’t be fed, let alone allowed to procreate. The specter of Hill looms large in their narrative defending TT. How are we going to move past this and start discussing how to encourage serious people to run for these positions? Any serious, successful person would have to have rocks in their head to enter politics in the current environment. Unless someone can be drafted by the moderate majority, I fear we’ll end up electing another fraud to replace this prick when he eventually goes.

    • The Magpie says:

      Any suggestions?

      • Luke Edwards says:

        Elusive Butterfly for one.

      • Nicolae Ceausescu says:

        I have to say, your commentary regarding the existing Councillors has been spot on. The media have, and will continue to, play a role in how the general public views the goings-on at Walker Street. While holding TT’s feet to the fire, they should, as you’ve suggested, be very careful in their coverage to avoid the ‘pox on all your houses’ mentality from setting in. The mayoralty of Townsville could be a very exciting opportunity for the right person—ten times better than sitting on the backbench of parliament in either Brisbane or Canberra, taking orders from political masters. I’m sorry this doesn’t directly address your challenge, but I can think of a few people around the place with the right stuff to take Townsville to the next level.

  70. HiBeam says:

    G’day Old Bird, in answer to your question regarding Startling Messes., that’s what the would be Sterling Mosses become as they drive into the fog at warp factor plus 10%

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