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The Magpie

Sunday, October 27th, 2024   |   336 comments

Across The City, All Townsville’s Singin’ The Blues This Morning – Some Boisterously, Some Bitterly.

Out Mundingburra way,  they’re singing the theme music from the movie Requiem For A Heavyweight, as Messagebank hits the canvas – but this time, he won’t be getting up. In Thuringowa, the Bat Signal was blew a fuse and it’s was a lights and sirens emergency call as the ambos carted away the flabby remains of a political. career that never was.  And in Townsville the minister who rose without a trace will have to head back to the classroom to make an honest quid.

We’ve got Premier Kid Crisafulli as predicted, now we await the proof of the pudding as he announces all those things he wouldn’t discuss during the campaign.  Fingers crossed. Given the deadline for the weekly Nest, probably not too much to be said right now,  except we are enjoying the warmth from flames as the deadwood of the past few years goes up in flames.

But even in the earliest analysis,  Crisafulli and the LNP must be dismayed by the result as a performance indicator, where a 58-42 polling lead just two or three weeks ago turned out to be a relatively close shave. It will be interesting to see if the LNP re-evaluate their mandate, which really comes down to one thing … controlling crime.  And given the outcome breaks down into regions right wing,  and SE corner left labor and Greens,  the questions of the Olympics will be a thorny one. There’s no way The Kid will do a Dan Andrews, but we might end up with the budget games.

Magpie note:  The Nest is missing two or three planned items because the computer had some inexplicable hissy fit, so I’ve published what I can. might be able to reinstate the missing bits a bit later … or maybe not. but will try. Grrrr…!!

BUT other thing have been happening which have not escaped the beady Magpie eye.

magpie peering copy

Most astounding is the conclusion of an official CCC investigation into one complaints against our fraudster mayor – yes he did lie to a council meeting, but that’s OK, no offence committed, nothing to see here≥, so move along.

You’ve got to feel a bit sorry for Astonisher editor Cas Garvey, she must feel a bit like Sisyphus this week, rolling the rock of credibility up the hill, only to see a lazy  reporter kick it back down to the bottom again.

Plus a bumper USA cartoon gallery of increasingly frantic and grim dark humour  – where the election choices and policies make our just completed Queensland effort look like a Grade Three class captain exercise.

Famous Facebook Fibber TwoNames Thompson Gets Some Good News From The CCC

There’s that old legal saying ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’, so it reasonable for the Townsville community to feel they’ve been unjustly treated by the various dilatory ‘investigations’ into the obvious misbehaviour (and mental instability) of our fraudster mayor, TwoNames Thompson.  It wasn’t until the past week, a full six months when complaints were first raised about Thompson’s antics before and after his accidental election in March, that CCC investigators strolled off the plane from Brisbane to saungter leaisurely into Walker Street and start some on-scene chin scratching and moving-lips examination of whatever they found in the mayoral office.

But whatever they find that makes them go from ummm! to oh!, don’t get your hopes up that we’ll be rid of this rapacious conman and his wild eyed enables any time soon. Here’s why.

A reader (known personally to The ‘Pie so known not to be a complete whacko – well, most of the time)  made a formal complaint to the CCC about Thompson clearly lying to  council meeting about having legal advice saying he did not have a COI in the CEO selection matter. He refused to produce the advice (socouncilk could debate its merits) or even say who provided it,  and stumbled and fumbled some word salad excuse, but in a clear admission of bullshitting on the matter to the council,  he subsequently backed down from the claim,  and stayed out of the closed session.

A couple of days ago, the CCC has emailed the complainant , effectively washing their hands of the matter. But the email included the startling line:
Based on the information you have given us, we have not been able to identify a relevant criminal offence from Mayor Thompson’s conduct. That is, it is not a criminal offence for him to lie in a Council meeting.
And there you have it. The corruption watchdog says in so many words, yes, he lied, but no, nothing we can do about it – presumably because it’s not a ‘criminal’ offence. The complainant was advised to start all over again, but this time with the equally sloth-like Office of the Independent Assessor.
Seems an extraordinary state of affairs. Essentially, under ECQ rules, it’s a no-no to lie to get into office, but once you’re  there. go for your life, lie your head off, no one gives a stuff. Apparently.
Technically, it seems the CCC are right under their terms of reference. The ‘Pie was unable to find anything in the Act or anywhere else where lying is specifically mentioned, and certainly not as a criminal offence. The closest that might cover it is this:
Providing false or misleading information to the Minister for Local Government, the CEO of the department responsible for local government, the Independent Assessor, or a member of the Office of the Independent Assessor (OIA), the CCT, the Change Commission, an investigator or authorised person • Engaging in fraud against the council 
That should be something that Premier Kid should look at. Urgently, and for all elected officials at all levels.

Screenshot 2024-10-26 at 8.59.43 pmPS The ‘Pie has ordered a couple of these from the US. Get on to Temu, they’re on about $4 each. Something to wear when you approach our mayor for a friendly chat.

Not To Get Too Posh, But The Bulletin Needs A New Name In Its Quest For Credibility: The Sisyphean Times…

For the few of you who are not scholars of Greek mythology, Sisyphus was the bloke whose punishment for giving the finger to the Gods was the task of rolling a rock uphill, only never to reach the top, it would always get away from him and rolling  back – poor bugger is still at it, since the punishment was/is for eternity.  Townsville Bulletin editor Cas Garvey must know how old Sisy feels – after some excellent recent work rolling the rock of credibility up the community hill, it rolled and crashed back to the bottom again in the last week.

Ity started with bit of truly dishonest reporting.

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This is one that pops from time to time, and when the state campaign lulled a bit, seemed a good filler … of a two page spread.

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Now, let The Magpie be absolutely clear, he thinks it would be a wonderful idea idea and a great and well patronised addition to the Townsville recreational scene.

But let him also be clear that he will be fucking surprised if happens. This is a gullible and lazy Leighton ‘Light-On’  Smith special, a story straight off a media release (there is no this goof sat and took notes or interviewed the proponent, Shaun McCarthy.) In all probability,  Light-On may never have met him, just sent out of a photographer for a pic.  And as usual, from the ‘reporter’ who brought you with certainty that there was no way the Hilton Hotel next to the stadium would NOT happen. And al,mosy exactly one year ago, Light-On  showed his uncanny ability to ignore madly waving red flags when he told us with unwavering certainty  that Townsville was about to get a ‘five star, 20 storey international hotel in the Hive development

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Fast talking ‘developer’  Mark Tonge, a blow-in from the Gold Coast,  coyly refused to namde the international chain with which he was having such fruitful talks ‘but a deal will be announced in about a week’. it wasn’t, Leighton ndever followed upo on the story (The Magpie did) and Mr Tonge has since departed Townsville for the south from whence he originally slithered.

Now you’d think a grown man … who angrily clainm journalistic status as well as above average stenogrphic skills , might learned something from that little outing.

But no, appafrently not. Here are a few things that didn’t even stir the slightest curiosity in our man in the waterpark story,.

First you’ll see the usual misplaced certainty when he says ‘Townsville is finally getting a waterpark’. No it’s not, plans have to go to council,  with its acres of red tape and requirements, especially of a development that will be a water consuming monster. Still no questions, mate? Well then before we even to get what is proposed to be built, how about the site itself, which is on a flood plain. No probs, said Mr McCarthy.

Due to the flood prone nature of the site, Mr McCarthy said detailed hydrological studies had been undertaken both on the current council flood modelling data as well as the proposed amended modelling data, with the plan to raise development footprint 3m higher across the site, backed by a system of channels and a weir – leaving 110,000 sqm of developable land.

So, Leighton,  while Mr McCarthy says gthe project will be delivered much more cheaply than it would cost in the south, he proposes to overfill the 11.4hectare site, raising it three metres.   Given that the North Rail Yards remediation of possibly a couple of metres on a 4.4h site will cost somewhere north of $70million, did it occur to you to do a quick calculation and make a phone cal,k to Markwell’s to check out the cost. No, still nothing Goofy?

Then what about the owners of the land, which just so happens to be the Townsville Turf Club. you didn’t think to ask them about these plans for their land. Maybe they’ve been in touch with you, but you just haven';t told us what was said. But you’d think this would be the first call after you’d cleared the fax machine of Mr McCarthy’s day dream.

Then of course we get all the usual goodies  promised with sort of tediouskly familiar development … not forgetting the obligatory hotel.

“The project includes a 3000-person capacity waterpark, designed to be similar to Wet ‘n’ Wild on the Gold Coast, alongside a 10,000 square metre Beach Club that aims to rival Finns Bali and O Beach Ibiza … with a capacity of 5000 – equipped to host international DJs and artists,” Mr McCarthy said.

Render of the Beach Club section of the Townsville Waterpark, Beach Club & Hotel. Picture: CA Architects.

Render of the Beach Club section of the Townsville Waterpark, Beach Club & Hotel. Picture: CA Architects.

“It will be anchored by a 200-key (15 storey) hotel featuring dedicated conference and event facilities capable of accommodating up to 600-seat banquet style.

“In addition to the leisure offerings, the development will incorporate quick-service restaurant drive-through tenancies, a tavern, and plans for 400 residential apartments (eight storey) plus retail, (with) ample undercover parking for about 900 parks in the current plans.”

Still nothing stirring up thdere in the noodle, Light-On. Well, then, let’s have a look at

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Well,  Mr McCarthy has had five years to sort that our, and all may be well with him and his finances,  but there are some questions raised by the matter.

Except for Leighton Smith. Lazy, lazy stuff.

Seriously mate, look for a job in PR or the council media mob,  or maybe the missus could get you a gig with Labor, you’re good at one sided yarns. But unquestioningly foisting these impossible dreams on a city already under credibility siege in so many other areas, we do not need the dream weaving bullshit that you so thoughtlessly spin.

As long as you remain at the paper, Cas Garvey will just have to keep rockin’ on – up that hill.

An Interesting Headline

From the SMH, a two-part headline. The first part isn’t news to anyone who has listened to her, the second part is a bloody good idea.

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The Week In Manic America

What can I say, it just gets loopier. It’s Halloween week, but how the hell could you tell?

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The Nest had a few other items, but the computer pooped itself in one of its periodic fits so a few things went missing. Might try to add them shortly, but comments will no doubt be firing by mid-morning, and that should keep us all busy. If you get a spare moment, the donate button is below.


The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. mike douglas says:

    Woken early by stolen cars screaming around Thuringowa hopefully some last hurrahs with a new sheriff hitting town . 3 actually Natalie , Janelle , Adam . R.U.O.K rusted on long term labor supporters . First Jenny now Les , Aaron , Scott . Just a few months ago Jenny joking with the media showing off to Albo with Les , Scott , Aaron ” get off your arse and get up here ” . Appears most people in Townsville knew Les and Aaron were unelectable except Thuringowa / Wulguru labor branches . Townsville Magpie polls more accurate than Courier Mail exit polls hinting KAP would win 2 -3 Townsville seats . The Greens were big losers losing a seat and votes . Labor left Townsville ” woke and broke ” .

    • White Mouse says:

      ALP knew they were going to lose the Townsville seats – why send a fresh candidate out to face the angry electorates?

      • C. Howett Fields says:

        There is still the astounding matter that with 72% counted in Mundingburra, more than 6,600 people still gave Boom Boom their first preference vote. Across town in Thuringowa, Harper’s pulled even more! Not enough to win, I know, but still surprising.

  2. Barfly says:

    I have heard that a complaint will be soon on its way to the CCC about some former state ministers, some high ranking officers in government departments and the TCC now they have no one to protect them.

  3. Frances says:

    Well done Magpie on predicting many many years ago that Crisafulli would be a future premier. I still recall it.

  4. Dazza says:

    Mr Magpie. Ye of little faith on the waterpark. This is go get them Townsville.
    So this Sunday I will get the cable car to the top of Castle Hill to eat breakfast at one of many restaurant options before zip lining down to the Sunday Market before that city lane area fills up with the residents of the old railway workshop apartments!

  5. Strand Ghost says:

    Looks like being a long line at Centrelink on Monday morning.

  6. Jonny Rotten says:

    Bulletin Saturday: To Close To Call.
    This how close it got.
    LNP V Labor
    Poole 58 – 41;
    Marr 60-33; and
    Baillie 55-44.
    Bulletin you were not even close with your misleading headline, despite running KAP scare campaign on abortion which was a non issue.
    Garvey would be better of going on a diet than sticking her nose into politics.
    Well done LNP. KAP has been rendered next to useless, and the greens are gone.
    Overall an excellent result for the state, despite the media scare campaigns.
    By the way LNP 51-33 is not a close shave. Its a flogging.

    • The Magpie says:

      A moment from Old Fogey’s Notebook … was a time when news outfits reported what had happened, and not dressing up as informed predictions what their preferred outcome would be.

      • Jonny Rotten says:

        I posted a similar comment on the Bulletin today, under another screen name.
        All three were rejected.
        I just comment bombed the Bulletin site.
        Garvey might get the message.

  7. Bob Roberts says:

    I would think that being flood-prone is a bonus for a water park.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      Bob R, salt water flood plains are total no go’s for any steel structure plus concrete footings encasing the reo steel. Such theme park structures are rarely treated with expensive paints/coatings to delay the endless march of rust as is the norm with bridges/jetties etc. The subject site will never be built on unless it becomes a salt water lily farm !

  8. Hospital staff says:

    Good bye Aaron. Love from LNP rent-a-crowd. You will only be missed because you were the butt of every joke made at the hospital. Watching you prancing around the place like everyone knows you or you thinking your a god amongst us. No ambulance station would have you back after what you have done to our system. I will not drop my standards to abuse you like you have many of us on Facebook or other apps. Blocking people for criticism of your government that wasn’t abusive just factual. Now you can join the frank tanties of the world in political oblivion. I also tried calling Les but it went to message bank again.

  9. Malfeasance Mike says:

    It’s a great morning isn’t it? Cupcake gone…Messagebank gone…Harpic gone. Labor gone!! The result is justified as these three Labor muppets have sat by idly on their hands while crime has destroyed our city. Of particular note is how the lazy Messagebank hasn’t lifted a finger to do any work locally on behalf of the ratepayer, and Harpic’s wok involved posting crap in Facebook all day long. Lazy idiots who have gotten what they deserve.

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      The three idiots get what they deserve? Harpic and Scottikins will have their snouts in the public trough of largesse for the rest of their lives. Rocky, well, he could do a refresher course and go back to Cleveland where he can see the results of his kiddie crime epidemic.

  10. The Clairvoyant says:

    Townsville Bulletin editor Cas Garvey has egg all over her face again this morning, and not just because of Light-On’s water park media release fiasco.
    Magpie bloggers will recall that her newspaper made the bold prediction (on the eve of the Local Government election), that Jenny Hill would be re-elected Townsville mayor.
    We all know what happed to that piece of crystal ball gazing.
    One would have thought she would have taken heed of that embarrassment and been at least wary of making predictions on the State election. But no, she went in boots and all for surprise upset KAP victories in Townsville.
    Last time I checked they got around 12% of the vote.
    Here’s a tip Cas.
    Before the Federal election, throw away that cracked crystal ball and let the voters decide who wins before calling the result 24 hours before election day.
    Remember, three strikes and you’re out.

  11. Alahazbin says:

    Maybe ‘Light Weight’ can do an investigation on the whereabouts of one Therese Smith, self appointed head of the Gleeson Trust. She appears to have left town.

  12. Prince Rollmop says:

    Well well, Labor were shown the door in 24. Love it. Now the rebuilding of our city commences. If all goes well we will have Phil Thompson formally represent our region next year at the federal level. That, combined with the clean sweep of the 3 Labor dickheads, puts us in a position where we have new blood with renewed vigour advocating for our region. How this plays out when it comes to working with the delusional Twonames remains to be seen, but it will be interesting.

    • The Magpie says:

      And a graceless exit it was, especially from Miles. His churlish behaviour in not conceding until this morning, not a single word of congratulations to The Kid or the LNP, No treaditional phone call to the victor last night, what a little thumb-sucker.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Miles is licking his wounds. He and his union buddies made a move on Anna less than 12 months out from the election. Monumental strategic fuckup. Labor needed at least 2 years for the new Premier to bed himself in, promulgate new policies and strategic direction, undo and remove the old guard and start afresh. The failed dismally and as a result they are now in opposition. Smiley’s behaviour last night toward the victors was indeed childish and sour grapes. They have nobody to blame but themselves. For far too long FNQ and a central Q has been neglected. Now, the people have spoken. Let’s see if the LNP can learn from Labor’s mistakes.

        • The Good Old Days says:

          Maybe. In 2012 Can Do Campbell Newman led LNP to a 78 to 7 victory over Labour. If ‘alphabet’ had stayed on I believe it would have been the same this time round. I’ve been a Liberal supporter all my life, but these days with the advent of the ‘professional politician’ I don’t have much faith in any of them. We will see how they perform after the excitement of winning dies down, and they discover the joys of tax payer funded lunches and elastic bands in their trousers.

          • The Magpie says:

            The Magpie takes some hope from the unexpected close-run race … parties that have 78 to 7 victories get the wrong message … they think it is a mandate for their policies when such victories are often more a protest against the incumbent’s policies. cf our bad luck with Troy Thompson.

        • ABS says:

          Judging from the lack of support for any projects on the TEL wish list, the north will continue to be neglected.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            ABS I agree. But also… when did TEL release its wish list?
            From my observations TEL wait until AFTER months of work have gone into preparing a budget and just before it is released to start talking about their wish lists. The region will never get any funding with that strategy.

          • The Magpie says:

            It wasalso in Saturday’s paper, where it would even more pointless than during the campaign. deep thinkers all round.

  13. Ben Rumson says:

    Now that Harpic, Messageblank, and Cupcake have gone the new faces are going to earn, whether they like it or not, their Magpie Blog nickname.

  14. dorfus says:

    Now, what will be the nickname for the State Premier elect – perhaps MOSES, who led his followers out of the wilderness. Nest readers could pen some of the Commandments as a few are known already.

    (It is Sunday and time for Bible lessons.)

    • The Magpie says:

      Around here, it will ALWAYS The Kid … he’s had that moniker from The ‘Pie for 20 years, not changing bit now.

      PS Have been given the hint that he’s never been keen on it, but that’s the price of fame. he never mentioned it to The ‘Pie personally in the days of yore.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      I agree with the Pie, Crisafulli is ‘the Kid’. It’s a good nickname that has been around for a long time, no need to change it.

      Janelle Poole could become Swimming Pool, Adam Baillie could become Beetle Baillie and Natalie Marr I need to thinking about.

  15. LNP rent a crowd says:

    Thoughts and prayers Harpic.

    Now fuck off

  16. Headmistress says:

    5000 capacity booze precinct with a 3000 capacity family fun “leisure offering” sounds like my idea of hell.

  17. Ball bag says:

    Harpic has posted a farewell message on Facebook, along with a photo of himself in his gay multi coloured jacket. A wanker right to the end. Farewell Batman.

  18. Jeff, Condon says:

    Watching Cameron Dickhead on the ABC Electoral coverage, his behaviour deteriorated from arrogant, to abusive bad tempered loser. Incredibly bad mannered performance by the losing party.

    And there can be little doubt that the KAP is in bed with Labor after first throwing in the abortion furball and then, like the curs they are, partially retracting to scavenge a few votes.

    Politics is low

  19. Jeff, Condon says:

    Continuing – Politics is a low game, however, the KAP have lowered the limbo bar even further.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Jeff, between KAP and LNP the slanging match was ridiculous. They both preferenced each other. It was like watching a primary school boys fight knowing they’re going to both go play soccer on the same team later.

  20. The Good Old Days says:

    Some take aways- 1. LNP not as strong as they expected, maybe a little humbleness will be good for the next four years, 2. Margie Ryder is not popular at all, 3. KAP, Greens and One Nation may need to rethink their relevance, 5. Crisafulli said he would resign if the Crime issue is not fixed – I bet we keep reminding him about that ! Finally, the waterpark idea was trialled in Townsville in February 2019. I don’t want to see another repeat.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      1. This is true, unlikely to happen and excellent advice.
      2. Maybe she’ll just fuck off into obscurity now
      3. Greens have retained one seat and had an increase in primary vote state wide
      4. Seems to have gone walkabout.
      5. Crisafulli has pledged to cut $45M from specialist homelessness services. Watch how this plays out.

      • Jonny Rotten says:

        That $45 million came from the services union after they fiddled around and manipulated the LNP costings.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          In that case, surely it could still be allocated to the homeless

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Ducky, you’re funny. A figure that was made up by the Union owners of the ALP as part of a scare campaign against the LNP is in your view a target for the new government. Get your hand off it mate.

    • Motorist says:

      Townsville once had two water parks/water slides. In the late 1980s. One in the north west corner of what is now the expanded Willows shopping plaza and the other opposite Castletown on the showgrounds side of the road. They were bloody terrific for young and old. And then along came progress……

      In many ways this town has gone backwards.

  21. Tropical Cyclone says:

    How did the kid a Mayor Mooney get along? Making the Hospital efficient is not about spending more money. I don’t think David will be able to fix it.

    • The Magpie says:

      mutualk respect … Mooney knew a smart politician on the make when he saw one.

      Don’t if I’ve told this story, but at a function earlier this year, The Kid and His Radiance were chatting, and one person seeing this said to his mate’There is the best Premier we never had.’ To which his mate replied ‘Yeah, talking to the best mayor we never had.’

    • The Magpie says:

      The Magpie cor one hopes so.

      • Guy says:

        Consider : The cost of dealing with the nuclear waste of AUKUS

        “This produced a total capital and operating cost estimated to be $145.3 billion over the 120-year life of the project.”


        Just think how much it will cost to deal with nuclear waste from all these nuclear power stations.

        Just use natural gas from Australia’s vast gas reserves, sign into law a domestic reserve from its exports , build a number of natural gas powered jet turbines to make electrical power

        Fast to build
        Cheap to build
        Easy to maintain
        Little to no toxic waste to deal with ( water and CO2)

        Nuclear power is the opposite to all of the above.

        Countries build nuclear power stations to create the fissile material to build nuclear bombs, it’s not about cheap power – yes really.

        • The Magpie says:

          Hmmm, let’s see then, youare asking us to accept that a bit of electricity generation nis an elaborate cover for more nefarious agendas, eh? Like in America, where 18% of electricity is nuclear=created, and 15% in Britain. Now Guy, don’t start foaming about costs and so, you are saying that the underlying purpose of all nuclear plants is to build bombs?

          You’re a very special man, Guy. Very special.

          • Guy says:


            The purpose of building nuclear plants is to find an excuse to obtain fissile material / create plutonium ( plutonium is a purely man made element created by a nuclear reaction with uranium).

            You need to have an excuse to start shipping in uranium ore – you then build experience with handling / using such materials, you can ship in “experts” without drawing too much attention. If you don’t do this it could take decades of work.

            You’ll find the british started building nuclear power stations to produce power , that was the cover story.

            Australia doesn’t need such overly complicated systems to make electricity cheaply, it has natural gas/ coal/ oil. Natural gas is the clear winner for its eco footprint and cost benefit.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thank you for your conspiracy du jour.

        • MickNQ says:

          Like those dastardly nuclear scoundrels, the Finns and the Swedes

        • Operation Opera says:

          Looks like the LNP has decided not to pursue the nuclear option in QLD.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        It’d be a stupid move by all levels of government to move forward with nuclear.

      • Bentley says:

        The soon-to-be elected Federal LNP will over-ride the States on that issue anyway,
        (with any luck). Coal and Nuclear must be in the mix.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Apparently Bentley wants to pay more for electricity. Nice one Bentley.

          “Typical Australian households could see electricity bills rise by AUD665/year on average under the opposition Coalition’s plans to introduce nuclear to the country’s energy mix.”

          “The cost of electricity generated from nuclear plants would likely be 1.5 to 3.8 times the current cost of electricity generation in eastern Australia.”


          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Someone let the looneys off the leash. This is what happens when Labor loses its tenuous link to reality and all foaming mouthed trolls are left to develop their own ranting dot points.

          • The Magpie says:

            It is one of the most graceless and ungracious losses in the state’s history. Not quite Trumpian, but of the same ilk.

          • Mike Douglas says:

            Ducky , AEMO CEO “‘there is no guarantee transition to renewables will result in lower power prices ” . Albo and Bowen ” renewable energy is the cheapest form of energy ” . Who do you believe ? .

          • The Magpie says:

            You have to ask him, Mike? Waddda ya rekkin?

          • Bentley says:

            Sorry Testes, ‘our government has been blowing smoke up our collective arses’ for years. Those words are those of a friend, now retired, who has been a world authority on such matters most of his professional career. And anyone with electrical qualifications in the power industry should realise that renewables depend upon transmission lines which are expensive, vulnerable, incur huge power losses over distance and high compensation costs. Renewables are way down the list of economical energy sources. Great for charging batteries and other small devices. Don’t get me started.

          • Grumpy says:

            Ducky – you really are an idiot. Quoting a biased left-wing organisation, funded by left-wing ideology driven extremists. How about some reality driven, science based views and opinions by the world’s most respected Conservation organisation, The Nature Conservacy, which clearly states in a 2018 paper that any sustainable future MUST include nuclear power generation. And, no, I’m not giving you a link – I’m encouraging you to find it yourself and maybe read something that does not come from Just Stop Oil lunacy.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Bentley, not sure if you’ve noticed, but all forms of power generation require transmission lines to get it to your home. Nuclear doesn’t come with a magical power transportation facility, although it does appear to bring with it some forms of magical thinking.

          • The Magpie says:

            If nuclear plants are placed in current power stations, the lines are already there. Not so with solar or wind.

          • MickNQ says:

            That’s why Google and Microsoft are building nuclear plants to power their AI operations

          • The Magpie says:

            no that’s not the reason, Guy tells us they want to bomb the shit out all thosed people making them billions.

          • Guy says:

            It was under the misleading slogan of ‘Atoms for Peace’, that the Queen ceremonially opened what was officially described as Britain’s first nuclear power station, at Calder Hall in Cumbria, in 1956. The newsreel commentary described how it would produce cheap and clean nuclear energy for everyone.
            This was untrue. Calder Hall was not a civil power station. It was built primarily to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. The electricity it produced was a by-product to power the rest of the site.


            You need to contact these people and put your side of the story to them magpie . Seriously misguided people.

          • The Magpie says:

            You wish to use CND as an authority for your argument, Guy? Seriously? (Don’t answer, mate, it’s getting tiresome.)

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            MickNQ Microsoft are repurposing Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station which was originally shut down in 2019 because it was ineffecient, and a legislative bail out failed to help it keep up with demand for cheaper energy. It has one working reactor because the other one had “a major malfunction in 1979.

            There’s another one being built in Wyoming but that won’t be operating until 2030.

  22. Alfred E Neuman says:

    Art Lovers,
    Here is the Brisbane effort.
    With the optimism now abounding Townsville can do anything :-)


  23. Strand Ghost says:

    The Land that is marked for new Water Park is owned by Tville Turf Club and to my knowledge it cant be sold unless it goes through the Qld Government and i have never seen it reversed by them as of yet , as the previous Committee tried to sell it for $11 million many yrs ago and the QLD Govt put the brakes on it.

  24. Alahazbin says:

    Who owns that parcel of land that this bloke MacArthur is proposing this ‘resort water park.?
    It was part of the Turf Club which was run by a trust many moons ago. There was a proposal for a hospital a few years ago. That died.
    Does anyone know the truth?

    • The Magpie says:

      The Magpie’s property deep throat tells us the land still belongs to the Turf Club … which The ‘Pie reported in the blog.

  25. More than 3 rorts is a wank says:

    I wonder what Shepherdson rorters Mike Kaiser and Lee Bermingham have got up their sleeves now ?? Kaiser was inspector general of the dept of the premier and cabinet and Bermingham got contracts. Id copy Kaiser’s resume off the premiers page while you can https://www.premiers.qld.gov.au/about-us/our-key-people/dg.aspx

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Kaiser is a survivor. He has lived off the taxpayer teat for many years. He is more slippery than Troy Thompson coated in baby oil. He has been one of the influencers and back room boys of the QLD Labor party for many years. I would imagine that the Kid won’t be wanting to keep somebody as influential and dangerous as Kaiser around. Then again, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      Funny, no mention of being caught branch stacking.

      • Charlie Wulguru says:

        Jeff…Everyone on here have forgotten that. I read where he cleaned out his office two weeks before the election.I don’t think he had to be sacked!!!

        • The Magpie says:

          Special K may be many things, but a guileless dill is not one of them. He knew he was on his way, and in fact, would not be at all keen mixing with the new mob. Why would he, dyed in the blue (or red) Labor rorter forever.

    • Dave Nth says:

      Saw on another blog yesterday that Kaiser has already been given notice.

      Plenty of links if googled with sensational headlines that he’s already sacked but paywalled.

      That said I wouldn’t be surprised to see a few more charlatans bailing before administration handover.

      • Percy says:

        That’s good news, cut off the head of the snake. Kaiser is worth a few mil and has his consulting and lobbying business so he won’t be short of a dollar. Hopefully all the Labor acolytes that fill the government board positions will also get rolled.

  26. Lame Stephen says:

    Well if ever during these troubled times the new Premier needs the services of a solicitor I know a good one he can use.

    Now, where is Clinton and Troy, it’s time for our cooker meeting. Toot toot.

  27. White Mouse says:

    Also, soon to be unemployed are a host of former ministers that are employed by Labour aligned lobbying firms. No more unofficial meetings over cups of coffee at the local cafe.

  28. Tropical Cyclone says:

    Well now David is in will public servants have to supply their own coffee, milk and sugar like under Cambell Newman.

    • The Magpie says:

      You mean like they do in private businesses. Oh the horror.

      Keep tryin’ Trops, keep tryin’.

      • Tropical Cyclone says:

        I have never had to pay for tea, coffee ,sugar or milk in the private sector. No I was being tongue in cheek. when Newman got in a lot of BS went out from management (junior mostly) saying we need to do this that and the other thing. One thing they banned was the free coffee. Personally I doubt Newman gave 2 shits about tea and coffee. If I can lift the productive work from 2 hours in an 8hr day to 6hrs across the public sector, ill save a shitload more than I will on tea and coffee. The only thing he was blamed for that I thought was stupid was all training stopped. I don’t know if that was Newman or just some DH.

    • Percy says:

      TC, hopefully yes. The public service is bloated in many areas and is a complete waste of money. A cut in police numbers of healthcare is ill advised, but other areas including consultants needs a huge clean out. And yes, if you have to pay for your own coffee, tea, or sugar, tough titties as everybody else has to pay for their own.

    • Jonny Rotten says:

      Lefty losers just don’t get it. The LNP won, so get over it and go to the thumb sucking corner.
      Since the election, I have never seen so many lefties losing it.
      And what the hell has Campbell Newman got to do with anything.
      You people are more demented than Trump.

      • The Magpie says:

        Took the liberty of helping you avoid embarrassment and mockery, Johnny, by altering the last line of your comment. No thanks required.

        • Jonny Rotten says:

          Childish and untrue.
          Noticed how Biden is not on the campaign trail. Why?
          Could it be dementia.

          • The Magpie says:

            No you twerp, it could not be. Given that he was elbowed out, the Dems have wisely decided to severely limit his involvement in the Harris campaign. It’s clear you don’t have a clue how politics works.

          • Jonny Rotten says:

            I get my daily dose of Fox, CNN and MSNDC.
            Fox has its fair share of lefty progressives like Juan William, Jessica Tarlov, Neil Cavuto, Richard Fowler, and some crazy radio lady who is of with the pixies.
            As for CNN it is full of left wing progressive’s, Tapper, Phillips, Bash, Collins and much more. it is barely watchable with its TDS 24/7.
            Same with MSDNC. A full-on TDS 24/7. It to is bareley watchable. One example is Lawrence O’Donnell who wrote VEEP scripts. Wow.
            So yes I do know my US politics, a hell of lot more than you.

          • The Magpie says:

            Not necessarily my deranged friend. We both know as much as each other, we just draw different conclusions … The Magpie on the side of sanity and you on the side of dangerous illogical gullibility.

      • Tropical Cyclone says:

        What are you talking about. Im a lefty ?
        I’ll tell you truth if David ignores what I am saying he will not get in again.

        • The Magpie says:

          Your really not a serious poerson are you, trops, have a Kit Kat mate.

          • Tropical Cyclone says:

            what i’m saying is if he lets others in the PS blame him for everything they implement he will go the way of Newman. There are a lot of twisted bastards in the PS management who will use this opportunity to play thug.

    • Grumpy says:

      TC – why should I shout them smoko every single day? Bludgers.

      • Tropical Cyclone says:

        Where did you work that you paid for your own tea , coffee and milk?

        • The Magpie says:

          Dunno about Grumpy, but at the Bulletin. And back then, maybe still, all News Corpse papers is/was byo, also Channels 9, 7 and 10 in Sydney, and every radio station The ‘Pie worked for anywhere.

          • Tropical Cyclone says:

            i got free tea and coffee working at the bully.

          • The Magpie says:

            So you’re the one, you bastard … quite a few of were looking for you. For the eight years I was there, there was a weekly pool system. The ‘Pie was never in it because it didn’t involve alcohol. (Hi Bettina.)

        • Grumpy says:

          TC. Apart from the times I supplied tea and bikkies to my own employees, during my other employment there was always some form of social club, into which we all contributed. The club supplied the makings and, usually, the Christmas party.

          • The Magpie says:

            Precisely. As it is virtually everywhere. In fairness, at the Bully, the management always kicked the can pretty generously at Christmas.

      • Motorist says:

        And why should I have to subsidize .50c bus / rail / ferries / tram fares across the State. It is not economically viable. At the end of the day the bill has to be payed, and that is mugs like you and I who have no say and reap no benifit.

    • Angel dust says:

      You mean supply their own sugar like in South Aussie?

  29. The end says:

    Harpic’s Labor team have posted a video on his FB page as a tribute and farewell, a reel themed to the song ‘closing time’. Lots of photos of Harpic with Messagebank, Private Cupcake, Smiley, Anna, and Hill. Too bad so sad. All a bunch of numpty’s. Hasta la vista suckholes…….

  30. Critical says:

    The public service won’t know what hit it if the new LNP.is going to successfully implement these programs within the first 100 days.

    Qld government better get rid of this work from home policy and order all public servants back into the office to get this part of its agenda completed on time.


    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie finds it interesting that there is a knee jerk reaction of panic and disapproval among many when thinning PS ranks if ever mentioned. No one seems to want to argue the facts, and if in fact, said ranks are stuffed with supernumerary Labor faithful doing bugger all of any real value. Whether this is true or not is the central question, not an automatic ‘Oh, it’s Campbell Newman all over again’.

      • Achilles says:

        Watching the end of the swearing in of “The Kid” at the end of which was the photo session where the QG displayed her dentists dream of multi colored teeth.

        About the same as in the “Lotties” poem.

        Her teeth were green and yellow,
        And one was black as Jet,
        Now if she had a blue one.
        She’d have a snooker set.

      • White Mouse says:

        If the incoming government is smart, any culling of public service numbers starts with the AO8 / EL1 types that infest head offices throughout Brisbane and whose sole purpose seems to be to piss off workers at the coalface.

      • Guy says:

        So begins end game

        LNP wins because years of Labor corruption, mismanagement and incompetence finally drove enough swing voters into the arms of the LNP. Now we’ll have a few years of some competent ideology mixed in with crazy leading to the LNP being kicked out again.

        This is a change of season rather than any seismic shift in attitudes.

        • The Magpie says:

          And it will ever be thus until we elect you as dear Leader, our Emperor.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          Oh poor Guy, Miles missed out so you don’t get your free kiddy lunch.

        • Airline says:

          Guy; I presume you are still Cr P Jacob’s go to Person?.

          • Guy says:

            I’ve had nothing to do with any of them since they decided to screw over townsville ( not tjat i had much contact anyway ) by signing in the parking meters into existence. I’ve got some culpability because I gave my preferences to Robinson – I was hopeful because of his alleged background. Then he turned evil and wanted parking meters.

            I’ve spent hours on the strand collecting signatures to stop the meters , you get to meet all kinds of people – I’ve met Sam Cox’s mum !

            Call me crazy ( yes i know you do ) but ideally the next thing is getting rid of ALL parking meters.

            If only they hadn’t tried screwing the whole of townsville over with their nefarious plans to spread misery. Just try and encourage local workers to park in the carpark across the river I suppose. Get rid of all timed parks and meters. The parkimg meters in the CBD have only ever destroyed economic activity.

    • Mr Macphisto says:

      Here’s a little unknown about public service employees working from home. I am one of them and don’t have a choice. It was either WFH or work for someone else. The reason being, we don’t have an office space. From what I understand, there are no plans on foot to find us an office. We have a small office which is borrowed from another department ,however it can only accommodate about five people. Once a week we conduct an in person meeting in that department’s conference room. Our productivity is measured against the legislative timelines associated with the work we are responsible for. As long as those timelines are met (which they are), then when we work is ours to decide.

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      Most public servants won’t work from home because the gossip mill will destroy them.

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        Most State public servants don’t work from home, or from their offices either. In my “day job” I have been trying to deal with the local office of the Department of Housing over an enforcement issue but they seem to have been asleep, doing their gardening, binging Netflix or polishing their CVs. No responses to office emails, no phones answered and no calls returned. When The Kid comes to draining the PS swamp that would be a great place to start.

  31. I’ll be plucked says:

    Possible Blog Nicknames New Members:

    ‘Splash’ Poole
    ‘Bill’ Baillie
    ‘Mars’ Marr

    Anyone else??? :)

  32. Barfly says:

    I took a look at that post on Harpic’s fb page that’s mentioned around here. Holy shit, some of the outfits that the goose wears. He looks like Liberace, or the evil Mr Fucktard from the planet Fucktardia. What a complete nimrod. And as for Mike Kaiser walking the plank that was very interesting. More yet to follow.

  33. Mad Jack says:

    Dear ‘Pie,
    Are our Councillors (yes, I know, but for better or worse they are our Councillors) allowed to bring an item or object into the chambers for a Council meeting?
    If so, I recommend each and every Councillor brings into the chamber a Menorah and places it next to their microphone.
    This may well be lost on Mayor Twonames, but it will not be lost on the informed public following this public disgrace of a Mayor.

    • The Magpie says:

      Good idea. But for a moment, thought you were going to suggest a lump of coal. Or all three ladies would benefit to varying degrees of following Pauline’s leasd and wear a hijab in support of the mayor.

  34. Titan says:

    Has anybody heard any whispers about Democracy Thompson this week? It’s all very very quiet. Still nothing on his Facebook page. Is this the end or is it the calm before the storm? Any TCC insiders got any hot tips for the Nest?

  35. Oswald Cobblepot says:

    (Via Magpie email).

    I can tell you that those shysters have not bought the land as Bob Bentley put a caveat on it and any sale has to go to treasury.

    Personally, I would like to see a water park go there, but as is often the case with Townsville, it is the right idea in the wrong place.

    The perfect location would be on the land that Chris Morris and his partner own opposite the stadium, and it’s two birds with one sone territory, a big moneysaver. Because all they would need to do is put a concrete floor in, and create a white water rafting thingo like Penrith White Water Stadium, like the lovely Fox sisters, The contamination factor would be negated as it is under concrete, Imagine that Olympic sport here.

    Pie, you know I’m a visionary.

    • The Magpie says:

      That is a bloody good idea as a thought starter.

      Seriously, first stop would be for someone respected from the council to perhaps approach Mr Morris for an exploratory chat. It will have to be someone Mr Morris would respect, trust and take seriously, so The Magpie suggests …. ummm … how ’bout, ah, no … well, maybe … look the ‘Pie will get back to you on that.

      And The ‘Pie will tell you something else that is not a silly suggestion either. When the Hilton Double Cross Hotel was about to get the boot, The ‘Pie seriously suggested … and still does …. that site should be turned into a state of the art, fully landscaped and tropically attractive trailer/camping park. Like the excellent facility at Rowes Bay but perhaps a bit more upmarket in site maintenance and presentation. The location gives east access to not just a water park if that eventuates, but the CBD, The Strand, Castle Hill and the Casino (let’s not forget that the casino is actually an out-of-towner attraction. it would be a business buzz par excellence. maybe the Chamber could take upon themselves to speak to the relevant parties for an overall scheme. Shitloads more potential than dicking around with a contaminated little armpiy of land across the creek that will never see a decent return under all the restriction and bureaucratic bullshit involved.

      Now let’s hear from all you road bumps why it won’t work, i can see you straining at the keyboard.

      • Guy says:

        I’ve been to Penrith white water , it’s well worth a day out.

        Those places suck down electrical power because of the pumps needed and the filtration and disinfection of the water. You could always have a large solar array over parking places. As mentioned just concreting over and having a caravan park as part of it could work too.

        I say this with the white water thing : make it cheap so kids can use it , it keeps them occupied during the day. Who knows they can buy their own gear and really get into it. The other thing : make it a BIG course. White water courses will normally run canoes / rafts. If you fall in you can just float downstream and get picked up.

        Its good to spitball these ideas

    • Bombora says:

      How about a surf park with big artificial waves, so the the backpackers who packed their boards for nth Qld and display them on roof racks can wank each other off in the new car park out front because they don’t actually know how to surf.

      • The Magpie says:

        Actually, The ‘Pie, who has a view of the duck pond, put the surf park idea to Crisafulli when he was a councillor and we were having a chat at the Nest. He seemed genuinely interested in the idea, but other matters obviously overtook his precedence and it is now history. Funnily enough, when The ‘Pie revived the idea in the blog a few years ago, Messagebank started campaigning on the idea himself as an original thought. Like all things he got near, it died in the arse. Now, Chris Morris wants the site for a super yacht marina.

  36. The Good Old Days says:

    Chris Morris, way smarter business brain than I’ll ever contemplate, suggests the duck pond as a super yacht marina but I can’t see it. In the past I’ve seen super yachts in Cairns (like Paul Allen, RIP, co founder of Microsoft) and a few others. There just isn’t anything to draw Billionaires to Townsville, even James Packer sips his lattes off Tahiti. Being a boaty myself, I find the duck pond very calm and protected at times but also very open and treacherous other times as well as quite shallow. Could dredge it out but I reckon there is an endangered eel or two to be found by a budding JCU PHD student I bet. The surf park idea could be fun. We could build a floating hotel, how original is that !

  37. Not standing for Mayor says:

    I wonder how all those sporting clubs that hitched their wagons to Aaron, Scott and Les’s falling stars and posed for promo photos during the election feel now? I wonder if they will now go cap in hand to the new MPs? Personally I would put them far down the back of the line for coming out politically but I have been known to be a vindictive bastard.

  38. FNQ train driver says:

    What a great place Facebook has become at the moment. Harper hasn’t posted an anti LNP comment for two whole days. And Troy Thompson hasn’t posted anything for around 5 days. This is awesome!! That’s an eternity for these two shitheads .

    • The Magpie says:

      One does get the feeling that TwoNames has been told – as in ordered – to shut up. And The ‘Pie is wondering if that is because he has actually received his marching orders and has real relgal advice to shut up while an appeal or other moves are discussed.

      • FNQ train driver says:

        Perhaps we could ask Venten, Hawkes, Lane, or Michelle to update us on what’s happening to the Mayor. Is he a victim of his own stupidity or has democracy played a hand in silencing him? Now doubt the CCC is indeed carrying out a democratic process.

        • The Magpie says:

          At it’s basic tenet, democracy requires transparency and communications. The CCC cannot operate publicly in investigations, but it has a responsibility to drop the attitude and at least explain the seemingly inexplicable delays. The arrogance is unbecoming and dangerous. But like they fucking care.

  39. Prince Rollmop says:

    G’day Mal, just wanted to thank you for all the work you put into running the Nest. Lots of hours spent, research undertaken, and moderating the mad ramblings of us Nesters. Also love how you are often the source of breaking news and get in well before the likes of Light-on Smith. Keep up the good work.

    • The Magpie says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Mopsy, but it is a willing labour (note the ‘u’) of love and outrage. We’ve got quite a family of Nesters across a psychologists dream list of clients. The ‘Pie doesn’t always agree, and sure, he moderates or occasionally deletes comments to stop any hijacking of a thread by deflection. But he does his best to let everyone have their say, for, as Desiderata says ‘listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story’. Poor mutts.

      Speaking of which, not hard to beat Light-On to a story.

      • The Magpie says:

        That said, The Magpie should make it known that the one subject on which he will not entertain any deranged comments is Donald Trump. Nesters supporting this dreg of humanity will not find a platform here. And those who wish to argue this point, don’t bother, The ‘Pie will not engage, and suggests your time would be better spent seeking professional help with your sad disability – what else can describe support for the man who is the single greatest threat to world order and decency since Adolf Hitler.

    • Grumpy says:


  40. Jenny says:

    Looking for the Agenda for the usual fortnightly Wednesday TCC meeting I see that there is none scheduled. Instead there is a Special Meeting listed for Friday 1st November. No Agenda posted on the TCC site yet. Hmmm?

    • The Magpie says:

      Hmmm indeed … The ‘Pie has been checking this out this morning, see separate comment. But on-the-ball pick-up, Jenny, sharp.

    • Percy says:

      The special meeting must be about Troy. Perhaps sacked or stood down. I’m surprised that there have been no leaks from anybody about the Troy Thompson state of play. The silence from his Facebook page is a dead giveaway that something isn’t right. Tick tock tick tock

  41. The Magpie says:


    Is the end nigh for Troy TwoNames Thompson? Or in fact has the axe already fallen, has Conman The Barbarian been arsesoled already?

    The ‘Pie bases this speculation on the fact that there is a hitherto unannounced ‘special meeting’ of council THIS FRIDAY.

    Funny day to have a special meeting slipped quietly into the schedule
    AND NO AGENDA HAS YET BEEN PUBLISHED. Which is also suspicious if it is a special meeting, which are only called for SPECIFIC and known reasons.

    …AND you’ll note the ‘ordinary’ meetings resume as previously scheduled the following Wednesday (tomorrow week).
    The ‘Pie has sent the following inquiry (in the initial mistaken belief the special meeting was tomorrow, but they’ll figure it out.)

    Bit unfair to expect an answer yet, it’s only been half an hour or so (and seriously, the TCC staff manning the inquiries desk are generally pretty good, now there is no interference by cloudland.

    The Magpie will keep you posted as to any reply.

    Or does anyone know anything factual they’d like to share?

    • Critical says:

      It could either be the outcome of the CCC Investigation although I doubt that as it would only be 1 week since the CCC visited Townsville or is the the government’s response to the Show cause why you shouldn’t be suspended for 12 months notice.

      Either way, council will need to discuss their response and how to move forward actions with assistance from the Special Advisor, CEO and probably relevant government departments.

      Only time will tell.

      • The Magpie says:

        And the ‘Pie steadfastly believes that is exactly why this should be an open meeting, they’re talking about OUR city its its management.

    • Nostradamus says:

      The meeting is to confirm the position of acting Mayor and calling for nominations for acting Deputy Mayor. That’s what my ball says! :)

    • Jenny says:

      When you open the TCC meeting website – where it tells you the Agenda for the Special Meeting will be posted when it is published – pause for a moment and specifically click on the tab marked Agenda. This is what you will find, with a bit of messed up formatting:

      Opening of Meeting
      Acknowledgement of Country
      Townsville City Council acknowledges the Wulgurukaba of Gurambilbarra and Yunbenun, Bindal, Gugu Badhun and Nywaigi as the Traditional Owners of this land. We pay our respects to their cultures, their ancestors and their Elders -past and present -and all future generations.
      Apologies and Leave of Absence
      Disclosure of Interests and Confidentiality -Statement by Chief Legal Officer
      Disclosure of Interests
      Officer Report Confidential Items / Closed Meeting
      1Human Resources matter (to be provided)

      • The Magpie says:

        Good find.

        That seems to settle it then, as far as subject matter goes. There could be soime far fetched otherbpurpose but unlikely.

        AND WHY IS THIS MEETING CLOSED? You’d think after all this palaver, we would be entitled to hear what has been decided. It simply isn’t good enough … in fact, will give the lie to to the council always rabbiting on about transparency and accountability, councillors filingout, then we are pompously deliver something like ‘The mayor has been suspended, and I Paul Jacob am now acting mayor.’

        But one can hear Nanny McPhee giving the public service version of ‘Fuck that and fuck them, we’ll do it our way. Protocol, waffle, commerinconfidencewafflemumbnle.’ CLOSING THIS MEETING IS EXACTLY WHAT HAS BEEN WRONG WITH THIS COUNCIL FOR THE PAST DECADE OR MORE.

        Thompson will go, whether this Friday or otherwise, but if the council thinks they can continue with a Jenny-lite meeting agenda, going secret squirrel for vague unexplained reasons, they may be in for a surprise.

        Of course, there is the possibility that at the end of the meeting, Nanny McPhee comes out and tells the media ‘council’s been sacked. I’m now the administrator.’ Not sure I’d put money on that, though.

        • Inspector Clouseau says:

          The Premier has not announced who the new Local Govt Minister is at this point. I wonder if we are jumping the gun/understandably living in hope at this point in time……..?

          • The Magpie says:

            Reasonable to ask, but suggest another reason for the closed meeting ‘on an HR matter’. If the whole council was going to be sacked, there wouldn’t be any meeting, that would top any farcical aspect of this sorry circus so far.

        • Jenny says:

          Might be a closed meeting because the decision they make or the information it is based on, may be subject to future expensive and/or farcical legal action. In which case it would be better to keep your kindling dry or at least not hang it all out in public just now.
          OTOH, if it’s about the mayor . . . .

          • The Magpie says:

            If the council knows of the information, why shouldn’t we?

            Yes, yes, an ingenuous question that can be seen as naive, but the reasoning will surely have to come out sooner or later. But The ‘Pie also recognises that it is the CEO,the legal bloke and other executives who make the decision about open nor closed. The council can then vote to change it, but the initial decision is hardly likely to be run by them, Why would it be?

          • Jenny says:

            If the state and the council are having to act with precise legal delicacy then it is best not to conduct your human resources issue as a pub brawl where fat lips and broken furniture have no connection to the matter at hand. There’s no need for anyone to get hurt, especially innocent bystanders.

          • The Magpie says:

            Said like a Labor-leaning bureaucrat.

    • Maggie Moggie says:

      Troy Thompson is still in the mayor’s chair, friend of mine got an email from him yesterday.
      As for the closed meeting with chief legal – it could be related to the court case regarding resident owners at Amaroo – the Moggs hears there has been some sort of resolution by a negotiated compromise – rather than serve them with eviction notices. Be interesting to know how much this debacle has cost the ratepayers of Townsville?
      The Moggs also hears our former Mayor Mullet has been busy texting aquaintances over here on the island of ‘What do they think of Troy’?
      I will try to find out if Troy Thompson attends Saturdays MIRRA meeting.

      • The Magpie says:

        The closed meeting is about an HR matter (Human Resources being the ugly offhand word for staff/employees). Youf theory xdoesn’t fit, or the council is playing us for fools.

  42. Jenny says:

    Your American cartoon selection often contains a few doozies but a piece by Stan Grant in the Guardian today really cuts to the chase about our great and powerful democratic partner:

    “The American political elites have turned their backs on poor Americans. They are bought and paid for by lobbyists. They pass laws that put more money into rich people’s hands. Healthcare is a scandal. Machines are making people redundant. Big pharma has people hooked on drugs.
    If we think that Harris or Trump are going to be the answer to the existential crisis of America, then we need to know that the Sheriff of Nottingham has taken up residence in Washington DC, and the good cops have left town. Robin Hood is nowhere to be seen.
    I barely watched much of the news coverage because it has been abominable.
    Every lie is amplified, every hatred is broadcast. And I’m just not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about the entire picture. If we reduce the American election to just an idea of who may be more decent or who has bad manners, but better manners, we’re missing the point.
    The point is that we are talking about a nation where human beings are expendable and the media doesn’t tell us that story because they’re too interested in the latest entertainment, the latest pop star, the latest movie star, the latest business person, the latest Trump outrage, the latest inane comment from Kamala Harris, and never speak to the people who were doing the back-breaking, dirty, gut-busting work of holding that broken country together while politicians have absolutely exploited them.”

    • The Magpie says:

      Stan sounds angry. And absolutely accurate. But there is a better chance of lifting the country out of its current slough with Harris … Trump will be a global disaster. Not because of possible war or the like, but because exactly what Grant says: the creation of two classes, one with the heel of the boot firmly on the other’s neck. The inequality will be almost instant under Trump. The US election is the Townsville mayoral election writ large …. whoever wins, it’s because no one better was standing.

  43. The Good Old Days says:

    I wish they would just ‘play the bugle’ and put an end to Birbrauer’s career as accidental mayor. Wait a minute, he didn’t tell the truth about his Military Service so he probably doesn’t get the bugle. Maybe JCU could arrange a send off on his final day, the academic he is.

  44. Snout in the trough says:

    Albo has been having lots of fun in the past week – bought a $4.3m house, revelations about free flight upgrades from his close partner Alan Joyce, not to mention getting his son upgraded to the Chairman’s lounge. Then there are the appearances at rock concerts and popular events (all quality seating in the best areas) it certainly is good to be the king!

    Albanese is turning out to be the dumbest fuck we have ever had as PM. Banging nails into his political coffin on a daily basis. Bring on the federal election. Dutton doesn’t have to lift a finger, just sit back and enjoy the show as Labor unravels.

  45. ScoobyDoo Troy Where Are You says:

    So if you call TwoNames original TCC mobile number it no longer rings instead he has a new number listed on the website… oh why oh why Troy? What happened to your last one?
    Saw the big man getting his usual morning coffee this week doing his business consulting sitting alone (hehe) wearing only one watch. You bet it was his bracelet from young Chelley to control him but oh where oh where has your Apple Watch gone Troy?

  46. Doug K says:

    Agree with the Inspector.
    The CCC doesn’t have to power to sack Thompson. It would prepare a report, then refer it to the new Local Government Minister (who is yet to be sworn in) for possible action.
    As for the reason for the mystery council meeting, my money is on the Jenny Hill Team survivors planning more disruption.

    • The Magpie says:

      It’s an HR matter Doug …, and we haven’t heard a peep out Conman the Barbarian going on 6 days now.

    • Bill says:

      David Crisafulli is the Acting LG Minister this week.

    • JustTheFactsMam says:

      Phew, humpday Wednesday, and I’m only catching up on the comments section.

      Doug, you are right that the Triple-C would prepare a report, and nothing more. As they don’t have powers to Act, only investigate. Pretty daunting investigative powers nonetheless.

      But depending on the contents of said report, it might not only go to the Minister. If they have sufficient evidence of criminal acts they also refer the report to the Director of Public Prosecutions. Then we’ve got a different game, and it steps outside the political channel. Now the Triple-C’s recent form in Local Government investigations is pretty chequered. So not sure how quickly the DPP might take to that, but if it went that channel it’s fair to assume there will be more time added to the clock.

  47. Afterthought says:

    Leighton having a big sook with the Councillor Ellis on pre-empting last night on his fb ( not naming ) the tavern + Dan Murphys being added to Fairfield Central . Then Ellis announcing this morning

    • The Magpie says:

      First of all, Leighton, why would the ‘unimpressed’ business care about a councillor ‘jumping the gun’ by a few hours. You mean you’re pissed off, which leaves us with the interesting idea that you regard Ellis’s website as competition. Gawd, you must HATE the Nest.

      Secondly, a bit fucking rich coming from a sub-par supposed journalist (and paper) who gets most of his stories off Facebook or the fax machine, often as complete stories without any inquiry at all.

      Have you no sense of embarrassment that comes with a MSM reporter sucking his thumb about being scooped on FB? You’d think you’d be used to it by now.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Stenographer Light-on Smith is having a hissy fit because it’s everybody else who gets the scoops. He misses them because he is too busy playing with himself rather than getting out and about around the region and breaking some actual news. Hence one of the reasons why mainstream newspapers are becoming a thing of the past or just a printing mechanism for Harvey Norman ads. Light-on, stick to reading the Magpies Nest daily mate and then copy the articles. Oh I forgot, you already do that!

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Re Councillor breaking news before the Bully . This would have never have happened when Team Hill was running the astonisher .

      • Bernie says:

        Ha ha ha Leighton Smith, what a wanker. The bloke never breaks a decent story and he is substandard as a reporter. He should stick to writing up the weekly lotto numbers as that’s his pay grade.

      • The Magpie says:

        And popping your head over this particular parapet gets weirder … it’s not even your story.

        • Alahazbin says:

          Pie, And Brady can’t wait for to be built. As he said in today’s Astonisher: He can go and have a beer and bowl of wedges while wifey goes and does the grocery shopping. What a great husband!

    • ABS says:

      That hardly seems like “having a big sook”, petal

  48. Headmistress says:

    Mr Magpie, get a load of Troy Thompsons comments to the Bulletin (?!) reported in this morning’s online issue. He is pleased with himself. He figures that he’s bought himself time by submitting 23 pages of waffle at the 11th hour and his social media’team’ has taken a little break following the state election. I hope the ‘team’ are spending their break reading the well-worn copy of Eats Shoots & Leaves I popped in the post for him several weeks back now. Auspost should just about have delivered by now. Would be interested in your breakdown of this article in real time.

  49. Prickster says:

    Special meeting at TCC this Friday for a confidential HR matter……

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, as reported yesterday in comments.

      • The Magpie says:

        But the plot thickens. The ‘Pie is not given to easily believe anything in the Bulletin, but he generally makes an exception for the competent Chris Burns, who writes in today’s paper:
        “The council is also due to hold a special council meeting on Friday about a confidential “human resource” issue, but this is not related to Mr Thompson’s employment.”

        New tea lady perhaps?

        • Jenny says:

          Though it does beg a question . I don’t have a screenshot of the published dates for recent TCC meetings but am pretty sure one was scheduled for today (Wednesday). If a meeting is canceled or postponed shouldn’t there be an explanation?
          Also, how does the TBulletin know the nature of the “Human Resources” matter to be discussed in the confidential TCC Special Meeting? Is that a leak, tip-off or speculation?

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes, think there was. Yes, yes, and yes.

          • Southern Comfort says:

            I went back to the minutes of the first Ordinary Meeting of this current Council. 6th November was always the next meeting when they established the Ordinary Meeting Calendar for the year.

          • The Magpie says:

            (Bit of a glitch with The Nest’s back room operations, which isn’t able to accept comment’s from The ‘Pie as stand alones at the moment. So this one has been tagged on here, although a completely different subject).

            Hmmm … an ideal candidate? Maybe. But how would we know … and we’re entitled to.

            Lieutenant Colonel McDougall has given long and great service to our country, and The Magpie discovered for himself, he is also a man who thinks strategically about all things Army, being a contributor to Australian Strategic Policy Institute with several thoughtful articles.

            But perhaps TEL would have the courtesy to let us know – since they are recipients generous annual ratepayer support … why they decided to recruit L/C McDougall.

            Bumping across from the closely regulated world of Defence to the somewhat more free-form ‘civvy street’ doesn’t always translate to a successful transition Remember the excellent soldier the council put on a lucrative contract to clean up kiddy-crime and how that turned out to be a massive waste of ratepayer money? So what relevant skills does he offer?

            Now before those who go red faced and spluttery, yelling ‘give the bloke a bloody go’, you are as usual missing the point. This not some sneering attack on a clearly intelligent bloke, it is yet again a question about Townsville Enterprise communications with the public.

            Previous defence/civil transitions have shown adjustment problems and there is always the Fallacy of Transferred Authority theory … which in plain language, the false assumption that someone good at one thing will be good an something else. They well might be but it’s not a given.

            So, a basic statement of aims, ability and even (although highly unlikely) some KPIs from the TEL non-communicators mob would be appropriate and courteous.

            Or in fact, why not from the man himself … he can obviously write. Which will make a nice change from the likes of “Nah, it’s Townsville”.

  50. Prince Rollmop says:

    A relatively well written article below about Albanese with his snout in the trough. The Qantas issue has been around for years, but the crux of the issue is quite simple – Politicians should not be receiving free upgrades and chairman’s lounge membership FULL STOP.


    • Percy says:

      Alan Joyce is a narcissist who likes mingling with so-called royalty, hence his relationship with Upgrade Albanese. Joyce is a parasite that attached itself to its host, Albo. Birds of a feather flock together and Albo and Joyce are both grubs. Both of them are greedy self centred sycophants who love themselves. I wouldn’t piss on either of them if they were on fire.

      • The Magpie says:

        Interesting analysis, but it could be legitimately argued that it is Albanese who likes to do the ‘mingling’ – as industry observer and author Joe Aston said on 7.30, the boss of Qantas is the second most powerful person after the Prime Minister. But after we have seen the opportunistic damage and public theft this poisoned leprechaun was able to do, Joyce for a time was clearly the most powerful – and destructive – person in Australia. And allowed to be,particularly by Morrison, but also Anal as well.

        • Contributor says:

          Jo Aston has been on a strange (homophobic?)vendetta against Alan Joyce, ex Qantas CEO for years in his AFR columns. And now he’s produced his book to continue the attack. Albo is just collateral damage in the vendetta. It’s the shame the media hasn’t called out Aston’s Joyce obsession but lazily picked up the side attack on Albo. Hopefully pollies on all sides will lose their Qantas and Virgin privileges out of all this…it’s a massive conflict of interest.

          • The Magpie says:

            It’s the proverbial storm in a teacup. Load of hyped up media hokum that on any analysis doesn’t support logical examination. The politics of envy in all its shining insincerity.


  51. Southern Comfort says:

    “If a Troy falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

    Latest piece in the Bulletin from Chris Burns just has me thinking of bastardising the above philosophical “thought experiment”. Although in my vision, thought is an optional part of the question.

    In a week where a lot of bums are shifting around George and William St, it could easily be interpreted that everyone forgot about the (with a capital letter) Bum in Walker St. The absence of a Minister for Local Government yet just adds further to the soap opera. One has to wonder why the new Cabinet is taking so long to be put in place.

    Oh, wait, I remember, the ‘Pie wrote about what the next hurdle will be in the TwoNames decathlon back on Saturday, August 31st, 2024, or the next mornings blog for those not as diligent in burning the midnight oil in a Saturday night as the Pie.

    Interesting conundrum for the new Kid Premier. How do you appoint someone as a Minister to the Crown, in your first week as the Change Government, especially when that person is currently under investigation by the CCC?

    Given that they are the latest lurkers here, I’m sure I will receive a letter in the hours after this is posted, and the CCC will have dropped another ball in their long-winded juggle. But Councillor KP does raise an interesting point, if TwoNames is only sentenced to the Sin Bin, why should he be paid?

  52. Doug K says:

    Anyone else noticed that Light-On’s main focus these days is writing advertisements thinly disguised as news stories?
    Wonder how much businesses are paying for these promotional “stories”.

    • The Magpie says:

      In fairness to Jimmy Olsen, these stories are legitimate enough, and there is no call (usually) for any probing questions or suspicions. What the editor should do to avoid the paper looking like a parrot for vested business interests (and she always takes The Magpie’s advice) is to ensure that Goofy – sorry, Jimmy – , when retyping media releases, always puts the words into the original writers mouth. For instance, this opening par…

      … rather than being a statement and recommendation by the Townsville Bulletin, should include the attribution ‘Townsville Enterprise Park co-owner/director David Horton says”. But as it is, it is Leighton Smith making a statement on a subject about which one suspects he wouldn’t know his A from his E. But as we saw with the correction in today’s paper, if you publish it, you own it.

      Attribution was always a legal requirement since way back when, but in the Bulletin desperate chase for a dollar, that horse bolted so long ago that the stable door has fallen off its rusty hinges.

      And if Light=On Smith and Garvey had done that with the Cluden water park codswallop, at least they wouldn’t look like gullible fools they made of themselves.

  53. The Magpie says:

    This is what happens when you are too stingy to have a letters editor, which all worthwhile publications have. The fact that it was the crucial closing days of the campaign suggests this apology (prissily called a correction but it apologises anyway) is perhaps part of a bigger settlement to avoid further attention of the authorities … and Katter lawyers.

    As Cas Garvey knows, no matter that a reader wrote it, you publish it, you own it.

  54. The Magpie says:

    And thank Christ for that, Queensland gots enough problems that need fixing, not more.

    And Miles or any of his crew are a Malcolm Fraser.

  55. White Mouse says:

    A bit off topic, but I wonder how many journalism graduates are employed as spin doctors/media advisers for larger companies or government departments. They pump out the media releases to journalists who seem to be quite happy to relay this information as gospel to their audience. Palachook was a master – any journo that did actually ask the hard questions somehow ended up with a job in the premier’s department as a media adviser.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t The ‘Pie started on the greatest disservice the acadils and boofademics of academe foisted on Australia … particularly JCU, when they decided that media relations (the fancy name for PR) and journalism were to be the SAME course. Teaching rats how to dismantle the rat trap.

  56. Cyril the Persian carpet salesman says:

    Seems that our illustrious Mayor has gone quiet after heeding advice from John Oberhardt. And it would appear that Mr Crisafulli is well and truly on top of the issues surrounding our beloved Mayor


    • The Magpie says:

      The Magpie loves that word ‘appeals’ and the double meanings it often conveys … the old bird is positive that Mr Crisafulli has no secret admiration or ardour for our conman mayor.

      In his days at the Bulletin as Legal Editor, The ‘Pie tried a couple times to make merry with the phrase “the defendant appealed to the judge’, but the editor deemed both no-nos. Especially the one involving a comely young woman on a bribery charge … given the judge’s keen interrogation of her from the bench, The ‘Pie suggested there was a good reason why judges wore flowing, shapeless robes over their clothing.

      Maybe the Ed was right.

    • Rotten Luck Willie says:

      It seems that in John Oberhardt Mayor Twonames now has adult supervision.

  57. Ben Rumson says:

    Want to know why Twonames has been quiet on FB?
    The last sentence in the attached pleading and blithering by Twonames may give a clue.


    • Percy says:

      Yep, beaten into submission and now desperately trying to hold on to his job. What can one say other than a democratic process is taking place and dear leader should be happy about that considering he loves democracy.

      • Toady says:

        Probably shit scared after having the CCC question him and then have the special ‘advisor’ guiding him. Lots of eyes upon our plastic looking Mayor Thompstain. Cant wait for him to walk the green mile.

    • Grumpy says:

      The idiot is continuing to refer to himself in the third person.

      • The Magpie says:

        Takes skill to do that well.

      • Toady says:

        Grumps, he refers to himself as the ‘third person’ while wearing a tinfoil hat at his cooker meetings. He probably speaks in tongues like the Pentecostal freaks do. He does that while channelling Liberace or some other dead person. All very strange stuff that these cooker types are in to.

  58. The Magpie says:

    IT’S OFFICIAL: Greg Hallam IS NOT Jabba The Hutt. .George Lucas Greatly Relieved.

    The former LGAQ boss and former Townsville Council executive has been awarded more half a million dollars in a judgement handed down by a court in Cairns this morning. He has also been granted a permanent injunction against the lead defendant ever publishing the same or similar material about Mr Hallam again.

    The case involved an unrelenting attack on Hallam by four social media commentators, and included mashed-up cartoons of Hallam as the Star wars criminal character Jabba The Hutt. (Although the cartoon appears by necessity in the judgement, The Magpie declines to publish it and further publkicise the grubby attack and exacerbate Mr Hallam’s genuine distress.

    And while The Magpie couldn’t resist a silly head line joke, when one reads the details of the defamation, it is no laughing matter, and the award is more than merited.

    It was way bigger than a weak jest about a Star Wars character, Hallam was repeatedly accused by his social media attackers of running an organised crime syndicate, having people bashed up, drug dealing, money laundering and re-homing paedophiles. As he dryly observed recently ‘Clearly I’ve been very busy’.
    The 71 page judgement can be found here…
    … but this is the guts of it.

    And this is the official outcome.


  • Ben Rumson says:

    A perfect example of a model citizen in the soon to be (And we hope not) MAGA America.
    Interesting that it is a State conviction that Trump cannot pardon, should the unthinkable occur


    • White Mouse says:

      The Orange Ejit can also not pardon himself from his 34 Felony convictions in New York.

      • Ben Rumson says:

        In my nativity I had hoped that Trump would have been done for Jan 6th and the documents well before now, having a faint hope that he would be in jail. Silly me.

        What I cannot understand that in America there can be so many deeply, deeply ignorant people in such large numbers, bereft of any moral compass and having suspended all disbelief with an inclination toward violence.

        What could be the cause? A failed intergenerational education system? Mass delusion? Entrenched victimhood? I am at a loss, and these morons are allowed to vote? Unbelievable!

        • Alahazbin says:

          Well Ben, There are 330 million of them.
          There are a lot of deranged people amongst them.

          • White Mouse says:

            Alla – unfortunately 4 of those deranged people have lifetime appointments to the US Supreme Court. Two others can also be coerced to the deranged side with some prompting.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thomas is the worst of the lot, wasn’t appointed by Trump, but shares all his characteristics. And Trump knew he could build on his egregious and rapacious personal agenda.

        • John Wilkes Booth says:

          It is a product of the South losing the civil war. To use one of your words, intergenerational bitterness and victimhood remains strong. That, and pig ignorance displacing fact and reason.

          • Mdog says:

            Actually, the north under Lincoln was republican, and the south were democrat.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes, until recently, Lincoln wa regarded as the greatest Republican President ever.
            Until 2020, when we are assured, that changed. Bigly.

        • Damn tailings says:

          His supporters, including Aussies/locals I know, follow him like a cult leader.
          All misdeeds are explained away (proven and unproven) and he is looked on as this messiah like figure.
          “When he gets in, everything will be alright”
          These people have found something to believe in.
          Unfortunately, a false prophet.

          • Jenny says:

            OTOH, think of the alternative. For the next three months, no matter the US election result, America will be led by President Joe Biden, a self-declared proud Zionist since 1973. Zionist Biden is determined to remain true to a commitment to Israel that goes back more than half a century. So we can expect the proto-genocide in the eastern Mediterranean to continue unabated, backed to the unconditional, principled hilt by America’s Christian, Jewish and atheist Zionists. Sicker even than Trump who doesn’t bother with principles.

          • The Magpie says:

            And if you’ve got a spare other hand left, think sanely for once, Jenny.

            So OTOH, doubt that many Americans have the Israel/Palestine war rates very highly in voters minds, given all the other more immediate issues. Even Ukraine rates higher in considerations, for the reason that there is a very good chance US military could get involved if Putin pushes too fare with his available weaponry and despotic allies. That won’t happen when Israel is involved in a middle east dust-up, genocide or not.Which it most certainly is, btw.

            No they will be thinking about abortion, both for and against, immigration and Trump’s draconian claimed solutions which will never happen, the economy (not doing too badly all things considered, but unfortunately MAGA don’t consider anything unfavourable to themselves), his dopey and dog-chasing-tail policy on foreign goods tariffs, and of course, Trump’s own record and his open claim that next Tuesday could well be the country’s last free election (he said it in plain language). They will also consider – both sides – his openly stated revenge agenda on political and media opponents. And his stacked Supreme Court. He is also a candidate who signals all the above by saying he will not accept defeat as a democratic outcome, that it will be rigged. In advance? FFS.

            It is no laughing matter, but grim humour always makes its point.

            Donald Trump is simply the most deranged and dangerous person on the planet at this moment, and his election will signal the continuing decline of America as leader of the (relatively speaking) free world. And massive destabilisation of many alliances crucial to countering the fascist tendencies of many regimes.

          • Grumpy says:

            Jenny: As a committed Christian Zionist, I can assure you that most of us do not support how Bibi is prosecuting this war.

          • The Magpie says:

            Being anti-Israel in this or any other issue is NOT anti-semitism, it is discrimination against criminal acts by a sovereign state. Much like Germany 100 years ago.

          • Jenny says:

            Grumpy, in the Australian public space the silence, if not total absence, of Zionist voices is deafening. Where are you all when the PM and foreign minister spout utterly vacuous gumpf about ceasefire and peace? What do you expect when you ‘commit’ to an ethno-nationalist regime that has ruthlessly pursued apartheid policies since before you or I were born? Or are you happy to be an apologist for a plucky little Israel that is going through a bad patch? Zionism was always going to come to this. They want to have Palestine all to themselves and they won’t stop till they, supported to the bitter end by committed fellow travelers, cleanse the place from the river to the sea of Arabs. This is what Zionism is.

          • Grumpy says:

            Jenny – who the fuck wrote that garbage for you? One of the help? “Apartheid” ? Pick up a history book, you moron.

          • Jenny says:

            Grumpy, come down off your high horse. Apartheid (Afrikaans: “apartness”): a system of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa from 1948 until that racist government was peacefully overthrown. Since then the General Assembly of the United Nations has adopted a number of resolutions in which the policies and practices of apartheid are condemned as a crime against humanity.

            So the 20th century Apartheid of South African origin is now recognised as regular (lower case) apartheid wherever it exists. Such as:

            Human Rights Watch April 2021
            “About 6.8 million Jewish Israelis and 6.8 million Palestinians live today between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, an area encompassing Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), the latter made up of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Throughout most of this area, Israel is the sole governing power; in the remainder, it exercises primary authority alongside limited Palestinian self-rule. Across these areas and in most aspects of life, Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy. In pursuit of this goal, authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

            In an unfair dismissal case at Bristol in the UK recently, a use full definition of Zionism was forthcoming:
            “Zionism is be a form of racism because it necessarily calls for the displacement and disenfranchisement of non-Jews in favour of Jews, and it is therefore ideologically bound to lead to the practices of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in pursuit of territorial control and expansion.”

            I couldn’t put it better myself.

  • Prince Rollmop says:

    I don’t think it will take too long for the LNP to hopefully make a move on all the Queensland Government boards, committees, and corporations to remove the rusted on trough swillers who have been soaking up money while sitting around and patting each other on the back. Time for new blood and time to remove the grifters.

    • JustTheFactsMam says:

      I don’t doubt you’re wrong, that the current set of grifters will be moved off soon. In fact I know a few who have everything packed up and ready to go and are just waiting for the axe to drop.

      But what makes you think we aren’t getting a new set of grifters in their place? This is just a changing of the guard. As goes the government, goes the gifts and the grifts.

    • Jenny says:

      Rollmop, they don’t remove grifters, they just change them.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Jenny, you are correct. I just prefer to see LNP grifters in there rather than Labor grifters.

        Government corporation boards – the grift that keeps on grifting!

  • Pat Coleman says:

    It’s time to release the legal advice the office of the parliamentary counsel was required to give to Labor on the lawfulness of the councillor complaints, OIA and tribunal system under s7 of The Qld Legislative standards act and which they kept secret under s9A https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-1992-026 The counsel still had to carry out the government’s wishes , regardless of whether it was beyond the very powers they were to advise about see s9 Acts Interpretation Act https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-1954-003#sec.9 this is supposed to save us money. The people who write the laws appear to be exempt from it . They even wrote that government legal officers don’t even need to have a practicing certificate and can be exempt from legal standards in s12,121-122 of the Qld legal profession act. That’s a loophole to allow mates with no training to be given a job if ever I seen one . https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2007-024#sec.12

    I’ve repeatedly published how, if it were me , I would challenge those laws as being unconstitutional on this site.

    I’m thinking the reason they haven’t acted is because it could be challenged and their failure to fix the intentional legislative fuck up that was targeted at lefties after belcarra will become self evident.

    In no way do I have any sympathy for Thompson or his far right mates and my only interaction with him was when he was too close to my boot in my mirror going down Kings Rd and I gave him the finger.

  • Mike Douglas says:

    Townsville Council couldn’t organize deck chairs on the Titanic . Instead of embracing and taking on board Don Peel and his team from Otto’s / Spirited Goat who have built a thriving empire . Council with a few anonymous complaints , tell them to remove deck chairs that they have provided for people to enjoy the Strand . Councillors are supposed to focus on the Cities opportunities but they have bogged down wanting to install paid parking to drive people away . Let’s hope the new member for Townsville can work with Council on ways to improve the cbd because 6 mths in it doesn’t look like the new Council has done anything .

    • The Magpie says:

      Fully agree, Mike, but it is worth pointing out that the decision came from the buttock clenching letter-of-the-law shiny bums, not the elected councillors. And two things that haven’t been considered .. the complainant may have been under the impression that the deck chairs were for the exclusive use of the business’s customers. And if that was the case, the complaint is fully justified, such use of public space is strictly controlled and charged for by council’s everywhere in Australia, not just Townsville.
      The second matter to be factored in is the impossibility of passing a satisfactory law that allows such ‘donations of community spirit’. It is easy to imagine the arguments about appropriateness and then there is the insurance matter. What happens if someone is injured by tripping over inappropriately placed ‘private’ furniture in a public place (or a chair collapses and injures a hand or finger – no joke, as The ‘Pie can ruefully attest). It is highly likely insurance and confusing cross claims is the reason for the council’s decision and therefore quite correctly, the decision was a ratepayer protection in this nanny state litigious society.

      Revved up badly by the paper, which as usual, stirred up adjectival outrage before ending the story with a very reasonable ‘nothing to se here’ explanation of its position.

      But the Strand’s divisional councillor Ma Greaney raises a slightly different question when she tangles herself up trying to appear on the side of the businesses when she told the paper: “But you know, I’m happy and willing to talk to any business about that down at The Strand about it if they’re willing to put out deck chairs and what they’d like to do, and council has been in discussions about how we are going to activate the Strand more.

      But … but …. Councillor, we all thought there was too much selfish activity on the Strand – which is why you in particular wanted to install parking meters along the Strand. Didn’t consult businesses like that, did you?

      • Island Voice says:

        Cr Geaney sending very mixed messages regarding businesses on the Strand . Restaurants, pubs and cafes have to pay council for footpath trading so if a business wants to set up deck chairs on the grass on the Strand they should have to pay as well.
        And then there’s the issue of insurance.
        Or are Council doing deals???
        Maybe Cr Greaney can explain why wildlife groups have had there signs confiscated Slow down Koalas nearby. They were not on the roadways or foot path just propped up against trees – where koalas live most of the time except when they on the move.

    • Bob Roberts says:

      I think in general it’s a good thing that random members of the public aren’t allowed to make “improvements” to the Strand based on their personal taste and inclinations. Making them apply for a permit is the best solution to this non-issue to stop the Strand from ending up looking like hard rubbish collection day.

      • The Magpie says:

        Good point. The fact that the Spirited Goat tried to be too clever by half in suggesting the deck chairs were for everyone’s use and not exclusive for their customers was a weak attempt to circumvent both the regulations and permit cost.

  • The Magpie says:

    The TCC special meeting has been in secret squirrel mode for 50 minutes now, and while the agenda says ‘HR matter’, TwoNames mumbled comments closing the meeting included the word ‘industrial’.

    Wonder if we’ll ever know what the fuck today was all about.

    • Jenny says:

      Whatever it was it will remain confidential. Meeting over 10.55.

      • The Magpie says:

        How did you know it was over (genuine question, not being funny)? The ‘Pie had the feed on screen waiting for a return, never came here. Did The ‘Pie miss it?

        • Jenny says:

          Genuine answer: the live feed came back on for a couple of minutes. The mayor proposed a motion, from memory about keeping the in-camera stuff confidential, it was moved Batkovic, seconded Mooney and carried unanimously. Then the meeting closed at exactly 10.55. You must have missed it.

          • The Magpie says:

            And the truly galling thing about that is we are again treated with contempt by not even getting a courtesy subject outline … ‘an HR matter’ could mean anything, But if in fact it was, as one reader has suggested, about a union pay deal, we have the RIGHT (not privilege) to know at least that that was what the meeting was about.

    • Inspector Clouseau says:

      Maybe related to the next pay increase for TCC employees via their respective Unions?

      • Toy Thompstain says:

        Inspector, lots of organisations are in a tizz with their EBA negotiations as many workforces are pushing for 5% annual increases over 3 years, totalling around 15% in total. Cost of living and inflation being the blame factor. You can’t blame people really, however it’s a big stretch for some organisations to have pay that much of an increase.

  • Toy Thompstain says:

    The LNP’s new ministerial portfolios will be announced today. Poor Jenny, you will have 4 years worth of LNP antics to boil your blood, now that Kid Crisafulli is Premier. Please don’t blow a foofer valve.

  • Toy Thompstain says:

    One full week of no fb comments from Harpic or Twonames. There is a god.

  • Jenny says:

    Mr Crisafulli has today been called out for lying about who would be in his cabinet ministry and what roles they would have. An interesting start to his premiership and an outcome that is hardly surprising from the LNP.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well spotted and we are now alerted to the end of the world as we know it.

      • Jenny says:

        It may not be of relevance to you but it is to me. It shows what kind of new leader we have, a disappointment from the beginning.

        • The Magpie says:

          Yes, understandable, you having been so used to the pure-as-the-driven snow, dynamic and resourceful Labor government which never told a fib, ever. Missing them already, are we, dearie?

          If you are going to use that as a measure of the LNP agenda, where were you when Labor – and particularly our three local turkeys … were wrecking our society over the past few years.
          Selective morality at its best, Jenny.

        • Not standing for Mayor says:

          More shiny doublespeak from the losing side.

          Listen to what he said – in effect the people in my shadow ministry will be the people in my ministry. Which he has fulfilled.

          Ros Bates apparently asked to be relieved as Health Minister – should he have forced her to do it?

          The only area he seems to have backflipped on is he no longer being Tourism Minister, maybe he’s a bit busy?

          No fan of LNP but like to mark the truth and fight against the Trumpist “Fake News” bullshit we keep seeing.

          • The Magpie says:

            But remember, The Kid’s also under fire for reshuffling the ministerial appointments, something he said he wouldn’t be doing. Not a hanging crime, but a timely explanation would’ve helped. Just not a good look, but that will be lost in the mists of another week or two in Queensland politics.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Won’t be the last time Jenny.
      Also good to see the regions well represented within the ministry, with Dale Last and Amanda Camm being selected from outside SEQ. 2/19… not bad.

  • Pat Coleman says:

    The ACCC has pushed back it’s proposed statement about the takeover of the councils parking meter company Duncan by Orikan Group past the end of November. The website says it’s seeking further information. So, given the ACCC site itself says what they will end up with if they get it, and what I previously said about rights that might get infringed under the Qld Information Privacy Act , the council can’t hand us over to them . It ain’t right. https://www.accc.gov.au/public-registers/mergers-registers/public-informal-merger-reviews-register/orikan-group-pty-ltd-duncan-technologies-pty-ltd

  • Frances says:

    Former TEL boss Patricia O’Callaghan has been appointed to top job in the Department of Environment and Tourism.

  • Critical says:

    Is the Trish O’Callaghan the former CEO of TEL.
    If so, Queensland is stuffed.


    • The Magpie says:

      Lipstick futures have just gone up on the ASX.

      Now she really will be able to indulge her shoe fetish.

    • Terry P says:

      Yes, little Patty’s star is shining brightly. But in reality she dressed up the TEL turd to look like something desirable, which it wasn’t. They love her wordsmithing down the Gold Coast way. Perhaps Claudia B.S will take Patty’s old job on the Coast?

      • The Magpie says:

        One can’t help wondering if she’s fast talked her way into the ultimate Peter Principle position.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          That definitely applies to her. She is the quintessential Easter egg – looks good on the outside but crack it open and there is nothing inside. Much like Claudia Bumme-smith.

          • The Magpie says:

            OK, but remember, she’s not a minister or elected representative, so she will have to answer to the relevant minister (Andrew Powell, whoever he is). A dazzling smile and a well turned ankle only gets you as far as not endangering re-election with bad advice and dopey decisions. But hey, fair dos, Little Patty may have learned on the job abd will do as well as anyone else in the position. It’s all up to her now put up – shut up is not an option.

  • London Marsupial says:

    I wonder how Troy is going to get along with the new LNP MPs?

    • Mad Jack says:

      You will need to ask his Government appointed Mayor Minder.
      I suspect Twonames is not permitted to speak without permission, which would be a good thing.

    • Achilles says:

      It’s coz the Enter Comments Box has changed places with with the Box that used to be here.

      • The Magpie says:

        Nesters, tech prob s through an accidental coding error that is difficult to fix. However, things should be back to normal when a new Nest is published tomorrow.

    • Greg says:

      So the new LNP gov has pulled QFES funding for the Townsville fire and Sam Pascoe is super pissed off about.What do the rusted LNP mouth breathers think about it

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