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The Magpie

Saturday, October 12th, 2024   |   251 comments

As Predicted – Strand Parking Meters Are No Longer On The Council Agenda – Or Are They?

But in knocking back this widely unpopular plan, THEY STILL GOT IT WRONG.

A CBD business owner lays it on the line for the council,  showing that the overall parking meter issue is far from over. And is courageous enough to put her name to her experienced view.

Joe McCool gets the top TCC job, giving our bum mayor a black eye which should end up being a knock-out punch.  Thompson now has less than a week to ‘show cause’ why he should not be turfed out the mayoral office. And he confirms a matter for which his trolls hammered The Magpie.  And no wonder Troy Thompson rations his interviews with reporters … his demented arrogance was on display during the week with a claim that was astounding for its lack of any self-awareness. Even for this whacko.

The political lesson David Crisafulli and the LNP should learn from the Indigenous Voice To Parliament debacle.

And a  colossal embarrassment for the Bulletin with its Weekend Magazine – but in fairness, it was just unavoidable bad luck.

Hey, today is the 14th birthday of The Magpie’s Nest. We kicked off this week in 2010, and 720+ columns later, we’re still here … and The Magpie has severe claw cramp,  having bashed out an average 3000 words per edition, or more than 2.1million words (had to check that three times, found it hard to believe.)  Your regular Sunday morning missive has been there every week for all but a medically interrupted three or four weeks in 2017.  Lots of highs, a few lows, varying technical quality and, most professionally satisfying of all, a whole host of bitter enemies who have been exposed for naughtiness of one kind or another.  The ‘Pie has lived with the ever-present possibility of a unwelcome knock on the Nest door,  often expecting  Da Boyz from the ‘hood  who have been sent around to have an editorially critical ‘chat’ about something or other the old bird has written.  And The Magpie now takes this opportunity to thank all those who, over the years, have supported this effort at humour, information, criticism and community conversation.  Some of the support has been the flattering and always honoured trust to be identified in confidence to pass on information that in many cases, could be classed as whistleblowing  And others who have given practical support with often sorely needed financial assistance – often more than once. Your generosity is a factor in the longevity of the Magpie’s Nest.

Sincere thanks.

Now onwards.

Far Be It From The Humble ‘Pie To Say He Told You So … But …

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Immodest as it may be, surely the old bird can claim the occasional win.  The past couple of months  would make a wonderful cautionary chapter in any textbook on Issues Management. For Dummies.

And so the implications of The ‘Pie’s prediction at the time – ‘it’s never gunna happen, folks!’ – proved to be the consideration that made the council step back from the edge , but truth be known, it was more a sulky back down than a gracious one.  This was evidenced in two matters eventually agreed on in the rescission motion that passed unanimously.

Townsville strand Screen Shot 2020-05-06 at 11.06.43 am

Councillor Brady Ellis moved a motion to halt the expansion “until council is presented with sufficient evidence that there is a need or a want from the community”.


For two reasons, this unnecessary wording reeked of resentment at ‘the pesky bloody public and their bloody protesting’ . The councillors refused to acknowledge the special place The Strand holds in the heart of the community which makes it a stand alone issue,   where such restrictions would never be tolerated. it should never be lumped in with the separate dynamics of Palmer Street, and certainly not the Pimlico/Mater issue. But even more disconcerting was the wimp-out ‘in-your-fucking-dreams’  suggestion that in the future, just maybe there will emerge ‘a need and a want from the community’   clamouring for parking meters on our beachfront.  This seemed to hint that the council’s initial unresearched move wasn’t  actually wrong, just maybe a bit before it’s time.  It was a truly dumbfounding and totally redundant caveat.

If this was a more aware council, trying to claw back some respect from an insulted community, they would’ve simply said sorry, we were wrong, and the idea is scrapped, period. Of course, other councils down the track may revisit the issue (at their peril) but they wouldn’t need this council’s permission, so why even put in the caveat?  And there’s no way this current mob would go near the idea again.

That was the sound of pouting resentment The ‘Pie heard.

So Will The Council Now Listen To CBD Businesses About The 100% Fee Rise?

The Strand issue overshadowed the valid concerns about the overall parking charges which doubled at the stroke of Matt Richardson’s  pen.  The hike in the CBD, and other ‘too smart by half’ technological matters, has barely been mentioned.  And it is a matter just as important to the city’s economy.  The quiet anger of the position in which struggling CBD businesses find themselves has been clearly laid out in an email from businesswoman Lucy Downes, owner of Gecko Interiors in Northtown on Flinders Street.

Hi, Magpie, 
Thank you for your ongoing work in holding Council to account.
In all the backlash ( that was completely justified ) about the introduction of parking metres at The Strand and Palmer St,
I don’t want the community to breathe a sigh of relief now that TCC is backing away from that plan.
Because, without consultation yet again, the CBD is the precinct that has suffered the worst outcome of this debacle.
We are now lumbered with a doubling of parking fees that has had an immediate impact on trade.
It’s not rocket science. 
If a community has options to shop and eat in areas that offer free parking those are the areas they will go to.
Parking meters add a financial burden and as we are currently in a cost of living crisis they only serve to drive consumers away.
The Strand businesses know that and rightly fought to prevent their precinct becoming a replica of the CBD with businesses closed and foot traffic extinguished.
I read the report presented to Council in July citing increased revenue as justification for increasing parking fees in the city as the Council tries to claw its way from deficit to surplus.
Firstly, raising revenue comes at what cost? The more vacancies and diminished foot traffic we see, the more the anti-social behaviour flourishes. 
Townsville’s brand and reputation is continuing to erode as visitors, tourists and travellers express shock at the state of the CBD.
They all have an expectation that a town of this size would have a thriving and bustling CBD. They leave alarmed and disappointed at what they see. 
What will be the cost to the community in removing graffiti, repairing wilful damage and hiring extra security ( currently in place at The Library ) ?
The footpaths are often so devoid of foot traffic that people are using them as racing tracks for personal Escooters.  
Secondly, what is the real cost of parking meters? What is the cost of maintenance, repairs, enforcement of fines and the purchase and installation of replacements every few years?
How many millions were spent on parking meters destined for The Strand that will now sit in storage?
Is it really a valid revenue raiser or do all these costs outweigh any revenue generated?
I heard the argument in Wednesday’s meeting that “we’ve had paid parking in the CBD for a very long time and other councils have paid parking too “.
Well, it hasn’t worked here and why can we not pride ourselves on being a town that is distinct from others ?
Where is the will to showcase innovative and creative ways to raise revenue that doesn’t burden the community and place enormous pressures on businesses to the point that they give up and walk away?
And if Council appear to acknowledge parking meters would negatively impact on Strand businesses by backing down does that not fly in the face of Council’s claim it’s been around for ages and other councils have it?
I would actually argue that parking meters are an outdated system of revenue raising. 
And that maybe with consultation, Townsville could adopt clever revenue streams.
Ones that acknowledge residents need financial relief and businesses need to be nurtured.
The other argument put forward is that “City workers take up the parks if they are free”
What City workers? A significant number now work from home. 
Again, how about we see some consultation so we can work around that issue because it’s no longer the impediment it once was.
Lastly, I would like to say that promises to consult with stake holders are wearing thin. 
It should be the first step in order to avoid public and business backlash resulting in a reactive response with Councillors having to manage negative press.
In the report tabled in July to Council, it stated that a letter would be distributed to all City Traders advising them of the parking fee increases.
Did we receive that letter? No.
If they can’t even distribute a letter informing us of their plans we aren’t ever going to see consultation.
Lucy Downes

This is not the first time Lucy has spoken out in this blog and on social media, and the last time she did, it was with the courage of knowing that Jenny hill was still in office,  a mayor who famously took a Genghis Khan attitude to criticism. But when The ‘Pie mentioned that she might face some sort of authoritarian displeasure, she said ‘Yes, I know I’m putting my neck out but I have been hearing (and documenting ) the feedback, observations and comments from locals and visitors to the CBD for years so I am very comfortable with putting my name to it because it’s not just my opinion.It’s what I hear every day.Week after week.Month after month. Year after year. “

Perhaps sometime, Lucy will share that documented feedback,  this issue is not going to go away.  The long overdue departure of Hill was meant to be a watershed moment for the community,  particularly the CBD, with new thinking and a new direction.  The sooner the ill-equipped Thompson leaves the scene,  the sooner we have a chance for new thinking in Walker Street.

Another watershed event in the past week may go a long way to achieving that goal.

Joe McCool Gets The Job

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Joe McCabe certainly deserves the nickname, a man who has shown professional aplomb, dignified demeanour and careful judgement since arriving here as acting CEO five months ago. His mature handling of childish attacks from our jackass mayor says that he is just the sort of person we need, after a decade of the like’s of inexperienced Labor headkicker Adele The Impaler Young and the equally inexperienced CEO the oily self-seeking Prins Ralston.

John Oberhardt Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 8.16.16 pm

TCC Advisor John Oberhardt

Now with the added back up of the highly experienced John Oberhardt to help getting things back on track,  Joe looks the goods to get things working smoothly with councillors and staff.

And Hopefully WithOut The Melanoma On Our Otherwise Sunny Outlook

TwoNames Thompson has less than a week to answer the government’s ‘show cause’ letter. It would seem not responding in some form, as has been suggested in one quarter,  is not an option. He is now an election issue, and if he airly dismisses the demand, it is hard to imagine even a caretaker government failing to act. Because if they allowed such a relative pipsqueak to cheek them so publicly, he would surely be out of office, suspended or outright dismissed.  This shyster can take no comfort that because of the caretaker period, the LNP would have to agree to the action …. Crisafulli has made it clear Thompson’s position is unbtenable, and he too would have little option but to agree to turf the con man.

All in all not a good week for TwoNames, but all of the damage was self-inflicted.

On Wednesday, after having his unworkable parking meter motion rejected (1 for/10 against) he then meekly removed himself when the council meeting was to close to choose a permanent CEO, without resorting to his previous bullshit arguments about having no conflict of interest. But even while that was going on, this fella just can’t help himself.

And it is quickly becoming apparent that Troy Thompson has no self awareness at all … not a skerrick.

During his exile from the secret squirrel CEO selection meeting,  he displayed a mesmerising lack of self-awareness and his own absurdity with these remarks to Astonisher reporter Chris burns.

Mr Thompson said that being an interim CEO did not automatically qualify someone for the permanent role, and that Mr McCabe had been in his position seven months.“That concerns me even greatly because a $1bn budget, $8bn worth of assets is not something I want to hand over to a seven month old CEO,” Mr Thompson said.

You ‘hand over’? It’s not yours, Jocko, you clueless fuckwit, you’re a proven incompetent who hasn’t been in the (wrong) job yourself more than seven months, having never before held an publicly elected position in your entire cheating, lying life. And without a higher degree of education yourself, you definitely do not give anyone any confidence in YOUR ability to handle the $1b budget and $8billion in assets This responsibility was accidentally handed over to YOU because you were the wrong man in the right place at the right time in circumstances that gave you totally unmerited luck.

But you simply refuse to acknowledge that undeniable truth.

But Then A Shaft Of Truth … And Vindication For The Magpie

In a recent FB post, Thompson included the following little anecdote.

“When in Brisbane recently, as part of the TEL delegation, I was informed, after I had arrived, that the premier, treasurer and his ministers would not meet with me, though they did meet with TEL and other mayors present, so any rumours of me being unwilling to work with government, is WRONG and simply party politics. I did appreciate meeting with the KAP, opposition, and independents, recently presented to the entire opposition cabinet.”

After that trip, The ‘Pie copped a lot of flak from Thompson’s trolls and no doubt the Bozo himself when he suggested that he’d been frozen out of meetings (as a government source had gleefully informed the Nest), and to back up the claim,  The Nest featured this exclusive photo of Thompson during his Brisbane visit with TEL.

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So at least The Magpie thanks Thompson for exonerating him of lying, as suggested by his whacko brigade. But this is beyond embarrassing for Townsville, and the reasoning is beyond comprehension, suggesting that the reasons were purely political, and had nothing to do with the fact he was universally regarded as a dishonest sleaze.

You are a seriously damaged man Troy, but do you really have to damage the rest of it.

Just go.

Seriously, Coles, I Mean, Fucking Really,Seriously?

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You have been exposed as price gouging anti-social corprocrooks,  but now looks like you can add stupidity to the charge sheet.

This example – just one, I might add – is to treat us like knuckle dragging enumerates is and rubs salt(up 65%, due to supply chain problems or something or other) in the would. Or more aptly in this case, like the classic mushrooms you imagine us to be. When The ‘Pie decided to check out his favourite mushies at the North Ward Coles, he saw this and decided it was a bit rich for him, at $9 for 375gms. .

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But then looked directly below the packaged product at the loose boxed offering of the EXACTLY the same mushrooms, to learn ….

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The  ‘Pie would love to hear the explanation as to why the flimsy packaging merited a per kilo ask of $27, instead of the $13.50 loose one at less than half the price. Seems some of the growing soil arrived with the product.

There Is No Such Thing As An Unlosable Election.

Bill Shorten proved that in 2019, and the fact was highlighted in the Albanese’s cynical Voice referendum, which bit himmon the arse. And the lesson from the Voice debacle remains loud and clear …. Voters want clarity on what they being asked to agree to. The Voice To Parliament was arguably the most doomed campaign from the outset for the lack of one simple thing: clarity on what was being asked.

And this is something David ‘The Kid’ Crisafulli and the LNP should be aware of as the state campaign ramps up. Voters generally have pretty good bullshit meters, and they don’t like anything that sounds dodgy through lack of detail. The LNP  is being mightily helped by Miles and Labor with half-arsed attempts to buy the election with promises no one believes (a new government owned power company – to do what, go into competition with the one they already have? A string of petrol station to go up against (highly regulated) private companies to sell  cheaper petrol …. open the court doors here we come.) No one believes them.

But this haphazard Labor frenzy shouldn’t allow either complacency or arrogance enter into the LNP campaign.

Telling the electorate that if put in office, you’ll build a big super dooper dam means nothing if you don’t say where and specifically why it is worth the money. And such lack of detail only breeds suspicion.

And the LNP has allowed what might be termed ‘a second tier issue ‘ – current abortion laws – to suddenly be ballooned into a Labor weapon.  The question posed by Labor is pretty simple … is it or is it not LNP policy to revisit the legislation if elected, and possibly repeal the laws allowing terminations? This issue, which is hardly a deal breaker in a state wrestling with the homeless, a lack of housing, mortgage stress, cost of living gouging by the Big Boys, youth crime. Abortion rights or lack thereof, while socially important, is hardly on the radar of the put-upon populace suffering more immediate hardships in 2024.

So, for God’s sake, David, put this one to bed, just say ‘no we will not be tampering with the abortion laws’, or alternatively, ‘yes we will be revisiting the issue.’ A simple straight answer will instantly blunt if not nullify Labor’s attacks on this front, and allow the campaign to concentrate on the things that really matter to a bashed, bothered and bewildered electorate.

The lack of clarity on vague and ambiguous objectives was the one single thing that killed the Voice and decided the undecided to a 2 to 1 rejection of the concept. A similar political lack of clarity on issues in this state campaign might not itself cause a loss of an unlosable election, but it could certainly  play havoc with a balance of power scenario. Which could be worse for Queensland than the LNP losing the unloseable election.

Oh, Bettina, The ‘Pie Can Feel Your Embarrassed Blushing From Afar

Old chum Bettina Warburton nee Giardina must be clenching her jaw this weekend, a characteristics she known for when she mothered the newsroom so tenderly back in the day. Bettina is the editor of the paper’s weekend magazine,  and no doubt she was genuinely dismayed as things unfolded in Saturday’s paper.  But some things happen that can’t be blamed on anything but rotten luck and timing, and given that sections of the paper are pre-printed (including the weekend insert),  no one is to blame. But perhaps embarrassed.

The Weekend Bulletin featured this jolting front page, and full-on account and details on page 4.

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A terrible story, well reported.

But if you leafed on or scrolled through the paper to the Weekend Magazine, you were confronted with this front page of the magazine and inside story.

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The fact that the dog’s look similar to the casual eye doesn’t help.  but as said, just awful accidental timing.

However, Mrs Warburton, there was a glaring misprint  in the name of the book the woman had written, (the word is spelt ‘dog’) and it seems your enthusiasm for the two books reviewed this week was such that you printed the reviews twice.

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Irony Corner

While Trump and Harris are dookin’ it out for the top job, seems Hezbollah has the opposite problem.

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Albo In Hot Water Again 

according to The Australian.

Screenshot 2024-10-12 at 10.36.20 am A Good Question

In an age where a robot asks you to verify you’re not a robot,  and if you are, you’re not an acceptable entity, isn’t it reasonable to ask if conspiracy theories themselves are conspiracies?  Or something?

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Further Proof We Are Coming To The End Of Being A Useful Species

Let the ants take over.  Check out this list of amount of grants given to mostly universities for research projects.

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In the same vein, when you look at this photograph below, you no doubt think you’re looking at a few spaniards galahs, who, after a vino tinto too many in the local pub had the bright idea of ‘let’s build a human tower’.  If that';s what you are thinking, then you are an ignorant speck not worthy of the membership of noble humanity to which you inadvertently belong. Because, to make up for your abysmal ignorance and low understanding,  someone, somewhere was paid good money to enlighten you as to what you are uncomprehendingly seeing …. for you are looking at is officially ‘one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritages of Humanity.

Screenshot 2024-10-08 at 10.32.55 amPerhaps UNESCO could pop down to Australia and give us their take on our own gravity-defying Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity – dwarf throwing.

That’s first 14 years done and dusted, keep an eye on comments for the latest on our nightmayor. If you’d like to support the Nest, the donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Peter Northside says:

    Why do we as the public and even the councillors do not have access to the council’s budget and expenditure?
    A break down of how much does all the activities and various arms of the council would be helpful.
    The council need to reduce expenses and loss making activities first rather than increase parking right away! Troy Thompson should be kicked out for not reducing or producing any cuts, that was his main platform of his campaign.

    How much is the focus on sustainable and eco-friendly outcomes costing the budget?
    How about art and cultural activities like NAFA, the chamber music festival. Dance North etc etc

    • Phil Batty says:

      Peter and fellow nest readers, forgive the lengthy reply but it does show the scale of this problem.
      Even when councillors, in this case Whitsunday Regional Council, were intimately involved with e budget documents which were workshopped, reviewed and revised by councillors we still have this mess to wade through. If the whole budget documents (not just businesses within council) had been released can you imagine the list of questions for those interested enough to look and ask.

      Here are my questions to WRC which I look forward to the clear and concise answers haha.

      Philip Batty
      16th September 2024
      Dear Council
      Following the adoption of the 24/25 budget at the meeting held on 26th
      June 2024 I have a number of concerns and questions about the
      documents presented to councillors for formal approval.
      Contained in the agenda were performance plans for a number of business units
      operated under Whitsunday regional Council .

      Page 266 of the agenda states that these performance plans were
      workshopped within council and were reviewed and revised as
      necessary by councillors, prior to their presentation as part of this

      The performance plans contained multiple errors, incorrect statements,
      contradictions and incorrect numbers and percentages leading to
      potential variances to the budgets of $10,000 to $200,000 to $645,000
      yet all adopted and signed off by the councillors 7-0 at the meeting.

      I would like council to answer and explain the discrepancies to the
      public and also address why these errors were not picked up and
      corrected prior to presentation and voting.

      o Water Waste and Sewerage, it was revealed during the meeting,
      has an internal loan from council in excess of $20 million and is not
      being paid off adequately. Water Waste and Sewerage returned a
      surplus to council of $9.8 million, as it has in previous years. Given
      this level of income passed to WRC how can a loan still exist and
      not have been paid off by the surpluses?

      o Why was it necessary to increase water charges by 8% as a Full
      Cost Recovery business which makes $4 million per annum profit?

      o Page 283 Sewerage Financials. Can council explain how a the Sales
      of goods and major services line item results in a negative revenue
      of $475k in 23/24 and expected negative $273k in 24/25?

      o Page 293 Whitsunday Coast Airport, WCA is aiming for a 10%
      uplift in passenger numbers to 528,000. The Mayor has stated that
      WCA had 507,000 passengers in 23/24. This contradiction
      amounts to 29,700 extra passengers or $645,000 of revenue. Can
      council provide the correct numbers to clarify these statements?

      Revenue at WCA in 24/25 has not increased by 10% in line with
      expectations of additional passengers. Why has revenue only increased
      by 2% yet wages have increased by 23%?

      o Page 312 Shute Harbour, a table here show Major Capital Works ,
      Finger 3 Berth Expansion with Design @ $500,000 and build @
      $2,500,000. On page 316 there is a table which shows Capital
      Works-Expenditure by Program. In this table is shows Finger 3
      Berth Expansion with Design @ $300,000 and Build @ $3,000,000.
      o Can council explain why these identical items vary by as much as
      $500,000 ?

      o Page 317 Shute Harbour. States For 24/25 Shute harbour expects
      to achieve $4.9 in revenue. This is an 8% increase on the 23/24
      $4.6 million budget. Firstly an increase from $4.6 to $4.9 would be
      a 6.5% increase. Secondly the budget for 23/24 was not $4.6
      million, this figure is inaccurate by $200,000.

      o If I am reading these correctly can council explain these

      o Page 327 Whitsunday Holiday Parks. States For 24/25
      Whitsunday Holiday Parks are expected to achieve a combined
      revenue of $1.79 million. This is a 18% increase on the 23/24
      budget of $1.55 million. Firstly an increase from $1.55m to $1.79m
      would be a 15.5% increase. Secondly the 23/24 budget was not
      $1.55 million, this figure is inaccurate by $110,000

      o If I am reading these correctly can council explain these

      o Page 336 Proserpine Entertainment Centre. States, PEC is
      expected to increase its revenue generation in 24/25. It decreased
      by 25% in the financial table.

      o Page 336 PEC States, In 24/25 PEC was expected to achieve $830k
      in revenue. We have not had 24/25 yet. I then ask:-

      o If I am reading these correctly can council explain these

      o Can council also provide a full detailed breakdown of the PEC
      budget, line by line, as this entity is costing the ratepayers in
      excess of $2.1 million per year.?

      o Where is the budget and performance plan for Flagstaff Hill ?

      o My prime question is How can these errors, mistakes, omissions
      and mis-statements pass through every level of council and its
      executive un noticed and not corrected then be unanimously
      approved by councillors who were all intimately involved in their
      preparation, review and revision?

      I look forward to your public response to my questions above.

    • Circus fan says:

      Hi Peter,
      Council record-keeping and account-keeping is a form of witchcraft.
      Simply trying to compare the budget of one year, versus actuals which are taken from the following year’s annual report is impossible with just the reports. The council deliberately changes the format and the grouping of operational outputs.
      Then they are all clumped together as a total actual spend and they shit out a total budget variance of less than 5% which they consider acceptable.

      But that doesn’t say shit about what they actually spent it on and how varied each project was. Some projects can double in cost so that’s a 100% variance, other projects never get past the thought-fart it was always going to be but had to be in the budget and ratepayers had to fork out for said fart.

      For example, two $1million projects for let’s say environmental services, a total of $2million budget for the two projects – one project costs $2million, the other never gets done. Total budget spend $2million. Total variance = 0%.
      But what is never reported – total effectiveness. Which in this case would be 50% if project completion was the only measurable. If they were to measure efficiency and effectiveness (I know, its bullshit management language), the performance would be close to 0%.

      There are many examples of this type of misreporting, misrepresentation and zero accountability of the executive going on in this council.

      As for the CEO appointment decision, let’s hope he will do more than he has to date to improve council’s performance and service delivery, and not rest on his laurels of finally getting to say he is a CEO without having to say acting.

      • The Magpie says:

        That’s very Yes Minister stuff …. without the humour. Bit scary.

        And don’t Joe’s problem was ever his title, it was weathering the attempted career destruction by a sleazebag mayor.

  2. mike douglas says:

    Pie , congratulations on the 14 th year anniversary of the nest . Thats some commitment of your time . i hope like i , other readers and commentators will drop something into the nest in appreciation . Now that Joe McCabe is officially Ceo i hope he flushes out all the issues Team Hill tried to hide financially and if there is a change of Government possibly an enquiry . Lansdown was Team Hills number one priority if elected but all updates to councillors have been behind closed doors . Council seeking tenders for fuel + oil , industrial production / manufacturing by 3 rd Jan 2025 would suggest if there is interest smaller lots will be carved off . Exactly how much ratepayers $ has been spent and how much did Aaron / Les / Scott know . Didnt Mayor Hill do media before the Council election ” embarrased by all the projects ” .. Hilton garden inn scrapped , Lansdown master plan and supposed ” mou ” ? .

  3. Ducks Nuts says:

    JFC Magpie. Don’t publish personal email addresses

    • The Magpie says:

      Pardon? Where did that happen? Had a lot of editing gremlins with the blog yesterday. The ‘Pie is unaware of doing any such thing, and if it happened in advertently, will be amended.
      And in answer to your other unpublished question, the story got lost in the editing problems … will be published in the future.

    • The Magpie says:

      Ok, Have worked out what you’re talking about. Although that was inadvertent, it is a business address which is clearly named in the story, and will facilitate welcome feedback by Lucy.

      Just how it got to be published is a mystery to The ‘Pie, but there appears to be no harm done. Gone now anyway.

      Thanks for the alert, though.

  4. Prince Rollmop says:

    If Thompson isn’t found guilty of an offence by the CCC and isn’t punted, it’s going to be a long and frosty few years between him and McCabe. Thompson hates McCabe and McCabe has Thompson’s measure. Traditionally, a Mayor and CEO work very closely together. How that will be achieved with these two remains to be seen. Joe will be a great asset to Townsville, Thompson not so. Thompson will be bitter and twisted that a ‘mate’ didn’t jag the CEO role and I believe that he will work to undermine McCabe at every opportunity. The upside is that Thompson is still on the outer and the other Councillors will no doubt support McCabe rather than back the nutty Mayor. I still think that we are in for some interesting times in Townsville.

  5. wollo says:

    The decision to give Joe the CEO job is the best decision they have made since the no confidence motion in the Mayor and the reversal of strand parking meters. I have been impressed by the way he has handled things so far and I am sure he would have been showing leadership and good advice to the councillors to help them through the mess and I am also sure that especially the new ones would have appreciated that. With Joe in charge and the advisor in the co-pilots seat surely 2-names must realise that he has got no hope of bullying the councillors into getting his own way and the game is up now and it’s time to clean out his office and get on the next Greyhound out of town. Tasmania might far enough away .from here.

    • The Magpie says:

      Enough of the Tassie bashing, they don’t deserve that suggestion. But then again, maybe they could do with some clairvoyant watches.

  6. The Magpie says:


    Gremlins galore in putting the Nest together this week, but after dicking around a bit this morning, the advertised Crisafulli story has been restored, as mysteriously as it disappeared. Some other anomalies have been rectified but there others may remain. Forgiveness is sought.

  7. Grumpy says:

    Congrats on reaching another milestone. I don’t think that I have missed one of your editions over the years. Sunday just ain’t Sunday without coffee and feathers. Here’s hoping we both see at least a silver anniversary.

  8. Bentley says:

    Congratulations ‘Pie on your 14 years of humour, social commentary, and joining the dots. You have been a valuable source of information that the establishment did not want us to hear or understand. I’m sorry that I can no longer spend the hours necessary to produce a regular cartoon but have thoroughly enjoyed those years of collaboration and am grateful for the platform provided. I hope I can forward the occasional sketch when I have an itch that must be scratched. Cheers, Bentley

    • The Magpie says:

      You were a weekly must see for so many readers, Benters, and The ‘Pie knows just how much you contributed to the success of The Nest. Always been mighty grateful, mate, and I am with all those Nesters who miss your brilliant take with brilliant often hilarious images.

    • thanks says:

      Bently, you have provided much comic relief and introspection. Having now reached the old fart age, I understand your limitations and look forward to Ny contribution

  9. Jonty says:

    14 years of baloney and cheap shots at anybody you can find in the political world. I’m shocked that there people who have viewed your crap for the full 14 years. Christ!

    • The Magpie says:

      Oh, stop blubbing, chubby cheeks, just because your Labor gravy train is about to pull into the terminus. But since you have so accurately described the 14 years of content (no argument from The ‘Pie), we shall assume you have shocked yourself by having read it all that time. Otherwise how would you know?

      And the ‘political world’ is such a target rich environment, when it throws up public tit slurpers like yourself.

      • Jonty? Really? says:

        Magpie, I’m surprised someone of your smarts bit like this. I suspect Jonty and Conrad are one and the same or at least both are member’s of team Two Dicks.

        • OED says:

          I think the magpie believes people post under their real names for some reason.

          • The Magpie says:

            Of course some do, you should know, Mr Old English Dictionary. Hope Mrs Dictionary is well, how are the kids little Thesaurus, Antonym (what a cutey) and the unfortunate unexpected arrival, that scamp Oxymoron. Takes after Dad, no doubt.

  10. Ducks Nuts says:

    Crisafulli’s clumsy handling of women’s health issues has been damaging. His absurd mention, and insistence on referring to a supposed plan, which we’ve vaguely heard of but know little about, only highlights that he won’t be able to hold his ground if KAP introduces a bill. He certainly won’t be able to stop the party from casting a conscience vote. This makes the issue more than just a non event.

    Crisafulli can’t state his position because he’s trying to keep the religious nutters in his party happy, while also keeping the moderates happy.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not sure about the start of that but certainly agree with your last line analysis. tricky business, this politics lurk.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Perhaps you need to see the interviews. Apparently he has a plan. For someone with journalism background it’s a fucking disaster

  11. Free Gastro for all says:

    The long drop dunnies at Loam Island are in breach of the councils own health by-laws on their own website. They are also in breach of the whs laws as they relate to the risk to the public.

    They are full and covered in shit and 3rd world.

    Being in breach of the law as a council puts you in breach of state health laws and the CCC Act too.

    People take their kids there and it’s atrocious.

  12. Narbloc says:

    Cheers Malcolm well done on 14 years and also your column in the Bulletin prior to your retirement.

    • The Magpie says:

      Thanks, generous words from a constant reader but not always a fan …. heh heh heh. The ‘Pie remembers in the newspaper days, you told me you’d suggested to His Radiance he should read The Magpie column, and he curtly told you ‘I don’t read that drivel’. A great anecdote that gave me a wonderful word I’ve put to good use over the years.

      Trust you have many more safe and spectacular travels.

  13. The Third Reader says:

    Congratulations on reaching 14 years Magpie. I well remember when you phoned me one Saturday morning advising you were going to launch a “blog”, (never heard the term,) after leaving the Astonisher disillusioned with your lot.
    I had been a dedicated fan of your musings in the Saturday paper for many years and have continued to this day. Sunday mornings would not be the same without The Nest, and can honestly say I have never missed an issue, comments included and that will not change.
    I have learned much from you over the years about many aspects of our society and how each operates, from the media, politics, legal etc and enjoy your words and the way you write. I describe you to others as an old style journo who knows how to sniff a story and expose it, much to the chagrin of those who you shine your inquisitive eyes upon.
    I left Townsville in 2020 after 35 years with an attitude that I will never return, myself disillusioned with what I had seen the city become under the Mullet.
    I continue to follow the circus that the city has become, even with the new clown in the main role – surely soon to be gone.
    My one desire is to see the Mullet behind bars, horrible woman, and in my opinion directly responsible for the sad state that Townsville finds itself in.
    Thankyou Malcolm for what your Nest has done, and continues to do, and for what you believe in, keeping the bastards honest.
    I wish you continued strength and good health to give us many more Sunday morning Nest issues from here. I may spend more time in the background but rest assured my feathered friend I am always here appreciating your work.
    Now you can edit your ‘Donations” box to 14 years operating.

    • The Magpie says:

      On that last point, I’m trying how to work editing it … it’s a bit difficult because it’s a WordPress thing.

      Mate, you’ve been around since day dot of the Magpie, you’re like family. Just in case Nesters are interested, you chose your name after I wrote a Bully column where I mentioned my readers ….’both of them’ …. and you immediately picked up on it. One of the most enduring bits of humour associated with load of old cobblers.

      Thanks for the kind words.

  14. Conrad says:

    The Mayor has been very busy this week. Going about his business and getting on with the job. While Miles and Crisafulli fight it out and Council hires a CEO who isn’t the ‘captains pick’, Troy keeps his head down and keeps working hard. He is putting all the naysayers to shame.

    • The Magpie says:

      RUOK, mate? Seriously.

      Working hard doing what? Slurping free ice creams?

      • Chris says:

        I own a local business here in Townsville and the Mayor always pays for his meal. I don’t understand why you assume he gets free stuff. Unlike some councillors who come in and ask for discounts frequently.

    • Mr Macphisto says:

      Hey Conrad, sorry I meant Troy, have you cleaned out your desk yet? As the king of grifters, what have you got planned for your next con?

      • Conrad says:

        Oh c’mon lads, don’t be so touchy. The Mayor was democratically voted in and is here to stay. The same democratic process will see Mr Miles punted in a few weeks time. Poor Steve, he listened to his union buddies, shafted Anna, and only had a 10 month lead in to this election. Silly move on his part and on behalf of his union mafia and a move that will give Mr Crisafulli the keys to the lodge. Anyway, you guys just keep on criticising the Mayor and writing nonsense in this blog while leaving the politics to the big boys.

        • The Magpie says:

          Does Albo know The Kid is after his residence?

          The ‘lodge’ has only EVER referred to Federal politics. And re Thompson, please reaffirm your post this time next week or so.

        • Alahazbin says:

          Conrad you twerp! Democratically elected on a few fucking lies. Get back under your rock.

        • Headmistress says:

          The gaping hole in that argument is that the man who was democratically voted in as Mayor of Townsville doesnt actually exist. The man democratically voted in as Mayor was a former serving SAS veteran, university graduate with two degrees and a successful businessman. How on earth do you kid yourself that it was fair and democratic?

  15. Prince Rollmop says:

    Pie, good to see that you added that piece about the LNP. Computers and software can be a real pain in the ass. What’s interesting is both Labor and the LNP have been caught out in recent days bullshitting about infrastructure and not being able to provide accurate costs. Smiley has even forgotten several candidates names. The campaign so far has not been very polished from both sides of the political divide.

    Congrats on your 14 year milestone. Well done.

  16. Dazza says:

    Hello Mr Magpie. Hey are you able to put where you got that list of useless Universities courses?

    It’s not that I don’t trust your searching but before I pass this on to some others it would be good to verify it’s not some Sky news late night crap that media watch will note they will bury an apology late evening for being caught with a fake x post.
    Cheers for the 14.

  17. Bill says:

    Congratulations Magpie on 14 years of community service.

  18. Damn tailings says:

    14 years Pie…don’t you get less for murder these days!
    I was so disappointed when you announced you were leaving the bully; didn’t have a reason to buy it after that.
    Congrats! Thanks for keeping it up!

  19. The night watchman says:

    That is such good news about Joe McCabe. Twonames must be seething. Joe earns double the money that Two Ames earns, plus he has political experience, and he is respected and liked within TCC and his past employer. That makes him ten times the man that Twonames is. And the best bit is that McCabe won’t put up with Twonames bullshit. This is going to be a fun chapter to observe from my comfortable lounge chair.

    • Chris says:

      Hilarious as so many people say the mayor lied yet Joe McCabe actually did when he said he hadn’t considered applying for the role. Next minute he gets the job.

      You people only want to believe a certain narrative.

      • The Magpie says:

        Clearly, don’t we all, Chris, don’t we all.

        And we don’t ‘say’ your hero lied, to quote Monsieur Macron, ‘we do not say he deed, we know he deed.’

        And what’s more, Thompson has agreed (although he calls it ‘making mistakes’.)

        It’s all unravelling for you, isn’t it, pet?

      • Zerosumgame says:

        It’s funny how you try to equate an off the cuff comment to a news reporter (about whether or not one is partaking in a process that is supposed to be confidential. I mean I don’t want every Thomas, Richard or Henry to know what jobs I apply for) with someone willfully lying about military service, business experience and academic achievements.

        The other point is, he actually could have been telling the truth at the time. Maybe after being asked question he did consider it. You can change your mind about these things, but you can’t just change your mind about your military service, business experience and academic achievements.

      • Jenny says:

        Chris, you should be more circumspect when you accuse a person of actually lying. If the acting CEO said, verbally, in a conversation, that he hadn’t considered applying for the permanent position, that statement could be completely true – unless he had already applied in writing for the position. If, after saying one thing he, five minutes later, decided to do another thing, that is not lying.

        • The Magpie says:

          Indeed, correct and generally accepted in our society, especially from politicians, who promise one thing when campaigning and flip when in office on the basis ‘ I had no intention bat the time, but in light of new information and further consideration’ etc etc. Changing your position is always an accepted freedom, as economist Galbraith said when reversed hisnposition on an issue, ‘I change my mind when circumstances change, what do you do?”

          This is of course a totally different matter to actually lying about facts … like SAS service and educational attainments.

  20. Jenny says:

    David Crisafulli has actually been pretty straight about the LNP and abortion laws. He has effectively said ‘no, we will not be tampering with the abortion laws’. His problem is that Robbie Katter, responding to conservative Christian lobbying, may well be in a position after the election (depending of course on the outcome and the numbers) to get a private members bill up. This would open an avenue for the anti-abortion lobby, which includes most LNP members (including Crisafulli) plus a couple of potential new conservative members, to re-open the debate and bring the question to a vote, again – whether the premier wanted it or not. It could be a close-run thing. Labor is pushing the issue because Crisafulli can’t make it go away, no matter what he says.

    • Sir Rabbitborough says:

      The Katters are civic council which was and still is fascist. That was set up by BA Santa Maria. BA Santa Maria was a mate of Spanish Fascist dictator Franco was was a mate of Hitler, Mussolini and every other WW2 tinpot fascist collaborator dictator. Or maybe they are just following Dutton’s Trumpist trajectory.

      • The Magpie says:

        So you’ll be voting Greens?

      • Jenny says:

        SirBunny, like BA Santamaria, the Katters are occasionally politically nimble and canny, or is that crafty? Like his predecessor Deb Frecklington, Crisafulli, a very moderate liberal, is vulnerable to not only to the old grey National Party dinosaurs but to the newish Christian right conservatives, who are lurking just out of sight, bristling with ambition if only they can get into power on the moderate’s coattails. DavidC can throw a bit of law and order fresh meat to the dinosaurs but the god botherers are a whole different ballgame. The Katters are looking for balance of power.

        • The Magpie says:

          At least we have some common ground on that, Crabby … the Christofacists are the real lurking danger here. Their zealotry has been mixed in with reasonable, level headed likes of MyPlace and the local TRRA and their medieval/back to the future platforms.

  21. Not standing for Mayor says:

    Sorry to be late to the party, but congratulations on 14 years shining a light into the darker recesses of our city.

  22. I call BS says:

    Wow you have been spreading absolute dribble for free on the internet for 14 years and no one is paying you. HAHAHAHAHA you realise this means that your work that you are bragging about is worth zero. How embarrassing!

  23. Hi Beam says:

    I am continually getting messages on my phone from Labor bagging the LNP. A message for Labor. FUCK OFF LABOR!

    • The Magpie says:

      Yep, would loive to see the workshop evidence that tghis sort of campaigning changes a single vote. Applies to the LNP too, especially their annoying on-line slogans that pop up saying ‘Change The Government’ … nothing else just that. Take caution, LNP, a KAT might get your tongue.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      You must have the LNP number blocked

  24. OED says:

    The illiterate Mr Burns strikes again in today’s paper, writing about a “conscious vote” on abortion. The sooner we’re rid of this uneducated clown the better.

    • The Magpie says:

      Completely disagree, you have totally misread that … Mr Burns clearly means a vote for those who are not asleep or otherwise inconvenienced. If messagebank or Harper are still in Parliament, this is all an academic question in their cases.

  25. Lady Byron says:

    Congratulations, Magpie on 14 years of keeping your readers entertained with your unique brand of sarcasm & humour. I look forward to many more years of the same!!

  26. Prince Rollmop says:

    The bored Thompson has now asked the community whether they think Townsville has too many Councillors. He really is a shit stirrer isn’t he? He knows that this is a loaded question and that it will bring out from hiding all the disgruntled weirdo’s who would like to see the Councillors numbers culled. FFS Troy, just pull your head in and do some real work while you are still a Councillor. And if any job needs to be reduced, it’s yours…


    Often our community makes comment that there are too many councillors in Townsville, and if we were to trim the numbers, it would be better for ratepayers.

    Each council division is required to have relatively the same number of electors so that each person’s vote carries the same weight (one vote, one value). This is known as a ‘reasonable proportion of electors’ (quota)

    To determine the quota, the total number of enrolled electors in a local government area is divided by the number of councillors (excluding the mayor). A tolerance of either 10 per cent or 20 per cent is allowed depending on the number of electors:
    • For a local government area with more than 10,000 electors: 10 per cent.
    • For any other local government area: 20 per cent.

    TOWNSVILLE had 141,000 registered voters in 2024, so based on that, there should be on average 14,000 per division, which we have spread across 10 councillors.

    IPSWICH, has 155,000 registered voters in 2024, and 8 councillors only, since their reset after the previous turmoil, and it’s effective.

    Should councils have less councillors, in line with state numbers, or more, or should Townsville move to the 20% quota? Your thoughts are welcolme.

    https://www.ecq.qld.gov.au/electoral-boundaries/local-government-boundary-reviews/divisional-boundary-reviews (https://www.ecq.qld.gov.au/electoral-boundaries/local-government-boundary-reviews/divisional-boundary-reviews)

    • Tuckshop lady says:

      And how does Miles plan to feed all these kids? Who will source the food and prepare it – the parents? Teachers? P&C? Food van? Queensland has a shortage of lollipop ladies/men, tuckahop volunteers, and teachers. Parents are working multiple jobs around the clock and don’t have the time to volunteer to make healthy lunches. This fuckwit is living in cloud cuckoo land.

      On a lighter note, food trucks Greaney may have some additional revenue coming her way if Miles is voted in!

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Well it’s seems like an actual plan to me. It makes sense to feed the kids at school, help increase attendance and ensure they are fed, rather than than put them.in big expensive jails later on when they drop out of school and start stealing your car.

        • Chef says:

          Can you imagine the uproar if little Johnny doesn’t get his gluten free sandwich or junior Habib’s sausage roll isn’t Halal certified?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Can you imagine the change in classroom behaviour if all those kids who don’t normally get healthy meal suddenly start to get fed? And the improvement to teacher retention and academic outcomes, and the reduction in truancy and dropouts which lead to crime? This has the potential to create societal change

          • Bullshit says:

            The UK has had school lunches for a hundred years, it’s weird that we’re so backward about it.

          • The Magpie says:

            It a sad commentary on one of the world’s richest societies that inequality has been allowed to reach the stage where such lunches are needed.

      • Tropical Cyclone says:

        I believe this is an excellent idea that could benefit students. Children deserve nutritious meals at school instead of the unhealthy options often provided. I propose that we consider hiring retirees to help with this initiative, ensuring their pensions or retirement benefits remain unaffected.

        • Grumpy says:

          TC – a better plan would be to ensure the pensioners were properly fed. If “healthy options” were fed to the kids of today, most of it would end up in the rubbish bins. What world do you bozos live in?

          • Headmistress says:

            This is already happening through the Federal Gvt home care funding system.
            Older Australians can receive packages for support at home with meals on wheels, lite and easy and other delivered meal options available. For low income seniors this is fully subsidised.

        • Grumpy says:

          HM – so you are saying that all our pensioners are all fat, dumb and happy? Again, what planet do you live on? Oh – and at what care level does the free feeds kick in?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            2 out of 3 ain’t bad hey Grumpy

          • Headmistress says:

            Grumpy, to answer your last question, meals can be included with home support at any level. The funding is flexible. Been available and widely utilised for years. Will not dignify the rest of your comment.

      • Headmistress says:

        I imagine it will be made possible by charities and organisations such as Fuel for Schools who already do an incredible job providing nuititious breakfasts and school supplies. Nobody is suggesting that teachers are diverted from their roles. We already have organisations who can potentially deliver this initiative into schools.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      Left wing fluff. Miles is handing out the Christmas presents and Santa delivers the invoices. And Betoota send out subliminal messages about Miles’ school yard policies. If he keeps spending on these fairytale policies, the school kids will be lucky to get a mouldy piece of cheese for lunch. The spend Miles hasn’t mentioned is the extraordinary increases in wages of Miles’ favorite Unions. He has no idea except what the Unions tell him to do.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Ah well.. at least Miles has costings. All Crisafulli has is “a plan” and possibly concepts of a plan. But no costings.

        • wollo says:

          It’s all well and good to announce this great idea to give all the school kids a free lunch and announce the costings of 2.4billion $$ but smillie didn’t tell us where he’s getting the money from.. out of his arse I reckon.!!

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Mining Royalties, something you won’t be getting under LNP.
            I gather a lack of school lunches has hindered your edumacation.

  27. Lab Rat says:

    So Twonames is donating a $100 voucher to the new hotel out Thuringowa way if you tag his Facebook page. What a fkwit.

  28. The Magpie says:

    Troy Thompson really is losing it, big time.

    Let’s put aside the childish mind-set of a mayor spruiking a business in this manner, let’s look at some serious underlying questions.
    This all appeared on Thompson FB page headed “Mayor Troy Thompson” , so the first question is, is this the official council-funded website for Mayor Troy Thompson? If the answer is yes, Thompson must answer some serious related questions.
    1. Is it legal under the LG regulations to block anyone from an official mayoral website page paid for by the Townsville City Council (except perhaps for outright abuse or illegal comments)? The ‘Pie is just one of several people who are blocked from the page, and if it is the official page, The Magpie claims the right to make comment, adverse or otherwise, on the mayor’s posts. The one or two comments The ‘Pie managed to get through were neither abusive or scatalogical while disagreeing with particular posts.

    2. In the same light, if this is the mayor’s official council fb page, shouldn’t the offer of participation. be open to all Townsville residents (or anybody for that matter)? Is this discrimination involving public funds (in this instance, the council funds paying for the fb page, not the offer itself)? Remember how Team Hill targeted the late Clr Fran O’Callaghan for this very breach.

    3. But on the $100 voucher itself, who has paid for it … Thompson personally? The council through an expense claim? If so, how can this stunt be authorised and by whom? Or is it the business itself, giving it to Thompson to give away, in the process gaining some free publicity for their new venture? And of the above raise serious ethical questions if not actual legal ones.
    4. If it is Thompson’s personal FB page, and it is his own money, can he honestly (sorry, you’ll to look up that word, mayor) see that he could be perceived to be favouring one rate-paying business over many others? To what end, free tucker down the track, a free night on the pokies, a romantic bed and breakfast to have a break away from mummy? In other words, using the office and endorsement of the mayoral office for personal gain and benefit? Who knows, we the public sure as hell don’t.

    These are serious and valid questions, and rather than force some ordinary citizen to go through the expense and interminable time involved in a formal complaint, wouldn’t it best if a councillor asked the mayor directly to clarify this deeply disgraceful stunt?

    How about it, Clr Greaney? Batkovic? Mooney?

    PS Just to make it even murkier, just who is going to judge the winner, and if its on an official website, who will witness the draw and how will it be monitored? Will it be someone Thompson wants to keep on side?

    • Toy Thompstain says:

      The looney mayor is obsessed with food. He should ask food trucks Greaney to swing by his house every morning to deliver his daily needs. He could then post photos of it on his (council) Facebook page along with all the other food photos he takes. Seriously, what a fucking plonker.

    • William says:

      Morning Pie,

      I had the pleasure of meeting the mayor this morning, he answered these and many more questions while enjoying coffee at Mello cafe. I see him often early on his walk, he covers some ground.

      The $100 voucher you mentioned was paid by his own money. The FB page is also his own, managed by 3 people, excluding the mayor, these are voluntary roles. It is not a council page, nor is it managed as one. Early on he was given this instruction. And it’s up to him to maintain.

      The winner will be selected by a member of the community, not an admin person.

      Is there a conflict, or preference, no, he has shown he supports a lot of businesses and can demonstrate it. He promotes local businesses every week with thank you Thursday.

      His page, his rules, he unblocked many people initially, but made it clear that negative comments, degrading etc would be removed, if they persisted, they’d be blocked. It doesn’t fall under the LG rules, they are vague.

      With regards to the ‘lies’ he explained it and no one walked away upset, from all accounts, we were impressed, and I can’t say many politicians impress me. He’s not an everyday mayor, he is very much a man for the community, I was impressed.

      He offered some great solutions for the debt, the budget and even stated he gets things wrong, he’s 6 months in, but made us aware, he has no intention to leave.

      I don’t expect you’ll use this, but I’m a regular reader, and it would be nice if you took the opportunity to see what he can do, everyone has a past.

      • The Magpie says:

        That is the silliest apologist defence since ‘Hitler was kind to dogs’.

        You are an insulting out-and-out liar, whoever you are … and you are an enabler of this stain on the highest office in the city. Your childish innocence in our gullibility is matched only by your completely screwy reasoning. Of course you’re diatribe will be published, and not because of your insincere pathetic arse-kissing of The Magpie’s cloaca.

        Let’s see, you were just strolling by and bumped into the mayor, and you decided to quiz him … in remarkably well informed detail for something only announced early last night … about his mayoral tombola activities.

        1. If he heads up his Facebook page ‘Mayor Troy Thompson’, isn’t it a reasonable expectation that the average punter can make comment? It’s fair enough to delete pointless abusive comments (The ‘Pie does- endlessly), but your (his allegedly) statement that ‘negative’ comments are first deleted then the writer is blocked (read banned), and you don’t see a problem with this? Really, don’t you? You are saying e the mayor’s fb page should just be full cheerleaders and pom poms, and the people who pay his salary cannot have their say about his policies, activities, and most importantly, his claims.

        On the couple occasions The ‘Pie has slipped in a comment, it has never been abusive or used bad language, but asked pointed questions that Thompson’s little band of poisoned dwarfs classed as negative. And therefore blocked a Townsville voter from having a say. And just how do you know the LG rules are vague? Think you’re in for a big fuckin’ surprise.

        And then this inanity ‘With regards to the ‘lies’ he explained it and no one walked away upset, from all accounts, we were impressed … I was impressed.” What do you think we all are, eight years old? This is not even clever lying and deflection, it is so juvenile it would make an actual 8-year-old blush.

        And then the PROVEABLE utter bullshit of your claim “He offered some great solutions for the debt (and) the budget.”


        You have no doubt been a regular reader of the Nest only since Thompson’s lies were exposed here before the election … which concerned him enough to illegally seek advice on how to sabotage the Magpie’s site.

        To paraphrase you, The Magpie doesn’t expect you’ll reply to this. But if you are foolish enough to do so, The Magpie, to use your childish parlance, is ready, locked and loaded.

      • Count de Money says:

        HAHAHAHAHA. Wow, for someone who ‘bumped into the Mayor’ you sure know a lot of the behind the scenes stuff. Fuck off Twonames, you’re a goose.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        I do wonder why the Mayor, who regularly eats at particular establishments, chose this establishment over others. What incentive was on offer?

    • Mugwump says:

      Question asked to our democracy loving Mayor.

      You are not the only one blocked as he went on a bit of a “Harpic” for a while. I have seen multiple others complaining about being blocked. He seems to have shifted course more recently, whether he has added more ‘admin’ to help run his page, or his supporters jump on board when someone asks or states a negative, tough or troublesome question of comment. It seems the questioner gets either ridiculed, their motives questioned or worse, get called a ‘Heam Hill” supporter

    • CCCwatcher says:

      Definitely breaking a few rules here, and someone clearly pointed this out to him given this part of the post was deleted/edited a few hours after the content went up:
      TO ENTER:
      > Please LIKE my Facebook page so you can be kept uptodate
      (This is a breach of Facebook’s rules where users can NOT force actions such as likes and shares – false engagement – to boost entries to a competition)

      If you look at Facebook’s rules, it also says contests should not be administered on a personal profile. Because Mr Mayor’s page is not a business, he’s breaking rules.

      On the subject of edits, here’s a fun little game to play -if you click on the three dots to the right of any of the mayor’s Facebook posts, click ‘edit history’ and see just how many times a day he or his ‘social media managers’ edit their woefully-crafted posts.
      The State Election post was posted at 4.45pm, then edited at 4.55pm, 5.01pm, 5.03pm, 5.03pm, 5.04pm, 5.05pm, 5.06pm, 5.10pm, 9.03pm and 9.04pm.

    • Wow says:

      Way to put a negative spin on a positive gesture

      • The Magpie says:

        Have you misread The Magpie’s intent? What negative do you refer to? The Magpie’s reference was the frantic editing and re-editing of TwoNames post.

  29. Toilet brush says:

    Harpic was out yesterday peddling himself at polling booths. He is a complete tosspot. You are wasting your time Aaron as you are about to be voted out of office. Farewell fatboy..

  30. Jenny says:

    The Agenda for tomorrow’s TCC meeting is up on the site.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yep, nothing too startling there, although the ‘mayoral minute’ is often is a Kinder surprise entertainment.

      But should thedre not be an itemoffering farewell and thanks to the mayor, this just might be his last meeting for a while. AND THAT depends entirely on how the state election campaign is going.

      • Jenny says:

        Re: “item offering farewell and thanks to the mayor”, from memory the ‘show cause’ notice was issued on 30 September giving the mayor three weeks to respond. That probably means that this coming Monday, 21 October, is around about the due date.
        Anyone wanting to visit the Townsville electorate pre-polling station will not have to navigate parking meters near the Council chambers anymore. The polling place is in Woodman Crt, West End across from Castletown.

        • The Magpie says:

          Not sure what you’re trying to say, what has all that (good info, BTW) got to do with the mayor.

          The Magpie’s point regarding TwoNames was that if all being swell and wonderful, tomorrow may well be his last council meeting.

  31. Count de Money says:

    Albo obviously isn’t living off food stamps. Not a bad outcome in this cost-of-living crisis.


    • The 5th Highwayman says:

      He is early 60’s and worked public service roles since 1984. Anyone who has worked public service continuously for 40 years will have a shit load in their Superannuation which he, born 1963, is able to access. And that is on top of any personal wealth from buying property and holding onto it when it was (now considered dirt cheap) actually affordable to the working class. For someone with his employment background and the Leader of a first world country I think a purchase like that not at all surprising and certainly well deserved. I don’t particularly think he is a good PM but I do find him to be a likeable character.

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        Thankfully, according to News Limited, taxpayers have been allowed to chip in $100m to upgrade the road to the “Mar a Lodgeo” so he will have a smooth ride when he moves in.

  32. Mike Douglas says:

    KAP outpolling Labor 3 Townsville MP,s with LNP way ahead early polls . Has Scott Stewart been asked the question if Labor loses and he keeps his seat whether he will go full term . It’s seems to have all caught up to messagebank who said he wasn’t aware of Haughton stage 2 blow out even though Council had already declared ratepayers picked up $79 mil . Aaron , looks he is not Batman just the joker . Will Labor pull anymore media locally and try and save Brisbane Ministers seats from greens .

    • Jenny says:

      Mike, what have you discovered about how KAP voters are distributing their preferences? What do the party’s official how-to-vote cards suggest? Don’t tell me we could get a KAP member in one of the three Townsville Labor seats.

      • Prickster says:

        Fortunately for Scott Stewart that decision will be taken out of his hands when he is voted out.

        Word on the street is he has already conceded defeat and is just going through the motions.

        • The Magpie says:

          Please, Prickster (and everybody else who uses this tired old deflection) DO NOT USE the lying phrase ‘word on the street': instead, say the more truthful ‘I’m guessing, but I think ….’.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Here’s a scary thought. ALP s(h)itting members being returned on KAP preferences where people make a protest vote but it ends up returning the same incompetents.

  33. Mdog says:

    Hey magpie. I can understand your comments on your blog, and your superb, hard cutting wit. What I can’t understand, are your lap dogs, that try your cutting wit. A few here are nothing more than hand puppets who think their name calling and unwarranted verbal attacks wannabe try hard, when probably faced would scurry away with their tails between their legs. Weak gutted people hiding behind a keyboard. It is a blog, where anyone can comment, and have found if any comments don’t sit well, with some on here they start their cringeworthy comments about people. A lot of ideas, how to fix shit and what’s wrong, with fuck all in regards to fixing shit, pathetic losers. As stated bird, love your stuff, even though I don’t agree with some, but at least we know who you are, and you stand with your say on things. The rest you know who you are. And now I wait???

    • The Magpie says:

      Oh, dry your eyes, Mdog, and know that your gentle smooching of the Magpie’s cloaca with such soft lips has given the old bird a contented sigh.

      Rest happy in the knowledge that The ‘Pie is a paternal, indulgent comedic genius, who loves it when attempted emulation fails, making him seem even more the Lord of the Laughs san pareil.

    • No Imagination says:

      Mdog, you picked the wrong place to have a sook. Grow a spine and wipe away the tears. Boohoo somebody called somebody else a rude name boohoo. Fuck, I feel sorry for the Magpie having to see comments like yours all day long. Go get a life sooky boy.

      • Russell says:

        What an appropriate name for an unknown blogger.

      • Mdog says:

        Na mate dickheads like you. Hence what I said, if you want name calling you definitely came to the right place. I love the bird, at least he has the intelligence to make sarcasm sound great, fucktards like you just pick at the crumbs. Sook, hahaha, that’s the best you can do?? It’s a blog for comments you poor misguided fool, not to get a free kick at anyone that doesn’t agree with your feeble small mind, but a keyboard warrior like yourself, spruiking and huffing and puffing, get back to your garden, and bitching about your neighbours, headshot, how’s that pleb!

        • The Magpie says:

          Oh, dear Mdog, have you forgotten that every accusation is a confession. You have exactly described your own comment. Neat trick, well done.

          • Mdog says:

            Yeah mate, exactly. I’ve lowered myself to these fuckin idiots level. It’s the only thing cretons understand. I never called anyone names until the bulletin comments rejects started. I’m more than capable of flinging shit like some of the monkeys here. Spineless??? Sook??? For fucks sake, what man says shit like that other than the faceless stains that think they’re funny like you. Poor adults, and we wonder why these individuals are constantly commenting in the bulletin and your blog, gutless cringeworthy plebs, can’t call them men, ha, they don’t know the meaning

          • The Magpie says:

            Crikey, that reader profile has never come up in the Magpie’s focus groups.

        • OED says:

          Mdog, if you don’t like what people say and how they say it then don’t visit this blog, it’s that simple. For us here in Townsville this blog is the most democratic voice in the region. In other words, if you don’t like it then just fuck off and go elsewhere.

        • Grumpy says:

          Someone got lost on his way to Facebook and ended up with the grownups.

    • Travis says:

      Says Mdog who keeps his own identity a secret. Don’t be a hypocrite and a fucktard, lead from the front and tell us your real name, loser.

    • Mr Macphisto says:

      Is that you Troy? Trying to take a different approach? Don’t, you’re giving simpletons a bad name.

  34. Crusader says:

    (received via Magpie email)

    Has anyone actually read Katter’s speech regarding the proposed bill he is putting up. Looks to me like nothing to do with stopping abortion but rather proposing to introduce a further section in the existing legislation that protects the rights of babies born alive during late term abortion.


    Congratulations on your 14 years!

  35. Southern Comfort says:

    TwoNames – A New Low

    TwoNames has finally hit a new low (always a possibility, but given his previous indiscretions, a challenge). Now we can add anti-Semitic supporting bigot to the list.

    What looks like one of his “nice and friendly” posts on public information about early voting for the State Election has turned into a venting spot for him and his feeble minded “followers”.


    Like a cult of maniacs they’ve taken to the comments section to express their views. And one comment above in particular stands out as a new level of vile amongst his cooker whack jobs. But rather than delete this comment (given the thousands of others he has, this is the single-most one he actually should have) he not only leaves it up, he likes it, and he responds to it.

    To which TwoNames, who for once should have used his favourite key in the keyboard “Delete”, likes the post, and then responds with one of the most inane “I’m not disagreeing with you because I agree with you” responses possible:

    Mayor Troy Thompson (I’m not writing his title and name out in full out of respect, only in accuracy) – “Rod Jensen I have my views on all. As people are aware, I’m not a party person, simply because I won’t toe the line, we had that for 12 years, and look where we are now.”

    If ever you wanted TwoNames to just once show some spine it would be to delete or denounce some bigoted anti-Semitic, unpatriotic, and idiotic drivel. But no, TwoNames digs deep to dig himself deeper in that hole he is in.

    What an embarrassment to our City, our State, our Nation and our Species!!

    • The Magpie says:

      Unbelievable!! That’s what you get when you mix with the MyPlace whackos.

      Anti-semitism has NoPlace anywhere (except perhaps the stolen lands of Palestine) and that certainly includes Townsville.

      yet this man purports to be our leader and speak for the community. He has to go.

  36. Housewife says:

    I like Mayor Thompson. I follow his Facebook page and he daily posts details of whom he has supported, uploads photos with the public, small business owners, and others. He has a full daily schedule and does a lot more than the nasty Jenny Hill ever did. Cut the man some slack, please.

    • The Magpie says:

      Oh, purleeese!! Give it a fucking rest.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      It’s unfortunate you believe this housewife. You should probably do yourself a favour and get a job and experience the real world so you don’t get hoodwinked by fraudsters and conmen like Thompson.

  37. Kenny Kennett says:

    Miles answering a question asked by the media about him visiting Rockhampton twice:
    “Rockhampton is very important and it is at every election time”. So fuckwit, only important at election time?

  38. Kenny Kennett says:

    On the point of media, are some media breaking the rules/law by introducing or superimposing on TV, Labor (past) frontbenchers with their former portfolio title? We are in caretaker mode and parliament has been dissolved until the new parliament is sworn in. So when Shannon Fentimen makes an election health promise under the title of Queensland Health Minister, is that against the rules of electioneering?

    • JustTheFactsMam says:

      Nope. Ministers are Ministers until the Premier concedes the loss (OK, I’ll add “if the current Government loses” although the bookies seem to be going very short on the “if”). Caretaker Mode is a set of conventions (ie traditions/habits/etc.) and not hard and fast laws and rigid rules. There are some about access to government facilities for political photo shoots, levels of decisions that can be taken, and a large amount of work delegated to the Director-Generals. But, on the whole, a minister is still a minister, and Fentiman’s title would still be Qld Health Minister.

  39. Deluded says:

    Magpie, why are you allowing Mdog’s rants on to the Nest? He has obviously lost a few marbles,. The anger and vitriol causes me to believe he is far from ok. He isn’t posting anything constructive, just angry outbursts. Seriously, ignore this fuckhead and let’s get back to a great blog with interesting comments.

    • Achilles says:

      Don’t agree Deluded, mate he’s as entertaining as mad-dog Trump with his screwed up patter.

      Soon he’ll be giving an account on the best dog and cat meat restaurant in The ‘Ville.

      • Deluded says:

        That’s funny mate, well said. Yes you are correct, Mdog is entertaining. I wonder if Mdog is actually one of Troy Thompsons alter ego’s? Many of these Cooker types have a history of mental illness or LSD use, hence their nutty personalities. As you say, it’s all good entertainment. Mdog has been quiet today, perhaps he let the drugs wear off and had a good nights sleep? It is also a full moon tomorrow, so perhaps yesterday was Mdog’s lead up to this weeks cycle??

  40. Ducks Nuts says:

    So the AMAQ is distancing itself from the LNP claims of a patient tax.
    LNP are claiming Labor is bringing in a patient tax that will mean the end of bulk billing in Queensland and using the AMAQ logo on advertising despite not having authorisation to do so.

  41. Circus fan says:

    The council finances remain in shit. After their 6-monthly rates run, they have $57mil of unrestricted cash in the bank as at 30 September and this is after they topped up the working capital facility. After 2 weeks of October that cash in the bank is likely closer to $40mil.
    That’s not even 2 months of operating expenses. And when you add the $100mil working capital facility, that’s about 2.5 months of operating expenses.
    The net result, the council will be insolvent before march 2025.
    They must be looking at some serious cuts to services or staff numbers to make ends meet.

    With the working capital facility, did the council release any information about how much was actually drawn down or how much interest was accrued and had to be paid back as a result??

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      I’m not sure what your issue is.
      Last rates notice was issued 4 August
      Next Rates notice will likely be issued late January.

  42. Prince Rollmop says:

    Once again I had to unfortunately drive from Townsville to Mackay and back last week and the road was atrocious with potholes, lumpy bitumen, and thin road width. It’s so fucking dangerous. It needs two lanes each direction, separation barriers, and resealing, much like the highways in VIC and NSW, which incidentally have a majority 4 star rating compared to our predominately 2 star rating. Lives are being lost and hundreds injured each year due to this national disgrace.

    Let’s make this a federal election issue. Phil Thompson, we need to petition to mandate a return to 80:20 federal/state funding, a 10 year multi billion dollar commitment to upgrade the entire length from Cairns to Gympie. We need someone like, dare I say it, TEL (along with the RACQ who have lots of data on the highways condition) to advocate for upgrading Townsville to Mackay first, then the rest of the highway. With a federal election only months away, now is the time to start this process.

    • JustTheFactsMam says:

      I saw Albo was in Qld campaigning with SMiles this week for the State Election. He was asked about this and gave some drivel answers, talking up what his government has done that Scotty from Marketing hadn’t, etc.

      Whilst I dislike him, I don’t think the issue is lost on him. Sure can’t be seeing the central issue it was at the Bush Summit not long ago, and the questions keep going since. He obviously hasn’t thrown it out as a carrot/lifeline to help save SMiles & Co. but given the inevitable drubbing they are going to receive here in the next two weeks in Qld, I can’t help but imagine that he is keeping his powder dry, so that he (or more importantly for Labor in Qld Jim Chalmers and Murray Watt) can announce this in the next Budget as part of his “pork barrelling” to save his job in the next federal election that will inevitably follow quickly on the heels of the budget.

      I cannot imagine a scenario where this won’t come to fruition in the near future. There are too many backsides to save for it not to. Unfortunately those backsides aren’t directly intended to be motorists on the Bruce, but pollies instead.

    • Bullshit says:

      This is dumb. The reason they have better roads down south is more traffic. We just need one good lane each way not gold plating.

    • Lab Rat says:

      Phil is a dud. Don’t ask him to perform anything of note. It is beyond his capability.

  43. Not standing for Mayor says:

    Looks like the dirty electoral tricks have spread to TCC with social media posts showing Council crews taking down LNP campaign signage and leaving the ALP and KAP ones up.

    I’ll see if I can find the original post in “Everything Townsville” on Facebook and send a link, but in the way of these things it may have disappeared.

  44. Fred says:

    The new Mayor may have been untruthful about his past and made false comments.
    However the Townsville City Council and its high ranking employees have been guilty of providing false information and been in breach of the Local Government Act which has affected rate payers a lot more than the Mayors comments. Why isn’t Mr Miles referring them to the CCC? He and the TCC know what I am talking about.
    I believe a lot of people in Townsville are selective when it comes to justice.

    • The Magpie says:

      What high ranking TCC employees and what false information? And how has it affected ratepayers?

      Put up or shut up, Fred.

      • Fred says:

        I will Magpie.

      • Custard arse says:

        Maybe a parks and gardens officer has cheated on their timesheet? Or perhaps one of the cleaners didn’t use a biodegradable detergent on the tiled floors? I think Fred is full of shit!

        • Fred says:

          You sound like a hypocritical ignorant council boot licker.
          I have the evidence and wouldn’t waste my time providing it on this blog. You wouldn’t understand it anyway.
          Justice is coming via a Supreme Court action. Keep an eye on upcoming cases if your interested about losing some more of your rates money.

    • The 5th Highwayman says:

      The other high ranking officials can be sacked, but the mayor was voted in by us the people under false pretences.

  45. The Magpie says:

    A summary of today’s Townsville City Council meeting: in a phrase it was as boring as batshit.

    But this could be seen as a good thing, progress of sorts, with a return from the gripping psychological drama mixed with French farce of recent times back to less distracting community business. Contrasted against recent outings of the Walker Street Theatre Company, today’s Townsville City Council meeting was a delightful flop (although the Astonisher won’t be happy).

    Proceedings were opened by one Pastor Kerren Gardner of something called the Life Church (the alternative doesn’t bear thinking about). To The ‘Pie’s cackling delight, Pastor Kerren disguised a political pep talk as a prayer to the big sky daddy and his son, which was less about Jesus than ‘for Christ’s sake, you lot, pull yer bloody socks up It was a stirring call to pull your socks up.’

    Lots of solid work was presented by various shiny bums for the sage consideration of councillors, all of whom asked some listless questions on things like a petition to retain a garbage dump, the reinstatement of a Mt Lowe railway level crossing, some new leases for community bodies, and various financial reports which will require the attention of more number crunching mavens among Nest readers to decipher. The continuous of Escooters was endorsed (nice little council earner, that), and despite scooter accidents averaging one a day, it is clear this is a commercial success and therefore has the patronage that justifies that they stay.

    One stand-out item was the council’s decision to adopt a new tendering process, which, we are assured by the relevant pointy head who so lovingly delivered his mesmerising bit of buzz word salad, would greatly enhance the chances of local businesses which tender for council business. (OK, we’ll see how that flies, soon enough.)

    All this stuff was zipped through lickety split like they all had a plane to catch, and every single vote was unanimous with a pretty comprehensive agenda disposed of in short order, – the closed session for 10 minutes or so was not on a controversial subject (a specific tender which was – yup, you guessed it – commercial in confidence.)

    As the meeting was in the final moments of general business (when councillors can gas bag about events in their divisions) there was one moment of threatened tension when Clr Paul Jacob offered his congratulations to new permanent CEO Joe McCabe. There were murmurs of hear hear along the table as Joe McCool grinned like the cat that had got the cream Mayor TwoNames sat stony faced and wisely silent.

    But the moment passed, and TwoNames quickly closed the meeting.

    The whole thing was closer to ritualised Kabuki theatre without the costumes or face masks, nature gaving provided suitable substitutions for the latter.

    One wonders if John ‘Nanny McPhee’ Oberhardt had read the ‘Naughty Act’ to the councillors before today’s knees up. If so, well done, Nanny.

    • Jenny says:

      To me it looks like the Mayor (chair of the meeting) is finally getting the hang of it and can demonstrate that the council is functioning adequately, the finances are being actively and prudently managed and that each councillor is able to participate at whatever level they need to do their job. In other words, the ‘show cause’ notice is writing itself. That The Magpie saw the whole thing as close to “ritualised Kabuki theatre”, and Custard Arse thought it was “boring” is probably the best commendation that the Mayor can put in front of the Premier and Minister. Compared to the shocking reputation of the previous council, this one is looking like democracy in action.

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie knows it is just a baiting comment, but while he has a moment anyway ….

        That is the most conveniently blinkered and ignorant comment you have made to date, Jenny. You have no trouble with the character of the person who leads this city? Even you are not dense enough to need a further recitation of his record. And he contributes nothing and decisions will be run entirely by the council without his ‘leadership and guidance’, and he will only come into focus when he has a casting vote.

        Anyway, with that comment, you have established a benchmark for your moral character and repudiation of any ethical behaviour whatsoever.

        PS in about an hour or so, you may regret your cheerleading for the mayor and may hastily wish to revise your judgement. Although The ‘Pie will not be surprised if you don’t.

        Stay tuned.

  46. Orville says:

    That white unmarked Embraer jet that has the repeated decompression problems came in again at 1130 this morning.

  47. Custard arse says:

    It was a very boring Council meeting today. Twoknobs behaved himself. Perhaps everyone is gun shy with the new Sherriff (advisor) in town? Never fear, Twoknobs will fuck up again, it’s inevitable. There is a long way for this soap opera to run. Maybe the Councillors are just being patient and begins the scenes slowly building up their ammo supply.

  48. Malayan Harrier fan says:

    Google Bob Katter military history

  49. Mike Douglas says:

    Not sure how Wulguru / Thuringowa Labor branches convinced Labor HQ that Aaron and Les could win their seats . Both MP s have gone off the reservation with personal attacks against other candidates and their is still 10 days till the election . As sitting MP,s one might consider they might exit with a degree of decency .

    • Ben Rumson says:

      I am not on Facebook and have not seen these attacks but I think you have answered your own question, sort of.

      “exit with a degree of decency.”

      There has been precious little decency from Harpic throughout his time.

      (“You bunch are all a LNP rent-a-crowd” as one crime victim sat in his wheelchair next to the ambulance in which he arrived.)

      I would not expect any decency in the manner of his departure.

      Harpic will benefit from the donkey vote, but I hope it is not that close to matter.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Mike, the two idiots you refer to have ‘gone off reservation’ because they have nothing of value to contribute or offer. One is a lazy drunken street fighter and the other one is obsessed with Crisafulli and spends his working days on Facebook. They should be happy with how they have gotten away without working for so long, while being well paid. Their day has come and soon they will be out the door. Thank Christ for that. Along with Hill and some of her acolytes, they will be relegated to Townsville’s history pages. What we need is new blood, a new outlook and hard working representatives, not bludgers looking for an easy dollar. Bring on the election and show the local muppets the door in 24.

    • White Mouse says:

      Perhaps with knowledge that an electoral flogging was coming, no one was game to put up their hand to challenge Harpic or Messagebank. Better to let the incumbent take a hiding and hope that in 4 years time, all is forgiven and the new ALP candidate wins.

      • The Magpie says:

        Reckon tht was HQs plan from well out before the election. They knew the local muppets, with the possible excep;tionnof Stewart, who has more or less kept his head down and free from uppercuts and batman outfits, would be best left to the election fates.

  50. Not standing for Mayor says:

    I have just seen an advance copy of TwoDogs resume update while cleaning out the Mayoral wastepaper basket:

    Dr Troy Thompstain VC, DSO, PSM, PhD(Governance) was elected unanimously by the people of Townsville as Mayor in March 2024.

    In his short tenure before retiring on medical advice (“You’re fucked in the head mate”) he brought the Councillors together in a rare display of unity, engaged with the State Government and Opposition at the highest levels (and was able to bring a high level public servant to the city to support Council), oversaw the appointment of a new CEO, and led the introduction then rejection of paid parking on the Strand and Pimlico Health Precinct (we think, maybe).

    He also reshaped the social media landscape, altered forever Mayoral portraits with his iconic smile, and injected a new level of transparency into Council operations.

    Dr Thompstain leaves behind a legacy of deep engagement and respect with fellow Councillors, the media and citizens (well the Cookers and Crazies at least) of Townsville, as well as creating a culture of sleazy and greasy restaurant reviews and cringeworthy “giveaways” to organisations which wished he would just piss off.

    He moves on to a position with the United Nations General Assembly.

  51. The Magpie says:

    Earlier this morning, The Magpie sent out this email to all councillors, Phillip Thompson, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and the Qld Human Rights Commission.

    Antisemitism by our mayor is totally unacceptable

    Malcolm Weatherup
    10:12 (53 minutes ago)
    to Ann-Maree.Greaney, suzy.batkovic, liam.mooney, kristian.price, andrew.robinson, brady.ellis, paul.jacob, brodie.phillips, vera.dirou, kurt.rehbein, info, comms, bcc: Cas, bcc: Joady, bcc: phillip.thompson.mp

    Dear Councillor,

    Subject: Troy Thompson‘s permitting for antisemitic comments … and his endorsement of them … on his Townsville Mayor FB page.

    I was genuinely appalled and disgusted with the vilely antisemitic comments and Mayor Troy Thompson’s apparent endorsement of the deeply disturbing sentiments (see attachments). No matter that they are nonsense, most antisemitism is, this is a situation where perception is everything. And that is vital for this city at this time.

    Allowing material like this to be published is abhorrent at any time, but its total inappropriateness at this time in national and world events steps over into the grossly irresponsible. And further damages our economic and social well-being, and the future build-back of Townsville.

    I submit that there is no way you, as the community’s elected representatives can ignore this, it must be called out. If you do not, the redneck slur that is already trending with the name Townsville will be further accelerated. And a failure to act will rightly be seen as a dereliction of your elected duties to safeguard the overall wellbeing of the Townsville community.

    Townsville’s reputation nationally is already in tatters, we have been made a laughing stock by this accidentally elected dishonest buffoon, who has single handedly caused such great damage to our ability to attract new businesses and citizens.

    OK, it is reasonable many of you have rightly been careful in your quiet campaign to have him removed as mayor because of the legal minefield he has sown for you.

    But this is an entirely different matter.

    You simply have no choice but to call out in the strongest possible terms this vile anti-Jewish rant that our mayor allowed to be posted, and which he in essence endorsed. Remember, it is a page headed ‘Mayor Troy Thompson’ which can be misconstrued as an official council sentiment if not outright endorsement of that general view about Jewish Australians … indeed any Jewish people full stop.

    Even more heinous than allowing it to be posted and not deleting it on receipt, he failed to call it out for both its illegality and immorality.

    At the time of writing, 10am Thursday October 17, the offending comments remain on the fb page, which means they have been up for several days, so Mayor Thompson, who says he employs three people to monitor and administer hisnpage, cannot claim ignorance, especially since has replied to one of the comments.

    As I earlier suggested, I don’t think that in all conscience you have a choice in this, it is your duty on our behalf, to call this out and condemn it in the strongest possible terms. It damages not just the council, but every person who lives here and loves this city.

    At the very least, a motion condemning this dreadful episode should be raised and voted on, no matter whether in the meantime Thompson is suspended or dismissed over other issues.

    While I am sometimes criticised for my levity on serious subjects, this is no laughing matter and is a further serious detriment to this city.

    I am forwarding the offending material to the appropriate state and federal bodies which handle such matters.

    Yours sincerely,

    Malcolm Weatherup

    Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 5.46.34 pm.png
    Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 6.27.39 pm.png

    Malcolm Weatherup | The Magpie, Townsville
    0421 037 179 | email hidden; JavaScript is required
    Twitter: @TownsvillePie

    • Ben Rumson says:

      Dear ‘Pie,
      Well done. I, as I suspect all other decent Nesters will be keen to;
      A. See how long the post remains up, and
      B. How many Councillors run with this, and in what form.

      • The Magpie says:

        And the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, the Queensland Human Rights Commission (which Thompson is so fond of regarding the council) and Phil (the good) Thompson.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Magpie, as much as it annoys me, Thompson hasn’t actually committed to a view. And like you he has allowed people to publish their opinions. After all, you regulary publish racist posts and sexist posts. Could you please explain where this high horse you suddenly found yourself on came from?

      • The Magpie says:

        Stupid comment. The Magpie is not the mayor of this city, and is not seen to be speaking for it (and would be interested to see what racist posts you refer to).

        And fyi, anti semitism is strongly repudiated, and indeed to some extent, criminalised, in all civilised society.
        But you’re OK with those totally discredited tropes being aired on a fb page titled Troy Thompson, Mayor of Townsville?

        You have just fallen under the hooves of The ‘Pie’s high horse, had thought you had more sense.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Oh I don’t for one minute agree that the posts on Thompson’s page are ok. In my opinion most posts on his page are completely bat shit crazy. And if it was up to me he wouldn’t even have been Mayor and have this platform in the first place.

          However, it’s also not ok to promote sexism and racism. Antisemitism is no more important either of these. And before we start throwing stones around, we need to check we don’t live in glass houses.

          • The Magpie says:

            OK,please point out The ‘Pie’s glass house. Especially your fairytale about ‘promoting’ sexism and racism.

            Perhaps you mean this sort of casual racism as featured and therefore approved by the mayor towards one of his greatest supporters.

          • Grumpy says:

            Sorry, Ducky, but this post just reaffirms the fact that you are a shallow-minded idiot.

    • Ava says:

      Question for the Magpie. You say you are so disgraced by these posts. Have you reached out directly to the Mayor regarding this? I am aware his email is very public so understanding you are confident in your abilities, one would think you would reach out to him directly to air your grievances.
      No disrespect, just a genuine question.

      • The Magpie says:

        And say what?

        His contempt for me … which extended to him seeking advice on how to illegally take down the Magpie’s Nest … would not make for a productive exchange. And it would be ill advised to give him warning that he was about to be called out nationally.

        What you’re suggesting would’ve been like emailing my grievances to Ivan Milat ands tell him to stop shooting people.

      • Percy says:

        Thompson likes to act the victim, pretend he is innocent, draw on the sympathy card, blah blah blah meanwhile he is actually a vindictive racist POS. On this occasion, his fellow Councillors are going to have to act, unless they want to be complicit in his racism. I wonder what Joe McCool thinks, and even more importantly I wonder what the councils new advisor to the state government thinks?

        • The Magpie says:

          Good questions. The ‘Pie hasn’t had time to look up what LG regulations this incident had breached, but surely it cannot be condoned at state government level.

      • William says:

        Just looked it up, the posts are removed, nothing to see now. Thompson made a statement of the events too, and condemned the comment.

        • The Magpie says:

          Doesn’t matter if they’re gone, they were up there for at least a couple days with Thompson’s knowledge and blessing. Until The Magpie called him out and he soiled his dainties big time.

          But since he’s being so pure, will he or has he taken down the dementedly racist Ventenen post about aboriginal rickshaw boys (FFS)? Ventenen is such a pompous ignorant turkey, he probably doesn’t know what he said that anyone might find offensive.

          The ‘Pie will let readers see if they can spot any problem.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thompson’s response.
            Now tell me the man is not losting his mind.

            This is the disjointed reaction from a fractured mind. He admits he knew of the comment, but left it up on his page. Does he not understand that without any disputation or argument, the owner of the page accepts as a reasonable view whatever is said.

            It is never The Magpie’s chosen task to defend the Townsville Bulletin, but facts are facts and the salient one here is exactly the opposite of what Thompson claims … the paper is NOT trying to bring down the office of mayor, IT IS TRYING TO STOP HIM FROM BRINGING DOWN THE OFFICE OF MAYOR. The premise is absurd anyway … by logical extension, if the paper is trying to bring down the OFFICE of the mayor, to replace it with what? Leighton Smith as dictator?

            Thompson says he doesn’t condone either racism (but liked Brian Venten’s demeaning racist fantasy on his fb site) or quote “any kind of mistreatment of anybody”, which presumably doesn’t apply to former female partners, mistreated enough to see him put on a court ordered DVO, so serious it came with the condition of reporting regularly to the police.

            And Bulletin subscriptions down? You goose, Thompson, you’ve given the paper the biggest boost it’s had in recent years.

            Have some decency and just fucking go.

    • Southern Comfort says:

      Thank You Malcolm!! Most articulate calling out of this horrid behaviour!!

    • Kingdom of Troy says:

      Magpie, check the latest DUMB post by this FKW Mayor on light rail. I’m not even going to start to deride this idiot on these pathetic, populist, meaningless…”look at me I consult with the community” posts. Maybe a separate post on that. But for now, in the same vein as the anti-semetic tripe of earlier this week, we now have certified cooker Brian Venten wading in with this offering…

      Words fail me and I could go in so many different directions BUT this post is apparently OK because Mr Venten assures us he’s not being disparaging toward any one group in his comments. Fuck me…really!!

      Most importantly, guess who liked it?

    • Headmistress says:

      He is now trying to backtrack in a fb announcement. Seems the Bulletin have gotten wind of this and he is saying council are reducing their spend on print media. Bulletin trying to besmirch his reputation yada yada yada and btw guys, that anti-semitism stuff…he would never (bit late now) and how dare they! It reads like a threat to the Bulletin to drop the pesky media watchdoggery or he will pull council spending. This should not only boil the blood of journos everywhere but also the public who rely on the media (from time to time) to expose these arseholes and get these stories out to the community.

      • The Magpie says:

        Haven’t seen that yet but sounds like it’s another one for the SEZ YOU! file. Now seen it, and was right … filed.

        • Headmistress says:

          Where does he get the notion that subs are flailing? Id love to see the data on online subs, engagement and views on the days where his gormless mug graces the front page. Ironic really.
          I await the publication of the story he is obviously dreading.

  52. Prickster says:

    Townsville is saved and the Broncos are screwed….

    Michael Maguire has made his first signing as head coach of the Brisbane Broncos by bringing in Troy Thompson as Head of Performance for the Broncos.

    Damn it – it’s another TT, no doubt 2names will add this experience to his profile….

  53. Toy Thompstain says:

    Twonames you stain, grow a set and actually accept some responsibility and accountability. You liked an antisemitic post and left it up for days on your Facebook account, the account titled ‘MAYOR TROY THOMPSON’. Then you blame others for the comment that YOU liked. You just can’t help but lie, it’s all you do. You then have the nerve to criticise the Bulletin who rightfully highlighted the matter in question, quite likely after they read about it on The Magpies Nest.

    Dear Mr state government advisor, please report back to your peers and tell them how our accidental mayor is yet again behaving like the arse that he is. He is warring with the media, fellow councillors and the CEO. This clown just can’t help tarnishing the reputation of Townsville. Please make him go away.

  54. Nicolae Ceausescu says:

    In his latest Facebook post (after being called out by the Magpie), Mayor Thompson reiterated his calls for less TCC spending on traditional media in favour of social platforms—yet seems surprised when those very platforms deliver… public accountability.

    It’s a bold strategy: move away from print media to embrace the digital world, only to then criticise the Townsville Bulletin for reporting on problematic activity from his own Facebook account. Perhaps the irony got lost somewhere in the algorithm.

    While the mayor argues that Townsville needs “diversification from print media,” his own social media likes seem to have diversified in ways he didn’t expect—raising a few eyebrows (and even more questions) about what earns a thumbs up from this disgrace of a mayor. Pandering to racists and bigots seems to be ok with this sick prick.

    He is truly as dumb as a box of hammers.

    • The Magpie says:

      Time to get one thing straight … Thompson tries to imply he can control council’s media spend. This is utter tosh … maybe The Mullet could through the longevity of her terrorb tactics, but this clown is laughed about down the corrisors and in the offices. He has absolutely no say in the media spend or strategy.

      Falling council matters in the Bulletin simply reflect the global shift in emphasis in this new electronic world.

      • Toy Thompstain says:

        The budget is named ‘the Mayors budget.’ but that is a misnomer and in name only. The vast majority of the budget is cobbled together by the CEO and CFO, helped by their support teams. The remaining portion is collated based upon the councillors wish list of financial matters to be included. This shallow minded retard of a mayor craves attention and thirsts to be in charge, but he isn’t. The councillors, CEO, and media have defeated him at most turns and he is in reality a pussy-whipped shell of a man.

        Mr Oberhardt is either cringing after he wakes up each morning reading about the demented mayor’s latest antics, or he lights a cigar and smirks while watching the mayor banging nails into his own coffin. I’m not sure which it is, yet. Time will tell.

        • The Magpie says:

          One cazn only imagine, in years to come, the dinner party stories Nanny McPhee will regale his guests with could fill a darkly amusing book.

  55. Mike Douglas says:

    Is it correct Councillors didn’t read Councils own PSA report 2022 Townsville parking that cbd was excluded and no public consultation ? . Havnt Councillors , on supporting introduction of paid parking the Strand and the 100 % increase claimed otherwise . Townsville Bulletin right to information that there was no immediate need for paid parking the Strand . CEO needs to investigate who in Council knew about the report done in 2022 and wouldn’t you think Food trucks Greaney Councillor for cbd , Palmer st , the Strand / Mooney Mater Pimlico must have known .

  56. Prickster says:

    Follow the money punters – the LNP are at better than Winx odds.

    Sportsbet are calling the election early in Townsville – here are the latest odds on who wins the seats in Townsville;

    Mundingburra: LNP = $1.08, ALP = $5, Any other = $12

    Townsville: LNP = $1.08, ALP = $5, Any other = $14

    Thuringowa: LNP = $1.08, ALP = $5.50, Any other = $11

    Next Government Sworn In: LNP = $1.08, ALP = $8.50


  57. Ben Rumson says:

    Love it. This is an article about the election in Townsville. That is not the point of posting it.
    In the article down a bit is a photo of Harpic at the victims of crime rally I mentioned earlier in comments.

    He has the megaphone, “Your all a bunch of LNP rent-a-crowd. ”


    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Ha ha ha, with a likely swing of 6%, the three muppets are toast. Townsville has definitely shown that it wants to show Messagewank, Batman Harpic, and Private Cupcake the door in 24. You three better fire up the paper shredder and get I.T to wipe your computer hard drives because you are well on your way to an election hiding, and rightly so. And I hope Harpic loses some weight because he may have to go back to doing some sort of physical work that doesn’t involve Facebook postings.

  58. Pompous prick says:

    I see that the two royal fuckheads have arrived in Australia. How much is that costing the taxpayer? The king of England, big deal. Stuck up irrelevant parasites. Wish they would just piss off.

    • Achilles says:

      You’re sort of right, BUT good manners cost nothing!

    • Grumpy says:

      Off with his head

    • The Magpie says:

      You can’t fool us, you’re wanting a diplomatic post in London, aren’t you, Sir Les?

    • Dave Nth says:

      Furiously agreed about big ears, however a point of conjecture.

      Who is going to replace them? Turnbull, shudder, Fitzsimons, bigger shudder. Some arrogant dickhead that ticks all the boxes with a giant chip on their shoulder, list huge? A media tart, list also huge?

      The current system isn’t ideal but till someone comes along with something that keeps the reserve powers out of the hands of dickheads, some of I mentioned above, and keeps the head of state to a mostly ceremonial position but with a big stick then I’m yet to be convinced.

  59. Hospital staff says:

    Great to see Aaron Harper running around the hospital yesterday doing tv interviews and campaigning. What a fucken looser. I thought it was against campaign rules to use state government areas to promote yourself politically? Everywhere he walked he had a little bum boy following him around with the red labor shirt with his name printed on it for everyone to see. Wonder what would have been said if Chrisafulli had taken one of his candidates around? I also have in my pocket a flyer saying, save the hospital from being privatised. These unions are so full of shit and dirty tricks there might actually be some fuckheads that work here still believe it. It also reads 4400 clinical staff sacked under Newman. Well I can say that they deserved to go because they were not on the floor rather in supervising and back office on big money but they were called clinical. Labor lies and they need to go.

  60. Toy Thompstain says:

    The Dudley do nothings have advertised an advocacy position – Advocacy & Government Relations Advisor. No doubt another female to add to the mostly all girl operation. More wasted ratepayer money being used to top up a useless and incompetent organisation.

  61. Molly9 says:

    On the removal of LNP coreflutes, Janelle Poole has had hers removed twice from the fence around Cluden Racetrack, plus, those voting KAP as an alternative to Labor, all the flutes have KAP and Labor buddied up, and today, each had a new flute advertising promises, both with the same colour and font. Firmly of the opinion that a vote for KAP is a vote for Labor-lite, and the visuals bear this out.

  62. Prince Rollmop says:

    Below is TwoNames latest war and peace. Naturally he is backpedaling regarding the racist comments on his Facebook page. He also once again has a crack at The Bulletin. This stoush has a long way to go. And of interest is how he again claims that the appointment of a special advisor by the state Government was for the purpose of helping him out! Dumbfuck. Someone better tell him that the advisors role is to keep an eye on his odd behaviour and report back to big brother. Anyway, here we go;

    • William says:

      The council advisor is for all councillors, at the cost of the ratepayer, no one wins. $250k+ for the gig sounds terrible.

      I think all councillors have plenty to worry about, including the mayor. As much as it’s reported the city isn’t going backwards, both sides of state politics are throwing money at Townsville, just not with the mayor or councillors standing for a picture opportunity.

      The $1.45 billion mayor has asked for is interesting, I say the projects list on his page, I’m wondering if the bulk is going to the arena, and the port projects? It’s a lot of funding, would it be over the term, or sooner?

    • Jennifer says:

      To be fair, he didn’t write the comments, liking them is not difficult to do, he gets some traffic. I think the bulletin should pull up on their agenda, I suppose it’s about selling papers, though it’s getting worse, I wouldn’t be against it closing its doors.

      • The Magpie says:

        To be fair (a phrase that is dry dust in your mouth) anyone with half a brain would not only instantly NOT like the comments but would alo instantly delete them. Is he not clever enough to even do that? And how about your hero pull up on his agenda of getting a well remunerated free ride on false pretences.

        But, Jennifer, don’t let me detain you, you’re due back up on the kitchen table to entertain the boys with another rendition of Delta Dawn. Suggest you following it with ‘Stand By Your Man’.

      • Grumpy says:

        Been busy on FB, Jenny? The “he didn’t write the comments” is being used there to distract, divert and diminish. How is it that the Troy fans are so fucking stupid?

      • Mr Macphisto says:

        As the host and operator of the Facebook page TwoNames is ultimately responsible for the comments of everyone who posts on it. He cannot control what someone may post, but he does have control over deleting or hiding a comment which, in the mind of an ordinary person, would be perceived as defamatory. Where it’s going to hurt TwoNames is the fact that as the host of the page he; 1. ‘liked’ the comments in question and replied to them. This proves he was aware of the existence and content of the comments; 2. made no attempt to delete the comments (which is surprising considering he must have a blister on the finger he uses to operate the delete key of his keyboard); and 3. only deleted the comments after the issue of them was questioned by another party. Here is a link to some information about legal responsibilities a host of a social media page/group needs to be aware of:


      • The Magpie says:

        Check Mr McPhisto’s answer, you should be OK to read it it, no really big words.

      • Headmistress says:

        The press play an important role to investigate and report. The Bulletin whether you like it or not, have fulfilled their obligation as media watchdog in relation to Thompson’s tenure so far. As much as he and his followers think the paper should be “promoting and drawing investment to the city”, that is not the role of the Bulletin. It is his job and hes making a dogs breakfast of it. His fb page is a dumpster fire of the most feral ignorant and just the worst section of our community. How he can blame the Bulletin for his actions is beyond me. We all saw the comments and we all saw his show of approval and engagement with the people who posted the racist and anti-semitic comments. Not the Bulletin! The comments were circulating well before the Bulletin ran the story, so how can you blame them for just doing their job? Do you think vile racism in Townsville should be covered up?not discussed? If you don’t think it should and its not a problem to the image of our city, you have rocks in your head. It is extremely important that the community know the Mayor approves and condones such views. His apology is insulting as he again blames the Bulletin and takes no accountability nor offers an explanation. Don’t forget, he only removed the comments after being made aware the Bulletin were going to run the story and his actions were widely denounced.

        • The Magpie says:

          And always good to see the Bulletin following up on news that the Magpie brings to their attention. Nest readers also deserve a big up-tick for their vigilance.

    • Twodogs says:

      Twonames Thompson, the entertainment gift that keep on giving.

  63. Mad Jack says:

    When is Twonames show cause due and is it likely that it will appear in Comments?

    • The Magpie says:

      Deadline next Tuesday but that doesn’t guarantee this dog’s dinner of a Labor outfit will have the gumption to act when he gives it the finger.

      • Mad Jack says:


      • Mad Jack says:

        Another matter, have you had any replies to your email to the Councillors re anti-Semitic comments on Twonames fb page, or is that for the blog tomorrow?

        • The Magpie says:

          Only one, but it became complicated when Then ‘Pie learned that the councillors have, quite correctly, been advised to be careful of any response and that a united front should, and will be, presented on the issue. What form that will take is apparently under discussion but The ‘Pie understands the issue will not be ignored. Not that it could be anyway. And the izsue has been lodge as a formal complaint by one individual (not a councillor) with the OIA.

          No doubt Nanny McPhee is being consulted on the best way forward, but even if he is a stickler for certain protocols, mayor goofy has made it obligatory that the public be reassured that the views allowed to be expressed on his mayoral fb page are not those of the council. Or of Townsville.

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